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Preview Evolution of Aquatic Angiosperm Reproductive Systems

Western Connecticut State University WestCollections: digitalcommons@wcsu Faculty Papers Biology & Environmental Sciences 12-1996 Evolution of Aquatic Angiosperm Reproductive Systems Tom Philbrick PhD Western Connecticut State University, [email protected] Donald E. Les PhD University of Connecticut Follow this and additional works at:http://repository.wcsu.edu/biologypaper Part of thePlant Sciences Commons Recommended Citation Philbrick, Tom PhD and Les, Donald E. PhD, "Evolution of Aquatic Angiosperm Reproductive Systems" (1996).Faculty Papers. 5. http://repository.wcsu.edu/biologypaper/5 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Biology & Environmental Sciences at WestCollections: digitalcommons@wcsu. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Papers by an authorized administrator of WestCollections: digitalcommons@wcsu. For more information, please [email protected]. Evolution of Aquatic Angiosperm Reproductive Systems What is the balance between sexual and asexual reproduction in aquatic angiosperms? C. Thomas Philbrick and Donald H. Les A s angiosperms diversified and greater chemical and thermal stabil- flourished in terrestrial habi- Aquatic plants are an ity than air, and it buffers against (or tats, some species ultimately even precludes) many types of cata- colonized freshwater or marine en- extremely heterogeneous strophic disturbance that plague ter- vironments and became aquatic. restrial habitats, such as rapid tem- Aquatic plants are species that per- assemblage of species perature changes, fires, floods, and petuate their life cycle in still or strong winds. At higher latitudes, flowing water, or on inundated or that survive in similar seasonal stability of aquatic habitats noninundared hydric soils. Aquatic is faithfully maintained by the den- angiosperms inhabit oceans, lakes, habitats but as a result of sity of water, which is greatest (de- rivers, and wetlands. pending on salinity) at approximately fundamentally different 4°C (Wetzel 1975). Thus, even in The transition to an aquatic life the coldest temperatures, lake and has been achieved by only 2% of the evolutionary pathways river bottoms typically remain ice approximately 350,000 angiosperm free. species (Cook 1990). Nonetheless, the evolutionary invasion of aquatic with specific growth forms: emersed Coastline and freshwater shore environments by terrestrial an- from the water, free-floating, float- aquatic habitats have been viewed giosperms is estimated to represent ing-leaved, or submersed. These cat- as inherently unstable (Laushman 50-100 independent events (Cook egories represent different degrees 1993) due to erosional processes, 1990). Although aquatic plants are of adaptation to aquatic life and are tidal fluctuations, and wave dynam- typically discussed as a unified bio- widely convergent among aquatic ics. However, habitat stability should logical group, the ways that species angiosperms. be evaluated not only in terms of have evolved to life in the aquatic As in terrestrial plants, reproduc- characteristic short-term variation, milieu are as diverse as the different tion in water plants consists of both but also over the course of longer, evolutionary lineages that became sexual and asexual mechanisms. evolutionarily significant time aquatic (Hutchinson 1975, Scul- Sexual reproduction (the chief source frames. In this sense, stability re- thorpe 1967). Reproductive and of hereditary variation via genetic flects the consistent expression of other life-history traits of aquatic recombination) in plants is consid- predictable habitat characteristics angiosperms are closely associated ered to be advantageous in changing over long time periods. In essence, or heterogeneous environments, and aquatic habitats may be quite vari- asexual reproduction (which per- able, yet vary in a similar, predict- petuates genetic uniformity) is con- able fashion through time. The an- C. Thomas Philbrick is an associate sidered to be more successful in stable giosperm family Podostemaceae professor in the Department of Biologi- cal and Environmental Sciences, West- or uniform habitats (Grant 1981, (riverweeds) illustrates this concept ern Connecticut State University, Williams 1975). Consequently, the well. Riverweeds grow tenaciously Danhury, CT 06810. Donald H. Les is evolution of aquatic plant reproduc- attached to rocks in tropical river an associate professor in the Depart- tive systems should reflect the rela- rapids and waterfalls. Although the ment of Ecology and Evolutionary Biol- tive stability of their habitats. rushing current makes this habitat ogy, University of Connecticut, Storrs, unstable ecologically, the seasonally A vast assortment of freshwater CT 06169-3042. The authors share re- high and low water levels make it a and marine environments exists. search interests in the systematics and predictable habitat in which river- evolution of aquatic flowering plants. Nevertheless, aquatic habitats tend weeds flourish (Philbrick and Novelo © 1996 American Institute of Biologi- to be stable (Hartog 1970, Sculthorpe 1995). cal Sciences. 1967, Tiffney 1981). Water exhibits December 1996 813 No aquatic habitat is absolutely milfoil {Myriophyllum spicatum, stable. Factors such as continental Haloragaceae) have spread over vast drift have lead to drastic ecological areas by asexual means. Field stud- changes in coastal marine environ- ies (Les 1990) indicate that plots ments. Cultural eutrophication and planted with small fragments of pollution can rapidly alter the trophic water milfoil can reach carrying ca- status of aquatic habitats. The spo- pacity in only 16 months (Figure 1). radic outbreak of pathogens, such as Such results express the futility of the agent responsible for the devas- control efforts if aquatic weed intro- tating wasting disease of the seagrass 10 13 14 16 1B 20 23 34 ZE 37 ductions are not recognized, and Zostera marina (Zosteraceae; Muchl- plants eradicated, immediately after Figure 1. Asexual reproduction in stein et al. 1991), is yet another initial colonization. aquatic