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Preview Exact "exact exchange" potential of two- and one-dimensional electron gases beyond the asymptotic limit

Exact “exact exchange” potential of two- and one-dimensional electron gases beyond the asymptotic limit Vladimir U. Nazarov Research Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei 11529, Taiwan∗ The exchange-correlation potential experienced by an electron in the free space adjacent to a solid surface or to a low-dimensional system defines the fundamental image states and is generally 6 important in surface- and nano-science. Here we determine the potential near the two- and one- 1 dimensional electron gases (EG), doing this analytically at the level of the exact exchange of the 20 danendsiktFy-fiusntchteionFaerlmthieroardyiu(Ds,FtTh)e.pWoetefinntidalthoabte,yasttrh⊥e≫alrkeaF−d1y,wkhneorwenr⊥asiysmthpetodtiiscta−nec2e/frr⊥om, wthhieleEaGt y r⊥ .kF−1,butstillinvacuum,qualitativeandquantitativedeviationsoftheexchangepotentialfrom a theasymptoticlawoccur. Theplaygroundoftheexcitationstothelow-lyingimagestatesfallsinto M the latter regime, causing significant departure from the Rydberg series. In general, our analytical exchangepotentials establish benchmarksfor numericalapproaches in thelow-dimensional science, where DFT is byfar themost common tool. 6 ] PACSnumbers: 73.21.Fg,73.21.Hb l l a h I. INTRODUCTION behaviour of the xc potential, in this paper we are con- - cerned with the potential in the whole space outside a s e 2(1)DEG.We solvethis problemexactly andanalytically The image potential (IP) – a potential experienced by m attheEXXlevelofDFTandfindthat,atr .k−1,but a test charge outside a semi-infinite medium, a slab, or ⊥ F . stillinvacuum,the potentialis qualitativelyandquanti- t a system of a lower dimensionality – is a fundamental a concept of classical electrostatics1. It is widely believed, tativelydifferentfromitsasymptoticform−e2/r⊥. How- m ever, at larger distances r ≫ k−1, our potentials obey although never proven2–4, that the exchange-correlation ⊥ F - the correct asymptotic, which is known to be mando- (xc)partoftheKohn-Sham(KS)potentialofthedensity- d tary for slabs in general13. The non-asymptotic shape of n functionaltheory(DFT)5mustasymptoticallyreproduce the potential in the r .k−1 region strongly affects ex- o the classical IP at large distances from an extended sys- ⊥ F perimentally important low-lying image states, causing c tem. Muchefforthasbeenexertedoveryearstodescribe [ significant deviations from the Rydberg series. IP quantum-mechanically, both in order to account for Thispaperisorganizedasfollows: InSec.II wederive 3 the experimentally important image states at solid sur- a closed-form EXX potentials for quasi-2(1)DEG with v faces and at quasi-low-dimensional systems, and to gain one filled subband. In Sec. III we take the full confine- 7 better understandingofthe non-trivialinterrelationsbe- 6 tween DFT and classical physics4,6–13. ment limit, obtaining analytical EXX potentials for 2D 0 and 1D electron gases. In Sec. IV we visualize and dis- 7 Regardless of the ultimate answer to the question of cuss the results. In Sec. V we derive further insights 0 whether or not the xc potential (which is not a physical from addressing the problem of quasi-2(1)DEG within 1. quantity) is equal in vacuum to the IP for a test charge the localized Hartree-Fock method. Section VI contains 0 (whichisaphysicalquantity)14,thedeterminationofthe conclusions. In Appendix A we discuss the classical im- 6 former is fundamentally important in quantum physics. age potential in two and one dimensions. In Appendix 1 Indeed, it defines the KS band-structure of the system B, finer details of the derivation of the main results are v: of interest, which