SLAC{PUB{8649 October 2000 Exclusive Processes in Quantum Chromodynamics and the Light-Cone Fock Representation(cid:3) Stanley J. Brodsky Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Stanford, California 94309 e-mail: [email protected] Contribution to the Boris Io(cid:11)e Festschrift At the Frontier of Particle Physics A Handbook for QCD Edited by M. Shifman (cid:3) Work supported by the Department of Energy under contract number DE-AC03-76SF00515. ABSTRACT Exclusive processes provide a window into the bound state structure of hadrons in QCD as well as the fundamental processes which control hadron dynamics at the am- plitude level. The natural calculus for describing bound state structure of relativistic composite systems needed for describing exclusive amplitudes is the light-cone Fock expansion which encodes the multi-quark, gluonic, and color correlations of a hadron in terms of frame-independent wavefunctions. In hard exclusive processes in which hadrons receive a large momentum transfer, perturbative QCD leads to factorization theorems which separate the physics of bound state structure from that of the rele- vant quark and gluonic hard-scattering reactions which underlie these reactions. At leading twist, the bound state physics is encoded in terms of universal \distribution amplitudes," the fundamental theoretical quantities which describe the valence quark substructure of hadrons as well as nuclei. The combination of discretized light-cone quantization and transverse lattice methods are now providing nonperturbative pre- dictions for the pion distribution amplitude. A basic feature of the gauge theory formalism is \color transparency," the absence of initial and (cid:12)nal state interactions of rapidly-moving compact color-singlet states. Other applications of the factoriza- tion formalism are brie(cid:13)y discussed, including semileptonic B decays, deeply virtual Compton scattering, and dynamical higher twist e(cid:11)ects in inclusive reactions. A new type of jet production reaction, \self-resolving di(cid:11)ractive interactions" provide em- pirical constraints on the light-cone wavefunctions of hadrons in terms of their quark and gluon degrees of freedom as well as the composition of nuclei in terms of their nucleon and mesonic degrees of freedom. 1 Introduction and Overview Exclusive processes, as de(cid:12)ned by Feynman,[1] are scattering reactions in which the kinematics of all initialand (cid:12)nal state particles are speci(cid:12)ed. Hadronic exclusive pro- cesses present an extraordinary challenge to theoretical analysis in quantum chromo- dynamics. Virtually all the complexities of perturbative and non-perturbative QCD are relevant toexclusive reactions, from con(cid:12)nement and chiralsymmetry breaking at low momentum transfers, to the dynamics of quarks and gluons at high momentum transfers. A complete description of exclusive amplitudes must deal with all of the complexitiesofthenon-perturbativestructure ofhadrons|notjustthesingle-particle (cid:13)avor, momentum, and helicity distributions of the quark constituents familiar from inclusive reactions|but also multi-quark, gluonic, hidden-color correlations, and the phase structure intrinsic to hadronic and nuclear wavefunctions. Exclusive hadronic reactions range from the space-like and time-like form fac- tors measured in electron-hadron scattering and electron-positron annihilation, to hadronicscatteringreactionssuch asproton-protonscattering, pionphotoproduction, 2 and di(cid:11)ractive vector meson electroproduction. Exclusive amplitudes also govern the decay of heavy hadrons and quarkonia into a speci(cid:12)c (cid:12)nal states. One of the most pressing goals is to understand the QCD physics of exclusive B-meson decays at the amplitudelevel, since the interpretationof the basic parametersof electroweak theory