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Preview Evolution Towards 5G Multi-tier Cellular Wireless Networks: An Interference Management Perspective

1 Evolution Towards 5G Multi-tier Cellular Wireless Networks: An Interference Management Perspective Ekram Hossain, Mehdi Rasti, Hina Tabassum, and Amr Abdelnasser Abstract—The evolving fifth generation (5G) cellular wireless datarateoftheorderof10Gbpswillbeakeyattributeof5G networksareenvisionedtoovercomethefundamentalchallenges networks. ofexistingcellularnetworks,e.g.,higherdatarates,excellentend- 5G wireless networks are expected to be a mixture of to-endperformanceanduser-coverageinhot-spotsandcrowded network tiers of different sizes, transmit powers, backhaul areas with lower latency, energy consumption and cost per informationtransfer.Toaddressthesechallenges,5Gsystemswill connections, different radio access technologies (RATs) that 4 adoptamulti-tierarchitectureconsistingofmacrocells,different are accessed by an unprecedented numbers of smart and het- 1 types of licensed small cells, relays, and device-to-device (D2D) erogeneous wireless devices. This architectural enhancement 0 networks to serve users with different quality-of-service (QoS) along with the advanced physical communications technol- 2 requirementsinaspectrumandenergy-efficientmanner.Starting b with the visions and requirements of 5G multi-tier networks, ogy such as high-order spatial multiplexing multiple-input e this article outlines the challenges of interference management multiple-output (MIMO) communications will provide higher F (e.g., power control, cell association) in these networks with aggregate capacity for more simultaneous users, or higher shared spectrum access (i.e., when the different network tiers level spectral efficiency, when compared to the 4G networks. 7 share the same licensed spectrum). It is argued that the existing Radio resource and interference management will be a key 1 interference management schemes will not be able to address the interference management problem in prioritized 5G multi- researchchallengeinmulti-tierandheterogeneous5Gcellular ] tier networks where users in different tiers have different networks.Thetraditionalmethodsforradioresourceandinter- I N priorities for channel access. In this context, a survey and ference management (e.g., channel allocation, power control, qualitativecomparisonoftheexistingcellassociationandpower cell association or load balancing) in single-tier networks . s control schemes is provided to demonstrate their limitations for (even some of those developed for two-tier networks) may c interference management in 5G networks. Open challenges are [ highlighted and guidelines are provided to modify the existing not be efficient in this environment and a new look into the schemes in order to overcome these limitations and make them interference management problem will be required. 2 suitable for the emerging 5G systems. First, the article outlines the visions and requirements of v 0 Index Terms—5G cellular wireless, multi-tier networks, inter- 5G cellular wireless systems. Major research challenges are 3 ference management, cell association, power control. then highlighted from the perspective of interference manage- 5 ment when the different network tiers share the same radio 5 spectrum. A comparative analysis of the existing approaches . I. INTRODUCTION 1 for distributed cell association and power control (CAPC) is 0 Tosatisfytheever-increasingdemandformobilebroadband thenprovidedfollowedbyadiscussionontheirlimitationsfor 4 communications, the IMT-Advanced (IMT-A) standards have 5G multi-tier cellular networks. Finally, a number of sugges- 1 been ratified by the International Telecommunications Union tions are provided to modify the existing CAPC schemes to : v (ITU) in November 2010 and the fourth generation (4G) overcome these limitations. i wireless communication systems are currently being deployed X worldwide.ThestandardizationforLTERel-12,alsoknownas ar LTE-B, is also ongoing and expected to be finalized in 2014. II. VISIONSANDREQUIREMENTSFOR5GMULTI-TIER Nonetheless,existingwirelesssystemswillnotbeabletodeal CELLULARNETWORKS with the thousand-fold increase in total mobile broadband 5Gmobileandwirelesscommunicationsystemswillrequire data [1] contributed by new applications and services such amixofnewsystemconceptstoboostthespectralandenergy as pervasive 3D multimedia, HDTV, VoIP, gaming, e-Health, efficiency. The visions and requirements for 5G wireless andCar2xcommunication.Inthiscontext,thefifthgeneration systems are outlined below. (5G) wireless communication technologies are expected to • Data rate and latency: For dense urban areas, 5G net- attain 1000 times higher mobile data volume per unit area, works are envisioned to enable an experienced data rate 10-100 times higher number of connecting devices and user of 300 Mbps and 60 Mbps in downlink and uplink, data rate, 10 times longer battery life and 5 times reduced respectively, in 95% of locations and time [2]. The end- latency [2]. While for 4G networks the single-user average to-end latencies are expected to be in the order of 2 to data rate is expected to be 1 Gbps, it is postulated that cell 5 milliseconds. The detailed requirements for different scenarios are listed in [2]. E. Hossain, H. Tabassum, and A. Abdelnasser are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Manitoba, • Machine-type