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Exact solution of the one-dimensional deterministic Fixed-Energy Sandpile PDF

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Exact solution of the one-dimensional deterministic Fixed-Energy Sandpile Luca Dall’Asta Laboratoire de Physique Th´eorique (UMR du CNRS 8627) - Bˆatiment 210, Universit´e de Paris-Sud, 91405 ORSAY Cedex (France) 6 Inreasonofthestronglynon-ergodicdynamicalbehavior,universalitypropertiesofdeterministic 0 Fixed-Energy Sandpiles are still an open and debated issue. We investigate the one-dimensional 0 model,whosemicroscopical dynamicscanbesolvedexactly,andprovideadeeperunderstandingof 2 the origin of the non-ergodicity. By means of exact arguments, we prove the occurrence of orbits n of well-defined periods and their dependence on the conserved energy density. Further statistical a estimates of the size of the attraction’s basins of the different periodic orbits lead to a complete J characterization oftheactivityvs. energy densityphasediagram in thelimit oflarge system’ssize. 2 1 Sandpile models have been introduced by Bak, Tang gin for non-ergodicity in BTW FESs elucidates the re- ] h and Wiesenfeld (BTW) as simple non-equilibrium sys- lation, already suggested in Ref.[10], with mode-locking c tems exhibiting self-organized criticality (SOC), a con- phenomena in non-linear automata, i.e. when the sys- e cept that provided the theoretical framework for the tem’s dynamics blocks into orbits of fixed periodicity m studyofalargenumberofnaturalphenomenawhosedy- even though some external parameter (e.g. the energy) - namics self-organizes into a critical state in which long- is continuously changed in a given interval (see, for in- t a rangecorrelationsandscalinglawscanbedetected[1,2]. stance, Ref.[13] and references therein). t s More recently, the occurrence of SOC has been related Let us consider a ring of N sites, each one endowed . at tothepresenceofunderlyingabsorbingstatephasetran- with an energy zi, assuming non negative integer val- sitions (APT) governing the critical behavior of the sys- ues. Whenever the energy ofa site equals or exceeds the m tem [3]. The relationship between sandpiles and non- threshold value zth =2, the site becomes active and un- - d equilibriumAPTsisemphasizedbyaclassofmodelswith dergoes a toppling event, i.e. it looses 2 units of energy, n locally conserved dynamics, the Fixed-Energy Sandpiles thatareequallyredistributedamongits2neighbors. On o (FES) [4]. Finite size scaling techniques led to the com- the contrary, if z < 2, the site i is stable. The system i c pletecharacterizationoftheuniversalityclassfordriven- evolveswithparalleldynamics,thereforethe update rule [ dissipativesandpilemodels withstochasticdynamics[5], can be written as follows: 1 but failed in determining the critical properties of the v deterministic BTW model, that have been partially re- z (t+1)=z (t)−2θ[z (t)−2]+ θ[z (t)−2] (1) 7 i i i X j 6 covered by means of multiscaling analysis [6]. Stochas- j∈Vi 2 tic FESs seem to belong to a different universality class 1 with respect to directed percolation [4, 7, 8, 9], while for i = 1,2,...,N, where θ(x) = 1(0) if x ≥ 0 (x < 0) 0 thedeterministicBTWdynamicsshowsverystrongnon- and Vi is the neighborhood of the site i. When the total 06 ergodiceffects,thatcannotbeunderstoodusingapurely energy E = Pizi is sufficiently large, the conservation statisticalmechanicsapproach[7, 10]. Indissipativesys- imposed by periodic boundary conditions prevents the / t tems,thenon-ergodicityoftheBTWruleisrelatedtothe system to relax in a configurationcomposedof allstable a m existence of recurrent configurations and to the abelian sites (absorbing state). Since the configuration space is group structure of the configuration space uncovered by finiteandthedynamicsisdeterministic,afteratransient, - d Dhar [11], and emerges