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Evolution: The First Four Billion Years PDF

989 Pages·2009·28.53 MB·English
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trvolution 'f ltc F irst li<)ur' llilliorr \('ars tf ? ft'g., ^ tl- a- .j! ,'i9,', '', ql:I; d '*!e ''4ai..i&li, "i ir:T.'. J tt';l.*{ r.ltlc$iu,jtl}r* $-19.95 Slrltttttittg evolutiolrrrv sclence fiorrr its irrception to its lrrtest firrcl- irrgs. tl-oni cliscovcrics lrncl cllrtlr to philosophv :rncl historl', tliis book is the ntost conrpletc, authoritlttir,'e,a ncl irrviting one volunte introcluction tct solutionrrlv bioloi1' avrril:iblc.( lIe:rr, irrfirrrrrrttiver,r nd conr;rrchensive in scopc, Eltrlrrtiorio pens u,'ith rr serics of rrrrtjor css:rr.r.sle rrlinq u,ith the his- tolv rrntl philosophl' oi er,'olutionnrv biologr'. uith nrrrjor crrrpiricrrl :rrrci tlreoreticrrlq ucstions in the scicncc, fioni s1-rccilrtiortrc 'r: rclrrptrrtionf.i rtrri prllcor)toloqv to evolutiorirrv tlevel opnrclrt (evo-tlcr,o). rrrrc'cl onclurling '#* sr 't with essayso n the social and political sienifi- cance of evolutionary biology today. A second, encyclopedic section travels the spectrum of topics in evolution with concise, informative, and accessiblee ntries on individ- uals from Aristotle and Linnaeus to Louis Leakey and Jean Lamarck; from T. H. Huxley and Edward O. Wilson to Joseph Felsenstein and Motoo Kimura; and on subjects fronr al- truism and an-rphibiansto evolutionary psy- chology and Piltdown Man to the Scopest rial and social Darwinism. Readers will find the latestw ord on the history and philosophy of evolution, the nuanceso f the sciencei tself, and the intricate interplay anong evolutionary study,r eligion, philosophy, and sociery. Appearing at the beginning of the Darwin Year of 2oo9-the zooth anniversaryo f the birth of Charles Darwin and the rjoth an- niversary of the publication of the Origirt o-f Species-this volume is a fitting tribute to the scienceD arwin seti n nlotion. M TcHAEL RUSE is LucyleT . Werknreister Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Pro- granr in the History and Philosophy of Science, Florida State (Jniversiry.H e is the founder and edi- tor ofthejournal Biologya nd Philosophya nd has ap- peared on "Quirks and Quarks" and the Discovery Channel. His books include Tlrc Euolution-Crcdtiort Strugglea nd Danyin and Desigtrf toth from Harvard). J oS EPH TRAVTS is Deano fthe Collegeo f Arts and Sciencesa nd Robert O. Lawton Distin- guished Professor of Biological Science at Florida State Universiry. The BelknapP resso f HarvardU niversiryP ress Cambridge,N lassathusettast,t d Lturdon,E ngland www.hup.harvard. edu Jacket illustration: DEA Picturr Librarv/(letn Inrrqes Jacket design:J ill Breitbarth "One of the first and likely to be the most comprehensivei n scope of the many books occasionedb y the zoog sesquicentenniaol fDarwin's Origin." -Edward O.Wilson FROM THE EDITORS' INTRODUCTION This book presentse volutionary sciencea s a modern, dynamic discipline and allows the reader to explore evolution according to his or her inter- estsa nd background. The reader who wishes to be immersed in the sci- ence can focus on the major scientific themes, while the reader who is interested in the intellectual history and influence of the subject away from science can enter through a separates et of essaysA. reader interested in very specific topics or historical figures can find the appropriate entries, along with essayso n related topics. Our goal was to provide an exciting and compelling introduction to evolution along with a basic reference work that could point the way toward a deeper study of individual issues. The essaysin clude bibliographies, which serve as guides to further and deeper reading.T he essaysin this book show not only how far we have come but where the scientific horizons lie and how we might move to- ward those horizons. rsBN3 78-0-b7rr-03175-3 90000 llillffilliilllilliilll]ltlllllllll Е а тЕ сЕ Е тЕ Е твЕ нЕтЕ сМЕсЕтт Е Се СееееНаее ое ЕшаО еее с еееаеес саеа ауСпеСааппсааа егЕ ЕоесЬеееМсеееа Мсаеце еЬуЕа с е е сеЬЬгасееесе ееуаа зе ЕеМсе е еое Ез О Мсаее с еаа МесаЕо ассуа Еее аСаш еес Мааеа Ееео а еу се апееп Е еуММс Еаго МсаеА е еаСее ге Еша ее с х аеес Мсаееапеа ппсапаа еЕо гесаеее Мсае ие ее эеесегех еуааапаса ре е е еее Мсеепп зО о еТаааепс МесгЕ З ассАуаа Еооеее апСаеаеаСаеш еесеес МааеасеаааНап Ееее еуау с еосоо З а ие Е НеуММсНеу ЕоееМесе Мсаеш еп ее еосг ап оЕЬ З еепу е Есе ЗЗ МапеасеапапеМаепсе ЕшаО Ее З апе егсесесес З ЕепеСс есе сеее сЬЦ З Се Ьее Се ЬОп е ех еесеоп се еее се есесе ес е ее е есе е ееес Ьеее сееес Ье ееесе е Тее еес ееееес сее еесее еее ееЕс е сееЬ Еееп ееЬ ес ЗЗ е ЗЗ Маепсеп ЕьаО З сагес З сеееЬгееЬс СаеОпОсесЬеаее ееееееЬееСе епееесеесесее еесеессеее сеасееересе еееТеМап Ъасеееесеее есесеесеесссееесаее есееееЬецпе еаеЬсеас еееЬЬоессе ееееоесеее егсеегеее геееесееаеее еЬееессе ееегсеессеЬе сеееспесе ЬеассееЬ ееесееееЬеееееЬ еоеесс еееЬесееееее еессесееесее ееееЬесЬесееееесЬо сееегеееесс еесее ссс еее ееееее ееЕсессееееее Меееее сееЬеа Еееее есеее ееаЬЬсееа ааееее п ш еЬесеЬе еееЬееесеЬе сесееееес Еп ип ае ехееееесЬесесесе еееееЬеесссеесе с еееесеесеесеЬсе ееее е еееесеее Ьеаее сае ееесесЬее Тесее ее асесс еее еесе ее сесее еее сес ееее есеее еее ееЬсее ЬеЬ е еееее ец сЬ еесее есе Ьесее ес сее еЕ еесее е оеее еее еесес Тее е

Spanning evolutionary science from its inception to its latest findings, from discoveries and data to philosophy and history, this book is the most complete, authoritative, and inviting one-volume introduction to evolutionary biology available. Clear, informative, and comprehensive in scope, Evoluti
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