and CP violation depend on hadronic dynamics and phase structure. Exclusive processes are particularly challenging to compute in QCD because of theirsensitivitytotheunknownnon-perturbativeboundstatedynamicsofthehadrons. However, insomeimportantcases, theleadingpower-lawbehaviorofanexclusive am- plitude at large momentum transfer can be computed rigorously via a factorization theorem which separates the soft and hard dynamics. The key ingredient is the fac- torization of the hadronic amplitude at leading twist. As in the case of inclusive reactions, factorization theorems for exclusive processes allow the analytic separation of the perturbatively-calculable short-distance contributions from the long-distance non-perturbative dynamics associated with hadronic binding. Other important examples of exclusive processes which are particularly relevant to QCD analyses are the transition form factor F(cid:13)(cid:25)0 measured in e(cid:13) e(cid:25)0e in which ! + only a single hadron appears, two-photon reactions such as (cid:13)(cid:13) (cid:25) (cid:25)(cid:0), virtual ! + + Compton scattering (cid:13)(cid:3)p (cid:13)p, elastic scattering reactions such as K p K p, ! ++ ! photoproduction reactions such as (cid:13)p (cid:25)(cid:0)(cid:1) , quarkonium decay, hard di(cid:11)ractive 0 ! reactions such as (cid:13)(cid:3)p (cid:26) p and nuclear reactions such as deuteron photodisintegra- ! tion (cid:13)d pn. ! The main focus of this introductory review will be on the fundamental quark and gluon processes and hadron wavefunctions which control hadron dynamics at the amplitude level. Despite much progress, the subject is still in its infancy, and many important problems, controversies, and puzzles remain unresolved. A number of excellent specialized reviews of exclusive processes in QCD are available which can provide further technical details and additional references.[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] Compton scattering on a proton, (cid:13)p (cid:13)p, the elastic scattering of a real photon ! on a proton is a primary example of an exclusive amplitude. Covariance and discrete symmetries reduce the number of helicity amplitudes M(cid:21)(cid:13);(cid:21)p;(cid:21)(cid:13)0;(cid:21)p0((cid:13)p (cid:13)0p0) to !2 6 analytic functions FI(s;t);(I = 1;:::6) of the invariants s = (k + p) and t = 2 (p p0) . These amplitudes, by s t crossing, also describe pair production in (cid:0) ! photon-photon collisions(cid:13)(cid:13) ppaswellaspairannihilationpp (cid:13)(cid:13). The challenge ! ! is to compute the scattering of the proton by photons starting from a basis where the fundamentalcarriersoftheelectromagneticcurrentarecon(cid:12)nedquarks. Furthermore, in a relativistic quantum (cid:12)eld theory, a bound state has (cid:13)uctuations of arbitrary number or quanta. A comprehensive review of real and virtual Compton scattering has recently been given by Vanderhaeghen.[7] The analytic behavior of the Compton amplitude is constrained by general considerations: see Fig. 1. (1) The low energy theorem[8, 9] for forward Compton scattering normalizes the 2 proton and photon helicity-conserving amplitude at threshold s = M and t = 0 to 3 Conformal Limit B= 0 Regge s>>(–t) Chiral Exclusive Process s,(–t)~L 2 QCD PQCD s,(–t)>>L 2 QCD N 0 e 8-2000 Abelian Limit 8561A16 Figure 1: Domains of exclusive amplitudes in QCD. the total charged squared of the target proton. Similarly, the helicity-(cid:13)ip amplitude at threshold is normalizedto the square of the proton’s anomalousmagneticmoment. The explicit demonstration of these facts for the case of a composite target is highly non-trivial: there is a remarkable cancelation of the terms proportional to the sum of quark charges squared fromphotons scatteringon the constituents with contributions involving the proton intermediate state.