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CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE MUSEUM OF PALEONTOLOGY THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN VOL. 23, NO.8 , p. 105-169 (2 pls., 10 text-figs.) FEBRUARY22 , 1971 EVOLUTION OF THE FERN FAMILY OSMUNDACEAE BASED ON ANATOMICAL STUDIES BY CHARLES N. MILLER, JR. Department of Botany, University of Montana, Missoula 59801 MUSEUM OF PALEONTOLOGY THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE MUSEUM OF PALEONTOLOGY Director: ROBERTV . KESLING The series of contributions from the Museum of Paleontology is a medium for the publication of papers based chiefly upon the collection in the Museum. When the number of pages issued is sufficient to make a volume, a title page and a table of contents will be sent to libraries on the mailing list, and to individuals upon request. A list of the separate papers may also be obtained. Correspondence should be directed to the Museum of Paleontology, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. VOLS.2 -22. Parts of volumes may be obtained if available. Price lists available upon inquiry. 1. The rodents from the Hagerman local fauna, Upper Pliocene of Idaho, by Richard J. Zakrzewski. Pages 1-36, with 13 text-figures. 2. A new brittle-star from the Middle Devonian Arkona Shale of Ontario, by Robert V. Kesling. Pages 37-51, with 6 plates and 2 text-figures. 3. Phyllocarid crustaceans from the Middle Devonian Silica Shale of northwestern Ohio and southeastern Michigan, by Erwin C. Stumm and Ruth B. Chilman. Pages 53-71, with 7 plates and 4 text-figures. 4. Drepanarter wrighti, a new species of brittle-star from the Middle Devonian Arkona Shale of Ontario, by Robert V. Kesling. Pages 73-79, with 2 plates. 5. Corals of the Traverse Grou-p of Michigan. Part 13, Hexagonaria, by Erwin C. Stumm. Pages 81-91; with 4 plates. 6. The Pliocene rodent Microtoscoptes disjunctus (Wilson) from Idaho and Wyoming, by Claude W. Hibbard. Pages 95-98, with 2 text-figures. 7. A new microtine rodent from the Upper Pliocene of Kansas, by Claude W. Hibbard. Pages 99-103, with 1 plate and 1 text-figure. EVOLUTION OF THE FERN FAMILY OSMUNDACEAE BASED ON ANATOMICAL STUDIES CHARLES N. MILLER, JR. Department of Botany, University of Montana, Missoula 59801 ABSTRACT-The fern family Osmundaceae has only 16 living species, but nearly 100 fossil species have been named on the basis of various detached organs. Most important of these are 29 species based on petrified axes which provide a partial but substantial record of the family from the Late Permian to the present. These axes and some of the Recent species have been important in the formulation of concepts of stelar evolution and in our understanding of the evolutionary relationships of living ferns, but an intensive investigation of the evolution of the species of the Osmundaceae has never been made. Thus, the purpose of the present work is to investigate the phylogenetic interrelationships of the species of the family as interpreted from anatomical and morphological characters of their stems, leaf-bases, and roots. Types or representative materials of 14 Recent and 21 fossil species were examined for variable characters. Information about nine additional species of petrified axes came from descriptions in the literature. These species were then analyzed by the ground plan method of multiple character correlation in three samples: (1) analysis of 43 species based on six characters, (2) analysis of 31 species based on 13 characters, and (3) analysis of 14 Recent species based on 18 characters. By this means the species were arranged according to lines of specialization, and when these lines are considered with respect to geologic time, nine groups of phylogenetically related species are resolved. Five of the groups are represented by the present-day genera and subgenera and their fossil members. Three groups are subdivisions of Osmundacaulis, and the remaining group includes the extinct protostelic forms. The results show large gaps between these groups. This indicates that the fossil record of the family contains only a small number of those species that existed in the past. It is evident, however, that the modern species evolved from protostelic ancestors by intrastelar origin of a pith and subsequent (or concurrent) dissection of the xylem cylinder by leaf-gaps. The living species and most of the fossil forms are products of slight modifications of the dictyoxylic-siphonostele plan of organization. However, two of the groups of species became highly specialized in the Mesozoic but died out near the close of that era. The Recent genera Todea and Leptopteris are as distinct from one another as each is from the subgenera Osmun- da, Osmundastrum, or Plenasium, but their fossil records are not sufficient to indicate their origin. Osmunda, Osmundastrum, and Plenasium were distinct lines of evolution in the Paleo- cene, and Osmunda and Plenasium are represented by foliage remains in the Cretaceous. No definite source for Osmunda and Osmundastrum can be determined, but Plenasium shares a number of characters with Osmundacaulis atherstonei and 0. natalensis, both of which are from the Lower Cretaceous, and they may have evolved from forms similar to these species. The Osmundaceae probably arose during Early Permian or Pennsylvanian time from forms similar to Grammatopteris baldaufi or G. rigolloti, but neither of these species can be considered a precursor of the family. Further, no ancestors of other fern taxa can be found amonq the known Osmundaceae. Taxonomically, the protostelic forms are treated in the subfamily Thamnopteroideae with the remaining species forming the subfamily Osmundoideae. CONTENTS Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................. 107 Ackn.o wled.g ments ...................................................................................................................................................................1 07 Classlficatlon ............................................................................................................................................................................. 