when the process of grains addi- the system enters a periodic orbit (steady active state). n tion and dissipation is not completely random. In such We will conventionally assume sites to have energy be- o cases,theconfigurationspacebreaksintoseparedregions tween 0 and 3 (relaxing this condition does not modify c : in which the dynamics is governed by cyclic groups and the physical properties of the system), initial configu- v turns out to be periodic [12]. In the limit of zero dis- rations being any possible sequence of N symbols ran- i X sipation and addition, the group structure breaks down, domly chosen in the alphabet {0,1,2,3}. In addition r but the system becomes similar to a FES, in which the to the invariance under the action of the finite group a non-ergodic behavior is recovered as the result of a self- of cyclic permutations and reflections on the ring, the sustainedactivitythateventuallyentersaperiodicorbit. system admits another internal symmetry: the configu- rationsaredynamicallyequivalentunderthetransforma- In this Letter, we reportthe exactsolutionofthe one- tion zi →z′i = 3−zi. This means that the whole orbit dimensional deterministic Fixed-Energy Sandpile (1d- tracedstarting froma configurationZ′ ={z′i} is known DFES),providinganexhaustivedescriptionofthemicro- if we know that traced by the configuration Z = {zi}, scopic dynamics and its steady states, and determining and the two limit cycles have the same period. the system’s macroscopic behavior in the limit of large In the mean-field description [4, 7], the critical behav- size. Moreover, our explanation of the microscopic ori- ior of the system around the absorbing-active transition 2 1 variable that assumes value 1 (0) if the site i is active 20 A) B) 0.8 (stable) at the time t. The sequence of all these binary 15 0.6 values forms the activity vector S ={s (t)|t∈supp(O)} i i ρ0.4 T10 of a site i. Moreover, a set [t,t+p−1] ⊆ supp(O) is a 0.2 5 maximal active set of length p ≥ 1 if si(t+r) = 1 for r =0,1,...,p and s(t−1)=s(t+p+1)=0. Similarly, 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 ζ ζ a set [t,t+q−1] ⊆ supp(O) is a maximal stable set of lengthq ≥1ifs(t−1)=s(t+q+1)=1ands (t+r)=0 i FIG. 1: The activity diagram ρ(ζ) (A) and the behavior of for r =0,1,...,q. the period T as function of the energy density ζ (B) for a Accordingto Lemma1 ofRef.[15],the followingstate- 1d-DFES of size N =20. Figures display all results, without ment holds on a generic graph: if [s−k,s]⊆supp(O) is averaging,obtainedstartingfrom100randomlychoseninitial amaximalactive(stable)setforasitei,thenthereexists configurations at each energy value. a neighbor j of i such that [s−k−1,s−1] ⊆ supp(O) is a maximal active (stable) set for j. We call V (W) the maximum number of consecutive 1’s (0’s) in all the pointisdeducedstudyingtheactivity phase diagram,the activity vectors along the period, i.e. the length p (q) of plot of the activity ρ = 1 θ(z −2) (the density of N Pi i thelargestmaximalactive(stable)setoverallsites. The active sites) vs. the energy density ζ = E/N. The sym- analysis can be restricted to 0 < V < T (0 < W < T), metry of the problem allows to restrict the analysis of the cases V = 0 (W = T) and V = T (W = 0) corre- the 1d-DFES to the energy density rangeζ ∈[0,3/2](or sponding to fixed point configurations in which all sites in ζ ∈[3/2,3]). are active (stable) [15]. Moreover, because of the inter- Numericalresults show that largesystems convergeto nal symmetry with respect to ζ = 3/2, W’s properties periodic orbits of well-defined periods T in the whole in the interval ζ ∈ [0,3/2] are equivalent to those of V range of the energy density. Fig. 1 reports the diagrams in the interval ζ ∈ [3/2,3]. As a consequence, we limit ρ(ζ) and T(ζ) for a system of size N = 20 and 100 ran- our study to W and corresponding maximal stable sets dom initial conditions. To