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Exact solution of Effective mass Schr¨odinger Equation for the Hulthen potential Ramazan Sever 1, Cevdet Tezcan 2, O¨zlem Ye¸silta¸s 3, Mahmut Bucurgat 1 8 0 0 1 Middle East Technical University,Department of Physics, 06531 Ankara, Turkey 2 n 2 Faculty of Engineering, Ba¸skent University, Ba˜glıca Campus, Ankara, Turkey a J 3 Gazi University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Physics, 06500, Ankara,Turkey 9 February 2, 2008 ] h p - nt Abstract a u Ageneralformof theeffective massSchro¨dingerequation issolved exactly forHulthen q potential. Nikiforov-Uvarov method is used to obtain energy eigenvalues and the corre- [ sponding wave functions. A free parameter is used in the transformation of the wave 1 function. v 1 PACS numbers: 03.65.-w; 03.65.Ge; 12.39.Fd 1 4 Keywords: Position-dependent mass, Effective mass Schro¨dinger equation, Morse poten- 1 tial, Nikiforov-Uvarov method . 1 0 8 0 : v i X r a 1 1 Introduction Quantum mechanical systems with position dependent effective mass (PDM) have been studied in different branches of physics by many authors [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]. Several authors have obtained the exact solutions of Schr¨odinger equation with position dependent mass [8-18]. Moreover, the Morse potential [19], one dimensional Coulomb-like potential [20], hard core potential [21], harmonic oscillator potential [22] are known as some real physical potentials that have been investigated within PDM framework. In recent years many authors have been used Nikiforov-Uvarov (NU) approach for solving the Schr¨odinger equation (SE) [23,24,25,26,27,28,29]. In this work, the general form of PDEM Schr¨odinger equation is obtained by using a more general transformation of the wave function as ϕ = mη(x)ψ(x). NU approach is adapted to this general equation. Using an appropriate mass function, it is solved for Hulthen potential within thisgeneralization. Energyeigenvaluesandthecorrespondingwave functionsareobtained. The contents of the paper is as follows: in section II, we introduce PDM approach and Nikiforov- Uvarov method. The next section involves solutions of the general PDM equation. Results are discussed in section IV. 2 Method We write the one-dimensional effective mass Hamiltonian of the SE as [29] d 1 d H = +V (x) (1) eff eff −dx m(x)dx! where V has the form eff ′′ ′2 1 m m V = V(x)+ (β +1) [α(α+β +1)+β +1] (2) eff 2 m2 − m3 2 with α, β are ambiguity parameters. Primes stand for the derivatives with respect to x and we have set h¯ = 2m = 1. Thus the SE takes the form 0 1 d2 m′ d + +V E ϕ(x) = 0 (3) eff −mdx2 m dx − ! We apply the following transformation ϕ = mη(x) ψ(x) (4) Hence, the SE takes the form d2 m′ d m′2 1 m′′ (2η 1) (η(η 2)+α(α+β +1)+β +1) +( (β +1) η) +m(V E) ψ = (−dx2 − − m dx − − m2 2 − m − ) (5) Hulthen potential is given by [26] e−λx V(x) = V (6) − 01 qe−λx − We give the following parameters including mass relation: ∗ A = α(α+β +1)+β +1 (7) m(x) = (1 qe−λx)−1 (8) − m′ e−λx = qλ (9) m − 1 qe−λx − m′′ 1+qe−λx = qλ2e−λx (10) m (1 qe−λx)2 − We introduce a variable changing in Eq.