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epl draft S Exact Haldane mapping for all and super universality in spin chains 8 A.M.M. Pruisken1 , R. Shankar2 and N. Surendran1,3 0 0 1 Institute for Theoretical Physics, Valckenierstraat 65, 1018 XE Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2 2 The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, CIT Campus, Chennai 600 113, India. n 3 Present address: ICTP, Strada Costiera 11, 34014 Trieste, Italy. a J 3 PACS 73.43.Cd–Quantum Hall effects: Theory and Modelling l] PACS 75.10.Jm–Quantized spin models al PACS 11.10.Kk–Field theory in dimensions otherthan four h - Abstract. - The low energy dynamics of the anti-ferromagnetic Heisenberg spin S chain in the s semiclassicallimitS →∞isknowntomapontotheO(3)nonlinearσmodelwithaθtermin1+1 e dimension. Guided by the underlying dual symmetry of the spin chain, as well as the recently m establishedtopologicalsignificanceof“danglingedgespins,”wereportanexactmappingontothe t. O(3)modelthatavoidstheconventionallargeS approximationaltogether. Ournewmethodology a demonstrates all the super universal features of the θ angle concept that previously arose in the m theory of the quantum Hall effect. It explains why Haldane’s original ideas remarkably yield - the correct answer in spite of the fundamental complications that generally exist in the idea of d semiclassical expansions. n o c [ 1 v In 1983,Haldane proposed that the low energy dynam- the stability and precision of the quantum Hall effect. [6] 1 ics of the anti-ferromagnetic Heisenberg spin S chain can This has led to the idea of super universality of quantum 1 be taken from the O(3) nonlinear σ-model (NLSM) in Hallphysicsthat, unlike the commonbeliefin the field, is 5 0 1 + 1 dimension and in the presence of the θ term. [1] independent of the details of the theory such as the num- . Atleastwithinthe limitations ofalargeS approximation ber of field components or, for that matter, replica limit 1 0 the parameter θ was found to take on the values 0 or π M,N 0. [6] → 8 only, dependent on whether S is integral or half-integral Based on the Haldane mapping it is next natural to 0 respectively. Since the standardO(3) model with θ =0 is expect that the super universality statement can be ex- : v known to display a mass-gap, [2] Haldane concluded that tended to also include quantum spin liquids. Indeed, i theintegralspinchainisalwaysgapped. Thisisunlikethe X renormalization group studies have clearly indicated that S =1/2 chain, for example, which from the Bethe ansatz thedimerisedS =1/2spinchaindisplaysallthebasicfea- r solutionisknowntodisplaygaplessexcitations [3]. Based a turesofthequantumHalleffect[4]inmuchthesameman- on numerical work it is now generally accepted that the neraswhathasrecentlybeenobserved,forexample,inthe uniform integral spin chain is always gapped whereas the exactlysolvablelargeN limitoftheCPN−1model.[7]The half integral spin chain is generally gapless . dynamics of the dangling edge spins of the chain thereby It has recently been pointed out, however, that a uni- plays a role that is in many ways the same as that of the versaltopologicalfeatureoftheθangleconcepthashistor- massless chiral edge excitationsoftheθvacuum. Unfortu- ically been overlooked. [4] The θ vacuum quite generally nately, a generalized Haldane mapping that includes the displays massless chiral edge excitations [5] that have im- dangling spins at the edges of the spin S chain has sofar portantconsequencesforthetheoryonthestrongcoupling been obtained only for the semiclassical