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Exact Optimized-cost Repair in Multi-hop Distributed Storage Networks Majid Gerami, Ming Xiao Communication Theory Lab, Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Sweden, E-mail: {gerami, mingx}@kth.se Abstract—The problem of exact repair of a failed node there might not exist direct links from some of the surviving in multi-hop networked distributed storage systems is nodestothenewnode.Inthissetting,severalsurvivingnodes 4 considered. Contrary to the most of the current studies may cooperate to transmit the repair traffic to the new node. 1 which model the repair process by the direct links from Assuming one packets transmission from a surviving node 0 2 surviving nodes to the new node, the repair is modeled by to its neighbor node costs one unit of cost (e.g. one unit of considering the multi-hop network structure, and taking energy),we define the total number of transmissions between n into account that there might not exist direct links from nodes as repair-cost. This definition based on the considering a J all the surviving nodes to the new node. In the repair the network structure is expected to be a better representation 3 problem of these systems, surviving nodes may cooperate of the transmission cost in the repair process of multi-hop 1 to transmit the repair traffic to the new node. In this networks. setting, we define the total number of packets transmitted In this paper, we investigate the exact MDS regenerating ] T betweennodesasrepair-cost.Alowerboundoftherepair- codes having optimized repair-cost in multi-hop distributed I cost can thus be found by cut-set bound analysis. In this storage systems. To this aim, the remainder of the paper . s paper, we show that the lower bound of the repair-cost is is organized as follows. In Section II, we briefly describe c achievable for the exact repair of MDS codes in tandem the method of finding the lower bound of the repair-cost. [ and grid networks, thus resulting in the minimum-cost Then in Section III, we propose the exact MDS regenerating 1 exact MDS codes. Further, two suboptimal (achievable) codes achieving the lower bound of the repair-cost in tandem v bounds for the large scale grid networks are proposed. networks and in a 2×3 grid network. Further, in Section IV 4 Index Terms—Network coding, Distributed storage systems, we propose two achievable bounds of the repair-cost for the 7 Exact repair. exact MDS codes in large scale grid networks. 7 2 . I. INTRODUCTION II. A LOWERBOUND OFTHEREPAIR COST IN MULTI-HOP 1 NETWORKS 0 As node failure in distributed storage systems is norm, the 4 process of regenerating a new node, known as repair process, Consider a distributed storage system with n storage nodes 1 has extensively been studied (see, e.g., [1]-[9] and references wherenodesareconnectedtogetherwithanarbitrarytopology. v: therein). In the repair process an enough numberof surviving A file of size M bits, is equally divided to k parts and then i nodes transmit packets to the new node. The repair process coded by an (n,k)-MDS code such that every node stores X in turn follows with the cost in bandwidth and energy of M/kbitsandeveryknodescanrebuildtheoriginalfile.When ar transmission or in another aspect the cost of reading data anodefails,anewnodeisregeneratedbythehelpofdnumber fromstoragenodes.Toreducethecostfromtheseaspects,[2] of surviving nodes. The information flow graph for a repair proposesregeneratingcodes,havingoptimalrepairbandwidth; can be represented by an acyclic directed graph G =(N,A), [3] proposes locally repairable codes, thereby the new node where