Communication (MTC) devices: The num- Canada. M. Rasti is with the Department of Computer Engineering and ber of traditional human-centric wireless devices with InformationTechnology,AmirkabirUniversityofTechnology,Iran.Thiswork Internet connectivity (e.g., smart phones, super-phones, wassupportedbytheNaturalSciencesandEngineeringResearchCouncilof Canada(NSERC)StrategicProjectGrantSTPGP430285-12. tablets) may be outnumbered by MTC devices which 2 can be used in vehicles, home appliances, surveillance D2D communications, where the macrocell BS performs devices, and sensors. control signaling in terms of synchronization, beacon • Millimeter-wave communication: To satisfy the expo- signal configuration and providing identity and security nential increase in traffic and the addition of different management[3].Thisfeaturewillextendin5Gnetworks devices and services, additional spectrum beyond what to allow other nodes, rather than the macrocell BS, to waspreviouslyallocatedto4Gstandardissoughtfor.The havethecontrol.Forexample,consideraD2Dlinkatthe use of millimeter-wave frequency bands (e.g., 28 GHz celledgeandthedirectlinkbetweentheD2Dtransmitter and 38 GHz bands) is a potential candidate to overcome UE to the macrocell is in deep fade, then the relay node the problem of scarce spectrum resources since it allows can be responsible for the control signaling of the D2D transmission at wider bandwidths than conventional 20 link (i.e., relay-aided D2D communication). MHz channels for 4G systems. • Energy harvesting for energy-efficient communication: • Multiple RATs: 5G is not about replacing the existing Oneofthemainchallengesin5Gwirelessnetworksisto technologies, but it is about enhancing and support- improve the energy efficiency of the battery-constrained ing them with new technologies [1]. In 5G systems, wireless devices. To prolong the battery lifetime as well the existing RATs, including GSM (Global System for as to improve the energy efficiency, an appealing so- Mobile Communications), HSPA+ (Evolved High-Speed lution is to harvest energy from environmental energy Packet Access), and LTE, will continue to evolve to sources (e.g., solar and wind energy). Also, energy can provide a superior system performance. They will also be harvested from ambient radio signals (i.e., RF en- be accompanied by some new technologies (e.g., beyond ergy harvesting) with reasonable efficiency over small LTE-Advanced). distances. The havested energy could be used for D2D • Base station (BS) densification: BS densification is an communication or communication within a small cell. effective methodology to meet the requirements of 5G In this context, simultaneous wireless information and wirelessnetworks.Specifically,in5Gnetworks,therewill power transfer (SWIPT) is a promising technology for be deployments of a large number of low power nodes, 5Gwirelessnetworks.However,practicalcircuitsforhar- relays, and device-to-device (D2D) communication links vestingenergyarenotyetavailablesincetheconventional with much higher density than today’s macrocell net- receiver architecture is designed for information transfer works. Fig. 1 shows such a multi-tier network with a only and, thus, may not be optimal for SWIPT. This is macrocell overlaid by relays, picocells, femtocells, and due to the fact that both information and power transfer D2D links. The adoption of multiple tiers in the cellular operate with different power sensitivities at the receiver network architecture will result in better performance in (e.g., -10dBm and -60dBm for energy and information terms of capacity, coverage, spectral efficiency, and total receivers, respectively) [4]. Also, due to the potentially powerconsumption,providedthattheinter-tierandintra- low efficiency of energy harvesting from ambient radio tier interferences are well managed. signals,acombinationofdifferentenergyharvestingtech- • Prioritized spectrum access: The notions of both traffic- nologies may be required for macrocell communication. based and tier-based priorities will exist in 5G networks. Traffic-based priority arises from the different require- III. INTERFERENCEMANAGEMENTCHALLENGESIN5G ments of the users (e.g., reliability and latency require- MULTI-TIERNETWORKS ments,energyconstraints),whereasthetier-basedpriority is for users belonging to different network tiers. For The key challenges for interference management in 5G example, with shared spectrum access among macrocells multi-tier networks will arise due to the following reasons and femtocells in a two-tier network, femtocells create which affect the interference dynamics in the uplink and “dead zones” around them in the downlink for macro downlink of the network: (i) heterogeneity and dense de- users. Protection should, thus, be guaranteed for the ployment of wireless devices, (ii) coverage and traffic load macro users. Consequently, the macro and femtousers imbalance due to varying transmit powers of different BSs play the role of high-priority users (HPUEs) and low- in the downlink, (iii) public or private access restrictions in priority users (LPUEs), respectively. In the uplink di- different tiers that lead to diverse interference levels, and (iv) rection, the macrocell users at the cell edge typically the priorities in accessing channels of different frequencies transmit with high powers which generates high uplink and resource allocation