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EVOLUTION INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORGANIC EVOLUTION PUBLISHED BY PHE SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF EVOLUTION Subject ALGAE Allozymes, biogeography, fish, gene flow, Heterandria formosa, Alexandrium minutum, competition, spontaneous mutation, 610 isolation by distance, migration, nonequilibrium, stepping- stone model, 183 AMPHIBIANS Allozymes, biogeography, mtDNA, phylogeography, Point Con Allozyme electrophoresis, barriers to dispersal, frog, genetic di- ception, Tigriopus, 734 vergence, population genetic structure range change, south- Allozymes, COI, dispersal, geographic isolation, phylogeogra western Australia, speciation, 1147 phy, Pleistocene, Point Conception, range expansion, 12S, vi Ambystoma barbouri, gene flow, ineffective antipredator behav cariance, zoogeographic boundary, 757 ior, local adaptation, 558 Apis mellifera, intergradation, microsatellite, mtDNA, population Anura, comparative method, frogs, reproductive isolation, spe genetics, SSR, 1119 ciation, 1811 Biogeography, Cerataphidini, eusociality, mitochondrial DNA, Bombina, cline, habitat preference, hybrid zone, linkage dis molecular phylogenetics, social behavior, soldier aphids, 155 equilibrium, 227 Biogeography, evolution, genetics, parasite, pathogen, trade-off, ARACHNIDS virulence, 1865 Adaptive radiation, Araneae, key innovation, null Markovian Clinal variation, hybrid zone, introgression, katydid, Orchelimum, model, orb web evolution, 403 Potomac, southeastern United States, species replacement, Tet Allometry, genitalia, sexual selection, 415 tigoniidae, 784 Frequency-dependent selection, happy-face spider, population Cytochrome oxidase I, marine biogeography, Tegula, 12S rRNA, structure, 775 1311 Daphnia magna, dose effects, genetic correlation, Glugoides in BACTERIA testinalis, parasite, trade-off, within-host growth, 1869 Allelopathy, colicin resistance colicins, Escherichia coli, plei Hybrid zone, marine biogeography, Menippe, mitochondrial otropy 1270 DNA, phylogeography. Suwanee Straits, 1671 Antibiotic resistance, conjugation, Escherichia coli, experimental evolution, host density, parasite, plasmid, tradeoff, transmis Birps sion mode, virulence, 315 Acrocephalus arundinaceus, lifetime reproductive success, natal Bacterial evolution, group selection, homoserine lactones, quo dispersal, site fidelity, 877 rum sensing, signaling, 1263 Avian behavior, behavioral evolution, congruence, DNA-DNA Malaria mixed infection, parasite, Plasmodium chabaudi, viru hybridization, phylogeny, 884 <0? lence, 583 Barnacle goose, body size, Branta leucopsis, food quality, repro ductive success, selection, survival, 1169 BEHAVIOR Body size, CHD gene, extrapair paternity, Ficedula albicollis, Aggression, courtship Drosophila silvestris, heritability, sexual genetic correlation, heritability, microsatellites, natural selec selection, 1487 tion, sexual dimorphism, 870 \llorecognition, ascidian, behavioral evolution, histocompatibil Brood parasitism, coevolution, cospeciation, mitochondrial DNA ity, space competition, 746 restriction sites, phylogeny, Vidua, 566 Anarchy, Apis mellifera, kin selection, laying workers, social in Cepphus, glacial refugia, mitochondrial control region, phylo sects, worker policing, 1408 geography, Pleistocene, population genetics, speciation, 1158 Avian behavior, behavioral evolution, congruence DNA-DNA Climate, life history, morphology, mortality, Nebraska, Petro- hybridization, phylogeny, 884 chelidon, pyrrhonota, survival, 1461 Cooperative communication, game theory, handicap principle Condition-dependent plumage traits, environmental effects, ge- honest signaling, signal