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EVOLUTION INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORGANIC EVOLUTION PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF EVOLUTION Vol. 59 Subject Index Evolution, 59(12), 2005, pp. 2729-2733 ADAPTATION Austrocochlea, Diloma, Durvillaea, Melagraphia, molecular phy- Adaptation, adaptive evolution, experimental evolution, micro- logeny, rafting, topshell, Trochidae, 1701 bial evolution, population genetics, 216 Bill morphology, biogeographic rule, convergence, ecological Adaptation, aerobic capacity, artificial selection, asymmetry, cur- speciation, Emberizidae, tidal marsh, trophic adaptation, 1588 soriality, directional selection, experimental evolution, loco- Biogeography, Cornus, molecular dating, phylogeny, Tertiary motion, 1851 plant migration, 1685 Adaptation, comparative analysis, controlled comparison, phy- Distribution, elevation gradient, range limit, reciprocal trans- logenetic inertia, 2063 plant, survivorship analysis, 1671 Antbirds, comparative analysis, ecological adaptation, mating Ecological speciation, habitat specialization, parapatric, Protium, signals, speciation, species recognition, Thamnophilidae, 200 tropical rainforest, white sand, 1464 Ants, aphids, comparative analysis, mutualism, myrmecophily, preadaptation, 921 Book REVIEWS Basal metabolism, basal metabolic rate, divergence-with-gene- A portrait of the tree of life, a review of Assembling the Tree of flow model, genotype-by-environment interaction, Parus ma- Life by Joel Cracraft and Michael J. Donoghue, 2490 jor, reaction norm, winter acclimatization, 1600 Animal signals and the overlooked costs of efficacy, a review of Cline, diapause, Drosophila, life history, 1721 Animal Signals by John Maynard Smith and David Harper, 1 160 Dormancy, maternal effects, natural selection, phenotypic plas- Caution: niche construction ahead, a review of Niche Construc- ticity, seasonal cues, 758 tion: The Neglected Process in Evolution by F. John Odling- Fitness components, local adaptation, range boundary, range ex- Smee, Kevin N. Laland, and Marcus W. Feldman, 249 pansion, range versus regional adaptation, reciprocal trans- Celebrating diversity in sexuality and gender, a review of Evo- plant, 521 lution’s Rainbow: Diversity, Gender, and Sexuality in Nature ADAPTIVE RADIATION and People by Joan Roughgarden, 1156 Adaptive dynamics, adaptive radiation, coevolutionary niche Defining a meeting place: modularity in development and evo- shift, ecological character displacement, foraging behavior, lution, a review of Modularity in Development and Evolution herbivorous arthropods, resource gradient, 507 by G. Schlosser and G. P. Wagner, eds., 1383 Adaptive radiation, Appalachian Highlands, community ecology, Evolution for bioinformaticians and bioinformatics for evolu- comparative method, North America, phylogeography, speci- tionists, a review of Bioinformatics and Molecular Evolution ation, 2000 by Paul G. Higgs and Teresa K. Attwood, 2281 Assignment test, divergent natural selection, gene flow, local ad- Fitness landscapes and the origin of species, a review of Fitness aptation, migratory connectivity, mode! selection, 611 Landscapes and the Origin of Species by Sergey Gavrilets, 246 Land snail, phylogeny, ribosomal genes, sexual selection, shell Is less more?, a review of Evolution by Douglas J. Futuyma, 2721 shape, spermatophores, 991 Microevolution in space and time, a review of Geographical Ge- BEHAVIOR netics by Bryan K. Epperson, 469 Batesian mimicry, decision-making, learning, peak shift, sexual More than you ever wanted to know about Intelligent Design, a selection, signal detection theory, signal evolution, 1300 review of What Makes Biology Unique? Considerations on the Beetle, cline, female choice, flexible preference, haploid genetic Autonomy of a Scientific Discipline, by Ernst Mayr; Darwin