strategies. Moreover, the introduction interference to nearby femtocells. Therefore, in this case, of carrier aggregation, cooperation among BSs (e.g., by using the user priorities should get reversed. Another example coordinatedmulti-pointtransmission(CoMP))aswellasdirect is a D2D transmission where different devices may op- communication among users (e.g., D2D communication) may portunisticallyaccessthespectrumtoestablishacommu- furthercomplicatethedynamicsoftheinterference.Theabove nicationlinkbetweenthemprovidedthattheinterference factors translate into the following key challenges. introduced to the cellular users remains below a given • Designing optimized cell association and power control threshold. In this case, the D2D users play the role of (CAPC) methods for multi-tier networks: Optimizing the LPUEswhereasthecellularusersplaytheroleofHPUEs. cell associations and transmit powers of users in the • Network-assisted D2D communication: In the LTE Rel- uplink or the transmit powers of BSs in the downlink 12 and beyond, focus will be on network controlled are classical techniques to simultaneously enhance the 3 UE Relay Mobile Core Network UE D2D Femtocell D2D UE User Broadband Femtocell Internet Connection Picocell Picocell Macrocell UE Relay Relay D2D D2D UE Femtocell Picocell Fig.1. Amulti-tiernetworkcomposedofmacrocells,picocells,femtocells,relays,andD2Dlinks.Arrowsindicatewirelesslinks,whereasthedashedlines denotethebackhaulconnections. system performance in various aspects such as interfer- sociation to multiple BSs: Compared to existing CAPC ence mitigation, throughput maximization, and reduction schemes in which each user can associate to a single in power consumption. Typically, the former is needed BS, simultaneous connectivity to several BSs could be to maximize spectral efficiency, whereas the latter is possible in 5G multi-tier network. This would enhance required to minimize the power (and hence minimize the the system throughput and reduce the outage ratio by interferencetootherlinks)whilekeepingthedesiredlink effectively utilizing the available resources, particularly quality. Since it is not efficient to connect to a congested for cell edge users. Thus the existing CAPC schemes BS despite its high achieved signal-to-interference ratio should be extended to efficiently support simultaneous (SIR), cell association should also consider the status associationofausertomultipleBSsanddetermineunder of each BS (load) and the channel state of each UE. which conditions a given UE is associated to which BSs The increase in the number of available BSs along with in the uplink and/or downlink. multi-pointtransmissionsandcarrieraggregationprovide • Designing efficient methods for cooperation and coor- multiple degrees of freedom for resource allocation and dination among multiple tiers: Cooperation and coordi- cell-selectionstrategies.Forpowercontrol,thepriorityof nation among different tiers will be a key requirement different tiers need also be maintained by incorporating to mitigate interference in 5G networks. Cooperation the quality constraints of HPUEs. between the macrocell and small cells was proposed for Unlike downlink, the transmission power in the uplink LTE Rel-12 in the context of soft cell, where the UEs depends on the user’s battery power irrespective of the are allowed to have dual connectivity by simultaneously type of BS with which users are connected. The battery connecting to the macrocell and the small cell for uplink powerdoesnotvarysignificantlyfromusertouser;there- and downlink communications or vice versa [3]. As fore,theproblemsofcoverageandtrafficloadimbalance has been mentioned before in the context of asymmetry may not exist in the uplink. This leads to considerable of transmission power in uplink and downlink, a UE asymmetries between the uplink and downlink user as- mayexperiencethehighestdownlinkpowertransmission sociation policies. Consequently, the optimal solutions from the macrocell, whereas the highest uplink path for downlink CAPC problems may not be optimal for gain may be from a nearby small cell. In this case, the uplink. It is therefore necessary to develop joint the UE can associate to the macrocell in the downlink optimization frameworks that can provide near-optimal, and to the small cell in the uplink. CoMP schemes if not optimal, solutions for both uplink and downlink. based on cooperation among BSs in different tiers (e.g., Moreover, to deal with this issue of asymmetry, separate cooperation between macrocells and small cells) can be uplink and downlink optimal solutions are also useful as developed to mitigate interference in the network. Such far as mobile users can connect with two different BSs schemes need to be adaptive and consider user locations for uplink and downlink transmissions which is expected as well as channel conditions to maximize the spectral to be the case in 5G multi-tier cellular networks [3]. and energy efficiency of the network. This cooperation • Designing efficient methods to support simultaneous as- however, requires tight integration of low power nodes 4 into the network through the use of reliable, fast and onalization in which specific sub-frames are left blank low latency backhaul connections which will be a major by the unbiased BS and off-loaded users are scheduled technical issue for upcoming multi-tier 5G networks. within these sub-frames to avoid