plants occurs rapidly. Biomass aspect of instability in aquatic envi- (grams of dry weight) measured in 2 m Most aquatic plants are not ronments. X 2 m field plots planted initially with troublesome but possess mechanisms In evolutionary time frames, 100 small fragments of Eurasian water for asexual reproduction similar to aquatic habitats represent a mosaic milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum). those of their weedy counterparts. Within 16 months, vegetative growth of both stable and unstable condi- Many common names such as wa- had reached maximum biomass levels tions to which complex adaptation terweed, pondweed, and riverweed (carrying capacity). Biomass had more has been necessary. Recalling the are unwarranted but bave probably than doubled during the first four-month paradigm for the evolution of asexual growing season (from Les et al. 1988). originated because of tbe tendency and sexual reproductive systems, it for water plants to grow in luxuriant is evident that both systems should beds formed by vigorous vegetative retain important functions in the etatively produced progeny) are not growtb. Some native aquatic plants majority of water plant species. In always identical genetically to the are actually more productive than this article, we discuss possible evo- parent (see below). In any case, they introduced weedy species but have a lutionary factors to account for the represent a legitimate example of less effective vegetative growtb ar- balance between sexual and asexual reproduction in which discrete, new chitecture. For example, experiments reproduction that is maintained in individuals are produced and dis- in wbicb vegetative fragments from aquatic angiosperms. persed. botb a native pondweed and intro- duced milfoil species were planted Asexual reproduction is impor- simultaneously sbow greater bio- tant in the establishment, growth, Asexual reproduction mass productivity in the native spe- and maintenance of aquatic plant cies (Table 1; Les et al. 1988). Addi- Asexual reproduction includes both populations. For example, in weedy tional experiments have furtber seed production without fertiliza- aquatic plants, most emergent spe- indicated no evidence of competi- tion (agamospermy) and vegetative cies disperse by sexual propagules, tion between these species under reproduction. Because the extent of whereas floating and submersed spe- normal environmental conditions agamospermy among aquatic plants cies disperse vegetatively (Cook (Les et al. 1988). Elevated nutrients is poorly understood (Les 1988a), 1993, Spencer and Bowes 1993). resulted in tbe accelerated growtb of we limit our discussion to vegetative Nevertheless, the principal means of both species (Les 1990), but milfoil reproduction, which is often assumed population increase for all three biomass was mostly allocated to pro- to be the dominant mode of repro- growth forms is by vegetative repro- duce long, vertical sboots, wbereas duction in water plants (Hutchinson duction (Spencer and Bowes 1993). much pondweed biomass was allo- 1975, Sculthorpe 1967). Abraham- Certainly, the ease and rapidity by cated to borizontal rhizomes (Table son (1980) considered that geneti- which aquatic weeds spread through- 1). Rapid vertical growtb under en- cally identical offspring render the out nonindigenous regions attests to banced nutrient regimes enables mil- process of vegetative reproduction the efficiency of vegetative repro- foil to quickly grow to tbe water more similar to growth (increase in duction. surface, where it shades native plants, size of an individual) than to repro- Nuisance aquatic weeds such as indirectly causing their decline. duction (increase in the number of vj2it&Th.ya.cmth. {Eichhornia crassipes, individuals). However, ramets {veg- Pontederiaceae) and Eurasian water The ability to reproduce vegeta- Table 1. One season of vegetative growth compared between a native pondweed {Potamogeton amplifoUus) and the nonindigenous Eurasian water milfoil {Myriophyllum spicatum) planted experimentally in a Wisconsin lake (from Les et al. 1988). Data are expressed as means; NA = not applicable {Myriophyllum does not produce rbizomes). The original shoot cuttings of Potamogeton lacked rhizome tissue. Shoot biomass (g) Shoot length (cm) Rhizome length (cm) Leaf number Species Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final Potamogeton amplifoUus 0.25 1.18 3.2 50.0 0.0 47.5 4 52 Myriophyllum spicatum 0.20 0.88 15.0 190.0 NA NA 39 490 814 BioScience Vol. 46 No. 11 tively is ubiquitous among aquatic species, regardless of their taxonomic affiliation (Grace 1993, Hutchinson 1975, Les and Philbrick 1993, Sculthorpe 1967). However, aquatic plants are more common propor- tionally in monocots than dicots (Les and Schneider 1995). Tiffney and Niklas (1985) postulated that the greater proportion of aquatic mono- cots is associated with the high inci- dence of rhizomatous growth (i.e., by horizontal underground stems) in monocots. In contrast, far fewer di- cots are rhizomatous (Grace 1993). This correlation suggests that clonal growth is conducive to the evolution of aquatic species. Although annuals (in which re- production is exclusively sexual) and perennials are relatively evenly dis- tributed among terrestrial plant groups, most aquatic plants are pe- rennial. Perennial water plants pos- sess many contrivances for vegeta- tive reproduction (Figure 2), including corms, rhizomes, stolons, tubers, and turions (Grace 1993, Hutchinson 1975, Sculthorpe 1967, Vierssen 1993). Even the few predominantly annual aquatic plant genera such as Najas (Najadaceae) may reproduce vegetatively during the growing sea- son by extensive lateral growth, frag- mentation, or the occasional pro- duction of turions (Agamietal. 