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Preview Exchange bias of a ferromagnetic semiconductor by a ferromagnetic metal

Exchange bias of a ferromagnetic semiconductor by a ferromagnetic metal K. Olejnik,1,2 P. Wadley,3 J. Haigh,3 K. W. Edmonds,3 R. P. Campion,3 A. W. Rushforth,3 B. L. Gallagher,3 C. T. Foxon,3 T. Jungwirth,2,3 J. Wunderlich,1,2 S. S. Dhesi,4 S. Cavill,4 G. van der Laan,4 and E. Arenholz5 1Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory, Cambridge CB3 0HE, United Kingdom 2Institute of Physics ASCR, v.v.i., Cukrovarnicka 10, 16253 Praha 6, Czech Republic 3School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, United Kingdom 4Diamond Light Source, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0DE, United Kingdom 5Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720, USA 0 1 (Dated: January 14, 2010) 0 Wedemonstrateanexchangebiasin(Ga,Mn)Asinducedbyantiferromagnetic couplingtoathin 2 overlayer of Fe. Bias fields of up to 240 Oe are observed. Using element-specific x-ray magnetic n circular dichroism measurements, we distinguish a strongly exchange coupled (Ga,Mn)As interface a layer in addition to the biassed bulk of the (Ga,Mn)As film. The interface layer remains polarized J at room temperature. 4 1 PACSnumbers: 75.70.Cn,75.50.Pp,75.50.Bb ] ci Ferromagnetic(FM)semiconductorsoffertheprospect which may further disrupt the interface order. The ori- s of combining high-density storage and gate-controlled ginoftheinterfacemagnetismthenhadtobeinferredby - logic in a single material. The realization of spin-valve comparisontoaseriesofreferencesamples7. Demonstra- l r devices from FM semiconductors requires the controlled tion of coupling between the bulk of the layers, i.e., an t m switching of magnetization in adjacent layers between exchangebiaseffect,wouldprovidedirectevidenceofthe . antiferromagnetic (AFM) and FM configurations. This interfacemagneticorder. Moreover,suchcouplingwould t a has motivated several theoretical investigations of inter- offer new means of manipulating the FM semiconductor m layer coupling in all-semiconductor devices1, and AFM spin state and utilizing the proximity polarization effect - coupling has recently been demonstrated in (Ga,Mn)As in a spintronic device. d multilayers separated by p-type non-magnetic spacers2. Here, we demonstrate an antiferromagnetic coupling n However, the Curie temperature T of (Ga,Mn)As is and exchange bias in Fe/(Ga,Mn)As bilayer films, by C o currently limited to 185 K in single layers3, and is combining element-specific XMCD measurements and c [ typically much lower for layers embedded within a bulk-sensitive superconducting quantuminterference de- heterostructure2, which is an obstacle to the practical vice (SQUID) magnetometry. As with previous studies 1 implementation of semiconductor spintronics. of FM metal/FM semiconductor bilayers4,5 (and in con- v ThedevelopmentofFMmetal/FMsemiconductorhet- trasttoAFMcoupledFMmetal/FMmetalexchangebias 9 erostructures has the potential to bring together the structures10,11) the layers are in direct contact without 4 4 benefits of metal and semiconductor based spintron- a non-magnetic spacer in between. We distinguish in- 2 ics, offering access to new functionalities and physi- terface and bulk (Ga,Mn)As layers that are respectively . cal phenomena. Recent studies of MnAs/(Ga,Mn)As stronglyandweaklyantiferromagneticallycoupledtothe 1 0 and NiFe/(Ga,Mn)As bilayer films have shown FM in- Feoverlayer. InagreementwithRef.7,theinterfacelayer 0 terlayer coupling and independent magnetization be- remains polarized at room temperature. 