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Evolutionary Robotics: The Biology, Intelligence, and Technology of Self-Organizing Machines PDF

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Preview Evolutionary Robotics: The Biology, Intelligence, and Technology of Self-Organizing Machines

EvolutionRaorbyo tics IntelliRgoebnott asn dA utonomouAsg ents RonaCl.Ad r kiend,i tor Behavior-Based Robotics RonaCl.dA rki1n9,9 8 RoboSth apinAgn:E xperimiennB te haviEonrg ineering MarcDoo riagnoMd a rcCoo lomb1e9t9ti8, Layered LeairnnM iunlgt iagSeynstt emAs W:i nniAnpgp roacthoR obotSiocc cer PetSetro n2e0,0 0 EvolutioRnoabroyt iTcshe:B iologIyn,t elligaenndcT ee,c hnoloofgSye lj�OrganiMzai­ng chines StefNaonloafi n dD arFiioo re2a0n0o0, EvolutionRaorbyo tics TheB iologIyn,t elligaenndcT eec,h noloogfyS elf-OrganMiazcihnign es StefaNnool fia ndD ariFol oreano A BradfoBrodo k TheM IT Press CambridgMea,s sachusetts London, England © 2000M assachusIentsttsi toufTt eec hnology Allr ighrtess ervNeod p.a rotf t hibso okm ayb er eproduicnea dn yf ormb ya nye lectroonrmi ecc hanicmaela ns (includpihnogt ocopyriencgo.r dionrig n.f ormation asntdor reatgrei ewviatlh)o puetr missiinow nr itifnrgo mt he publisher. This bowaosks eitn T imeRso manb yt hea uthor utshieIt\n TgP( documenptr eparastyisotne m. Printaenddb oundi nt heU niteSdt atoefsA merica. LibraorfyC ongreCsast aloging-in-PuDbaltiac ation NolfiS.t efano. Evolutionraorbyo titchse:b iologiyn,t elligaenndct ee,c hnoloogfys elf­ / organizing macShtienfaeNnsoo l fiD,a riFol oreano. p. cm.- (Intellriogbeontatsn d a utonomoaugse nts) "AB radfobrodo k." Includbeisb liograprheifcearle nacnedis n dex. ISBN0 -262-1407(0h-ca5:I kp.a per) I. l. EvolutioRnoabroyt icsF.l oreaDnaor,i IoI.T. i tlIeI.IS .e ries. TJ211.3N76.5 2000 698.8'92--dc21 00-028172 CIP toM ariaan dL etizia-SN toK risztina-DF Contents Acknowledgments ix Preface Xl 1 Ther oloef s elf-organifzoartt ihoesn y ntheasnidst he understandoifbn egh aviosryaslt ems 2 Evolutionaanrdyn euratle chniques 19 3 How toe volvreo bots 49 4 Evolutioofsn i mplnea vigation 69 5 Powera ndl imiotfsr eactiivnet elligence 93 6 Beyonrde actiivnet elligence 121 7 Learnianngd e volution 153 8 Competitciov-ee volution 189 9 Encodinmga,p pinga,n dd evelopment 223 10 Complehxa rdwarmeo rphologiWeasl:k inmga chines 241 11 Evolvabhlaer dware 261 Conclusions 277 Notes 281 References 295 Index 317 Acknowledgments Theo rigoifnt sh ibso ogko b actko m orteh atne yne aargso w hetnh aeu thboergsa n exploervionlgu otfia ornt ifiocrigaaln iasttm hsNe a tioRneasle aCrocuhn ciinRl o me. DomeniPcaor ipslia yaef du ndamernotliaengl e ttuisni gn terienst theifidse lsdh,a ring hiisd eaanspd, r oviadr ienmga rksatbilmyu laantfdir nige nednlvyi ronHmieosnp te.an n d curimoiunshd a hsa dag reiamtp aocnto uarp protaosc chi eanncdte e chnoalnodhg iys, contribcuatbnie fo onusni dnm anpyl actehsr ougthhobiuosto k. LatoenrD, F m ovetdot hLea boraotfMo ircyr oprocaensdIs notresr f(aLcAeMsIa )t thSew isFse deIrnaslt iotfTu etceh nolLoaguys,a (nEnPeF wLh)e rFer anceMsocnod ada, EdoF ranAznid,r