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RHODORA, Vol No. 75-96, 1994 96, 885, pp. EVOLUTION OF A EARLY FLORA; CONNECTICUT VALLEY BOTANISTS Burk John C. ABSTRACT The known botanical studies of the Connecticut Valley western Mas- first in sachusetts were initiated during the decade 18 10-19. Four area physicians, David Hunt of Northampton (1773-1837), Jacob Porter of (1783-1846), Den- Plainfield nis Cooley of Deerficid (1789-1860), and Stephen West Williams of Deerfield Amos 790- 1855), kept extensive personal herbaria and corresponded with Eaton ( 1 at Williams College and Benjamin Silliman at Yale. Porter, Cooley, and Williams published phenological accounts of local vegetation and other scientific obser- Beginning around Edward Hitchcock (1793-1864) commenced vations. 1816, botanical studies at Deerfield that culminated in the flora of the region, first published at Amherst in 1829. Hitchcock acknowledged Cooley and Williams as "early coadjutors in this work," which served as a basis for Hitchcock's 1833 compilation of the Massachusetts flora. Key Words; botanical history, Connecticut Valley, Massachusetts, David Hunt, Jacob Porter, Dennis Cooley, Stephen West Williams, Edward Hitch- cock, Massachusetts flora INTRODUCTION The early 19th Century in both Europe and North America is "remarkable for the simultaneous appearance of groups of highly with such broad from intelligent leaders interests politics to phi- losophy and impact on outweighed science that their the future numbers" Nonetheless, sources of their (Billings, 1985). infor- mation on the development of botany in the Connecticut Valley in western Massachusetts throughout this period are scattered, and fragmentary, occasionally contradictory, often accessible only from archival sources and special collections. The purpose of this study assemble and synthesize information on botanical to is known from through activities in the region the earliest studies Edward the completion of complete Hitchcock's its first flora, Growing Without ''Catalogue of Plants Cultivation in the Vicinity Amherst which of College" (Hitchcock, 1829), a served as a list major source for the compilation of the Massachusetts flora first (Hitchcock, 1833). who Hitchcock, by then a prominent geologist had served as Amherst president of College, observed in his reminiscences 75 Rhodora 76 96 [Vol. Amos who had Amherst (Hitchcock, 1863) that Eaton, lectured in and Northampton, Massachusetts 1816 and was "the 1817, in chief agent of introducing a taste for [natural history] into the and Connecticut Valley" that the time "Dr. Stephen Williams, at Dr. Dennis Cooley, and myself, of Deerfield, took hold of all mineralogy and botany with great zeal." Widely regarded as a Eaton had 1817 charismatic teacher (Ballard, 1897), in just re- A Manual cently published the edition of of Botany for the first work and Northern This described States (Eaton, 1817). classified known mod- genera occur north of Virginia according to to a all version of the Linnean system and included brief descriptions ified common of the more species with notes on their occurrence in Wilhams and the vicinity of College elsewhere. work had been Despite Hitchcock's recollections, botanical in some progress in the Connecticut Valley for years prior to the when much time of Eaton's and Eaton published a ex- lectures, panded and enlarged second edition of his manual in 1818, he was able to include within catalogue localities for at least 91 its Con- species, indicated by the letter "N.," that occurred along the River between Northampton and These were necticut Deerfield. D. Hunt, and Williams and Cooly of attributed to ''Dr. Drs. (sic) Deerfield" (Eaton, 1818). The work which was done of Eaton, largely outside the area, Edward and of Hitchcock have been the geological contributions some Foose and studied in detail (Ballard, 897; Lancaster, 1981; 1 Knowlton, Smallwood, Jenny 1897; 1941). In addition, (1980, herbarium 1987) has recently described the ''rediscovery" of the of Stephen Williams and the "small but highly competent group who of botanists'' lived in Deerfield around 1816. However, the various and botanical contributions of Hunt, Wil- inter-related liams, and Cooley, as well as those of Jacob Porter, whose plant from were acknowledged both by Eaton the area later (1822, lists and by Torrey and Gray known, 1824) (1838-40), are well less as Hitchcock's early work in botany. In this paper. Hunt, Porter, is Cooley, Williams, and Hitchcock are discussed chronologically according to their dates of birth. This chronological order rough- is correlated with the increasing importance of their contributions ly to the development of botanical science in the region and with amount on the greater of information available the later individ- uals. Burk— 77 Early Botanists 1994] HUNT DAVID Information member (1773 fam Williams Hunt was Medical Biography (Williams, 1845). also described, "a and min- in a tribute written long after his death, as botanist Union, Wil- eralogist of considerable note" (Springfield 1904). who