EVOLUTION OF MICROSTRUCTURE AND TEXTURE DURING CONTINUOUS ANNEALING OF COLD ROLLED, TI-STABILIZED INTERSTITIAL-FREE STEEL By Kannappar Mukunthan B. Sc. (Materials Engineering) University of Moratuwa, 1983 M.A.Sc. (Metals and Materials Engineering) University of British Columbia, 1987 A THESIS SUBMJTTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF - THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in THE FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDIES METALS AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING We accept this thesis as conforming to the required standard THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA May 1994 ® Kannappar Mukunthan, 1994 In presenting this thesis in partial fulfilment ofthe requirements for an advanced degree at the University of British Columbia, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for reference and study. I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by the head of my department or by his or her representatives. It is understood that copying or publication of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Metals and Materials Engineering The University of British Columbia 2075 Wesbrook Place Vancouver, Canada V6T 1W5 Date: A ii/ Abstract Interstitial-Free (I-F) steels are increasingly being used for press forming operations due to their markedly improved deep-drawability. Additional interest is due to the fact that the cold rolled I-F steels can be effectively heat treated in a continuous annealing line without the need for any accompanying overaging process. The objective of this study was to characterize the evolution of microstructure and crystallographic texture of a 80 % cold rolled, Ti-stabilized I-F steel during heating rates applicable to batch and continuous annealing processes. Isothermal recovery ki netics, as monitored by {220} x-ray peak resolution measurements, were described using a semi-empirical logarithmic equation. Isothermal recrystallization kinetics were deter mined by quantitative metallographic measurements and were characterized by both Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov and Speich-Fisher relationships. The isothermal re crystallization kinetics were also described in terms of the experimentally determined microstructural path function and an empirical kinetic function relating the interface- averaged growth rate with recrystallization time. The additivity procedure was success fully employed in conjunction with the isothermal kinetic parameters to predict continu ous heating recovery and recrystallization kinetics at heating rates simulating batch and continuous annealing processing. Microstructural examination showed that the recrystallization event was heteroge neous and related to the cold rolled cell structure. The recrystallized nuclei, developed primarily by subgrain coalescence occurring during the later stages of recovery, grew into the cold rolled matrix by the migration of high misorientation boundaries. Large precip itates of TiN and TiS acting as preferred nucleation sites and fine precipitates impeding 11 the boundary mobility were also observed. The hot band texture with the moderate presence of (112)[1iO] yielded a strongly developed cold rolled texture extending from (OOi)[iIOj to (112)[1IO]. The recrystallization texture was characterized by the strong presence of (554)[5] and (111)[1iO]. Grain growth following recrystallization strength ened the existing texture with an accompanying improvement in average strain ratio values. The effect of heating rate on the final recrystallization texture was found to be insignificant. II’ Table of Contents Abstract ii List of Tables v List of Figures vi Acknowledgement vii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Interstitial-Free Steels 1 1.2 Continuous Annealing Process 4 1.3 Scope and Objectives 5 2 Literature Review 9 2.1 Kinetic Models for Recovery and Recrystallization 9 2.1.1 Measurement of Recovery and Recrystallization Kinetics 9 2.1.2 Kinetics of Recovery Processes 15 2.1.3 Kinetic Models for Isothermal Recrystallization 18 2.1.4 Additivity and Continuous-Heating Kinetics 32 2.1.5 Annealing Phenomena in Low-Carbon Steels 42 2.2 Development of Texture during Cold Rolling and Annealing 57 2.2.1 Methods of Representation of Texture 58 2.2.2 Crystallographic Texture and Plastic Anisotropy 61 2.2.3 The Theoretical Mechanisms of Texture Development 63 iv 2.2.4 Development and Control of Texture in I-F Steels 67 3 Experimental Procedure 86 3.1 Material 86 3.2 Cold Rolling Schedule 86 . . 3.3 Kinetic Measurements 87 3.3.1 Apparatus 87 3.3.2 Diffraction Effects 88 3.3.3 Annealing Treatment 89 . . . . 