N denotes the set of nodes with cardinality |N| = n connectsless numberof storagenodes;and [4] proposesfrac- and A is the set of links in the network. There is a cost cij tional repetition codes, thereby the new node reads less from associated for the use of each link (ij) ∈ A. For simplicity, each storage node. To reduce encoding/decoding complexity in this paper we assume transmission on each link on the andcommunicationoverhead,exactrepairhasbeenstudiedin network costs one unit. That is cij = 1 for (ij) ∈ A. Thus, [5], [6]. In the exact repair, the content of the new node is the total repair cost, denoted by σc, dependsonly on the total exactly the same as the failed node, while in the functional repair traffic on the links. Let zij denotes number of packets repair the content of the new node might be different, but the transmittedfromnodeitonodej intherepairprocess.Hence, new node beside surviving nodes preserve the regenerating the repair-cost is formulated as, code property [2]. In the most of the current studies the graph in the repair is σc =Σ(ij)∈Azij. (1) depictedbythelinksdirectlyconnectingsurvivingnodestothe A lower bound of σ is derived by minimizing the repair- c new node. This might not be a proper model in a distributed cost over z s such that all the cuts of connecting DC to ij storage system built on a multi-hop network. In other words, the new node and any set of k −1 out of n−1 surviving nodes have to be greater than M, the file size. The objective By the property of Vandermonde matrix, every k × k function and constraints in this optimization problem are submatrix of G is full rank if α s, (i ∈ {1,··· ,n}), are i linear. Consequently the lower bound is derived by solving distinct elements. This requires q > n. Each column e.g., a linear programming problem. The solution also provides a columni (i∈{1,··· ,n})in matrix Grepresentsthe codein vector,namely subgraph,containingthe valuesof zijs for the node i. We denote the coded data in node i as vi, then, lower bound of the repair cost. We note that in this paper we v =m +m α +···+m αk−1 =[1 α ···αk−1]m. (4) i 1 2 i k i t i derivethelowerboundsford=n−1,exceptotherwisestated. For the notation, we use bold lower case letters for vectors Clearly, a data collector can reconstruct the source file by and bold upper case letters for matrices in the following connecting to any k nodes. We shall further show that the sections. minimum-cost exact repair is possible by linear codes. For illustration,we assume nodesarelabeledin order,i.e., node1 III. EXPLICIT CONSTRUCTION OF EXACT OPTIMAL-COST connects to node 2, node 2 connects to node 1 and 3, and so CODES on. By Proposition 1, for M =k fragments, the lower bound In this section, we show that the lower bound of the repair of repair-cost is by transmitting M/k=k/k=1 fragment to cost can be achieved for the exact repair in the examples of the neighbor. Assume node t (t∈{1,··· ,n}) fails and a set tandem and grid networks. The code design has two steps. of nodes {nodet−k1,nodet−k1+1,··· ,nodet−1} and a set First,thelowerboundoftherepaircostandthecorresponding ofnodes{node ,node ,··· ,node }(k +k =k) t+1 t+2 t+k2 1 2 subgrapharefoundbythemethodbrieflydescribedinSection help to regenerate the new node. II (for more details please see [8]). In the second step, the The repair process is as follows. The new node receives exact MDS regenerating code matching to the corresponding fragments from two directions, namely, aggregated data from subgraph is derived. nodes nodet−k1 via node t−1, and aggregated data from nodesnode via node t+1. Thus, in one direction node A. Explicit Code