108 History of investigation ....................................................................................................................................................... 110 Materials and methods ........................................................................................................................................................... 111 Anatomy and morphology ................................................................................................................................................... 112 . -. Stem .................................................................................................................................................................................. 112 Stele ........................................................................................................................................................................... 112 Cortex ......................................................................................................................................................................... 118 Leaf-trace ................................................................................................................................................................. 119 Petiole base ....................................................................................................................................................................... 122 Root .................................................................................................................................................................................. 124 Stem branching ............................................................................................................................................................... 124 Growth habit ................................................................................................................................................................... 125 106 CHARLES N . MILLER. JR . Systematic descriptions based on stem. root. and leaf-base characters ...................................................................... 125 Order Filicales ........................................................................................................................................................................ 125 Family Osmundaceae ............................................................................................................................................................ 125 Key to the subdivisions based on anatomical characters ........................................................................................ 125 Subfamily Osmundoideae ....................................................................................................................................................... 127 Genus Osmunda ............................................................................................................................................................... 127 Subgenus Osmunda ......................................................................................................................................................... 127 0. r.e galis. ................................................................................................................................................................... 127 0. japontca ............................................................................................................................................................... 128 0 . h.nc.ea. .... ............................................................................................................................................................... 128 0 .. tlzaenszs ................................................................................................................................................................. 128 0 claytoniana ......................................................................................................................................................... 129 0. nathorstii ............................................................................................................................................................ 129 0 . oregonensis ........................................................................................................................................................... 129 0 . pluma ................................................................................................................................................................... 130 Subgenus Osmundastrum ............................................................................................................................................... 130 0 . cinnamomea ....................................................................................................................................................... 130 0. precinnamomea ................................................................................................................................................... 130 Subgenus Plenasium ....................................................................................................................................................... 131 0 . banksiaefolia. ........................................................................................................................................................ 131 0 .. b. rome.l iaefolia ..................................................................................................................................................... 131 0 javanzca ............................................................................................................................................................... 131 0 . vachellii ............................................................................................................................................................... 132 0 . arnoldii ................................................................................................................................................................. 