3.3.4 Quantitative Metallography 91 3.4 Electron Microscopic Observations 94 3.4.1 Gleeble Simulated Annealing Treatment 94 3.4.2 Thin Foil Preparation and TEM Investigations 95 3.4.3 SEM/EDX Analysis of Large Precipitates 96 3.5 Texture Characterization 97 3.5.1 Specimen Preparation 97 3.5.2 Pole Figure Determination and ODF Calculations 98 4 Kinetic Characterization 105 4.1 Isothermal Recovery Kinetics 105 4.2 Recovery and Recrystallization during Isothermal Heating 111 4.3 Isothermal Recrystallization Kinetics 116 4.3.1 JMAK/S-F Analysis of Isothermal Recrystallization 116 4.3.2 Microstructural Path Concept in Recrystallization Modelling 122 . . 4.3.3 Recrystallization Kinetics as related to Steel Chemistry and Pro cessing Conditions 130 4.4 Recovery and Recrystallization during Continuous Heating 136 v 4.5 Continuous Heating Recrystallization Kinetics 140 5 Microstructural Examination of Structural Changes 190 5.1 Structural Changes during Cold Rolling and Annealing 190 5.2 Characterization of Large Precipitates 197 6 Characterization of Annealing Textures 224 7 Conclusions 263 Bibliography 266 vi List of Tables 1.1 Typical chemical composition of I-F steel [6] 7 2.1 Characterization of isothermal recrystallization kinetics for a 89 % cold rolled, rimmed low-carbon steel using the JMAK and the S-F equations [39]. 70 3.1 Steel composition provided by Stelco and that obtained from chemical analysis 99 4.1 Characterization of isothermal recovery kinetics 147 4.2 Characterization of isothermal recrystallization kinetics 147 4.3 Characterization of isothermal interface-averaged growth kinetics 148 4.4 Experimental and Scheil predicted recrystallization start times (and tem peratures) during continuous heating 148 6.1 Volume percentages of important texture components calculated from the ODF data obtained for the hot band, the cold rolled sheet and annealed specimens 242 6.2 A summary of r at a 0, 45 and 90°, and Lr predicted from the ODF = data obtained for the hot band, the cold rolled sheet and annealed specimens243 vii List of Figures 1.1 Comparison of schematic box- and continuous-annealing cycles along with the Fe-rich side of the F3Ce-Fe equilibrium diagram [24] 8 1.2 Furnace sections of a continuous annealing line [26] 8 2.1 Effects of annealing temperature (200, 250, 300, 450°C for 1 hr) on the diffraction peak profiles of the {331} planes in a 90 % cold rolled 70-30 brass [49] 71 2.2 Schematic illustration of the X-ray peak resolution measurement [56, 57] 71 2.3 Comparison of the % peak resolution (in-situ) and microhardness mea surements obtained for a 89 % cold rolled, rimmed low-carbon steel during continuous heating [56] 72 2.4 Recrystallization behaviour of a 77 % cold rolled, Ti-stabilized extra-low- carbon steel during the simulation of continuous annealing (soak time of 40 s at each temperature) [15] 72 2.5 Isothermal recovery kinetics in polycrystalline iron after 5 % prestrain at 0°C, showing fractional residual strain hardening vs. time [40] 73 2.6 Recovery of x-ray line broadening as measured by the residual line broad ening parameter (1-R) for isothermal treatments at 400, 500 and 600°C [53] 73 2.7 The graph of lnln[1/(1 X)] vs. ln(t) obtained by Rosen et al [72] for a — 60 % deformed high-purity iron 74 viii 2.8 Fractional residual strain hardening curves obtained during isothermal an nealing of a) copper [92] and b) aluminum (arrows indicate onset of re crystallization) [93] as presented by Furu et al [91] 74 2.9 Interfacial area per unit volume plotted against the volume fraction re crystallized for a 60 % cold worked 3.25 % Si-steel [90] 75 2.10 Average boundary migration rates (0) during isothermal recrystallization of hot-worked 3.25 % Si-Fe [81] 75 2.11 Schematic representation of the additivity principle [69] 76 2.12 A schematic TTR diagram with proportionally distributed fractional re crystallization curves to illustrate the validity of the additivity rule. 77 . . 2.13 Comparison of experimental and predicted continuous heating recrystal lization kinetics; the isothermal data characterized by both the JMAK and the S-F equations were used in the additivity calculations [39] 77 2.14 Schematic illustration of subgrain coalescence by subgrain rotation [53]. 78 2.15 Schematic representation of nucleation by subgrain growth; boundaries thickly populated by dislocations (dots) have a high misorientation angle, and are the most likely to migrate [131] 78 2.16 The softening response of three iron alloys recrystallized at 595°C [38]. 79 2.17 Effect of annealing time at 565°C on the longitudinal properties of a Ti stabilized I-F steel cold rolled between 50 and 88 % [21] 79 2.18 Time-temperature-recrystallization diagram for Ti-stabilized [21], rimmed and Al-killed steels after 50 % cold reduction [138] 80 2.19 Effect of excess titanium in solid solution and cold reduction on the re crystallization temperature (TF) for annealing soak times of 15 s [16]. 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