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Executed Host Community Agreement, 54A Hyde Park Avenue, Jamaica Plain PDF

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Preview Executed Host Community Agreement, 54A Hyde Park Avenue, Jamaica Plain

City of Boston and Apothea, Inc dha Massachusetts Patient Foundation, Inc OST COMMUNITY AGREEMENT “This Tost Community AgreemeneC*Agrcoment” made and entre nto om the Vikh day nf October, 208, by und befteen the City 0” Uoston, Mesiachuvells PCL" ar"Bartun") and Apechea, Ie dha ‘Massachnseas Patient Faunéation, Ine (*Company”) ana (ealertvely the ‘Pte, ‘WIEREAS, the Compuny wishes to operule a icemted Medieal Masjuma Tresinent Centr, by roveint ‘ofa licoase from rhe Commorneaih of Magssclsett* Department ct PrDlig Health DPIC to operate a Rogistoed Marijuana Diguensery (*EMD") st ons Jocaien witha the City," acoardanes with 108 CMR 225 etseys AWHIERIEAS, "Te Panios undertand and acknowledge that the Company intends 1 locate mel aperats as 8 [epistered Blar(uana Dispensiry al S4Tiyde Puck Avenue, Fnwaica Plait, Masuuchusels (2130: AWUERUAS, the Company exdsavers to suction ax a response corporate ertizen ave enntnbuting sueniber of the business communily i builds and susan ts business i the Citys NOW THEREFORE, in consideration ofthe provisions of this Agreement, the Campany andthe Ci sg006 tothe following 1. Definitions. As used inthis agreement, ers shall tuve the olloning meaning: 4 Muriinane Estatistment means» Medical Marijuana Treatment Cento, Registered ‘Manjouna Dispensary. Mariana Cullivator, Craft Murjuuoa Cooperative. ‘Marijuana Product Mantcmier, Macijuans Reciler, independent Testing Cabaranory, Varjuana Kescarch Facility, Marjuana Transporer, or any other type of Hcensed maejuiea-eluted elablishment seeing o eondut business wihin the Cty Sales Revenue mene the total revenue actually derived fom eubvation, “nbuulacloriag, processing sad sales uf menjuana an socjuana related produc the Marjuana Establistinenc ac S44 Hyde Park Avenue, Janaica Plain, Maaco 02120, 2. Calendar Year means a period of day running thom lary “st und and thenug December Stuf tae same yen 4 Commncoment Date meas che dare the Company commences sles 3t it Marijuans Establishment. 3, Paymeat, Inthe eveat thal the Compaay obtais gens frou the DTH fot the operaivn of Marijuana Fatblishinent inthe City and dhe Company Teives any and nl necetnny and soir. permits nd comes issuuble by Lae ily, each sie pentite andr ieenses allow Ube eaxapany 4 fa Deeupy ant operate tue Micljvaaa Establishment dhe Company shat pay the Cry tae “town wou a. The Compary shall make Quately Paymeris eyual lo tee perven (39) of gus sales revenve tbe pie within ‘ey (30) dos ator ea end ofthe quater and reconciled with thiny (30) days after eho end ofthe sca yeas for a peri of five (5) yee falling dhe commencement date. ‘Te peries agree Dal ic [ee is reasouably elated tu te costs ‘uuguses upum ty City by te operon of th Metljnada Establishment, The Company stl stv ote City an annual pore within ers (30) days afer the end ot the Sisal var emuousteuing ease slew revenue forthe lisa yea h, With gard to any year at oporaton forthe Company hich w nota fll ealerdar your, the upplicnble Quarterly Payment shall be pro-rated accusing. 3. Oblizaions ofthe City. ‘The City shall work caoperatively and in good ft with the Company as Tbe Company progresses Dxough Dre City’s pening provess Feber, the City sha support dre Compang’s application to dhe Reparimene of Public Health for a Registered Maryoans Dispensary “leant. Such suppurt shall en the frm oa lier of son-oppesiten, abd in ny wher ae Unt te City, wit is sole disretion. nay dees awl and appuopeit. ‘hie Agreement date nol aff “ni. or eon the wuthority of way Cily depart, nding bows nad coaunlssons, ts cay out their texpeclive dties in deciding whether 0 iceoe oF deny any necessary ‘seal penne Resrsea parmuane toate or local law, ondimates, or regulation and fl yppeaprials “ees un ines relaled wo focal permits und licenses. Dy entering ino Unis Agreement the City is not sequlted wo ise such penis of Teens, Altrights aud ubligations wide this Agreetuent are expressly conditioned upon the Corupauy’s receipe of ‘Final Caticate allowing the oporarion of s RD Trspensary within the City, and po Campany Inhainmg all Ieal epravals, i repany fine te secure Hival Cerifioate, or ano the eguired Jace approvals aforemeroned, this Agreement shall be null aud vid 44 ues, At all times during the Venn ofthis Agreement, property, both