132 0 . dowkeri ................................................................................................................................................................. 132 Genus Todea ................................................................................................................................................................... 132 T . barbara ................................................................................................................................................................. 133 Genus Leptopteris ........................................................................................................................................................... 133 L . fraseri ................................................................................................................................................................... 133 L .. hymenophylloides ............................................................................................................................................... 133 L su.p erb.a .................................................................................................................................................................1 34 L . wtlkeszana ............................................................................................................................................................. 134 Genus Osmundacaulis ..................................................................................................................................................... 134 Osmundacaulis herbstii group ..................................................................................................................................... 134 0 . herbstii ................................................................................................................................................................. 134 0 . sahnii ................................................................................................................................................................... 135 00 .. dgzu.b nblto.a pnia .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....... 113356 0 . patagonica ........................................................................................................................................................... 136 0 . kolbei ................................................................................................................................................................... 136 0 . kidstoni ................................................................................................................................................................. 137 Osmundacau.li .s braziliensis group ................................................................................................................................. 137 00 .. cbararnzzz.lez rez.n s.i..s. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..... 113378 Osmundacaulis skidegatensis group ............................................................................................................................. 138 0 . skidegatensis ....................................................................................................................................................... 138 0 . atherstonei ..........................................................................................................................................................1. 39 0 . natalensis .............................................................................................................................................................1 39 Subfamily Thamnopteroideae ............................................................................................................................................... 139 Genus Anomorrhoea ......................................................................................................................................................1. 39 A . fischeri ................................................................................................................................................................. 139 Genus Bathypteris ........................................................................................................................................................... 140 B . rhomboidea ......................................................................................................................................................... 140 Genus . Cha.sm.ato.pter is ................................................................................................................................................... 140 C pnnczpalzs ........................................................................................................................................................... 140 Genus Zegosigopteris ....................................................................................................................................................... 140 Z. javorskti ................................................................................................................................................................. 141 Genus Petcheropteris ...................................................................................................................................................... 141 P . splendida ............................................................................................................................................................... 141 Genus Thamnopteris ....................................................................................................................................................... 141 T . schlechtendalii ..................................................................................................................................................... 141 T . gwynne-vaughani ............................................................................................................................................... 142 T . kidstoni ............................................................................................................................................................... 