and model, 1085 Design: Does Evolution Have a Purpose? by Michael Ruse; Coevolution, female preference function, hidden preference, Hyla Debating Design: From Darwin to DNA by William A. Dembski chrysoscelis, Hyla versicolor, sexual selection, species isola- and Michael Ruse; and Why Intelligent Design Fails: A Sci- tion, 395 entific Critique of the New Creationism by Matt Young and Color choice, dietary conservatism, evolution of aposematism, Taner Edis, 2717 foraging preferences, predation, 933 Mystery of mysteries no longer? A review of Speciation by Jerry Comparative method, external fertilization, internal fertilization, A. Coyne and H. Allen Orr, 243 nest construction, oviparity, phylogenetic character mapping, The ultimate causes of phenotypic integration: lost in translation, sexual dichromatism, viviparity, 1570 a review of Phenotypic Integration: Studying the Ecology and Crickets, genetic benefits, Gryllodes sigillatus, multiple mating, Evolution of Complex Phenotypes by Massimo Pigliucci and offspring survival, polyandry, sexual selection, 152 Katherine Preston, 2059 Behavioral flexibility, evolutionary diversification, geographical Time flies?, a review of Evolution of the Insects by David Grimaldi speciation, passerines, subspecies, 2669 and Michael S. Engel, 2492 BIOGEOGRAPHY Where have all the clades gone? A systematist’s take on /nferring Amphibians, biogeography, community assembly, diversifica- Phylogenies, a review of Inferring Phylogenies by Joseph Fel- tion, Hylidae, phylogeny, species richness, 2433 senstein, 2056 Ancestral-area estimation, dispersal, extinction, historical bio- geography, speciation mode, vicariance, 2299 CHROMOSOMAL EVOLUTION Arabidopsis thaliana, biogeography, ecology, phylogeny, realized Autopolyploid, inbreeding depression, minority cytotype, relative climatic niche, realized environment, 1425 fitness, selfing, unreduced gametes, 1867 2729 © 2005 The Society for the Study of Evolution. All rights reserved. 2730 SUBJECT INDEX COALESCENT THEORY Aggression, heterochrony, heterospecific mate choice, hybrid Coalescence, coalescent history, lineage sorting, maximum like- zone, species recognition, 271] lihood, phylogenetics, species tree, 24 Binary trait loci, hybrid inviability, /ris brevicaulis, Iris fulva, natural hybridization, QTL cartographer, reproductive isola- COEVOLUTION tion, speciation, 2116 Adaptive dynamics, coevolution, disequilbria, genetic variance, Cline, flower color, gene flow, isolation by distance, Mimulus, geographic mosaic, quasi-linkage equilibrium, 2073 selection, 2548 Aves, body size, coevolution, comparative method, parasites, Concordant clines, Ensatina eschscholtzii, hybrid zones, linkage Phthiraptera, 1744 disequilibrium, maximum likelihood, ring species, selection Coevolution, coevolutionarily stable strategy, evolution of vir- against hybrids, speciation, 1334 ulence, game theory, sociality, 1859 Ecological adaptation, hybrid swarm, hybridization, reproductive Coevolution, defense, discrimination, Estrilda astrild, host, par- isolation, speciation, 2602 asite, Vidua macroura, 2017 Egg sizes, gametes, hybridogenesis, microsatellites, population COMPETITION stability, sex determination, triploids, 1348 Body size, Darwinian extinction, ecological character displace- Evolutionary novelty, hybridization, land snail, morphological ment, mate choice, phenotypic plasticity, reproductive char- variation, Ogasawara, shell shape, 1712 acter displacement, sexual dimorphism, 2200 INBREEDING DEVELOPMENT Coefficients of inbreeding, Cucurbitaceae, female function, in- Camponotus festinatus, CDNA microarray, developmental regu- breeding depression, male function, maternal effects, pollen lation of expression, Drosophila melanogaster, eusocial, For- performance, 276 micidae, 858 Coleoptera, outcrossing, population structure, purging, repro- EPISTASIS ductive isolation, Xyleborini, 