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Preview evolution of cell density and toxin production of a harmful algal bloom species in marine microcosms

FACULTY OF BIOSCIENCE ENGINEERING CENTER FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION Academic year: 2010 -2011 EVOLUTION OF CELL DENSITY AND TOXIN PRODUCTION OF A HARMFUL ALGAL BLOOM SPECIES IN MARINE MICROCOSMS Amanual Hadera Tesfay Promoters: Prof.dr.C. Janssen Dr. Michiel Vandegehuchte Tutor: Dr.Frederik De Laender Master’s dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Environmental Sanitation. Copy right For personal or any purpose use of this thesis requires the authorization of the author and promoters. Reproduction of any part of this thesis without the permission of the author and promoters is subject to copyright protection. The Promoters: The author: Name Signature Name Signiture Prof. Dr. C.Janssen..…………….………. Amanual Hadera …………..……. Dr. Michiel Vandegehuchte……………… The Tutor: Dr.Frederik De Laender…………………… Abstract Harmful Algal blooms are algal blooms that can cause environmental problems by producing toxins or depleting oxygen from the aquatic ecosystem (Boesch et al., 1996). HABs comprise of different species, including dinoflagellates, diatoms and raphidopytes. This study dealt with the dinoflagellate species Prorocentrum lima, which produces a toxin called okadaic acid (OA) which is responsible for the cause of diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP). There are various factors that favor the development of HABs such as nutrients, temperature, light and salinity. This study intended to investigate the effect of nutrients on harmful algal bloom (Prorocentrum lima) on cell density and toxin (OA) production in marine microcosms. Marine water from the North Sea, near the Belgian coast, was treated with six different treatments to assess the effect of nutrients and initial cell density of P. lima on toxin production and cell growth. Two nutrient concentrations (enriched and background nutrient conditions, particularly nitrate and phosphate level: 0.05 mg PO -P/l and 0.58 mg NO -N/l in 4 3 enriched nutrient conditions and no addition in background nutrient conditions) and three HAB concentrations (high, low and no HAB cells concentration: 1500, 150 and 0 cells/ml, respectively) were used. Both the high and background nutrient conditions showed a growth of P.lima cells at the 6th day for each HAB treatment (low and high HABs). The growth was higher in the enriched nutrient conditions than background nutrient conditions .For example, at day 6 in the low HAB treatments, 1851 and 1349 cells/cm² were observed in the high and background nutrient conditions, respectively. In general, higher toxin concentrations were observed in the high HAB treatments than in the corresponding low HAB treatments and enriched nutrient conditions also showed higher toxin concentrations than background nutrient conditions. The statistical analysis explained that nutrient (particularly total nitrogen nutrients) did not have effect on toxin production (P-value = 0.3806) but cell density had an effect on the toxin production (P-value < 0.0001). Therefore; cell growth or cell density evolutions depends on the initial cell density and nutrient condition where as toxin production is depends on the cell density. : Key words Harmful Algal Blooms, Prorocentrum lima, toxins (okadaic acid), nutrients, North Sea I | P age Acknowledgements First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my promoter Prof.dr.Colin Janssen for his permission for letting me to work in his laboratory and fully support and encouragement to finish my work. Next I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to my promoter Dr. Michiel Vandegehuchte and tutor Dr.Frederik De Laender for their essential support, sharing experiences, providing constructive suggestion, comments, invaluable time and practical involvement from the beginning of the experiment till the completion of this work. My thanks again goes to all staff of at the Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology and Aquatic Ecology, Department of Applied ecology and environmental biology, especially for Nancy De Saeyer for her indispensible technical supports and valuable advises on handling nutrient measurements and results. I would also to acknowledge Dr. Lynn Vanhaecke for her support in measuring toxins using liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) at the laboratory of Chemical Analysis, Department of Veterinary Public Health and Food Safety, UGent. My heartfelt thanks goes to Dr.Karen Klein, a team of General Practitioners, skeleton staff in student clinic at Ghent University, for her motherly treatment and indispensible consultations during my health problem and vital encouragement to push up throughout my studying including this work. I would like also to thank to my friend Bruh Asmelash for his constructive advices and encouragement during my health problems. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my family who stood beside me throughout my course studies and encourage me all the time to be successful in my career. I would like also to thank my friend Tewodros Tilahun for his sharing experience and helping me reading and editing of this work. Last but not least I would to thank VLIR-OUS for the financial support without that which is impossible to complete my study and for all staff of Center Environmental Sanitation for their genuine and kind cooperation and support to have a conducive environment throughout my course studies and other administrative issues. II | P age Table of Contents Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... I Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................... II List of table and figures ............................................................................................................. V List of tables ........................................................................................................................................ V List of figures ...................................................................................................................................... VI List of Abbreviations ............................................................................................................. VIII Chapter-One: Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1 1.1. Background of the study ......................................................................................................... 