emphasize the non-ergodicity, in the energy range ζ ∈[0,3/2]. the results of all runs are displayed, without comput- Twocases,W =1andW >1,shouldbedistinguished. ing any average. In particular, for ζ < 1 the system If W = 1, the activity vectors of all sites in the system converges to a completely frozen configuration (period are 2-periodic. Suppose, indeed, that a site i topples at T =1) with no active sites, while in the range1<ζ <2 a time t together with m < 2 of its neighbors: at the only orbits ofperiod T =2 areobserved. As imposed by following time step t+1 the site i does not topple, but symmetries, ζ > 2 corresponds to fixed-point configura- the remaining2−m neighborstopple. Thus,having lost tions with all sites active. At the critical points ζ =1,2, 2−menergyunitsduringtheupdateattimetandgained orbits of period N seem to be statistically dominant for the same quantity at the following time step, the value large systems, but other periods (e.g. T = 1,2) are ob- ofsiteihasperiod2. Thisargumentholdsforallsitesin served with lower frequency. theperiodicstate(W =1forallsites),thatconsequently The reasons for such a particular phase-diagram can has global period T =2. be understood exploiting a result obtained in the math- In order to study the case W >1, suppose the largest ematical literature, in which BTW sandpiles have been maximal stable set [t,t+W −1] is at a site i . For the 0 studied on generic graphs with the name of parallelchip above Lemma there is a neighbor i of i whose largest 1 0 firing games (CFG) [14]. When the underlying graph maximalstablesetis[t−1,t+W−2]. Inturn,sitei has 1 is undirected, with neither sinks nor sources, the CFG aneighborwithlargestmaximalstableset[t−2,t+W− conserves the total energy. To our knowledge, the only 3]. However, W > 1 imposes that i 6= i , because the 2 0 result determining the properties of the periodic orbits Lemma implies s (t−1) = 0 while from the definition i2 of CFGs has been proved by Bitar and Goles [15] in the ofmaximalstable setwe needs (t−1)=1. Proceeding i0 case of trees. Their theorem states that on a tree the step by step along the ring in the same direction, we steady states of the BTW dynamics are fixed points or reach the site i = i , whose maximal stable set is [t− N 0 cycles of period two. If the graph contains some loops, N,t+W−N−1]. Thepropertiesofthesystemini (and 0 the theorem does not hold. in every other site) at time t−N result to be the same Notwithstanding, the method used in Ref.[15] can be as that at time t, thus we can conclude that during this exploitedtostudythe1d-DFES.Letusconsiderasystem process,thesystemperformsoneormoreperiodiccycles in a periodic steady state at a time t , and a temporal andreturns in the startingconfigurationafter exactlyN 0 windowP =[t ,t +T−1]thatcorrespondstothefirst temporal steps. In other words, for W > 1 (V > 1) the t0 0 0 periodfromt . IfthesystementeredtheperiodicorbitO period T divides N. 0 attimet ,thewholetemporalsupport[t ,∞)ofOwill The rest of this Letter provides a deeper insight into in in be indicated with supp(O). We define s (t) as a binary thestructureoftheperiodicorbitsusingasimplemethod i 3 sites i and i−1 do not topple at time t+W −2 = t, buti+1topples,providingioftheuniqueunitofenergy that we find at time t+W −1=t+1. Hence, z (t)=0, i from which follows that z (t−1)=2. i In the case W > 2, the same arguments show that z (t+W −2) = 1 (none of the neighbors provides any i grain). If we go backward along the maximal comple- mentary set, a site i assumes value 1 up to a time t+1, thenz (t)=0(oneofitsneighborstopplesatthattime). i In summary, during the time interval [t−1,t+W] with W > 1, the site under study assumes a well-determined sequence of values 2011...12 with exactly W −1 values equal to 1. Fig. 2 shows the existing relation between the values assumed by a site during these temporal intervals