142 Genus Zaless.k .y a ............................................................................................................................................................... 142 Z . graczlzs ........................................................................................................................................................... 142 Z . diploxylon ........................................................................................................................................................... 143 Z . uralica ................................................................................................................................................................... 143 Zncertae sedis ..................................................................................................................................................................... 143 Ztopsidema vancleavei ............................................................................................................................................. 143 Taxonomic considerations ............................................................................................................................................. 144 Other osmundaceous fossils ................................................................................................................................................... 144 Rhizomes and trunks ..................................................................................................................................................... 144 Fructifications ................................................................................................................................................................. 146 FERN FAMILY OSMUNDACEAE 107 Isolated spores ................................................................................................................................................................. 146 Foliage ............................................................................................................................................................................... 147 Species relationships ............................................................................................................................................................... 148 Principles of the analysis ................................................................................................................................................. 148 The analyses ................................................................................................................................................................... 150 Analysis of all species ..................................................................................................................................................... 152 Analysis of the Osmundacaulis kolbei line .............................................................................................................. 152 Analysis of extant species ........................................................................................................................................... 155 Discussion 157 Phylogenetic relationships ....................................................................................................................................................1. 58 Phylogeny of the Osmundaceae ................................................................................................................................... 158 Thamnopteris group ...............................................................................................................................................1 58 Osmundacaulis herbstii group ...............................................................................................................................1 58 Osmundacaulis braziliensis group .........................................................................................................................1 60 Osmundacaulis skidegatensis group ....................................................................................................................... 161 Plenasium group ....................................................................................................................................................... 161 Osmunda group ....................................................................................................................................................... 161 Osmundastrum group ............................................................................................................................................. 162 Leptopteris group ..................................................................................................................................................... 163 Todea group .............................................................................................................................................................1 63 Ori.g i.n of other fern taxa from the Osmundaceae ....................................................................................................... 163 Ongin of the Osmundaceae ..........................................................................................................................................1. 64 Summary of phylogenetic relationships ..................................................................................................................... 166 Su.m .m ary ...................................................................................................................................................................................1 66 Blbllography ............................................................................................................................................................................. 