317 Additive variation, dominance, epistasis, genetic architecture, INTROGRESSION growth quantitative genetics, shifting balance theory, 2333 Assortative mating, chloroplast DNA, consequences of hybrid- Coadaptation, epistasis, evolution, fixation probability, popula- ization, gene genealogy, mitochondrial DNA, postzygotic, pre- tion genetics, 2324 zygotic, reproductive isolating barrier, 720 Coevolution, epistasis, fitness, nuclear-mitochondrial iiiteraction, yeast, 910 LirE-HistORY EVOLUTION Compensatory mutations, Fisher, functional epistasis, genetic re- Aridity, Bayesian analysis, iteroparity, phylogenetic uncertainty, combination, statistical epistasis, Wright’s fitness landscape, semelparity, 1914 1165 Body size, Ceriodaphnia, correlated evolution, Daphnia, inde- terminate growth, life-history resource assimilation, 565 EVOLUTIONARY GENOMICS Cost of acquisition, genetic correlations, heterozygosity, life-his- B chromosomes, chromosomal heterogeneity, eudicots, genome tory evolution, microsatellies, Myzus persicae, resources, size, monocots, phylogeny, 962 trade-offs, 1006 Drosophila, genetic drift, natural selection, neutral modes, phe- Diapause, Drosophila, genetic correlation, life history, trade-off, notypic evolution, 126 2616 FITNESS DNA fingerprinting, inbreeding avoidance, inbreeding tolerance, Allozymes, associative overdominance, direct overdominance, inbreeding rate, kin-structured population, life-history traits, growth rate, heterozygosity, microsatellites, selection, 189 sibling mating, sex-specific dispersal, 160 Anopheles gambiae, fitness costs, innate immunity, malaria, mos- Dormancy, maternal effects, natural selection, phenotypic plas- quito, Plasmodium, refractoriness, 2560 ticity, seasonal cues, 771 Drosophila, immune function, life history, phenotypic plasticity, GENE FLOW sex difference, 1510 Biomphalaria glabrata, gene flow, local adaptation, multihost par- Ejaculate, male-male competition, sperm allocation, sperm com- asite, population genetic structure, Rattus rattus, Schistosoma petition, sperm precedence, 492 mansoni, 296 Event histories, life-history variation, maturation rate, survival Callichirus islagrande, gene flow, larval dispersal, open versus analysis, 500 closed populations, phylogeography, population structure, 2125 MACROEVOLUTION Cline, dispersal, disturbance, genotype-dependent movement, Antipredator behavior, cryptic species, ecomorphology, habitat habitat-biased movement, reinforcement, speciation, 2083 shifts, parallel evolution, specific mate recognition, 1976 Effective pollen dispersal, fragmented landscape, Fraxinus ex- Aquilegia, Bayesian inference, character mapping, diversification celsior L., F-statistics, microsatellites, neighborhood model, rate, macroevolution, phylogeny, 257 979 Bats, clade growth models, diversification rates, fossils, molec- ular sequences, phylogeny, 2243 GENETIC VARIATION Chronogram, fossils, gymnosperms, penalized likelihood, rate Absolute constraint, dimensionality, Drosophila, evolutionary heterogeneity, seed plants, smoothing parameter, 1653 constraints, G-matrix, wing shape, 1027 Diversification, extinction, generalized linear models, maximum Daphnia, evolution, Pasteuria, phenotypic plasticity, reaction likelihood, phylogeny, speciation, | norm, temperature, virulence, 70 Growth rate, macromutation, salmon, selection, transgenesis, Diphtheria, heritability, immune function, specificity, tetanus, 1560 2483 Drift, genetic variation, heritability, heterozygosity, inbreeding, MATING SYSTEM selection, 2159 Adult population sex ratio, female choice, Lacerta vivipara, male- male competition, mating system, sexual harassment, 2451 HERITABILITY Allee effect, competition, density dependence, facilitation, mat- Conditional evolvability, ecological immunology, genetic cor- ing system, natural selection, pollen limitation, self-fertiliza- relation, sexual