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Preview Evolution of Prolate Molecular Clouds at Hii Boundaries: II. Formation of BRCs of asymmetrical morphology

Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–??(20??) Printed20January2015 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) ii Evolution of Prolate Molecular Clouds at H Boundaries: II. Formation of BRCs of asymmetrical morphology T. M. Kinnear1?, J. Miao1, G. J. White2,3, K. Sugitani4 and S. Goodwin5 5 1 Centre for Astrophysics and Planetary Science, School of Physical Sciences, University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NH, England 1 2 Department of Physics and Astronomy, The Open University, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA , England 0 3 Space Science and Technology Department,CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire OX11 0QX, England 2 4 Graduate School of Natural Sciences, Nagoya City University, Mizuho-ku, Nagoya 467-8501, Japan 5 Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Sheffield, Western Bank, Sheffield S10 2TN n a J 7 Accepted20??Month??.Received20??Month??;inoriginalform20??Month?? 1 ] ABSTRACT R A systematic investigation on the evolution of a prolate cloud at an Hii boundary is S conductedusingSmoothedParticleHydrodynamics(SPH)inordertounderstandthe . mechanismforavarietyofirregularmorphologicalstructuresfoundattheboundaries h of various Hii regions. The prolate molecular clouds in this investigation are set with p - their semi-major axes at inclinations between 0 and 90◦ to a plane parallel ionizing o radiationflux.Asetof4parameters,thenumberdensityn,theratioofmajortominor r axisγ,theinclinationangleϕandtheincidentfluxF ,areusedtodefinetheinitial t EUV s stateofthesimulatedclouds.Thedependenceoftheevolutionofaprolatecloudunder a RadiationDrivenImplosion(RDI)oneachofthefourparametersisinvestigated.Itis [ foundthat:i)inadditiontothewellstudiedstandardtypeA,BorCBrightRimmed 1 Clouds(BRCs),manyothertypessuchasasymmetricalBRCs,filamentarystructures v and irregular horse-head structures could also be developed at Hii boundaries with 6 only simple initial conditions; ii) the final morphological structures are very sensitive 9 to the 4 initial parameters, especially to the initial density and the inclination; iii) 1 The previously defined ionizing radiation penetration depth can still be used as a 4 good indicator of the final morphology. 0 Basedonthesimulationresults,theefficiencyoftheRDItriggeredstarformation . 1 fromcloudsofdifferentinitialconditionsisalsoestimated.Finallyaunifiedmechanism 0 for the various morphological structures found in many different Hii boundaries is 5 suggested. 1 v: Key words: Hii regions - hydrodynamics - stars: formation - ISM: evolution - ISM: i kinematics and dynamics - radiative transfer X r a 1 INTRODUCTION (RDI) mechanism for EUV radiation triggered star forma- tion in BRCs. As the intensive EUV radiation from newly formed star(s) ionizesthestar-facingsurfacelayerofamolecularcloud,the Multi-wavelength observations have revealed various ionization heating induces a shock which propagates into physical and morphological properties of BRCs at Hii re- the cloud, compressing material to form highly condensed gions. BRCs observed so far tend to be classified as type core(s). These cores are the potential sites for EUV radia- A, B and C in increasing order of the curvature of their tion triggered new star formation. Simultaneously the Hα bright rim (Sugitani et al. 1991; Sugitani & Ogura 1994), emission produced by the recombination of ions with elec- though some of BRCs are found in M shaped morphology tronscreatesabrightrimaroundthestarfacingsideofthe (Osterbrock 1957; Urquhart et al. 2006; Karr et al. 2005). cloud. The structures formed are termed Bright Rimmed Starting with a uniform and spherical molecular cloud Clouds (BRCs), the best candidate for studying the feed- illuminated by a plane-parallel ionizing radiation from one back of massive stars to surrounding and parental molecu- side,theoreticalmodellingbasedontheRDImechanismsuc- larcloud(s).ThisprocessistheRadiationDrivenImplosion cessfullyrevealedtheformationprocessofstandardtypeA, B or C BRCs. These simulated BRCs are all symmetric to their structure axis, and the latter aligns with the radia- ? E-mail:[email protected] tionfluxdirection,i.e.,thelineconnectingthetipofaBRC (cid:13)c 20??RAS 2 T. M. Kinnear, J. Miao, G. J. White, K. Sugitani and S. Goodwin Figure 1. The distribution of the inclination angle ϕ, which is defined as the angle between the major axis and the x axis as shown in Figure 2, of the BRCs in about 10 emission nebulæ (Osterbrock1957). and the centre of the exciting star (Bertoldi 1989; Lefloch &Lazareff1994;Kessel-Deynet&Burkert2003;Miaoetal. 