inter-tier interference. Intheremainingofthisarticle,wewillfocusonthereview This improves the overall throughput of the off-loaded of existing power control and cell association strategies to users by sacrificing the time sub-frames and throughput demonstrate their limitations for interference management in oftheunbiasedBS.Thelargerbiasvaluesresultinhigher 5Gmulti-tierprioritizedcellularnetworks(i.e.,whereusersin degree of offloading and thus require more blank sub- different tiers have different priorities depending on the loca- frames to protect the offloaded users. Given a specific tion, application requirements and so on). Design guidelines number of ABSs or the ratio of blank over total number will then be provided to overcome these limitations. Note that of sub-frames (i.e., ABS ratio) that ensures the minimum issues such as channel scheduling in frequency domain, time- throughput of the unbiased BSs, this criterion allows domaininterferencecoordinationtechniques(e.g.,basedonal- a user to select a cell with maximum ABS ratio and most blank subframes), coordinated multi-point transmission, may even associate with the unbiased BS if ABS ratio and spatial domain techniques (e.g., based on smart antenna decreases significantly. techniques) are not considered in this article. A qualitative comparison among these cell association schemes is given in Table I. The specific key terms used in IV. DISTRIBUTEDCELLASSOCIATIONANDPOWER TableIaredefinedasfollows:channel-awareschemesdepend CONTROLSCHEMES:CURRENTSTATEOFTHEART ontheknowledgeofinstantaneouschannelandtransmitpower atthereceiver.Theinterference-awareschemesdependonthe A. Distributed Cell Association Schemes knowledge of instantaneous interference at the receiver. The The state-of-the-art cell association schemes that are cur- load-aware schemes depend on the traffic load information rently under investigation for multi-tier cellular networks are (e.g., number of users). The resource-aware schemes require reviewed and their limitations are explained below. the resource allocation information (i.e., the chance of getting • Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP)-based scheme a channel or the proportion of resources available in a cell). [5]: A user is associated with the BS whose signal is The priority-aware schemes require the information regarding received with the largest average strength. A variant of thepriorityofdifferenttiersandallowaprotectiontoHPUEs. RSRP, i.e., Reference Signal Received Quality (RSRQ) All of the above mentioned schemes are independent, dis- isalsousedforcellselectioninLTEsingle-tiernetworks tributed, andcan beincorporated with anytype of powercon- which is similar to the signal-to-interference (SIR)-based trol scheme. Although simple and tractable, the standard cell cell selection where a user selects a BS communicating association schemes, i.e., RSRP, RSRQ, and CRE are unable with which gives the highest SIR. In single-tier networks to guarantee the optimum performance in multi-tier networks with uniform traffic, such a criterion may maximize the unless critical parameters, such as bias values, transmit power network throughput. However, due to varying transmit of the users in the uplink and BSs in the downlink, resource powers of different BSs in the downlink of multi-tier partitioning, etc. are optimized. networks, such cell association policies can create a B. Distributed Power Control Schemes huge traffic load imbalance. This phenomenon leads to overloading of high power tiers while leaving low power From a user’s point of view, the objective of power control tiers underutilized. is to support a user with its minimum acceptable throughput, • Bias-based Cell Range Expansion (CRE) [6]: The idea whereas from a system’s point of view it is to maximize of CRE has been emerged as a remedy to the problem the aggregate throughput. In the former case, it is required of load imbalance in the downlink. It aims to increase to compensate for the near-far effect by allocating higher the downlink coverage footprint of low power BSs by power levels to users with poor channels as compared to addingapositivebiastotheirsignalstrengths(i.e.,RSRP UEs with good channels. In the latter case, high power levels or RSRQ). Such BSs are referred to as biased BSs. are allocated to users with best channels and very low (even This biasing allows more users to associate with low zero) power levels are allocated to others. The aggregate power or biased BSs and thereby achieve a better cell transmitpower,theoutageratio,andtheaggregatethroughput load balancing. Nevertheless, such off-loaded users may (i.e., the sum of achievable rates by the UEs) are the most experience unfavorable channel from the biased BSs and important measures to compare the performance of different strong interference from the unbiased high-power BSs. power control schemes. The outage ratio of a particular tier The trade-off between cell load balancing and system can be expressed as the ratio of the number of UEs supported throughputthereforestrictlydependsontheselectedbias byatierwiththeirminimumtargetSIRsandthetotalnumber values which need to be optimized in order to maximize of UEs in that tier. the system utility. In this context, a baseline approach in Numerouspowercontrolschemeshavebeenproposedinthe LTE-Advancedisto“orthogonalize”thetransmissionsof literature for single-tier cellular wireless networks. According