Geu ignaanrdJd e an-DNaincieowlue dr dee veloapn ienwmg i niature mobirloeb footrr e seairnbc iho -insapnidar deadp tsiyvset eTmhsei. n novactoinvcee pt oft hKeh eperroab hoatbs e einn strumfeosnrht aaploi unmrge thodoilnEo vgoyl utionary Robotaincds s itsiu lsleb dy h undroefdp se opilnoe u rre seacrocmhm uniFtrya.n cesco Mondahdaabs e eens senttogi eaitlat l slt arttope rdo,v iindtee reisdteaiannsdfg e edback, andt oc ontinusouupspluoysrw ti tahls lo rotfts e chnoltoogoielcvsae wlnh ehne i sv ery buswyi thhi cso mpaJneya.n -DNaincioeultd hL,eA MId irecatnodarm anw itahg reat senfsoeir n novahtaicsor ne,a ttheredi gehntv ironfmoceran rtr yoiunttgh irse seaarncdh haasl wasyusp pourstw eidte hn thusainadgse mn erosity. TakasGhoim ia,g lobe-trruontntiaecn rog m pawniyt ghr evaits iionrn osb otniecws , artifiicnitaell liagnedmn acnek,i rneda,l iezaerdol nyt hiem portoafnE cveo lutionary RobotAilcosn.tg h eyseea hresh apsr oviudswe idt ohp portutnoli itnwikie tsoh t hceorl ­ leagaureosu tnhdwe o rladn mde este veirnatle repsetoipfnlrgeo r me seaarncidhn dustry. Manyp eopaltte h Ree seaGrrcohu opfA rtifiLciifaielnR ome( GRALh)a vceo n­ tribuitnae w di drea nogfei nvaluwaabylsWe.e t haRnakff aeClael abrAentgteaCl,ao n ­ geloFseid,e rCieccoc oDnain,i Deelnea rHoe,n rHiaku tLoupn dD,a viMdaer ocFciol,i ppo MenczaenrdL, u iPgaig liaamroinnogit heOrrsa.z Miiog liinnpo a rticsuilganri,fi cantly contritbogu etneedr tahtieed efaosu nidnt hibso oAkt.E PFLJ,o seUbraz ehlaabsie ean companoifso env efrrauli dtifsuclu sasnidho ancssa rroiueitdm poretxapnetr immeennt­s tionientd h bioso Hke.h aasl spor ovimduecdfh e edboancv ka ridoruasof ftt sh bioso k. InmaHna rvePyh,iH lu sbanadnsdA, d riTahno mpsooftn h "eS ussgerxo uhpa"v e beeonu ral teerg oa lontgh eyseea rtsh,pe e rsownistw hh omw ew oulcdo mpaarned discouusrrse sublottwshi thtihnse c ienctiirficacun idit nv ariboaursas r outnhdwe o rld. Theciorn tritboua tritoinfie cvioallua tnitdoo en v olutiroonbaortiyisv c esri ym poratnadn t descrtihbreodu gthhobiuosto k. Seveortahlpe ero phlaev ceo ntriibnuo tneewd a yo ra nottheotr h ibso ookv etrh e lasyte arisn,c luTdoimnZ gi emkJeu,Tn a nJie,fE fl maann,dV alenBtrianiot ewnhboe rg ofteonff eruestd h peo ssibtiodl iistcytu hsoesff sproifhn igis m aginVeahriyc l(e91s8 4i)n compaonfhy i fse llnoewu rophysiologists. AtM ITP resHse,n rSyt anBtroand fgoarvdte h ien iteinatlh ussiuapspttoihrcat at l - loweudst os tatrhtpi rso jLeacttoe.nr B, o bP riaonrhd i sst arffe -orgatnhpierz oejdae ncdt efficiemnatnlaygt ehdre e alizoaftt hibioosno ikna v erfyr ienadtlmyo sphere. Thea uthaocrksn owltehdfego er ward-sluopopkfoirrnotgCm N Ra ndE PFLD.F a lso acknowltehdSegw eissN sa tioSncaile Fnocuen datgriaonnnrt,6. 