Construction in Tandem Networks t+k2 nodet−k1 multiplies its content by a coefficient ξt−k1 from In a tandem network, nodes are in a line topology. That GF(q) and sends the result to node nodet−k1+1. Then node is, each node is linked to two neighboring nodes, except the nodet−k1+1, multiplies its content by ξt−k1+1 and combines nodes in the line ends, which have only one neighbor. When theresulttothereceivedfragmentandthensendsitscombined a node fails and a new node joins, the repair traffic is relayed fragmenttoitsnextneighbornodet−k1+2.Finallynodet−1 by intermediate nodes to the new node. For these networks, transmits the combined fragment wt−1, which is the lower boundof the repair-costis derived by the following proposition. wt−1 =ξt−k1vt−k1 +ξt−k1+1vt−k1+1+···+ξt−1vt−1 Proposition 1: Consider a tandem distributed storage net- =ξt−k1(m1+m2αt−k1 +···+mkαtk−−k11) work consisting of n storage nodes which storing a file with +ξt−k1+1(m1+m2αt−k1+1+···+mkαtk−−k11+1) sizeM packets(fragments).EachnodestoresM/k fragments +···+ξt−1(m1+m2αt−1+···+mkαtk−−11). and every k nodes can reconstruct the original file (MDS (5) property). The repair-cost is greater than or equal to M, i.e., In another direction, node node t + 1 similarly sends the aggregated fragment to the new node. That is node t + 1 σc >M. (2) transmits the combined fragment wt+1, which is, Moreover, the minimum repair cost is by cooperation of the wt+1 =ξt+k2vt+k2 +ξt+k2−1vt+k2−2+···+ξt+1vt+1 k nearest surviving nodes to the new node where each node =ξt+k2(m1+m2αt+k2 +···+mkαtk+−k12) transmits M/k fragments to its neighbor. +ξt+k2−1(m1+m2αt+k2−1+···+mkαtk+−k12−1) Proof: Proof is omitted due to space limitation. Please +···+ξ (m +m α +···+m αk−1). t+1 1 2 t+1 k t+1 find the details in [8]. (6) In what follows, we shall give the code construction with To achieve exact repair, we set wt−1+wt+1 =vt the optimal cost. We split the source file of a size M into k fragments. We denote the source file by vector m = vt =m1+m2αt+···+mkαtk−1. (7) k[m×1mn2V·a·n·dmerkm]To.ndTeomcaotnrisxtruGctas(na,kge)-neMrDatSorcmodaetr,ixw.e use a Thus, vector ξ = [ξt−k1,··· ,ξt−1,ξt+1,··· ,ξt+k2]T should be selected such that, 1 1 ··· 1 1 1 ··· 1 1 G= ααα1k...−1211 ααα2k...−2221 ···.···.···. αααnk...−n2n1 , (3) αααt2ttk−−−−...kkk1111 αααt2ttk−−−−kkk...1111+++111 ···.···.···. αααt2ttk+++−...kkk1222ξtξξ−tt−+k...1kk+121=αααtk...−2tt1. where α s for i ∈ {1,··· ,n} are distinct elements from a i A finite field GF(q). (8) | {z } SincematrixA isnon-singular,we canselectlinearcodesfor node3 node2 node1 ρ3c2+ξ31a1+ξ32b1+ξ33c1 ρ2b2+ξ21a1+ξ22b1+ξ23c1 ρ1a2+ξ11a1+ξ12b1+ξ13c1 repair at node t as ξt = A−1vt that makes the exact repair ξ31a2+ξ32b2+ξ33c2 ξ21a2+ξ22b2+ξ23c2 ξ11a2+ξ12+ξ13c2 possible. Hence, for the successful reconstruction and repair ρ3c2+ξ31a1+ξ32b1+ξ33c1 ρ2b2+ξ21a1+ξ22b1+ξ23c1 process, a finite field q >n suffices. node6 ξ31a1+ξ32b1 node5 node4 B. ExplicitConstructionforthe minimum-costexactrepairin c1 b1 a1 a1 a 2×3 Grid Network c2 c1 b2 a2 Inwhatfollows,weshowthatthelowerboundoftherepair- cost is also achievable for the exact repair in a 2 × 3 grid Fig. 1. Exact and optimal-cost repair in the 2×3 grid network using interference alignment/cancellation technique. network. We use systematic codes. That is, a file is equally divided to k parts (k uncoded fragments). Then, k systematic nodes store the uncoded fragments. Other parity nodes store construct a 3×3 Vandermonde matrix as a linear combination of the original fragments such that for ξ ξ ξ anyselectionofk nodes,theoriginalfilecanbereconstructed 11 21 31 (MDS property). We design a code such that all systematic