1 havior, respectively4,5. Of particular interest is the The Fe and (Ga,Mn)As layers of the present study : Fe/(Ga,Mn)As system, since the growth of epitaxial werebothgrownby molecularbeamepitaxy inthe same v i Fe/GaAs(001) films is well-established6. Remarkably, a ultra-high vacuum system, in order to ensure a clean in- X recent x-ray magnetic circular dichroism(XMCD) study terfacebetweenthem. The(Ga,Mn)Aslayerofthickness r has shown that Fe may induce a proximity polariza- 10 to 50 nm was deposited on a GaAs(001) substrate a ◦ tion in the near-surface region of (Ga,Mn)As, antipar- at a temperature of 260 C, using previously established allel to the Fe moment and persisting even above room methods3,8. A low Mn concentration of x ≈ 0.03 was temperature7. Devices incorporating Fe/(Ga,Mn)As chosen in order to avoid the formation of compensating therefore offer the prospect of obtaining non-volatile Mn interstitials. The substrate temperature was then ◦ room temperature spin-polarization in a semiconductor. reduced to ∼0 C, before depositing a 2 nm Fe layer, Untilnow,noinformationhasbeenrevealedaboutthe plus a 2 nm Al capping layer. In-situ reflection high coupling of Fe to (Ga,Mn)As layers away from the near- energy electron diffraction and ex-situ x-ray reflectivity surfaceregion. Atthe surface,the (Ga,Mn)As layermay and diffraction measurements confirmed that the layers behighlynon-stoichiometricandMn-rich,duetoitsnon- are single-crystalline with sub-nm interface roughness. equilibrium nature8,9. Previously, Fe/(Ga,Mn)As layers SQUIDmagnetometrymeasurementswereperformedus- wereproducedbyaprocessincludingexposuretoairfol- ing a Quantum Design Magnetic Property Measurement lowedbysputteringandannealingpriortoFedeposition, System. Mn and Fe L x-ray absorption and XMCD 2,3 2 measurements were performed on beamline I06 at the L absorptionedgesinordertodeterminethemagnetic 2,3 DiamondLightSource,andonbeamline4.0.2attheAd- responseoftheindividualelements. InL XMCD,elec- 2,3 vanced Light Source. Total-electron yield (TEY) and trons are excited from a 2p core level to the unoccupied fluorescence yield (FY) were monitored simultaneously 3d valence states of the element of interest by circularly usingthesampledraincurrentandthephotocurrentofa polarized x-rays at the resonance energies of the transi- ◦ diode mountedat90 tothe incidentbeam,respectively. tions. The differencein absorptionforopposite polariza- SQUID magnetometry measurements were tions gives a direct and element-specific measurement of first performed on control Fe/GaAs(001) and the projection of the 3d magnetic moment along the x- (Ga,Mn)As/GaAs(001) samples, grown under the ray polarization vector. The absorption cross-section is same conditions as the bilayers, to determine the conventionallyobtainedbymeasuringthedecayproducts magnetic anisotropies of the individual layers and the – either fluorescent x-rays or electrons – of the photoex- Curie temperature of the (Ga,Mn)As layer. The Fe film cited core hole. The type of decay product measured has a uniaxial magnetic anisotropy with easy axis along determines the probing depth of the technique. For Mn the [110] orientation, similar to previous studies6. For L absorption,theprobingdepths forFYandTEYde- 2,3 the (Ga,Mn)As control sample, there is a competition tection are λ ≈ 100 nm and λ ≈ 3 nm. In the FY TEY between cubic and uniaxial magnetic anisotropies, with current experiment, the Mn XMCD measured using FY the former dominant at low temperatures and favoring andTEYarethussensitivetothebulkofthe(Ga,Mn)As easy axes along the in-plane h100i orientations, and the film and the near-interface layers, respectively. latter dominant close to T (∼35 K) giving an easy axis Figure2(a)-(c)showsthemagneticfielddependenceof C along the [1¯10] orientation. Figure 1 shows [110]magne- XMCD asymmetry, defined as (I −I )/(I +I ) where l r l r tization versus temperature curves and low temperature I istheabsorptionforleft-(right-)circularlypolarized l(r) hysteresis loops for a bilayer film containing a 20 nm x-rays. ThisismeasuredattheFeandMnL absorption 3 thick (Ga,Mn)As layer. The total remnant moment of peaksfora Fe(2 nm)/(Ga,Mn)As(10nm) sampleat2K. thebilayerfilmdecreasesoncoolingunderzeromagnetic The external field is applied along the photon incidence ◦ field below the T of the (Ga,Mn)As, indicating that direction, which is at 70 to the surface normal with C this layer aligns antiparallel to the Fe