rel end personal, owned ot ‘peated by she Cuanpuay sll bo cated ae taxable, and all pp cable ral extste and poveonal preety taxes for hac propor shall he paid ether directly ry the Company ar hy it undled, and neither the (Company nor it lmdlurd all ubject or otherwise caleuge ‘be taxsbilty of sue: propery and shall not seek a now profit exemption from paving sue taxes Natw-xaraueling ths foregug, i Teal er persons [property awed, Tense or eperata hy the Camipamy ix determined tobe nom-iuwahlsor petal nem= late, ur i) ite value of sua peopety is aBaved wih he efeer of reducing or elimating te a ‘wc Womle adsense be paid i assessed at fir sh value as dons in GL. 2.59, $38, or (i) the (Company is dsterminea ta he entitled or subject p exemption sith Qh effect of reducing er eliminating the tx which world olbervrise be due iTaot so exempted, dae Tue Connpaty shall pay othe Cy a. fapont which when added 0 the taxes, i any, paid on euch preere, shall be equal tp th taxes which ‘would have been payable cm wach prope fir cash value und a to wher ise applicab'c tas rate iC ‘here ln bora no abiteacnl oe explo his payaacat shall hein ation ta te paymene ade 9 the Company under Seaton 2 of ts Agreement. Nathing in thie sect sall in uny way li: or preven the Gompany froma chullenging the valuation ofits property before the Board of Ascssors or athe Appellate Tea Row. Alttaxes aed charges onted fo the iy mierho pad on 2 enrent hae Ths Cigy may sen on th propery of uny person wis has um oulatunding blac due te Cily Sra uny Lee, cage or ta, shih balance iw Lest si (8) ents past due, 5, Tema ad Temitive, This agrevaneat sill bs effet othe ahawe witen dace, soe tothe contingencies nett herwin. "This agt2oment shall continue in eect fr xe lang as the Company operates the Medios] Marijuaua Treaunan. Center 9c te Cis, or Hve (S} years ftom the commencement date, iwhicheveris earlier. Atthe conclusion ofthe tes oP thie agroemens, the Parica shall rncgetiats a new Trost Coramanity 4urzement in accordance with the prevailing regulations and lass as such rvulaton nowy be amended wr replaced Tre Conpaay seeks u ebange is business operations te include ‘cersational majyana reall operations atts the Carxpany agrees o comply sith the established ity process realive toa amu relaed etablshme. incluémg bal nol fried notice tn ubulens, 2 cconmanity mitra meting and City rien process and, i approved, 19 renagatioiea aew Host Copmmumsty Agreement. Inthe vont thatthe Company no longer dees busnese inthe City er 0a loses or hs it Hieense revoked by the Cammomsvelih his agreement shill ome mall and void; howevel. the Compu wil: be respousibl Io Oe pro-rated poriva uf the Quatterly Payment de ws lander section 2 ahewe, 6, Appropriation The puspose ofthis agreement io assst he City n addressing the wists imposed upon be Gy hy the apersuon atthe Marijuana Rsteblishment 7. Scewity, The Company sxall malatan security a he Marjnana Rstabishmeut in acooudauce withthe scour plan presented tothe Cy and nslued as par af an application tn the Deparoment af Pub 12 Teal Said security plan shall take info account Ihe angie operlional concerns parieularto the Mariana Esiblishmes al the proposed osaton a3 well a8 al applicable laws aad eu 8. Signage, The Curspay wl lint signage for the Merja Esblishment lo the exten! thal such senage is incansiscea with apolicabe stsles and reguscions, and re the exval Hat such suas is inconsistent with he look and character af the sumounding area anor injurious © the nghbarhood, 9, Howrs af Operation ‘The Company agrees the fllessing aporating hours: Manly throng Samay Yam-7 po and Sundays from Tlan-épin. The Cevopuny agree tenet operate om lal haidays oF the Cominunedty of Massachusels, us established by ibe Secretary of Sale’s Ollce, vr Suffolk County oxideys 30. To the exten: thal such a pravtive and is mplementaliun a cunsisent wih feleca and sles wad regulations he Campany will eke ma ggod faith, legal and nonlsarnarory manner give reasonable preference in he hiring 0° employees for lhe leical Treatment Cen.er to qualified aston sssldents 4. "the erm ofthis Agreement will nol constitu a wuiver of Ihe City's regulary authority or ul the ‘Company's appHeanteespanibiitis nocathersiteadarensed hy this Agrseinent. 