167 INTRODUCTION ceae, Schizaeaceae, and the Coenopteridales occur in the Late '~aleozoic,a nd the Coenop- THE OSMUNDACEAisE a primitive family of teridales apparently did not survive into the ferns that is assigned by most authorities to the Mesozoic. The Gleicheniaceae and Schizaeaceae Filicales. The family is important because it is are known in the Paleozoic only by sporangia intermediate between the Eusporangiatae and and some questionable foliage remains (Arnold, Leptosporangiatae in many respects and be- 1964). Early marattiaceous ferns already show cause it has the most extensive fossil record of the specialized synangia that are characteristic any fern family (Arnold, 1964). Only sixteen of many of the Recent species, and the poly- living species are generally recognized, but cyclic stele of the Psaroniaceae suggests that nearly one hundred fossil forms have been members of this group were too specialized to named (Jongmans & Dijkstra, 1962). About have served as a probable source of other fern fifty of the fossil species are based on com- taxa. Thus, the Paleozoic Osmundaceae, which pressed foliage, about twenty species are repre- have a very simple protostelic organization, sented only by isolated spores and sporangia, seem likely as a possible ancestral stock for and thirty species are represented by petrified certain other fern groups. stems. The last show that the Osmundaceae - . Clarification of the phylogenetic relation- was a distinct line of evolution by Late Perm- ships within the Osmundaceae is basic to ian time, though sporangia that may be os- understanding the role of the family with re- mundaceous occur in the Coal Measures of gard to the possible derivation of other fern Great Britain, France, and Asia Minor (Seward, groups from it, and this treatment is an attempt 1910). to place the structurally preserved remains of While the Osmundaceae is most often in- the Osmundaceae in phylogenetic series with cluded in the Filicales, it has many features in the present-day species. While relationships are common with the Eusporangiatae, and other interpreted mostly from comparative characters characters that are intermediate between com- of rhizome anatomy, information from osmun- parable eusporangiate and leptosporangiate daceous foliage, spores, and sporangia is used conditions. Furthermore, several attributes are as additional source of evidence where avail- completely unique to the Osmundaceae and suggest long isolation of the family (table 1). able. This peculiar mixing of characters and the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS great antiquity of the family has led to specu- lation that certain groups of "higher ferns" This work represents a portion of a disser- may have evolved from the Osmundaceae rather tation submitted to The University of Michigan than from other ancient ferns. Besides the Os- in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the mundaceae, only the Marattiales, Gleichenia- Ph.D. degree in Botany. The Department of CHARLES N. MILLER, JR. Botany and the Botanical Gardens of The Uni- Throughout the study Dr. C. A. Arnold has versity of Michigan are gratefully acknowl- been a reliable source of aid and encouragement edged for the financial support, supplies, and and I also wish to thank Dr. W. H. Wagner for facilities they provided during the investiga- allowing me to draw upon his knowledge of tion. In addition, officials of the British Mu- living ferns and for help in applying multiple seum (Nat. Hist.), London, and the Depart- character correlation. I am deeply indebted to ment of Botany, University of Glasgow, Scot- my wife Susan for the many sacrifices she made land, allowed me to examine fossil material in to facilitate my work. their collections. Dr. W. H. Hewitson, College of the Pacific, Stockton, California, contributed CLASSIFICATION a large collection of rhizomes of Recent species The living species of the Osmundaceae are remaining from his investigation (1962), and placed in three genera: Leptopteris, with six numerous other people supplied material of species; Osmunda, with nine species; and living species (table 2). Todea, which is monotypic. Leptopteris was My special thanks are extended to the mem- originally treated as a subgenus of Todea, but bers of my doctoral committee for many con- Presl (1845) separated the two. Although some structive suggestions regarding my work. workers favor the original grouping (Seward & Other Taxa Having Osmundaceous Character Character 1) Massive photosynthetic thallus with thick midrib Marattiaceae and primitive leptosporangiate (Bower, 1926). ferns. 2) Gametangia superficial (Bower, 1926). Leptosporangiatae. 3) Archegonia borne in two parallel rows, one to either None side of the midrib (Atkinson & Stokey, 1964, p. 66). 4) Archegonia with six tiers of neck cells Intermediate between eusporangiate and lepto- (Sporne, 1962, p. 144). sporangiate situations. 5) Large number of spermatocytes produced per Intermediate between eusporangiate and lepto- antheridium (Bower, 1926). sporangiate situations. 6) Spores chlorophyllous. Various Grammitidaceae and Hymenophylla- ceae (also Equisetum) . 7) Spores trilete. Various fern taxa, primitive and otherwise. 8) Dehiscence of antheridium by forcible ejection of Primitive Leptosporangiatae. cap cell (Atkinson & Stokey, 1964). 9) Spore germination bipolar (Atkinson & Stokey, 1964). None. 10) Number of spores per sporangium 128-512 Intermediate between eusporangiate and lepto- (Bower, 1926). sporangiate situations. 11) Embryo prone (Bower, 1926). Leptosporangiatae. 12) Quadrants of embryo situated with respect to thallus Intermediate between eusporangiate and lepto- but not to archegonium (Bower, 1926). sporangiate situations. 13) Embryo persisting in globular stage (Bower, 1926). Eusporangiatae. 14) Shoot apex, foot, root, and leaf not referable to Eusporangiatae. distinct portions of embryo (Bower, 1926). 15) Persistence of endodermis into mature parts of Leptosporangiatae. sporophyte, rather than disappearance after juvenile stage (Bower, 1926). 16) Stipular expansions on petiole base (Bower, 1926). Eusporangiatae, Plagiooriaceae (also . Mattezrccia pensylvanica) 17) Transverse commissure on stipule in Leptopteris Eusporangiatae (also Cycadaceae) . and Todea (Bower, 1926). 18) Indefinite segmentation of leaf-blade from single Marattiaceae. row of marginal initials (Bower, 1926). 19) Root initials varying betweer.: a) tetrahedral, and Leptosporangiatae. b) four, truncated prismatic cells, (Bower, 1926). Marattiaceae. 