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Evolution of the Phytochrome Gene Family and Its Utility for Phylogenetic Analyses of Angiosperms PDF

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Preview Evolution of the Phytochrome Gene Family and Its Utility for Phylogenetic Analyses of Angiosperms

THE EVOLUTION OF PHYTOCHROME GENE AND FAMILY ITS FOR UTILITY PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSES OF ANGIOSPERMS 1 \HSTH\i I Bptorprotwri8thatservemanyfuiKii.il .mi Hi phyt< famil ncobV ph iln ;)«• hi toi I - i m plant. From studies of the align the family has been modeled as comprising five loci, Pt s, - ' Mn "/'.. II. .. ./i. i-rins, one locus, or at most two, is present ei.ii I . Um m \l.ih: /../ s^ IU...I--I .|..<-. ii .1 ..iii|..i-ie|-. iepi..-eiil -,..in.' ,ir,-i.,^|.ei ,.,,.,,[.- .1 ev.mipa- u|.Iit:<w ,;-.. /'//) r • I ,11m h> /'//) and /'//}/; //..'/./. /../.sm have ex, .Urd in.ir, ,,, ml nigiosperms, and mc <>t I I , , i I , PHYD may PHYE. angiosperms (as well as Piper) lack orthologs of Arabidopsis and Nonetheless, for stud lull vl HI, _ I , v I I I I ... i I I I I I I I II , ll I \ I occur as single copy sequences, and prelum, the various loci are evolving independently, i i i t plant family Fabaceae, phytochrome data are ha ..lution to a taxonomically very di k I | U l-ltrci.t l-.-pi. ,U\ r 'i I ci. i td.,1 in. lude M, .',!>:'. I .',,';... .(•/.,/ .. iixl / »< -f . - I ll .idililh •!) In i u, I,'. .1 1< |e -. ,1-1 it I >" insertion - v „- phvlogeiielie.illv iMli.rni.il .-Jul leii-tieii l.elpcil tn . lela'ion In] it, this .-,•.,, ,,| mii, > . I « , |i, f the presence prove to phylogenetically informative on ol lie il i I DNA DNA The from chloroplast or nuclear ribosomal low copy fraction of nuclear remains se- When quences. discordance between molecular underexplored phvlogcneiic studies of plants, in ! DNA phvlogenies occurs, phenomena such as and investigations sequences from biological initial introgressive hybridization or lineage sorting from multigene families have revealed some potential may polymorphic ancestry explain the disparity problems related to concerted evolution (sensu Zim- & mer Harrison 987; Rieseberg Brunsfeld, 980). For example, an analysis of rbcS (e.g., et al., et al., 1 1 1992; Soltis et al., 1992). Such differences also nucleotide sequences (Meagher et al., 1989) in- may Mo< result from lack of resolution in one of the <h .in- ;/. have f I , data sets (e.g., Olmstead, 1989), or from mistaken occurred in ea< ading u. regions ,t 1, I. < i Goodman orthology 1979; Doyle, of "partial homology" (Patterson, 1987) and thus (e.g., et al., 1992). Thus, determining organismal relationships to the possibility of mistaken orthology. Sanderson Du requires that evoln derived from vie 1992) suggested, however, that the prob- v\ i • ( Pam- single genes be tested with further data (e.g., ability of recoi n ible organismal phy- i & DNA DNA Nei, 1988; Takahata, 1989). sequences logeny high from sequences of multigene ilo is genome from the low copy fraction of the nuclear families which concerted evolution infrequent, in is potentially provide novel phylogenetic resolution, Preliminary data indicate that this the case in is specifically at the organismal level, since certain such gene families as actin (Shah et 1983; al., & of the processes that lead to incongruence of spe- Drouin Dover, 1990; McElroy et 1990) and al., & uniparental inheritance, phytochrome (Sharrock Quail, 198'J; hi. I I , This work was sup >rted b is lalScien lationGrani H 15897 (to RAS) and BSR-91 18785 ' tv I N I We (to ML), and the MONTS/EPSCoR program. thank Paul Manos, Pam Soltis, and Randy Woodson for providing DNAs Pam Lemna, of Quercus, nthus, Elaine Tobin for providing tissue of Jeff Doyle, Soltis, / I , , and an anonymous reviewer for providing helpful comments on the manuscript, and Carol Bult and Leslie Gottlieb lor providing pertinent insights. M Department ..I liiol \l<.i,i...n It../.. n nt.ina 59717, U.S.A. . Ann. 296 Missouri Bot. Card. 82: 321 & 1991; Heyer Gatz, 1992a, Clack dopsis chrc b; et al., al., PHY Adam 1994; 1993); consequently, these and no evidence for pseudogenes was