2 0-58t0h4aa9tl, l owed compleotfti hobinos o akn cdo ntinuoaftt hipeor no ject. Both auhtahveoerq su aclolnyt ritbout thceeod n teonftt hsib so okI.na dditSiNo n, effectively tkhpierc okj-aesnctadtal rwtameyadsd seu rteh acto ntinpuroougsrw eassns o t hampebryeo dt hienrc ompirnogj eScNta sl.sp oua tm ajoerf fionrp tr epatrhicena gm era­ readvye rsfiootrnh per esIstw. a sa p leastuomr aek teh fien aald justmteongtesti hne r Romea ndd iscoovneemr o rtei mheo ww elolu vri sioofne sv olutiroonbaortmyia ctsc h. Wet hitnhkat thb ioso hka gsr eabtelnye fiftreodtm h hiosm ogenaenihdto ypt eh ayto uw ill proafintd ernejaodyii tn.g Romaa nLda usanMnaey2, 0 00. Preface Evolutiroonbaortiyisa c n se wt echnifqoauru et omactrieca toifao unt onomrooubso ts. Iti si nspibryte hdde a rwinpirainn coifps leel ecrteipvreo duocftt hifieot nt eIstit sa. newa pprowahcihcl ho oaktsr oboatsas u tonomaorutsi fiocrigaaln itshmadste vetlhoepi r owns kiilnlc sl oisnet erawcitttihho eenn vironwmietnhtho uumta inn terveHnetaivoinl.y drawifnrgo nma tusrcaile nlciekbsei oloagnyde tholeovgoyl,u tiroonbaortmyia ckse s usoef t oolliskn ee urnaelt wogreknse,at ligco ridtyhnmasm,si ycs teamnsdb, i omorphic engineering. Thet eremv olutioronbaortyi hcsa bse einn trodounclqeyud i rteec en(tCllyiH ffa,r vey anHdu sba1n9d9 3)t,h iebd ueotafr epresetnhcteoi nntgsr yoslt oefamr obaosat n a rtificial chromossoumbej teotc htle a wosfg enetaincdos fn atusrealle cdtaitobenas c tkot he end oft h1e9 80w'hse tnh fier ssti mulaartteidfi ocrigaaln iwsimtashs ensmoortyo sry stem begaenv olvoincn ogm pustcerre eAntts h.at ti mheo,w evreerar,lo bowtesrs et ill machines tharte quiarcecdu rpartoeg ramemfifnogar ntdcs a remfaunli pulTaotwiaotrnhd.e oefn d thapte riaof de,ew n ginbeeegraqsnu estisoonmioenft g h bea spirci ncoifpr loebdsoe ts ign andc amuep w itahn ewg eneraotfri oobno tthsas th ariemdp orcthaanrta ctewriitsht ics simpblieo losgyisctaelrm osb:u stsniemspsl,is cmiastlyil,z fl ee,x ibimloidtuyla,Ar biotvye. altlh,e rsoeb owtesrd ee sigsnote hdat th ecyo ubledp rogramamnecddo ntroblypl eeodp le witdhi fferbeanctk groaunndld esv eolfts e chnsikcialIlln ts h.ye e a1r9s9 a2n d1 99t3h,e firsetx perimoenan rttsi fiecvioallu otfia ount onomrooubsow tesrr ee porbtyoe udtr e am att hSew isFse deIrnaslt iotfTu etceh noilnoL gayu sanbnyae t ,e aamtt hUen iverosfi ty SussaetBx r ighatnodbn y,a t eaamtt hUen iverosfSi otuyt hCearlni foTrhnesi uac.c ess andp otenotfit ahlersse es eartcrhiegsga ew rheodln ee wa ctiivnie tvyo lutiroonbaortyi cs inl abasc roEsusr oJpaep,a ann,td h Uen itSetda tes. Int hvee rlya fsetyw e aervso lutiroonbaorthyiag csas t hetrhieend t eorfael satr cgoem ­ muniotfry e searwcihtedhri sf ferreesnetai rncthe raensdbt asc kgro(urnadnsgf irnoAgmI anrdo bottiobc iso,l aongcdyo gnistciiveent cote hs,et uodfys ocibaelh avCioonrt)i.n uous investgmreonwtat,nh pd,r ogrienes vso lutiroonbaorthyia ccsas u saes du bstamnattiuarla ­ tiont homefe thodoalnodog fty h ies suiensv olavnedad tt, h sea mtei mhea gse neraa ted diversiofifct ahtbeia osmnie ct hodoTlhoigbsyo .op kr oviadc eosm prehednessicvrei ption ofw haetv olutiroonbaortiyiso c,fws h aitts sc ienatnidtfi ecc hnolmoigliiaceraueol ,f t he varimoeutsh oedmsp loyoeftd h,re e sualcthsi esvofe adar n,od f t hfeu tudrier ectTihoen s. booaki mastc laroifet xyp lanaavtoiiodnai,smn ugc ahs p ossi(boalrce c uraetxepllya ining) scienjtairfigcTo hner. e adiesgr e ntilnyt rodtuotc hesedu bjfeocltl oawh iinsgt oarnidc al logipcaatlTh h.eb oodke scrtihbmeeo ssu ts etde chni(qgueensea tligco rintehumrnsae,lt ­ workest,c p.r)e,s esnetvsee rxaple rimoefin ntcsr eacsoimnpgl etxoigteytw hietrrhe lated issuaests h eayr iasnesd,h owtshm eo sptr omisfiuntgud rier ections. 