the biased and unbiased BSs in time/frequency domain to the corresponding objective functions and assumptions, the such that an interference-free zone is created. schemes can be classified into the following four types. • Association based on Almost Blank Sub-frame (ABS) • Target-SIR-trackingpowercontrol(TPC)[8]:IntheTPC, ratio [7]: The ABS technique uses time domain orthog- each UE tracks its own predefined fixed target-SIR. 5 TABLEI QUALITATIVECOMPARISONOFEXISTINGCELLASSOCIATIONSCHEMESFORMULTI-TIERNETWORKS RSRP[5] RSRQ[5] CRE[6] ABSratio[7] Objective Maximizereceivedsignal MaximizeSIR Balancetrafficload Maximize rate and power balancetrafficload Applicability Uplinkanddownlink Uplinkanddownlink Downlink Downlink Channel-aware (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) Interference-aware X (cid:88) (cid:88) (cid:88) Trafficload-aware X X (cid:88) (cid:88) Resource-aware X X X (cid:88) Priority-aware X X X (cid:88) The TPC enables the UEs to achieve their fixed target- power consumption) as compared to TPC. SIRsatminimalaggregatetransmitpower,assumingthat The aforementioned state-of-the-art distributed power con- the target-SIRs are feasible. However, when the system trol schemes for satisfying various objectives in single-tier is infeasible, all non-supported UEs (those who can- wireless cellular networks are unable to address the interfer- not obtain their target-SIRs) transmit at their maximum ence management problem in prioritized 5G multi-tier net- power,whichcausesunnecessarypowerconsumptionand works.Thisisduetothefactthattheydonotguaranteethatthe interference to other users, and therefore, increases the total interference caused by the LPUEs to the HPUEs remain number of non-supported UEs. within tolerable limits, which can lead to the SIR outage of • TPCwithgradualremoval(TPC-GR)[9],[10],and[11]: some HPUEs. Thus there is a need to modify the existing To decrease the outage ratio of the TPC in an infeasible schemessuchthatLPUEstracktheirobjectiveswhilelimiting system, a number of TPC-GR algorithms were proposed theirtransmitpowertomaintainagiveninterferencethreshold inwhichnon-supportedusersreducetheirtransmitpower at HPUEs. [10] or are gradually removed [9], [11]. A qualitative comparison among various state-of-the-art • Opportunistic power control (OPC) [12]: From the sys- power control problems with different objectives and con- tem’s point of view, OPC allocates high power levels to straints and their corresponding existing distributed solutions users with good channels (experiencing high path-gains areshowninTableII.Thistablealsoshowshowtheseschemes and low interference levels) and very low power to users canbemodifiedandgeneralizedfordesigningCAPCschemes with poor channels. In this algorithm, a small difference for prioritized 5G multi-tier networks. in path-gains between two users may lead to a large differenceintheiractualthroughputs[12].OPCimproves the system performance at the cost of reduced fairness C. Joint Cell Association and Power Control Schemes among users. Avery fewwork intheliterature haveconsidered theprob- • Dynamic-SIRtrackingpowercontrol(DTPC)[13]:When lem of distributed CAPC jointly (e.g., [14]) with guaranteed the target-SIR requirements for users are feasible, TPC convergence.Forsingle-tiernetworks,adistributedframework causes users to exactly hit their fixed target-SIRs even for uplink was developed [14], which performs cell selection if additional resources are still available that can other- based on the effective-interference (ratio of instantaneous wise be used to achieve higher SIRs (and thus better interference to channel gain) at the BSs and minimizes the throughputs). Besides, the fixed-target-SIR assignment aggregateuplinktransmitpowerwhileattainingusers’desired is suitable only for voice service for which reaching a SIR targets. Following this approach, a unified distributed SIR value higher than the given target value does not algorithmwasdesignedin[15]fortwo-tiernetworks.Thecell affect the service quality significantly. In contrast, for association is based on the effective-interference metric and is data services, a higher SIR results in a better throughput, integrated with a hybrid power control (HPC) scheme which which is desirable. The DTPC algorithm was proposed is a combination of TPC and OPC power control algorithms. in [13] to address the problem of system throughput Although the above frameworks are distributed and opti- maximization subject to a given feasible lower bound for mal/suboptimal with guaranteed convergence in conventional the achieved SIRs of all users in cellular networks. In networks, they may not be directly compatible to the 5G DTPC,eachuserdynamicallysetsitstarget-SIRbyusing multi-tier networks. The interference dynamics in multi-tier TPC and OPC in a selective manner. It was shown that networksdependssignificantlyonthechannelaccessprotocols when the minimum acceptable target-SIRs are feasible, (or scheduling), QoS requirements and priorities at different the actual SIRs received by some users can be dynam- tiers. Thus, the existing CAPC optimization problems should ically increased (to a value higher than their minimum be modified to include various types of cell selection methods acceptable target-SIRs) in a distributed manner so far (some examples are provided in Table I) and power control as the required resources are available and the system