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Exact solutions of Einstein's field equations PDF

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Exact Solutions of Einstein’s Field Equations Arevisededitionofthenowclassictext,Exact Solutions of Einstein’s Field Equations gives a unique survey of the known solutions of Einstein’s field equations for vacuum, Einstein–Maxwell,pureradiationandperfectfluidsources.Itstartsbyintroducingthe foundations of differential geometry and Riemannian geometry and the methods used tocharacterize,findorconstructsolutions.Thesolutionsarethenconsidered,ordered by their symmetry group, their algebraic structure (Petrov type) or other invariant properties such as special subspaces or tensor fields and embedding properties. Thiseditionhasbeenexpandedandupdatedtoincludethenewdevelopmentsinthe fieldsincethepublicationofthefirstedition.Itcontainsfivecompletelynewchapters, coveringtopicssuchasgenerationmethodsandtheirapplication,collidingwaves,clas- sification of metrics by invariants and inhomogeneous cosmologies. It is an important source and guide for graduates and researchers in relativity, theoretical physics, astro- physicsandmathematics.Partsofthebookcanalsobeusedforpreparinglecturesand as an introductory text on some mathematical aspects of general relativity. hans stephani gained his Diploma, Ph.D. and Habilitation at the Friedrich- Schiller-Universit¨at Jena. He became Professor of Theoretical Physics in 1992, before retiring in 2000. He has been lecturing in theoretical physics since 1964 and has pub- lished numerous papers and articles on relativity and optics. He is also the author of four books. dietrich kramer is Professor of Theoretical Physics at the Friedrich-Schiller- Universit¨at Jena. He graduated from this university, where he also finished his Ph.D. (1966) and habilitation (1970). His current research concerns classical relativity. The majority of his publications are devoted to exact solutions in general relativity. malcolm maccallum is Professor of Applied Mathematics at the School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London, where he is also Vice- Principal for Science and Engineering. He graduated from Kings College, Cambridge and went on to complete his M.A. and Ph.D. there. His research covers general rela- tivityandcomputeralgebra,especiallytensormanipulatorsanddifferentialequations. He has published over 100 papers, review articles and books. cornelius hoenselaers gained his Diploma at Technische Universit¨at Karlsruhe,hisD.Sc.atHiroshimaDaigakuandhisHabilitationatLudwig-Maximilian Universit¨at Mu¨nchen. He is Reader in Relativity Theory at Loughborough University. He has specialized in exact solutions in general relativity and other non-linear par- tialdifferentialequations,andpublishedalargenumberofpapers,reviewarticlesand books. eduard herlt iswissenschaftlicherMitarbeiterattheTheoretischPhysikalisches Institut der Friedrich-Schiller-Universit¨at Jena. Having studied physics as an under- graduate at Jena, he went on to complete his Ph.D. there as well as his Habilitation. He has had numerous publications including one previous book. CAMBRIDGE MONOGRAPHS ON MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS General editors: P. V. Landshoff, D. R. Nelson, S. Weinberg J.Ambjo/rn,B.DurhuusandT.JonssonQuantumGeometry:AStatisticalFieldTheoryApproach A.M.AnileRelativisticFluidsandMagneto-Fluids J.A.deAzc`arrageandJ.M.IzquierdoLieGroups,LieAlgebras,CohomologyandSome