step, followed by a calculation of the given. Atomicunits(e2 =~=me =1)areusedthrough- i system’s response within the time-dependent DFT15–18, out. X will produce excitations to image states (which arequite r physical properties). While for semi-infinite media the a problem still remains highly controversial3,4, for slabs II. EXX POTENTIAL OF QUASI-2(1)D it has been firmly established9,12 that, on the level of ELECTRON GAS WITH ONE SUBBAND FILLED the optimized effective potential-exact exchange (OEP- EXX)19–21,theKSpotentialhastheasymptotic−e2/r , ⊥ We start by considering a quasi d-dimensional (d = validatlargedistancesr fromtheslab. However,apart ⊥ 2,1), generally speaking, spin-polarized EG. The posi- from the thickness a, EG in the shape of a slab (quasi- tively charged background with the d-dimensional den- 2D EG) or a cylinder (quasi-1D EG), when considered sity n is strictly confined to the xy-plane and to the z- quantum-mechanically, has a fundamental intrinsic pa- axis, for d = 2 and d = 1, respectively. We are con- rameter kF – the Fermi radius – and, therefore, even at cernedwith the KSproblem5 forspin-orbitalsψσ(r)and a=0,twodifferentregimes,atr⊥ ≫kF−1 andr⊥ .kF−1, eigenenergies ǫσ, with the potential i can be anticipated. i At variance with a vast literature on the asymptotic vσ(r)=v (r)+v (r)+vσ (r), (1) s ext H xc 2 where Q2D Q1D 1 vs(r⊥) r⊥=z rk=z ρσ(rk)= Ω eikk·rk, (7) |kkX|≤kFσ r =(x,y) r⊥=(x,y) k kσ being the Fermi radii for the corresponding spin ori- F entations. As will be seen below, the factorization (6) vs(r⊥) is the key property of 2(1)DEG with only one subband occupation,whichmakespossibletheexplicitsolutionto the EXXproblemforthesesystems. Then,the exchange energy of Eq. (3) can be written as E =−1 |µσ0(r⊥)|2|µσ0(r′⊥)|2|ρσ(rk−r′k)|2drdr′ x 2 |r−r′| σ Z FIG. 1. Schematics of quasi-2D (left) and quasi-1D (right) X electron gases and thenotations adopted. =−1 nσ(r)nσ(r′)|ρσ(rk−r′k)|2drdr′, 2 (nσ)2|r−r′| σ Z X (8) generally speaking, different for different spin orienta- tions σ, where v (r), v (r)= n(r′)/|r−r′|dr′, and ext H where the spin-density is vxσc(r)= δδnEσRx(rc) (2) nσ(r)=ρσ(r,r)=|µσ0(r⊥)|2nσ, (9) and nσ = nσ(r)dr is the d-dimensional uniform spin- ⊥ aretheexternal,Hartree,andxcpotentials,respectively, density. Byvirtue ofEqs.(2), (8), and(9),the exchange nσ(r) are spin-densities, n(r) = n↑(r) + n↓(r) is the potential eRvaluates explicitly to23. particle-density, and E is the xc energy. For the latter xc we use the EXX part, which can be written as22 vσ(r)= δEx =− 1 nσ(r′)|ρσ(rk−r′k)|2dr′ 1 |ρ(r,r′)|2 x δnσ(r) (nσ)2 |r−r′| E =− drdr′, (3) Z (10) x 2Z |r−r′| =− 1 |µσ0(r′⊥)|2|ρσ(rk−r′k)|2dr′. nσ |r−r′| where Z In Eq. (10) we easily recognize the Slater’s exchange ρ(r,r′)= φi(r)φ∗i(r′) (4) potential22. This leads us to the important conclusion iX∈occ that, for Q2(1)EG with only one subband filled for each spin component, EXX and the Slater’s potentials coin- is the density-matrix, the summation in Eq. (4) running cideexactlyand,consequently,inthiscase,theEXXpo- over the occupied states only. tential can be expressed in terms of the occupied states Let r and r be the coordinate vectors parallel and k ⊥ only. Thelatterbecomeswrongwhenmoresubbandsare perpendicular, respectively, to the extent of the EG. In filled24. other words, for d = 2, r is the radius-vector in the k Evaluation of integrals in Eq. (7) is straightforward, xy plane and r is a vector in the z-direction, while for ⊥ giving d=1thisisviceversa,asschematizedinFig.1. Keeping in mind the subsequent zero-thickness limit, we assume obneeo,cactumpioesdt,fosrubebaachndspwinithditrheectwioanv.e-Tfuhnecrteifoonreµ,σ0a(llr⊥sp)into- ρσ(rk)= 2π1rk (2kFσsiJn1((kkFσFσrrkk)),, dd==21,, (11) orbitals with the same spin orientation have