Evolution of Aquatic Angiosperm Reproductive Systems What is the balance between sexual and asexual reproduction in aquatic angiosperms? D o w n lo a C. Thomas Philbrick and Donald H. Les d e d fro m A h sangiospermsdiversifiedand greaterchemieal and thermal stabil ttp tfalotsu,risschmedeisnpetecrieressutrlitairlnhaatebliy Aquatic plants are an eirvyetnhapnreacilru,daensd) imt baunfyfetyrspaegsaoifnseta(toa r s://ac a colonized freshwater OI marine en extremely heterogeneous strophicdisturbancethatplagueter de vironments and became aquatic. restrial habitats, such as rapid tem m ic Aquatic plants are species that per assemblage of species perature changes, fires, floods, and .o u pHeotwuainteg wthaetierr,lifOeI eonydienuinndasttielld oorr that survive in similar ssetraosnognawlsirnadbsi.lirAytofhaigqhuearticlahtaitbuidraetss, p.com noninundated hydric soils. Aquatic is fairhfully maintained by the den /b habitats but as a result of io angiosperms inhabit oceans, lakes, sity ofwater, which is greatest (de s c rivers, end wetlands. fundamentally different pendingonsaJinity) atapproximarely ien c The transition to an aquatic life 4°C (Wetze! 1975). Thus, even in e has been achieved byonly2% ofthe evolutionary pathways the coldest temperatures, lake end /artic approximarely 350,000 angiosperm river bottoms rypically remain ice le species (Cook 1990). Nonetheless, free. -ab s the evolutionaryinvasionof aquatic withspecificgrowthforms: emersed CoastJine and freshwater share tra environments by terrestrial an from the water, free-floating, float aquatie habitats have been viewed ct/4 giosperms is estimated to represent ing-leaved, or submersed.Thesecat as inherently unstable (Laushman 6 /1 50-100 independent events (Cook egories represent different degrees 1993) due to erosional processes, 1 /8 1990). Although aquatic plants are of adaptation to aquatic life and are tidal fluetuations, andwave dynam 1 3 typically discussed as a unlfied bio widely convergent among aquatic ics.However,habitatstabilityshould /2 3 logical group, the ways that species angiosperms. be evaluated not only in terms of 30 1 have evolved to life in the aquatic Asin terrestrialplants, reproduc characterisric short-term variation, 7 b milieu are as diverse as the different tion in wäter plants consists of both but also over the course of longer, y g evolutionary lineages that became sexual and asexual meehanisms. evolutionarily significanr time u e aquatic {Hutchinson 1975, Scul Sexualreproduetion(rhechiefsouree frames. In this sense, stability re st o thorpe 1967). Reproductive and of hereditary variation via genetic flecrs the consistent expression of n 2 other Iife-history traits of aquatio reeombination) in plants is consid predicrable habitat eharaeteristics 1 N cngiosperms are closely associated eredto beadvantageousinchanging over lang time periods. In essence, o v or heterogeneousenvironments,and aquatie habitats may be quite vari em asexual reproduetion (which per able, yet vary in a similar, predicr be C. Thomas Philbrick is an associate petuates genetic uniformity) is con able fashion through time. The an r 2 0 professor in rhe Department of Biologi sideredto bemoresueeessfulinsrable giosperm family Podostemaeeae 18 cal and Environmental Sciences, West or uniform habirats (Grant 1981, (riverweeds) illustrates this concept ern Connecricut Stare University, Williams 1975). Consequently, the well. Riverweeds grow tenaciously Danbury, CT 06810. Donald H. Les is evolutionofaquaticplantreprodue attaehed (0 rocks in tropical river an associate professor in the Depart tive systems should refleet the rela rapids and waterfalls. Although the mentofEcologyand EvolutionaryBiol tive stability of their habitats. rushing current makes this habitat ogy, University of Connecticut, Storrs, A vast assortment of freshwater unstableecologically,theseasonally CT 06269-3042. The authors share tc and marine environments exists. high and low water levels make ir a search interests in the systematics and Neverrheless, aquatie habitats tend predictable habitat in which river evolution of aquatic flowering plants. © 1996 American Institute of Biologi tobestable(Hartog1970,Sculthorpe weedsflourish(PhllbrickandNovelo cal Seiences. 1967,Tiffney 1981).Waterexhibirs 1995). December 1996 813 ". No aquatic habitat is absolutely ... miIfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum, stable. Factors such as continental ... Haloragaceae)have spreadovervast drift have lead to drastic ecological areas by asexual means. Field stud changes in coastal marine environ :="-400 ies (Les 1990) indicate that plofs ments. Cultural eutrophication and planted with small fragmenrs of '" .'.". pollutioncanrapidlyalterthetrophic weter milfoiJ can reach carrying ca status of aquatic habitats. The spo pacity in onIy 16 months (Figure 1f '" radicoutbreakofpathogens,suchas Such results express the futility of the agent responsible for the devas I 4 , , 10 U « u u mu ~ a D controlefforrsifaquaticweed intro taringwastingdiseaseoftheseagrass -~- ductions are not recognized, and Zosteramarina(Zosteraceae;Muchl Figure 1. Asexual reproduction in plants eradicared, immediatelyafrer stein et a1. 1991), is yet another aquatic plants occurs rapidly. Biomass initial colonization. aspect of instability in aquatic envi (gramsofdryweight)rneasuredin2 m Most aquatic planes are not ronments. x 2 m field plors planred initially with troublesomebutpossess mechanisms Do In evolutionary time frames, 100smallfragmentsof Eurasianwater for asexual reproduction similar to wn milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum). lo aquatic habirars represent a mosaic those of their weedy counterparts. a Within 16 monrhs, vegetative growth d of both stable and unstable condi Many common names such as wt~ e tions to which complex adaptation (hcaadrryreinacghceadpamcairxyi]m.uBmiombaiossmhaassdlmevoerles terweed, pondweed, and riverweed d fro has been necessary. Recalling the thandoubledduringthefirstfour-month are unwarranted but have probably m h paradigmfortheevolutionofasexual growingseason (fromLeset al. 1988). originated because of the tendency ttp and sexual reproductive systems, it forwaterplanestogrowinluxuriant s://a is evident that both systems should beds formed by vigorous vegetative c a retain important functions in the etativeiyproduced progeny) are not growth. Some native aquatic planes de m majority of water plant species. In always identical genetically to the are actually more productive than ic this article, we discuss possible evo parene (seebelow). In any case, they introduced weedyspecies buthave a .o u lutionary factors to account for the represent a legitimate example of less effective vegetative growth ar p.c balance betweensexual and asexual reproduction in which discrete, new chitecture.Forexample,experiments om