1 Ther oloefs elf-organfioztrah steyi notnh aensdit sh uen derstaonfd ing behavisoyrsatle ms 1.1 Introduction Theb asiidce bae hienvdo lutiroonbaortgyio ceasss f oll(oswesfie g ur1e1. )A.n i nitial populaotfdi ioffne raerntti ficchiraolm osoemaeceshn, c odtihncego ntsryoslt (eamn d sometitmhemeso rpholoofg ryao) b oatrr,ea ndocmrleya atnedpd u itn t heen vironment. Eacrho b(opth ysoirsc iamlu laitste hdel)ne f tr eteoa c(tm ovleo,oa kr oumnadn,i pulate) accordtioan g ge netiscpaelcliycfi oendt rowlhlieilrtep s e rformoanvn acrei toaussik ss automateivcaallulaTyth eefid t.t est arraoelb loottwsoer de prod(usceex uoaral sleyx ually) byg eneractoipniogeft s h egiern otywpiettshh aed ditoifco hna ngienst rodbuysc oemde geneotpiecr a(teo.rmgsu. t,a ticornoss,s odvueprl,i caTthiiposrn o)c.ie ssr se peaftoeard numboefrg enerautnitoainnils n diviidsbu oarwlnh icsha titshfipeee sr formcarnictee rion (fitnefsusn ctsieobtyn t )h eex perimenter. Evolutiroonbaortsyih casrm easn yo fc haractewriitoshtt hiaecprsp roascuhceahss , behaviorr-obbaostreiodcb slo,et a rnainnadgr ,t ifilciifael. Behavior-BRaosbeodt ics Theb ehaviorro-bboatsaiepcdps r oiasbc ahs uepdo tnh ied eoafp rovitdhireno gb woitt h ac olleocfts iiomnpb laes biech aviTohregs l.o bbaelh avoifto hrre o beomte rgtehsr ough thien terabcettiwoetneh nob saes biech avainotdrh see n vironimnwe hnitct hhr eo bfiontd s its(eBlrfo o1k9s8 169,9 A9r;k i1n9 98B)a.s biech avairoierm sp lemeinnst eepda rsautbe­ parotfts h ceo ntsryoslt aenmda c oordinationi smr eecshpaonnfisosidrmbe ltee rmining three lasttirveeno gfet ahcb he haviinop raa r timcoumleanrCt o.o rdinmaatybi eoa nc com­ plisbhyem de anosfc ompetoirtc iovoep ermaettihvoeId ncs o.m petmiettihvoeod nslo yn e behavaifofret chtmeso tooru tpouftt h reo biontp aar timcoumlean(rts efeo,er x amptlhee, subsumpbtaisoemnde thpordo pobsyeB dr oo1k9s8 6I)nc. o opermaettihvoedd isf ferent behavmiaoyrc so ntrtiobas u itneg mloet oarc tiaolnt howuigtdhhi ffesrternetn( gstefheo ,r examptlheme,e thboads oendb ehavifoursaivloi vnae ctsourm mat[iAornk 1i9n8 9]). Int hiasp proaasci hne, v olutiroonbaorttyih ceesn ,v ironpmleanayct se ntrroalbley determtihnreio nlogefe acbha sbiech avaitao nrgy i vteinm Meo.r eovtehres,sy es taermes usuadlelsyi gtnherdo aut grhia anled r rporro cienws hsi cthhd ee sigmnoedri fitehcseu rrent behaviaonrdps r ogresisnicvreeltayhs neeu mbeorfb asbiech aviwohrislt ee sttihneg resulgtlionbbgae lh aviinto hree n vironHmoewnetv.ee vro,l utiroonbaortbyiyr c esl,y oinn g ana utomeavtailcu aptrioocneu sssu,am lalkye asl arguesoref t hter iaanlde rrporro cess descraibboevdMe o.r eovwehri,il net hbee haviora-pbparsoetadhc behr eakdooftw hne desibreehda viinotsroi mpblaesrbi ech aviisao crcso mpliinsthueidtb iytv hedele ys igner,

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