found. et al., PHYA PHYB Homologs Arabidopsis and have multigene families should yield data pertinent to of (Adam studies of organismal phylogenies. Furthermore, an been characterized in other angiosperms et & advantage of multigene families in phylogenetic 1993; Christensen Quail, 1989; Dehesh et al., & reconstruction is that, in addition to nucleotide al., 1991; Hershey et al., 1985; Heyer Gatz, Kay substitution and insertion/deletion characters, the 1992a, b; et 1989; Sato, 1988; Sharrock al., A presence or absence of loci can be phylogenetically et 1986). putative pseudogene most similar al., PHYA Pisum to has been reported in (Sato, 1990), cDNA The photochromes are photoreceptors for red and a clone from Zea containing a partial PHY and red land plants and green algae fragment has been interpreted as a pseudo- far- light in all & Each (reviewed Quail, 1991; Furuya, 1993). gene (Christensen Quail, 1989). Overall, these in studies suggest that the gene family increases in iof 1100 complexity from nonangiosperms angiosperms. r to 2 to ise.- |.r..| a i»i ,.i a covalently attached linear tetrapyrrole chromo- This suggestion consistent with data recently is GenBank interconvertible submitted to (see Results). - i , i i PHY forms, Pr, the red light-absorbing form, and Pfr, Nearly all genes that are fully character- the far-red light-absorbing and biologically active ized share high sequence identity (App. 1) and Arabidopsis form, phytochrome mediates diverse developmen structural similarity with the loci (Fig. nonanmo-penns responses throughout the plant's cycle. These Peptide fragments from the tal life 1). Anemia include germination, seedling hypocotyl Psilotum (Hanelt et 1992), phyllitidis al., - < j» i « (Maucher elongation, stem cell differentiation, plastid devel- (L.) Sw., and Dryopteris filix-mas et al., opment, flavonoid pigment synthesis, and 1992) share high sequence identity with the Ar- floral in- N-termnn duction in response to photoperiod. Modulation of abidopsis phytochromes in their \|'[> ( PHY plant gene expression by phytochrome well doc- and small internal peptides from the is 1, 2), umented (Nagy et 1988). While the mecha- alga Mesotaeniu Lagerh.) Hansg. al., ( nisms whereby phytochrome participates in cellular are highly similar to both N- and C-terminal pep- signalling remain unknown, regions of the poly- tides of other phytochromes (Morand et al., 1993). PHY Two chromophore attachment. genes have been described peptide required for exceptional PHY and dimeri- nonangiosperms. The gene sequence from spectral integrity, biological activity, in zation have been identified (Cherry et 1993; the alga Mougeotia scalaris Hiissel (Winands et al., & Edgerton Jones, 1992). 1992) contains additional introns in the N-ter- al., PHY Several reports have described the presence of minal coding sequence, and in the gene from PHY only a single gene in certain nonangiosperms the moss Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid. the (Hanelt 1992; Kolukisaoglu et 1993; et al., al., Morand 1993; Okamoto 1993; highly divergent C-terminal coding region (Fig. et al., et al., 1), Thummler et al., 1992; W.nands et al., 1992), which encodes a putative light-regulate.! (troiem PHY while evidence of two genes reported for kinase (Thummler et 1992). However, in an- al., is Maucher w H > other nonangiosperms. For example, other moss, et I'/i \ 1 1 • I . ) < . , al. (1992) refer to a putative second gene in the the C-terminal coding region is similar to all other PHY No unusual fern Dryopteris filix-mas L., although the frag- genes (Kolukisaoglu et al., 1993). PHY ment remains uncharacterized. Two unpublished have been described in angiosperms. loci PHY PHYA-E nudum sequence fragments from Psilotum The genes in Arabidopsis are differ- X74930, (L.) Griseb. (GenBank accessions entially expressed in response to the light environ- & Somers X74931) from one another the region of ment (Sharrock Quail, 1989; et al., differ in overlap; and two P/ZTcDN As from Pin us pa lust r in 1 99 Clack et al., 1 994), and unique physiological 1 ; reportedly have been cloned and partially Mill, PHY A Phytochrome sequenced (Furuya, 