Description:RARE BOOK:
Summary of Overall Table of Contents:
Examination of the Legend of Atlantis, in Reference TO Protohistoric Communication with America
The Story of Prince Henry of Monmouth and Chief Justice Gascoign
The Imperial Policy of Elizabeth. From the State Papers, Foreign and Domestic
The Picts and Pre-Celtic Britain
Extracts from the Memoranda Rolls (L.T.R.) of the Exchequer
The Flight of Louis XVI to Varennes: a Criticism of Carlyle
The Celt in Power: Tudor and Cromwell
The Formation and Decay of Craft Gilds
Co-operative History
Bibliographical Notices
Obituary Notices
Table of Contents for 1st Essay: Examination of the Legend of Atlantis, in Reference TO Protohistoric Communication with America
I. Investigations as to American and other origins.
II. Relations of Central America and Africa.
III. Legend of Atlantis and of the Four Worlds.
IV. Atlantis in the Timaeus.
V. The Description in the Critias.
VI. Other Traditions.
VII. Effect of the Revolution on East and West.
VIII. The Name Atalantis or Atlantis.
IX. Origin and Distribution of the American and other Languages.
All of my uploads are either censored or rare books.