[10] (2) The optical theorem relates the imaginary (absorptive) part of the forward photon and proton helicity-conserving Compton amplitude to the total photoabsorp- tion cross section. Given the total cross section, one can use dispersion relations to derive the s dependence of the entire forward Compton amplitude. Thus all of the complexities of photoabsorption cross section are implicitlycontained in the exclusive amplitude. These include multiplescattering Glauber/Gribovprocesses, which in the case of a nuclear target, lead to shadowing and anti-shadowing on a nuclear target. (3) The Regge limit: At (cid:12)xed t with s t, the analytic form of any 2 2 (cid:29) (cid:0) ! exclusive scattering amplitude is characterized by a sum of Regge terms, (cid:11)R(t) M(s;t) = (cid:12)R(t)s S[(cid:11)(t)] (1) R X where i(cid:25)(cid:11)(t) 1 e(cid:0) S((cid:11)) = (cid:6) sin(cid:25)(cid:11)(t) is the signature factor determined by s u crossing and unitarity. The Compton ! amplitude is described in Regge theory by even signature C = + Regge poles and 0 cuts including the Pomeron. At small t, the exchange of a virtual (cid:25) through its 4 0 anomalous (cid:25) (cid:13)(cid:13) coupling can also enter. At large t the Pomeron can be cal- ! culated in the BFKL formalism[11] which sums multi-gluon exchange. In addition, both photons can interact locallyon the same quark lineleadingto a (cid:12)xed Regge con- tribution at (cid:11)R = 0, the \J = 0 (cid:12)xed pole" contribution,[12, 13] thus distinguishing proton processes from the corresponding processes involving vector mesons. Cross- ing and Regge theory at t > s from the cross-channel baryonic Reggeon exchange (cid:0) trajectories provide further constraints. (4) The Chiral Correspondence Principle: At long wavelengths where hadron sub- structure cannot be resolved, QCD must reduce to a dual e(cid:11)ective theory of hadrons, such as the chiral Lagrangian.[14] This duality between the quark and gluon degrees of freedom in the propagators of local color-singlet operators is the basis of the QCD sum rules. [15, 16] In addition, soft exclusive amplitudes must match to the ampli- tudes calculated in the chiral theories. Since baryons enter as solitons, as described in the Skyrme model, the annihilation process pp (cid:13)(cid:13) at small relative veloci- ! ties should can be described in terms of Skyrmion { anti-Skyrmion annihilation.[17] Conversely, the production process (cid:13)(cid:13) pp amplitude corresponds to Skyrmion ! { anti-Skyrmion formation. This duality constraint has profound consequences for the analytic behavior of the proton Compton amplitude since the soliton picture of pp annihilation implies the existence of an important scale in the proton Compton 2 amplitude at t 4Mp. [18] (cid:25) (5) Asymptotic High Momentum Transfer Constraints: Although the physics of the Compton amplitude for general kinematics is extraordinarily complicated, per- turbative QCD provides a simple guide to the physics of the Compton process at large momentum transfer. The physical picture is as follows: the valence quarks in a hadron wavefunction are dominated by kinematic con(cid:12)gurations in which its 2 2 constituent quark have small relative momenta k 300 MeV : Thus at high 2 h ?i ’ momentum transfer t;u k with (cid:12)xed t=s or center-of-mass angle, one ex- (cid:0) (cid:29) h ?i pects that proton Compton scattering should be driven by the perturbative process (cid:13)(qqq) (cid:13)0(qqq)0 where the valence quarks scatter from a direction roughly collinear ! with the initial proton to that of the (cid:12)nal proton. Since the coupling is dimension- 2 less, such a tree amplitude falls nominally as 1=t : Furthermore since quark helicity is conserved at high energy in QCD, and the dominant valence quark wavefunctions 0 have Lz = 0, proton helicity (cid:21)p = (cid:21)p should be conserved. Since