magnetization an in-plane projection along the [110] axis. The XMCD at zero field. The hysteresis curve shows a two-step data show that the Fe film displays a square hysteresis magnetization reversal, indicating different behavior of loop with a single magnetization switch, as expected for the Fe and (Ga,Mn)As layers, with the smaller loop a monocrystalline Fe film with strong uniaxial magnetic attributed to the dilute moment (Ga,Mn)As film. The anisotropy. The Mn XMCD shows a more complicated minor hysteresis loop shown in Fig. 1 clearly shows a loopduetotheeffectoftheinterlayercoupling. Thepro- shift from zero field by a bias field H , indicating that jected Mn moment aligns antiparallel to the Fe moment E the Fe layer induces an exchange bias in the magnetic atremanence,andundergoesamagnetizationreversalof semiconductor. The shape and size of the minor loop opposite sign to the Fe. With further increase of the ex- is in agreement with the hysteresis loop for the control ternal magnetic field, the Mn moment gradually rotates (Ga,Mn)As sample, also shown in Fig. 1. This strongly away from antiparallel alignment with the Fe layer, and indicates that the exchange bias affects the whole of the into the field direction. Qualitatively similar behavior (Ga,Mn)As layer in the bilayer sample. is observed for the Fe(2 nm)/(Ga,Mn)As(20 nm) sam- Similar behavior is observed for bilayer samples con- ple: the (Ga,Mn)As layer is aligned antiparallel to the taining a 10 nm or 50 nm (Ga,Mn)As layer, with a Fe layer at zero field, although the bias field is lower by bias field which is approximately inversely proportional approximately a factor of two. to the thickness d of the ferromagnetic semiconductor Cleardifferencesareobservedbetweenthe MnXMCD layer (Fig. 1, inset). This 1/d dependence of H was hysteresis loops obtained using TEY and FY detection E found previously for MnAs/(Ga,Mn)As bilayers4, and modes. For FY the magnitude of the XMCD is similar is generally observed in exchanged-biased thin films12. (but of opposite sign) at remanence and at high mag- From this dependence it is possible to describe the ex- netic fields, whereas for TEY at remanence it is approx- changebiasintermsofaninterfaceenergyperunitarea, imately a factor of two larger than at 1000 Oe. The ∆E = M H d = 0.003 erg/cm2. This value is rather Mn L XMCD spectra recorded at remanence and at FS E 2,3 small compared to typical exchange bias systems12, re- 1000 Oe, shown in Fig. 3, confirm this result. At re- flecting the low moment density M of the diluted manence the FY and TEY detected XMCD have similar FS FM semiconductor layer. However, the bias field for a magnitudes. However, under a large external field the given (Ga,Mn)As thickness is larger than is observedfor XMCD is substantially smallerin TEYthanin FY, con- MnO/(Ga,Mn)As structures13, while the reproducibility firming that the net magnetization of the Mn ions near and flexibility of the present structures is much higher the interface is significantly less than in the bulk of the due to the single-crystalline ferromagnetic nature of the (Ga,Mn)As film. This is the case even up to the high- Fe layer. est field applied (20 kOe). By applying the XMCD sum To confirm the presence of AFM interlayer coupling, rules14totheTEYdata,andbycomparingthespectrato we performed XMCD measurements at the Mn and Fe previousmeasurementsonwell-characterized(Ga,Mn)As 3 samples15, the projected Mn 3d magnetic moments are monolayers, assuming a uniform distribution of Mn ions obtained as −1.4 µ and +0.8 µ per ion at remanence and magnetic moments throughout the (Ga,Mn)As film. B B and 1000 Oe, respectively. This is around a factor of three thinner than in Ref.7, Thedifferencebetweenthesevaluescanbeunderstood whichcouldbe duetothe lowerMnconcentrationorthe as being due to an interface layer which is strongly anti- different preparation method of the present samples. ferromagnetically coupled to the Fe layer. At zero field, In summary, we have demonstrated antiferromagnetic both the interfacialandbulk