the same r -dependence whereJ (x)istheBesselfunctionofthefirstorder. With ⊥ 1 the use of Eqs. (11), the integral over r′ in Eq. (10) can k eikk·rk be taken in special functions, resulting in φσ (r)= µσ(r ), (5) kk Ω1/2 0 ⊥ F (kσ|r −r′ |)|µσ(r′ )|2 where Ω is the normalization area or length, in the 2D vxσ(r⊥)=− d F ⊥|r −⊥r′ | 0 ⊥ dr′⊥, (12) and 1D cases, respectively. Then, by Eq. (4), for the Z ⊥ ⊥ density-matrix we can write where ρ(r,r′)= µσ0(r⊥)µσ0∗(r′⊥)ρσ(rk−r′k), (6) F (x)=1+ L1(2x)−I1(2x), (13) 2 σ x X 3 1 1,1 where γ ≈ 0.5772 is the Euler’s constant. At large dis- F (x)= G2,2 x2 2 , (14) 1 2π 2,4 1,1,−1,0 tances, at the both dimensionalities, the potential re- (cid:20) (cid:12) 2 2 2 (cid:21) (cid:12) spects the asymptotic −1/r⊥. (cid:12) L1(x) and I1(x) are th(cid:12)e first-order modified Struve and Bessel functions, respectively, and 0 a , ..., a Gm,n x 1 p is the Meijer G-function25,26. p,q b , ..., b -0.1 1 q (cid:20) (cid:12) (cid:21) Function(cid:12)s F (x) are plotted in Fig. 2. (cid:12) d -0.2 (cid:12) ) . u 1 z)(a. --00..43 rs=13450 −|z1| 0.8 (x 2 v -0.5 2D 0.6 ) F (x) -0.6 x 2 F(d F1(x) -0.7 0.4 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 z (a.u.) 0.2 FIG. 3. EXX potential of the spin-unpolarized 2DEG, ob- tained with Eqs. (15) and (13), versus the distance from the 0 EGplanez,withthedensityparameterr =(πn)−1/2chang- s 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 x ing from 10 a.u. (top) to 2 a.u. (bottom). The dotted lines show theasymptotic −1/|z|. FIG. 2. Functions F2(x) and F1(x) of Eqs. (13) and (14), which determine the 2D and 1D exchange potential, respec- tively. IV. DISCUSSION 0 III. FULL 2(1)D CONFINEMENT LIMIT -0.5 We now take the limit of the strictly d-dimensional (zero-thickness) electron gas. Then |µσ(r )|2 = δ(r ), 0 ⊥ ⊥ ) -1 and Eq. (12) reduces to u. rs=10 . 5 vxσ(r⊥)=−Fd(kr⊥Fσr⊥). (15) vρ()(ax-1-.52 −ρ1 1234 We emphasize that Eq. (15) was obtained for the math- 1D ematical idealization of an electron gas strictly confined -2.5 to a plane (a straightline), as a limiting case ofEq. (12) for EG of a finite transverse extent. -3 The following zero-distance and asymptotic behaviour 0 1 2 3 4 5 ρ (a.u.) can be directly obtained from Eqs. (15) and (13) for the 2D case FIG. 4. EXX potential of the spin-unpolarized 1DEG, ob- 8kσ vσ(z =0)=− F, (16) tained with Eqs. (15) and (14), versus the distance from the x 3π EG line ρ, with the density parameter r =(2n)−1 changing s 1 2 from 10 (top) to 1 a.u. (bottom). The dotted line shows the vσ(z →∞)→− + +... (17) x z πkσz2 asymptotic −1/ρ. F and from Eqs. (15) and (14) for the 1D case Itisknownthat,inthegeneralcase,EXX-OEPpoten- tial cannot be expressed in terms of the occupied states kσ vσ(ρ→0)→ F[2log(kσρ)+2γ−3], (18) only,butall,theoccupiedandempty,statesareinvolved, x π F andacomplicatedOEPintegralequationmustbesolved 1 1 vσ(ρ→∞)→− + +..., (19) to calculate this potential19,20. It, therefore, may look x ρ πkFσρ2 surprising that a drastic simplification can be achieved 4 in the case of 2(1)DEG with one subband filled, leading 0 to Eq. (10), the latter expressed in terms of the occu- piedstatesonlyandnotinvolvingtheOEPequation. To -0.1 rs=5 clarify this point, in Appendix B1 we arrive at Eq. (10) -0.2 following the traditional path of working out the EXX- ) 2 . = OEP potential in terms of the eigenfunctions and the .u-0.3 rs Q1D a eigenenergiesofallthestates,seeingclearlyhowthesim- ( 1D 1 plifications arise due to the specifics of this system. ρ)-0.4 − ( ρ In Figs. 3 and 4, the EXX potentials of 2DEG and x v 1DEG, respectively, are plotted for a number of densi- -0.5 1D ties as functions of the distance from the EG. An im- -0.6 portant conclusion can be drawn from these figures to- gether with the long-distance expansions (17) and (19): -0.7 The more dense is the EG, the sooner the asymptotic is 0 5 10 15 approached with the increase of the distance. The char- ρ (a.u.) acteristic distance scale is the inverse Fermi radius k−1, F which separatestwo distinct regions,the asymptotic one FIG. 6. The same as Fig. 5 but for 1D case. realizingatr &k−1. Weemphasizethatinbothregions ⊥ F there is no electron density, as is particularly clear with 0 3 the strictly 2D and 1D (zero-thickness) EG. In Figs. 7 ξ=1 2D 2.5 rs=5 0 ) -0.1 u. -0.1 a.u.) ξ=0 3(a. 2 -0.2 rs=5 z)(-0.2 ×101.5 u.) v(x ξ=1 z) 1 a.-0.3 rs=2 Q2D n( ( -0.3 2D 0.5 z)-0.4 ξ=0 ( vx-0.5 Q22DD −|1z| -15 -10 -5z (a0.u.)5 10 15 0-10 -5 z (a0.u.) 5 10 2D -0.6 FIG. 7. Left: Exchange potential as a function of the dis- tance z from the plane of the possitive background of quasi- -0.7 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 2D(solidlines)and2D(dashedlines)EG,forthespin-neutral z (a.u.) (ξ =0) and fully spin-polarized (ξ =1) cases at the density- parameter r = 5. Right: The corresponding particle densi- s ties of the Q2D EG. FIG.5. TheEXXpotentialofspin-neutralQ2DEGwithone subbandfilled(solidlines)comparedtotheanalyticalsolution forthezero-thicknesslimit(dashedlines)fortwovaluesofthe density parameter rs = 2 and 5. The dotted lines show the Results for the EXX potential presented in Figs. 5 and asymptotic −1/|z|. 6, for the 2D and 1D cases, respectively, show that the zero-thickness limit of the EXX potential is a very good and 8 we present the exchangepotential and the density approximation to that of the quasi-low-dimensional EG forthe spin-neutralandfully spin-polarizedelectrongas, exceptforveryshortdistancesfromthesystem. Atthose in the 2D and 1D cases, respectively. distances,theelectron-densityishigh(seeFigs.7and8), A natural question arises: How relevant are the so- thedeviationinthisregionbeingnotsurprising,sincethe lutions obtained for strictly low-dimensional case to potentialis notthat invacuum anymore. Results ofthe the realistic quasi-low-dimensional EG. To answer this, calculations for the spin-polarized EG are presented in we return to Eq. (12) and solve the KS problem self- Figs. 7 and 8. In Table I the low-lying eigenenergies of consistently using27 the 2D and Q2D EG are presented. The deviation of vext,H(r⊥)=vext(r⊥)+vH(r⊥)=2π× the EXX potential from −1/r⊥ in the non-asymptotic region causes significant change in the spectra of the ∞ eigenenergies compared with the Rydberg series, − 1 (|z|−|z−z′|)n(z′)dz′, d=2, 2n2 −∞Z∞ρ′n(ρ′)log 2ρ2 dρ′, d=1. (20) ann=Hda1−v,i22n(,gn..−1.2f12o8)u.2n,dforth2eDaannadly1tiDcaclasEeXs,Xresppoetcetnivtieally,owfhtehree ρ′2+ρ2+|ρ′2−ρ2| Z0 strictly2(1)DEGtobegoodapproximationstothecorre- 5 0 4 Rydberg r =2 r =5 s s 1D n series 2D Q2D 2D Q2D -0.1 rs=5 a.u.)3 ξ=1 1 0.500 0.360 0.511 0.164 0.204 ) ( 2 0.125 0.161 0.196 0.092 0.103 u. 2 a. ξ=0 10 3 0.056 0.102 0.117 0.064 0.070 ( ×2 vρ()x-0.2 ξ=1 nρ() 45 00..003210 00..006468 00..007532 00..004355 00..004387 Q1D ρ1 6 0.014 0.036 0.038 0.027 0.028 π -0.3 1D 2 ξ=0 TABLEI.Thefirstsixeigenenergies(absolutevalues,a.u.) of 0 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 the EXX KS hamiltonian of 2D and Q2D EG for two values ρ (a.u.) ρ (a.u.) of the density parameter r = 2 and 5, compared with the s Rydberg’sseries 1/(2n2). FIG. 8. The same as Fig. 7, butfor 1DEG. DFT expression for energy 10 rsc 2 4 6 8 10 E = ǫσi − vxσc(r)nσ(r)dr+Exc Xi,σ Xσ Z (21) E ∆Fǫ 2D − 1 v (r)n(r)dr+ 1 n+(r)n+(r′)drdr′, 0.5 2 H 2 |r−r′| u.)u.) Z Z a.a. wherethe lastterminEq.