the coupling is dimensionless, simple power-law scaling [19, 20, 21] implies that the proton helicity-conserving Compton amplitude will have the nominal fall- 2 o(cid:11) f(t=s)=t . Wavefunction con(cid:12)gurations with more than the minimum number of constituents are power-law suppressed since more hard interactions are required. The corresponding (cid:12)xed-cm-angle cross section is thus predicted to fall as 2 f(t=s) d(cid:27)=dt((cid:13)p (cid:13)p) j j : 2 4 ! / s t This prediction is consistent with the scaling of the large angle Compton scattering 6 2 data [22]: s d(cid:27)=dt((cid:13)p (cid:13)p) const at 4 < s < 12 GeV . As seen in Fig. 2, the ! (cid:24) 5 6 experimental data for Compton scattering indicates consistency with s d(cid:27)=dt scaling at momentum transfers as small as a few GeV. In fact, the angular dependence of the data appears to have universal angular function when the di(cid:11)erential cross section is 6 scaled by the nominal s power. 107 2 GeV 3 GeV 4 GeV 106 5 GeV ) 0 1 V 6 GeV e G g g b P P n ( 105 sd dt 6 s 104 1 0 –1 8-2000 cos Q 8561A10 Figure 2: Scaling of proton Compton scattering at (cid:12)xed (cid:18)cm. The data and from Shupe et al.[22] 2 Asymptotic freedom impliesthat the magnitude of the e(cid:11)ective coupling (cid:11)s(q ) of the exchanged gluons which carry the large momentum transfer is suÆciently small thataperturbativeanalysisoftheunderlyinghardscatteringamplitudeTH((cid:13)(qqq) ! (cid:13)0(qqq)0) is meaningful. The nominalpower-law fallo(cid:11) given by dimensionalcounting will then be modi(cid:12)ed by the dependence in the running coupling associated with the two hard gluon exchanges as well as additional logarithms arising from the evolution of the proton wavefunction. The crossed channel processes can be obtained by simple s t crossing. ! TheasymptoticpredictionsobtainedfromperturbativeQCDalsoimplyimportant analyticconstraints on the formof the Compton amplitude.[23] Forexample, ifRegge theory is to be consistent with the power fall-o(cid:11) predictions of perturbative QCD, then the Reggeon powers (cid:11)R(t) must asymptote at large t to negative integers: (cid:0) lim t (cid:11)R(t) = 0; 1. Similarly, the Regge coeÆcient functions (cid:12)R(t) must have (cid:0)!1 (cid:0) power-law fall-o(cid:11). The hard scattering physical picture outlined above for the proton Compton am- plitudeisthebasisforageneralformalismforanalyzingthebehaviorofhardexclusive 6 processes in which some or all of the interacting particles receive a high momentum transfer. In fact in many cases, factorization theorems can be derived which at lead- ing power in the momentum transfer Q allow one to write the full hadron amplitude as the convolution of the amplitude TH for the hard scattering of the valence quarks, collinear up to the scale Q~, with the hadron distribution amplitudes (cid:30)(xi;Q~) repre- senting each of the hadron receiving a hard momentum. [24] In this introductory review, I will outline many of the developments in the appli- cation of QCD to exclusive processes. Many technical details will not be given here, but are available in the original papers. An essential tool will be light-front (light- cone) quantization which provides a frame-independent representation of relativistic bound state wavefunctions in quantum (cid:12)eld theory. The quantization procedure and rules of calculation in light-cone time-ordered perturbation theory are outlined in the Appendix. The general framework for the applications to QCD are illustrated schematically in Figs. 3 and 4. In each of the illustrated processes, one sees a factorization of the hadronic physics in terms of the light-cone Fock wavefunctions convoluted with perturbatively-calculable hard scattering amplitudes. The natural calculus for describing bound state structure of relativistic composite systems