Mn are alignedantiparallel coupling between Fe and (Ga,Mn)As layers in bilayer totheFelayer. Athighfields,thebulkofthe(Ga,Mn)As structures. A markedlydifferent couplingis observedfor layerawayfromtheinterfaceisre-orientedintotheexter- the bulk of the (Ga,Mn)As layer and for Mn moments nal field direction. However, the interfacial Mn remains in the near-interface region. A thickness-dependent ex- antiparallel to the Fe layer and thus partially compen- change bias field is observed to affect the whole of the satesthe XMCDsignalfromthe bulkofthe (Ga,Mn)As. bulk (Ga,Mn)As layer, which aligns antiparallel to the From the size of the remanent and 1000 Oe magnetic Fe layer at low fields, and switches to parallel when the moments,it canbe estimatedthataround25-30%ofthe external field is large enough to overcome the bias field TEYXMCDsignalcanbe ascribedtotheinterfacialMn andthemagnetocrystallineanisotropyfields. Incontrast, which is strongly coupled to the Fe moments. the interfacial Mn moments remain aligned antiparallel The interfacial Mn moments are ascribed to the prox- to the Fe layer even at 20 kOe, the largest field studied, imity polarization of the (Ga,Mn)As interface by the Fe and are polarized at temperatures well above the T of C layer,suchaswasshownpreviouslybyXMCD aswellas the bulk (Ga,Mn)As layer. The latter observation con- ab initiotheory7. Evidenceforthiscanbeobservedfrom firms the recently reported result of Ref. 7, in which measurement of the Mn L XMCD signal at tempera- the Fe/(Ga,Mn)As bilayers were produced by a different 2,3 tures above the (Ga,Mn)As T . Similar to the previous method but showed qualitatively similar behavior of the C study7, we observe a small but not negligible signal at interfacial moments. Our results shed new light on the room temperature (Fig. 3), with opposite sign to the Fe magnetic coupling inFe/(Ga,Mn)As hybridlayerswhich L XMCD.Itsspectralshapeischaracteristicofalocal- are of potential interest for room temperature spintron- 2,3 ized electronic configuration close to d5, similar to bulk ics, and also offer a means of controlling the spin orien- (Ga,Mn)As7,9,15 but in contrast to Mn in more metallic tation in a FM semiconductor. environments such as MnxFe1−x7 or MnAs16. A slight We acknowledge support from EU grants broadening is observedon the low energy side of the Mn SemiSpinNet-215368 and NAMASTE-214499, and L peak, whichmay be due to the different screeningin- STFC studentship grant CMPC07100. The Advanced 3 duced by proximity to the Fe layer. Since the measured Light Source is supported by the U.S. Department of intensity is attenuated with distance z from the surface Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. as I = I exp(−z/λ ), the thickness of the strongly We thank Leigh Shelford for help during the Diamond 0 TEY coupledinterfacelayeris estimatedto be ∼0.7nmor2-3 beamtime. 1 T.Jungwirth,W.A.Atkinson,B.H.Lee,andA.H.Mac- Polesya, H. Ebert, U. Wurstbauer, M. Hochstrasser, G. Donald, Phys. Rev. B 59, 9818 (1999); P. Sankowski and Rossi, G. Woltersdorf, W. Wegscheider, and C. H. Back, P. Kacman, Phys. Rev. B 71, 201303(R) (2005); A. D. Phys. Rev.Lett. 101, 267201 (2008). Giddings, T. Jungwirth, and B. L. Gallagher, Phys. 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(a) Fe L3, total electron yield; (b) Mn L3, total electron yield; (c) Mn L3, fluorescent yield. Black and redpointsaredataforincreasinganddecreasingfieldsrespec- tively; lines are to guide theeye. 6 (a) absorption 1.0 ) s nit u b. ) r s on (a (b) H = 0, T = 2K b. unit pti ar r ( so D b C a ay (c) H = 1 kOe, T = 2K XM r - X 0.9 (d) H = 2 kOe, T = 300K 640 650 X-ray energy (eV) FIG.3. (coloronline)(a)Polarization-averagedMnL2,3spec- trumfor aFe/(Ga,Mn)As film;(b)XMCD spectrameasured in remanence at 2 K; (c) XMCD spectra measured under a 1000 Oeapplied field at 2 K;(d)XMCD spectrum measured under a 2000 Oe applied field at 300 K. XMCD spectra are obtainedusingTEY(thickredlines)andFY(thinbluelines) detection.

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