detection theory, 1554 netic plumage polymorphisms, secondary sexual characters, Dimorphism, genetic correlation, heritability, trade-offs, 1111 Tyto alba, 1451 Microsatellites, Polistes, relatedness, social control, worker po Feather ornaments, Fisherian mechanism, indicator models, run licing, 797 away process, sexual selection, viability models, 859 BIOGEOGRAPHY Hummingbird, hybrid fitness, hybrid zone, interspecific gene Aesculus, biogeography, Hippocastanaceae, internal transcribed flow, Jpomopsis, pollen export, pollen receipt, pollinator ef spacers, matK, origin, phylogeny, 988 fectiveness, 1602 A/binaria, Crete, land snails, mitochondrial ribosomal RNA, mo Inbreeding, inbreeding depression, lethal equivalents, lifetime re- lecular systematics, paleogeography, phylogeography, 116 productive success, pedigree, song sparrow, survival, 240 Allozyme, Avicennia, biogeography, diversity, genetics, man- Plumage color, sexual dichromatism, sexual dimorphism, sexual grove, phylogeny, 1612 selection, tanager, Thraupidae, 1219 Allozymes, Asteroidea, Indo-West Pacific biogeography, larval dispersal, Linckia laevigata, PCR-RFLP, population genetics, Book REVIEWS 87 All my love is towards individuals, a review of Metaphysics and Allozymes, biogeography, Crustacea, Daphnia, dispersal, the Origin of Species, by Michael Ruse, 283 mtDNA, 1648 Are evolutionists still hooked on progress? a review of Monad 1881 © 1998 The Society for the Study of Evolution. All rights reserved SUBJEC INDEX to Man: The Concept of Proeress fronary Biology by sexual selection, intersexual competition, mate choice, sexual David Depew, 921 selection, 8 Darwin on disk, a review of The Darwin Multimedia CD-ROM 2d ed by Kelly Dyer 105 CRUSTACEANS Evolutionary genetics on the fly a review of Progress and Pros Allozymes, biogeography Crustacea, Daphnia, dispersal pects in Evolutionary Bioloey: The Drosophila Model, by Daniel mtDNA, 1648 L. Hartl, 631 Biogeography, evolution, genetics, parasite, pathogen, trade-off Finding ways to live t gether, a review Cooperation amone virulence, 1865 Animals in £ stionary Perspective Anne E. Magurran Daphnia magna, dose effects genetic Cor elation, Glugoides in 97S testinalis parasite trade-off, within-host growth, 1869 Handicap signaling: loud and true i review ol The Handicap Hybrid zone, marine biogeography, Menippe mitochondrial Principle 4 Missine Piece of Darwin le, by Andrew Pom DNA, phylogeography, Suwanee Straits, 1671 iankowski and Yoh Iwasa, 928 DEVELOPMEN' High enthusiasm and low R-squared, a review of Asymmetry Aging developmental time, laboratory evolution, life history Deve lopme ntal Stability and Evolution by David Houle, 1872 selection 1713 The place of hybridization in -volution, a review of Natural Hy Antagonistic pleiotropy, body size, developmental time Dro bridization and | volution by John A. Endler, 640 sophila, genetic correlation polymorphic inversions tracej Quantitative genetics and phenotypic evolution, a review of Evo offs, viability, 144 lutionary Quantitative Genetics by Trudy F C. Mackay, 635 Body size, development, diapause genetic variation, growth rate, 4 tough cell, a review of Cells, Embryos, and Evolution, by Greg life history phenotypic plastic ity, Scathophaga stercoraria ory A. Wray, 291 1394 Vertebrates and evolution a review of Patterns and Processes of Canalization, epistasis, evolution of development, phenotype Vertebrate Evolution, by Philip D. Gingerich, 289 landscape, quantitative genetics, 647 Wonderful crucible, a review ol The Crucible of Creation The Desiccation, developmental time, Drosophila melanogaste? Bureess Shale and the Rise of Animals by Andrew Berry 1528 growth rate, life-history evolution