reproduction that is maintained In individuals are produced and dis in which vegetative fragments from /bio aquatic angiosperms. persed. both a native pondweed and intro sc Asexual reproducrion is impor duced milfoil species were planted ien c Asexual reproduction tant in the establishment, growrh, simultaneously show greater bio e/a and maintenance of aquaric plant mass productivity in the native spe rtic Asexual reproduction includes both populations. For exarnple, in weedy cies (Table1; Leset al. 1988).Addi le seed production without fertiliza aquatic plants, most emcrgcnt spe tional experiments have further -ab s tion (agamospermy) and vegetative cies disperse by sexual propagules, indicated no evidence of competi tra reproduction. Because the extent of whereasfloatingandsubmersedspe tion between these species under ct/4 agamospermyamong aquaticplants eies disperse vegetatively (Cook normal environmental conditions 6 /1 is poorly understood (Les 1988a), 1993, Spencer and Bowes 1993). (Leset al. 1988). Elevated nutrientr 1 /8 we limit ourdiscussionto vegetative Neverrheless,the principalmeansof resultedintheacceleratedgrowthof 1 3 reproduction,whichisoftenassumed population increase for all three both species (Les 1990), but milfoil /2 3 3 to be the dominant mode of repro growthforms is byvegetativerepro~ biomasswasmostlyallocatedto pro 0 1 ductioninwaterplants (Hutchinson duction (Spencer and Bowes 1993). duce long, vertical shoots, whereas 7 b 1975, Sculrhorpe 1967). Abraham Certainly, the ease and rapidity by much pondweed biomass was alle y g son (1980) considered that geneti whichaquaticweedsspreadthrough cated to horizontal rhizomes (Fable ue s cally identical offspring render the outnonindigenousregionsatteststo 1). Rapid vertical growth under en t o process of vegetative reproduction the efficiency of vegetative repro hancednutrientregimesenablesmil n 2 more similar to growrh (increase in duction. foil to quickly grow to the water 1 N size of an individual) rhan to repro Nuisance aquatic weeds such as surface,whereitshadesnativeplants, o v duction (increase in the number of waterhyacinth(Eichhomiacrassipes, indirectly causing their decline. em individuals). However, ramets (veg- Pontederiaceae) and Eurasian water The ability to reproduce vegeta- be r 2 0 1 Table 1. One season of vegetative growrh compared between a native pondweed (Potamogetön amplifolius) and the 8 nonindigenousEurasianwater milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) plantedexperimentallyinaWisconsinIake(fromLeset al. 1988).Data are expressedas means;NA= not applicable(Myriophyllum doesnot produce rhizomes).The originalshoor cuttingsof Potamogeton lacked rhizome tissue. Shoot biomass(g) Shoot length (ern) Rhizomelength (ern) Leafnumber Species Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final Potamogetonamplifolius 0.25 1.18 3.2 50.0 0.0 47.5 4 52 Myriophyllumspicatum 0.20 0.88 15.0 190.0 NA NA 39 490 i 814 BioScience Vol. 46 No. 1 tively is ubiquitous among aquatic species,regardlessoftheirtaxonornic affiliation (Grace 1993,Hutehinson 1975, Les and Philbrick 1993, Sculthorpe1967).However,aquatie plants are more common propor rionallyinmonocotsthandicots(Les and Schneider 1995). Tiffney and Niklas (1985) postulated that the greaterproportionofaquaticmono eots isassociatedwiththe high inci dence of rhizomatous growth (i.e., byhorizontalundergroundsterns) in D monocots. In contrast, far fewer di o w cots are rhizomatous (Grace 1993). n lo This correlationsuggeststhatclonal a d growthisconduciverotheevolution ed of aquatie speeies. fro m Although annuals (in which re h productionisexclusivelysexual)and ttp s perennials are relatively evenly dis ://a tributed among terrestrial plant c a groups, most aquatie plants are pe de m rennial. Perennial water plants pos ic sess many eontrivances for vegeta .o u tivereproduction(Figure2),including p.c o corrns, rhizomes,stolons,tubers,and m turions (Graee 1993, Hutchinson /b io 1975, Seulthorpe 1967, Vierssen sc 1993). Even the few predominantly ien c annual aquatie plantgenera such as e /a Najas (Najadaceae) may reproduee rtic vegetativelyduringthegrowing sea le son byextensivelateralgrowth,frag -ab s mentation, or rhe occasional pro tra c ductionofturions(Agamietal.1986, t/4 Sculthorpe 1967). 6/1 Asexualreproductionisalsocom 1/8 mon among terrestrial plants, and 13 the transport of tubers, corrns, and /23 3 srnall bulbs confers high potential 0 1 vagility (ability to disperse) to pe 7 b rennialangiosperrns(Stebbins1950). y g Water plants excel in this capacity ue s with a variety of vegetative struc b. t o tures that are highly specialized to n 2 funcrion efficienrly as propagules, 1 N sorne even capable of long-distance o Figure 2. Aquatie plantsemploymany types ofvegetative struetures for reproduc ve dispersal. Vegetative propagulesare tion. (a) Modified horizontal sterns (rhizomes) grow quickly to anehor aquaric m b airqnupaotrictanptlanagtsen(tBsarorfetgteentealf,lo1w993in, p(Plaontatsmoingetuonncoanmspolliifdoalituesds, rsehsiufltriendg fsruombstrthaetesp.laTnhtiinsgspoefciamsemnalolffopuorn-dlewaveeedd er 20 Les 1991). The highly vagile fragment thar initially laeked a rhizome. The growth illustrated here occurred 18 propagules of aquatic plants areex during a single summer season, (b) Highly specialized vegetative leaves help to ceptions to the generalization (Wil insulate this spherical turion of bladderwort (Utriwlaria vulgaris}.Turion leaves Harns 1975) that asexual offspring differ morphologically from normal foliage leaves such as rhose subtending the structure. Turions resist unfavorable environmental conditions and are effieient develop elose to the parent, as op propagules for aquatic plants, (c) Severed or injured vegetative tissue is capable posedto sexualoffspring, whichare of generating "gemmiparous" plantlets in several aquatic species, such as lake more wide1ydispersed. cress (Neobeckia aquaticai, Detached leaves (shown here)or nearly any part of a The most notable vegetative lake cressplant (assmallas 0.5 mrn) canproduce agemmiparous plant. However, propagule in aquatic plants is the populations of thisspecies have declined significantly because it issexually sterile turion (Figure 2b), a specialized and rhe vegetative fragments function poorly in long-disrance dispersal. Bars = 1 structure with few functional coun- cm. December 1996 815 terparts in the terrestrial flora. Amphibolis suggests a compromise mens into natural habitars can lead Turionsaredormantvegetativebuds between sexual and asexual repro to seriousweedproblems.Theorigi enclosed by specialized leaves that duction. Although viviparous seed nal presence of the notorious water differsubstentiallyinstructurefrom lings possess the genetic advantages hyacinth (E. crassipes) in theUnited normalfoliageleaves.Theoftenwell