20) Sporogenous cells: a) cubical, or Eusporangiatae. b) tetrahedral (Bower, 1926). Leptosporangiatae. 21) Sporangium not always referable to single Intermediate between eusporangiate and lepto- initial (Bower, 1926). sporangiate situations. FERN FAMILY OSMUNDACEAE 109 Ford, 1903 ; Tansley, 1907), Presl's classifica- ences in venation (Hewitson, 1962). Recent tion is preferred here. Leptopteris has filmy evidence from the fossil record indicates that fronds, while the lamina of Todea barbara is the subgenera of Osmunda have been separate coriaceous. Sporangia are borne on the abaxial lines of specialization since the Paleocene (Mil- surface of typical vegetative fronds in both ler, 1967). genera. Osmunda differs in this respect, the Fossil forms have always been assigned to sporangia being attached to specialized pinnae Recent taxa where possible, but because of lack that lack a lamina. The degree of fertile and of knowledge of the structure of many of the sterile frond dimorphism varies from complete living species, most of the petrified remains of -the entire fertile frond consisting of speci- the Osmundaceae were originally assigned to alized pinnaeto incomplete-the fertile frond form genera. Recent work has permitted the bearing mainly typical vegetative pinnae with a transfer of a number of fossil species to living few fertile pinnae inserted in apical, medial, or genera (Hewitson, 1962; Chandler, 1965; Mil- basal position on the rachis. Osmunda is tradi- ler, 1967), but most of the petrified organs tionally divided into the subgenera Osmunda, belonging to the family remain in form genera. Osmundastrum, and Plenasium, on the basis of Osmundacaulis, a nomen novum replacing Os- frond morphology. Species of the subgenus mundites Unger, which is invalid (Miller, 1967), Osmunda have bipinnate fronds while the fronds includes rhizomes or trunks or their parts which are once-pinnate in Plenasium and Osmunda- bear structural resemblance to the present-day strum. Pinnules in Osmundastrum are pinnati- species but which cannot be referred to any of fid while the margins of Plenasium pinnules are the Recent genera. Certain ancient species differ entire to coarsely serrate. There are also differ- significantly from the more recent forms in hav- Rhizomes: Leptopteris fraseri M. Tindale Sydney, N.S.W. L. hymenophylloides G. Baylis Dunedin, New Zealand C. Quinn Auckland, New Zeaiand L. superba G. Baylis Dunedin, New Zealand C. Quinn Auckland, New Zealand L. wilkesiuna J. Parham Suva, Fiji Osmunda regalis C. Miller Florida and Michigan, U.S.A. 0.j aponica T. Chung Seoul, Korea S. Kokawa Osaka, Japan 0.l ancea S. Kokawa Osaka, Japan 0.c laytoniana C. Miller Michigan, U.S.A. 0.c innumomea C. Miller Florida and Michigan, U.S.A. 0.b anksiaefolia K. Iwatsuki Kyoto, Japan 0.j avanica N. Seneviratne Gurutalawa, Ceylon Todea barbara M. Tindale Sydney, N.S.W. Spores (my number in parentheses) : Osmunda regalis, Indiana, Gates #61 (1-17-63-2) Osmzrnda regalis, Texas, Thorp in 1929, (1-17-63-3) Osmunda regalis, Michigan, Ehlers #45 (1-8-63-8) Osmunda regalis, Brazil, Mexia #5169 (1-8-63-6) Osmunda lancea, Japan, Copeland #I318 (1-17-63-1) Osmunda claytonianu, location unknown, Koelz #I987 (1-8-63-2) Osmunda claytonianu, Phunkia, India, Flemming #87 (1-8-63-7) Osmunda claytonianu, Michigan, Voss #6895, (1-15-63-4) Osmunda claytonianu, Wisconsin, Copeland #I315 (1-15-63-3) Osmunda claytonianu, Virginia, Tidestrom #4584 (1-15-63-2) Osmunda claytoniana, Quebec, Canada, Storer #268 (1-15-63-1) Osmunda cinnamomea, Florida, McFarlin #3313 (1-17-63-6) Osmundo cinnamomea, Indiana, Gates #I058 (1-17-63-5) Osmunda cinnumomea, Michigan, Davis in 1891 (1-8-63-1) Osmunda cinnamomea, Michigan, Voss #%I31 (1-17-63-4) Osmunda banksiaefolia, Luzon, Philippines, Copeland #I2298 (1-17-63-8) Osmunda banksiaefolia, Luzon, Philippines, Copeland #22472 (1-17-63-1) Osmunda javanica, Kwangtung, China, Tsang #21186 (1-8-63-3) Osmunda vachellii, Canton, Chiia (introduced), McClure #I8580 (1-8-63-5) CHARLES N. MILLER, JR. TABL3E-A SSOCIATIONO F Osmundacaulis WITH Ckzdophbbis Osmumdacaulis Cladobhlebis Horizon Location 0,k olbeil C. denticulata Lower Cretaceous South Africa 0. kolbei C. browniana Lower Cretaceous South Africa 0. patagonica2 C. patagonica Upper Jurassic Argentina 0. dunlopi3 C. denticulata Jurassic New Zealand 0. gibbiana3 C. denticulata Jurassic New Zealand 0. herbstii4 Cladophlebis sp. Upper Triassic Argentina 1) Kidston & Gwynne-Vaughan, 1910. 2) Archangelsky & de la Sota, 1962. 3) Kidston & Gwynne-Vaughan, 1907. 4) Archangelsky & de la Sota, 1963. ing a protostele, and these species have been the reticulate nature of the xylem cylinder in placed in Bathypteris, Chasrnatopteris, Zegosi- Osmunda regalis and speculated upon the evo- gopteris, Petcheropteris, Thamnopteris, and lution of such a stele from a "medullated mono- Zalesskya. In addition, one Permian species, stele" by dissection of the xylem cylinder by which is known only by its leaf-bases, is classi- leaf-gaps. Jeffrey (1899) took exception to Van fied in the genus Anomorrhoea. Itopsidema in- Tieghem & Douliot's (1886) postulated onto- cludes one siphonostelic species from the Tri- genetic intrastelar origin of the pith and later assic, but its relationship to the Osmundaceae (1902) extended his opinion to phylogenetic is questionable. origin as well. He believed that the "medul- In addition to these taxa based on petrified axes lated monostele" of Van Tieghem was derived and leaf-bases, over forty species represented from an amphiphloic siphonostele by degenera- only by foliage have been referred to Osmunda tion of the internal phloem and endodermis. (table 4). Todites includes fronds from Meso- Accordingly, Jeffrey ( 1902) postulated the evo- zoic sediments that are similar to those of lution of the living Osmundaceae from a dictyo- Todea and bear osmundaceous sporangia. Fur- stelic form, such as Osmundacaulis skidegaten- thermore, some species of Cladophlebis prob- sis, and interpreted Osmunda cinnamomea, ably also belong to the Osmundaceae. This which has an internal endodermis, as represent- genus includes sterile foliage from the Meso- ing an