v= ξ1 ξ2 ξ3 =ξ12 ξ22 ξ32 nodes can be exactly regeneratedwith the minimum cost. We (cid:0) (cid:1) ξ13 ξ23 ξ33   note that in our codes, parity nodes can also be repaired with 1 1 1 the minimum-cost, following the dual relationship between =α1 α2 α3, parityandsystematicnodes,asproposedin[6].Thus,weonly α2 α2 α2 show the exact minimum-cost repair on systematic nodes in  1 2 3 what follows. where α1,α2,α3 are distinct elements in GF(q). Parameter q Consideradistributedstoragesystemwithparameters(n= denotes the finite field size and is the design parameter. For 6,k = 3,M = 6), where each node stores M/k = 2 the Vandermonde matrix there must be q ≥ 3. Finally, the fragments, in a 2×3 grid network shown in Fig. 1. When a fragments on nodes 1, 2 and 3 are coded as, Tnohdeecfoadilesahansew3nnooddeeissraesgesynsetreamteadtibcynthoedersemaanidni3ngn5odneosdeass. (cid:18)pp1112(cid:19)=(cid:18)ρ1a2ξ1+mξ21m1(cid:19), (9) parity nodes. By nextproposition,the minimum repair-costis 5units.Thecorrespondingoptimal-costsubgraphfordifferent p21 = ρ2b2+ξ2m1 , (10) nodesmightbedifferent.Theoptimal-costrepairfortherepair (cid:18)p22(cid:19) (cid:18) ξ2m2 (cid:19) on node 6 has been shown in the Fig. 1. Proposition 2: The lower bound of repair cost for system- (cid:18)pp3312(cid:19)=(cid:18)ρ3c2ξ3+mξ23,m1(cid:19), (11) atic nodes 4, 5, and 6 in the distributed storage system with parameters(M =6,k=3),whereeachnodestoresM/k=2 where ρ1,ρ2,ρ3 are non-zero elements in GF(q). fragments, in a 2×3 grid network having one unit of cost 2) Exactrepair: Weshowtherepairprocessonnode6and for transmitting one fragment between neighboring nodes, 5. Other nodes are similar. is by 5 units. The corresponding minimum-cost subgraphs • Exact repair for node 6: First, node 4 transmits frag- z = (z(12),z(14),z(23),z(25),z(36),z(54),z(65)) for the repair ment a1 to the node 5. Then node 2 sends p21 to of nodes 4, 5, and 6 are respectively (0,1,0,1,0,2,1) , the node 5. Then node 5 removes the interference (0,0,0,1,1,1,2), and (0,1,0,1,0,2,1). a ,b ,b from p and sends c to the new node. Then 1 1 2 21 1 Proof (sketch): For the repair on each node, we perform node 4 sends ξ a +ξ b which is aligned with the 31 1 32 2 5 =10 cut-setanalysis on the informationflow graph,as in interferencein p .Finally,thenewnodereceivesc and 2 31 1 [(cid:0)8](cid:1), and then solve a linear programming problem to achieve c +ξ a +ξ b +ξ c , and an interference vector 2 31 1 32 1 33 1 the minimum-cost subgraphs. ξ a +ξ b . Afterremovinginterference,c andc are 31 1 32 1 1 2 For this 2 × 3 grid network, we show the existence of recovered in the new node. linear codes for the exact repair in the systematic nodes • Exactrepaironnode5:First,node 3transmitsfragment with minimum-cost. The exact regenerating code is found by p to node 6. In node 6, interference c and c are 31 1 2 the interference alignment/cancellation techniques, as will be removedandthefragmentξ a +ξ b istransmittedto 31 1 32 1 described later. node 5.Node 5alsoreceivesfragmenta fromnode4. 1 1) Code Construction: For the source file of size M = 6 Theninterferencea1 is also removedfrom ξ31a1+ξ32b1 fragments, we put the fragments into two vectors as m1 = and b1 is recovered. To recover b2, node 2 transmits [a1,b1,c1] and m2 =[a2,b2,c2]. Every node then stores two p21. Then node 6 transmits c1. We note that the new fragments. Nodes 4, 5, and 6 are systematic nodes. That is, node already received fragment a1. Thus interference a1 node 4 stores fragments a1, and a2, node 5 stores fragments andc1 areremovedfromfragmentp21.Byrecoveringb1, b1, and b2, and node 6 stores fragments c1, and c2. the