methods with different objectives and interference constraints remains feasible (meaning that reaching the minimum (e.g.,interferenceconstraintsformacrocellUEs,picocellUEs, target-SIRs for the remaining users are guaranteed). This or D2D receiver UEs). A qualitative comparison among the enhances the system throughput (at the cost of higher existing CAPC schemes along with the open research areas 6 are highlighted in Table II. A discussion on how these open high-priority macro cell) ranging from 3 to 6 with step size problems can be addressed is provided in the next section. of1(i.e.,n=3,4,5,6),averagedover100independentsnap- shotsforauniformdistributionofBSsandusers’locationsas V. DESIGNGUIDELINESFORDISTRIBUTEDCAPC explained above. Fig. 2(a) illustrates the impact of employing SCHEMESIN5GMULTI-TIERNETWORKS either of existing distributed algorithms TPC and TPC-GR employed by LPUEs on the outage of HPUEs (which employ Interference management in 5G networks requires efficient TPC).Ascanbeseen,althoughtheoutageratiofortheLPUEs distributed CAPC schemes such that each user can possibly and HPUEs are improved by TPC-GR, as compared to TPC, connect simultaneously to multiple BSs (can be different protection of the HPUEs is not guaranteed by the TPC and for uplink and downlink), while achieving load balancing in TPC-GRalgorithms.Incontrast,ourproposedprioritizedTPC different cells and guaranteeing interference protection for the and TPC-GR algorithms guarantee protection of the HPUEs HPUEs. In what follows, we provide a number of suggestions at the cost of increased outage ratio for the LPUEs. Similar to modify the existing schemes. resultsareachievedwhentheHPUEsrigidlytracktheirtarget- SIRbyemployingTPCandtheLPUEsemploytheprioritized A. Prioritized Power Control OPC. That is, protection of the HPUEs is guaranteed at the To guarantee interference protection for HPUEs, a possible cost of decreased system throughput for the LPUEs. strategy is to modify the existing power control schemes listed in the first column of Table II such that the LPUEs B. Resource-Aware Cell Association Schemes limit their transmit power to keep the interference caused to the HPUEs below a predefined threshold, while tracking Cellassociationschemesneedtobedevisedthatcanbalance their own objectives. In other words, as long as the HPUEs the traffic load as well as minimize interference or maximize are protected against existence of LPUEs, the LPUEs could SIRlevelsatthesametimeandcanachieveagoodbalancebe- employ an existing distributed power control algorithm to tweentheseobjectiveswithouttheneedofstaticbiasing-based satisfy a predefined goal. This offers some fruitful direction CRE or ABS schemes. As an example, instead of sacrificing for future research and investigation as stated in Table II. theresourcesofahigh-powerBStoprotecttheoffloadedusers To address these open problems in a distributed manner, the (e.g., as in CRE and ABS technique as detailed in Section existing schemes should be modified so that the LPUEs in IV.A), user association schemes can also be developed in addition to setting their transmit power for tracking their which a user always prefers to associate with a low-power objectives,limittheirtransmitpowertokeeptheirinterference BS (with no bias) as long as the received interference from on receivers of HPUEs below a given threshold. This could high-power BS remains below a threshold. The high-power be implemented by sending a command from HPUEs to its BS may consider minimizing its transmit power subject to nearby LPUEs (like a closed-loop power control command a maximum interference level experienced by the off-loaded used to address the near-far problem), when the interference users (i.e., prioritized power control in the downlink). causedbytheLPUEstotheHPUEsexceedsagiventhreshold. The CRE technique forces the users to select low power We refer to this type of power control as prioritized power nodesbyaddingafixedbiastothemfortrafficloadbalancing. control. Note that the notion of priority and thus the need of However, this strategy is immune to the resource allocation prioritizedpowercontrolexistsimplicitlyindifferentscenarios criterion employed in the corresponding cell. For instance, of 5G networks, as briefly discussed in Section II. Along this if a low-power BS performs greedy scheduling, it is highly line, some modified power control optimization problems are unlikely that an off-loaded user will get a channel (i.e., low formulated for 5G multi-tier networks in second column of channel access probability) even if the RSRP with bias is the Table II. best towards that BS among all other BSs. For round-robin To compare the performance of existing distributed power scheduling, if the low-power BS has a large number of users, control algorithms, let us consider a prioritized multi-tier itmaykeeptheoff-loadedusersinstarvationforlongtimeand cellular wireless network where a high-priority tier consisting therefore cause delay. Clearly, the channel access probability of 3×3 macro cells, each of which covers an area of 1000 plays a major role in cell-association methods. Thus, the m × 1000 m, coexists with a low-priority tier consisting of n bias selection should be adaptive (instead of static) to the small-cells per each high-priority macro cell, each of which resourceallocationcriterion,trafficload,anddistance/channel covers an area of 200 m × 200 m within