physiology, Starvation, BRYOZOANS Stress resistance trade-offs, 1342 Bryozoan inducible defense Membranipora, norm of reaction Developmental time, genetics, high temperature Stress, trade phenotypic plasticity 80 ffs, 841 CNIDARIA DEVELOPMENTAL STABILITY Clonal structure reef, disturbance, DNA fingerprinting, ge Developmental innovation, female gametophyte, fertilization notypic diversity, octocoral, ve ative propagation, 379 Gnetum, heterochrony, seed plants 1016 COALESCENCI Developmental instability, environmental stress, fluctuating Coalescent, gene flow, gene genealogy, neutrality, polymorphism, asymmetry, genetic stress, Lychnis viscaria, marginal popu population structure, straying, 539 lations, population size, 1285 Developmental stability, fluctuating asymmetry, geometric mor COEVOLUTION phometrics, Glossina palpalis, Procrustes analysis, shape, tse Biomphalaria glabrata, heritability, host-parasite coevolution, re tse flies, wing veins, 1363 sistance Schis tosoma mansoni, strain specificity, susceptibility Developmental time, genetics, high temperature, stress, trade 1627 offs, 841 Brood parasitism, coevolution, cospeciation, mitochondrial DNA Drosophila, evolvability field, fluctuating asymmetry, heritabil restriction sites phylogeny, Vidua, 566 ity, 816 Clonal diversity frequency-dependent selection parasitism Red Queen hypothesis 105 57 DROSOPHILA Coevolution Coleoptera, cytochrome oxidase 1, Dendroctonus A4dh, COI Drosophila willistoni, period, phylogenetics species insect-plant interactions mitochondrial DNA, molecular Sys concepts 1093 tematics, phylogeny phytophagous insects, 1731 ge-specific mutations, antagonistic pleiotropy, demography, Coevolution, host shifts, insect-host plant interactions, Lepidop mortality plateau, mutation accumulation, senescence, 454 tera, Papilionoidea, specialization, 486 Aggression, courtship, Drosophila silvestris heritability, sexual Coevolution mtDNA nuclear intron, phyl|o geography, Prodox selection 1487 idae 1376 Antagonistic pleiotropy, body size dleevveell opmennetnatla l time,»- D Dro Diffuse coevolution, Heliothis phloxiphagus, Hylemya, Ipomopsis sophila genetic correlation, polymorphic inversions, trade aggregata multispecies coevolution pairwise coevolution olts viability 144 plant-herbivore interaction scarlet gilia, 1583 Artificial selection, Drosophila melanogaster, intermediary me Host-parasite coevolution, Muller's ratchet, mutational determin tabolism enzymes, metabolic rate, starvation, starvation resis istic hypothesis, Red Queen hypothesis sexual reproduction, tance, Stress resistance 1679 synergistic epistasis 604 Body size, Drosophila melanogaster, environmental stress, heat COMPETITION resistance, larval density, selection, 619 (/exandrium minutum, competition, spontaneous mutation, 610 Bottleneck, Drosophila, founder-flush, premating isolation, spe Allorecognition, ascidian, behavioral evolution, histocompatibil- ciation, 1850 ity, space competition, 746 Characteristic value, Drosophila simulans, genetic variation, phe Colonizing species, competition between species, Drosophila notypic plasticity, reaction norm, 1501 pseudoobscura, Drosophila subobscura, relative fitness, 269 Climatic adaptation, Drosophila ananassa¢ D melanogaster In Compatibility cryptic female choice sexual selection, sperm dia, Zaprionus indianus, 825 choice, sperm competition, 1212 Colonizing species, competition between species, Drosophila Competition, environmental stress, geographic parthenogenesis, pseudoobscura, Drosophila subobscura, relative fitness, 269 mutational deterministic hypothesis Potamopyrgus antipoda Courtship song, Drosophila, genetic distance, postmating isola rum, sexual reproduction, 1482 tion, sexual