ApplicationsinPhysics† V.BelinkskiandE.VendaguerGravitationalSolitons J.BernsteinKinetictheoryintheEarlyUniverse G.F.BertshandR.A.BrogliaOscillationsinFiniteQuantumSystems N.D.BirrellandP.C.W.DaviesQuantumFieldsinCurvedSpace† M.BurgessClassicalCovanintFields S.CarlipQuantumGravityin2+1Dimensions J.C.CollinsRenormalization† M.CreutzQuarks,GluonsandLattices† P.D.D’EathSupersymmetricsQuantumCosmology F.deFeliceandC.J.SClarkeRelativityonCurvedManifolds† P.G.O.FreundIntroductiontoSupersymmetry† J.FuchsAffineLieAlgebrasandQuantumGroups† J.FuchsandC.SchweigertSymmetries,LieAlgebrasandRepresentations:AGraduateCourse forPhysicists† A.S.Galperin,E.A.Ivanov,V.I.OrievetskyandE.S.SokatchevHarmonicSuperspace R.GambiniandJ.PullinLoops,Knots,GaugeTheoriesandQuantumGravity† M.G¨ockelerandT.Schu¨ckerDifferentialGeometry,GaugeTheoriesandGravity† C.G`omez,M.RuizAltabaandG.SierraQuantumGroupsinTwo-dimensionalPhysics† M.B.Green,J.H.SchwarzandE.WittenSuperstringTheory,volume2:LoopAmplitudes, AnomaliesandPhenonmenology† S.W.HawkingandG.F.R.EllisTheLarge-ScaleStructureofSpace-Time† F.IachelloandA.ArunaTheInteractingBosonModel F.IachelloandP.vanIsackerTheInteractingBoson-FermionModel C.ItzyksonandJ.-M.DrouffeStatisticalFieldTheory,volume1:FromBrownianMotionto RenormalizationandLatticeGaugeTheory† C.ItzyksonandJ.-M.DrouffeStatisticalFieldTheory,volume2:StrongCoupling,MonteCarlo Methods,ConformalFieldTheory,andRandomSystems† C.V.JohnsonD-Branes J.I.KapustaFinite-TemperatureFieldTheory† V.E.Korepin,A.G.IzerginandN.M.BoguliubovTheQuantumInverseScatteringMethodand CorrelationFunctions† M.LeBellacThemalFieldTheory† Y.MakeenkoMethodsofContemporaryGaugeTheory N.H.MarchLiquidMetals:ConceptsandTheory I.M.MontvayandG.Mu¨nsterQuantumFieldsonaLattice† A.OzoriodeAlmeidaHamiltonianSystems:ChaosandQuantization† R.PenroseandW.RindlerSpinorsandSpace-Time,volume1:Two-SpinorCalculusand RelativisticFields† R.PenroseandW.RindlerSpinorsandSpace-Time,volume2:SpinorandTwistorMethodsin Space-TimeGeometry† S.PokorskiGaugeFieldTheories,2ndedition J.PolchinskiStringTheory,volume1:AnIntroductiontotheBosonicString J.PolchinskiStringTheory,volume2:SuperstringTheoryandBeyond V.N.PopovFunctionalIntegralsandCollectiveExcitations† R.G.RobertsTheStructureoftheProton† H.Stephani,D.Kramer,M.A.H.Mac˙Callum,C.HoenselaersandE.HerltExactSolutionsof Einstein’sFieldEquations,Secondedition J.M.StewartAdvancedGeneralRelativity† A.VilenkinandE.P.S.ShellardCosmicStringsandOtherTopologicalDefects† R.S.WardandR.O.WellsJrTwistorGeometryandFieldTheories† †Issuedasapaperback Exact Solutions of Einstein’s Field Equations Second Edition HANS STEPHANI Friedrich-Schiller-Universit¨at, Jena DIETRICH KRAMER Friedrich-Schiller-Universit¨at, Jena MALCOLM MACCALLUM Queen Mary, University of London CORNELIUS HOENSELAERS Loughborough University EDUARD HERLT Friedrich-Schiller-Universit¨at, Jena    Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge  , United Kingdom Published in the United States by Cambridge University Press, New York www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521461368 © H. Stephani, D. Kramer, M. A. H. MacCallum, C. Hoenselaers, E. Herlt 2003 This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published in print format 2003 ISBN-13 978-0-511-06548-4 eBook (NetLibrary) ISBN-10 0-511-06548-5 eBook (NetLibrary) ISBN-13 978-0-521-46136-8 hardback ISBN-10 0-521-46136-7 hardback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of s for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this book, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Contents