ofasexualderivation,theprerooted Stares may have resulted from the insulated turions are sometimes re leafysternscanestablishin muchthe careless disposal of souvenir plants ferredto as "winterbuds," although samefashionasvegetativefragments. (Sculthorpe 1967).Themorphology in such species as Potamogeton Vegetative propagules of aquatie of many aquatic plants contributes crispus (Potamogetonaceae) they planes are dispersed by a variety of to their human-indueed dispersal. enableplantstoovercomethestress abiotic vectors (water, wind) and Forexample, onee introduced into a ful summer rather than winter sea bioric agents (amphibians, birds, lake, the long sterns of plants like son(Vierssen1993).Thewinterbuds mamrnals, reptiles; Hutehinsen Elodea (Hydrocharitaceae) and of terrestrial woody plants also fit 1975, Landolt 1986, Sculthorpe Myriophyllum easily become en D this basic deflnirion because their 1967). The minute size of plants in tangled on boat motors and trailers o w budscalesaremodifiedleaves.How the duckweed family (Lemnaceae) and are eventually transported to n lo ever, buds of trees and shrubs re facilitates the dispersal ofwhole in different sites. a d main viable only when attached to dividuals. Inthisfamilyoftheworld's The taxonomically widespread ed the parentplantandareincapableof smallest angiosperms, individuals evolution of vagile vegetative fro m dispersal and establishment. De can be dispersed over several kilo propagules in aquatic plants is due h tached turions of water plants are meters as a result of cyclones, and tc several factors. Particularly in ttp s free-living propagules.Intheextreme the smallest duckweeds (Wolffia) temperateregions,wheremostnatu ://a caseof"asexualannuals" (Hurchin have even been found in hailstones ral lakes occur, aquatic habitats are c a son 1975), rurion production is ac (Landolt 1986). Irisimpressive that notonlyshortlived, but alsosubject de m companied by the decay of rhe re some species among these diminu to recurrent, catastrophic desrruc ic mainder of the plant during periods tive plants are also capable of pro tion due to glaciation. These events .o u of stress. ducingyetsmaller,vegetativeturions haveundoubtedly selected for vagil p.c o Othervegetativestructuresofdis (Landolt 1986). Ultimate versatility ity in aquatic plants. Vagility of m persalinaquaticplantsinc1ude"win in vegetative dispersal structures is aquatic plants is not, however, ex /bio ter buds," which are enclosed by exemplified by the lake cress clusively a feature of vegetative sc leaves not significantly modified (Neobeckia aquatica), inwhicheven propagules. Many species, such as ien c from foliage leaves, and shoot frag minuteroot, stem, or leaffragments marine angiosperms, rely on sexu e/a ments. Fragmentsplayan impcrtant (Iess than 0.5 rnrn) are capable of ally derived seeds for their rernote rtic role in the vegetative reproduction regenerating entire new individuals dispersal, and even the rnost clonal le -a of aquatic plante, with each indi vegetative1y. of aquatic angiosperms usually re b s vidual node often capable of regen Vegetative propagules have been tain the abiliry CO reproduce sexu tra c eration (Grier 1920). Many of the instrumental in the dispersal of wa ally. Indeed, only a few aquatic spe t/4 important aquatic weeds are die ter plants by people. The adventi cies,suchasbladderwort(Utricularia 6/1 persed in this fashion. tious rooting stems of watercress australis,Lentibulariaceae)andlake 1/8 Yet another kind of vegetative (Nasturtiumofficinale,Brassicaceae) cress (Neobeckia), are notknownto 13 propagule, gemmiparous (pseudo were widely introduced throughout produce viable seed (Les 1994, Tay /23 3 viviparous)plantlets (Figure2c), are temperate regions, where they are lor 1989). The rarity of lake cress 0 1 producedfromleavesofsome aquatic used in salads (Scnlthorpe 1967). underscorestheimportanceofsexual 7 b planrs, including species of Card Various countries import nonin reproduction to faeilitate long-dis y g amineandNeobeckia(Brassicaceae; digenous aquaticspecies andpropa tance dispersal. This species has de ue s Sculthorpe 1967), Hygrophila gare them vegetatively for sale as clined precariously throughout its t o {Acanthaceae: Mühlberg 1980) and ornamental aquarium and water historreal range, despite a tremen n 2 the so-called viviparous species of garden plants. All species in the in dous capacity for vegetative regen~ 1 N Nymphaea (Nymphaeaceae;Masters ventory of arecent North American eration and loeal dispersal (Les o v e 1974). True vivipary (seedling water garden catalogue (William 1994). m b growth while the fruit remains at Tricker,Inc.,inIndependence,Ohio) It is difficult to identify specific e tachedto the parentplant) occurs in were shipped either as whole plants evolutionaryfactorsthataccountfor r 2 0 the marine speeies Amphibolis or fragments. Most hardy water li1 the widespreadoccurrenceofasexual 18 antarctica (Cymodoceaceae). The ies are infertile hybride and are reproduction in water planrs. Veg small seedlings 01 Amphibolis propagated vegetatively (Swindells etative reproduction correlates (which are produced by sexual re 1983). Although hybrid water lilies highly with both polyploidy and production) eventually detach from do not ordinarily become problerns, hybridizarion in angiosperms. The the parent plant and are dispersed. shipmentsoccasionallycontainsterns importance of vegetative reproduc Anchorageandestahlishmentareas of nefarious weedy species such as tion in stabilizing hybrid and poly sisted by a comblike structure that Hydrilla verticillata [Hydrocharita ploid reproduction (in which a develops from the apex of the fruit ceae) drapedaroundtheirrootstocks. diminished capacity for sexual re and remains firmly attached to the Theintentionaloraccidentalrelease production is experienced) is weIl seedling (Ascon 1973). Vivipary in of cultivated, nonidigenous speci- understood (Grant 1981, Les and 816 BioScience Val. 46 No. 11 Philbrick 1993, Stebbins 1950). they often root in the water before ventureoruoderconditionsinwhieh However, as Stebbins (1950) ob reachingsuitableestablisbmentsites the production of aerial flowers is served, it is unlikely that vegetative (Barrett et al. 1993, Silander 1985). diHicult. reproduction arose because of fac Furthermore, the proportion of Sexual reproduction may fail in tcrs such as hybridizarion and poly aquatic habitats suitable for growth aquatic plants for several additional ploidy. Instead, it probably func of vegetative propagules is mueh reasons (Barrett et al. 1993). Many rlons to maintain these conditions. greater than that for seed germina aquaticspecies are disrributedwidely Orherfactorshaveundoubtedlycon tion (Sculthorpe 1967). (Sculrhorpe 1967), and individual tribured (0 the prominence of veg In many aquatic plants, particu plantsmaybeincapableofadjusting