fragment b2 is recovered from fragment p21. Forparitynodes,letp andp denotetwofragmentsstored Thus, with ρ ,ρ ,ρ 6= 0, and Vandermonde matrix ξ, we i1 i2 1 2 3 on node i for i=1,2,3. To construct a proper code, we first achieve exact repair with minimum-cost. 3) Reconstruction process: We show as follows that MDS the following linear equation. property can be preserved if coefficients ρ ,ρ ,ρ are non- 1 2 3 ξ ξ 0 0 b zero, and matrix ξ is a Vandermonde matrix. We consider 12 13 1 the MDS property in four different cases: (1) DC connects ξ22 ξ23 ρ2 0 c1=r′, (15) 0 0 ξ ξ b to 3 parity nodes, (2) DC connects to 2 parity node and 1  12 13 2 systematic nodes, (3) DC connects to 1 parity node and 2  0 0 ξ22 ξ23c2 systematic nodes,and(4)DC connectsto 3systematic nodes. where vector r′ is known for DC. Using Lemma 1, the linearequationhasuniquesolutionandthenDCrecovers • Case 1: There will be only one way of selecting 3 parity the original file. nodes.Forthe DC to recoverthe file, it requiresto solve Case 3: DC connects to 1 parity node and 2 systematic the following linear equations. nodes. For this scenario, DC recovers the original file ξ11 ξ12 ξ12 ρ1 0 0 a1 with given Vandermonde matrix ξ and ρ1,ρ2,ρ3 6=0. ξ21 ξ22 ξ23 0 ρ2 0 b1 Case 4: DC connects to 3 systematic nodes. In this ξ ξ ξ 0 0 ρ c scenario, it is straightforward for DC to recover the  031 032 033 ξ11 ξ12 ξ132a12=r, (12) source.  0 0 0 ξ ξ ξ b2 Hence, above codes have minimum-cost exact repair with a  0 0 0 ξ3211 ξ3222 ξ3223c2 finite field size q ≥3.    We have previously shown the minimum-cost exact regen- F erating codes in tandem networks (for arbitrary parameters | {z } where vector r is the received vector and is known for n,k) and in a grid network for a special case of 2×3 grid network. We still cannot prove that the lower bound of the theDC.Forrecoveringtheoriginalfile,itrequiresmatrix F to be invertible. This can be proven by the following repair-costisachievablefortheexactrepairinageneralcase(a networkwitharbitrarytopologyandlargenumberofnodes).In lemma. addition,derivingthelowerboundhasexponentialcomplexity Lemma 1 (Binomial inverse theorem): For the square matrices A, B and C, when A=B+C, then andrequires nk−−11 cut-setboundanalysis.Thismotivatesusto investigateso(cid:0)mea(cid:1)chievablebounds(suboptimal-costmethods) A−1 =(B+C)−1 =B−1−B−1(I+CB−1)−1CB−1, forMDSexactregeneratingcodesinlargescalenetworks.This (13) will be described in next section. where I is a proper identity matrix. For the case, IV. SUBOPTIMAL-COST EXACT REGENERATINGCODES IN MULTI-HOP NETWORKS ξ ξ ξ 0 0 0 11 12 12 ξ21 ξ22 ξ23 0 0 0  In this section, we propose two suboptimal approaches ξ ξ ξ 0 0 0 based on the optimal-cost results found in the tandem and F= 31 32 33 +  0 0 0 ξ ξ ξ  2 × 3 grid networks. From the optimal-cost approach in  11 12 12  0 0 0 ξ21 ξ22 ξ23 tandem networks, we find that there are always suboptimal    0 0 0 ξ31 ξ32 ξ32 approachesfor(n,k)MDScodesbyneglectingsomeavailable   links, and considering a set of nodes as tandem structure. B That is, by finding k nearest nodes to the new node. Con- | {z } sequently, the new node can be regenerated with the cost 0 0 0 ρ1 0 0 of M, where any node participating in the repair process 0 0 0 0 ρ2 0 transmitsM/kfragmentstoitsneighbor.Wecalltheapproach 0 0 0 0 0 ρ3 (14) Suboptimal#1 method. The second suboptimal approach 0 0 0 0 0 0 is motivated from the result of optimal-cost repair in the   0 0 0 0 0 0 2 × 3 grid network. We generalize the results to networks   0 0 0 0 0 0 with (n=2k,k,d=k+1)grid topologyas follows. We call   the approach as Suboptimal#2 method. C | {z } By Lemma 1, since