isolation, speciation, 1493 Drosophila, microsatellites, multiple mating sperm competition, Desiccation, developmental time, Drosophila melanogaster 1334 growth rate, life-history evolution physiology, starvation Female choice, genetic incompatibility good genes, Gryllus bi- stress resistance, trade-offs, 1342 maculatus, inbreeding, polyandry, sperm competition, 1726 Developmental time, genetics, high temperature Stress, trade Interaction-dependent sexual selection, interaction-independent offs, 841 SUBJEC INDEX 1883 Dominance, Drosophila, homeostasis, sex, sexual selection spe EPIsTAsis ciation, 1O80 Average effect, conversion, epistasis, Fisher, interdemic selec Drosophila, environmental stress, evolvability, heritability, var tion, metapopulation, shifting balance, variance components, iation, 1207 Wright, 1537 Drosophila, evolvability, fecundity, heritability nature, temper Canalization, epistasis, evolution of development phenotype ature, 134 landscape, quantitative genetics, 647 Drosophinlaaa, evolvability, field, fluctuating: asy: mmetry, heritabil Correlational selection, epistasis, genetic correlation, genetic in ity tegration, indirect genetic effects, kin effects, maternal effects, Drosophila general purpose genotypes, genetic variation, host 299 races, host specificity, Howardula, parasites, 832 Cytonuclear interactions, epistasis, Louisiana irises, natural hy Drosophila, Haldane’s rule, hybrid sterility, reproductive isola- bridization, natural selection, RAPDs, reproductive isolation, tion, speciation, spermatogenesis, 1067 1304 Drosophila, mating choice tests, mating propensity, sexual iso Deleterious mutations, inbreeding depression, Plantago corono- lation, 126 pus, self-fertilization, serial inbreeding, synergistic epistasis, Drosophila, microsatellites, multiple mating sperm competition, 69? 1334 Drosophila hibisci, ecological genetics, epistasis, genotype-by Drosophila hibisci ecological genetics, epistasis, genotype-by environment interactions, Hibiscus, latitudinal cline, line-cross environment interactions, Hibiscus, latitudinal cline line-cross analysis, maternal effects, ovariole number, 806 analysis, maternal effects, ovariole number, 806 Epistasis, freshwater snail, genetic load, inbreeding depression, Drosophila melanogaster, gamma-Gompertz model, life span, Lymnaea peregra, mating system, self-fertilization, 1635 mortality parameters, senescence, 1844 Host-parasite coevolution, Muller’s ratchet, mutational determin Drosophila pseudoobscura, hybrid sterility, sperm heteromor istic hypothesis, Red Queen hypothesis, sexual reproduction, phism, sperm motility, 266 Synergistic epistasis 604 ECHINODERMS EVOLUTION Allozymes, Asteroidea, Indo-West Pacific biogeography, larval Acetylcholinesterase, clines, Culex pipiens, fitness cost, gene du- dispersal, Linckia laevigata, PCR-RFLP. population genetics, 7 plication, insecticide resistance, resistance gene, 1705 Adaptation, Fisher’s model, natural selection, phenotypic evo- Bateman’s principle, echinoid, egg size, fertilization success, sex lution, quantitative trait locus, 935 ual selection, sperm limitation, 1043 Adaptive radiation, Araneae, key innovation, null Markovian ECOLOGY model, orb web evolution, 403 Allozymes, comparative approach, Etheostoma, life history, mi Allometry, comparative method, independent contrasts, phylog tochondrial DNA, Percina, population history, 1781 eny, random trees, Rensch’s rule, sexual size dimorphism, 1197 Aposematism, benzaldehyde, chemical defense, Cicindela, cryp Allorecognition, ascidian, behavioral evolution, histocompatibil tic coloration, habitat association, predator, 529 ity, space competition, 746 Chemical defense, Chrysomelidae, host plants, larval