knew Hunt Hunt maintained liams, personally, reported that Benjamin and academic correspondence with Silliman other a belonged medical and and scientists, to several scientific societies, was and possessed a "cabinet of minerals'' that ''rare large, . . . The (WiUiams, Centennial for a private individuaP' 1845). Hampshire Gazette (1886) reprinted William's tribute, including Hunt of (Figure along with additional biographical a portrait 1), who materials by Hunt's son Seth, recalled that his father pos- sessed a 'iarge herbarium very neatly and scientifically ar- . . . own Hampshire ranged and by hands" (Centennial labelled, his Both David Hunt and Ebenezer Hunt Gazette, 1886). his father among were the sponsors of Eaton's 1817 course of lectures in Northampton and signed a of commendation, included in letter the introduction of Eaton (1818), expressing their "entire satis- faction" with Eaton's work there. Although Porter (1821) reported "Doctor David Hunt one of Hunt's observations, that at least . . . Northampt blossoms." name. Williams ioum medical a case of lead poisoning, and concluded that "the productions of pen were not numerous." his Hunt was married for nearly 42 years to Wealthy Dickinson, a descendent of one of the settlers of Hadley, Massachusetts. first whom The had of reached adulthood couple thirteen children, ten (Centennial Hampshire Gazette, Sept, 1886.) In the of his first 6, major Edward Hitchcock acknowledged geological papers, his Hunt and Benjamin Silliman "particular obligations" to to and Hunt's nonprofessional almost (Hitchcock, interests 1818), more were centered geology than botany. surely in The of Hunt's herbarium, present location if it still exists, is at Rhodora 78 96 [Vol. David Hunt, Dr. Figure Dr. David Hunt, reprinted from Williams (1845) Centennial 1. in Hampshire Gazette (1886). Courtesy of Historic Northampton. Burk— 79 Early Botanists 1994] unknown. Although the Amherst College "cabinet" during Hunt's herbarium lifetime included the only institutional in the area. among Hitchcock does not mention Hunt's specimens the (1863) and have been botanical materials in the collections not able to I Hunt Amherst identify any specimens in the College materials mass incorporated in in the 1950's. JACOB PORTER bom Massachu- Jacob Porter (1783-1846) was in Abington, He attended Williams College, but in 1802 transferred to setts. Yale University, receiving an A.B. degree there in 1803 (Dexter, Massachusetts 1885 He he practiced medicine for the remainder of his assembled life. a collection of plants and minerals from the vicinity (Porter, 834) 1 "although and, according to a local historian (Dyer, 1891), a highly educated man, gave his attention mostly to literary pur- being well versed botany and mineralogy." In addition in suits, and and geology to poetry, translations of religious tracts, a history published two accounts of of Porter Plainfield (Porter, 1834), among phenomena These were phenological (Porter, 1818, 1821). number encouragement of calendars" published with the a "floral amm umes American Journal memoir by Jacob Bigelow out counts in response to a setting research into "the comparative forwardness of the spring season in different parts of the United States" (Bigelow, 1818). Plainfield situated at an elevation of 684 feet on the western is 1 edge of the Connecticut Valley watershed (U.S.G.S. topographic and map, Quadrangle, Franklin Co., Massachusetts), Plainfield "show was intended that vegetation Porter's calendar, to is first on which considerably on the range of mountains, this place later The was paper situated, than in the level parts of our country." is by observations of possibly also inspired the well-publicized (Humboldt Humboldt and Bonpland chmate relating altitude to Though men- author andBonpland, neither 1805; Billings, 1985). compared data could be with similar tioned the other, Porter's Massachu- more from though extensive observations Deerfield, in the Connecticut Valley to the east reported by Stephen setts The American Williams the subsequent issue of Journal 8 in 9) (1 1 example, found Hepatica (H. of Science. Williams, for triloba 80 Rhodora 96 [Vol. americana) and Erythronium americanum) on {E. in flower April Massachusetts Quadrangl Massachusetts), while Porter reported these taxa blooming first May more and season 1820 through 30 and July includes the observations on Sarracenia by David Hunt with notes from North- a trip to ampton Silliman "objections to highly detailed calendars" com- floral (editorial ment in Porter, 1821); nonetheless, the entries for 1819 alone more of om most entry May kalmia, painted and trillium water cress" bloom. in Porter's style is occasionally "literary" ("the petals of the roundleaved violet, in particular, resemble specks of gold scattered around the path" May on one and 6, 8 9 in instance), he sometimes suggests herbal 1 1 remedies, including a tincture of goldenrod root brandy in as a proven cure for spitting blood. In addition to phenological its information, the value of the work of wide lies in listing a its