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Exchange coupling and magnetoresistance in CoFe/NiCu/CoFe spin-valves near the Curie point of the spacer PDF

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Preview Exchange coupling and magnetoresistance in CoFe/NiCu/CoFe spin-valves near the Curie point of the spacer

Exchange coupling and magnetoresistance in CoFe/NiCu/CoFe spin-valves near the Curie point of the spacer S. Andersson and V. Korenivski Nanostructure Physics, Royal Institute of Technology, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden (Dated: 30 January 2010) Thermalcontrolof exchangecoupling betweentwo stronglyferromagneticlayersthrougha weaklyferromag- netic Ni-Cu spacer and the associated magnetoresistance is investigated. The spacer, having a Curie point 0 slightly above room temperature, can be cycled between its paramagnetic and ferromagnetic states by vary- 1 ing the temperature externally or using joule heating. It is shown that the giant magnetoresistance vanishes 0 due to a strong reduction of the mean free path in the spacer at above ∼30% Ni concentration — before the 2 onsetofferromagnetism. Finally,adeviceisproposedanddemonstratedwhichcombinesthermallycontrolled n exchange coupling and large magnetoresistance by separating the switching and the read out elements. a J 0 I. INTRODUCTION strate thermally controlled exchange coupling sam- 3 ples with structure Cu(90)/Ni Fe (8)/Co Fe (2)/ 80 20 90 10 ] Thermal control in spintronic devices and MRAM ap- NixCu1−x(t)/Co90Fe10(5)/Ta(10) (thickness in nanome- ci plications has in recent years been of great interest due ters) were deposited. Three different thicknesses, t = s to the associated increase of stability and decrease in 10,20,30 nm, of the weakly ferromagnetic Ni-Cu alloy l- powerconsumption1–3. Recently,thermallyexcitedoscil- wereusedforstudyingtheinterlayerexchangeinthesys- r lationsinnanocontacts,reachingfrequenciesoftheorder tem. VariationinxwasobtainedbycosputteringNiand t m ofGHz, havebeen predicted4. In this model a ferromag- CuontoSisubstratesthathadbeencutinto90x10mm . netic (FM) film is separated from a small FM grain by strips. In this way a compositional gradient was created at a point contact having a diameter of a few nanometers. along the Si strips ranging from x = 0.2 to x = 0.9. By m Due tothe highcurrentdensitiesreachedinsuchasmall cutting the strips into smaller pieces a series of samples - area,theFMregionwithinthepointcontactreachesvery with different Curie temperatures were obtained. d hightemperatures. Whenthelocaltemperatureishigher Inordertoperformmagneticcharacterizationthesam- n than the FM Curie point the exchange coupling through pleswereplacedinalooptracerequippedwithathin-film o the point contact becomes vanishingly small. heater. The temperature was controlled through a feed c [ Themodelisbasedontwopremises. First,athermally back loop using a type-T thermocouple in close contact controlled exchange coupling between two FM regions. with the samples. Further investigations of the switch- 1 Second, an increase in resistance when the FM regions ing behavior at room temperature were performed using v decouple. Thefirstcriterioncanbemetinametallicsys- a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). 0 9 temwithtwostrongferromagnetsseparatedbyaweakly To measure the effect of Ni-Cu alloying on GMR, 0 FM spacer. If this can be combined with a large change samples with structure Ni80Fe20(4) / Co90Fe10(1) / 0 in resistance both criteria would be met. To date, the NixCu1−x(3.5) / Co90Fe10(2) were deposited. The Ni- 2. largest changes of resistance obtained in an all metal- Cu alloys were cosputtered from Ni and Cu targets such 0 lic structure have been from giant magnetoresistance5,6 that the stoichiometry, x, could be varied by controlling 0 (GMR). the relative difference in sputtering rates. 1 In this work we investigate the possibility of decou- Tomeasurecurrentinplane(CIP)GMR,thinAlwires v: plingtwostrongferromagnetsseparatedbyaweaklyfer- were bonded to the top of the samples. Before electrical i romagnetic Ni-Cu alloy. To verify if the Ni-Cu alloy, in measurements the separate switching of the NiFe/CoFe X its paramagnetic phase, can be used as a GMR spacer bi-layer and CoFe top layer was confirmed using a mag- r we study the effects of adding nickel to a copper spacer netometer. a in a spin-valve structure on the interlayer exchange cou- pling and GMR. Finally, we design and implement an improved thermionic spin-valve structure, in which the III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION switching and the read out layers are separated. A Ni-Cu alloy was chosen for the weakly FM spacer because of the well known dependence of Curie point II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS on the Ni concentration7–9. The Ni-Cu spacer is used to separate a magnetically softer NiFe/CoFe bi-layer All films were deposited on thermally oxidized Si from a magnetically harder CoFe layer. Here NiFe and substrates using magnetron sputtering at a base pres- CoFe stand for Ni Fe and Co Fe , respectively. By 80 20 90 10 sure better than 5 · 10−8 Torr. The argon pressure cosputteringNiandCu,aseriesofsampleswithdifferent during sputtering was kept at 3 mTorr. To demon- Curie temperatures were obtained. 