defensive Antibiotic resistance, conjugation, Escherichia coli, experimental secretion. Phratora vitellinae, plant-herbivore interactions, Sal evolution, host density, parasite, plasmid, tradeoff, transmis icaceae, 517 sion mode, virulence, 315 Chrysomelidae, host fidelity host preference, insect plant inter Bacterial evolution, group selection, homoserine lactones, quo actions, Neochlamisus bebbianae, pleiotropy, reproductive iso rum sensing, signaling, 1263 lation, sibling species, 1744 Best-fit models, long-branch attraction, maximum likelihood Climate, life history, morphology, mortality, Nebraska, Petro minimum evolution, phylogeny reconstruction, 978 chelidon, pyrrhonota, survival, 1461 Biogeography, evolution, genetics, parasite, pathogen, trade-off, ELECTROPHORESIS virulence, 1865 Allozyme, Avicennia, biogeography, diversity, genetics, man- Body size, comparative methods, multiple regression, phyloge grove, phylogeny, 1612 netic autocorrelation, phylogenetic inertia, principal coordinate Allozyme electrophoresis, barriers to dispersal, frog, genetic di analysis, 1247 vergence, population genetic structure, range change, south Bryozoan, inducible defense, Membranipora, norm of reaction, western Australia, speciation, 1147 phenotypic plasticity, 80 Allozymes, Asteroidea, Indo-West Pacific biogeography, larval Canalization, epistasis, evolution of development, phenotype dispersal, Linckia laevigata, PCR-RFLP, population genetics, landscape, quantitative genetics, 647 8 Character evolution, oviparity, phylogeny, reproductive mode Allozymes, biogeography, Crustacea, Daphnia dispersal reptiles, squamates, viviparity, 1441 mtDNA, 1648 Characteristic value, Drosophila simulans, genetic variation, phe Allozymes, biogeography, fish, gene flow, Heterandria formosa, notypic plasticity, reaction norm, 1501 isolation by distance, migration, nonequilibrium, stepping Coancestry coefficient, evolution, genealogy, molecular phylog- stone model, 183 eny, pedigree, 957 Allozymes, biogeography mtDNA, phylogeography, Point Con Correlation analysis, experimental design, multiple comparisons, ception, Tigriopus, 734 power of test, 251 Allozymes, chloroplast DNA gene flow, isolation by distance, Correlational selection, epistasis, genetic correlation, genetic in phylogeography, population structure, refugia, Senecio, 355 tegration, indirect genetic effects, kin effects, maternal effects Allozymes, COI, dispersal, geographic isolation, phylogeogra 299 phy, Pleistocene, Point Conception, range expansion, 12S, vi- Crassostrea, dioecy, evolution, hermaphroditism, mollusk, oyster, cariance, zoogeographic boundary, 757 protandry, sex, sex change, sex determination, sexual matu Allozymes, comparative approach, Etheostoma, life history, mi ration, 394 tochondrial DNA, Percina, population history, 1781 Daphnia magna, dose effects, genetic correlation, Glugoides in Cave Isopoda, Fs;, gene flow, private alleles, 432 testinalis, parasite, trade-off, within-host growth, 1869 Clone environmental heterogeneity, genetic variation, intense Developmental innovation, female gametophyte, fertilization, selection, obligate parthenogen, Penthaleus major, 1325 Gnetum, heterochrony, seed plants, 1016 Drosophila, microsatellites, multiple mating, sperm competition, Diffusion approximation, Sewall Wright, shifting-balance theory, 13232 stochastic simulation models, substructured populations, 1834 Frequency cline, genetic succession, microevolution, natural pop Evolution, fire ants, introduced species, monogyny, mtDNA, po- ulations, overproduced esterase, pleiotropy, 443 lygyny, relatedness, social insects, Solenopsis invicta, 1416 1884 SUBJEC INDEX Evolution of fitness experimental evolution, Muller’s