matrices B and I + CB−1 are A. Suboptimal-costrepair in an r×s grid network invertible,matrixFisinvertible.Thus,theDCcanrebuild For general (n=2k,k,d=k+1) grid networks, the code the source. constructionissimilartothe2×3network.AfileofsizeM is Case 2: DC connects to 2 parity nodes and 1 systematic dividedto2kfragments.Thentwovectorsm1 andm2 denote node.Therewillbe9scenariosofselecting2paritynodes the original file, where m1 = m11,m12,··· ,m1k , and among 3 parity nodes and 1 systematic node among 3 m2 = m21,m22,··· ,m2k . The(cid:0)re are k systematic(cid:1)nodes systematic nodes. We use one of them for illustration. and k p(cid:0)arity nodes. For the (cid:1)r×s grid network, total number Assume DC connectsto nodes1, 2,and 4.ThusDC has of nodes are n = rs = 2k nodes, hence number of rows (r) access to a , a . To recover the original file DC solves or column(s) are eveninteger(at-leastoneof them).Without 1 2 TABLEI loss of generality, assume s is an even integer. Let node ij COMPARINGTHEREPAIR-COSTBYDIFFERENTMETHODS denotesthenodeonrowiandcolumnj.Weputthesystematic nodes on columns 1 to s/2, and rows 1 to r. We store two Networkdimension Suboptimal#1 Suboptimal#2 Method#3 fragmentsin each node.Leta1 anda2 denotethe systematic 2×2 4 4 4 ij ij 2×3 6 6 5 data on the nodeij for i = 1,··· ,r and j = 1,··· ,s/2. 2×4 8 8 7 Then a1ij = m1t, and a2ij = m2t, where t = (i−1)s/2+j. 3×4 12 10 13 In words, each systematic node stores one fragmentfrom m1 4×4 16 14 21 andonefragmentfromm2.Correspondingtoeachsystematic 5×4 20 16 29 node we assign a parity node which locates on the same row, but on column j + s/2. For the parity nodes, we use Vandermonde matrices for encoding. Thus, we first construct B. Numerical Results a k × k Vandermonde matrix and denote as ξ. Then, each Inwhatfollows,weshallshowtheperformancegainofour columnofmatrixξ,denotedasξ fori=1,··· ,k,isusedfor i approacheswithincreasingnodesinthenetwork.Weapplythe eachparitynode.Weusecolumnvectorξ ,t=(i−1)s/2+j, t suboptimal approaches in large networks. We compare those for encoding the parity node on row i and column j. If p1 ij suboptimal approaches with the approach which models the and p2 denote the parity fragments stored on node ij, then p1ij =iaj2ij +ξtm1 and p2ij =ξtm2. We further show that the rceopsati(rdpenroocteedssabsyMdeitrehcotdli#n3ks).aWnde cthoemnpoapretimthiezirnegpatihrecroesptafior-r exactrepairandandreconstructionprocessescansuccessfully several grid network as shown in Table I. In this table the be done for the proposed code. gain of suboptimalapproachesin reducingthe repair cost has been shown. We can see that a larger number of nodes in the ξ11a1+ξ12b1+ξ13c1+ξ14d1+ξ16f1+ξ17g1+ξ18h1 a1 e1 a2+ξ1m1 a2+ξ1m1 e2+ξ5m1 network results in a larger gain for reducing the repair-cost. a2 e1 e2 ξ1m2 ξ5m2 ξ21a1+ξ15e1 V. CONCLUSIONS ξ12b1+ξ13c1+ξ14d1+ξ16f1+ξ17g1+ξ18h1 b1 f1 f1 b2+ξ2m1 b2+ξ2m1 f2+ξ6m1 We proposed an explicit construction of the optimal-cost b2 f2 ξ2m2 ξ6m2 exact repair in the general case of tandem networks. By ξ2ξ12a31c1++ξ2ξ22b41d1++ξ2ξ32c51e+1+ξ2ξ42d71g1++ξ2ξ52e81h+1ξ27g1+ξ28h1 interferencealignment/cancellationtechniquesweproposedan c1 ξ13c1+ξ1g41d1+ξ16f1+ξ17g1g+1ξ18h1 c2+ξ3m1 g2+ξ7m1 explicit code for the exact repair in a 2×3 grid network. For c2 g2 ξ3m2 ξ7m2 the grid network with large number of nodes, two achievable d1 h1 repair-cost for the exact MDS regenerating codes have been d1 h1 h1 d2+ξ4m1 d2+ξ4m1 evaluated.Ouranalysisshowsthatconsideringnetworktopol- d2 h2 ξ4m2 ξ4m2 ogy in the exact repair problem is beneficial in reducing the repair-cost. Fig. 2. 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