intermediate stage. Faull's (1901) study zoic; and certain species frequently occur in of Osmunda regalis, 0 . claytoniana, 0. cinna- association with Osmundacaulis of that time trzomea, Leptopteris superba, and Todea bar- (table 3), but no organic connection between bara, and his (1910) investigation of young them has been found. sporophytes of Osmunda cinmomea brought Fossil spores and sporangia that are more forth evidence supporting Jeffrey's concept and or less similar to those of the living species supplemented it by noting the occurrence of have been referred to the Recent genera or to internal phloem near the branching region of numerous form genera. certain plants of 0. cinnammea. Seward & Ford ( 1903 ) , who examined stems of Leptop- HISTORY OF INVESTIGATION teris hymenophylloides, L. superba, and Todea Early investigations of the anatomy of the Os- barbara, thought that these species were primi- mundaceae dealt with the arrangement, ontogeny tive among the living forms and that the stele and phylogeny of the pith and vascular tissues, of Osmunda cinnammea represented a spe- but little attention was given to structural fea- cialization of an ectophloic condition. Material tures useful in distinguishing between the of their species displayed somewhat confluent species. The first author to deal with the anat- xylem strands suggestive of Recent origin from omy of osmundaceous stems was DeBary an ancestor having an ectophloic siphonostele (1884) who envisoned a series of sympodial with the xylem cylinder uninterrupted by leaf- "fibro-vascular" strands arranged in a ring gaps. around the pith as in the conifers, each strand At this time structural details of only three branching to form leaf-traces but otherwise fossil stems of the Osmundaceae were known. running independently through the stem. Van These were Osmunda dowkeri, 0. iliaensis Tieghem & Douliot (1886) described the os- [=Osmundites schemnicensis (Pettko) Unger 1, mundaceous stele as a "medullated monostele," and Osmundacau2is skidegatensis. The first two one in which the pith formed ontogenetically are similar to the living species and occur in by "expansion" of a single, central, "fibro- the Eocene and Miocene-Pliocene respectively; vascular" strand. In 1895, Zenetti demonstrated but 0. skidegetensis, a dictyostelic form from FERN FAMILY OSMUNDACEAE 111 the Lower Cretaceous, offered overwhelming sclerenchyma scattered in the inner cortex of support for the "extrastelar" school of thought. the petiole base, while such strands are absent Between 1907 and 1914, Kidston & Gwynne- in Leptopteris. Within the genus Osmunda, Vaughan published a series of five memoirs on species of the subgenus Plenasium differ from petrified osmundaceous axes, naming two new those of the subgenera Osmunda and Osmun- species and reinvestigating several other previ- dastrum in having leaf-traces that are deeply ously described forms whose internal structure, curved at their point of separation from the and thus their relationship to the Osmunda- stele and have two distinct groups of protoxy- ceae, was unknown. Five of these were from lem elements at this location. In species of the the Upper Permian of Russia. The Russian two latter subgenera the xylem of the leaf-trace forms are the most ancient and the least spe- diverges from the stem xylem as an oblong cialized known in the family; and when they strand with a single protoxylem group. Osmun- are considered with the other species treated da and Osmundastrum are most easily distin- by Kidston & Gwynne-Vaughan, they offer guished from each other on the basis of the pat- strong evidence for the derivation of the tern formed by thick-walled fibers in the outer present-day species from protostelic ancestors cortex of the petiole base. In the subgenus Os- by intrastelar origin of the pith and subsequent munda at some level in the stipular region these dissection of the xylem cylinder of an ecto- cells are organized in two lateral clusters while phloic siphonostele by leaf-gaps, a view that is in Osmundastrum two lateral clusters and one widely accepted today (Posthumus, 1924b; abaxial mass occur at all levels of section. Fur- Bower, 1926). thermore, Osmunda cinnamomea typically has Lack of adequate information about the an internal endodermis which is lacking in all comparative anatomy of the Recent species has Recent species of the subgenus Osmunda. hindered investigation of the relationships be- These comparative characters and others tween the fossil species and the living ones. Until to be mentioned later have enabled investiga- recently, more was known about the internal tors to distinguish between the living genera structure of the fossil material than the extant of the Osmundaceae, and in 1965 Chandler species, and comparisons of one with the other transferred Osmundacaulis (Osmundites) dow- were made only in the broadest sense. (Arnold, keri to Osmunda. Since then seven other species 1964). While subsequent discoveries of petri- of petrified rhizomes have been assigned to fied stems have doubled the number of species Osmunda, Osmundastrum, and Plenasium show- known to Kidston & Gwynne-Vaughan, the ing that these subgenera existed as independent only addition to our knowledge of the living lines of evolution as early as the Paleocene species was the description of the stele of (Miller, 1967). Osmunda javanica by Posthumus (1924b). Hewitson's (1962) survey of thirteen of the MATERIALS AND METHODS Recent species marked the first significant at- Type material of 22 of the 32 previously tempt to find characters that would be useful described species of petrified stems and (or) in comparing the extant and extinct forms. He petiole bases were re-examined during the concluded that the arrangement of scleren- course of this investigation. Whenever the chyma tissues in the stipular petiole bases is original or later preparations were not avail- the most diagnostic feature and that such char- able, special preparations were made for me acters as the number of strands of stem xylem by curators of the various collections. The 13 and the number of leaf-traces in the cortex, as species in the Kidston Collection were examined viewed in transverse stem sections, are