etative reproduction in aquatic larly marine angiosperms, strongly their flowering responses to the plants, and several hypotheses ad rhizomatous growth forms (Figure myriadphotoperiods, temperatures, dress this issue from contrasringper 2a) helpto resistthedamagingforces and orherenvironmental conditions spectives. of waves and tidal currents (Hartog that oceur throughout a broad geo D 1970). An elaborate network of ad graphie range. Members of the veg o w Survivalin aquatichabitats.Vegeta ventitious roots or rhizomes is re etatively prolifie duckweed family n lo tive reproduction functions effi quired to withstand the loose and (Lemnaceae},for example,arewide a d cienrlyin aquaticenvironments, and shifting subsrrates thar characterize spread geographieally, and flower ed waterplantsprovidernanyexamples many aquatic habitats (Sculthorpe ing in these plants is influenced by fro m of features associated with habitat 196.7). Rhizomatcus growth is also manyenvironmentalfactors (Landolt h related survival. Reduction of me advantageous to aquatic species by 1986). Almost all duckweed species ttp s chanical tissue in vegetative organs facilitating survival in habitats sub retainthe ability to flower, yet most ://a of submersed aquatic plants iscom jeettoperiodicdrought(Hutehinson are coUeeted in flower less than 6% c a mon and renders thern fragile and 1975). Grace (1993) and Silander of the time and natural populations de m susceptible to fragmentation by the (1985) summarized additional ad are much more likely to reproduce ic action ofwaves, wind,eurrents, and vantages of clonal reproduction, in asexually than sexually (Landolt .o u inreractions with biotic elements c1uding rapid numerical increase, 1986). p.c {Sculrhorpe 1967). Although stem unlimited production of favorable Reduced flowering of aquatic om breakage and ensuing damage to gene combinations, high vagility plantsindeep-waterhabitatsiscom /bio water-eondueting tissue (xylem) where spatial variation in favorable mon (Hutchinson 1975). An obvi sc wouldhavedisastrousconsequences sires exists, efficientresource acqui ous limitation on aerial flowering is ien c for a terrestrial plant, harmful ef sition where tesouree limitation ex that either sterns or flower stalks e /a feets of fragmentation are mitigated ists, and effective storage struetures must project from the surfaee. The rtic byrhe absenceor reductionofxylem where large neighbors or a vernal deeper the plant, the more resources le -a in most submersed aquatic plants. environmenrpredominates. Thepe are necessaryto produceareproduc b s Terrestrial plants rely on internal tential benefits of rhizomatous, or tive strueture that reaches the water tra c meehanical tissue to maintain an otherwise c1onal, growrh account at surface. Elongated reproduetive t/4 ereet posture and to reduee break leastpartiallyfor rhe high frequeney structures are more likely to become 6/1 age, whereas water lends external ofvegetative reproduction observed physicaily damaged. This may ex 1 /8 support to delieate aquatic plant in both aquatic monocots and di plain why species such as Butomus 1 3 shootsand helpsto retainthe viahil cots. umbellatus (Butomaeeae) and Gra /2 3 3 ity of detaehed or fragmented tis tiotaaurea(Serophulariaeeae)flower 0 1 sues. Failure of sexual reproduction. De freely in their emergent forms but 7 b Fragmentation ean also be ob spieetheintricatepollinationmecha seldomly in their submersed forms y g served in terrestrial species, such as nisms of some water plants (Cook (Hutchinson1975,Sculrhorpe1967). u e s the litter of tree branches that typi 1988, Schulthorpe 1967), most Various depth-related physical fac t o cally fcllows a windstorm or heavy aquatic plants retain the floral sys tors, such as inereased hydrostatic n 2 rain. However, amajor difference is tems of their terresttial ancestors, pressure, reduee the incidence of 1 N thatwhereasaquaticplantfragments whieh were not originally adapred flowering in sorne aquatic species o v e immediately find themselves in a to function in water. Some speeies (Hutchinson 1975). m b habitar suitable for esrablishmenr have acquired floral modifications Although seed production is pro e (or are dispersed to other suirable that allow pollination to function portional to vegetative biomass in r 20 sites), fragments of terrestrialplants efficiently in wet habirats, a phe annual aquatic species (Vierssen 18 usuallyrequireplantinginthesoil to nomenon known as hydrophily. 1993), iris likely that adaptation ro survive(Hutehinson1975).Thepro However, for speeies whose sexual vegetative reproduction in perenni teetive aquatic environment allows organsare poorlyadaptedto aquatic als has involved various energeric the production of relatively fragile habitats, donal reproduetion is an tradeoffs between vegetative and structuresthatexeel inc10nal repro· efficientalternative.Becauseasexual sexual reproduetion due to resource duetion (Graee 1993). At the same reproduetionisameansofovereom Iimitations(Cook1985,Grant1981, time, thesestruetures are potentially ing reHance on pollinators (Abra Sculthorpe1967).SuchtradeoHsmay more successful at colonization and hamson 1980), it may facilitate ad result in a reduced level of flower subsequent population growth than aptation to deep-water habitats ing. For example, in Potamogeton sexuallyderived propagulesbeeause where terrestrial polLinators do not pectinatus, tuber size and seed pro~ December 1996 817 duction are inversely related (Yeo donal aquatic weeds limits their rived offspring (Les and Philbriek 1965). Several turion-forming spe adaptive abiliry in nonindigenous 1993, Silander 1985). Levels of ge eies of Utriculariaproducefewflow ranges (Barrett et a1. 1993). netie variability in asexual popula ers (Rossbaeh 1939). Somespecies of tions may even surpass those in Utriculariaare "vegetativeapomicts," Genecic uniformity. Asexual repro sexual populations (Silander 1985). in which viable seed production has duction has been deseribed as "any Recent studies of the vegetatively notbeendoeumented(Taylor1989). means of propagation that does not proliftelakecress (N. aquatica)have Sexualreproductioninotherspecies involve genetic recombinarion" revealed surprisingly high levels of is displaced byvegetative reproduc (Abrahamson 1980). Therefore, interpopulational genetic variation tion. Vegetative turions develop in widespread asexual reproduetion in in this sexualty sterile triploid.' Ad place of flowers in Baldellia ranun aquaticplantsmayhaveevolvedasa ditional studies of genetic variation culoides, Caldesiaparnassifoiia,and means of maintaining genetic uni in clonal aquatie plant species are in species of Echinodorus (Alisma formity within populations (Les necessaryto determine the degreeof D taceae; Hutchinson1975,Seulthorpe 1988a). In contrast to