1993), while a single proteins. controls the far-red high- cDNA from Gingko biloba L. cited in the same irradiance response (Nagatani et al., 1993; Parks is & Whitelam whereas report. However, in angiosperms, five related se- Quail, 1993; et al., 1993), quences encoding phytochrome proteins designated PHYAPHYE have been characterized from Ar- length and flowering time, and the end-of-day far- & Wester abidopsis thaliana (D.C.) Schur (Sharrock Quail, red light response (Reed et al., 1993; et 1989; Clack et al., 1994). The genes for these al., 1 994). This functional divergence together with phytochromes have been mapped Arabi- high sequence divergence (approximately .'>()', five to : kb 1 FIGURE Phytochrome gene structi 1. 1992), from N-terminus to C-term Ungl.-s). (left) , mil, !. ophore attachment m ..md- ;.;,-,: ,.' in-1' -; ir.l llir ,i i i|> > » , f among the and I'HYC suggests su Cronquist, 19£ and, from legum \)\\ I'll) I'll) II. loci) /. homologous recombination infrequent were sampled include two three divergent to to rii.ii hi is PHY among members and genes of Arabldopsis. If the loci are ol the tribes bobuiieae, Millettieae, make evolving independently distinguishing orthologs Dalbergieae order to preliminary evalua- in & To from paralogs should not be tion hiogeographic hypotheses Lavin difficult. test this (e.g., ..I Luckow, The two sampled from 1993). species PHY M PCR Dunn of sequence data, (polymerase chain Millet tin (M. durti and in I & reaction) was used -ample multiple /'//) D. Du Puy Labat) and Sesbania to loci (Baill.) J. J. DNAs from genomic seshtm Morr. and of diverse species of land (>' resit (Jae<| iKIIioti (I..) .S tiriti plants lor sequence information, and these data are not thought to he closely related within each were subjected to phylogenetic analysis. peptidi M \|.. n|i \ i; \ , I I DNA was from Total isolated fresh, lyophilized, or dried herbarium material of taxa listed & methods pendix 3 by standard (Doyle Doyle. 1987). Aliquots were extracted once with phenol DNAs chloroform-isoamyl alcohol (1:1 volume), and th. plify all possible target sequences in template HY- aqueous portions were purified over sepharo flanked h\ served upstream peptide th< »K New PATDIP(5'-CA[TC]TA[TC][TC]CICCIACICA (Pharmacia, Piscataway, Jersey) columns. K PFPLRYAC Toassess phytochrome and downstream diversity in early lai plan) 1-VI1 T( :A ]CC-3') il | >\ .jiienecs from different nonangiosperm phy- cv c| \(.|cak;g[ag]taic[gt]ia[ag]igg[ag] \ I \T|\ICC la available in the literature (Appendix 2 ar These peptide sequences are con- .'. i I lukisaoglu et al., 1993) were included in th< served in tnihitlttp.sis phytochromes and in the ill yses with those determined during the present studv amino acid sequences inferred from other fully . The most complete /'//) sequence from Psilotum sequenced and monocot genes, and they flank dic.ot GenBank X74931, obtained from (accession lack- a region comprising variation likely to be phylo- PCR 510 3417 ing 3' nucleotide sites out of the geneiK allv nihil inative. Standard protocols otitic sites in the lull length sequence data set) was (1'erkni Klini-r. \orwalk, Connecticut) were mod- was whu used in phylogenetic analyses, but no! included ilied to include an initial cycles in h nine ding .*> in final alignments because did not si- u temperatures were less stringent (e.g., 45-49°C). ll\ it . PHY PCR affect the consensus sequence. Likewise, the The products were converted to blunt-end DNA T4 sequences from Physvomitrella and from the an- fragments with polymerase (BRL, Gaith- giosperm Nicotiana (GenBank accessions X66784, ershurg, Maryland) and were fitoRV-cut ligated to M13KRV8.2. M13KRV8.2 L101 14), were used in phylogenetic analyses, hut bacteriophage carries .DMAs were not included Vppcndix were sam- an l'<ok assette screening of non- in that facilitates I i re<-omhinunts an which in/ eoli -Irani pl.-.l hi].