2006,2009;Gritschnederetal.2009;Miaoetal.2010;Bisbas et al. 2011; Haworth & Harries 2012; Tremblin et al. 2012). However, further investigation on the observed struc- turesatHiiboundariesfindsthat:i)someBRCsdonotshow a comet-like morphology, but fragment-core linear struc- turesperpendiculartotheEUVradiationfluxdirection(e.g. Chauhan et al. (2011)); ii) most type A, B and C BRCs Figure2.Theinitialgeometryofaprolatecloudinsimulations. are not symmetric about their structural axes, which also xp,xaandxmaxarethexprojectionsoftheapex,thesemi-major do not necessarily align with the radiation flux direction of axisaandthefarthestpointofthecloudfromzaxisrespectively. their exciting stars (Thompson et al. 2004; Morgan et al. 2004). As shown in Figure 1, there is a distribution in the anglebetweentheaxisofaBRCandthedirectionfromthe of which is illustrated in Figure 2. In this way we can ex- tip of the BRC to the centre of the exciting star, based on pectthatthevarietyofthemorphologicalstructuresderived theobservationaldataongroupsofBRCsinabout10emis- from RDI simulations must be greatly increased. sion nebulæ (Osterbrock 1957); iii) There are more objects A set of RDI simulations were conducted using an ini- with structures which can not be categorized by type A, B tially prolate cloud with ϕ = 0◦, which we call ‘perpen- or C than those which can be; iv) In those asymmetrical dicular’ to the EUV radiation flux. It is found that a per- BRC structures, RDI triggered multi-star or sequential for- pendicular prolate cloud would evolve into a perpendicular mation are often found not only at the head of BRCs, but fragment-core linear structure to the ionizing flux, covered also in the more compressed side layer (Fukuda et al. 2013; byabrighttoplayeronthestarside.Boththeinitialphys- Ma¨kela¨ & Haikala 2013; Sicilia-Aguilar et al. 2014; Panwar ical/geometrical conditions of the cloud and the strength etal.2014).Itisobviousthatitisdifficulttoaccommodate of radiation flux affect the distribution of condensed cores thevarietyofstructuralandphysicalfeaturesobservedwith over the structure, the total condensed core mass and the RDI modelling starting with a spherical cloud. triggered star formation time. The sporadic fragment-core Observations on the physical properties of molecular structures at Hii boundaries can be interpreted by the ef- cloudshaverevealedthatsphericalcloudsareveryrarecases fectoftheinteractionbetweenaperpendicularprolatecloud (Gammieetal.2003;Dotyetal.2005;Rathborneetal.2009) and a parallel-plane EUV radiation field. More details are and there are many physical processes which lead to for- presented in Kinnear et al. (2014). mation of prolate molecular clouds (Gong & Ostriker 2011; In this paper, we expand the investigation to the evo- Gholipour&Nejad-Asghar2013).Toinvestigatethemecha- lutionofaprolatecloudatHiiboundaries,withthecloud’s nismforthedevelopmentofstructuresofvariousmorpholo- major axis inclined to the EUV radiation flux by an angle gies other than standard (i.e., symmetrical) BRCs at Hii 0◦ (cid:54)(90◦−ϕ)(cid:54)90◦. This is performed in order to under- boundaries, using an initially non-spherical cloud, such as stand the mechanism for the formation of a broad range of a prolate cloud, in RDI modelling seems the most feasible asymmetrical structures and the consequent triggered star choice.Definitionintermsoftwoadditional,geometric,pa- formation inside them. In the rest of the paper, we first rametersareintroduced:theratioofthemajor(a)tominor presentabriefdescriptionofthecodesused,theinitialcon- (b)axisγ = a andtheinclinationangleϕ,theconfiguration ditionsofthecloudsforsimulations,andaderivedquantity b (cid:13)c 20??RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? Evolution of Prolate Clouds at Hii Boundaries 3 which gives an indication of the dynamic evolution of pro- In Figure 2, x is the x coordinate of the apex of the p late clouds at different Hii boundaries. In the results and cloud.lettingrbethedistanceofanyapointonthesurface discussion section we present simulation results and discuss of a prolate cloud in the xz plane, and θ the angle between thephysicalmechanismresponsiblefortheformationofdif- r and the x axis, we have, ferent mophological structures at Hii boundaries. Finally, a r= . (1) conclusions are drawn. p cos2(θ−ϕ)+γ2sin2(θ−ϕ) Themaximumxcoordinateandthexprojectionofthesemi- major axis 2 THE CODES AND INITIAL CONDITIONS r 2.1 The codes sin2ϕ x = a cos2ϕ+ , (2) max γ2 An updated Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamics (SPH) x = acosϕ. (3) Code ii is used for all of the simulations investigated in a this paper, which is an extended version of Code i (Nelson As an important indicator to the dynamical evolution & Langer 1999). Code i is an SPH code to investigate the of a prolate cloud with an inclination angle ϕ, the effective effectofanisotropicFUVinterstellarbackgroundradiation illuminated area by the EUV radiation is, on the evolution of a molecular cloud, by solving the full r setofhydrodynamicequations,includingself-gravityofthe A= πaxmax = πa2 cos2ϕ+ sin2ϕ, (4) cloud and a chain of chemical differential equations. Based γ γ γ2 on Code i, a numerical solver with a ray-tracing algorithm