(5)given as 1 s = (11) 1 qe−λx − and if we use Eqs.(6),(7),(8),(9),(10) and (11) in Eq.(5), it becomes, d2 2η (2η+1)s d 1 + − + ( ξ s2 +ξ s ξ ) ψ = 0. (12) ds2 s(1 s) ds s2(1 s)2 − 1 2 − 3 ! − − 3 Parameters defined in Eq.(12) have the following form: 1 V ξ = (η(η 2)+A∗) 2( (β +1) η)+ 0 (13) − 1 − − 2 − qλ2 1 V E ξ = 2(η(η 2)+A∗)+3( (β +1) η) 0 + (14) 2 − − 2 − − qλ2 λ2 1 ∗ ξ = η(η 2)+A ( (β +1) η). (15) 3 − − − 2 − where V(s) = V0(1 s). Now, we apply the NU method starting from its standard form q − τ˜(s) σ˜(s) ′′ ′ ψ (s)+ ψ (s)+ ψ (s) = 0. (16) n σ(s) σ2(s) n Comparing Eqs.(12) and (16), we obtain σ = s,τ˜(s) = 3 4η,σ˜(s) = ξ s2 ξ s+ξ (17) 1 2 3 − − − In the NU method, the function π and the parameter λ are defined as [23] σ′ τ(s) σ′ τ(s) 2 π(s) = − − σ˜(s)+kσ(s) (18) 2 ±vu 2 ! − u t and ′ λ = k +π (19) To find a physical solution, the expression in the square root must be square of a polynomial. Then, a new eigenvalue equation for the SE becomes n(n 1) ′ ′′ λ = λ = nτ − σ (s),(n = 0,1,2,...) (20) n − − 2 where τ(s) = τ˜(s)+2π(s) (21) and it should have a negative derivative [23]. A family of particular solutions for a given λ has hypergeometric type of degree. Thus, λ = 0 will corresponds to energy eigenvalue of the ground state, i.e. n = 0. The wave function is obtained as a multiple of two independent parts: ψ(s) = φ(s)y(s) (22) 4 where y(s) is the hypergeometric type function written with a weight function ρ as B dn y (s) = n [σn(s)ρ(s)] (23) n ρ(s)ds where ρ(s) must satisfy the condition [23] ′ (σρ) = τρ (24) The other part is defined as a logarithmic derivative ′ φ (s) π(s) = (25) φ(s) σ(s) 3 Solutions If we take Eq.(12) into account, comparing with Eq.(16), it is observed that τ˜ = 2η (2η+1)s, − σ = s(1 s), σ˜ = ξ s2 +ξ s ξ . Using z = 1(1 2η), one obtains − − 1 2 − 3 2 − (√ξ ξ +ξ √ξ +z2)s+√ξ +z2, k = ξ 2ξ +2ζ; π = z(1 s) 1 − 2 3 − 3 3 1 2 − 3 (26) − ±( (√ξ1 ξ2 +ξ3 +√ξ3 +z2)s √ξ3 +z2, k2 = ξ2 2ξ3 2ζ. − − − − where ζ = ξ (ξ ξ +ξ +z2) z2(ξ ξ ). Now we can introduce τ(s) as given below, 3 1 2 3 2 1 − − − q 1 2s+2((√ξ ξ +ξ √ξ +z2)s+√ξ +z2) 1 2 3 3 3 − − − 1 2s 2((√ξ ξ +ξ √ξ +z2)s+√ξ +z2) τ(s) =  − − 1 − 2 3 − 3 3 (27)  1−2s+2((√ξ1 −ξ2 +ξ3 +√ξ3 +z2)s−√ξ3 +z2) 1 2s 2((√ξ ξ +ξ +√ξ +z2)s √ξ +z2) 1 2 3 3 3 − − − − Derivative of τ(s) is obtained as 2+2(√ξ ξ +ξ √ξ +z2) 1 2 3 3 − − − τ′ =  −2−2(√ξ1 −ξ2 +ξ3 −√ξ3 +z2) (28)  −2+2(√ξ1 −ξ2 +ξ3 +√ξ3 +z2) 2 2(√ξ ξ +ξ +√ξ +z2) 1 2 3 3 − − − Here, first derivative of τ shouldbe τ′ < 0 in order to obtain physical solutions. Thus we choose k and our functions which help us to derive the energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions: k = ξ 2ξ 2 ξ (ξ ξ +ξ +z2) z2(ξ ξ ) (29) 2 3 3 1 2 3 2 1 − − − − − q τ = 1 2s 2[( ξ ξ +ξ + ξ +z2)s ξ +z2] (30) 1 2 3 3 3 − − − − q q q π = z(1 s) [( ξ ξ +ξ + ξ +z2)s ξ +z2] (31) 1 2 3 3 3 − − − − q q q ′ τ = 2 2( ξ ξ +ξ + ξ +z2). (32) 1 2 3 3 − − − q q 5 Using Eq.