1986, Sculthorpe 1967). Asexual reproduction is also com- mon among terrestrial plants, and the transport of tubers, corms, and small bulbs confers high potential vagility (ability to disperse) to pe- rennial angiosperms (Stebbins 1950). Water plants excel in this capacity with a variety of vegetative struc- tures that are highly specialized to function efficiently as propagules, some even capable of long-distance dispersal. Vegetative propagules are Figure 2. Aquatic plants employ many types of vegetative structures for reproduc- tion, (a) Modified horizontal stems (rhizomes) grow quickly to anchor aquatic important agents of gene flow in plants in unconsolidated, shifting substrates. This specimen of pondweed aquatic plants (Barrett et al. 1993, {Potamogeton amplifolius) resulted from the planting of a small four-leaved Les 1991). The highly vagile fragment that initially lacked a rhizome. The growth illustrated here occurred propaguies of aquatic plants are ex- during a single summer season, (b) Highly specialized vegetative leaves help to ceptions to the generalization (Wil- insulate this spherical turion of biadderwort (Utricularia vulgaris). Turion leaves liams 1975) that asexual offspring differ morphologically from normal foliage leaves such as those subtending the develop close to the parent, as op- structure. Turions resist unfavorable environmental conditions and are efficient posed to sexual offspring, which are propagules for aquatic plants, (c) Severed or injured vegetative tissue is capable more widely dispersed. of generating "gemmiparous" plantlets in several aquatic species, such as lake cress {Neobeckia aquatica). Detached leaves (shown here) or nearly any part of a The most notable vegetative lake cress plant (as small as 0.5 mm) can produce a gemmiparous plant. However, propagule in aquatic plants is the populations of this species have declined significantly because it is sexually sterile turion (Figure 2b), a specialized and the vegetative fragments function poorly in long-distance dispersal. Bars = 1 cm. structure with few functional coun- December 1996 815 terparts in the terrestrial flora. Amphibolis suggests a compromise mens into natural habitats can lead Turions are dormant vegetative buds between sexual and asexual repro- to serious weed problems. The origi- enclosed by specialized leaves that duction. Although viviparous seed- nal presence of the notorious water differ substantially in structure from lings possess the genetic advantages hyacinth (£. crassipes) in the United normal foliage leaves. The often well- of a sexual derivation, the prerooted States may have resulted from the insulated turions are sometimes re- leafy stems can establish in much the careless disposal of souvenir plants ferred to as "winter buds," although same fashion as vegetative fragments. (Sculthorpe 1967). The morphology in such species as Potamogeton Vegetative propagules of aquatic of many aquatic plants contributes crispus (Potamogetonaceae) they plants are dispersed by a variety of to their human-induced dispersal. enable plants to overcome the stress- abiotic vectors (water, wind) and For example, once introduced into a ful summer rather than winter sea- biotic agents (amphibians, birds, lake, the long stems of plants like son (Vierssen 1993). The winter buds mammals, reptiles; Hutchinson Elodea (Hydrocharitaceae) and of terrestrial woody plants also fit 1975, Landolt 1986, Sculthorpe Myriophyllum easily become en- this basic definition because their 1967). The minute size of plants in tangled on boat motors and trailers bud scales are modified leaves. How- the duckweed family (Lemnaceae) and are eventually transported to ever, buds of trees and shrubs re- facilitates the dispersal of whole in- different sites. main viable only when attached to dividuals. In this family of the world's The taxonomically widespread the parent plant and are incapable of smallest angiosperms, individuals evolution of vagile vegetative dispersal and establishment. De- can be dispersed over several kilo- propagules in aquatic plants is due tached turions of water plants are meters as a result of cyclones, and to several factors. Particularly in free-living propagules. In the extreme the smallest duckweeds {Wolffia) temperate regions, where most natu- case of "asexual annuals" (Hutchin- have even been found in hailstones ral lakes occur, aquatic habitats are son 1975), turion production is ac- (Landolt 1986). It is impressive that not only short lived, but also subject companied by the decay of the re- some species among these diminu- to recurrent, catastrophic destruc- mainder of the plant during periods tive plants are also capable of pro- tion due to glaciation. These events of stress. ducing yet smaller, vegetative turions have undoubtedly selected for vagil- (Landolt 1986). Ultimate versatility ity in aquatic plants. Vagility of Other vegetative structures of dis- in vegetative dispersal structures is aquatic plants is not, however, ex- persal in aquatic plants include "win- exemplified by the lake cress clusively a feature of vegetative ter buds," which are enclosed by [Neobeckia aquatica)., in which even propagules. Many species, such as leaves not significantly modified minute root, stem, or leaf fragments marine angiosperms, rely on sexu- from foliage leaves, and shoot frag- (less than 0.5 mm) are capable of ally derived seeds for their remote ments. Fragments play an important regenerating entire new individuals dispersal, and even the most clonal role in the vegetative reproduction vegetatively. of aquatic angiosperms usually re- of aquatic plants, with each indi- tain the ability to reproduce sexu- vidual node often capable of regen- Vegetative propagules have been ally. Indeed, only a few aquatic spe- eration (Grier 1920). Many of the instrumental in the dispersal of wa- cies, such as bladderwort (Utricularia important aquatic weeds are dis- ter plants by people. The adventi- australis, Lentibulariaceae) and lake persed in this fashion. tious rooting stems of watercress cress {Neobeckia)., are not known to Yet another kind of vegetative {Nasturtium officinale, Brassicaceae) produce viable seed (Les 1994, Tay- propagule, gemmiparous (pseudo- were widely introduced throughout lor 1989). The rarity of lake cress viviparous) plantlets (Figure 2c), are temperate regions, where they are underscores the importance of sexual produced from leaves of some aquatic used in salads (Sculthorpe 1967). reproduction to facilitate long-dis- plants, including species of Card- Various countries import nonin- tance dispersal. This species has de- amine and Neobeckia (Brassicaceae; digenous aquatic species and propa- clined precariously throughout its Sculthorpe 1967), Hygrophila gate them vegetatively for sale as historical range, despite a tremen- (Acanthaceae; Miihlberg 1980) and ornamental aquarium and water dous capacity for vegetative regen- the so-called viviparous species of garden plants. All species in the in- eration and local dispersal (Les Nymphaea (Nymphaeaceae; Masters ventory of a recent North American 1994). 