which is a decreasing function with ϕ, has the maximum (Kessel-Deynet & Burkert 2000) for a plane-parallel EUV πab at ϕ = 0◦ and the minimum πb2 at ϕ = 90◦. For the radiationtransferringequationwasimplemented,aswellas convenienceofthefollowingdiscussion,wecallthehalfcloud the relevant heating and cooling processes. We refer to this withϕ(cid:54)θ(cid:54)π+ϕasthe‘front’semi-ellipsoid,andπ+ϕ< versionasCode ii,whichcanbeusedtoinvestigatethein- θ(cid:54)2π+ϕ the ‘back’ semi-ellipsoid. teractionofaplane-parallelionizingradiationfrommassive star(s)withamolecularcloudofarbitraryinitialgeometry. MoredetaileddescriptionsofthecodecanbefoundinMiao 2.2.2 Initial mass distribution et al. (2006) and Kinnear et al. (2014). As we have done in the investigation of the evolution of a Byvirtueoftheasymmetricalmorphologyofthesimu- perpendicular prolate cloud at an Hii boundary (Kinnear latedclouds,thecondensedcorestriggeredbyRDIinduced et al. 2014), all of the molecular clouds in our simulations shocks are not usually aligned with the structural axis and start with a uniform density, which is rendered by a glass- multi-starformationisalsofrequentlyobserved.Toidentity like distribution of SPH particles created using Gadget-2 the positions of these triggered condensed cores and anal- (Springel 2005). A glass-like distribution is taken as a good ysetheirphysicalproperties,acodecalled‘CoreFinder’is approximation to a uniform mass distribution. We choose used,forwhichadetaileddescriptionisincludedinKinnear theinitialmassofthecloudtobe30M ,thesameasused etal.(2014).Forthesimulationspresentedinthispaper,all (cid:12) for Kinnear et al. (2014). The number of SPH particles for ‘cores’ are defined as a region of at least 0.03 M (> 100 (cid:12) each molecular cloud is determined by the mass resolution, SPH particles) and the density of each SPH particle sam- 3.0×10−4M perSPHparticle,for100,000particles,higher pled must be n (cid:62) 106 cm−3. As in Kinnear et al. (2014), (cid:12) thanrequiredbytheconvergencetestoftheCodeii.Azero the cores formed from the simulations are the first gener- initial velocity field is set for all of the molecular clouds in ation of RDI triggered objects. Simulations for the subse- the simulations. quent generations of RDI triggered star formation becomes Sincetheobjectiveofourinvestigationistoexplorethe excessivelyslowerafterinitialextremelyhighdensitycore(s) evolution of the RDI triggered collapse of an initially in- form,whichleadstoadecreasetowardsinfinitesimallysmall clinedprolatecloud,anyinitiallyunstablecloudagainstthe timesteps,andtheeffectivehaltofthesimulation.Thiscan self-gravity before interacting with the ionization radiation beavoidedbytheuseofthe‘sink’particlesofBate&Burk- flux should not be chosen. Stability is assured by applying ert (1997), but is not currently implemented in Code ii. the Jeans criteria for an isolated prolate cloud, in terms of Allofthecolumndensityimagesareproducedusingthe Jeans number J, the ratio of the initial gravitational en- softwareSPLASH,whichisspeciallydesignedforprocessing ergy of a prolate cloud to the thermal energy and can be SPH numerical data (Price 2007). expressed as (Bastien 1983), πGρµb2 (cid:16)1+e(cid:17) 2.2 Initial conditions J = ln (cid:54)1.0, (5) 15eR T 1−e g 2.2.1 Initial geometry where ρ, T and µ are the mass density, the initial temper- Thegeometricalshapeofaprolatecloudinthesimulations ature and the mean molecular mass of the prolate cloud is described by a pair of initial parameters ( a, γ ) and its respectively, G and Rg are the standard physical constants orientation to the plane-parallel ionization radiation flux is and the eccentricity, 0◦ (cid:54) ϕ (cid:54) 90◦, as shown in Figure 2. The ionization flux r p b2 γ2−1 onto the surface of the cloud on the star side is treated as e= 1− = . (6) a2 γ plane-parallel to the z axis, for an assumed large ratio of distance to the illuminating star against cloud size. Using the relation between density, mass M and volume of (cid:13)c 20??RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? 4 T. M. Kinnear, J. Miao, G. J. White, K. Sugitani and S. Goodwin a cloud, we can derive the condition for the major axis a of n γ ϕ F0 an initially stable prolate cloud, Seriesname cm−3 ◦ ×109 cm−2 s−1 G1200 1200 1-10 0-90 1 p ! M∗ γ γ+ γ2−1 density&flux 100-1200 2 60 1&2 a(cid:62)acrit =0.052 p ln p , (7) irregular 400 2-3.5 60-85 2 T γ2−1 γ− γ2−1 Table 1.Summaryofthetestseriesconducted.nisinitialden- where M∗ is the mass of the prolate cloud in units of solar sity,γtheaxialratio,ϕtheinclinationangleandF0 theincident masses, and a and a have units of Parsecs. For a given flux. crit molecularcloudofmassM∗,andinitialtemperatureT and γ,aminimumvalueacanbeestimated,themajoraxisofan by‘fociconvergence’mode,i.e.,twohighdensitycoresform initiallygravitationallystablecloudshouldsatisfya>acrit. atthetwoendsofafilament;whend (cid:54)1,thecloudcan EUV stillbeRDItriggeredtocollapsebutthrough‘linearconver- gence’, i.e., a few high density cores form along the whole 2.3 Boundary condition filament; when d (cid:62) 1, the cloud is in photo-ionization EUV The clouds in our simulations are subject to an isotropic dominant region, and would be photo-evaporated. As d EUV interstellar background FUV radiation of one Habing unit canpossessasimilarrangeofvaluesforallϕinEquation8, (Habing1968)andanionizingEUVradiationwithafluxof we would expect it to play a similar role for ϕ6=0. 