and FIG. 2: Graphical sketch of the method used to find out the structure of periodic configurations. The case W =2 is con- those admitted in the spatial arrangement of the corre- sidered. Topfigureshowsthecorrespondencebetweenthebi- sponding periodic configurations. If the maximal stable naryrepresentation ofthespatio-temporal dynamicsand the setoflengthW foristartsattimet,theuniquenessofthe evolution oftherealconfiguration. Anexampleof theproce- previousconstructionallowstocompletelydeterminethe dure used to recover the real values assumed by a given site spatialblock{z (t+W−1)z (t+W−1)...z (t+W− i−1 i i+W during the period is reported in the bottom series of draws. 1)}thatwillbeoftheform{211...102}withW−1sites Site values can be univocally determined in W +1 steps. At at 1. Applying a spatio-temporaltranslationto our con- each step, thevalueof thesite at a certain time is computed struction, the spatial block {z (t)...z (t)z (t)} = from a number of constraints on its (spatio-temporal) neigh- i−W i i+1 bors. {211...102} is determined as well. The remaining structure of the configuration at time t can be studied with a similar technique, provided that that is sketched in Fig. 2 for W = 2. Suppose that the weerasethespatialblock{z (t)...z (t)}andconsider i−W i interval[t,t+W −1]of length0<W <N is the largest a reduced system composed of N −W −1 sites. Since maximal stable set for a site i, then si(t + s) = 0 for the role of the erased block was actually only that of s=0,...,W−1,butalsosi(t−1)=1andsi(t+W)=1. transporting an activity ‘soliton’ from the site i−W to Inaddition,si−1(t−1+r)=0forr =0,...,W−1,with the site i+1, this operationdoes not alter the dynamics si−1(t−2) = 1 and si−1(t+W −1) = 1; and similarly that maintains a periodic behavior. After the reduction, si+1(t+1+r)=0for r=0,...,W−1,with si+1(t)=1 the above methods are applied on the system, with in and si+1(t+W +1) = 1. These binary values can be principle a largest maximal stable set of different length drawn on a spatio-temporal grid as in Fig. 2. In order W′ ≤ W. At the end of this process, the system (at to determine the real values assumed by i in the interval a time t in the periodic regime) will be decomposed in [t,t +W − 1], we need to discute separately the cases blocks of decreasinglength (from W +1 to 2) and struc- W =1, W =2 and W >2. ture of the type 211...0. The only allowed blocks of The case W =1 is simpler because all maximal stable length 2 are those of the form 20. The fronts direction setshavelength1,thussi(t)=0impliesthatatleastone ofmotionisdeterminedbytheinitialconditions,butthe ofthetwoneighborsisactive. Drawingaspatio-temporal dynamics is invariant under spatial reflections. Hence, grid as in Fig. 2, it follows that spatial configurations the analysis can be applied to a system that evolves in can be composed of all possible combinations of two-site the opposite spatial direction to that considered here, blocks of the type 20, 21, 30 and 31 (and those with producing periodic configurations of the same structure opposite order 02, 12, 03 and 13). Note that the set of butinversespatialorder. Moreover,theanalysisofmax- all possible combinations of these blocks completely fills imal active sets for 0<V <N leads to identical results the energy interval ζ ∈ [1,2] of 2-periodic orbits; while (in the range 3/2 ≤ ζ ≤ 3) with spatial blocks of the at the energy density ζ = 1 (ζ = 2), the configurations type 122...31 (and 13...221) instead of 211...02 (and of the unique 2-periodic orbit are Z ={...202020...} 20...112). 20 and Z02 = {...020202...} (Z31 = {...313131...} and We have proved by construction that the case W > 1 Z13 ={...131313...