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Excess Comovement and Limits-to-Arbitrage: Evidence from Exchange-Traded Funds Markus S. Broman* First draft: November 28, 2012 This draft: May 20, 2013 Abstract The prices of Exchange-Traded Funds can deviate from their Net Asset Values by the magnitude of arbitrage costs, such as transaction and holding costs. Despite the explicit “in-kind” arbitrage mechanism that exists for ETFs, I find that ETF mispricing mean-reverts only partially; moreover, mispricing increases not only with proxies for aggregate market illiquidity, but also for ETFs with high arbitrage costs, particularly during the financial crisis. As long as mispricing remains within the arbitrage costs boundaries, there is limited pressure to correct for any price discrepancies, which may leave the ETF partially exposed to a common factor. Consistent with this prediction and with recent theoretical work on the effects of commonality in trading patterns, I find strong evidence of comovement among excess ETF returns (i.e. after correcting for movements in the fundamentals, the NAV) within three investment styles – size, value-growth and ETF liquidity. JEL Classification: G10, G12, G14, G15, G20, G23 Keywords: Excess Comovement, ETF, mispricing, limits to arbitrage, style investing. * Finance Department, Schulich School of Business, York University, 4700 Keele St., Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3, Tel: (416) 736-2100 ext. 44655, e-mail: [email protected]. I wish to thank Pauline Shum, Yisong Tian, Kee-Hong Bae and Mark Kamstra for discussions and suggestions, as well as seminar participants at York University, Schulich School of Business. © by the author. 1 Introduction In frictionless markets with rational investors, the market price of an Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) will equal its fundamental price (the Net Asset Value), and any comovement in ETF returns must be due to comovement in fundamentals. However, in economies with frictions or with irrational investors, and in which there are limits to arbitrage, comovement in ETF returns may be partially delinked from fundamentals giving rise to what is known as excess comovement (see Barberis and Shleifer (2003); Barberis, Shleifer and Wurgler (2005) and Greenwood (2008)). The two main non-fundamentals based explanations of excess comovement are articulated in Barberis, Shleifer and Wurgler (2005): The first is related to correlated investor demand (e.g. when ETF investors engage in style investing or habitat formation), while the second arises from differences among securities in their rate of information diffusion (e.g. ETFs incorporate information faster than the underlying portfolio). A unique feature of the ETF market is the “in-kind” share creation/redemption process, an explicit arbitrage mechanism, which allows select investors (known as Authorized Participants) to trade on price differentials between the ETF and the NAV by exchanging (or receiving) a portfolio of securities similar to the ETF’s benchmark index for new ETF shares. Arbitrage is, however, limited by two types of costs: transaction costs (such as bid-ask spreads, market-impact costs and creation/redemption fees) and holding costs (delays in the execution of the arbitrage trade). Moreover, these arbitrage costs are expected to be magnified by the large size and relative infrequency of typical creation/redemption transactions. As long as mispricing remains within the arbitrage costs boundaries, there is limited pressure to correct for any price discrepancies, which may leave the ETF partially exposed to a common, non-fundamental, factor. The goal of this paper is twofold. First, I investigate the existence of limits-to- arbitrage among U.S. ETFs investing in U.S. equity. Specifically, I examine the extent to which arbitrage costs affect mispricing both in the cross-section and in the time-series. Second, I analyze whether ETF returns comove excessively with other ETFs in similar 1 styles. In this effort, I examine three style dimensions: size (large-, mid- and small-cap), value-growth and ETF liquidity (high-, medium- and low). To preview my results, I find that, despite the existence of an explicit arbitrage mechanism, mispricing mean-reverts only partially; roughly by 25.2 %, 24.6 % and 21 % over a 1-day, 1-week, 4-week period respectively. A decomposition of this effect shows that mispricing stems mainly from the ETF, particularly at longer horizons suggesting that it is the ETF, rather than the NAV, that is the source of mispricing. I then analyze the extent to which proxies for arbitrage costs (transaction and holding costs) can explain the magnitude of mispricing. I find that mispricing increases with proxies for aggregate illiquidity, i.e. with the uncertainty in U.S. equity markets (VIX), with the volatility of the ETF’s benchmark return and during the financial crisis (09/2008-03/2009). As an example, mispricing increased by 7 bps (or 24 % of the Std. Dev. of mispricing) for the average ETF during the crisis. Cross-sectional differences in ETF transaction costs seem to matter even more; the average difference in mispricing between funds in the top and bottom tercile of Amihud’s illiquidity is 7.9 bps (30 % of Std. Dev.). Moreover, these cross-sectional differences are amplified during the financial crisis when the most illiquid ETFs experienced an increase in mispricing by 21 bps (72 % of Std. Dev.). Combined, the arbitrage cost proxies can explain more than 43 % of the variation in the magnitude of mispricing. Mispricing is notoriously difficult to measure and it is not surprising that there is little direct evidence of its existence in prior studies, except for a handful of special cases such as closed-end country funds, dual-listed companies (or “Siamese twins”), index