109 cm−2 s−1 (typicaloftheboundaryofanHii region)di- rectedparalleltothez-axis(alongthenegativez direction) as illustrated in Figure 2. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Aconstantpressureboundaryconditionisappliedwith thevalueoftheexternalpressurebeingsetequivalenttoan Three sets of simulations were conducted using prolate external medium of atomic hydrogen of n(Hi) = 10 cm−3 clouds of different geometrical shapes (γ), inclination an- andtemperatureof100K.Anoutflowconditionisimposed gles (ϕ), initial densities (n) and ionising fluxes (FEUV), to at a fixed boundary which is a few times of the initial size investigate the effect of their variations on the evolution of of the cloud (Nelson & Langer 1999). a prolate cloud. Table 1 contains a summary of the ranges of properties for each set. All of the clouds have an initial temperatureof60Kandareilluminatedbya50,000Kstar 2.4 The ionization penetration depth parameter providing a flux at the cloud, F0 = 109 cm−2 s−1 (or 2.0 ×109 cm−2 s−1,whenspecified),thesameasthatforKinn- In order to classify the initial dynamic regime of a perpen- earetal.(2014).Inthissection,wefirstdescribetheevolu- dicular prolate cloud (ϕ = 0), a dimensionless parameter, tionofaprolatecloudofaninclinationangleof45◦indetail, d ,wasdefined,beingtheratiobetweenthephysicalion- EUV then investigate the influence of changing initial inclination ising radiation penetration depth to the semi-minor axis of angle ϕ on the evolution of the same cloud. Next we dis- the cloud. For this scenario, d = FEUVγ (Kinnear et al. EUV αBan2 cuss how the initial geometry of a prolate cloud affects the 2014).Whenϕ6=0◦,wemodifyitsdefinitiontotheratioof morphological evolution of a cloud and RDI triggered star the physical ionization penetration depth to the character- formation inside it. Finally we propose a formation mecha- isticdepthofthecloud.Thischaracteristicdepthisdefined nismforthevarietyinmorphologicalstructuresfoundatH ashalfofthelongestpaththroughthecloudinthedirection ii boundaries. of the radiation, which is always the depth of the cloud at x=0, y=0. 3.1 Evolution of cloud G1200(5) with ϕ=45◦ FEUV dEUV = r(θα=Bn920◦) Table 2 lists all of the relevant parameters of clouds with initialdensity1200cm−3 andinclinationangleϕ=45◦,for r = FEUVγ sin2ϕ +cos2ϕ variations of the initial ratio γ . The cloud is the fifth one αBan2 γ2 in the G1200 set, notated G1200(5). It has an initial shape F∗ γrsin2ϕ definedbyγ =2.0,itsmajoraxis(0.784pc)is≈10timesof = 1.6×103 EUV +cos2ϕ (pc) (8) itscriticalmajoraxis(0.079pc)derivedbyusingEquation7; n2a∗ γ2 indicating its initial stability against gravitational collapse. where the major axis a∗ is in the unit of pc, and F∗ is Figure3showsanevolutionarysequenceofcolumnden- EUV theEUVionisingradiationfluxinunitsof109 cm−2s−1,α sityofthecloudoveraperiodof0.13Myr.Wealsoplotthe B is the recombination coefficient of hydrogen ion - election corresponding mean axial density distribution along the x under the ‘on-the-spot’ approximation (Dyson & Williams axis in Figure 4, with the established binning method for 1997) and has the value of 2.0×10−13 cm3 s−1 at a tem- describing axial profiles of SPH particle properties (Kinn- perature of about 104 K (Dyson & Williams 1997). This is earetal.2014;Nelson&Langer1999;Nelson&Papaloizou thentakenasaconstant,astheequilibriumtemperaturefor 1993). This view provides a qualitative picture of the loca- ionized material is ≈ 104 K and the dependence of α on tion of condensed cores formed in the shocked layer of gas B temperatureisnotstrongintheregionaroundthattemper- in the cloud by the RDI effect. ature. It is seen from the above two figures that 28 Kyr after As already discussed in Kinnear et al. (2014), when theradiationfluxwasswitchedon,ashockisestablishedby d <<1 for ϕ=0, the prolate cloud is in the RDI trig- the ionization heating. This shock starts compressing the EUV geredshockdominantregion,andthecollapseofthecloudis cloud surface on the star-facing side. A slightly compressed (cid:13)c 20??RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? Evolution of Prolate Clouds at Hii Boundaries 5 G1200 No. γ acrit (pc) a1200 (pc) dEUV (%) 1 1.00 0.052 0.494 0.225 2 1.25 0.060 0.573 0.218 3 1.50 0.067 0.648 0.219 4 1.75 0.073 0.718 0.221 5 2.00 0.079 0.784 0.224 6 2.25 0.084 0.849 0.228 7 2.50 0.039 0.910 0.232 8 2.75 0.093 0.970 0.237 9 3.00 0.097 1.028 0.241 10 3.25 0.101 1.084 0.246 11 3.50 0.104 1.139 0.250 12 3.75 0.107 1.193 0.256 13 4.00 0.110 1.245 0.260 14 4.50 0.116 1.347 0.268 15 5.00 0.121 1.445 0.277 16 5.50 