inquantum(cid:12)eld theoryisthe light-coneFockexpansion. The light-coneFock ~ wavefunctions n=H(xi;k i;(cid:21)i) thus interpolate between the hadron H and its quark ? andgluondegreesoffreedom. Thelight-conemomentumfractionsoftheconstituents, xi = ki+=P+ with ni=1xi = 1; and the transverse momenta ~k i with ni=1~k i =~0 ? ? ? appear as the momentum coordinates of the light-cone Fock wavefunctions. A crucial P P ~ feature is the frame-independence of the light-conewavefunctions. The xi and k i are (cid:22) ? relative coordinates independent of the hadron’s momentum P . The actual physical transverse momenta are p~ i = xiP~ +~k i: The light-cone Fock representation is an ? ? ? extraordinarily useful tool for representing hadrons in terms of their quark and gluon degrees of freedom. It also provides exact representation of the electromagnetic form factors and other local matrix elements at all momentum transfer. I will also review this formalism in the following sections. The principles of factorization of soft and hard dynamics have been recently ex- tended in a number of other directions: (1) The deeply virtual Compton amplitude (cid:13)(cid:3)p (cid:13)p has emerged as one of ! the most important exclusive QCD reactions.[25, 26, 27, 28] The process factorizes into a hard amplitude representing Compton scattering on the quark times skewed parton distributions. The resulting skewed parton form factors can be represented as diagonal and o(cid:11)-diagonalconvolutions of light-cone wavefunctions, as in semileptonic B decay.[29]Newsumrulescanbeconstructedwhichcorrespondtogravitonscoupling to the quarks of the proton.[25] 0 2 (2) The hard di(cid:11)ractionof vector mesons (cid:13)(cid:3)p V p at high Q and high energies ! forlongitudinallypolarizedvector mesons factorizesintoaskewed partondistribution 0 times the hard scale (cid:13)(cid:3)g gV amplitude, where the physics of the vector meson is ! 7 (a) Light Cone Fock Expansion (d) Form Factors p ' p' p' l ' J+ (0) pl u q p = y uud uud uud + y uudg dug uudg +... Fll ' (Q2) = Sn x, k^ x, k^ + q^ p qqq : y uud xxx132,, , k kk^^^13,2 ,l, l1l32 p, l y n y n p+q, l ' n n y n (xi, k^ i, l i) : iS =1xi = 1, iS=1 k^ i = 0 Large Q2 TH f f (b) Distribution Amplitude p, l p+q, l '=l f (Mx,Q) = (cid:242) d2k^ x, k^ g* M n 2 < Q2 y 2 1–x, –k^ TH=S xx12 yy12 + ... x3 y3 a 2 = s 4 f (xi, yi,) (c) Deep Inelastic p ' X p J+(z) J+(0) p Q g* g* q q (e) Compton g p g' p' p' J m (z) Jn(0) p q q = S x x Large s, t k k' n p p p p TH y n y n f f xq, k^ 2 p, l p+q, l '=l q(xBJ, Q) =Sn (cid:242) P d2k^ dx y k k' M 2n < Q2, xq = xBJn THCompton=S xx12 yy12 + ... a 2 x3 y3 98–39478A10 = PT4s f (xi, yi, q cm) Figure 3: Representation of QCD hadronic processes in the light-cone Fock expan- sion. (a) The valence uud and uudg contributions to the light-cone Fock expansion for the proton. (b) The distribution amplitude (cid:30)(x;Q) of a meson expressed as an integral over its valence light-cone wavefunction restricted to qq invariant mass less than Q. (c) Representation of deep inelastic scattering and the quark distributions q(x;Q) as probabilistic measures of the light-cone Fock wavefunctions. The sum is over the Fock states with invariant mass less than Q. (d) Exact representation of spacelike form factors of the proton in the light-cone Fock basis. The sum is over all Fock components. At large momentum transfer the leading twist contribution factorizes as the product of the hard scattering amplitude TH for the scattering of the valence quarks collinear with the initial to (cid:12)nal direction convoluted with the proton distribution amplitude. (e) Leading-twist factorization of the Compton amplitude at large momentum transfer. 