inclusions/exclusions and internet carve-outs and spin-offs (see the survey of Barberis and Thaler, 2003). Moreover, in all of these cases fundamental risk may still remain as arbitrageurs cannot fully hedge their portfolio due to a lack of perfect substitutes. My contribution is to remedy this deficiency in the literature by investigating ETFs, where mispricing is directly observable as the difference between the ETF market price and the fundamental NAV price, recorded synchronously at the end of each trading day. The U.S. ETF market can also be considered representative of the broader financial market based on: 1) its size ($1.2 trillion in total assets, out of which $632.5 billion in domestic U.S. equity 2 in September 2012), 2) its share of U.S. equity dollar trading volume (roughly 30 % in 20122) and disturbingly also because 3) ETFs have been shown to increase the volatility of the underlying assets and to propagate liquidity shocks to the underlying assets (Ben- David, Franzoni and Moussawi (2012); Shum et al. (2013)) . To examine whether ETF returns comove excessively with each other, I begin by constructing excess ETF returns, defined as the difference between the ETF and the fundamental (NAV) returns. I then estimate a regression of excess ETF returns on the equally-weighted excess return of other ETFs with similar investment styles, and use the regression beta as my measure of excess comovement. The information diffusion view predicts excess comovements among the returns of ETFs with the highest liquidity differential vis-à-vis the underlying portfolio. Small-cap ETFs fit this description, while large-cap ETFs are not expected to have any significant liquidity improvement since the underlying securities are among the most liquid in the world. In contrast, the correlated investor demand view predicts excess comovement among ETF returns in similar investment styles. My results can differentiate between these two hypotheses; I find strong comovement patterns among both small- and large-cap ETFs, and limited comovement across categories. The economic magnitudes are also considerable. To illustrate, a 1 Std. Dev. increase in the equally-weighted excess return of own category ETF returns is, on average, associated with an increase in excess ETF returns by 8.5 bps (or 32 % of Std. Dev.) and 12.9 bps (or 59 % of Std. Dev.) for large- and small-cap ETFs respectively. After controlling for size-related excess comovement, I also find that the returns of value and growth focused ETFs covary excessively with each other. Similarly, ETFs with high and low liquidity seem to comove more strongly with other ETFs in their respective categories compared with the benchmark group of medium liquidity funds. This pattern also appears to be unrelated to either size, or value-growth related comovement. These results, along with the stability of excess comovements across return horizons, favor the correlated investor demand view of excess comovement. 2 Financial Times on January 8th, 2013 3 In the existing literature, researchers are not in agreement on whether the asset pricing anomalies related to size or value-growth are the result of fundamental risk (e.g. the value premium is related to relative distress; Fama and French, 1993, 1994 and 1996) or unmodeled irrational behavior (as argued by Barberis and Thaler, 2003). Brav, Heaton, Li (2010) make an attempt to explain the factor premiums related to size and value-growth by arbitrage costs (as proxied by idiosyncratic volatility), but the results are mixed suggesting that limits to arbitrage may only provide a partial explanation for the survival of these factor premiums. Even if some of the common variation in size or value-growth stocks is related to fundamental risk, that is not a concern here as I have a direct way to control for variation in fundamentals. My contribution in this regard is to provide direct evidence of excess comovement in the returns of ETFs grouped by similar styles. Style investing can lead to excess comovements in security returns. Barberis and Shelifer (2003) present a model where investors, to simplify decision making, first group assets into categories, and then allocate funds at the level of the category as opposed to at the individual asset level. If some of these category investors are also noise traders with correlated sentiment, and if their trading can impact prices, then as these investors move from one category to another based on past relative performance, their coordinated demand will induce a common factor in the returns of assets in the same category. The tendency to engage in category-based investing can result from an individual’s need to categorize for the purpose of developing compact representations (or mental models) of the complex environment in which she is in (Mullainathan, 2002). An alternative interpretation of the style investing model is given by Barberis, Shleifer and Wurgler (2005), where investors have preferred habitats leading them to trade only a subset of all the available securities. When these investors’ risk aversion, sentiment or liquidity needs change, they will adjust their exposure to the securities in their habitat, which will induce a common factor in the returns of these securities. The strong demand for investment categories is evident from the large number of mutual funds, ETFs and hedge funds that follow distinct styles such as growth, value, and small-cap, and which are used by both individual and institutional investors (see e.g. Brown and Goetzmann (1997), Fung and Hsieh (1997), and Chan, Chen, and Lakonishok (2002)). 