419, Breuts of DeGull, The Company following scour, hall be deed to have comuztied sa event of deliulifauy uf the 2. The Carspany fails to chez, and maintain in gond standing, wi neccrsary oes eens and permis fr the Marijuana Ustabkshmen,pruvided tht ube Company is uble tr exercise atl flab gts and duespeocess fr assintsiing in good senting sid licenses aa poets 1b Thhe Curapuay vesses to apemte w Medica Maja Teatrient Center ais ropune lncation a seek ty inchode eereatioaal marieanartal sels as part of fs cpeeations wi mt noting he City und The Corypany fils make payments to City as required under thie Agreement, and ach [ailre ems uncured with reuonable rile slice rouse Cis Jor Fy (90) days 13, te evel tat the Departzaa uf Public Teal suspends wr vues ye Cunmary’s Reginered ‘Maijuans Dispensory Lsense, the Cig may sls0 declare av eveut of dcfatlt and terninate this ‘Agreement The Company shall he requte i nay eny aranans due upon the tenminarion dat sch ‘moval fo be determined by the peri of operation ofthe Mieijunaus Estisishmen with the iy 14, Tae City may eroinale thi Agreement upon ae ooenrenee of any event af daft 15. Vorminstiqn for Cause, The City say wrinae tis Agrosment for emose at any tne by giving at least they 30) days" ani, in weiting, to the Company. Canse is defined as the Compaay’s violation of any applicable kas uf Ue Coron weal of Jal ordinances au repulations, sh reqpec the ‘peraion ofa Marjo Establishment in che City of Boston, Nofwitistanding the above. the Company shall not be lieved of iabilty tn the City fo dmagss sustalned hy the Cry for peranea injury oF property daruage by vinue uf ans termination of he Agreemeal 16. This Aueesnenl ie not tended to, nor shall be eonstried ta, erate any rigats in any third partion. 17. Governing Law, This Agroomnent shall bs gavernod by and construed in secotdanes Wid: ws The Conmnonseatth of Mussechusets. ll legal disputes shall be resolved inthe Coutts ofthe Corumuwesth of Massachusets wd the Compuay subwits to De joriaciction wf the Trial Court far Soff Gauney forth adjudication or disputes mrising owt of eis Agrcomemt, 18 Assignment, Nether pascy muy assign ts ight or delegate is obligations under this Agreement ‘wath the pnor pmtien consent nthe other party, poavided,hoveever that a pledge oe assigimea! of ascels, revenues, profits or receivables reyuted in connection with Bnsncing the business hy the ‘Company shall Lorbe considered at Assignment for Che punposes of his paragrpl: 19. Severability. muy provision ofthis Apreeruent shill be held by a court of caranetentjsisdictan ta bbe contrary 0 as dat provision Will be enforced ro ts etna extent pedmlssibe aad the seman provisinas of this Agreement will renin i ull once and effect, unless ta do xo would result in iter Duufy not receiving the benef tof ts bargain, 20, Hleadiaus. Seotion heudings inthis Agreesent wre mene for convenienve of referer only und shall ‘i no way sect, mos. deine of be used ir constug ‘te ext of the Agreement, Where the context Fequires ll singular wards inthe Agrecsuet shall bs consorued ep inshuds che masculine aad feminine form of such words, 21. Moditicanons.. Modesto to his Agreement may he sftetive ony ifmade in sriting aad signed bby both Panes 22, Sute Resulaton, Upon the trmnsfer nf power: unl duties from the Depurtment af Public Health (CDPIT? 0 the Cannabis Conro] Coovmission CXC”) to averse the Hicensute anl oversight of Registoiod Marjaana Dispensariss the terme ofthis Agreement veereneing [PH chal also apply 0 the cee. ithe Company agrcea ta full aoeurity eamoras in and arena the business (i) there will ben benches or socia: gathering ares in araroume the busines; (Ei the Carmpany sarees ta _iobBi! smoking, vaping 07 any other foun of eeasuapvon oF marijuane a ste bss wpselially lowed by ameridmert ta cis agreement; fy) the Company agrees ta sbure ageroqate dts nd reports 10 te Boston Public Heath Commission in a fone aad manera requested (o infor public bel efferks {3) inthe evont thatthe Company changes iis asineseaporatians ta include recectine a aaa eal operations ail site, he Company ayrees io ensure acoesew «sleet quantity and vac marijuana exter, including msjoane, fr togisered medical maryuane patients, in a manner that mecis nt exceods the standard exshlished by applicable sul evulaion aud (i) the Cemnpuny ree abso in the dissemination uf coramnasitinuseuatevas elated to public kal. gblie salty and teveutlon efows and woe wich the Cir and Rs pili heath oammunig ene assnelated ith ‘This Agcvement sll be bindiug pon aud shald ine to the benefit ofthe Pari, hw ropeesive hoi, xem, etmnieretors. ane signs. ITY OF BOSTON f ol 2X8 ‘er, Trthb APOTHCA. INC dhu MASSACHUSETTS PATIENT FOUNDATION, INC.

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