not in in the Department of Botany, The University themselves diagnostic but are useful as cor- of Glasgow, Scotland, while six other species relative evidence. Hewitson (1962) also noted were studied in the British Museum (Nat. that the outer cortex in rhizomes of Osmunda Hist.), London, England. The remaining spe- is constructed entirely of very long, thick- cies were studied from specimens and prepara- walled fibers while in Leptopteris and Todea tions in the Museum of Paleontology, The Uni- these cells occur only around departing leaf- versity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, or traces with the bulk of the tissue consisting of from loans made to the Museum. relatively short sclereids. Bower (1926) and Materials of 14 of the 16 Recent species Chandler (1965) also point out that in Todea were obtained for reference and comparison and Leptopteris the margins of the stipular with the fossils. Much of this was generously expansions are joined across the adaxial face contributed by Hewitson at the completion of of the petiole base by a transverse commissure, his (1962) investigation. These specimens were and this structure is lacking in Osmunda. Todea already embedded in celloidin. Additional ma- differs from Leptopteris in having strands of terial (table 2) was acquired by personal col- 112 CHARLES N. MILLER, JR. lection of the three North American species and inner parenchymatous layer and an outer from foreign collectors. Living plants were sclerotic layer, but one species has a homo- maintained in the greenhouses of The Univer- geneous cortex. Petiole bases of most species sity of Michigan Botanical Gardens until they have pronounced stipular expansions, but they could be prepared for sectioning. are lacking in one species. No tissue has the Axes of the living plants were treated ac- same construction in all members of the family; cording to the method of Hewitson (1962). every tissue has undergone some evolutionary Petiole bases were removed from the stems, change. and they and the stems were cut into sections Stem 0.5-1.0 cm long. The pieces were then softened - for two weeks in a 1 : 1 solution of 48% hydro- Stele. Tissue construction. Protostelic fluoric acid and 98% ethyl alcohol, washed in species, all of which are extinct, have stems tap water for 24 hours, dehydrated in an ethyl that contain a central column of relatively alcohol series, and embedded in celloidin (Meth- short tracheids surrounded by a cylinder of od 2 of Johansen, 1940). Sections were cut on longer tracheids that are more typical of fern a sliding microtome at 20 to 40 microns de- metaxylem. Since the central column is well pending on the friability of the material. They differentiated from the outer cylinder, and since were stained in 1% aqueous solution of Sa- the central xylem shows evidence of evolutionary franin "0" and 0.5% Fast Green in absolute change toward pith tissue, it is treated here alcohol and mounted in Canada Balsam. descriptively as a tissue distinct from the outer Spores of certain Recent species (table 2) cylinder metaxylem. were obtained from specimens in The Univer- The cells of the central metaxylem tissue sity of Michigan Herbarium, and voucher labels are large-diameter tracheids whose walls bear were attached to the herbarium sheets of the elliptical or oval pits. In Zalesskya: grucilis thk specimens used. The sporangia were washed in tracheids are ten or more times longer than running water, softened and wetted in 5% broad (pl. 2, fig. 10). Several vertical series of KOH for two minutes at 90°C, and strained elliptical pits occur on each wall; but the files through a wire screen to separate spores from are not in strict vertical alignment, so the ar- sporangia. The spores were then acetolyzed for rangement is termed "irregular scalariform." three minutes at 90°C, mounted unstained in In contrast, the central xylem tracheids of glycerine jelly, and the cover slips sealed with Thamnopteris and Zdesskya: diploxylon are diaphane. A slide of each specimen has been two to five times as long as broad (pl. 2, fig. 9), placed in the Palynological Collection of the their pits are oval, and the arrangement of pits Department of Botany, The University of results in a "reticulate" pattern. Michigan. It is of particular interest that in Thamnop- teris kidstoni parenchyma cells occur singly or ANATOMY AND MORPHOLOGY in clusters near the periphery of the central Structurally, the Osmundaceae is a highly xylem tissue (Zalessky, 1924). They are the variable group. The majority of the species same size and shape as the tracheids but lack have a parenchymatous pith, but at least four pits. The association of these cells with the have a column of tracheids occupying the cen- short central xylem tracheids is important evi- ter of the stele. Most species have external dence of the intrastelar origin of a pith in the phloem only, but one has internal as well as Osmundaceae. external phloem. Likewise, the endodermis in Central xylem is preserved completely to many species is external to the stele; but several the center of the stem in only four species. In species have external and internal endodermal other cases a zone of decay occurs in this tissue; layers, and in at least four species these cylin- and while typical central xylem tracheids border ders connect through leaf-gaps. The cortex of the vacant zone, other cell types may have oc- osmundaceous stems generally consists of an curred within. The fact that the central region FIGS. I, 2--0smunda pluma Miller. I, transverse section of rhizome, X 4%, holotype, UMMP 52157. 2, trans- verse section of stele, X 24, holotype, UMMP 52157. 3, 4--0smzcnda precinnamomea Miller. 3, transverse section of rhizome, x 5410, holotype, UMMP 52159. 4, transverse section of stele, x 30, holotype, UMMP 52159. 5, 6-Osmunda arnoldii Miller. 5, transverse section of rhizome, X 4%, holotype, UMMP 52161. 6, trans verse section of stele, X 20, holotype, UMMP 52161.

CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE MUSEUM OF PALEONTOLOGY Director: ROBERT V. KESLING The series of contributions from the Museum of Paleontology is a medium for the
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