from Wcstfield town the of Hawley, which are botanically important. still knew Porter and corresponded with academic several scientists of who the period; these include Hitchcock, several cites species on Porter's authority (Hitchcock, Eaton, who, 1829), in the third Manual "im- provements from mountain "the * * range Hawley, and Cummington, in Plainfield, Mass." and John Torrey and Asa who him Gray, include of in a contributors list Massachusetts and (Torrey Gray, 1838-40) member Massachusetts W Mayhew, of Massachusetts in 1813; his second wife, Sally Reed, outlived him many for years (Dexter, 1885-1912). Burk— 1994] Early Botanists 81 DENNIS COOLEY Two short biographical sketches of Dennis Cooley 789-1 860) (1 were published in the decades following his death. The and first longer of these (Kenaston, 1863) consists of a two page account of Cooley's connection with of life in a set resolutions accepting M Michigan East Lansing). This account with consistent genealogical data is The Sheldon two in (1895-96). second, a paragraph "sketch" by some Beal (1901) is inaccurate in details, including the year of Cooley's birth. Dennis Cooley was born Bloody Brook in the section of Deer- Massachusetts 1789 The field, in (Sheldon, 1895-96). Cooley many Will of Will Williams and son Stephen West Wilhams his (Williams, He 1849) received a degree from the Berkshire Medical Insti- 1822 and "... tution in (Beal, 1901), reportedly, his leisure hours, during his whole course of study, were spent in pastures, woods swamps and in pursuit of botanical specimens" (Kenaston, 1863). These botanical activities led to the 1818 contributions to Eaton and a "floral calendar" for Deerfield (Cooley, 820) which, though 1 brief, included a chart comparing seven phenological phenomena over a five year interval, beginning 1815. in Correspondence (now Amherst in the College Archives) be- tween Hitchcock and Silliman and between Hitchcock and John Torrey indicates that by the early 1820's, Cooley and Hitchcock had prepared manuscript jointly a catalogue of the Deerfield flora. The fate of the Cooley/Hitchcock manuscript considered is later in this paper. However, in a letter to John Torrey (Edward Hitch- cock John Torrey, Nov. 1819 Edward to 25, in President Hitch- cock Papers, Box Folder Amherst College Archives) Hitch- 6, 12, commented cock that Cooley was not appreciated by the people who of Deerfield, that he neglected medical felt his practice for and moved his botany; subsequently, Cooley Geor- Monticello, to who gia "to seek his fortune" according to Hitchcock, urged Sil- Hman him provide with to introductions, possible, to southern if botanists (Edward Hitchcock Beniamin to Silliman. Oct. 822. 7. 1 1 Rhodora 82 [Vol. 96 Edward Amherst Box Folder President Hitchcock Papers, 6, 4, College Archives). In Georgia, Cooley practiced medicine for about three years, a period "turned to a good account in his rapidly growing Herbar- North ium" (Kenaston, For reasons of health, he returned 1863). Macomb and Washington Township, eventually relocated to him County, Michigan 1827, taking his plant collections with in then or at a later date. Cooley's Massachusetts specimens alone according Hitchcock "nearly the plants represented, to (1829), all hitherto found in this district.'' In Michigan, Cooley began a study Macomb from of the of County, sending of plants that flora lists area to Eaton as early as 1829 (Eaton, 1829, 1833, 1836; Eaton He Anderson and Wright, was married Elizabeth of 1840). to whom Deerfield in 1830; the couple had two children, both of Anderson and died in early childhood. Elizabeth died in 1834, who him Cooley married A. Andrews, survived 1836, Clarissa in (Kenaston, 1863; Sheldon, 1895-96). Cooley apparently spent Memorial most of his later years in Michigan; the Libraries at hand (Dennis Cooley Deerfield possess a single letter in his to Eli Pocumtuck Cooley, June 1850, Cooley Family Papers, Valley 2, which Memorial Association Library, Deerfield, Massachusetts) in he says that he had thought of visiting Deerfield, "but suppose i come and that folks are not enlitened there shall not this year/' Cooley continued of medicine 1856 and served the practice until as postmaster of Washington township until 1859 (Beal, 1901). Hitchcock Cooley "be- In his reminiscences, (1863) reflected that when came an excellent botanist, and even at a recent date, he died Michigan, has pursued the subject with zest." His her- in when was barium presented to the Agricultural College estimated contain more than 20,000 specimens and described as "es- to pecially rich in our indigenous flora" with "a large collection of Many Californian, and Australian species of the plants tropical, . . . W. were obtained by exchanges with Dr. Torrey, Sullivant, Dr. S. many ." Dewey, John Carey, and other celebrated Botanists, . . herbarium contained (Kenaston, 1863). Beal (1901) stated the around 4000 specimens, and Jenny (1987) noted that the contra- diction in these estimates had not been resolved. Possibly Beal may not have included the specimens obtained by