(21)istheenergyoftheback- (( ǫǫ∆∆ 0 ground positive charge n+(r), by virtue of Eqs. (8) and ,, (10), we have for the energy per particle FF EE 1D 0.5 1 ǫ=ǫ +ǫ − vσ(r )nσ(r )dr K sub 2n x ⊥ ⊥ ⊥ Xσ Z (22) 00 rsc 2 4rs (a.u.)6 8 10 − 21n vext,H(r⊥) n(r⊥)+n+(r⊥) dr⊥, Z (cid:2) (cid:3) FIG.9. DiagramsofstabilityofQ2D(upperpanel)andQ1D where the kinetic and the subband energies are (lowerpanel)electrongaseswithonesubbandoccupied. The Fermi energy EF = kF2/2 and the distance ∆ǫ between two 1 1+ξ2, d=2, Alotwerst<subrbca(nsdhsadaeredsahroewasn, vrecrs≈us1t.h4e6daenndsit0y.7-p2,arianm2eDterarnsd. ǫK = 2rs2 ( π2 1+3ξ2 /48, d=1, (23) s s s 1D cases, respectively), more than one subbands are filled, 1 ǫ = ǫ↑+ǫ(cid:0)↓+ξ ǫ↑(cid:1)−ǫ↓ , (24) invalidating the results of this theory. The diagrams refer to sub 2 0 0 0 0 thespin-unpolarized case. h (cid:16) (cid:17)i andξ =(n↑−n↓)/nisthespinpolarization. Inthezero- thickness limit v =0, and the exchange energy per ext,H particle becomes ǫ = −23/2 (1+ξ)3/2+(1−ξ)3/2 x 3πrs and ǫx = −∞, for 2D and 1Dh cases, in accord withi sponding quasi-low-dimensional EG with one filled sub- Refs. 29 and 30, respectively. band, we need to establish when the latter regime actu- Our solutions, in particular, show that, while, in the ally holds. This question is answered in the diagrams of general case, EXX requires the knowledge of all, occu- thestabilityoftheEGwithonesubbandfilled,presented pied and empty, states, and solving of the optimized ef- in Fig. 9. For rs >rsc (rsc ≈1.46 and 0.72 in 2D and 1D fective potential(OEP)integralequationis necessary,in cases, respectively) EF = kF2/2 < ∆ǫ, where ∆ǫ is the the case of quasi-2(1)DEG with only one subband occu- subband gap, the state with one filled subband is stable. pied, it is possible to avoid those complications, still re- Otherwise, at rs < rsc, it is energetically preferable to mainingwithintheexacttheory. Inthiscontext,wenote start filling the second subband. The latter regions, cor- thatthelocalizedHartree-Fockpotential(LHF)31,which responding to high electron densities and to which our hasprovenausefulconceptrequiringtheoccupiedstates theory does not apply, are shaded at the diagrams. only andinvolving no OEP equationin the generalcase, yieldsresultsveryclose(oftenindistinguishable)tothose For the sake of completeness, we write down the total of EXX and Hartree-Fock(HF)31,32. Conceptually, LHF energy in the one occupied subband regime. Using the potentialcanbeconstructedindependentlyfromHFand 6 EXX33, within the scheme of the optimized propagation V. EQUIVALENCE OF EXX AND LHF FOR in time34, and it is one of the realizations of the “direct QUASI-2(1)DEG WITH ONE FILLED SUBBAND energy” potentials35,36. This is, therefore, very instruc- tive to learn that, for 2(1)DEG with one filled subband, LHF coincides with both EXX and Slater’s potentials The purpose of this section is to prove that, within exactly up to a constant, as we show in the next section. the one-filled-subband regime of 2(1)D electron gas, the Here,itisinstructivetodrawtheanalogywithasinglet localizedHartree-Fock (LHF) method and and exact ex- two-electron system with only one state filled, for which change (EXX) are exactly equivalent. allthe threepotentialscoincide32,33. Inthe presentcase, although with an infinite number of electrons, the same We start by reminding the basic facts on the LHF propertyholdsdueto(i)theseparationofthevariablesin potential31 within the framework of the optimized- the two perpendicular directions and (ii) to the system propagation method (OPM)32–34. The LHF exchange being uniform (the potential being flat) in the parallel potential v˜σ(r), experienced by electrons with the spin x direction. orientation σ, is a solution to the equation 1 ρσ(r,r′)ρσ(r′,r′′)ρσ(r′′,r) v˜σ(r)nσ(r)= v˜σ(r′)− |ρσ(r,r′)|2dr′+ dr′dr′′, (25) x x |r−r′| |r′−r′′| Z (cid:20) (cid:21) Z with the spin-resolved density-matrix defined as where the superscript at the sum means that only the orbitals with the spin direction σ are