ratchet, Clonal diversity, frequency-dependent selection, parasitism, Red RNA viruses VSV 309 Queen hypothesis, 1057 Female preference interlocus contest evolution (ICE), intersex- Competition, environmental stress, geographic parthenogenesis, ual conflict, mate choice, sensory exploitation, sexual selec mutational deterministic hypothesis, Potamopyrgus antipoda- tion, | rum, sexual reproduction, 1482 Frequency cline, genetic succession, microevolution, natural pop- Cytochrome oxidase I, marine biogeography, Tegula, 12S rRNA, ulations overproduced esterase, pleiotropy, 443 1311 Limb evolution, parsimony, polydactyly tetrapods, 1476 Epistasis, freshwater snail, genetic load, inbreeding depression Lymnaea peregra, mating system, self-fertilization, 1635 EXTINCTION Colonization extinction, life history outcrossing, perenniality, GENE FLow seed bank self-fertilization, 657 Adh, COI, Drosophila willistoni, period, phylogenetics, species Extinction gene flow genetic differentiation, isolation by dis- concepts, 1093 tance, marine angiosperm recolonization, theta, Zostera ma Allozymes, biogeography, fish, gene flow, Heterandria formosa, rina 3340 isolation by distance, migration, nonequilibrium, stepping- FISHES stone model, 183 Adaptive radiation, body size, natural selection, reproductive iso Allozymes, chloroplast DNA, gene flow, isolation by distance, lation, speciation, stickleback, 209 phylogeography, population structure, refugia, Senecio, 355 Allozymes, biogeography, fish, gene flow, Heterandria formosa, Ambystoma barbouri, gene flow, ineffective antipredator behav- isolation by distance, migration, nonequilibrium, stepping ior, local adaptation, 558 stone model, 183 Analysis of variance, estimation, F-statistics, genic correlations, Allozymes, comparative approach, Etheostoma, life history, mi hierarchical population structure, 950 tochondrial DNA, Percina, population history, 1781 Bombina, cline, habitat preference, hybrid zone, linkage dis- Anatomy, brain, developmental constraints, electric organs, his- equilibrium, 227 tology, morphology, phylogenetic analysis, sensory receptors, “alling song, genetic variation, genotype environment inter- specialization, vertebrate 1760 actions, hybrid zone, reproductive isolation, 1104 Associative overdominance, Gadus morhua growth rate, hetero ‘ave Isopoda, Fs;, gene flow, private alleles, 432 zygosity, nuclear RFLP loci, 915 ‘epphus, glacial refugia, mitochondrial control region, phylo- Bottleneck, conservation, evolutionarily significant unit, parasite geography, Pleistocene, population genetics, speciation, 1158 resistance, polymorphism, 194 Coalescent, gene flow, gene genealogy, neutrality, polymorphism, Coalescent, gene flow, gene genealogy, neutrality, polymorphism, population structure, straying, 539 population structure, straying 539 Coevolution, mtDNA, nuclear intron, phylogeography, Prodox ‘uckoldry, kleptogamy, mating system, polygamy, 848 idae, 1376 ‘uckoldry, maternity, mating system, microsatellites, paternity, Condition-dependent plumage traits, environmental effects, ge- polygyny, sexual selection, 1802 netic plumage polymorphisms, secondary sexual characters, yvprinodon tularosa, Pgdh, phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, Tyto alba, 1451 salinity, selection, translocation, White Sands pupfish, 1856 cpDNA, gene flow, gynodioecy, population structure, Silene, 255 ytochrome b, mitochondrial DNA, phylogeny, speciation, spe cpDNA, gene flow, microgeographic differentiation, mtDNA, Pi- cies flock, 1135 nus ponderosa, spatial autocorrelation, 61 Effective population size, genetic drift, mtDNA, temporal vari- Cytochrome oxidase I, marine biogeography, Tegula, 12S rRNA, ation, 910 1311 Prezygotic