1974). True vivipary (seedling water garden catalogue (William growth while the fruit remains at- Tricker, Inc., in Independence, Ohio) Ir is difficult to identify specific tached to the parent plant) occurs in were shipped either as whole plants evolutionary factors that account for the marine species Amphibolis or fragments. Most hardy water lil- the widespread occurrence of asexual antarctica (Cymodoceaceae). The ies are infertile hybrids and are reproduction in water plants. Veg- small seedlings of Amphibolis propagated vegetatively (Swindells etative reproduction correlates (which are produced by sexual re- 1983). Although hybrid water lilies highly with both polyploidy and production) eventually detach from do not ordinarily become problems, hybridization in angiosperms. The the parent plant and are dispersed. shipments occasionally contain stems importance of vegetative reproduc- Anchorage and establishment are as- of nefarious weedy species such as tion in stabilizing hybrid and poly- sisted by a comblike structure that Hydrilla verticillata (Hydrocharita- ploid reproduction (in which a develops from the apex of the fruit ceae) draped around their rootstocks. diminished capacity for sexual re- and remains firmly attached to the The intentional or accidental release production is experienced) is well seedling (Aston 1973). Vivipary in of cultivated, nonidigenous speci- understood (Grant 1981, Les and 816 BioScience Vol. 46 No. 11 Pbilbrick 1993, Stebbins 1950). they often root in tbe water before venture or under conditions in wbich However, as Stebbins (1950) ob- reacbing suitable establishment sites the production of aerial flowers is served, it is unlikely that vegetative (Barrett etal. 1993, Silander 1985). difficult. reproduction arose because of fac- Furthermore, tbe proportion of Sexual reproduction may fail in tors sucb as bybridization and poly- aquatic babitats suitable for growth aquatic plants for several additional ploidy. Instead, it probably func- of vegetative propagules is mucb reasons (Barrett et al. 1993). Many tions to maintain tbese conditions. greater tban that for seed germina- aquatic species are distributed widely Other factors bave undoubtedly con- tion (Sculthorpe 1967). (Scultborpe 1967), and individual tributed to the prominence of veg- In many aquatic plants, particu- plants may be incapable of adjusting etative reproduction in aquatic larly marine angiosperms, strongly their flowering responses to tbe plants, and several bypotbeses ad- rhizomatous growtb forms (Figure myriad pbotoperiods, temperatures, dress this issue from contrasting per- 2a) belp to resist tbe damaging forces and other environmental conditions spectives. of waves and tidal currents (Hartog tbat occur tbroughout a broad geo- 1970). An elaborate network of ad- graphic range. Members of tbe veg- Survival in aquatic habitats. Vegeta- ventitious roots or rhizomes is re- etatively prolific duckweed family tive reproduction functions effi- quired to withstand tbe loose and (Lemnaceae), for example, are wide- ciently in aquatic environments, and shifting substrates tbat characterize spread geograpbically, and flower- water plants provide many examples many aquatic babitats (Scultborpe ing in these plants is influenced by of features associated witb habitat- 1967). Rbizomatous growtb is also many environmental factors (Landolt related survival. Reduction of me- advantageous to aquatic species by 1986). Almost all duckweed species chanical tissue in vegetative organs facilitating survival in babitats sub- retain tbe ability to flower, yet most of submersed aquatic plants is com- ject to periodic drougbt (Hutcbinson are collected in flower less than 6% mon and renders tbem fragile and 1975). Grace (1993) and Silander of tbe time and natural populations susceptible to fragmentation by tbe (1985) summarized additional ad- are much more likely to reproduce action of waves, wind, currents, and vantages of clonal reproduction, in- asexually than sexually (Landolt interactions witb biotic elements cluding rapid numerical increase, 1986). (Sculthorpe 1967). Altbougb stem unlimited production of favorable Reduced flowering of aquatic breakage and ensuing damage to gene combinations, bigh vagility plants in deep-water babitats is com- water-conducting tissue (xylem) where spatial variation in favorable mon (Hutcbinson 1975). An obvi- would bave disastrous consequences sites exists, efficient resource acqui- ous limitation on aerial flowering is for a terrestrial plant, barmful ef- sition wbere resource limitation ex- tbat eitber stems or flower stalks fects of fragmentation are mitigated ists, and effective storage structures must project from tbe surface. Tbe by tbe absence or reduction of xylem wbere large neigbbors or a vernal deeper tbe plant, tbe more resources in most submersed aquatic plants. environment predominates. Tbe po- are necessary to produce a reproduc- Terrestrial plants rely on internal tential benefits of rbizomatous, or tive structure tbat reaches tbe water mecbanical tissue to maintain an otberwise clonal, growtb account at surface. Flongated reproductive erect posture and to reduce break- least partially for the higb frequency structures are more Hkely to become age, wbereas water lends external of vegetative reproduction observed physically damaged. This may ex- support to delicate aquatic plant in botb aquatic monocots and di- plain why species sucb as Butomus sboots and belps to retain tbe viabil- cots. umbellatus (Butomaceae) and Gra- ity of detacbed or fragmented tis- tiola aurea (Scropbulariaceae) flower sues. freely in tbeir emergent forms but Failure of sexual