included. For in- tegegral number of particles, Eq. (25) determines the potential up to the addition of an arbitrary constant σ ρσ(r,r′)= φ (r)φ∗(r′), (26) v˜σ(r)→v˜σ(r)+cσ.32 A relation i i x x i X 1 |ρσ(r,r′)|2 1 v˜σ(r)nσ(r)dr+ drdr′ + v (r)n(r)dr=0 (27) x 2 |r−r′| 2 H σ (cid:20)Z Z (cid:21) Z X fixes this constant uniquely in the fully spin-polarized the sum of the single-particle eigenenergies32. case, while in the presence of electrons of both spin ori- For 2(1)DEG with only one subband filled entations,itmakesonlyoneoftheconstantsindependent byfixingthequantityc↑N↑+c↓N↓,whereN↑ andN↓ are ρσ(r,r′)=µσ0(r⊥)µσ0∗(r′⊥)ρσ(rk−r′k), (28) the number of electrons with spin up and spin down, re- spectively. Inbothcasesthisfixesthetotalenergyofthe where ρσ(rk) is given by Eq. (7). Substituting Eqs. (28) system, the electronic part of which is equal in OPM to and (9) into Eq. (25) and canceling out |µ (r )|2 from σ ⊥ both sides, we can write |µ (r′ )|2|ρσ(r −r′)|2 nσv˜σ(r )=− σ ⊥ k k dr′+ v˜σ(r′ )|µ (r′ )|2|ρσ(r −r′)|2dr′ x ⊥ |r−r′| x ⊥ σ ⊥ k k Z Z (29) |µ (r′ )|2|µ (r′′)|2ρσ(r −r′)ρσ(r′ −r′′)ρσ(r′′−r ) + σ ⊥ σ ⊥ k k k k k k dr′dr′′, |r′−r′′| Z where we have explicitly written that the potential is a r , and the apparent dependence on r is eliminated by ⊥ k function of the perpendicular coordinate only. We no- the proper substitutions of the integration variables r′ k tice,andthisiscrucialtoourderivation,thatthesecond and r′′. Recalling that Eqs. (25) are solvable up to ar- k and the third terms in the right-hand side of Eq. (29) bitraryconstants only, we can, therefore,write by virtue are constants: The terms in question do not depend on 7 of Eq. (29) where vσ(r ) is the EXX potential of Eq. (10). Substi- x ⊥ tuting Eq. (30) into Eq. (27), we have v˜σ(r )=vσ(r )+cσ, (30) x ⊥ x ⊥ 1 |ρσ(r,r′)|2 1 cσNσ =− vσ(r)nσ(r)dr+ drdr′ − v (r)n(r)dr. (31) x 2 |r−r′| 2 H σ σ (cid:20)Z Z (cid:21) Z X X As already mentioned above, within the framework of bythecomparisontotheresultsoftheself-consistentcal- OPM, the electronic energy of a many-body system is a culations beyond the zero-thickness limit. They, conse- sum of the eigenvalues of its single-particle LHF hamil- quently,areexpectedtoserveasefficientmeanstohandle tonian(i.e.,itisa“directenergy”potential35,36). There- thegeneralproblemofthe exchangepotentialandimage fore, we can write states in the low-dimensional science. As a by-product, our solutions extend a short list of σ 1 n+(r)n+(r′) analytical results known in the many-body physics. E = ǫ˜ + drdr′, (32) i 2 |r−r′| σ i Z XX ACKNOWLEDGMENTS wheretheelectrostaticenergyofthepositivebackground was added, as in the main text. Since, due to Eq. (30), the LHF Hamiltonian differs from the EXX one by the Support from the Ministry of Science and Technol- constants cσ only, we can write from Eq. (32) ogy,Taiwan,GrantNo. 104-2112-M-001-007,isacknowl- edged. σ 1 n+(r)n+(r′) E = ǫ + cσNσ+ drdr′, i 2 |r−r′| σ i σ Z Appendix A: Classical image potential of 2(1)D XX X (33) conductor whereǫ aretheEXXeigenenergies. Finally,substituting i Eq. (31) into Eq. (33) and comparing with Eq. (21), we Let2(1)Dconductoroccupyaplane (line) r =0and conclude that the LHF and EXX total energies exactly ⊥ letatestchargeQbepositionedatr =R andr =0. coincide. ⊥ ⊥ k The field of the test charge will cause a change in the electron-density distribution, which we denote n (r ). 