-.. hi /•'. is \\' t Number Volume 2 82, Gene Phytochrome Family (Waye 1985). Transformation of E. coli distic, and rate analyses are available on request et al., with the ligation product yielded a population of from the first author. Tree analysis and graphical PHY M MacClade (Maddison genomic output were performed with M'll) clones containing amplified I COMPONENT & were and Maddison, 1992) and (Page, sequences. Individual clones cultured, DNA double stranded phage was isolated from bac- 1993). However, tree mapping procedures based Goodman terial pellets by alkaline-lysis minipreparation. In- on the model of et al. (1979), which cut from Ml 3 vectors using £coRI and evaluate whether incongruence of gene and species serts 3% /Will were resolved on NuSieve (FMC, trees could be due to sampling error (Page, 1990), 2% agarose were not performed because of the preliminary Rockland, Maine), or standard, gels, and some cases were further screened by re- nature of this study. in enzyme digestion to avoid sequencing du- For the cladistic analysis of the full length se- striction PHY DNAs Sanger quences, trees were rooted by designating Single-stranded for plicate clones. USB, sequences from Physcomitrella, Selaginella, and dideoxy sequencing (Sequenase version 2.0, Adiantum capiUus-veneris (Okamoto Cleveland, Ohio) were isolated from L. et al., m PHY the, carrying putative inserts. In . PHY were determined, and lulK characterized genes from nonangio- quences of both ori i PCR sperms. For analysis of partial sequences in angio- prodt multiple per ms, Selaginella was retained as an outgroup, s PHY gymno- PCR sequences were mul- along with the sequences from the and Peptide Mori errors. & ALIGN Education -penns Cingko and Pseudotsuga that were deter- aligned using (Scientific tiply GDE Pennsylvania) and 2.2 Software, State Line, and were (Steven Smith and University of Illinois) adjusted by eye; peptide alignments were the basis codon positions were equally weighted for the fol- determined sequence alignments, h-i lowing reasons. First, empirically tran- multiple nucleotide for sequence coinpan en gaps certain .iliginnei in i . between from any comparisons except regions of insertion/deletion were deleted, while 1.0 for lot were yans could be identified closely related legume sequences that diller that <3% entiated by very few total substitutions (e.g., were Second, result- from .V nucleotide sites were not included in the data of all sites variable). under weight- matrices used in cladistic and distance analyse- clad i- tic analyses certain differential Sequences were compared using maximum par- ing schemes are apparently the same as those from when PHYLIP schemes analyses under equal weighting tax- simony algorithms available in (Felsen- PAUP Hennig86 1988), and onomic sampling adequate (Albert et al., 1993; 1993), (Farris, is stein, & Minimal Cracraft Helm-Bychowski, 1991). Finally, all (Swofford, 1993). length trees result. ug may codon positions exhibit similar levels of ho- from search options available in either heuristic PHY- moplasy Chase 1993); thus a rationale Hennig86 (mh*, bb* with no upper limit set), (see et al., (DNAPARS), PAUP (CLOSEST RAN- excluding or differentially weighting codon po- LIP or or loi in DOM HOLD data addition sequence, option set for rtions is difficult to define. In these analyses, third many STEEPEST DESCENT, codon and perhaps of the synon- when positions, 5 applicable, trees MULPARS, TBR vmou- were determined by bootstrap and branch swapping options -institutions, resampling analyses to be phylogenetically very MAXTREES and 10,000) were used informative, with confidence intervals for just the set at trees, PAUP 90 and 100%, analyses )S third codon position of between or further as starting trees for (( !l < STEEPEST EST DE- as high as the values obtained for the first data addition sequence, at least MULPARS TBR SCENT, and options activated, branch swapping on nonminimal trees), with with Support the latter resulting in shorter trees. for monophyly was evaluated using bootstrap of clades PHY The sequenced genes 1985) and decay analysis orthology of fully resampling (Felsenstein, PHY from were estimated from various species to individual loci (Bremer, 1988). Pairwise distances m commonly been established Arabidopsis has Kimura 2-parameter option available using the : & Heyer MEGA 1991; (Kumar 1993) and absolute and overall -i.ii.lai.tv (Del.esl, et al., et al., 1992a, 1991; Furuya, 1993). Sim- were calculated by the Gatz, b; Quail, evolutionary rates relative Wu & have and gene expression regulation methods Kimura (1981) and Li (1985) ilarities in of imply orthology (Furuya, been used secondarily to matrices subject to distance, ela respectively. All may 1993). However, overall similarity not reflect i.