1 1.2. Statement of the problem ....................................................................................................... 1 1.3. Objectives ................................................................................................................................ 2 1.3.1. General objective ............................................................................................................ 2 1.3.2. Specific objective ............................................................................................................. 2 Chapter-Two: Literature reviews ............................................................................................... 3 2.1. What are Algal blooms? What are HABs? ............................................................................... 3 2.1.1. Algal Blooms (Definition of algal Blooms ........................................................................ 3 2.1.2. Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) .......................................................................................... 4 2.2. Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and their toxins ........................................................................ 4 2.2.1. Species which may form HABs ........................................................................................ 4 2.2.2. Toxins and their classifications ........................................................................................ 5 2.3. Consequences of HABs ............................................................................................................ 7 2.4. Factors that affect HABs .......................................................................................................... 7 2.4.1. Biotic factors .................................................................................................................... 7 2.4.2. Abiotic factors.................................................................................................................. 8 2.5. Approaches for managing Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) ...................................................... 10 Chapter –three: Methods and Materials ................................................................................... 13 3.1. Experimental Setup ............................................................................................................... 13 3.2. Sampling and storing ............................................................................................................. 15 3.2.1. Nutrients and toxins (water column) ............................................................................ 15 3.2.2. Toxins and cell counting ................................................................................................ 15 3.3. Analyzing techniques ............................................................................................................. 15 3.3.1. Sample preparation for nutrient analysis ...................................................................... 15 III | P age 3.2.2. Toxin extraction ............................................................................................................. 17 3.3.3. Measurement of nutrients and toxins .......................................................................... 18 3.4. Cell counting .......................................................................................................................... 20 3.5. Data Processing ..................................................................................................................... 21 Chapter –Four: Results and Discussions .................................................................................. 22 4.1. Results ................................................................................................................................... 22 4.1.1. Nutrient concentrations ................................................................................................ 22 4.1.2. HAB cell density ............................................................................................................. 26 4.1.3. Toxin production (intracellular and extracellular) ......................................................... 29 4.2. Discussion .............................................................................................................................. 35 4.2.1. Nutrients ........................................................................................................................ 35 4.2.2. Cell biomass (Cell density) ............................................................................................. 36 4.2.3. Toxin production (intracellular and extracellular) ......................................................... 36 Chapter –five: Conclusions and Recommendation .................................................................. 38 5.1. Conclusions ............................................................................................................................ 38 5.2. Recommendations................................................................................................................. 38 References: ............................................................................................................................... 40 Appendix .................................................................................................................................. 43 IV | P age List of table and figures List of tables Table 1 : HAB species and their effects (Uronen, 2007) .......................................................... 6 Table 2: Concentration of nutrients in standards and spikes and measuring parameters (wavelength, detection limits and measuring ranges). ............................................... 19 Table 3: Sedgwick-Rafter magnification factor ....................................................................... 