4 Cooper, Gulen and Rau (2005) find that mutual funds take advantage of current “hot” investment styles by renaming their fund to match the current hot style. These funds subsequently experience abnormal inflows with no improvement in performance. This hold even for cosmetic name changes, i.e. where the holdings of the fund do not change. Consistent with the intuition that common variation in stock returns can be explained by correlated investor demand, there is growing empirical evidence suggesting that comovement in asset returns is related to the trading patterns of groups of investors. Kumar (2009) show how individual investors systematically shift their preferences across extreme style portfolios (small vs. large, value vs. growth) in response to past style returns, earnings differentials and advice from investment newsletters, while these shifts are found to be unaffected by innovations in macroeconomic fundamentals or changes in security specific expectations about cash-flows. Froot and Teo (2009) find evidence of style investing among institutional investors, whose reallocations across style groupings are found to be more intense than across random groupings of stocks. Moreover, they also find that own (distant) category inflows and returns predict future category returns positively (negatively) consistent with Barberis and Shleifer (2003). One important implication of too much short- run comovement in stock returns is that comovements must become negative at intermediate horizons so that, in the long run, prices reflect fundamentals. Consistent with this prediction, Greenwood (2008) constructs a simple trading strategy that bets on the reversion of the prices of over-weighted Nikkei 225 stocks that comove too much in the short-run and finds this trading strategy to yield significant risk-adjusted profits. Finally, Boyer (2011) find that economically meaningless value and growth index labels causes stock returns to covary excessively with each other following index reclassifications. The article proceeds as follows. Section 2 gives a brief background on ETFs, their importance and the arbitrage mechanism. Section 3 describes the data and provides a definition of the key variables used in this study. Section 4 describes potential arbitrage costs in the ETF market and examines their importance for mispricing. Section 5 begins with a description of the key hypotheses and concludes with the main empirical findings. Section 6 provides additional robustness checks. Section 7 concludes. 5 2 Background on ETFs and Arbitrage Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are investment vehicles that typically focus on replicating the performance of a pre-specified asset class, industry or geographical area. The first ever ETF, the Toronto Index Participation Unit (TIP) was created on March 9, 1990 in Toronto, though ETFs became popular only after the introduction of the S&P 500 ETF by State Street in 1993. This market has grown tremendously in the past 10 years with ETFs gathering more than $1.2 trillion in assets in the U.S., and $1.8 trillion globally, as of September 2012. This asset class is also capturing a large fraction of the transactions taking place in the financial markets. In the U.S., ETFs and other exchange traded products have been reported to account for roughly 30 % of all trading volume in 2012. Before the proliferation of ETFs, most individual investors were limited to open- or closed-end funds and individual stocks. ETFs are hybrid instruments that combine the best features of both open- and closed-end funds. They combine the creation and redemption process of the former with the continuous tradability of the latter. ETFs have several other important advantages over open- and closed-end funds. Short-selling is often easier and cheaper than for the underlying assets due to the higher liquidity of ETFs, they generally have lower expense ratios than index funds and are considered tax efficient as the in-kind mechanism is a “non-taxable” event3. The main disadvantage of open-end funds is that they can be traded only once a day and they typically also suffer from a cash drag as the fund manager needs to keep some cash in hand for investor redemptions. In contrast, ETFs and closed-end funds can be traded throughout the day and both fund types avoid the cash-drag as investors can exit simply by selling the fund shares on the exchange at the prevailing market price. The main issue with closed-end funds is the lack of a creation or redemption mechanism – the number of shares is fixed, hence excess demand or supply may result in significant price deviations from the NAV. In fact, closed-end funds typically trade at a sizeable premium surrounding the IPO and move to a large discount within 6-months after 3 In case of redemption, the ETF sponsor can minimize taxes by delivering the stocks with the largest embedded capital gains. Vanguard takes this one step further by embedding ETFs as a separate share class in an existing fund family. This allows the fund manager to select the securities with the largest embedded capital gains among all the funds in the same share class. 6 inception (Lee, Shleifer and Thaler, 1993). A unique feature of ETFs compared with other fund types is the “in-kind” share creation/redemption process, an explicit arbitrage mechanism that is designed to ensure efficient pricing. 