reproduction. De- seldomly in tbeir submersed forms Fragmentation can also be ob- spite the intricate pollination mecba- (Hutcbinson 1975, Scultborpe 1967). served in terrestrial species, such as nisms of some water plants (Cook Various deptb-related pbysical fac- the litter of tree branches tbat typi- 1988, Scbultborpe 1967), most tors, sucb as increased hydrostatic cally follows a windstorm or beavy aquatic plants retain tbe floral sys- pressure, reduce tbe incidence of rain. However, a major difference is tems of tbeir terrestrial ancestors, flowering in some aquatic species tbat whereas aquatic plant fragments wbicb were not originally adapted (Hutcbinson 1975). immediately find tbemselves in a to function in water. Some species babitat suitable for establishment have acquired floral modifications Although seed production is pro- (or are dispersed to otber suitable that allow pollination to function portional to vegetative biomass in sites), fragments of terrestrial plants efficiently in wet habitats, a phe- annual aquatic species (Vierssen usually require planting in tbe soil to nomenon known as bydropbily. 1993), it is likely that adaptation to survive (Hutchinson 1975). Thepto- However, for species wbose sexual vegetative reproduction in perenni- tective aquatic environment allows organs are poorly adapted to aquatic als has involved various energetic the production of relatively fragile babitats, clonal reproduction is an tradeoffs between vegetative and structures tbat excel in clonal repro- efficient alternative. Because asexual sexual reproduction due to resource duction (Grace 1993). At tbe same reproduction is a means of overcom- limitations (Cook 1985, Grant 1981, time, tbese structures are potentially ing reliance on pollinators (Abra- Sculthorpe 1967). Sucb tradeoffs may more successful at colonization and hamson 1980), it may facilitate ad- result in a reduced level of flower- subsequent population growtb tban aptation to deep-water habitats ing. For example, in Potamogeton sexually derived propagules because wbere terrestrial pollinators do not pectinatus, tuber size and seed pro- December 1996 817 duction are inversely related (Yeo clonal aquatic weeds limits their rived offspring (Les and Philbrick 1965). Several turion-forming spe- adaptive ability in nonindigenous 1993, Silander 1985). Levels of ge- cies of Utricularia produce few flow- ranges (Barrett et al. 1993). netic variability in asexual popula- ers (Rossbach 1939). Some species of tions may even surpass those in Utricularia are "vegetative apomicts," Genetic uniformity. Asexual repro- sexual populations (Silander 1985). in which viable seed production has duction has been described as "any Recent studies of the vegetatively not been documented (Taylor 1989). means of propagation that does not prolific lake cress (N. aquatica) have Sexual reproduction in other species involve genetic recombination" revealed surprisingly high levels of is displaced by vegetative reproduc- (Abrahan:ison 1980). Therefore, interpopulational genetic variation tion. Vegetative turions develop in widespread asexual reproduction in in this sexually sterile triploid.^ Ad- place of flowers in Baldellia ranun- aquatic plants may have evolved as a ditional studies of genetic variation culoides, Caldesia parnassifolia, and means of maintaining genetic uni- in clonal aquatic plant species are in species of Echinodorus (Alisma- formity within populations (Les necessary to determine the degree of taceae; Hutchinson 1975, Sculthorpe 1988a). In contrast to genetically genetic uniformity both within and 1967). diverse, sexually derived offspring, among their populations. Although asexual reproduction can replicate the efficiency of vegetative repro- Sexual reproduction in clonal optimally fit genotypes and main- duction should typically result in aquatic plants conceivably could also tain coadapted multigenic polymor- populations that are fairly homoge- decline due to the accumulation of phisms (Les 1988a, Silander 1985). neous genetically, factors such as somatic mutations that influence In stable environments, the ability the immigration of genetically dis- sexual function. Nevertheless, the to clone superior genotypes by veg- tinct vegetative propagules can re- actual causes of limited sexual re- etative reproduction is arguably ad- sult in more complex variational production need to be studied more vantageous. patterns (Les 1991). rigorously to determine how eco- logical, genetic, and other factors Many aquatic plants, particularly Empirical documentation of natu- interact (Barrett et al. 1993). those with widespread distributions, ral genetic variation in aquatic plant Although sexual reproduction possess broad ecological tolerances populations exists for relatively few may often fail in aquatic habitats, (Stuckey 1971). Wide ecological species. However, the available in- many aquatic plants appear to be amplitude seems necessary because formation suggests that aquatic plant capable of persisting entirely by veg- any changes in the water potentially populations are not altogether uni- etative means. In the predominantly influence all plants in contact with form genetically. Isozyme studies unisexually flowered family Hydro- it. Consequently, aquatic habitats indicate that submersed species are charitaceae, several dioecious (male are less likely to provide "microsites" characterized by limited levels of and female flowers on separate in which narrowly adapted geno- genetic variation, yet patterns of plants) species have become weedy types may persist. Adaptation to genetic variation in emergent aquatic even though only one sex had been dynamic water conditions is evident species are, as in terrestrial species, introduced (Cook 1993, Hutchinson in widespread aquatic species such associated with breeding systems and 1975, Sculthorpe 1967). Specific as Lemna aequinoctialis and life histories (Barrett et al. 1993). cases include Elodea canadensis (en- Lemna turionifera (Lemnaceae), Some aquatic plant species such as tirely female in Europe), Egeria which can tolerate an extreme range Howellia aquatica (Campanulaceae; densa (strictly male outside its na- of