-imihr: Retention of a clade in a strict consensus phylogeny, and phylogenetically related loci may tree (Figs. 2 5), resulting from the mhennig and ddlei in function due to itiulal im is in < is refill. iloi - bran, Ii -and -bound search options in Hennig86 or & PAUP from regions (e.g., Doyle, 1991; Li Noll, 1994). Since heuristic options available in (see orthology best determined by shared ancestry, above), was considered good evidence of mono- is as evidenced by synapomorphies, cladistic analysis phyl) Results from bootstrap resampling and de- was used to determine the orthology of available cay analyses revealed that some clades were strong- all PHY > (>95%, length sequences to those characterized ly supported d 5 20). full PHYA A from Arabidopsis. most parsimonious The tiabidopsis sequence was included single tree was generated analysis and (Fig. 2) in this re- it gram n l«l. mono- solved the following monophyletic clades with strong (Fig phylogenetic analysis of (90-100%) monocot PHYAs, sequences monocot holo^s 77 bootstrap support: col (f 01 all i; ."". ), I <>| / I / PHYAs + PHYA. PHYAs, PHYAs, dicot Ara- (Fig. 2) were substituted for Arabidopsis all all all PHYB PHYD PHYA bidopsis PHYC, just and of Ara- Likewise, Arabidopsis was replaced by Pi- PHYBs PHYD, sum bidopsis, just and Arabidopsis I'll) in the analysis of legume sequences i PHYE + PHYBs and Arabidopsis (Fig. also based on results depicted in Figure sis all 5), '. PHYD, PHYs A angiosperm PHYs, angiosperm 2. notable finding was that from three plant taxa, all all + PHYs + Psilotum, and angiosperm Psilotum Ceratophyllaceae, Caryophyllaceae, and Fabaceae, + PCR Adiantum. Seventy-eight trees were found by two differenl products were amplified that <30 keeping trees that were steps longer than were determined to be most closely related to Ar- all These I'/l) are interpreted to be du- I A in trees that are 20 steps longer, except for .healed I'll) loci, and in legumes, the additional all I PHYC + PHYA' Arabidopsis PHYAs. The two locus here designated These trees (Fig. all is 5). PHYA that were one step longer than the minimal length -related sequences appear to have PHYC tree varied in their placement of as the Iq odenl the three plant groups (Figs. rise] in in PHYA PHYB/D/E sister group of either the or 4, 5). For example, the legume phytochrome phy- clade. These results thus suggest that, for example, logeny (Fig. 5) depicts this iuoiioiiIin lelii I'll) !' PHYAs the dicot and monocot are orthologous, as clade as being derived from within the legume PHYBs. are the dicot and rice Additionally, evi- I'll) lineage (which thus paraphyletic). Also, is \ 95%, dence provided for the sister group relationship well supported by a bootstrap value of is it is PHYE PHYB + PHYD, PHYA' of with and for a later and, in a global analysis of legume with all PHYB duplication giving rise to Arabidopsis or othei hi: 'losperm loci, is most closely related to it PHYD. lei'iime I'll) liown). thus ap- in It I ..lid. •:".!. i'i: 'i . i Using degenerate primers and amplification by pears die evolution of the phytochrome gene at il PCR, sequences from target five all //< PHY A A genes, as well as from multiple genes of other of the I'll) locus. similar argument can be made angiosperms, were recovered in single cloning ex- 7/5 unit's in Cerato- I ! PHY periments. Single sequences were obtained im. nd .jihvlla. eai lug. 4). In the I'h III I i ( PHYA from the nonangiosperms Equisetum and Pseu- subfamily, and in other cases described be- dotsuga and two were obtained from Gingko. In- low, this all. tii ot diversification attributed to is |. 