}). (V > 1) corresponds exactly to systems with an energy When W > 1 (see Fig. 2), the site i does not topple density ζ = 1 (ζ = 2). For all other values of ζ, only at time t+W −1 but it has to topple at time t+W, periodsoflength1and2areallowed. Intheregionζ <1 after having received a single energy unit (from the site (andζ >2)thelimitcyclesarefixedpointconfigurations i−1) at time t+W −1, then z (t+W −1) = 1 and, withallstable(active)sites,butintheinterval1<ζ <2 i consequently,z (t+W)=2. Inparticular,ifW =2,the fixed points are forbidden and W = 1. Then, in this i 4 108 µ ∝ξN, ξ ≈ 3.25 1012 Ω∝αN, α≈ 3.52 ods. Fig. 3-A shows results up to N = 16. The size 106 µ1N∝ξ1NN, ξ1N≈ 3.5 1010 µ1(N) of the basin of attraction of the fixed-point grows µ (N) T110042 A) 100 Ω (N) 111000648 eξb1xitps≃oonfe3np.2te5ira.ilolydATwsiit=mhi2laa(rrNagtreeovwµeni1n()gN, wr)/ahµtiel1e(iNtshoe−bos1teh)rev≃redoξrf1boirwtsoitorh-f 1000 5 101-100 5 10 115520 1100020 5 10 15 B) 20 plaerrgieosdtTgro<wNingprraetseenitsstmhaatlleorfaotrtbraitcstioonf’psebraiosdinsN. ,Tfhoer N N which µ (N)/µ (N − 1) ≃ ξ with ξ ≃ 3.5. This N N N N FIG. 3: In panel A), the number µT(N) of configurations means that for N = 100 the probability of observing belonging to the attraction’s basin of orbits of period T = 1 T = 1 or T = 2 is about 10−4 smaller than that of ob- (crosses), 2 (squares), and N (circles) is plotted as function serving T = N. The conjecture that N-periodic orbits of N. The exponential rate of growth is extimated by curve have probability 1 in the large N limit is corroborated fitting(dashedlineforµ1(N)anddot-dashedlineforµN(N)). bytheobservationofverysimilarscalinglawsforµ (N) The inset shows that the ratio µ1(N)/µN(N) decreases with N and the total number Ω(N) of possible configurations at N. PanelB)reportsthetotalnumberΩ(N)ofconfigurations energy E = N, whose behavior is displayed in Fig. 3-B at ζ =1(orζ =2) asfunction ofthesystem size N (circles). Thefit(dashedline)showsanexponentialgrowthasΩ(N)∝ (data are computed analytically using simple combina- αN with α≃3.5. torics similar to that used in Ref. [17]). Consequently, at the critical energies ζ = 1,2, with probability 1 the system enters very long orbits characterized by a steady regionthe periodofthe limitcyclesisT =2. Suchexact current of active solitons transported along the system. result provides a theoretical foundation to the empirical The activity can assume all (rational) values between 0 data collected by numerical simulations (see Fig. 1). and 1/2. At the critical points ζ = 1 (ζ = 2), the knowledge In conclusion, traditional statistical mechanics cannot of the dynamics of building blocks allows also to com- capturethecomplexbehaviorofdeterministicFESs,even putetheexactnumberofperiodicconfigurationofperiod in one-dimensional systems. On the contrary, our solu- T as a combinatorial enumeration problem. In particu- tion provides the full understanding of the mode-locking lar, the number Π (N) of configurations belonging to phenomenaandthesharpactivitytransitionsobservedin all orbits with T > 1 equals the number of ways a num- the phase diagram. The arguments can be partially ex- bered ring of N sites can be filled with an ordered set tended to higher dimensions, but the analysis is messed of blocks of length k comprised between 2 and N [16]. up by the complexity of the solitonic motion. In the Thegeneratingfunctionforthecombinationswithblocks case of two dimensional lattices, the present analysis to- of length 2 ≤ k ≤ N is Q(z) = 1/ 1− zk . gether with symmetry arguments allow to obtain an ap- (cid:16) P2≤k≤N (cid:17) proximated phase diagram [18], whose structure repro- Hence, Π (N)isobtainedasfunctionofthe coefficients all duces the devil’s staircase observed in numerical simu- of the derivatives in z = 0 of Q(z), i.e. Π (N) = all lations [10]. We hope that these results could also rep- 2k d(N−k) Q(z = 0)−A , where A = 0 P2≤k≤N (N−k)!dz(N−k) N N resent a kind of benchmark for the analytical and nu- if N is odd and AN = 2 if N is even. 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