pH from 3.2 to more than 9.0 Lesica et al. 1988) and A. antarctica tive range), Lagarosiphon major (en- (Landolt 1986). The adaptation of (Waycott et al. 1996) appear to be tirely female beyond its native range), aquatic plants to pH extremes is not entirely uniform genetically, but and H. verticillata (female in its surprising, given that diurnal pH other submersed aquatic species pos- introduced ranges in southeastern variation within aquatic habitats sess substantial levels of genetic United States and California). How- alone can exceed two pH units; pH variation (Barrett et al. 1993). ever, these examples offer evidence change can be stimulated by photo- Evidently, the level of genetic vari- of only short-term survival. Once a synthesis of submerged plants ability in aquatic plant populations prolific pest in Europe, E, canadensis (Wetzel 1975). Once a species has is influenced by many interacting has ultimately shown significant broadly adapted to environmental factors. Each aquatic plant species decline (Cook 1993). The cause is extremes, vegetative reproduction represents a unique, complex system unclear, although ecological factors, assures that all future offspring will of interacting life-history traits re- including nutrient deficiencies, have possess the appropriate genotype for lating to particular reproductive, been suggested. Whatever the rea- surviving whatever conditions may dispersal, establishment, and survival son for its decline, the case of E. be encountered during dispersal to requirements (Waycott and Les canadensis indicates that exclusive new habitats (Les 1988a). 1996). Two monoecious, water-pol- vegetative reproduction in water linated species, Zoster a marina plants may be insufficient to facili- However, the hypothesis of ge- (Zosteraceae; a monocot) and tate long-term adaptation to varying netic uniformity is problematic. Al- Ceratophyllum demersum (Cerato- environmental conditions, particu- though cionally derived offspring are phyllaceae; a dicot), provide a good larly under dynamic selective re- usually assumed to be identical ge- gimes. There is evidence that limited netically to their parents, somatic sexual reproduction in adventive mutations can evidently generate sig- 'D. H. Les and J. D. Gabel, 1996, work in nificant variability in asexually de- progress. 818 BioScience Vol. 46 No. 11 Z. marina commonly reproduces sexually and why different popula- tions of this plant (which are founded by sexual propagules) show greater genetic cohesiveness than those of C. demersum. Certainly, higher lev- els of sexuality are expected in aquatic species that rely on seeds for dispersal. The pattern of genetic variation between and within popu- lations will contrast widely across the wide range of tradeoffs between sexual and asexual reproduction that exists among aquatic plants. Because vegetative reproduction is prevalent in most aquatic species, their life histories must be adapted to at least some degree of genetic uniformity. Still, it is difficult to determine whether vegetative repro- duction has evolved principally to assure genetic uniformity or for some entirely different reason, with ge- netic uniformity as an inevitable consequence. Even if genetic unifor- mity were essential for aquatic plant survival, it could be achieved via either sexual or asexual means. A shift to inbreeding by self-pollina- tion could conceivably result in the production of offspring that are as uniform genetically as those pro- duced by vegetative reproduction. In any event, prolonged genetic uni- formity seems unlikely for water plants, given that the genetically homogenizing effects of asexual re- production can be offset by even Figure 3. Suhmersed aquatic plants often possess highly modified vegetative sporadic sexual events that occur at organs but retain flowers v/ith features similar to their terrestrial ancestors. some level in most aquatic plant Detrimental contact of flowers with water is prevented hy a variety of contriv- species. ances, (a) This typical specimen of Lobelia dortmanna from Connecticut shows the exceptionally long floral stalks that extend from a completely suhmersed rosette of basal leaves. These flowers do not differ in any fundamental way from Sexual reproduction those of terrestrial Lobelia species, (b) Flowers of bladderwort {Utricularia radiata) resemble those of the closely related terrestrial snapdragons Sexual reproduction by means of (Scrophulariaceae). A series of inflated "spongy floats" helps to prevent the flowering, pollination, and seed pro- contact of hiadderwort flowers with the water, which may disrupt their function. duction is a primary reproductive The floats are modified portions of the highly dissected submerged stems, which mode for terrestrial ancestors of contain bladders that trap small organisms for nutrition. Bar = 1 cm. aquatic plants. Although a shift from sexual to asexual (vegetative) repro- contrast. The incidence of sexual ferentiation and higher sexuality in duction is often associated with the reproduction is much higher in Z. Z. marina may reflect dispersal evolution of aquatic plants, a com- marina (Laushman 1993) than in C. mechanism constraints. Although plete absence of flowering and seed demersum (Les 1991). Overall, the both species are perennial, C. set characterizes only a few aquatic levels of genetic polymorphism are demersum seldom produces seeds species (see above). The majority of similar for both species, yet much and disperses largely by vegetative aquatic angiosperms retain the abil- more variation exists between popu- propagules (Les 1991). In contrast, ity to flower and set seed and do so, lations in the latter than the former. Z. marina spreads locally by rhi- albeit sometimes rarely (Sculthorpe Multiclonal populations are also far zomatous growth (Laushman 1993) 1967). Sexual reproduction is obvi- less common in Ceratophyllum but has no principal means of long- ously important to many aquatic (Laushman 1993, Les 1991). Re- distance dispersal other than by seeds groups, although its exact role re- duced among-population genetic dif- (fruits). This finding may explain why mains to be elucidated. Yet it