isolation reinforcement, reproductive character dis- Cytonuclear, disequilibria, fire ants, haplodiploid, hybrid zone, placement speciation, sticklebacks, 200 Solenopsis invicta, Solenopsis richteri, X-linked, 1423 Deer, DNA, gene flow, hybridization, Odocoileus, paternal in- FITNESS heritance, Zfy, zinc finger, 1224 Acrocephalus arundinaceus lifetime reproductive success, natal Extinction, gene flow, genetic differentiation, isolation by dis- dispersal, site fidelity, 877 tance, marine angiosperm, recolonization, theta, Zostera ma- Associative overdominance Gadus morhua, growth rate, hetero rina, 330 zygosity, nuclear RFLP loci, 915 Frequency cline, genetic succession, microevolution, natural pop- Bombina, cline, habitat preference, hybrid zone, linkage dis ulations, overproduced esterase, pleiotropy, 443 equilibrium, 227 Gene flow, genetic barrier, hybrid zones, mathematical models, Colonizing species, competition between species Drosophila 1277 pseudoobscura, Drosophila subobscura, relative fitness, 269 Gene flow, genetic neighborhood, inbreeding depression, out Decision rule, directional selection, mate choice, multivariate breeding depression, population structure, 614 analysis, nonlinear selection, selection gradient, 1383 Hummingbird, hybrid fitness, hybrid zone, interspecific gene Developmental time genetics high temperature stress, trade flow, Ipomopsis, poilen export, pollen receipt, pollinator ef- offs, 841 fectiveness, 1602 Evolution of fitness, experimental evolution, Muller’s ratchet, RNA viruses, VSV, 309 Hybrid zone, marine biogeography, Menippe, mitochondrial Fitness, genotype-environment interaction natural selection, spa DNA, phylogeography, Suwanee Straits, 1671 tial variation, temporal variation, 678 Genetic Drirt Fitness gynodioecy, inbreeding depression, male fitness com- Average effect, conversion, epistasis, Fisher, interdemic selec- ponents, maternal effects of inbreeding, outbreeding depres- tion, metapopulation, shifting balance, variance components, sion, 44 Wright, 1537 GASTROPODS Bottleneck, Drosophila, founder-flush, premating isolation, spe- A/binaria, Crete, land snails, mitochondrial ribosomal RNA, mo ciation, 1850 lecular systematics, paleogeography, phylogeography, 116 Breeding systems, Crocidura russula, dispersal, genetic structure, Allozymes, COI, dispersal, geographic isolation, phylogeogra- microsatellites, shrews, 1230 phy, Pleistocene, Point Conception, I ge expansion, 12S, vi- Cave Isopoda, Fs;, gene flow, private alleles, 432 cariance, zoogeographic boundary, / 757 Cyprinodon tularosa, Pgdh, phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, Biomphalaria glabrata, heritability, host-parasite coevolution, re salinity, selection, translocation, White Sands pupfish, 1856 sistance, Schistosoma mansoni, strain specificity, susceptibility, Cytonuclear, disequilibria, fire ants, haplodiploid, hybrid zone, 1627 Solenopsis invicta, Solenopsis richteri, X-linked, 1423 SUBJECT INDEX 1885 Effective population size, genetic drift, mtDNA, temporal vari- Epistasis, freshwater snail, genetic load, inbreeding depression, ation, 910 Lymnaea peregra, mating system, self-fertilization, 1635 Founder event, genetic architecture, genetic drift, genetic vari- Female choice, genetic incompatibility, good genes, Gryllus bi- ation, heterozygosity, isolation-by-distance, mosquito system- maculatus, inbreeding, polyandry, sperm competition, 1726 atics, Wyeomyia smithii, 1697 Fitness, gynodioecy, inbreeding depression, male fitness com ponents, maternal effects of inbreeding, outbreeding depres HERBIVORY sion, 44 Chemical defense, Chrysomelidae, host plants, larval defensive Gene flow, genetic neighborhood, inbreeding depression, out- secretion, Phratora