exchange in his estimate. The herbarium Michigan University Beal-Darlington State at now contains the Cooley collection, including material from Deer- Burk— Early Botanists 83 1994] collected between 1817 and 1821 (Jenny, 1987; Martha Case, field pcrs. corresp.). STEPHEN WEST WILLIAMS Stephen West Williams (1790-1855) was and also a physician member He prominent a of a Deerfield family. attended Deerfield Academy and then studied medicine as an apprentice to his father, William Stoddard Williams, spending one winter as a student at New Columbia York College (Huntington, in 1881; Viets, 1936). By was "enamoured" 1816, he with the of botany, inspired field by works readings in the of Barton, Bartram, Bigelow, Cutler, Eaton, Muhlenberg, Pursh, and others (Williams, Elliott, 1849). He recorded botanical observations as early as 1811 (Williams, and, along with Cooley and Hitchcock, began 1819); collecting By plants about 1816. 1817 he had compiled an herbarium that included around 500 pressed specimens (Jenny, 1980, 1987). This 1817 herbarium was when privately held until recently its botanical was recognized by Roberta Poland and interest iden- its by William Jenny The tity established (Jenny, 1980, 1987). her- now barium Pocumtuck Memorial preserved the Valley As- at is sociation Library Deerfield, Massachusetts. contains at It common specimens of 360 ranging from garden at least taxa, flowers to local rarities such as Asplenium ruta-mumria. These mounted, bound volume, and are often several to a sheet, in a vary from whole pressed plants to small portions of a single shoot The or even single flowers. specimens are identified by Latin and/ common names or either written directly on the sheet or on a slip of paper attached to the specimen. Collection data, including and localities dates, are generally lacking. Goodhue In 1818, Williams married Jiarrict of Deerfield, the Goodhue, army daughter of Joseph an surgeon (Viets, 1936). About Williams prepared companion volume this time, a to his now owned herbarium, handwritten manuscript by a the Flynt Library at Historic Deerfield (Jenny, 1987). contains indices to It common and names the scientific of the specimens in the her- barium, an outline of the Linnean system, and a description of each plant listed, medicinal properties and other characteris- its Cultural directions for garden plants such as hyacinth and tics. from are given, as are materials various authors, including lilac Rhodora 84 96 [Vol. r Goodhue from Bartram a passage describing Sarracenia. Harriet num- drew and painted "from nature, and from other sources" a which ber of compilation, original illustrations for this interesting from contemporary also includes illustrations clipped publica- The Monthly such tions as Flora. Also around 1818, Williams sent Benjamin Silliman a box of specimens of minerals be and, responding, to identified, in Sil- liman encouraged both Hitchcock and Williams contribute to to The American Journal of Science (Benjamin Silliman Edward to March Edward Hitchcock, 1818, President Hitchcock Papers, 1, Wilhams Box Amherst Folder College Archives). In 1819, 6, 5, phenomena published his accounts of phenological for the years more work and 1811, 1812, 1818. This original (Williams, 1819) seemingly has been confused by Viets (1936) with the manuscript companion volume herbarium which to the in the Flynt Library, The was prepared roughly the same period. contrast between at 1811-12 and Williams's observations in the period his obser- and taxonomic vations 1818 increasing in striking reflects his is number and In he reported a of phenological skills interests. 8 1 1 1 , phenomena, upon particularly observations time of the ger- ''the and of around 60 mination, foliation, florification frutification" common names and providing of plant taxa, for these scientific all Of names approximately the taxa over two thirds for half. listed, were in cultivation as either ornamentals or crop or garden plants, while the remainder were natives such as bloodroot, Sanguinaria canadensis, or non-native ruderals, such as the dandelion (as Leontodon taraxacum). In 1812, he repeated observations on many of these and included information on an additional 14 taxa. In 1818, however, in addition to continued observations on the plants previously noted, he provided data on an additional 92 common of these by Latin binomials, with species, listing all names The number new for most. greater of the 92 entries are from native species taken a diversity of natural habitats, including wetlands (for instance skunk cabbage, as Pothosfoctida) or upland woods (Epigaea repens, Trillium cernuum). Although, his career centered on teaching medical jurispru- dence, chiefly at the Berkshire Medical Institution with stints at Willoughby University Ohio and the Dartmouth Medical School in Wilhams botany (Viets, 1936), retained a lively interest in for the was acknowledged remainder of He, along with Cooley, his hfe. my by Hitchcock as ''among early coadjutors'' in the 1829 Cat-

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