conflict, Tenebrio molitor, 1844 tion, 786 HYBRIDIZATION Arabidopsis lyrata, genetic diversity, heterozygosity, mating sys- Adaptive radiation, cichlids, jaw, skull, transgressive segregation, tem variation, microsatellites, self-incompatibility breakdown, 686 SRK, 1437 Adaptive radiation, Hawaiian Islands, homoploid, hybridization, Coercive mating, reptile, sexual conflict, sexual size dimorphism, nuclear introns, Scaevola, speciation, 948 2426 SUBJECT INDEX Competing selfing, delayed selfing, gametophytic self-incompat- Dormancy, life history, maternal effects, phenotypic plasticity, ibility, lethal mutations, sheltered load, S-allele, 46 pleiotropy, seasonal cues, 740 DNA content, gender dimorphism, Lycium, Lycium californicum, polyploidy, self-incompatibility, 2048 PHYLOGENETICS Effective sex ratio, evolutionarily stable strategy model, male Adaptive radiation, island endemism, key innovation, Mitthyri- mating strategies, monogamy, paternity protection, 1400 dium, molecular clock, mosses, 1413 Extrapair paternity, individual optimization, mixed reproductive Angiosperms, Bayesian relaxed clock, fossil record, penalized strategies, sexual selection, sperm competition, 422 likelihood, 1245 Constant rate test, diversification rates, nonparametric rate MODELs/SIMULATIONS smoothing, penalized likelihood, radiation, 1119 Adaptation, advection, gene flow, maladaptation, migration load, Divergence times, fossil calibration, Lepomis, Micropterus, mo- population model, selection, 2509 lecular clock, penalized likelihood, 1768 Anther smut, breeding system, parthenogenesis, self-fertilization, Genetic assimilation, haldanes, mitochondrial DNA, Notechis, Ustilago violacea, 2525 phenotypic plasticity, phylogeography, rapid evolution, 226 Coevolution, epistasis, heterodimer, incompatibility, simulation, Independent contrasts, latitudinal gradients, Mearnsia, penalized 1620 likelihood rate smoothing, relative rates test, 238 Compensatory mutation, epistasis, fitness landscape, genetic re- combination, mean fitness, shifting balance theory, 1175 PHYLOGEOGRAPHY Dispersal, heterogeneous environment, hitchhiking, modifier, Abdominal pigmentation, cardini group, Drosophila polymorpha, quasi-linkage equilibrium, 13 phenotypic variation, phylogeography, 1046 Fail-safe numbers, file drawer problem, meta-analysis, publica- Arthropod, Coleoptera, colonization, endemism, Macaronesia, tion bias, statistical methods, 464 phylogeography, speciation, 586 Independent contrasts, measurement error, phylogenetic compar- Bayesian hypothesis testing, community genetics, comparative ative method, population variation, statistics, 2705 phylogeography, ecosystem evolutionary history, 1639 Calmodulin, effective population size, elongation factor-1, intron, MOLECULAR EVOLUTION LAMARC, purifying selection, 599 Biologically available energy, effective population size, fluctu- Coalescence, phylogeography, Pleistocene, refugia, rocky inter- ating environment, natural selection, rate of evolution, 234 tidal, 344 Lemur, Madagascar, major histocompatibility complex, Micro- Coalescent analysis, cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, Echinoidea, cebus murinus, parasite load, 439 introgression, microsatellites, mitochondrial DNA, range ex- MORPHOLOGICAL EVOLUTION pansion, 532 Adaptation, allometry, constraints, evolutionary processes, mor- Deep sea, depth gradient, mollusks, phylogeography, population phological evolution, Platyrrhini, quantitative genetics, 1128 divergence, population structure, 1479 Adaptation, character displacement, competition, Nucella, pre- Demography, Embiotoca, phylogeography, surfperches, sympat- dation, shell evolution, speciation, 554 ric speciation, 386 Adaptive radiation, beetle horns, character divergence, male com- Fire ant, genetic structure, mitochondrial DNA, nested clade, phy- petition, Onthophagus, phylogeny, sexual