is December 1996 819 inappropriate to dismiss tbe impor- Pollen wetted by rain or water from wbicb are self-fertile, pollen tubes tance of sexual reproduction in wa- anotber source becomes inviable due avoid contact witb water by grow- ter plants. Tbe elaborate contriv- to premature germination or rup- ing internally tbrougb vegetative tis- ances that preserve floral function in ture (Corbet 1990). Fvolutionarily, sues as tbey pass from male (stami- aquatic babitats are unlikely to bave tbe pollination systems of aquatic nate) to female (pistillate) flowers of evolved in water plants witbout se- angiosperms bave remained func- the plant (Pbilbrick and Anderson lection to retain sexual reproduc- tional in several ways. Some floral 1992). tion. Moreover, water-mediated organs bave adapted to avoid con- cross-pollination (hydrophily) is tact with water. Other flowers bave Modifications to terrestrial pollina- unique to aquatic plants and repre- acquired modifications tbat allow tion systems. Tbe widespread main- sents perhaps the most divergent shift their terrestrial systems to function tenance of aerial flowers in aquatic in angiosperm pollination systems. more efficiently in wet habitats. A angiosperms bas led to tbe premise Because the evolution of pollination few species bave ultimately acquired that tbe aquatic environment exerts systems bas been central in tbe suc- adaptations for water pollination little selective pressure on floral sys- cess of angiosperms, tbe novel origin (hydropbily) in whicb pollen remains tems (Hutcbinson 1975, Scuitborpe of bydropbily in water plants fur- viable and is transported in direct 1967). A closer examination of botb tber implicates tbe importance of contact witb water. biotic (mainly insect) and abiotic sexual reproduction in tbeir evolu- (wind, water) pollination systems tion. reveals features tbat may be specific Avoidance of water. Floral organs adaptations to the aquatic environ- The adaptation of angiosperm of aquatic plants avoid contact witb ment. sexual reproductive systems to water both directly and indirectly. aquatic conditions must represent a In some aquatic species, dry repro- Flowers are disproportionately difficult evolutionary transition. In ductive organs are maintained by biased toward wbite color in aquatic many cases, angiosperms bave ac- modified flowers tbat close and en- plants (Scultborpe 1967). We calcu- quired complex vegetative adapta- trap an air bubble when pulled be- late tbat wbite flowers occur in ap- tions to aquatic babitats but bave low the water surface. However, proximately 43% of all aquatic gen- retained tbe aerial floral systems of many aquatic plants overcome tbe era (40%ofdicots,48% of monocots; terrestrial plants. Floral systems of detrimental effects of water by pre- based on data in Cook 1990). The aquatic plants are generally conser- venting tbe contact of aerial flowers higb proportion of wbite flowers in vative and reflect their terrestrial witb the surface. This is often facili- water plants may enhance fitness by heritage. Scultborpe (1967, p. 245) tated by modified leaves, brancbes, making flowers more conspicuous wrote: "It is in tbeir [sexual] repro- and floral axes (Sculthorpe 1967). to pollinators. In tbe visible spec- ductive phase tbat vascular hydro- Groups of floating leaves reinforce trum, dark flowers lack the contrast pbytes betray tbeir terrestrial ances- aerial flowering axes in Cabomba rendered by white petals against the try witb tbe greatest clarity." In and Brasenia (Cabombaceae), dark background of water or float- bladderwort {Utricularia species), Nymphoides (Menyantbaceae), ing vegetation. Because wbite petals tbe submersed vegetative organs are Potamogeton and Callitriche (Calli- are typically ultraviolet (UV) ab- so bighly modified (Figure 3b) tbat trichaceae), some species of Poly- sorptive and water is UV reflective, typical morpbological models of leaf gonum (Polygonaceae), and Ranun- white petals may also enhance con- and shoot structure are difficult to culus. Tbe floral axis of Utricularia trast in tbe UV spectrum. apply (Taylor 1989). In contrast, radiata (Figure 3b) is supported by However, an alternative explana- bladderwort flowers are aerial and radiating "spongy floats" (Taylor tion for tbe frequency of white flow- possess both a structure and range of 1989) composed of loosely packed, ers in aquatic plants is that floral pollinators similar to tbat of terres- air-filled tissue. In Hottonia inflata pigments in botb tbe visible and UV trial plants. Other aquatic plants in (Primulaceae), the flower stalk itself spectra are under no selection in whicb bigbly modified vegetative (peduncle) is inflated (Scultborpe water plants. Angiosperms typically structures occur in conjunction witb 1967). Swollen upper stems of some possess yellow flavonoid compounds aerial terrestrial flowers include Myriopbyllum species provide a simi- that also serve as biochemical pre- Megalodonta (Asteraceae), Limno- lar function (Crow and Hellquist cursors to common floral pigments phila (Scrophulariaceae), and Ra- 1983). known as anthocyanins. Flavonoids nunculus (Ranunculaceae). are frequently lost in submersed tis- Flowers of aquatic plants often sues of aquatic plants (Les and Tbe maintenance of pollination extend from the water surface on Sheridan 1990). The white petals presents a particularly critical prob- long stalks (Figure 3a). In Lobelia may simply reflect a background bue lem in wet environments. In most dortmanna (Lobeliaceae), aerial tbat results from the loss or lack of terrestrial and aquatic angiosperms, flowers project from tbe submersed otber floral pigments. In eitber case, transfer of pollen to stigma is dis- rosettes on stalks up to 2 m long. white flower color would be bighly rupted by contact witb water. Be- Nymphaea and Ranunculus pro- convergent among water plants but cause bydration is one of tbe first duce flowers tbat float at tbe end of unadaptive. Fcological and pbylo- stages of pollen germination on the long, resilient stalks that conform to genetic studies of aquatic genera sucb stigma (Ricbards 1986), contact witb surface motions and prevent tbe im- as Ranunculus and