0.126 1.540 0.285 17 6.00 0.130 1.632 0.292 18 7.00 0.138 1.808 0.307 19 8.00 0.145 1.977 0.320 Figure 5.Magnificationofthecolumndensityprofilestimet= Table 2. Parameters of molecular clouds of G1200 series with 0.11(left)and0.13Myr(right)attheheadofthecloudG1200(5) aninclinationangleϕ=45◦.Fromlefttoright,columns1-3are withϕ=45◦ the number identity, axial ratio and the critical semi major axis definedbyEquation7.Columns4-5arethemajoraxisanddEUV defined by Equation 8. All of the semi-major axes and critical ϕ(◦) 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 sinem%i-.major axes are in units of pc and the penetration depth is d(%EU)V 0.283 0.276 0.255 0.224 0.187 0.155 0.141 Table 3.VariationofdEUV overdifferentϕforcloudG1200(5). thinlayerofmeandensity≈3.0×103 cm−3 appearsatthe EUV exposed surface, as shown in the upper-middle panels the apex of the cloud moves down from z = 0.61 pc to in Figures 3 and 4. The density at x = 0.49 pc is slightly z = 0.035 pc, a net recoil velocity of hv i = 4.3 km s−1, z higher than the axial mean density, which reflects the very due to the rocket effect causedby the evaporating gas from early stage of a condensed core formation around the apex the star-facing surface irradiated by the ionizing radiation of the cloud. (Oort&Spitzer1955).Nextweinvestigatetheeffectofthe Fromt=0.028to0.11Myr,theshockcontinuespropa- inclination of a prolate cloud on its dynamical evolution. gatingintothecloud.Thedensityinthethinshockedlayer continues increasing and the structure of the head becomes more distinctive. The non-head mean axial density and the 3.2 Evolution of G1200(5) with 0◦ (cid:54)ϕ(cid:54)90◦ central density of the head increase to 104 and 105 cm−3 respectively at 0.054 Myr, and to 2.0×104 and 106 cm−3 To investigate the dependence on the inclination, the cloud G1200(5) is simulated for a range of inclinations 0◦ (cid:54) ϕ (cid:54) respectivelyat0.08Myr.Att=0.11Myr,thedensityinthe 90◦. The sequence of inclination angles are chosen as 0, 15, shockedlayerincreasesdramaticallytowardstheapexofthe cloud(atx=0.32pc).Thisdensityjumpsfrom≈8×104to 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 ◦. The values of dEUV for these seven 8×105 cm−3 atx=0.24pc,thentothemaximum4×106 clouds are listed in Table 3, from which we can see that cm−3attheapex.Itisinterestingtofindfromthemagnified theionizingpenetrationdepthdecreaseswithϕ,andisvery shallow,withvalues<<1.Asaresult,allofthesecloudsare imageintheleftpanelofFigure5thatafilamentstructure in the RDI induced shock-dominated regime and triggered forms at the head, aligning with the EUV radiation direc- collapse is expected. tion. The structure has a length of roughly 0.03 pc and the top end of it coincides with the apex of the cloud. Thegascontainedinboththeshockedsurfacelayerand 3.2.1 Morphological variation with ϕ inthefilamentbecomesfurthercompressedbyt=0.13Myr. At this stage the maximum mean density in the shocked It is found that the evolutionary sequences of the 7 clouds layer and in the filament are 105 −106 and > 109 cm−3 are qualitatively similar to that with ϕ=45◦, i.e., the for- respectively. The right panel of Figure 5 further reveals mationofacondensedlayeronthestarfacingsurfaceofthe the formation of two high density cores in close proximity. cloudandhighlycondensedcore(s)neartheapex,although These dual cores may be the result of fragmentation of the thefinalmorphologiesthemselvesdependontheinitialincli- filament-like structure observed at t=0.11 Myr. nationangleofthecloud.Asthegeneralevolutionissosim- Overall, the cloud G1200(5) with an initial inclination ilar, they are not discussed individually, but with focus on angle of 45◦ evolves to an asymmetrical type B BRC, with comparisonofthedifferencesintheirfinalmorphologiesand double RDI triggered high density cores embedded at its thephysicalpropertiesofanyhighdensitycore(s).InFigure head, very close to the apex of the BRC. The cores are the 6, the final snapshots of column density of cloud G1200(5) potential sites for new star formation. At the same time from 6 different simulations with ϕ = 0,15,30,60,75, and (cid:13)c 20??RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? 6 T. M. Kinnear, J. Miao, G. J. White, K. Sugitani and S. Goodwin Figure 3.SequentialevolutionofthecolumnnumberdensityforCloudG1200(5)withtheinclineangleϕ=45◦.Timesequenceisleft toright,thentoptobottomthenlefttoright. Figure 4. Axial mean density distribution along the x axis of the cloud G1200(5) corresponding to the column density evolutionary snapshotsinFigure3 (cid:13)c 20??RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? Evolution of Prolate Clouds at Hii Boundaries 7 90◦,arepresented.Theequivalentforϕ=45◦ canbefound in Figure 3. When the inclination angle ϕ is small ((cid:54) 30◦), x ≈ a x , the EUV radiation mainly illuminates the surface of max the front semi-ellipsoid. The effect of the RDI is to drive a pseudo-plane-parallelshockpropagatingintothecloud,and the prolate cloud evolves to a filamentary