selection, weapc 4s, logeography, Solenopsis invicta, Wolbachia, 1733 1060 Comparative phylogeography, gene flow, genetic connectivity, Anolis, convergent evolution, ecomorphology, geometric mor- marine, oceanographic circulation, Sea of Cortez, vicariance, phometrics, Mantel test, 409 2678 Bowerbirds, color patterns, correlational selection, multiple-trait PHYSIOLOGY evolution, sensory drive, sexual selection, signaling, vision, Aerobic capacity, Clethrionomys, evolutionary physiology, ho- 1795 meothermy, mammal, quantitative genetics, 672 Brownian motion, functional morphology, Lepomis, Micropterus, Animal model, G-matrix, genetic correlations, narrow-sense her- rate of morphological evolution, 1783 itability, quantitative genetics, REML. rodents, 1829 Geometric morphometrics, Marmota, maximum-likelihood, mor- Evolution, fitness, lizards, performance, sprint speed, 1579 phology, phylogeny, 2460 Limb development, limb morphology, modularity, morphological PLANT-INSECT INTERACTION integration, morphometrics, 2691 Ancestral state reconstruction, ecological specialization, maxi- MUTATIONS mum likelihood, phytophagous insects, transition rates, sen- Deleterious mutation, mating system evolution, outcrossing, sitivity analysis, 2256 plants, selfing, 2370 Coevolution, cytochrome oxidase |, elongation factor 1l-alpha, Genotype-by-environment interaction, light quality, mutation ac- insect-plant interaction, molecular systematics, specialization, cumulation, mutational variation, quantitative genetics, 266 1315 Colletes cunicularius, chemical communication, floral scent var- PALEOBIOLOGY iation, microsatellite, pollination, sexual deception, 1449 Change in maxima, Cope’s rule, diversification, evolutionary size Community genetics, composition, extended phenotype, hybrid, change, morphological rates, taxonomic rates, 941 Populus, 61 PARASITISM PLEIOTROPY Biomphalaria glabrata, competition, multiple infection, Schis- Adaptation, beneficial mutations, correlated response, micro- tosoma mansoni, virulence evolution, 544 mutational models, niche breadth, pleiotropy, trade-offs, 2343 Branching process, demographic stochasticity, emerging patho- gens, life history, trade-offs, virulence evolution, 1406 POLYMORPHISM PARTHENOGENESIS Allozyme variation, Enoplognatha latimana, intermittent drift, Clonal diversity, ¢gg ynogenesis, microsatellite marker, Muller’s intermittent selection, scale-independent variation, 2170 ratchet, multiloc us DNA fingerprint, paternal introgression, Electric signal polymorphism, geographical variation, microsat- polyploidy, 881 ellites, ontogeny, population structure, 324 PHENOTYPIC PLASTICITY POPULATION BIOLOGY Animal model, climate change, collared flycatcher, heritability, Antibiotic resistance, evolutionary epidemiology, microbial pop- laying date, REML mixed model, selection, temperature, 1362 ulation genetics, niche construction, population dynamics, re- Arabidopsis thaliana, &'°C, epistasis, gene-environment interac- duced prescribing, 477 tion, quantitative genetics, quantitative trait loci, stable iso- CMS, genetic structure, gynodioecy, inbreeding, invasion, Silene topes, 81 vulgaris, 287 2732 SUBJECT INDEX POPULATION GENETICS Female preference, imprinting, reproductive isolation, size-as- Asexual populations, assortative mating, frequency-dependent sortative mating, threespine sticklebacks, 927 selection, overdominance, parapatry, sympatry, 1194 Hybrid sterility, meiotic drive, parent-offspring conflict, popu- Biological invasion, Butomus umbellatus, clonal reproduction, lation genetics, selection, sperm competition, 1229 founder effect, natural selection, polyploidy, sexual reproduc- REPRODUCTIVE STRATEGIES tion, 1900 Environmental stochasticity, inbreeding depression, pollen lim- Clupea harengus, hybrid zone, isolation by distance, local ad- itation, reproductive assurance, self-fertilization, 1143 aptation, microsatellite