2 xx 1 (a) with that in Fig. 1 (b) in which the NiFe/CoFe ◦ 1 (a) layeris heatedto 110 C andthereby decoupledfromthe n CoFe layer, it can be seen that at roomtemperature the o it T = 25 oC } NiFe/CoFe layerhas notyetfinishedrotating180◦ when a z the hard layer switches. At point B the torque on the it Irreversible e CoFe layer is too strong for it to remain in position and n g an irreversible rotation of all layers follows. This behav- a M ior was confirmed by VSM measurements of the same 0 d B. sampleatroomtemperature. Startingatapositivefield, ez Reversi}ble high enough so that all the moments were aligned, the ila magnetizationwasmeasuredwhile the externalfieldwas m r swept to -20 Oe and then back again. After the field re- xoN xversalat-20Oe the magnetizationbacktracksthe values x-1 A. xmeasured before the reversal. The same behavior was seen for field reversals up to -25 Oe indicating that the -40 -20 0 20 40 rotation is reversible up to this point. For reversalfields xx Applied Field (Oe) any higher than this, the magnetization does not back- xxtrack the values measured before the field reversal. This 1 (b) confirms that the switching behavior is irreversible for n fields higher than ±25 Oe. o ita T = 110o C CoFe Fig. 1(b)showsthesamesampleat110◦C.TheCurie z point of the spacer has been reached and the soft and it e hardFMlayersareessentiallyexchangedecoupledasev- n g idenced by the two distinct magnetization transitions at a M approximately 15 and 45 Oe. As the temperature is re- 0 d duced to room temperature the two magnetization tran- e z sitions shift towards each other and the sharp magneti- ila zation loop becomes significantly skewed. At room tem- m NiFe/CoFe r peraturethecurveshapeisbacktotheoneshowninFig. xo x N 1(a). Thisthermallycontrolledinterlayerexchangecou- x-1 xplingisperfectlyreversibleonthermalcyclingwithinthe given temperature range. -40 -20 0 20 40 ForsampleswiththeCuriepointaroundroomtemper- Applied Field (Oe) ature the spacer had to be 20 or 30 nm thick in order to completely diminsh the exchange coupling through the FIG. 1. Normalized magnetization versus applied magnetic spacer. Anexplanationforthis couldbe thatthealloyis fieldforasamplestructureNiFe/CoFe/NixCu1−x(30)/CoFe, not homogenousafter cosputtering at roomtemperature x≈0.7at(a)roomtemperatureand(b)110◦C.Uponheating but contains regions with different Curie points. If the theNi-Cualloygoesthroughaferromagnetictoparamagnetic spaceristoothin,theseregionscouldextendtothealloy phase transition and the NiFe/CoFe bi-layer decouples from interfaces and couple the two CoFe films. Another pos- theCoFe layer. sible explanation is that the alloying is homogenous but the two strongferromagnetsarecoupled byexchangein- teractionsthroughthespacerevenattemperaturesabove A. Thermally controlled interlayer exchange coupling theCuriepoint. Ithasbeenindicatedthatexchangecan propagatethroughparamagneticregionsonlengthscales of several nanometers11, which is believed to be due to Fig. 1 (a) shows the magnetization loop for a sam- enhancement of magnetic order in thin layers caused by ple with a 30 nm thick Ni-Cu layer having a Curie point just above room temperature, x≈0.7. The shape of the the proximity effect of a strong ferromagnet. curve indicates that the strongly FM layers are weakly exchange coupled through the Ni-Cu alloy. Two distinct regions can be seen — similar to the magnetic state of a B. CoFe/Ni-Cu/CoFe spin-valve spring-magnet10. At point A in Fig. 1 (a) the magnetic moment of the soft NiFe/CoFe layer starts to rotate in To understand the CIP GMR in the above the external magnetic field. This is a reversible rotation NiFe/CoFe/Ni-Cu/CoFesystem,wehavetoconsiderthe due to the exchange coupling through the Ni-Cu alloy mean free path in the Ni-Cu spacer. When the spacer to the harder CoFe layer. The reversible switching con- thickness is much larger than the mean free path the tinues until point B is reached. By comparing the mag- CIP GMR signal vanishes as exp(−t /λ)12. Here λ NiCu nitude of the magnetization at 25 Oe (point B) in Fig. isthe electronmeanfree pathinthe spacermaterialand 3 102 ther material optimization, we next examine how thin a Calculated from data in [16] spacerwouldstillprovideameasurableGMRsignal. The ) Calculated from data in [17] thinnest possible spacer to avoid any