Exact Solutions of Space-time Fractional EW and modified EW equations 6 1 0 2 Alper Korkmaz∗ n a Department of Mathematics, J C¸ankırı Karatekin University, C¸ankırı, TURKEY 6 ] January 7, 2016 I S . n i l n [ Abstract 1 The bright soliton solutions and singular solutions are constructed v 4 forspace-timefractionalEWandmodifiedEWequations. Bothequa- 9 tions are reduced to ordinary differential equations by the use of 2 fractional complex transform and properties of modified Riemann- 1 0 Liouville derivative. Then, implementation of ansatz method the so- 1. lutions are constructed. 0 Keywords: FractionalEWequation,FractionalMEWequation,bright 6 soliton, singular solution. 1 : v i X 1 Introduction r a Several decades ago, more generalized forms of differential equations are de- scribed as fractional differential equations. Various phenomena in many nat- ural and social sciences fields like engineering, geology, economics, meteo- rology, chemistry and physics are modeled by those equations [1,2]. The descriptions of diffusion, diffusive convection, Fokker-Plank type, evolution, and other differential equations are expanded by using fractional derivatives. ∗Corresponding Author: [email protected] 1 2 Some well known fractional partial differential equations (FPDE) in liter- ature can be listed as diffusion equation, nonlinear Schro¨dinger equation, Ginzburg-Landau equation, Landau-Lifshitz, Boussinesq equations, etc. [2]. Even though there exist general methods for solutions of linear partial dif- ferential equations, the class of nonlinear partial differential equations have usually exact solutions. Sometimes it is also possible to obtain soliton-type solitary wave solutions, which behaves like particles, that is, maintains its shape with constant speed and preserves its shape after collision with an- other soliton, for partial differential equations. The famous nonlinear par- tial differential equations having soliton solutions in literature are KdV, and Schro¨dinger equations. Soliton type solutions have great importance in op- tics, fluid dynamics, propagation of surface waves, and many other fields of physics and various engineering branches. The integer ordered form U (x,t)−U(x,t)U (x,t)−U (x,t) = 0 (1) t x xxt was named as the Equal-width Equation (EWE) by Morrison et al. [3] due to having traveling wave solutions containing sech2 function. The EWE has only lowest three polynomial conservation laws and they were determined in the same study. The single traveling wave solutions to the generalized form of the EWE are classified by implementing the complete discrimination system for polynomial [4]. Owing to having analytical solutions, the EWE also attracts many researchers studying numerical techniques for partial dif- ferential equations. So far, various numerical methods covering differential quadrature, Galerkin and meshless methods [5], lumped Galerkin methods based on B-splines [6,7], septic B-spline collocation [8], the method of lines based on meshless kernel [9] have been applied to solve the EWE numerically. Recently, parallel to developments in symbolic computations, lots of new techniques have been proposed to solve nonlinear partial differential equa- tions exactly. Some of those methods covering the first integral method, the sub-equation method, Kudryashov method, and ansatz methods have been appliedforexactsolutionsfornotonlyintegerorderedandbutalsofractional ordered partial differential equations [10–14]. Some recent studies including various methods for exact solutions of fractional partial differential equations in literature can be found in [15–22]. This study aims to generate exact solutions for the space-time fractional equal-width equation (FEWE) and modified fractional equal-width equation 3 (MFEWE) of the forms Dαu(x,t)+(cid:15)Dαu2(x,t)−δD3α u(x,t) = 0 (2) t x xxt and Dαu(x,t)+(cid:15)Dαu3(x,t)−δD3α u(x,t) = 0 (3) t x xxt where(cid:15)andδ arerealparametersandthemodifiedRiemann-Liouvillederiva- tive (MRLD) operator of order α for the continuous function u : R → R defined as 1 x (cid:82) (x−η)−γ−1u(η)dη, γ < 0 Γ(−γ) 0 Dγu(x) = 1 d (cid:82)x (4) x (x−η)−γ[u(η)−u(0)]dη, 0 < γ < 1 Γ(−γ)dx 0 (u(p)(x))(γ−p), p ≤ γ ≤ p+1, p ≥ 1 where the Gamma function is given as p!pγ Γ(γ) = lim (5) p→∞ γ(γ +1)(γ +2)...(γ +p) [23]. 