DNA, migration, salinity, 2656 Evolution of sex, geographical parthenogenesis, mismatch anal- Conservation genetics, effective population size, Hedgecock ef- ysis, mitochondrial DNA, phylogeography, sex-limited meiosis fect, N/N ratio, oysters, 1596 suppressor, 800 Cooperative breeding, dispersal, extrapair paternity, multivariate Extrapair paternity, genotype-by-environment interaction, good spatial autocorrelation, 625 genes, half-sibling comparison, mating preference, Parus ater, Divergence population genetics, gene flow, linkage disequilib- reproductive success, 645 rium, plants, reproductive isolation, speciation, tomato, 1268 Evolutionarily stable state, evolutionarily stable strategy, game SELECTION—EXPERIMENTAL theory, genetic drift, natural selection, population size, 1183 Adaptation, natural selection, pleiotropy, sexual selection, trade- Formicidae, genetic structure, microsatellites, polyandry, polyg- offs, yeast, 2109 yny, relatedness, social insects, speciation, 2185 Crowding, Drosophila melanogaster, experimental evolution, Gene flow, heterozygosity, linkage disequilibrium, microsatellite haemocytes, immunity, parasitoid, trade-off symmetry, 1292 loci, mutation, 1633 Experimental evolution, fitness impairment, frequency depen- Genetic gradients, glacial refugia, microsatellites, mitochondrial dence, herbicide resistance, pesticide management, 2264 DNA control region, synthetic genetic maps, 2231 SELECTION—NATURAL Hitchhiking mapping, linkage disequilibrium, natural selection, Adaptation, Drosophila melanogaster, meiotic drive, positive se- selective sweep, standing variation, 2312 lection, sex ratio, viability, X-chromosome, 1280 Bear predation, integrative selection, mating success, residual POPULATION STRUCTURE selection, spawning salmon, Ursus arctos, 1104 Antitropical, cytochrome oxidase I, marine zooplankton, sibling Calopteryx, character displacement, interspecific interactions, re- species, speciation, 2378 inforcement, selection gradient, survival, sympatry, 1838 Darwinian medicine, genealogical species concept, global mi- Capture-recapture models, immunocompetence, Knemidokoptes crobial distribution, medical mycology, microbial biogeogra- jamaicensis, Loxia curvirostra, morphological evolution, sexual phy, microbial reproduction, 1886 dimorphism, survivorship, 2025 Endosymbiont, founder effect, gene flow, molecular polymor- Ecological speciation, ecological specialization, host preference, phism, population structure, sex ratio distortion, 1518 phytophagous insects, polymorphism, reproductive isolation, PREDATION visual predation, 2405 Evolutionary constraint, lifetime fitness, maternal, Ovis aries, se- Aposematism, artificial neural network, cryptic coloration, Lep- lection, 451 idoptera, mimicry, predation, 38 Integrative selection, measurement bias, mortality selection, par- Aposematism, coevolution, evolutionary simulation, physical de- titioning fitness, residual selection, simultaneous selection, to- fense, predation, secondary defense, 2499 tal fitness, 1096 QUANTITATIVE GENETICS SELECTION—SEXUAL Activity, behavior genetics, evolution of behavior, genetic vari- Adaptive landscape, call structure, nonlinear selection, selection ation, levels of selection, self-organizing system, sexual di- analysis, selection gradient, stabilizing selection, 871 morphism, social evolution, 1529 Birds, comparative methods, costs of reproduction, mortality Breeder’s equation, heritability, natural selection, Price equation, bias, paternal care, sexual selection, 890 quantitative genetics, response to selection, selection differ- Coevolution, Drosophila melanogaster, interlocus intersexual ential, 228 conflict, interlocus intrasexual conflict, sexual selection, sperm Ceratodon purpureus, G-matrix, gametophyte, genetic correla- competition, 1540 tions, life-history trade-offs, sexual dimorphism, 2353 Condition