1 ⊥ Thelatterisdeterminedbytheconstancyofthepotential VI. CONCLUSIONS at the plane (line) of the conductor We have obtained explicit solutions to the problem Q − n1(r′k) dr′ =0, (A1) oqfuatshie-twexoa-catnedxcohnaen-gdeim–enospitoinmailzeedlecetffreocntigvaespesotwenitthiaolnoef R⊥2 +r2k Z |r′k−rk| k q subbandfilledintermsofthedensity. Ithasbeenproven bywhichwealsofixthepotentialorigin. TakingFourier- that the EXX potential, the localized Hartree-Fock po- transform with respect to r we have k tential, and the Slater’s potential all coincide with each v (R ) otherexactly(upto anarbitraryconstant)forthesesys- n (q )=Q qk ⊥ , (A2) tems. 1 k vq (0) k By taking the limit of the zero-thickness [full 2(1)D where confinement] of the respective electron gases, we have found exactanalytical solutions to the static EXX prob- v (r )= e−iqk·rk dr . (A3) lem for 2(1)DEG. We have identified a non-asymptotic qk ⊥ r2+r2 k Z k ⊥ regime, which realizes in the free space at distances less q orcomparabletotheinverseFermiradiusoftheelectron In real space Eq. (A2) yields for the density gas. While our solutions reproduce the before known asymptotic of the exchange potential at large distances, n1(rk)= (2Qπ)d vvqk(R(0⊥))eiqk·rkdqk (A4) at shorter distances the variance of the exchange poten- q Z k tialfromitsasymptoticstronglyaffectsthelow-lyingex- and for its induced potential cited states, causing departure from the Rydberg series. gaWsesi,thoiunraanwaildyeticraalngpeotoefnttihaelsdaecncsuitriaetseloyfatphpereolxeicmtraotne φind(rk,r⊥)=−(2Qπ)d vqk(Rv⊥q)(v0q)k(r⊥)eiqk·rkdqk. Z k those of realistic quasi-2(1)D systems, as demonstrated (A5) 8 The total energy of the system, which, being the work of particles) do not affect the the first order variation requiredtomovethetestchargefromR toinfinityand, of E , the latter taken at the ground-state of the den- ⊥ x therefore, is the image potential, is sity. Therefore, with respect to finding the ground-state exchange potential for our systems, we need to consider E =Qφ (r =0,R )+ 1 n1(rk)n1(r′k)dr dr′, the variations of the density which depend on r⊥ only. ind k ⊥ 2 |r −r′| k k By the chain rule, this leads to the variation of the Z k k KS potential v as a function of r only, too. Since the (A6) s ⊥ variables r and r separate in KS equations and since which, by Eqs. (A4) and (A5) can be rewritten as ⊥ k theground-stateoccupiedspin-orbitals(5)factorizewith Q2 vq2 (R⊥) Q2 the same perpendicular part for all of them, it is obvi- E =− k dq + ous,that,uponavariationofvσ(r), thechangedorbitals (2π)d v (0) k 2(2π)d s Z qk (A7) remain of the same form (5) with one and the same, vq2 (R⊥) Q2 vq2 (R⊥) changed, perpendicular part. In other words, through × k dq =− k dq . v (0) k 2(2π)d v (0) k the variational procedure, the system remains that with q q Z k Z k only one subband filled. 2D-case 1. Proof of Eq. (10) in terms of the orbital wave-functions and eigenenergies ByEq.(A3),vqk(R⊥)= 2qπke−qkR⊥,andEq.(A7)eval- uates to Here we give an alternative proof of Eq. (10) which Q2 showshowthegeneralEXXformalismleadstotheSlater E =− , (A8) potential in the case of quasi 2(1)DEG with only one 4R ⊥ subband filled. We can write which coincides with the result for a semi-infinite metal. δE δn(r′) δE x = x dr′ = χσ(r,r′)vσ(r′)dr′, δvσ(r) δvσ(r)δnσ(r′) s x s Z s Z 1D-case (B2) wherewehaveusedthechainrule,thedefinitionsofvσ(r) x and of the KS spin-density-response function χσ(r,r′), By Eq. (A3), vqk(R⊥) = 2K0(qkR⊥), where Kn(x) is andthesymmetryofthelatterinitstwocoordinastevari- the modified Bessel function of the second kind. Since ables. The explicitexpressionofχσ(r,r′)interms ofthe K (0)=∞, Eq. (A7) evaluates to s 0 KS wave-functions and eigenenergies is E =0, (A9) ψσ∗(r)ψσ(r)ψσ∗(r′)ψσ(r′) χσ(r,r′)= i j j i +c.c. (B3) in accordance that the notion of the strictly 1D electron s ǫ −ǫ i j i∈occ gas is inherently inconsistent and a finite width must be X j6∈occ introducedformeaningfulresults30. Thesecomplications are not, however,relevantto the purposes of the present In the case of 2(1)D EG with the flat in-plane potential, work. the variables r and r separate in the KS equations, i k ⊥ (j) becomes a composite index i=(k ,n ), where k is ki i k the parallel momentum, n indexes the transverse bands, Appendix B: Further particulars of the derivation of and Eq. (10) k2 ǫσ = ki +λσ , (B4) The derivationofEq.