genetically genetic uniformity both within and o w 1967). diverse, sexually derived offspring, among their populations. Although n lo Sexual reproduction in clonal asexual reproduetion ean replicate the efficiency of vegetative repro a d aquaticplantseoneeivablyeouldalso optimally fit genotypes and main duction should typically result Irr ed deeline due to the aeeumulation of tain coadapted multigenic polymor populations that are fairly homoge fro m somatie mutations that influence phisms (Les 1988a, Silander 1985). neous genetieally, factors such as h sexual function. Nevertheless, the In stable environments, the ability the immigration of genetically dis ttp s aetual eauses of limited sexual re to done superior genotypes by veg tinct vegetative propagules can re ://a production need to be studied more etative reproduction is arguably ad sult in more eompJex variational c a rigorously to determine how eco vantageous. patterns (Les 1991). de m logical, genetie, and other factors Manyaquaticplants,particularly Empiricaldocumentationofnatu ic interact [Barrett et aL 1993). thosewithwidespreaddistributions, ralgeneticvariationin aquaticplant .o u Although sexual reproduetion possess broad ecologieal tolerances populations exists for relativelyfew p.c o may often fail in aquatic habitats, (Stuekey 1971). Wide eeologieal species. However, the available in m many aquatie plants appear to be amplitude seems necessary because formarionsuggeststhataquaticplant /b io capableofpersistingentire1y byveg anychanges in the waterpotentially popularions are not altogether uni sc etative means. In the predominantly influenee al1plants in contact with form geneticaJly. Isozyme studies' ien c unisexually flowered family Hydro ir. Consequently, aquatic habitats indicate that submersed species are e /a eharitaeeae, several dioecious (male arelesslikelytoprovide"microsites" characterized by limited levels of rtic and female fJowers on separate in which narrowly adapted geno genetic variation, yet patterns of le -a plants] species have become weedy types may persist. Adaptation to geneticvariationinemergentaquatic b s even though only one sex had been dynamie waterconditions is evident species are, as in terrestrial species, tra c introduced(Cook1993,Hutehinsen in widespread aquatie species such associaredwithbreedingsysrcmsand t/4 1975, Seulthorpe 1967). Speeifie as Lemna aequinoctialis and life histories (Barrett et al. 1993). 6 /1 casesincludeElodeacanadensis (en Lemna turionifera (Lemnaceae), Some aquatic plant species such as 1 /8 tirely female in Europe), Egeria whichcantolerateanextremerange Howelliaaquatica(Campanulaceae; 1 3 densa (strictly male outside its na of pH from 3.2 to more than 9.0 Lesica et a1. 1988)andA. antarctica /2 3 3 tive range), Lagarosiphon major (en (Landolt 1986). The adaptation of (Wayeott et a1. 1996) appear to be 0 1 tirelyfemale beyonditsnativerange), aquaticplants topHextremes isnot entirely uniform genetically, but 7 b and H. verticillata (female in its surprising, given that diurnal pH othersubmersedaquaticspeciespos y g introdueed ranges in southeastern variation within aquatic habitats sess substantial levels of genetic ue s UnitedStatesand California).How alone ean exeeed two pH units; pH variaden (Barrett et a1. 1993). t o ever, these examples offer evidence change ean be stimulated by photo Evidently,the levelofgeneticvari n 2 of only short-term survival. Oncc a synthesis of submerged plants ability in aquatic plant populations 1 N prclificpestinEurope,E.canadensis (Wetzel 1975). Once a species has is influenced by many interacring o v has ultimately shown significant broadly adapted to environmental facrors, Each aquatie plant species em b dedine (Cook 1993). The eause is extremes, vegetative reproduetion representsaunique,complexsystem e unclear,althoughecologiealfactors, assures that alt future offspring will of interacting life-history rrairs re-, r 2 0 includingnutrientdeficiencies, have possesstheappropriategenotypefor lating to particular reproductive, 18 been suggested. Whatever the rea surviving whatever eonditions may dispersal,establishment,andsurvival son for its deeline, the case of E. be encountered during dispersal to requirements (Waycott and Les canadensis indicates that exc1usive new habitars (Les 1988a). 1996).Two monoecious, warer-pol vegetative reproduetion in water However, the hypothesis of ge linated speeies, Zostera marina plants may be insufficient to facili netic uniformity is problematic. AI (Zosteraceae: a monocot) and tateIong-rermadaptationto varying thoughclonallyderivedoffspringare Ceratophyllum demersum (Ceraro environmental conditions, particu usuaJly assumed to be identical ge phyllaceae; a dicot}, provide a good larIy under dynamic selective re neticalty to rheir parcnts, somatic gimes. There isevidence thatlimited mutationscanevidentlygeneratesig 1D.H. Les and], D. Gabel, 1996, work in sexual reproduction in adventive nifieant variability in asexually de- progress. 818 BioScience Vol. 46 No. 11 Z. marina commonly reproduces sexually and why different popula tionsofthisplant(whicharefounded bysexual propagules] show greater genetic cohesiveness than those of C. demersum. Certainly, higher lev els of sexuality are expected in aquaticspeciesthatrely on seedsfor dispersal. The pattern of genetic variation between and within popu lations will contrast widely across the wide range of tradeoffs between sexualandasexualreproductionrhat D exists among aquatic plants. o w Because vegetative reproduction n lo is prevalentin mostaquatic species, a d their IHe histories must be adapted ed to at least some degree of genetic fro m uniformity. Still, it is difficult to h determinewhethervegetativerepro ttp s duction has evolved principally to ://a assuregeneticuniforrnityorforsome c a entirely different reason, with ge de m netic uniformity as an inevitable ic consequence.Even if genetic unifor .o u p mitywereessentialfor aquaticplant .c o survival, it could be achieved via m either sexual or asexual means. A /bio shift to inbreeding by self-pollina sc ie rion could conceivably resulr in the n c production of offspring that are as e /a uniform genetically as those pro rtic duced by vegetative reproduction. le -a In any event, prolonged genetic uni b s formity seerns unlikely for water tra c plants, given that the genetically t/4 homogenizing effects of asexual re 6/1 Pigure 3. Submersed aquatic plants often possess highly modified vegetative production can be offset by even 1/8 Deregtarnimsebnutatlrceoranitnactfloowf eflroswweristhwfiteharuwraetsersiimsiplarerverontetdheibrytaervraersitertiyaloafnccoensttorirvs , ssopmoreadliecveslexiunalmevoesnttsaqthuaattiocccpulranart 13/23 3 ances. (a) This typical specimen of Lobella dortmanna from Connecticut shows species. 