2.1 The Arbitrage Mechanism In a frictionless economy with rational investors, the market price of an ETF must equal its fundamental value, which is the market value of the underlying portfolio of securities held by the fund on a per-share basis (the NAV). The level of ETF mispricing is defined as the percentage deviation of the ETF price from the NAV: PREM lnETF  – lnNAV  (2.1) i,t t t For simplicity I call this measure a “premium” whether it is positive, or negative. The market price of an ETF may temporarily deviate from the NAV as a result of excess demand or supply. Such price deviations should not persist for long due to the in-kind creation/redemption process. The in-kind process is only available to a select group of investors, typically large institutional investors, who have an agreement with the ETF sponsor. These investors, called Authorized Participants, are allowed to purchase or sell ETF shares in bundles (or “creation units”) directly from the ETF sponsor in exchange for a basket of securities similar in composition to the benchmark index4. The creation process works as follows. During periods of strong demand for an ETF, its market price can be bid up in the market above the NAV. In order to take advantage of this price discrepancy, an Authorized Participant can purchase a portfolio of securities underlying the index, exchange this portfolio for ETF, sell the newly created ETF shares on the secondary market and realize an arbitrage profit that is equal to the difference between the ETF and NAV price, net of any transaction costs. Conversely, when there is strong selling pressure for an ETF, the ETF price can fall below the NAV. Authorized Participants can then purchase existing ETF 4 For some ETFs redemptions occur in cash instead. These cases are mainly limited to some less liquid asset classes, such as international fixed income or commodities. 7 shares (at a discount), redeem them, and sell the securities received from the redemption to realize an arbitrage profit. 3 Data My data selection starts with all U.S. traded Exchange-Traded Funds. I keep funds that 1) invest in domestic (U.S.) equity, 2) have underlying indices that are either equally- or value weighted5, and 3) that have at least three years of data6. This data, along with NAVs and prices for the underlying benchmark, is obtained from Bloomberg. As reported by Petajisto (2011), Bloomberg coverage of ETFs is anywhere from 60 % to 97 % of all ETFs and 90 % to 99 % of all ETF assets. My second source is CRSP, which I use to obtain price and return data for all live and dead funds. The third data source is iShares covering daily NAV data for iShares funds from inception until 12/2012. iShares is the biggest provider of ETFs and it used to account for more than 50 % of all ETFs until 2005, and it generally still accounts for about 50 % of all assets. I prioritize NAV data from iShares over Bloomberg. Finally, I use Morningstar Direct to classify ETFs by market-cap and along the value- growth dimension. I end up with 159 U.S. equity ETFs; 21 small-, 49 mid- and 89 large- cap funds. There are a handful of highly suspicious observations in the CRSP & Bloomberg data that I filter out. First, whenever ETF or NAV returns are more (less) than plus (minus) 20 % with a large reversal the next day, and no similar movement in the underlying benchmark index, I set the both the ETF and NAV returns equal to the return of the underlying index. Second, when mid-point ETF returns are more than 30 % greater than the ETF returns based on the closing price (in absolute value); I set the former equal to the latter. Third, when premiums are greater than 20 %, I set them equal to the previous day’s value. Finally, 5 This criterion is to ensure that the ETFs can be classified as “passive”. Many recent ETFs track underlying indices that are either proprietary, or fundamentally weighted with the goal of achieving superior risk-adjusted returns. These ETFs blur the line between active and passive fund management. 6 I exclude the first 6 months of a funds history since the data can often be unreliable or extreme. For instance, ETFs are highly illiquid when they are first created. Also, due to the low number of shares outstanding and the minimum fixed size of a creation/redemption basket, ETFs can experience dramatic creation/redemption activity early in the funds lifecycle. By excluding the first 6 months of a funds data, I essentially impose a 3.5 year requirement. 8 I winsorize all returns and premiums at seven standard deviations; estimated separately for each ETF. The sample period starts on 31 May 2002 and ends on 31 December 2012. I chose this particular starting date to coincide with the date of a major index revision for all MSCI equity indices. These indices were adjusted to account for free float and the market coverage was extended from 60 % to 85 %. Tracking was more complicated before this index revision because the index was not fully investable as a large fraction of the outstanding shares are typically privately held and not accessible for trading. More importantly, the ETF market has undergone a dramatic expansion in scope and size in the last 10 years and earlier data may not be as representative of current market conditions. 3.1 Definitions of Key Variables The main focus of this paper is on excess comovement in the returns of ETFs. The first step is to filter out the fundamental component of returns. One important advantage of using ETFs is that we don’t need to estimate a Capital Asset Pricing Model. Instead, we can simply analyze “excess” ETF returns, which are defined as follows: ETFe RETF RNAV (2.2) i,t i,t i,t where the first (second) term is the return on the ETF (the NAV). ETF returns are calculated from the bid-ask midpoint (plus dividends) rather than using the returns given in CRSP, as suggested by Engle and Sarkar (2006). As it turns out, this measure of excess returns is equal to the change in mispricing, with the definition being exact on days when the ETF does not pay any dividends7. In order to determine whether comovement between ETF returns are excessive we need to establish that it is the ETF, rather than the NAV leg that is driving the results (see eq. 2.2). Hence we need to decompose the excess ETF return further. 7 ETFs typically pay dividends every quarter or semi-annually. 9

May 20, 2013 that limits to arbitrage may only provide a partial explanation for the . sizeable premium surrounding the IPO and move to a large discount
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