structure with a condensed surface layer on the star side and highly con- densed core(s) at the apex (when ϕ 6= 0◦) or at either the apex or the two ends (when ϕ = 0◦). For the latter case, the evolution has been analysed in detail by Kinnear et al. (2014). When 45◦ (cid:54) ϕ < 90◦, the EUV radiation illuminates notonlythesurfaceofthefrontsemi-ellipsoid,butalsothe toppartofbacksemi-ellipticalsurface,sothattheshockin- ducedbyRDIcreatesacondensedandcurvedsurfacelayer with the apex as a convergence point of two compressed curving surface layers, those surfaces on opposing sides of theapex.Theregionaroundtheapexisalsothesiteforthe Figure 7. The x displacement of the cores formed in G1200(5) formation of high density core(s). These clouds evolve to with different initial inclination angles. The short ‘-’ indicates asymmetricalBRCsofdifferentmorphologies.Themorpho- xmax, ‘+’ xp, ‘◦’ for the cores with 106 (cid:54) npeak (cid:54) 1012 cm−3, logicalsequenceissimilartothatofthecloudwithϕ=45◦, and ‘•’ for the extremely high density cores with npeak > 1012 cm−3. as shown in Figure 3. Comparing the three final morpholo- gies of the simulations at 45, 60 and 75◦ in Figures 3 and 6, we can see that as the inclination angle increases, the final structure of the asymmetrical BRC becomes increas- inglyextendedbothintheheadandtail.Thisisbecause,as the effective EUV illumination area decreases as described in Equation 4, the total volume of the cloud affected by the RDI induced shock becomes smaller. Consequently the original prolate shape of a cloud is less distorted. Whenϕ=90◦,thecloudG1200(5)developsintoasym- metrical type B/C BRC but having a wide tail structure, with the widest part defined by the initial semi-minor axis. Themorphologydevelopedisdifferentfromthatofstandard typeB/CBRCstructure,whichhasamuchnarrowerwidth in its tail, if one assumes that the progenitor cloud was ini- tially spherical (Lefloch & Lazareff 1994; Kessel-Deynet & Burkert 2003; Miao et al. 2006, 2009). Observations have also reported several type B/C BRCs with wide tail mor- phological structures, e.g. SFO74 (Thompson et al. 2004; Figure 8. The evolution of maximum density of the core(s) in Kusune et al. 2014). thecloudG1200(5)withdifferentinitialinclinationangles. In summary, a variety of non-standard morphological structures can be obtained by changing the inclination of 3.2.3 RDI triggered core formation efficiency cloud G1200(5). At low inclination, linear fragment-core structures form, at middle inclinations, asymmetric type B Inordertoexaminetheeffectofvaryinginclinationangleon andCstructures,andapproaching90◦inclinationsthesere- the efficiency of RDI triggered high density core formation, turn to symmetrical type B and C structures. we investigate the angle dependence of the core formation timeandtheaccumulatedcoremass.Figure8showstheevo- lutionofthemaximumdensityinthe7simulationswithdif- ferentinclinationangles.Ingeneral,theevolutionofn in 3.2.2 The location of high density cores max eachsimulationpassesthroughthreedifferentphases:quasi- Figure 7 illustrates the distribution of the x-displacements linear, quasi-stable and steeply rising, although the time of of condensed cores formed in the 7 simulations of different eachphasevarieswithinclinationangleϕ.Thesephasesmay initial inclination angle ϕ. A point to note is that, where correspondtothedifferentstagesofRDItriggeredhighden- coresforminverycloseproximity,theirpositionscannotbe sity core formation. Beginning with initial compression by distinguishedonthescaleused,regardlessofthesizechoice an RDI induced shock, mass accumulates to form the con- of the marker. It can be seen that when ϕ > 0◦, core(s) densed region, which finally collapses to form high density alwaysformatthesideofpositivexaxisandthechangeof core(s).Thetimeforasimulationtoreachthehighestden- the x displacement with ϕ follows the trend of x with ϕ. sity(highdensitycoreformation)decreaseswithinclination p Thisillustratesanextremelyhighpreferenceforhighdensity angle, from 0.19 down to 0.086 Myr for simulations with core(s) to form around the apex x in each simulation. ϕ = 0 and 90◦ respectively. This is because the curvature p (cid:13)c 20??RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? 8 T. M. Kinnear, J. Miao, G. J. White, K. Sugitani and S. Goodwin Figure6.ThefinalsnapshotofthecolumndensityfromsixsimulationsofG1200(5)withdifferentinitialinclinationangles;lefttoright thenuptobottomareper:0,15,30,60,7590◦. ϕ,becoming0.4M atϕ=90◦.Thisisconsistentwiththe (cid:12) aboveexpectation.Howeverthetotalmassoftheextremely high density core(s) (n > 108 cm−3) doesn’t show an ob- vious similar relation with ϕ to the mass of high density core(s).Thismaybeforseveralreasons.Firstly,asthesim- ulationiscurtailedbeforetheendofallofthedynamicpro- cesses, extremely high density cores may be on the cusp of formation, but have not yet had the opportunity. Secondly, a large degree of random variation is expected with such gravitational instability-based