01 the exceptionally long floral stalks that extend from a completely submersed 7 b rosette of basal leaves.These flowers da not differ in any fundamental way from Sexual reproduction y g those of terrestrial Lobelia species. (b) Flowers of bladderwort (Utricularia ue radiatas resemble rhose of the closely related terrestrial snapdragons Sexual reproduction by rneans of st o cT(Sohcnerroafplcorhauotlsfarbairlaeacdemdaeeo}rdw.ifoAierdtsefplrooiewrsteiorsonfswiionrfhfltathhteeedhwig"ahsteplyro,ndwgishysiecfchlroemadtsas"yubdhmieserlpurgspetdtothSetpierrrenfvsu,ennwctthioitchnhe. fdluocwtieorinngis,paollpirniamtiaorny,arnepdrsoedeudcptirvoe n 21 N mode for terrestrial ancestors of o contain bladders that trap small organisms for nutrition. Bar =1 cm. ve aquaticplants.Althoughashiftfrom m b sexual to asexual (vegetative) repro e centrast. The incidence of sexual ferentiation and higher sexuality in duction is often associated with the r 2 0 reproduction is much higher in Z. Z. marina may reflect dispersal evolution of aquatic plants, a com 18 marina (Laushman 1993)than in C. mechanism constraints. Although plete absence of flowering and seed demersum (Les 1991). Overall, the both species are perennial, C. set characterizes only a fewaquatic levels of genetic polymorphism are demersum seldom produces seeds species (see above), The majority of similar for both species, yet much and disperses largely by vegetative aquaticangiosperms retain the abil morevariationexistsbetweenpopu propagules (Les 1991). In contrast, ity to flower and set seed and do so, lationsin the latterthan the former. Z. marina spreads locally by rhi albeit sometimes rarely (Sculthorpe Multiclonalpopulationsarealsofar zornatous growth (Laushman 1993) 1967}. Sexual reproduction is obvi less common in Ceratopbyllum but has no principal means of long ously important to many aquatic (Laushman 1993, Les 1991). Re distancedispersalotherthanbyseeds groups, although its exact role re ducedamong-populationgeneticdif- (fruits).Thisfindingmay explainwhy mains to be elucidated. Yet it is December 1996 819 inappropriate to dismiss the impor Pollenwetted byrain or water from which are self-fertile, pellen rubea tance ofsexual reproduction in wa anothersourcebecomesinviabledue avoid conract with water by grow ter plants. The elaborate contriv to premature germination or rup ing internallythroughvegetativetis ancesthatpreservefloral functionin ture (Corbet 1990). Evolutionarily, sues as they pass from male {stami aquatichabitats are unlikelyto have the pollination systems of aquatic nate)tofemale (pistillate) flowersof evolved in water plants without se angiosperms have remained fune the plant (Philbrick and Anderson lection to retain sexual reprodue tional in several ways. Some floral 1992). tion. Moreover, water-mediated organs have adapted to avoid con eross-pollination (hydrophily) is tact with water, Other flowers have Modifications to terrestrial polhna unique to aquatic plants and repre acquired modifications that allow tion systems. The widespread main sentsperhapsthemostdivergentshift their terrestrial systems to function tenanee of aerial flowers in aquatic in angiosperm pollination systems. more efficiently in wet hahitars. A angiosperms has led to the premise Becausethe evolution ofpollination few specieshaveultimatelyacquired that the aquatic environment exerts D systems has been central in the sue adaptations for water pollination little selectivepressure on floral sys o w cessofangiosperms,the novelorigin (hydrophily)inwhichpollenremains tems (Hutehinson 1975, Sculthorpe n lo of hydrophily in water plants fur viable and is transported in direct 1967).Aeloserexaminationof both a d ther implicates the importance of contacr with water. biotie (mainly insect] and abiotic ed sexual reproduction in their evolu (wind, water) pollination systems fro tion. Avoidance of water. Floral organs reveals fearures that may be specific m h The adaptation of angiosperm of aquaticplants avoidccntactwith adaptations to the aquatic environ ttp s sexual reproductive systems to water both directly and indirectly. ment. ://a aquatic eonditions must represent a In some aquatic species, dry repro Flowers are disproportionately c a diffieult evolutionary transition. In ducrive organs are maintained.by biasedtowardwhitecolorinaquatic de m many cases, angiosperms have ac modified flowers that cJose and en planrs (Sculthorpe 1967).We calcu ic quired complex vegetative adapta trap an air bubble when pulled be late that white flowers occur in ap .o u tions to aquatic habitats but have low the water surface. However, proximately43% of all aquaticgen p.c retained the aerial floral systems of many aquatic plants overeome the era(40%ofdicots,48%ofmonocots: om terrestrial plants. Floral systems of detrimental effects ofwater by pre based on data in Cook 1990). The /b io aquatic plants are generally eonser ventingthe contact of aerial flowers high proportion of white flowers in sc vative and refleet their terrestrial withthe surface. This isoften facili waterplants mayenhance fitness by ien c herirage. Sculthorpe (1967, p. 245) tated bymodified leaves, branches, making flowers more conspieuous e /a wrote: "Ir is in their [sexual] repro and floral axes (Sculthorpe 19671. to pollinators. In the visible spec rtic ductive phase that vascular hydro Groups of floating leaves reinforce trum, dark flowers lackthecontrast le phytes betray theirterrestrial ances aerial flowering axes in Cabomba rendered by white petals againstthe -ab s try with the greatest clarity." In and Brasenia (Cabombaceae), dark background of water or float tra bladderwort iUtricuiaria species), Nymphoides (Menyanthaceae), ing vegetation. Becausewhite petals ct/4 the submersed vegetative organs are Potamogeton and Callitriche (Calli are typically ultraviolet (UV) ab 6 /1 so highlymodified (Figure 3b) thar trichaceae), some species of Poly sorptive and water is UV reflective, 1 /8 typicalmorphologicalmodelsofleaf gonum (Polygonaceae), and Ranun white petals may also enhance con 1 3 and shoot strueture are difficult ro culus. The floral axis of Utricularia trast in the UV spectrum. /2 3 apply (Taylor 1989). In ccntrast, radiata(Figure 3b) is supported by However, an alternativeexplana 30 1 bladderworr flowers are aerial and radiating "spongy floats" (Taylor tionforthefrequency ofwhiteflow 7 b possessbothastructureandrangeof 1989) composed of loosely packed, ers in aquacic plants Is that floral y g pollinators similar to that of terres air-filled tissue. In Hottonia inflata pigments in both the visible and UV u e s trial plants. Other aquatic plants in (Primulaceael,the flower stalkitself spectra are under no selection in t o which highly modified vegetative (peduncle) is inflated (Sculthorpe water plants. Angiosperms typically n 2 structuresoceurin eonjunctionwith 1967).Swollen upper sterns of some