20 Table 4: Statistical analysis for fixed effect of nutrients and cells on toxin production. Transfer cells (ml) means the cells concentration was explained using natural logarithms in lme (linear mixed effect models) statistical analysis. .......................... 34 V | Page List of figures Figure 1: Experimental set up .................................................................................................. 14 Figure 2: Counting cell (Sedgwick-Rafter) showing method of filling (Source: WHIPPLE, 1927) .......................................................................................................................... 21 Figure 3: Concentrations of NH +-N, NO --N and NO --N in background nutrient conditions 4 2 3 and no harmful algal bloom (HAB) treatments. The values that lie on the x-axis are not zero; they are values below detection limit. Detection limit for NH +-N, NO --N 4 2 and NO --N is 0.05, 0.02 and 0.2 mg/L, respectively ................................................ 23 3 Figure 4: Concentrations of NH +-N, NO --N and NO --N in background nutrient conditions 4 2 3 and low harmful algal bloom (HAB) treatments. The values that lie on the x-axis are not zero; they are values below detection limit. ......................................................... 23 Figure 5: Concentrations of NH +-N, NO --N and NO --N in background nutrient conditions 4 2 3 and high harmful algal bloom (HAB) treatments. The values that lie on the x-axis are not zero; they are values below detection limit. ......................................................... 24 Figure 6: Concentrations of NH4+-N, NO --N and NO --N in enriched nutrient conditions and 2 3 no harmful algal bloom (HAB) treatments. The values that lie on the x-axis are not zero; they are values below detection limit. Detection limit for NH +-N, NO --N and 4 2 NO --N is 0.05, 0.02 and 0.2 mg/L, respectively ....................................................... 25 3 Figure 7: Concentrations of NH4+-N, NO --N and NO --N in enriched nutrient conditions and 2 3 low harmful algal bloom (HAB) treatments. The values that lie on the x-axis are not zero; they are values below detection limit. ............................................................... 25 Figure 8: Concentrations of NH4+-N, NO --N and NO --N in enriched nutrient conditions and 2 3 high harmful algal bloom (HAB) treatments. The values that lie on the x-axis are not zero; they are values below detection limit. ............................................................... 26 Figure 9: The evolution of cells density in background nutrient conditions and low harmful algal bloom (HAB) treatments. .................................................................................. 27 Figure 10: The evolution of cells density in enriched nutrient conditions and low harmful algal bloom (HAB) treatments. .................................................................................. 27 Figure 11: The evolution of cells density in background nutrient conditions and high harmful algal bloom (HAB) treatments. .................................................................................. 28 Figure 12: The evolution of cells density in enriched nutrient conditions and high harmful algal bloom (HAB) treatments. .................................................................................. 28 Figure 13: Intracellular toxin concentration in background nutrient conditions and low harmful algal bloom (HAB) treatments. The values that lie on the x-axis are not zero; VI | P age they are values below detection limit (DL= 0.0003575 µg/ml). OA refers to okadaic acid, which is a toxin produced by P.lima. ................................................................ 29 Figure 14: Intracellular toxin concentration in background nutrient conditions and high harmful algal bloom (HAB) treatments. OA refers to okadaic acid, which is a toxin produced by P.lima. ................................................................................................... 30 Figure 15: Intracellular toxin concentration in enriched nutrient conditions and low harmful algal bloom (HAB) treatments. The values that lie on the x-axis are not zero; they are values below detection limit (DL= 0.0003575 µg/ml). OA refers to okadaic acid, which is a toxin produced by P.lima. ......................................................................... 30 Figure 16: Intracellular toxin concentration in enriched nutrient conditions and high harmful algal bloom (HAB) treatments. OA refers to okadaic acid, which is a toxin produced by P.lima. ................................................................................................................... 31 Figure 17: Toxin in water column in background nutrient conditions and low harmful algal bloom (HAB) treatments. OA refers to okadaic acid, which is a toxin produced by P.lima. ........................................................................................................................ 32 Figure 18: Toxin in water column in background nutrient conditions and high harmful algal bloom (HAB) treatments. OA refers to okadaic acid, which is a toxin produced by P.lima. ........................................................................................................................ 32 Figure 19: Toxin in water column in enriched nutrient conditions and low harmful algal bloom (HAB) treatments. The value lies at x-axis is not zero, it is below detection limit (0.088 µg/l). OA refers to okadaic acid, which is a toxin produced by P.lima. 33 Figure 20 : Toxin in water column in enriched nutrient conditions and high harmful algal bloom (HAB) treatments. The value lies at x-axis is not zero. OA refers to okadaic acid, which is a toxin produced by P.lima. ................................................................ 33 VII | P age List of Abbreviations CRM-OA-c: Certified Reference Materials Program-Okadaic Acid-calibration HABs: Harmful Algal Blooms LC-MS: Liquid Chromatography –Mass Spectrometer NRC: National Research Council Canada OA: Okadaic acid SPE: Solid Phase Extraction VIII | P age

Harmful Algal blooms are algal blooms that can cause environmental problems by producing toxins or depleting oxygen from the aquatic ecosystem
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