significant RKKY m Calculated from data in [18] coupling is ∼3 nm13. We therefore choose this thickness n ( Our measurements and evaluate the CIP GMR versus Ni concentration. h ta101 We have fabricated samples with structure P e NiFe(4)/CoFe(1)/Ni-Cu(3.5)/CoFe(2). CIP GMR e measurements for samples with different Ni concentra- r F tions are shown in Fig. 3 (a). With pure Cu in the n a spacerasignalof3.7%ismeasuredatroomtemperature e M100 (5% at77 K). When Ni is addedto the spacer the signal drops caused by a decrease in λ. At 29 at. % Ni the GMR has decreased by more than a factor of three, 0 20 40 60 80 100 which we attribute to a sharp decrease of the mean free Ni Concentration (at. %) path on alloying. Fig. 3 (b) shows the magnetization versus applied field for this sample. It can be seen that FIG.2. ElectronmeanfreepathinbulkNi-CufordifferentNi the switching is still separate at this concentration. concentrations. The data points have been calculated using At 35 at. % Ni the magnetic layers couple and the theDrudemodelfrom publisheddataonresistivitymeasure- mentsat 300, 273 and 250K16–18. switching is no longer separate,which is shownin Fig. 3 (c). It can thus be concluded that even for a very thin Cu-Ni spacer the CIP GMR signal essentially vanishes 6 for 29 at. % Ni concentration, where the layers are still (a) 1(b) decoupledmagnetically. The finaldecreasetozeroGMR 5 0 at35at. %Niis due tocoupling throughthe spacerand ) Ms-1 not to a decrease in λ. %( R 4 77 K / M 1(c) peIrtpwenildlibcuelianrfotromthateivpelatnoepGoiMntRouintsttheaatdboyfuCsIinPgtchuerrliemnt- M 3 0 iting length scale would be the spin diffusion length14, G l , and not λ. However, published experimental data P -1 insfdicate that l decrease with the same rate as λ and IC 2 -100 0 100 has been measusfred to be 7.5 nm at 5◦K in an alloy with 300 K H (Oe) 22.7% Ni15. This is still below the minimum thickness 1 inourcase of20nmneededto achievereliableinterlayer decoupling. 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 To overcome the above limitations and use thermally Ni Concentration (at. %) controlled interlayer exchange coupling together with large magnetoresistance we propose a new design in whichtheGMRreadoutlayerandtheweaklyFMspacer FIG. 3. (a) Current in plane (CIP) giant magnetoresistance (GMR) versus Ni concentration in a NiFe(4)/Co2Fe(1)/Ni- are separated. A schematic is shown in the inset to Fig. Cu(3.5)/CoFe(2) spin-valve. The inset shows the n2ormalized 4. An antiferromagnet (AFM) is used to exchange bias magnetizationversusappliedfieldforaspin-valvew2ith(b)29 a FM film which works as a reference layer in the spin- at.% Ni in the spacer and (c) 35 at. % Ni in the spacer. valve. The spin-valve uses a metallic spacer for GMR or an insulator for tunneling magnetoresistance. The spin- valve spacer is only used for read out and can be opti- t is the spacer thickness. In order to obtain a high mizedtogivethe highestpossiblemagnetoresistancesig- NiCu GMR signal the thickness of the spacer should be com- nal. The top layer of the spin-valve is exchange coupled parableorsmallerthanλ. Fig. 2showsλfordifferentNi througha weakly FM alloy to a top pinned FM. At high concentrations from our measurements as well as calcu- temperatures the coupling through the weakly FM alloy lated from published experimental data using the Drude is negligible and the top layer of the spin-valve is free to model. The mean free path decreases quickly with in- rotate. However,atlowtemperaturesitwillbeexchange creasing Ni concentration. In the interesting range of coupled to the top pinned FM. This results in full flexi- Ni concentrations between 40% and 70% where the al- bility when choosing the composition and Curie point of loy is weakly ferromagnetic7, λ is down to ∼1 nm. As the weakly ferromagnetic alloy while at the same time wasdetailedintheprevioussection,ourspacerswiththe making it possible to achieve high magnetoresistance. Curie point close to room temperature have a minimum To demonstrate this new struc- thickness of 20 nm in order to completely diminish the ture we have deposited samples of interlayer exchange coupling. Assuming the thickness of NiFe(3)/MnIr(15)/CoFe(4)/ Cu(3.5)/CoFe(4)/NiFe(6)/ the weakly ferromagnetic spacer can be reduced by fur- CoFe(2)/NiCu(20)/CoFe(2)/NiFe(3)/MnIr(12)/Ta(5) xx xx 4 spacerisdemonstrated. Attemperatureshigherthanthe 2.5 1.3·106A/cm2 1.0·106A/cm2 CuriepointofthespacertheFMfilmsaredecoupled. At 7.5·105A/cm2 lower temperatures the switching behavior can be sepa- ) 2.0 rated into two regions — reversible and irreversible. % xx ( R AFM In a CoFe/Ni-Cu/CoFe spin-valve the CIP GMR sig- xM1.5 xnal vanishes due to a sharp reduction of the mean free G path on alloying for Ni concentrations above ∼30 at. %. 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