8 (f) Virtual Compton g * p g 'p' (g) Vector Meson Leptoproduction g * p V p' p' l ' Jm (z) Jn (0) p l ' g * (q) V = r , w, f, J/y Large – q2 = Q2 ' ' f k p p' g * v x 2 2 q Large –q = Q V p p' 1–x p p' ' S k = + + + n q (h) Weak Exclusive Decay p p' y n y n D J+ (0) B W– n = ' B + D + –q k n n p p' S B b d c + B b c c y n+2 y n n y n g y n D+ y n+2 d g y n D+ 9–97 8348A11 Figure 4: (f) Representation of deeply virtual Compton scattering in the light-cone Fock expansion at leading twist. Both diagonal n n and o(cid:11)-diagonal n+2 n ! ! contributions are required. (g) Di(cid:11)ractive vector meson production at large photon 2 virtuality Q and longitudinal polarization. The high energy behavior involves two gluons in the t channel coupling to the compact color dipole structure of the upper vertex. The bound-state structure of the vector meson enters through its distribu- tion amplitude. h Exact representation of the weak semileptonic decays of heavy hadrons in the light-cone Fock expansion. Both diagonal n n and o(cid:11)-diagonalpair ! annihilation n+2 n contributions are required. ! 9 contained in its distribution amplitude.[30, 31, 32] The data appears consistent with 2 the s;t and Q dependence predicted by theory. Ratiosof these processes for di(cid:11)erent 0 mesons are sensitive to the ratio of 1=x moments of the V distribution amplitudes. (3) The two-photon annihilation process (cid:13)(cid:3)(cid:13) hadrons, which is measurable in + + ! single-tagged e e(cid:0) e e(cid:0)hadrons events provides a semi-local probe of even charge + ! 0 0 + conjugation C = hadron systems (cid:25) ;(cid:17) ;(cid:17)0;(cid:17)c;(cid:25) (cid:25)(cid:0), etc. The perturbative QCD 0 calculation of the simplest channel, (cid:13)(cid:3)(cid:13) (cid:25) , will be discussed in the next section. + ! The (cid:13)(cid:3)(cid:13) (cid:25) (cid:25)(cid:0) hadron pair process is related to virtual Compton scattering on ! a pion target by crossing. Hadron pair production is of particular interest since the leading twist amplitude is sensitive to the 1=x 1=(1 x) moment of the two-pion (cid:0) (cid:0) distribution amplitude coupled to two valence quarks. [31, 33] 2 Calculations of Exclusive Processes in QCD 2.1 The Photon-to-Pion Transition Form Factor The simplest illustration of an exclusive reaction in QCD is the evaluation of the 2 photon-to-pion transition form factor F(cid:13) (cid:25)(Q ) since only one hadron is involved. ! 0 The transition form factor is measurable in single-tagged two-photon ee ee(cid:25) ! reactions. The form factor is de(cid:12)ned via the invariant amplitude (cid:22) 2 2 (cid:22)(cid:23)(cid:26)(cid:27) (cid:25) (cid:0) = ie F(cid:25)(cid:13)(Q )(cid:15) p(cid:23)(cid:15)(cid:26)q(cid:27) : (2) (cid:0) The lowest order contribution is shown in Fig. 5. It is convenient to choose a + + + frame where the virtual photon has zero q : q = (q ;q(cid:0);q ) = (0;2p q=p );p = + + 2 + 2 2 2 ? (cid:1) (p ;p(cid:0);p ) = (p ;M =p ;0 ) with q = Q = q . ? ? ? (cid:0) 0 We can readily compute the (cid:13)(cid:3)(cid:13) (cid:25) amplitude in light-cone time-ordered per- ! turbation theory using the rules given in the Appendix. The central input will be the two-particle irreducible light-wave Fock state amplitude: (x;k ) = F:T: 0 T (z=2) ( z=2) (cid:25) z+=0 : (3) ? j (cid:0) j j D E which sums all of the nonperturbative physics associated with the pion. The denom- inator in Fig. 5(b) associated with the fermion propagator between the two photons 2 is proportional to (k +x1q ) . As in inclusive reactions, one must specify a factor- ? ? ization scheme which divides the integration regions of the loop integrals into hard and soft momenta, less or more than the resolution scale Q~. At large Q2 one then (cid:12)nds [34, 35, 24] (x1 +x2 = 1) 2 2 (Nc)(e2u e2d) 1 dx k?2<Q~2 d2k F(cid:25)(cid:13)(Q ) = q Q2 (cid:0) 0 x1x2 16(cid:25)?2 (x;k?) (4) Z Z where the factorization scale separating the soft and hard domains of integration in the wavefunction is Q~ = (mini=1;2 xi)Q: 10