the coverage area corresponding to the different BSs. of a high-priority large cell. Each user is associated with only In this context, new cell association schemes/metrics need oneBSofitscorrespondingtier.Eachhigh-priorityBSorlow- to be developed that can optimize multiple objectives, e.g., priorityBSislocatedatthecentreofitscorrespondingcelland traffic-loadbalancingandrate-maximizationatthesametime. serves 5 HPUEs and 4 LPUEs, respectively. The target-SIRs To illustrate this, we introduce a new resource-aware cell are considered to be the same for all users. Suppose that all association criterion in which each user selects a BS with LPUEsemployeitherTPC,TPC-GR,ourproposedprioritized maximum channel access probability, i.e., max{p }, where p i i TPC or prioritized TPC-GR, while all of the HPUEs rigidly is the channel access probability of a cell i. Note that, the track their target-SIRs (i.e., HPUEs employ TPC). metric p varies for different resource allocation criteria at i Fig.2illustratestheoutageratiofortheHPUEsandLPUEs the BSs. For instance, in round-robin scheduling, p is the i versus the total number of low-priority small cells (per each reciprocal of the number of users. On the other hand, for 7 (a) (b) Fig.2. TheoutageratioforLPUEsandHPUEsversusthetotalnumberoflow-prioritysmallcellspereachhigh-prioritycell,forthefollowingdistributed powercontrolalgorithms:TPC[8],TPC-GR[10],prioritizedTPC,andprioritizedTPC-GR. greedy scheduling p is the probability that the channel gain to load-aware cell association for round-robin scheduling) can i of a potential admitting user exceeds the channel gain of all degrade the spectral efficiency performance significantly due existing users in cell i and thus depends on both channel and to strong close-by interferers. On the other hand, a hybrid number of users in cell i. This new metric implicitly tends to schemecanachievesignificantperformancegainsperchannel balance the traffic load since if the number of users grows for a typical user, especially in sparse deployments. in a cell, p reduces and stops any further associations or i vice versa. In this way, the proposed criterion p provides i an adaptive biasing to different BSs considering their corre- spondingschedulingscheme,trafficloadandchannelgains(if opportunistic scheduling is employed). 0.2 Hybrid Cell Association Note that, in distance-aware cell association, each user Distance−Aware Cell Association selects a cell with minimum distance which tends to improve 0.18 Resource−Aware Cell Association the sum-rate performance. However, this criterion is immune ps/Hz]0.16 b to traffic load conditions. Combining the aforementioned el [ n resource-aware and distance-aware criteria, we now consider an0.14 h C a hybrid cell association. The hybrid cell association scheme er allows a typical user to select a cell with the maximum of er p0.12 Us product of distance-based channel gain and pi. If pi =0 (i.e., per 0.1 high/infinitetrafficload),auserwillnotselectcellievenifits ncy the closest cell and vice versa. Thus, hybrid schemes assist in Efficie0.08 achieving a good balance between traffic-load balancing and al throughput maximization. ectr0.06 p S For demonstration purpose, a quantitative comparison of a 0.04 resource-aware, distance-aware and a hybrid cell association 0.02 scheme is shown in Fig. 3 for round-robin scheduling. We 5 10 15 20 25 30 Number of Small Cells consider downlink transmission in a multi-tier network with a circular macrocell overlaid by randomly deployed small cells. The average spectral efficiency of a macro user on a given Fig.3. Comparisonamongdistance-aware,resource-aware,andhybridcell- association schemes (for path-loss exponent = 4, macrocell transmit power channeliscomputedasafunctionofthenumberofsmall-cells =10Wandsmallcelltransmitpower=1Wforthesimulationsetupfora in a macrocell. Each small cell has a different user intensity givenmacrocellshowninFig.4). witharrivalofusersmodeledbyPoissondistribution,thus,cre- ating a non-uniform traffic load scenario per small cell. It can be seen that only resource-aware association (which reduces 8 VI. CONCLUSION 600 We have outlined the challenges for interference manage- mentin5Gmulti-tiernetworksconsideringitsvisions,require- 400 ments,andkeyfeatures. Thesenetworkswillbecharacterized by the existence of different access priority for users and 200 tiers along with the possibility of simultaneous connectivity of users to multiple BSs. Along with these features, different BSassociationforuplinkanddownlinktransmissionopennew 0 challenges and at the same time increase degrees of freedom for power control and cell association. Open challenges have −200 beenhighlightedandguidelineshavebeenprovidedtomodify Macrocell Users the existing schemes in order to make them suitable for 5G Small cells multi-tier networks. In this context, a promising direction for −400 Macrocell Small cell BSs future research is to devise efficient joint CAPC methods Small cell Users Macrocell BS that satisfy objectives such as maximizing system throughput, −600 balance traffic load subject to a minimum SIR for high −600 −400 −200 0 200 400 600 priority users. To address these multiple objectives, resource- aware user association can be combined with conventional Fig. 4. A circular macrocell with several small cells. Each small cell has cell association methods to satisfy the required objectives. varyingusertrafficload. Thehybridcellassociationmethodscombinedwithprioritized powercontrolwillbeamongthekeyenablersforevolving5G cellular networks. C. Resource-Aware Cell Association and Prioritized Power Control REFERENCES Simultaneous connections to multiple BSs and different [1] Ericsson,“5GRadioAccess,ResearchandVision,”whitepaper,2013. 