270 350 new serts varied from to bp, and a region of the evolution of a locus rather than to allelic insertion and deletion corresponding to residues diversity. With the exception of genes that are 398 to 415 (App. was eliminated from broad under frequency-dependent selection, such as 1) al- MHC- comparisons because nucleotide site homologies leles of the S-locus (Ioerger et al., 1 990) and among could not be determined llowevei this region could loci (Klein et al., 1993), levels of divergence , & be retained narrower comparisons, where Gaut in site loci , homologies were more readily established, as in the L993) I PHYA Fabaceae data (App. duplicated set 4). ie Similarly to the analysis of full-length sequences, PHYC Sequences homologous Arabidopsis to cladistically analyzed to determine their orthology were amplified commonly in monocots (Fig. In 3). PHY DNA to the loci of Arabidopsis (Figs. 3-5). Each dieots, (.uly of Dianthus yielded a sequence sequence occurred in a monophyletic clade that homnloi-oii l!,;!>!tlops>s I'll) homologs I.. * II . PHY PHYC included a single, specific locus of Arabi- of in monocots were identified by their close PHYC iinfisis. providing evident for distinct /'//) -u\> relationship with just Arabidopsis in a global i Physcomitrella Selaginella Adiantum Psilotum PHYB Arabidopsis | [PHYD Arabidopsis | PHYB Nicotiana PHYB Solanum PHYB Oryza [PHYE Arabidopsis"] PHYA Avena PHYA Oryza PHYA Zea [PHYA Arabidopsis | PHYA Pisum PHYA Nicotiana PHYA Solanum PHYACucurbita [PHYC Arabidopsis~l m.-M ,m:.,moi] .tin >m analysis of 2637 variable nucleotide sites from the full-length Sin-I.- in |»;n .'.. , , The ochrome sequences. length 11,376, is GenBank X66784 and L1011 accessions i 1 Missouri Botanical Garden 100 d>5 Qfi d>5 100 d>5 Oryza * b Muscari Orya d=4 100 A d>5 d>5 C — —J Figure 3. = = HZ The tes. length is 799, the CI 0.44, and the RI 0.52. Bootstrap values (from 500 replica jces are included on the best supported clades. Single uppercase letters to the right of the generic n Photochrome Gene Family Selaginella Gingko Gingko Pseudotsuga Ceratophyllum Ceratophyllum Urtica PH [Arabidopsis Hebestigma Myrospermum Pisum Dianthus Dianthus Spinacia Antirrhinum Lycopersicon Solanum Aquilegia Cucurbita Daucus Dianthus PHYC| lArabidopsis Ceratophyllum Quercus Hebestigma Myrospermum Urtica Antirrhinum Lycopersicon Aqu ilegia PHYE] lArabidopsis Aquilegia Daucus Dianthus Spinacia Antirrhinu Daucus Daucus PHYBl lArabidopsis PHYD| lArabidopsis rsimonious trees from analysis of dicot sequence all = = 743, the CI 0.23, and the RI 0.49. Bootstrap ^ included on the best supported clades. Single uppercase letters PHY ibidopsis loci. PHYC The and homology analysis (cladogram __.iplified in dicots, the ..j . PHYE molog in Dianthus was identified by sister sequences to was readily established its g PHYC me PHYE Arabidopsis ny Arabidopsis mono- relationship with (Fig. 4). inclusion oi /i in PHYE Sequences homologous to Arabidopsis phyletic gene lineages ~. .„„.wv. ~ & ., - .& «,. B v . PHYE were not amplified monocots using the primer Arabidopsis sequence was not included in in set described above. However, such homologs were the legume data set (Fig. 5), two representative Myrospermum | E Xeroderris Sesbania Sesbania Poitea Hybosema Caragana Wisteria Lonchocarpus Tipuana Myrospermum Poitea Hybosema Hebestigma Lennea Sesbania Sesbania Piscidia Lonchocarpus Derris Kunstleria Caragana Wisteria Pisum Lathyrus Clianthus Myrospermum Hebestigma Lennea Kunstleria Xeroderris Lonchocarpus Sin,-! ,,:^.-m.mi> (.".(ill in nn.,1 ,-i^\U >,i . I = = on the 174 informative sites of the Fabace lata set. Length 545, CI i ( lues (from 1000 replications) and decay es are included on the best supported ii > Phytochrome Gene Family legumes were included in the dicot analysis shown nd in magnoliids with uniaperturate pol- in Figure 4, and these were part of the monophy- letic gene lineage that included Arabidopsis PHYE. The relationships angiosperm and a PHY In the legume gene phylogeny, the bootstrap value nonangiosperm lineages were evaluated in PHYEdade for the was 100%, thus revealing how two additional types of analysis: parsimony anal- ( 1 ) PCR strongly this lineage is supported by the data in yses of nucleotide sites homologous to the PHYA- target fragment, including angiosperm all E PH) and nonangiosperm paralogs sequenee-. all The evolution of genes related to Arabidopsis for which there were corresponding nucleotide data PHYB has been more complex, with the apparently (about 330 bp); and parsimony and distance (2) independent duplication and divergence /'.'