(19), the relation given below λ = z2 z +ξ ( ξ ξ +ξ + ξ +z2)2 ( ξ ξ +ξ + ξ +z2) (33) 1 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 3 − − − − − q q q q is obtained. With the aid of Eq.(20), this equality can be written: λ = λ = n( 2 2( ξ ξ +ξ + ξ +z2))+n(n 1) (34) n 1 2 3 3 − − − − − q q Substituting Λ = √ξ ξ +ξ +√ξ +z2, Λ can be written 1 2 3 3 − 1 Λ = (2n+1) 1+4γ (35) 2 − ± (cid:18) q (cid:19) where γ = ξ +z(z 1). Now let us discuss two cases here depending on signs of Λ. 1 − Case 1: 1 ξ ξ +ξ + ξ +z2 = (2n+1)+ 1+4γ (36) 1 2 3 3 − 2 − q q (cid:18) q (cid:19) then, ξ is obtained as 3 ξ ξ +z2 1 2 ξ = 2 − 1 + 2n+1 1+4γ (37) 3 2n+1−√1+4γ 4 (cid:18) −q (cid:19)! Using the definitions of ξ ,ξ and ξ , E is given by 1 2 3 n 2 λ2 β +1 1 E = 2n+1 1+4γ 2 η(η 1) A∗ + λ2(η )2 (38) n − 4  − − s− − − 2  − − 2 q   Case 2: 1 ξ ξ +ξ + ξ +z2 = (2n+1) 1+4γ (39) 1 2 3 3 − 2 − − q q (cid:18) q (cid:19) then, ξ reads 3 ξ ξ +z2 1 2 ξ = 2 − 1 2n+1+ 1+4γ (40) 3 2n+1+√1+4γ − 4 (cid:18) q (cid:19)! Energy eigenvalues can be written: 2 λ2 β +1 1 E = 2n+1+ 1+4γ +2 η(η 1) A∗ + λ2(η )2 (41) n 4  s− − − 2  − − 2 q   6 Using Eqs(24) and (25), φ and ρ are obtained as φ = sz+√ξ3+z2(1 s)√ξ1−ξ2+ξ3 (42) − and ρ(s) = s2√ξ3+z2(1 s)2√ξ1−ξ2+ξ3 (43) − Solution of y can be obtained from Eq.(23): y (s) = P(2√ξ3+z2,2√ξ1−ξ2+ξ3)(1 2s). (44) n n − Hence, the wave function has the following form: ψ = sz+√ξ3+z2(1 s)√ξ1−ξ2+ξ3P(2√ξ3+z2,2√ξ1−ξ2+ξ3)(1 2s) (45) n n − − If z+√ξ +z2 < 0 and√ξ ξ +ξ > 0, it is required that z+√ξ +z2 √ξ ξ +ξ and 3 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 − | | ≥ − if √ξ ξ +ξ < 0, z +√ξ +z2 > 0, √ξ ξ +ξ z +√ξ +z2 for physical solutions. 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 3 − | − | ≥ 4 Conclusions NU method adapted solutions are obtained for Hulthen potential within PDEM Schr¨odinger equation. We have proposed a transformation of the wavefunction in a general form that leads to solutions of well-known eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of Hulthen potential. Furthermore, energy relations of the mass independent equation are obtained for two cases. 5 Acknowledgements This research was partially supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey. 7 References [1] G Bastard, Wave Mechanics Applied to Semiconductor Heterostructures (Les Ulis: Edi- tions de Physique), 1998. [2] L I Serra, E Lipparini, Europhys. Lett. 40 1997 667. [3] M Barranco, M Pi, S M Gatica, E S Hernandez, J Navarro, Phys. Rev. B 56 1997 8997. [4] F de Saavedra Arias et al, Phys. Rev. B 50 1994 4248. [5] Von Roos O 1983 Phys. Rev. B 27 7547. [6] L Dekar, L Chetouani, T F Hammann, J. Math. Phys. 39 (1998) 2551. [7] A R Plastino, A Rigo, M Casas, F Garcias, A Plastino, Phys. Rev. A 60 (1999) 4318 [8] A Ganguly, L M Nieto, J. Phys. A, 40 (2007) 7265; Chun-Sheng Jia, Jian-Yi Liu, Ping- Quan Wang, Chao-Shan Che, Phys. Lett. A, 369 (2007) 274. [9] B Bagchi, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007) F1041. [10] T Tanaka, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 39 2006 219-234. 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