collapse. Accumulating mass in compact high density regions can be fairly consistent, butthecollapseoftheseregionsorpartsoftheseregionsto extremely high densities through gravitational instability is chaotic and varies strongly with the exact configuration of the dynamics. From the above result, it is understood that as a cloud is rotated from ϕ = 0 to 90◦, the morphology of the cloud Figure 9. The variation of the total core mass of the cloud varies from fragment-core filamentary structures to varied G1200(5) over different initial inclination angles. The symbols asymmetricalBRCs,thentostandardsymmetricalBRCsas andtheirrepresentedpropertiesofcoresareshowninthelegend ϕ approaches 90◦. At high ϕ, RDI triggered star formation box. occursearlierwithlowermassesathighdensities.However, for the sampling performed, such pattern is not obvious for theextremelyhighdensitycoreformation,whichappearsto of the EUV radiation illuminated surface around the apex bechaotic.Nextwelookattheeffectoftheinitialshapeof of the prolate cloud increases with ϕ, this is beneficial for aninclinedprolatecloudonitsfinalmorphologicalstructure mass accumulating towards a geometric focus underneath and RDI triggered star formation efficiency. the curved surface. This decreases the path length to the focus, and so also the time for accumulating mass around it and triggering gravitational instability of the condensed region; albeit with less material having been ‘swept up’ by 3.3 Evolution of G1200 series with 1.0(cid:54)γ (cid:54)8.0 thefront.Duetothisshorteningpathlength,thetotalmass ofthehighdensitycore(s)isthereforeexpectedtodecrease Theinitialshapeofthecloudsinvestigatedhereisdefinedby with ϕ. theratioofthemajortominoraxiswhichareintherangeof The relation between the total high density core mass 1.0 (cid:54) γ (cid:54) 8.0. When the initial density and total mass are and inclination angle ϕ is shown in Figure 9, which reveals constants, the major axis changes with γ. The inclination that the total high density (n (cid:62) 106 cm−3) core mass is angle is kept at 45◦. The ionization radiation penetration about 4.1 M , in simulation of ϕ = 0, then decreases with depth ranges from 0.225 to 0.320% as listed in Table 2. (cid:12) (cid:13)c 20??RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? Evolution of Prolate Clouds at Hii Boundaries 9 Figure11.ThexdisplacementofcondensedcoreinG1200series Figure 12.TotalmassofcondensedcoresincloudG1200series withaninclinationofϕ=45%forvariedγ.Theshort‘-’indicates ataninclinationof45%forvariedaxialratioγ. xmax, ‘+’ xp, ‘◦’ for the cores with 106 (cid:54) npeak (cid:54) 1012 cm−3, and ‘•’ for the extremely high density cores with npeak > 1012 cm−3. Thispatternisdisplayedinthesameformforthecondensed cores. A very clear trend of the core formation occurring at or around the apex for all ratios is exhibited. 3.3.1 Morphology of final structures Thedynamicalevolutionofthesecloudsisalsoqualitatively 3.3.3 The total core mass similar to that discussed in Section 3.1. We focus on the analysis of the effect of the initial shape of a cloud on the The trend of total mass of both the high density core(s) final morphology, the location(s) of the condensed core(s) (emptycircles)andextremelyhighdensitycores(solidblack andthetotalcoremasses.Figure10presentssixsimulation circles)isadecreasewithγ.ThisisillustratedinFigure12. result of cloud G1200 with different initial major to minor The total mass of high density cores has an approximate axisratioγ =1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0,5.0,selectedfromsimula- pattern of maximum mass of 2.0 M at γ ≈ 2.25 (with an (cid:12) tionresultsfor19differentinitialclouds,describedinTable outlierashighasalmost3.0M atγ =2.75)andaminimum (cid:12) 2. With increasing γ, the final morphology changes from a of 0.6 M at γ = 8 (with an unusually low value of only (cid:12) standard(symmetrical)typeA(γ =1.0),toanasymmetric around 0.2 M for γ = 6.0). Clouds with lower ellipticity (cid:12) typeABRC(γ =1.5),thentoanasymmetrictypeBBRC appeartohaveahigherprobabilityofcollectinggreatermass (γ = 2.0), next to evolve to an asymmetrical type C BRC inthefinalcores.Thiscanbeexpectedasthemassperunit (γ =2.5).Withfurtherincrease(γ (cid:62)3.0)onlyafilamentary length along the major axis decreases with γ. As a result, structure can form. theamountofmassabletocollapsetowardtheapexregion In these six simulations, high density cores form at the decreases,whichissimilartothecasewhenϕ=0◦(Kinnear headofthestructureexceptinthecaseofγ =2.5,wherethe etal.2014).Whenϕ6=0◦,duetothewiderangeofvariation highlycondensedcoreisembeddedinthesmall‘nose’struc- inthefinalmorphologiesoftheclouds,theamplitudeofthe turejustoutsidethehead.Itisinterestingtonoticethatthe fluctuation is similarly increased. morphologicalstructureofSFO46(CG1)fromobservations Fromthesamefigure,wecanseethemassofextremely (Harju et al. 1990; Haikala et al. 2010; Ma¨kela¨ & Haikala condensedcores(solidblackcircles)inacloudalsodecreases 2013)bearsasimilarfeaturetothatofγ =2.5.Weleavethe with γ in a similar way as the high density core. The mass discussion for the formation mechanism of this morphology of these cores corresponds to the precursor mass for possi- to the Section 3.4, where we present and analyse more re- ble proto-stars forming later in the evolution of the cloud, sults of various kinds of morphological structures. It is also having a maximum of ≈1.6 and a minimum of ≈0.2 M . (cid:12) emphasised that we don’t intend to compare the detailed physical structures between simulation and observation on SFO46inthispaper,butonlytopointoutthelinkbetween 3.4 Morphological evolution of clouds of different theinterestingfeaturesfromthesesimulationstosuchobser- initial density and under different ionizing vations.Detailedcomparisonofphysicalpropertiesrequires flux further simulations, and will be addressed in a subsequent After the investigation of the effects of both initial shape paper. andinclinationangleofaprolatecloudonitsRDItriggered dynamical evolution, we now explore the consequences of changing the initial density of a cloud and the ionizing ra- 3.3.2 Displacement of the high density cores diation flux in the morphological development of a cloud of Figure 11 displays the x-displacement of condensed core(s) mass 30 M . This is essentially to examine the consistency (cid:12) with changing geometry, based on the simulation results of of the d parameter in characterising a wider variety of EUV 19 clouds with different γ. cloud parameters. Withincreasingγ,x movesfurtherinthe+xdirection. A sequence of 8 different initial densities are chosen as p (cid:13)c 20??RAS,MNRAS000,1–?? 10 T. M. Kinnear, J. Miao, G. J. White, K. Sugitani and S. Goodwin Figure 10. The final snapshots of the column density from six simulations of G1200 with γ equal to the values shown in the top-left cornerofeachpanel.Theinclinationangleis45◦ foralloftheinitialclouds. Index n a dEUV(F1) dEUV(F2) 3.4.1 An overview of the final morphological structures cm−3 pc % % G100 100 1.797 11.779 23.558 Figure13displaysthefinalsnapshotsofthecolumndensity G200 200 1.427 3.708 7.416 of the 8 simulations with ionization flux of F . The mor- 1 G400 400 1.132 1.17 2.34 phology of the final structure of a cloud changes from an G600 600 0.989 0.594 1.188 asymmetrical type C BRC to a filamentary structure and G700 700 0.940 0.460 0.920 then to an irregular structure, as the initial density is de- G800 800 0.899 0.368 0.736 creased from 1200 to 100 cm−3, which leads to an increase G1000 1000 0.834 0.254 0.508 of d from 0.187 to 11.779%. G1200 1200 0.784 0.187 0.374 EUV As shown in the top row panels, an asymmetrical type Table 4. Parameters of molecular clouds of mass 30 M(cid:12), an C BRC is developed in G1200, G1000, G800, and G700, inclination angle ϕ = 60◦, γ = 2, and acrit = 0.079 (pc). From with d of 0.187, 0.254, 0.368 and 0.460% respectively. EUV lefttoright,columnsarethecloudindex,initialnumberdensity, Although they all bear an asymmetric type C BRC mor- the major axis and dEUV defined by Equation 8, with different phology, the minor axis becomes narrower with increasing ionizationfluxF1andF2being1.0×109and2.0×109cm−2s−1 d , which results in more cloud material being photo- respectively. EUV evaporatedfromtheirstarfacingsurfaces.Whentheinitial density n = 600 cm−3 (d = 0.594%), the prolate cloud EUV evolves into a filamentary structure, as shown in the first panelinthebottomrowofFigure13.Cloudsofinitialden- 100,200,400,600,700,800,1000,and1200cm−3.Twodif- sities of 400, 200 and 100 cm−3 (dEUV = 1.17, 3.708 and ferentionizationfluxesofF =1.0×109 andF =2.0×109 11.779 % respectively) are all seen to form irregular struc- 1 2 cm−2 s−1 areappliedforatotalof16simulations.Anincli- tures. nation angle of 60◦ and γ = 2.0 is used for all cases. This Thefinalmorphologicalstructuresfromthesimulations is as a result of the simulation of G1200(5) exhibiting the usingdoubledionizationfluxF2 arepresentedinFigure14. formation of the ‘nose’ structure in the vicinity of these ge- Similar morphological structure sequences to those seen in ometries.Assuch,wecanalsoexpecttogetsomeclueofhow Figure 13 are observed. An asymmetrical type C BRC is the‘nose’structureisdevelopedandchangeswiththeinitial formed from G1200, G1000 and G800, a filamentary struc- properties of a cloud in this set of simulations. The corre- ture from G700, and irregular structures in G600, G400, sponding parameters of the clouds are listed in Table 4. It G200andG100.Theonlydifferenceisthatthemorphologi- isseenthatthechangeinEUVradiationpenetrationdepth caltransitionpointshiftstoacloudofhigherinitialdensity overtheinitialdensity(100(cid:54)n(cid:54)1200cm−3)isalmosttwo compared to the F1 simulations. orders of magnitude, a much more dramatic variance than The first transition from type C BRC to filamentary from changing γ or ϕ. morphologyoccursaroundG600(F )andG700(F ),andthe 1 2 (cid:13)c 20??RAS,MNRAS000,1–??

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