dependence, diet, genetic architecture, intralocus sex- Clonal propagation, nutrient stress, path analysis, plant growth, ual conflict, Prochyliza xanthostoma, sexual dimorphism, sex- quantitative genetics, vegetative propagation response, VPR ual selection, 138 effects, 1259 Condition-dependent traits, melanin color, nonrandom mating, Condition, genetic correlation, heritability, life history, Ovis can- sexual selection, structural color, 1819 adensis, 1372 Cryptic female choice, externai fertilization, fecundity, genetic Genetic correlations, heritability, Lobelia cardinalis, Lobelia si- compatibility, multiple mating, sperm competition, 106 philitica, photosynthetic gas exchange, quantitative genetics, Egg color evolution, hole nesters, mating systems, postmating water-use efficiency, 826 sexual selection, predation, sexual selection, 636 Genetic correlations, heritability, honest signals, Junco hyemalis, REPRODUCTIVE ISOLATION quantitative genetics, sexual selection, trait integration, 658 Anopheles arabiensis, Anopheles gambiae, dominance theory, Genitalic evolution, Orbiculariae, scaling, sexual size dimor- faster male theory, female hybrid sterility, Haldane’s rule, 1016 phism, spiders, 1989 Bindin. gamete compatibility, reproductive isolation, sea urchin, Geoegraphic variation, hue, mate choice, plasticity, pteridine, speciation, 2399 reaction norm, sensory bias, sexual selection, 175 Conspecific sperm precedence, Echinometra, fertilization, hybrid, Female remating, P;, P>, seminal fluid, sexual conflict, sexual reproductive isolation, sea urchin, 97 selection, sperm competition, sperm precedence, 2608 Coreopsis, divergence, life history, reproductive isolation, spe- ciation 2362 SEX Cultural evolution, female preference, phenotype matching, sex- Adaptation, mutation rate, recombination, sex, yeast, 431 ual imprinting, sympatric speciation, 2097 Age, asexual, New Zealand, Potamopyrgus antipodarum, sexual, Cyrtodiopsis, Haldane’s rule, hybrid sterility, postmating isola- snail, 1945 tion, premating isolation, speciation, 849 SEx RATIO Ecological speciation, habitat isolation, host races, hybrid fitness, Amphibolurus muricatus, aromatase inhibitor, Charnov-Bull mod- isolating mechanisms, local adaptation, reproductive barriers, el, environmental sex determinatiojnac,k y dragon, phenotypes, sexual isolation, 705 survival, timing of hatching, 2209 SUBJECT INDEX 2733 Certation, dioecy, female-biased sex ratios, life-history traits, Biodiversity, biogeography, coral reef, Gastropoda, Indo-West male-biased mortality, male-specific SCAR primers, Rumex ni- Pacific, Mollusca, speciation, 113 valis, 814 Biodiversity, cytoplasmic incompatibility, migration, postzygotic Fitness, maternal, reproduction, sex ratio, thermoregulation, 2275 isolation, reinforcement, speciation, Wolbachia, 1607 Floral induction mutants, flowering time, fruit mass, hermaph- Bivalvia, Caribbean, cryptic species, genetic disjunction, phy- roditic angiosperms, sex allocation, trade-offs, 970 logeny, pseudocongruence, 2139 Heterogamety, MHC polymorphism, sex ratio adjustment, sex- Body size, courtship behavior, divergent natural selection, di- specific mortality (daughters), 221 vergent sexual selection, nuptial color, sexual isolation, spe- Local mate competition, local resource competition, local re- ciation, 361 source enhancement, sex allocation, sex determination, 121] Community genetics, ecological speciation, host-associated dif- Parent-offspring conflict, queen-worker conflict, sex allocation, ferentiation, plant gall, Solidago, specialization, sympatric spe- split sex-ratio, theory, 2626 ciation, 2573 Cryptic species, emergence phenology, host races, Mordellistena SEXUAL CONFLICT convicta, natural enemy attack, reproductive isolation, sym- Developmental mode, mating systems, parental care, phylogeny, patric speciation, 304 sexual conflict, 2222 Deleterious