Utricularia, in water sets in motion a series of bio- mersion of flowers by waves. whicb flower color varies among chemical events at tbe wrong time. In some species of Callitriche, 820 BioScience Vol. 46 No. 11 species, could provide more mean- (release and capture of wet, water- ingful insight into the significance of borne pollen), this abiotic pollina- flower color in the aquatic environ- tion system entails structural and ment. White can also be nonpigment biochemical modifications of aerial related, as in the reflection of Iighr pollination systems and the com- from the intercellular spaces of pet- plete abandonment of aerial flow- als (Faegri and Van der PijI 1979). ers. The perception that hydrophily The conservative nature of floral is a general characteristic of aquatic form in aquatic species predicts that plants is grossly misguided. Fewer water plants would share a similar than 130 aquatic plant species (less suite of pollinators with terrestrial than 5% of aquatic species overall) plants, yet there is little empirical in nine plant families (seven mono- data to support this claim. Some cot, two dicot) are hydrophilous (Cox aquatic organisms, such as fish, have 1993, Les 1988a, Philbrick 1991). no apparent role in aquatic plant The types of hydrophily have de- pollination, but recent studies indi- fied precise classification (Cox cate that the pollinator pool of wa- 1993). Moreover, the literature re- ter plants may include aquatic in- lated to hydrophilous pollination is sects. Aquatic insects are diverse complicated by varying or vague use biologically, and many have life his- of terms (Philbrick and Anderson tories tied directly to aquatic plants. 1 992; see Cox 1993, Les 1988a, and The association between aquatic in- Philbrick 1988,1991, for additional sects and plants (flowers) is not typi- Figure 4. Ceratophyllum is a water- discussions and references). Two cally related to floral rewards as it is pollinated dicot with minute unisexual general classes of hydrophily occur in terrestrial plants. Most pollina- flowers. Pollen released underwater in angiosperms—surface, two-di- tors of terrestrial plants visit the from dehiscing anthers (a) must pass mensional and subsurface, three-di- through the water to a small opening in flowers for collection of pollen and/ mensional—although distinctions the side of the pistillate flower (b) to or nectar. By contrast, aquatic in- complete pollination. Ceratophyllum is between the types are not always sects use flowers for mating, shelter, an example of a species that carries out clear. Subsurface, or underwater, protection from predators, and pos- every aspect of its life cycle (except, pollination represents the most ex- sible lairs for capturing prey. Aquatic perhaps, dispersal) in complete sub- treme modification of pollination insects make up varying proportions mergence. Bar = 1 cm. systems to rhe aquatic environment. of the pollinator pool for several In this type of pollination, the flow- aquatic plant species. Two of the ers are submersed in the water, pol- four primary pollinators of Nuphar terrestrial anemophilous (wind-pol- len is released underwater, and both (Nymphaeaceae) species are aquatic linated) plants. Limnohium (Hydro- pollen and stigma are functionally beetles (Coleoptera) and flies charitaceae) and Brasenia are the wet during pollination. (Diptera; Schneider and Moore only known aquatic genera that have 1977). In Nymphoides, four of the seemingly shifted to an anemophil- Hydrophilous species occupy six pollinators are aquatic insects ous pollination system subsequent freshwater, brackish (estuarine), and (Diptera; Van Der Welde and Van to entering the aquatic environment marine environments. Most genera Der Heijden 1981). In Cabomha (Cook 1988). that contain hydrophilous species caroliniana, four of the five pollina- There is little evidence to suggest are small taxonomically (less than tors are aquatic flies or bees (Hy- that anemophily in aquatic plants ten species). The largest hydrophil- menoptera; Schneider and Jeter differs in any fundamental way from ous genus is Najas, with approxi- 1982). Aquatic insects such as these anemophily in terrestrial plants mately 40 species (Cook 1990). Phy- may play an important part in the (Cook 1988). However, the trend logenetic analyses of the angiosperm pollination of water plants and thus for anemophilous terrestrial species subclass Alismatidae (in which all exert a unique suite of selective pres- of Callitriche to have pollen with a hydrophilous monocots occur) re- sures on their floral evolution. significantly thicker outer wall (ex- veals that hydrophily has evolved at ine) than related amphibious species least seven times.^ Including Calli- It was presumably because of se- (Philbrick and Osborn 1994) may triche and Ceratophyllum (Figure 4), lection in habitats disruptive to bi- represent the outcome of aquatic the only hydrophilous dicot genera, otic systems that abiotic pollination selective pressures. Little additional hydrophily has evolved as many as systems evolved in angiosperms information is available on aspects nine times in angiosperms. Although (Whitehead 1969). If the aquatic of anemophily in aquatic an- the evolution of hydrophily is com- environment is inherently disruptive giosperms. plex, this system represents a strik- ing convergence of aquatic plant to biotic pollination, abiotic polli- pollination systems. nation should predominate in aquatic Hydrophily. Hydrophily (water pol- plants. Cook (1988), however, lination) represents a remarkable Hydrophilous pollination exhib- showed that the incidence of wind evolutionary departure from the pollination in aquatic genera is only pollination systems of terrestrial ^D. H. Les, M. A. Cleland, and M. Waycntt, 31%, reflecting their ancestry from plants. In its most extreme form 1996, manuscript accepted for piiblication. December 1996 821

Aquatic plants are species that per- ments. Cultural eutrophication and control efforts if aquatic weed intro- . ornamental aquarium and water .. ^D. H. Les, M. A. Cleland, and M. Waycntt, .. gymnosperm ancestors of flowering.
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