S = limit. [4] ∞ side. Within the grassmannianU(M+N)/U(M) U(N) Given the extensive literature on the subject of quantum × nonlinear sigma model approach to localization and in- spin chains, it is somewhat surprising to know that not teraction phenomena, for example, it was shown that the a single attempt has been reported that would in prin- massless edge excitations are directly related to the exis- ciple resolve this longstanding drawback and extend the tence of robust topological quantum numbers that explain Haldane mapping to include finite values of S. p-1 Pruisken et al. One of the main objectives of the present Letter is to J Jκ show that the statementof super universalityof quantum 1 2 3 spin liquids cannot in general be established by using the semiclassicallargeS ideaalone. Toillustratetheproblems Fig.1: The3-spinproblem withrelativebondstrengths1and we first recall the hamiltonian of the spin chain κ. J = S S +κ S S . (1) I1 I2 I2 I+1 2 H S XI (cid:16) · · (cid:17) Three spin problem. Asthemostimportantstepnext • weintroduceanovelmappingontothe NLSMthatavoids Here,J >0favorstheanti-ferromagnetic(N´eel)ordering, the use of semiclassical approximations altogether. This the integer I is the dimer index and the subscripts 1 and is accomplished if, instead of Eq. 3, we pursue an effec- 2 denote the two sites within each dimer. The variable tive action of the spin chain as defined by decimation, i.e. κ with 0 < κ < is the dimensionless nearest neighbor coupling between∞the dimers. The path integral repre- byeliminatingthe spinsononesublattice (say,nˆI1)while retainingthoseontheother(nˆ ). Theprimaryfocuswill sentation involves O(3) vectors nˆ(t) with nˆ2 = 1 and t I2 be on open spin chains containing 2N +1 sites since they denoting the imaginary time. The action is [10] display both the subtleties of “dangling edge spins” and “dual invariance.” By dual invariance we mean that the = iS Ω[nˆ ]+Ω[nˆ ]+ S I1 I2 dimerisedspinsystemdescribedbyEqs. 1and2is invari- XI ant under the interchange between the weak and strong SJ nˆ nˆ +κ nˆ nˆ (2) bonds I1 I2 I2 I+1 1 I · · 1 XI (cid:0) (cid:1) J Jκ, κ . (5) → → κ The quantity Ω[nˆIα] is the solid angle term associated For simplicity we first consider the three spin system as β with each lattice site Iα and = dt. To extract the sketched in Fig. 1 which is the simplest possible system 0 low energy dynamics of the spiHn chaRin from Eq. 2 several with edges that is manifestly self-dual. It is advantageous basicassumptionsarenecessary. Thehistoricalprocedure to express the O(3) vector field nˆ in terms of a grass- was based on the change of variables [11] mannian field variable Q = nˆ τ SU(2)/U(1), with τ · ∈ denoting the Pauli matrices. This leads to the three spin 1 1 m = (nˆ nˆ ), l = (nˆ +nˆ ) (3) action I I1 I2 I I1 I2 2 − 2 where mˆI = mI/|mI|, which is a measure of the N´eel S[Q1,Q2,Q3] = iSnΩ[Q1]+Ω[Q2]+Ω[Q3]o+ ordering, is taken as the soft mode in the problem that 1 should be retained. The field variable lI, on the other 2SJI tr(cid:16)Q1+κ Q3(cid:17)Q2. (6) hand,is takenasthe hard mode thatshouldbe integrated out. The simplest way to do this is by using semiclassi- We can always write Q = T−1τzT with T SU(2) such ∈ cal approximations. Assuming S then Eq. 2 can that the solid angle term can be expressed explicitly ac- be evaluated at the saddle point w→hich∞in the long wave- cording to iΩ[Q]= iΩ[T] = trT∂tT−1τz [4]. The deci- length limit (slowly varying mˆ ) yields the NLSM in the mation of the three spin systHem is defined as follows I presence of the θ angle [4,11]. The complications, how- ever,occurinthecomputationofthe1/S correctionsthat e−Seff[Q1,Q3] = [Q ] e−S[Q1,Q2,Q3]. (7) 2 all diverge as β . The origin of the divergencies are Z D → ∞ easily understood from the following exact expression for To evaluate we notice that the matrix Q +κQ in eff 1 3 the solid angle term of each dimer. [9] S Eq. 6 is hermitian and traceless. Therefore write Ω[nˆI1]+Ω[nˆI2]=2 lI mˆI ∂tmˆI. (4) J(Q1+κQ3) = BV−1τzV (8) I · × κ B = J(1+κ) 1 trδQδQ (9) The action of the “hard” modes has therefore no time r − 2(1+κ)2 derivatives and this, in turn, implies that coincident op- erators lI(t) have a divergent expectation value. What where V ∈ SU(2) and δQ = Q3 −Q1 which is taken as this simple example is telling us is that semiclassical ex- a small quantity. Similarly, we expand the matrix V in pansions are quite generally plagued by ambiguities that powers of the differential δT =T3 T1 − areinherenttothebosonicpathintegralrepresentationof κ Eq. 2. These ambiguities, as we shall see later on in this V =T1+ δT + (δ2). (10) 1+κ O Letter, are the main reasonwhy the generaltheory of the Heisenberganti-ferromagnethasnotadvancedbeyondthe Based on Eqs 8 - 10 we obtain order by order in eff S naive S = saddle point limit. a derivative expansion. To see this we replace Q 2 ∞ → p-2 Exact Haldane mapping for all S and super universality in spin chains V−1Q V such that Eq. 6 can be rewritten as that makes all the difference between an open spin chain 2 andclosedone. Inanticipationofthe factthatthe“bulk” =iS Ω[T ] + Ω[T ] + [Q ]+ ˜[Q ,Q ,Q ](11) of the system is periodic in the “angle” θ we write 1 3 0 2 1 2 3 S (cid:16) (cid:17) S S [Q ] = S tr T ∂ T−1+ B0Q τ (12) θ(κ)=θB(κ)+2πk(κ) (20) S0 2 I (cid:18) 2 t 2 2 2(cid:19) z where π < θ (κ) π denotes the fractional piece and ˜[Q ,Q ,Q ] = S tr V∂ V−1+ δBτ Q (13) k(κ) =−0,1,...B2S th≤e integral piece of θ(κ). Notice that 1 2 3 t z 2 S I (cid:18) 2 (cid:19) under the transformation of Eq.5 the NLSM parameters are replaced by with B = J(1 + κ) and δB = B B . Notice that 0 0 − the piece in Eqs 11 and 12 is the action of a single 0 θ (1/κ) = θ (κ), k(1/κ)=S k(κ) S B B spin S in a constant magnetic field B which is exactly − − 0 g(1/κ) = g(κ), c(Jκ,1/κ)=c(J,κ). (21) solvable. Of interest are the non-vanishing one and two point correlations of the Q =Qσσ′ matrix field [4,5] 2 2 Eq. 20thereforepermitsasplittingofEq. 17intoa“bulk” part [Q] and an “edge” part o[T] that are decoupled hQ2i = −τz, hQ221(0)Q122(t)i= S2ϑ(t)e−B0t.(14) underSBthe dual transformation. SSpEecifically, we rewrite o = [Q]+ o[T] (22) Here, the limit β is understood and ϑ(t) denotes Sexact SB SE theHeavisidestepf→unc∞tion. ThepieceS˜inEqs11and13 B[Q] = 1 tr 1(∂tQ)2+c (∂xQ)2 +iθB [Q](23) containsderivativesactingonthe“soft”modesQ andQ S g Z (cid:26)c (cid:27) C 1 3 and can be treated in a cumulant expansion. This leads k k o[T] = i Ω[T(0)]+i(S ) Ω[T(L)]. (24) to eff obtained to lowest orders in ∂t and δ SE 2 − 2 S κ ThesefinalexpressionsaretheprincipalresultsofthisLet- [Q ,Q ]=iSΩ[T ]+ S Seff 1 3 3 κ+1 × ter. Notice that Eq. 24 is a fundamental statement made J 1 onthe “edge”ofthe θ vacuumthathastraditionallygone tr (δQ)2+ (∂ Q)2 δ(T∂ T−1τ ) .