Preface xix List of tables xxiii Notation xxvii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 What are exact solutions, and why study them? 1 1.2 The development of the subject 3 1.3 The contents and arrangement of this book 4 1.4 Using this book as a catalogue 7 Part I: General methods 9 2 Differential geometry without a metric 9 2.1 Introduction 9 2.2 Differentiable manifolds 10 2.3 Tangent vectors 12 2.4 One-forms 13 2.5 Tensors 15 2.6 Exterior products and p-forms 17 2.7 The exterior derivative 18 2.8 The Lie derivative 21 2.9 The covariant derivative 23 2.10 The curvature tensor 25 2.11 Fibre bundles 27 vii viii Contents 3 Some topics in Riemannian geometry 30 3.1 Introduction 30 3.2 The metric tensor and tetrads 30 3.3 Calculation of curvature from the metric 34 3.4 Bivectors 35 3.5 Decomposition of the curvature tensor 37 3.6 Spinors 40 3.7 Conformal transformations 43 3.8 Discontinuities and junction conditions 45 4 The Petrov classification 48 4.1 The eigenvalue problem 48 4.2 The Petrov types 49 4.3 Principal null directions and determination of the Petrov types 53 5 Classification of the Ricci tensor and the energy-momentum tensor 57 5.1 The algebraic types of the Ricci tensor 57 5.2 The energy-momentum tensor 60 5.3 The energy conditions 63 5.4 The Rainich conditions 64 5.5 Perfect fluids 65 6 Vector fields 68 6.1 Vector fields and their invariant classification 68 6.1.1 Timelike unit vector fields 70 6.1.2 Geodesic null vector fields 70 6.2 Vector fields and the curvature tensor 72 6.2.1 Timelike unit vector fields 72 6.2.2 Null vector fields 74 7 The Newman–Penrose and related formalisms 75 7.1 The spin coefficients and their transformation laws 75 7.2 The Ricci equations 78 7.3 The Bianchi identities 81 7.4 The GHP calculus 84 7.5 Geodesic null congruences 86 7.6 The Goldberg–Sachs theorem and its generalizations 87 Contents ix 8 Continuous groups of transformations; isometry and homothety groups 91 8.1 Lie groups and Lie algebras 91 8.2 Enumeration of distinct group structures 95 8.3 Transformation groups 97 8.4 Groups of motions 98 8.5 Spaces of constant curvature 101 8.6 Orbits of isometry groups 104 8.6.1 Simply-transitive groups 105 8.6.2 Multiply-transitive groups 106 8.7 Homothety groups 110 9 Invariants and the characterization of geometries 112 9.1 Scalar invariants and covariants 113 9.2 The Cartan equivalence method for space-times 116 9.3 Calculating the Cartan scalars 120 9.3.1 Determination of the Petrov and Segre types 120 9.3.2 The remaining steps 124 9.4 Extensions and applications of the Cartan method 125 9.5 Limits of families of space-times 126 10 Generation techniques 129 10.1 Introduction 129 10.2 Lie symmetries of Einstein’s equations 129 10.2.1 Point transformations and their generators 129 10.2.2 How to find the Lie point symmetries of a given differential equation 131 10.2.3 How to use Lie point symmetries: similarity reduction 132 10.3 Symmetries more general than Lie symmetries 134 10.3.1 Contact and Lie–Ba¨cklund symmetries 134 10.3.2 Generalized and potential symmetries 134 10.4 Prolongation 137 10.4.1 Integral manifolds of differential forms 137 10.4.2 Isovectors, similarity solutions and conservation laws 140 10.4.3 Prolongation structures 141 10.5 Solutions of the linearized equations 145 10.6 B¨acklund transformations 146 10.7 Riemann–Hilbert problems 148 10.8 Harmonic maps 148 10.9 Variational Ba¨cklund transformations 151 10.10 Hirota’s method 152

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