2 The properties of the MRLD and Method- ology of Solution Some properties of the MRLD can be listed as Γ(1+c) Dαxc = x Γ(1+c−α) (6) Dα{aw(x)+bv(x)} = aDα{w(x)}+bDα{v(x)} x x x where a,b are constants and c ∈ R [24]. Consider the nonlinear FPDEs of the general implicit polynomial form F(u,Dαu,Dθu,DαDαu,DαDαu,DαDθu,DθDθu,...) = 0, 0 < α,θ < 1 t x t t t t t x x x (7) 4 where α and θ are orders of the MRLD of the function u = u(x,t). The fractional complex transform k˜xθ c˜tα u(x,t) = U(ξ), ξ = − (8) Γ(1+θ) Γ(1+α) ˜ where k and c˜ are nonzero constants reduces (7) to an integer order differ- ential equation [25]. One should note that the chain rule can be calculated as dU Dαu = σ Dαξ t 1 dξ t (9) dU Dαu = σ Dαξ x 2 dξ x where σ and σ fractional indices [26]. Substitution of fractional complex 1 2 transform (8) into (7) and usage of chain rule defined (9) converts (7) to an ordinary differential equation of the polynomial form dU d2U G(U, , ,...) = 0 (10) dξ dξ2 3 Solutions for fractional EW equation Consider the FEWE equation Dαu(x,t)+(cid:15)Dαu2(x,t)−δD3α u(x,t) = 0 t x xxt (11) t > 0, 0 < α ≤ 1 The use of the transformation (8) reduces the FEWE (11) to −cU(cid:48) +(cid:15)k(U2)(cid:48) +δck2U(cid:48)(cid:48)(cid:48) = 0 (12) ˜ where k = kσ and c = c˜σ 2 1 3.1 Bright soliton solution ˜ Let A, k and c˜be arbitrary constants. Then, assume that k˜xα c˜tα U(ξ) = Asechpξ, ξ = − (13) Γ(1+α) Γ(1+α) 5 solves Eq. (12). Substituting the solution into the equation (12) leads to (−δcpk2A−δcp2k2A)sechp+2ξ +(cid:15)kA2sech2pξ +(δck2p2 −cA)sechpξ = 0 (14) Equating the powers p+2 = 2p gives p = 2. Substituting p = 2 into Eq.(14) reduces it to (cid:0)−6δck2A+(cid:15)kA2(cid:1)sech4ξ +(cid:0)4δck2A−cA(cid:1)sech2ξ = 0 (15) and solving Eq.(15) for nonzero sech4ξ and sech2ξ gives √ δ A = ∓3c (cid:15) (16) (cid:114) 1 1 k = ∓ 2 δ Thus the bright soliton solution is formed as (cid:32) (cid:33) k˜xα c˜tα u(x,t) = Asech2 − (17) Γ(1+α) Γ(1+α) where A is given in (16). The simulations of motion of bright solitons for various values of α are demonstrated in Fig(1(a)-1(d)) for δ = 1, (cid:15) = 3 and c = 1. 3.2 Singular Solution Let k˜xα c˜tα U(ξ) = Acschpξ, ξ = − (18) Γ(1+α) Γ(1+α) ˜ be a solution for the equation (12) with A, k and c˜arbitrary constants. Since the solution has to satisfy the equation (12), substituting it into the equation gives (cid:0)δpck2A+δp2ck2A(cid:1)cschp+2ξ +(cid:0)δp2ck2A−Ac(cid:1)cschpξ +(cid:15)kA2csch2pξ = 0 (19) Choosing p+2 = 2p gives p = 2 and reduces (19) to (cid:0)6δck2A+(cid:15)kA2(cid:1)csch4ξ +(cid:0)4δck2A−Ac(cid:1)csch2ξ = 0 (20) 6 (a) α=0.25 (b) α=0.50 (c) α=0.75 (d) α=1.00 Figure 1: Bright soliton solutions of FEWE for various values of α 7 Solution of (20) for nonzero csch function give √ 3c δ A = ± (cid:15) (21) (cid:114) 1 1 k = ± 2 δ Thus the singular solution of Eq.(12) becomes k˜xα c˜tα U(ξ) = Acschp − (22) Γ(1+α) Γ(1+α) where A and k are given (21). The singular solution simulations for various α values and (cid:15) = 3, δ = c = 1 are plotted in Fig.(2(a)-2(d)). 4 Solutions for fractional modified EW equa- tion Consider space-time fractional modified equally width equation of the form Dαu(x,t)+(cid:15)Dαu3(x,t)−δD3α u(x,t) = 0 (23) t x xxt The use of the transformation (8) converts the MFEWE (23) to −cU(cid:48) +(cid:15)k(U3)(cid:48) +δck2U(cid:48)(cid:48)(cid:48) = 0 (24) ˜ where k = kσ and c = c˜σ . 2 1 4.1 Bright Soliton Solution Assume that the FMEWE (23) has a solution of the form (13). Substitution of (13) into the FMEWE (23) generates the equation (cid:0)−δcAk2p−δck2Ap2(cid:1)sechp+2ξ+(cid:0)δcAk2p2 −cA(cid:1)sechpξ+(cid:15)kA3sech3pξ = 0 (25) Equating the powers p + 2 = 3p gives p = 1. Substituting p = 1 into (25) and rearrangement gives the equation (cid:0)(cid:15)kA3 −2δck2A(cid:1)sech3ξ +(cid:0)δck2A−cA(cid:1)sechξ = 0 (26) 8 (a) α=0.25 (b) α=0.50 (c) α=0.75 (d) α=1.00 Figure 2: Singular solutions of FEWE for various values of α 9 Solving the coefficients of (26) for A and k under the assumption sechξ (cid:54)= 0 gives (cid:115) √ √ c δ A = ± 2 ± (cid:15) (27) 1 k = ±√ δ Thus, the bright soliton solution for the FMEWE is constructed as (cid:32) (cid:33) k˜xα c˜tα u(x,t) = Asech − (28) Γ(1+α) Γ(1+α) where A is given as above. The simulations of bright solitons are depicted for various α values in Fig(3(a)-3(d)). 4.2 Singular Solution Assume that k˜xα c˜tα U(ξ) = Acschpξ, ξ = − (29) Γ(1+α) Γ(1+α) ˜ is a solution for the equation (24) with A, k and c˜arbitrary constants. Sub- stitution of the solution (29) into the equation (24) gives (cid:0)δck2Ap+δck2Ap2(cid:1)cschp+2ξ +(cid:0)δck2Ap2 −cA(cid:1)cschpξ +(cid:15)kA3csch3pξ = 0 (30) Choice of p = 1 gives (cid:0)A3(cid:15)k +2Acδk2(cid:1)csch3ξ +(cid:0)Acδk2 −Ac(cid:1)cschξ = 0 (31) Solving the equation for nonzero cschξ gives (cid:115) √ c δ A = ± ±2 (cid:15) (32) 1 k = ±√ δ 10 (a) α=0.25 (b) α=0.50 (c) α=0.75 (d) α=1.00 Figure 3: Bright soliton solutions of MFEWE for various values of α