mutations, Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibilities, Heritability, intersexual genetic correlation, intralocus sexual evolution, hybrid vigor, outbreeding depression, speciation, conflict, sex-specific selection, sexual dimorphism, sexual se- 1389 lection, sexually antagonistic selection, 1965 Diversification, phenotypic selection, polyploidy, reinforcement, Interlocus contest evolution, monogamy, sexual conflict, sexually speciation, 1928 antagonistic coevolution, 682 Edaphic endemics, parapatric speciation, peripatric speciation, progenitor-derivative relationships, quantum speciation, repro- SIGNALING/COURTSHIP ductive isolation, serpentine, 2473 Aging, genetic quality, genotype-environment interaction, life- F, asymmetry, hybridization, hybrid viability, molecular clock, history theory, reproductive effort, sexual advertisement, sex- reproductive isolation, speciation clock, 1754 ual selection, 2414 Hybridization, postzygotic, reinforcement, speciation, X-linked, Female choice, multiple mating, phenotypic plasticity, population 1039 consequences of sexual selection, sequential mate choice, sex- Mate choice, mate discrimination, mating propensity, reproduc- ual selection, sperm limitation, virgins, 1876 tive isolation, sexual isolation, 2588 SOCIALITY Niche differentiation, polyploid speciation, Ranunculus, recip- rocal transplant, 1936 American foulbrood, antimicrobial peptide, ecological immunity, Speciation, sympatric, adaptive, mathematical, models, theory, innate immunity, life-history trade-off, Paenibacillus larvae, 696 2270 Kin conflict, reproductive conflict, slave-making ants, social in- SYMBIOSIS sects, worker reproduction, 2480 Antibiotic curing, bacterial density, quantitative polymerase Queen policing, reproductive conflict, Vespinae wasps, worker chain reaction, sex-ratio distortion, Wolbachia, 838 policing, worker reproduction, 1306 TRADE-OFFS Arabidopsis thaliana, Hyaloperonospora parasitica, oomycete, SPECIATION transmission, virulence, 2518 Adaptive dynamics, adaptive speciation, disruptive selection, Barley stripe mosaic virus, Hordeum vulgare, infectivity, trans- evolutionary branching, frequency dependence, speciation the- missibility, viral infection, virus concentration, 730 ory, sympatric speciation, 691 Bt resistance, cadherin, fitness cost, Pectinophora gossypiella, Adaptive radiation, biogeography, Caribbean, phylogeny, reef sperm precedence, 915 fishes, 374 VARIATION Adaptive speciation, Callophrys, dominance, ecological specia- Biodiversity, deep sea, diversity gradients, gastropods, morpho- tion, reproductive isolation, specialization, 1149 logical disparity, 1492 Ancestral population size, anonymous loci, coalescent theory, Canalization, cryptic genetic variation, developmental stability, historical demography, multiple loci, population divergence fluctuating asymmetry, genotype-environment interaction, time, 2033 1500 Ancestry, hybrid zones, hybridization, Senecio, spatial isolation, Canalization, environmental variance, fluctuating asymmetry, speciation, 2533 Macaca mulatta, morphometrics, quantitative genetics, 898 Apple maggot fly, chemoreception, cytonuclear interaction, dog- Changing environment, clone, environmental variance, homo- wood fly, ecological speciation, habitat-specific mating, haw- geneity cost, maintenance of variance, stabilizing selection, thorn fly, host races, hybrid incompatibility, 1953 1237 Apple maggot fly, fruit volatiles, habitat avoidance, host-specific Drosophila bipectinata, environmental variation, fluctuating mating, reproductive isolation, 1552 asymmetry, genetic variation, genotype by environment inter- Bimodal hybrid zone, hybridization, reproductive character dis- action, sex comb, sexual selection, thermal stress, Y chro- placement, sexual isolation, speciation, 2639 mosome, 577

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