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Currently, she is working as a post- doctoralfellowintheUniversityofManitoba,Canada.Herresearchinterests includewirelesscommunicationswithfocusoninterferencemodeling,spec- trumallocation,andpowercontrolinheterogeneousnetworks. Ekram Hossain (S’98-M’01-SM’06) is a Profes- sor in the Department of Electrical and Com- puter Engineering at University of Manitoba, Win- nipeg, Canada. He received his Ph.D. in Elec- PLACE trical Engineering from University of Victoria, PHOTO Canada, in 2001. Dr. Hossain’s current research HERE interests include design, analysis, and optimization of wireless/mobile communications networks, cog- nitive radio systems, and network economics. He has authored/edited several books in these areas (http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/∼hossaina). Dr. Hos- sainservesastheEditor-in-ChieffortheIEEECommunicationsSurveysand Tutorials and an Editor for IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communi- cations - Cognitive Radio Series and IEEE Wireless Communications. Also, he is a member of the IEEE Press Editorial Board. Previously, he served as the Area Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications in the area of “Resource Management and Multiple Access” from 2009- 2011 and an Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing from 2007-2012. He is also a member of the IEEE Press Editorial Board. Dr. HossainhaswonseveralresearchawardsincludingtheUniversityofManitoba MeritAwardin2010(forResearchandScholarlyActivities),the2011IEEE Communications Society Fred Ellersick Prize Paper Award, and the IEEE WirelessCommunicationsandNetworkingConference2012(WCNC’12)Best Paper Award. He is a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Communications Society(2012-2015).Dr.HossainisaregisteredProfessionalEngineerinthe Amr Abdelnasser (S’12) received his B.Sc. and provinceofManitoba,Canada. M.Sc. degrees both in Electrical Engineering from Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, in 2006 and 2011, respectively. Currently, he is a Ph.D. student PLACE intheDepartmentofElectricalandComputerEngi- PHOTO neering,UniversityofManitoba,Canada.Hiscurrent HERE research interests include interference management and resource allocation in heterogeneous cellular networks. He has served as a reviewer for several majorIEEEconferencesandjournals. Mehdi Rasti (S’08-M’11) received his B.Sc. de- gree from Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, and the M.Sc.andPh.D.degreesbothfromTarbiatModares University, Tehran, Iran, all in Electrical Engineer- PLACE ing in 2001, 2003 and 2009, respectively. From PHOTO November2007toNovember2008,hewasavisiting HERE researcherattheWireless@KTH,RoyalInstituteof Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. From September 2010 to July 2012 he was with Shiraz University of Technology, Shiraz, Iran, after when he joined the Department of Computer Engineering and In- formation Technology, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, where he is an Assistant Professor. From June 2013 to December 2013, he wasapostdoctoralresearcherintheDepartmentofElectricalandComputer Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada. His current researchinterestsincluderadioresourceallocationinwirelessnetworksand networksecurity. 10 TABLEII COMPARISONAMONGVARIOUSPOWERCONTROLOPTIMIZATIONPROBLEMSANDTHEIRCORRESPONDINGDISTRIBUTEDSOLUTIONSFORSINGLE-TIER NETWORKS,ALONGWITHTHEIRAPPLICATIONANDGENERALIZATIONFORDESIGNINGCAPCSCHEMESIN5GNETWORKS Power control in single-tier Power control in prioritized Joint cell association and networks multi-tiernetworks power control in multi-tier networks Optimizationproblem(P1) With fixed BS assignment, With fixed BS assignment, Minimize aggregate power minimize aggregate power minimize aggregate power subjecttominimum(different) subjecttominimumtarget-SIR subjecttominimum(different) target-SIRs for users in forallusers target-SIRs for users in different tiers and obtain BS differenttiers assignment Distributedsolutions TPC[8] TPC[8] Minimum effective interference based cell association+TPC[14] Optimizationproblem(P2) Minimize outage ratio of all Minimize outage ratio of Minimize outage ratio of all users LPUEs subject to zero-outage usersindifferenttiersandob- forHPUEs tainBSassignment Distributedsolutions TPC-GR[11],[9],[10] Openproblem Openproblem Optimizationproblem(P3) Maximize aggregate through- Maximize aggregate through- Maximize aggregate through- putofallusers putofalluserssubjecttozero- putofallusersandobtainBS outageforHPUEs assignment Distributedsolutions OPC[12] Openproblem Openproblem Optimizationproblem(P4) Maximize aggregate through- Maximize aggregate through- Maximize aggregate through- putofalluserssubjecttomin- putofLPUEssubjecttomini- putofalluserssubjecttomin- imumtarget-SIRforallusers mumtarget-SIRforallusers imum target-SIR for all users andobtainBSassignment Distributedsolutions DTPC[13] Openproblem Minimum effective- interference-based cell association+HPC[15]

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