(15) ×I (cid:26)4 Jκ t − t z (cid:27) unnoticed. [4,6] Following Eqs 12 and 14 it is the critical action of “dangling edge spins” and should therefore be Exact mapping. Eq. 15 can directly be generalized regardedasanintegralpartofthelowenergydynamicsof • to obtainthe effective action o forthe dimerisedspin the spin chain. To understand this aspect of the problem Sexact chain with 2N +1 sites and the result is we first consider the class of topological field configura- tions Q for which [Q ] is strictly an integer. As is well 0 0 N C known,thisclasssetsthestageforthe“instantonpicture” Seoxact = mX=1nSeff[Q2m−1,Q2m+1] − iS Ω[T2m+1]o of the θ angle and is geometrically defined by identifying the edge as a single point, i.e. Q is a constant matrix +iS Ω[T ]. (16) 0 2N+1 along the edge of the system, say Q =τ . [6] The action 0 z for the edge Eq. 24 is now a trivial phase factor and we In the continuum limit we obtain the NLSM immediately recognize o = [Q ] as the theory of o = 1 tr 1(∂ Q)2+c (∂ Q)2 +iθ [Q] the “bulk” of system thSaetxaoctnly dSeBpen0ds on θ(κ) modulo Sexact g Z nc t x o C 2π. +iS Ω[T(L)]. (17) To incorporate the edge excitations we write Q = U−1Q U. Here U SU(2) represents the “fluctuations” 0 Here, denotes the space-time integral dt 0Ldx, L = about the boundary∈condition Q0 = τz that carry a frac- 2Na wRith a the lattice constant. [Q] isHtheRtopological tional topological charge. Discarding unimportant phase charge of the matrix field Q C factors Eq. 24 now reads o[T] = o[U] indicating that SE SE the matrix U is the basic field variable for the “edge.” Of 1 Ω[T(0)] Ω[T(L)] primary interest is the effective action for “edge” excita- [Q]= trǫ Q∂ Q∂ Q= − C 16πiZ µν µ ν 4π tions ˜o[U] which is given by [4,6] (18) SE and the NLSM parameters are given by [12] e−S˜Eo[U] =e−SEo[U] [Q0]e−SB[U−1Q0U]. (25) Z D ∂V κ 1+κ θ(κ)=4πS , g(κ)= , c(J,κ)=aJ√κ. (19) Here, ∂V reminds us of the boundary condition Q = τ . 1+κ S√κ 0 z Next, we make use of the fact that the two dimensional We will next employ these results to draw importantcon- theory of Eq. 23 develops a mass gap when θ (κ) 0 B ≈ clusions that are valid for arbitrary values of S. or θ(κ) 2πk(ν). [2] A finite mass gap in the “bulk” ≈ Duality and super universality. The solid angle means that the functional integral of Eq.25 is insensi- • terminEq. 17isclearlytheactionofasingle“edgespin” tive to changes in the boundary conditions and, hence, p-3 Pruisken et al. ˜o[U] o[U] except for U independent terms. We spin. The effect of our introduction of the time splitting SE ≡ SE thereforeconcludethatthedimerisedspinchainwithvary- quantity ǫ in Eq. 28 and 29 is to render the expectation ingvaluesofκdisplays2S+1differenttopologicalphases, valueofcoincidentoperatorsidenticallyequaltozero. The labelled by the integer k(κ), where the low energy excita- remarkable conclusion that one can draw from all this is tions are solely those of the “dangling edge spins” with that the exact correlations of Eq. 14 are obtained in the quantum numbers k(κ)/2 and S k(κ)/2 respectively. limit S and the corrections are zero to all orders in − →∞ These phases must in general be separated by quantum 1/S [16]. phase transitions (or a vanishing mass gap in the bulk) Thesubtlebutcrucialfeatureofcoincident operatorsis occurring at intermediate values of κ where θB(κ) makes generallylostinEqs. 2and12,a drawbackofthe bosonic a “jump” from +π to π. Notice that gapless excitations path integral that explains why the traditional saddle − are in general necessary in order for the spin chain to be pointorlargeS ideasarecomplicated. Ontheotherhand, able to transport a spin 1 quantum over macroscopic dis- the present theory fundamentally resolves these ambigui- 2 tances from one edge to the other. Moreover,in complete ties since our exact and semiclassical results can be com- analogywiththe “electrodynamicspicture”oftheθ angle pareddirectly withthe knowledgeobtainedfromdifferent [13] one may interpret the “jump” in θB(κ) in terms of sources, notably the hamiltonian formalism. Finally, our the creation of “Coleman charges” that move to the op- methodology is not specifically designed for SU(2) spins posite edges suchas to maximally shieldthe “background alone. Itcanalsobe appliedtotheSU(n)case,forexam- electric field” θ(κ). [14] ple, as well as the Heisenberg anti-ferromagnet in higher In summary, emerging from Eqs. 22 - 25 are precisely dimensions. [15] the super universal features ofthe θ vacuum concept that havepreviouslybeendiscoveredinthecontextofthequan- tum Hall effect [6]. The statement of super universality ∗∗∗ becomes all the more transparent when, for example, the This research was funded in part by the Dutch science “danglingedgespins”areidentifiedwiththe phenomenon foundations FOM and NWO and the EU-Transnational ofmassless chiral edge excitations,thespinchainparame- Access program (RITA-CT 2003-506095). One of us terθ(κ)/2πisreplacedbythefillingfractionoftheLandau (A.M.M.P.) is indebted to the Institute of Mathematical levelsand,finally,the integerk(κ)isrecognizedasthe ro- Sciences(Chennai),EcoleNormaleSuperieure(Paris)and bustly quantized Hall conductance [4]. For completeness the Weizmann Institute (Rehovot) for visiting appoint- we list the results for Eq. 24 for open spin chains ( e) andclosedones( p)thatcontainanevennumberofsSitEes ments. SE k e[U]=i Ω[U(0)] Ω[U(L)] , p[U] = 0.(26) REFERENCES SE 2 n − o SE Semiclassical theory. Next, it is of interest to [1] F.D.M. Haldane, Phys. Lett. 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Burmistrov, Ann. of Phys.,  2 − 2 2 − 2 2  316 (2005) 285; Ann. of Phys., 322 (2007) 1265. p The single spin action of Eq. 12 becomes simply [7] A.M.M. Pruisken, I.S. Burmistrov and R. Shankar, cond-mat/0602653. ∗ ∗ [8] For a heuristic scenario on dangling edge spins in an oth- =2S z (t) ∂ z (t)+B z (t ǫ)z (t) . (28) S0 I n 2 t 2 0 2 − 2 o erwise very differentphysical contextsee, T.-K. Ng, Phys Rev B,501994555. Forreasonstobeexplainedshortly,wehaveintroducedan [9] N.Surendran,Ph.D.thesis,Univ.Madras,India(2003). infinitesimaltime splitting quantityǫ>0 inthe definition [10] The bosonic path integral as well as semiclassical quan- of . In the large S limit the propagator becomes 0 tization was originally introduced by A. Jevicki and N. S 1 Papanicolaou, Ann. of Phys., 120 (1978) 107. For a re- hz2∗(0)z2(t)i= 2Sϑ(t−ǫ)e−B0t. (29) viewseeE. Fradkin,FieldTheories inCondensed Matter Systems (Addison Wesley) 1991. It can be shown that Eqs. 27 - 29 are completely equiva- [11] I.Affleck,inLesHouchesSessionXLIX,editedby E. lentto the Holstein-Primakoffrepresentationofthe single Br´ezinand J. Zinn-Justin (North-Holland) 1990. p-4 Exact Haldane mapping for all S and super universality in spin chains [12] As explained later in the text the same expressions are obtained in thenaive S =∞ approximation. [4,11] [13] S. Coleman, Ann. of Phys., 101 (1976) 239. [14] Coleman’s charges are distinctly different from the mass- lessedgeexcitationsthatfundamentallyexplain thequan- tumHalleffect.Asexplainedinthetext,theseedgeexcita- tionsareapreviouslyunrecognizeduniversalfeatureofthe θ angle concept thatresolves, amongst manyotherthings, the longstanding conflicts between ”large N picture” and the“instantonpicture,”seee.g.A.M.M.Pruisken,I.S.Bur- mistrov and R.Shankar[op.cit.]. [15] A.M.M. Pruisken, R. Shankar and N. Surendran, unpublished. [16] John R. Klauder, Phys. Rev. D, 19 (1979) 2349. p-5

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