possessyellowflavonoidcompounds 1 N aerial terrestrial flowers include Myriophy/lumspecies provideasimi that also serve as biochemical pre o v Megalodonta (Asteraceae), Limno lar function (Crow and Hellquist cursors to eommon floral pigments em phila (Scrophulariaceae], and Ra 1983). known as anthocyanins. Flavonoids be nunculus (Ranunculaceae). Flowers of aquatic plants often are frequently lost in submersed tis r 2 0 The maintenance of pollination extend from the water surfaee on sues of aquatic plants (Les and 18 presents a particularlycritical prob long stalks (Figure 3a). In Lobelia Sheridan 1990). The white petals lem in wet environments. In most dortmanna (Lobehaceae}, aerial maysimplyreflecta backgroundhue terrestrial and aquatic angiosperms, flowers project from the submersed that results from the loss or lack of transfer of pollen to stigma is dis rosettes on stalks up to 2 m long. otherfloral pigments. In eithercase, rupted by contact wirh water. Be Nymphaea and Ranunculus pro white flower color would be highly cause hydration is one of the first duce flowers thatfloat at rhe end of convergent among water plants but stages of pollen germination on the long,resilientstalksthatconformto unadaptive. Ecological and phylo stigma(Richards1986),conracrwith surface motions and prevent the im geneticstudiesofaquaticgenerasuch water sets in motion aseries of bio mersion of flowers by waves. as Ranunculus and Utricularia, in chemical events at the wrong time. In some species of Callitriche, which flower color varies among 820 BioScience Val. 46 No. 11 species, could provide more rnean (release and capture of wet, water ingfulinsightintothesignificanceof borne pollen), this abiotic pollina flower color in the aquatic environ tion system entails structural and ment. Whitecanalsobe nonpigmenr biochemical modifications of aerial relared, as in the reflection of light pollination systems and the com from the intercellular spaces ofpet plete abandonment of aerial flow als (Faegri and Van der Pijl 1979). ers. The perception that hydrophily The conservative nature of floral is a general characterisricofaquatic form in aquaticspecies predictsthat plants is grossly misguided. Fewer water plants would share a similar than 130 aquatic plant species (less suite of pollinators with terrestrial than 5% of aquatic species overall) plants, yet there is little empirical in nine plant families (seven mono data ro support this clairn. Some cot,twodicor)arehydrophilous(Cox D .aquaticorganisms,suchasfish, have 1993, Les 1988a, Philbrick 1991). o w no apparent role in aquatic plant The types ofhydrophily have de n lo pollination, but recent studies indi fied precise classification (Cox a d cate that the pollinator pool of wa 1993). Moreover, the literature re ed ter plants may include aquatic in lated to hydrophilous pollination is fro m sects, Aquatic insects are diverse complicated by varyingorvagueuse h biologically,andmany have life his of terms (Philbrick and Anderson ttp s tories tieddirectlytoaquaticplants. 1992jsee Cox 1993,Les 1988a,and ://a The association between aquatic in Philbrick1988,1991,foradditional c Figure 4. Ceratcphyllum is a water a sectsandplanes(flowers)isnottypi pollinated dicot with rninute unisexual discussions and references). Two de m callyrelatedto floral rewardsas it is f1owers. Pollen released underwater general c1asses of hydrophily occur ic in.terrestrial planes. Most pollina from clehiscing anthers (a) must pass in angiosperrns-s-surface, two-di .ou tors of terrestrial plants visit the through the water to a small openingin mensional and subsurface, three-di p.c flowers for collection ofpollen andl the side of the pisrillate flower (b) to mensional-although distinctions om or nectar. By contrast, aquatic in campiere pollinarion. Ceratophyllum is between the types are not always /b io sectsuse flowers for mating, shelter, an example ofa species that carries out clear. Subsurface, or underwater, sc protecrion from predators, and pos-. every aspect of its life cycle (except, pollination represents the mosr ex ien perhaps, dispersal) in cornplete sub c siblelairsforcapturingprey.Aquatic treme rnodification of pollination e mergence. Bar = 1 cm. /a insectsmakeup varyingproportions systerns to the aquaticenvironment. rtic of the pollinator pool for several In this typeofpollination, the flow le -a aquatic plant species. Two of the terrestrial anemophilous (wind-pol ers are submersed in the water, pol b s four primary pollinators of Nupbar linated) plants.Limnobium (Hydro len isreleasedunderwater, and both tra (Nyrnphaeaceae) species are aquatic charitaceae) and Brasenia are the pollen and stigma are functionally ct/4 beerles (Coleoptera) and flies onlyknownaquaticgenerathathave wet during pollinarion. 6/1 (Diptera; Schneider and Moore seemingly shifted to an anernophil Hydrophilous species occupy 1/8 1977). In Nymphoides, four of the ous pollination systern subsequenc freshwater, brackish(esruarine),and 1 3 six pollinators are aquatic insects to enteringthe aquatic environment marine environmencs. Most genera /2 3 (Diptera; Van Der Weide and Van (Cook 1988). that contain hydrophilous species 30 1 Der Heijden 1981). In Cabomba There is Iitde evidence to suggest are small taxonomically (Iess than 7 b caroliniana, four ofthe five pollina that anernophily in aquatic plants ten species). The largest hydrophil y g tors are aquaric flies or bees (Hy differsinanyfundamental wayfrom ous genus is Najas, with approxi ue s menoptera; Schneider and jeter anemophily in terresrrial plants mately40species(Cook1990).Phy t o 1982). Aquatic insectssuch as these (Cook 1988). However, the trend logeneticanalysesoftheangiosperm n 2 may play an important part in the for anemophilous terrestrial species subclass Alismatidae (in which all 1 N pollination ofwater plants and thus of Callitriche ro have pollen with a hydrophilous monocots occur) re o v exerta uniquesuiteofselectivepres significantly thicker outer wall (ex veals thathydrophily hasevolved at em sures on their floral evolution. ine) thanrelated amphibiousspecies least seven times,2 Including Calli be It was presumably because of se (Philbrick and Osborn 1994) may triehe and Ceratopbyllum (Figure 4), r 2 0 lection in habitats disruptive to hi represenc the outcorne of aquatic the only hydrophilaus dicot genera, 18 otic systems rhat abiotic pollination selective pressures. Little additional hydrophily has evolved as many as systems evolved in angiösperms information is available on aspects ninetimesinangiosperms. Although (Whitehead 1969). If the aquatic of anemophily in aquatic an the evolution of hydrophily is com environmentisinherentlydisruptive giosperms. plex, this system represents a strik to biotic pollination, abiotic poUi ing convergence of aquatic plant nationshouldpredominateinaquatic Hydrophily.Hydrophily (waterpol pollination systems. plants. Cook (1988), however, lination) represents a remarkable Hydrophilous pollination exhib- showed that the incidence of wind evolutionary departure from the pollination in aquatic genera is only pollination systems of terrestrial 2D.H. Les,M.A.Cleland,and M. Waycott, 31%, reflecting their ancestry from plants. In its most extreme form 1996,ffianuscriptacceptedfor publication. December 1996 821 its notable examples of convergent trends among hydrophilous groups. ofhydrophilousplantsare divergent evolution in angiosperm reprodue Individual pollen grains in genera fromthoseofaerialfloweringgroups tive structures (Cox 1993,Philbrick such as Amphibolis are often elon (Cox1993,Philbrick1991),making 1991). Some modifications parallel gare and can reach remarkable it difficult to distinguish analcgous those thar have accompanied the lengths of 5 mm (references in from homologous structures. Pur evolution of wind pollination, such Philbrick1991)comparedto the 20 thermore, thephylogenetic relation as Ioss or reduction of petals, high 40 um diameter of average terres shipsofwarer-pollinatedspecieshave pollen production, 10w ovu1e num trial plant pollen. Cox (1993) has historically been difficult to resolve berperovary, small flower size, and interpreted the convergence ofelon (Les and Haynes 1995, Philbrick unisexual flowers (Philbrick 1991). gate pollen as evidence for the evo 1991). Finally, transitional stages An impressive convergence involves lution of "search vehlcles" that en thatmay havelinkedancestralaenal changesin the exine and the manner hancepolleneapture.Thisargument pollination systems and derived hy of pollen disperaal. The exine of has been challenged by Aekerman drophilous systems have not been D most hydrophilous species is ex (1995), who attributed the conver identified. It is difficult to envision o w tremely reduced or lacking. The ex gent shapes of hydrophile pollen to howpossibleintermediatestagesmay n lo ine in Callitriche hermaphroditica, adaptive fluid dynarme design. Pre have functioned, a d Ceratophyllum, and the sea-grass eoeious pollen germinationin water Most hydrophilous systems have ed Thalassiahempricbii(Hydrocharita leads to a pollen:pollen-tube func evidently evolved from anemophil fro m ceae) is rudimentary (Philbrick and tional unit and mayaiso increase ous precursors [Les 1988a, b, h Osborn 1994). In species of Naias pollinationefficiency(Cox.1993,Les Sculthorpe 1967). Both anemophily ttp and the sea-grass Amphibolis, the 1988a). Guo and Cook (1990) pro and hydrophily require significanr s://a exineislackingaltogether(seerefer posed that the stigmatic exudate of modifications of floral structures c a encesinPhilbrickandOsborn1994). the hydrophilous Zannichellia foundin bioticallypollinatedplants. de m Exine reduction in hydrophilous palustris (Zanniehelliaceae) stimu We predicrthat the evolution of one ic species represents one of few ex lates pollen germination before ac abiotic system (hydrophily) would .o u amples in angiosperms of a strong tual contact between pollen and oeeurmore easilyfrom another abi p.c o correlationbetweenpollinationtype stigma. otic system (anemophily) than from m and pollen structure (Philbrick and Evolution of hydrophily. In an biotically pollinated ancestors. The /b io Osborn1994).Thefundamentalrole giosperms, pollinator shifts are of transition may have been facilitared sc of the exine-to protect the male tenexplained as responsesto chang by the many parallel floral features ien c gametophyreofterrestrialplantpol ing pollinatoreffectiveness.Itiseasy 01 anemophily and hydrophily that e /a len(Richards1986)-isevidentlyless to envision seleetive pressures driv are likelyto representgeneral adap rtic critical when pollen is released in ing this transition in aquatic plants, tations to abiotic pollination. This le -a water. However, exine lossmaynot particularly in marine habitats, hypothesis is consistent with a phy b s result exclusively from the relax wherestrongtidalfluetuationswou1d logenetic analysis of water-polli tra c ationofselectionto preventdesicca render most aerial pollination sys nated monoeotyledons (Les and t/4 tion. Rather, there may be fitness temsinoperable.Hydrophilyrequires Haynes 1995), in which Iineages 6 /1 advantagesyet to be associatedwith the loss or modification of charac basal to all hydrophilous clades in 1/8 the absence of a rigid exine. For ters that are intimately tied to dry, thefamiliesCymodoceaceae,Posido 1 3 terrestrial flowers, the exine also .aerial flowering and thus represents niaceae, Ruppiaceae, Zarmichel /2 3 3 functionsasareservoirofsubstances a shift that is fundamentally differ liaceae, andZosteraceaeare anemo 0 1 involved in genetic self-incompat entfrom transitionsto all other pol philous. 7 b ibi1ity. Becausesuchsubstaneesmay linationsystems.The mechaniealand However, the condition ancestral y g be labile or rapidly leached out in biochemica1modifieationsnecessary to hydrophily is less certain in the u e s water, selection for exine retention fortheevolutionofpollenandstigma family Hydrocharitaceae, in which t o in water-pollinated planrs may be "wettability" (underwater release only one genus (Limnobium) is n 2 minimal (Les 1988a). and capture of pollen) would seem strictlyanemophilous (Cook 1988). 1 N Kress (1986) suggested that the ingly raise significant adaptive ob The surface-pollinated genus Elo o v exine isan end-point of seleetion on staclesnotencounteredduringshifts deaispartieularlyproblematic,given em pollen-stigma interactions rather from one type of aerial pollination that floral features in the tribe be than on factors that operate during system to another. Mechanisms to Anacharitae (to whieh it belongs) r 2 0 pollentransfer.Relationshipsamong ensurepollinarionduringsuchadra retain many floral adaptations for 18 pollen dispersal, pollen-stigma in matic transition in floral structure enromophily (insecr pollination). teractions, pollen adherence, pollen would be critical (Philbrick 1988). Furthermore,twogenerainthe tribe, germination, and reduction in the The abandonmentbyangiosperms Egeria and the basal genus Apal exine of hydrophilous species re of highly conserved aerial floral bi anthe,3 are entomophilous. The main to be adequately assessed be ology for hydrophily is poorly un Hydrocharitaceae eontain unusual fore aspecific explanation for exine derstood (Philbrick 1988). Several pollination systems that are appar reduction inwater-pullinatedplanes factors have hindered ehe formula ently derived from entomophily but can be confidently accepted. tion of hypotheses concerning the employwindtopropeldetachedmale Pollen size, shape, and dispersal evolution ofhydrophily from aerial mechanisms illustrate convergent pollination systems. Floral features lSeefootnote 2. 822 BioScience Vol. 46 No. 11