/) />' analyses of amino acid sites homologous to the <>l related genes some dicot lineages. 1ml perhaps Mougeotia fragment (App. about 300 amino in 2, Tl„- acids), including from angiosperms shown Ap- in , |, I pendix and from gymnosperms determined 1, in /'// I> ipiences are sister grou this study (with sites coded as missing). Patterns ! < nii Id. Imi' ilicots (Figs. 2, 4), and togetber with the that emerged from the nucleotide sequence anal- Myrospermum sequence from are the sister group vm-. included: Ceratodon, Physcomitrella, Se- (1) PHYB/ PHYD of the other sequences. Note Equisetum, Gingko, and -re\aied laginella, /'>< PHYB/D- that two related sequences occur Ly- most commonly occurred as groups of a in sister PHYB/D/E copersicon, forming a monoplivlelic elade. with clade; Mougeotia, when not des- (2) ,i f7/Ftf -related sequence from Solarium, that sep- ignated as the outgroup, was the lineage of sister is PHYC PHYCs arate from the clade containing Arabidopsis PHYfi were and the clade; basal para- (3) PHYD; PHYB/ and two of the D-related sequences phyletic many cladograms rooted Mougeotia; in at from Daucus also form a monophyletic clade (Fig. in others, or Mougeotia was removed from anal- if PHYB/D + PHYEdade PHYA + This pattern could from nonhomologous and 4). result a a v . , PHYC recombination between loci, but the hypothesis of clade were most often resolved. Results of recent divergence consistent with the putative is PHYA + PHYC PHYB/ absence of addih .equences between and Iron) split the i PHYD D/E monocots. Arabidopsis each nonangiosperms Additionally, in clade, with a set of as is apparently evidenced functionally as distinct, l>\ PHYB compensate was between its failure to for the loss of sets of analyses the close relationship phyB function in null mutants of Arabidopsis (Reed the sequences available from Gingko and Pseu- PHYB/D/E 1993; Wester dotsuga and et et 1994). the clade. Further, the al., al., robustness to perturbation of the data, which is PHYE PIIYH is the sister group to the I'll) found in the analysis of the full-length sequence I PHYD PHYE clade. Since and have not been am- data set (Fig. lost in these broad comparisons 2), is from monocots, when number plified the diversification of this the of sites limited. is may part of the phytochrome gene family have Recently, phytochrome sequence single frag- taken place only during the diversification dieots. ments (561-654 bp) from a number of nonangio- < > I Further sampling from Nymphaeales, hedra, were Piperales, de- GenBank Winterales, Laurales, and Magnoliales should ad- posited in (Kolukisaoglu et al., dress the question of whether the presence of just bringing the number of non- total lied), ibl PHYC PHY PHYA, PHYB, and the ancestral con- angiosperm homologous sequence fragments is dition in angiosperms. Notably, however, prelimi- available for nucleotide analysis to 15. Preliminary nary analysis of three sequences from Piper re- analyses of these sequences indicate that the data GenBank cently submitted to (Kolukisaoglu et al., are still too fragmentary to draw conclusions re- unpublished), derived using a different primer pair. garding evolution of specific loci, especialU as -oine suggests that they are orthologs of \rahidopsis of the nonangiosperm taxa represented by a single PHY PHYA, PHYB, PHYC. and Alternatively, the sequence are have more than one in- likely to PHYD PHYE ability to amplify and horn monocots gene. Furthermore, organismal relationships de- mean (and Piper) could that the oligonucleotide picted these cladograms and neighbor-joining in + primers designed in recent studies do not recognize trees, except for the pairs Ceratodon Funaria PHYD PHYE + and amplify and homologs. This (both mosses) and Metasequoia Picca (both all .aluated in sub- conifers), are not well supported in bootstrap anal- gene Iannis in •

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