(10)has beenassuming thatthe i 2 ni systemremainsthat withone subbandfilled[and, there- fore,Eq.(8)holding]throughoutthe variationalprocess. Here we show that this, indeed, is the case. Let us write φσ(r)= eikki·rkµσ (r ), (B5) the variation of the exchange energy i Ω1/2 ni ⊥ where µσ (r ) are the wave-functions of the (3 − d)- δEx = vx(r⊥)δn(r)dr, (B1) dimensionnial⊥motion in the potential vsσ(r⊥), and λni Z are the corresponding eigenenergies. We substitute where,duetothesymmetryoftheproblem,wehaveused Eqs.(B3)-(B5)into Eq.(B2) andnote that, by the sym- thefactthatv isafunctionoftheperpendicularcoordi- metry of the problem, the left-hand side of Eq. (B2) de- x nateonly. Therefore,thevariontionsofthedensitywhich pendsonr⊥ onlyand,therefore,wecanaverageEq.(B2) avarage out to zero in the parallel to the EG direction inrkoverΩwithoutchangingit. Doingthisandintegrat- (which is necessary for the conservation of the number ing overr′ onthe right-handside with accountof vσ(r′) k x 9 being a function of r′ only, we see that only k = k Then, using the chain rule, ⊥ kj ki contribute, leading to δE δE δφσ (r′) δE δφσ∗(r′) δvδsσE(xr) =nσZ χσs(r⊥,r′⊥)vxσ(r′⊥)dr′⊥, (B6) δvsσ(xr)=mX∈occZ (cid:20)δφσm(xr′) δvmsσ(r) +δφσm∗(xr′) δvmsσ(r) (cid:21)dr′. (B9) where ∞ µσ∗(r′ )µσ(r′ )µσ(r )µσ∗(r ) χ (r ,r′ )= 0 ⊥ n ⊥ 0 ⊥ n ⊥ +c.c., Due to Eq. (B8) s ⊥ ⊥ λσ −λσ n=1 0 n X (B7) δE φσ(r′′)φσ∗(r′′)φσ∗(r′) andwehavetakenaccountofthefactthatonlyonestate x =− i m i dr′′,(m,σ)∈occ. δφσ(r′) |r′−r′′| with the wave-function µσ0(r⊥) is occupied in the trans- m (i,σX)∈occZ verse direction. (B10) On the other hand, we can evaluate δE /δvσ(r) di- By the use of the perturbation theory, we can write x s rectly. By Eqs. (3) and (4) δφ (r′) φσ(r′)φσ (r)φσ∗(r) 1 φσ(r)φσ∗(r)φσ(r′)φσ∗(r′) m = l m l . (B11) E =− i j j i drdr′. δvσ(r) ǫσ −ǫσ x 2 |r−r′| s l6=m m l Xσ (i,σX)∈occZ X (j,σ)∈occ (B8) SubstitutionofEqs.(B10)and(B11)intoEq.(B9)gives δE φσ(r′′)φσ∗(r′′)φσ∗(r′)φσ(r′)φσ(r)φσ∗(r) x =− i m i l m l +c.c. dr′dr′′. (B12) δvσ(r) |r′−r′′|(ǫσ −ǫσ) s (m,Xσ)∈occ lX6=mZ (cid:20) m l (cid:21) (i,σ)∈occ Further, substituting Eqs. (B4) and (B5) into Eq. (B12), we have δE 1 x =− δvσ(r) Ω3 s |kkiX|≤kFσ (kkl,nlX)6=(kkm,0) |kkm|≤kFσ (B13) ei(kki−kkm)·r′k′µσ0(r′⊥′)µσ0∗(r′⊥′)µσ0∗(r′⊥)ei(kkl−kki)·r′kµσnl(r′⊥)ei(kkm−kkl)·rkµσ0(r⊥)µσn∗l(r⊥) +c.c.dr′dr′′, k2 k2 Z km +λσ − kl −λσ |r′−r′′|  2 0 2 nl   (cid:18) (cid:19)    where, again, it has been taken into account that the occupied orbitals have only one transverse band µσ(r ). 0 ⊥ Similartotheabove,weaverageEq.(B13)overr withoutchangingit. Thisleadstoonlythetermswithk =k k kl km remaining, and gives δEx =− 1 ∞ |µσ0(r′⊥′)|2µσ0∗(r′⊥)µσn(r′⊥)µσ0(r⊥)µσn∗(r⊥)ei(kkm−kki)·(r′k−r′k′) +c.c. dr′dr′′, (B14) δvσ(r) Ω3 (λσ−λσ)|r′−r′′| s |kkiX|≤kFσ nX=1Z " 0 n # |kkm|≤kFσ or, according to the definition (7), δEx =−1 ∞ |µσ0(r′⊥′)|2µ0σ∗(r′⊥)µσn(r′⊥)µσ0(r⊥)µσn∗(r⊥)|ρσ(r′k−r′k′)|2 +c.c. dr′dr′′, (B15) δvσ(r) Ω (λσ−λσ)|r′−r′′| s n=1Z " 0 n # X or, by Eq. (B7) and integrating over r′, k δEx =− dr′ χσ(r ,r′ ) |µσ0(r′⊥′)|2|ρσ(r′k−r′k′)|2dr′′. (B16) δvσ(r) ⊥ s ⊥ ⊥ |r′−r′′| s Z Z 10 Combining Eqs. (B6) and (B16), we have |µσ(r′′)|2|ρσ(r′ −r′′)|2 dr′ χσ(r ,r′ ) nσvσ(r′ )+ 0 ⊥ k k dr′′ =0. (B17) ⊥ s ⊥ ⊥ x ⊥ |r′−r′′| " # Z Z For Eq. (B17) to hold, the expression in the square brackets must be a constant, which retrieves the exchange potential of Eq. (10) up to an arbitrary constant. ∗ [email protected] (1984). 1 L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Electrodynamics of con- 17 E. K. U. Gross and W. 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