vitellinae, plant-herbivore interactions, Sal breeding depression, population structure, 614 icaceae, 517 Genetic load, inbreeding depression, Peromyscus polionotus, pop HERITABILITY ulation bottlenecks, 900 Additive genetic variance, dominance, genetic correlation, her- Inbreeding, inbreeding depression, lethal equivalents, lifetime re itability, phenotypic correlations, sexual selection, 894 productive success, pedigree, song sparrow, survival, 240 Aggression, courtship, Drosophila silvestris, heritability, sexual INSECTS. SEE ALSO DrosopuiLa selection, 1487 Acetylcholinesterase, clines, Culex pipiens, fitness cost, gene du- Body size, CHD gene, extrapair paternity, Ficedula albicollis, plication, insecticide resistance, resistance gene, 1705 genetic correlation, heritability, microsatellites, natural selec- Adaptation, extended phenotypes, gall morphology, gall thrips, tion, sexual dimorphism, 870 phylogeny, 1686 Collinsia verna, direct-maternal genetic correlation, emergence Age-specific mutations, antagonistic pleiotropy, demography, time, maternal effects, maternal inheritance, quantitative ge- mortality plateau, mutation accumulation, senescence, 454 netics, seed size, 998 Aging, developmental time, laboratory evolution, life history, Dimorphism, genetic correlation, heritability, trade-offs, 1111 selection, 1713 Drosophila, environmental stress, evolvability, heritability, var- Allometry, genitalia, sexual selection, 415 iation, 1207 Allonemobius, barrier to fertilization, conspecific sperm prece Drosophila, evolvability, fecundity, heritability, nature, temper- dence, cricket, hybridization, reproductive isolation, specia- ature, 134 tion, 511 Drosophila, evolvability, field, fluctuating asymmetry, heritabil- Allozymes, evolutionary trends, gall types, genetic constraints, ity, 816 Hymenoptera, Nematinae, phylogeny, sawflies, 465 Genetics, genotype-by-environment interaction, sex-ratio evo- Anarchy, Apis mellifera, kin selection, laying workers. social in lution, temperature-dependent sex determination, 1514 sects, worker policing, 1408 Heritability, maternal effect, Orchesella cincta, reaction norm, Apis mellifera, intergradation, microsatellite, mtDNA, population 1839 genetics, SSR, 1119 Heritability, maternal effects, morphometrics, 626 B chromosomes, Eyprepocnemis plorans, parasitic, selfish, 274 Biogeography, Cerataphidini, eusociality, mitochondrial DNA, HYBRIDIZATION molecular phylogenetics, social behavior, soldier aphids, 155 A/lonemobius, barrier to fertilization, conspecific sperm prece- Body size, development, diapause, genetic variation, growth rate, dence, cricket, hybridization, reproductive isolation, specia- life history, phenotypic plasticity, Scathophaga stercoraria, tion, 511 1394 Avian behavior, behavioral evolution, congruence, DNA-DNA Bruchidae, Callosobruchus maculatus, egg size, maternal effect, hybridization, phylogeny, 884 phenotypic plasticity, 172 ‘alling song, genetic variation, genotype environment inter- ‘alling song, genetic variation, genotype X environment inte! actions, hybrid zone, reproductive isolation, 1104 actions, hybrid zone, reproductive isolation, 1104 ‘entromeres, clines, FISH, house mice, hybrid zone, incompat ‘arabus iwawakianus, Carabus maiyasanus, cost of copulation, ibility, noncoincidence, NOR, Rb fusions, 592 genitalia, hybrid zone, lock-and-key hypothesis, selection ‘linal variation, hybrid zone, introgression, katydid, Orchelimum, against hybridization, 1507 Potomac, southeastern United States, species replacement, Tet ‘ave Isopoda, Fsy, gene flow, private alleles, 432 tigoniidae, 784 “*hewing lice, cline models, dispersal distance, host-parasite co Cytonuclear, disequilibria, fire ants, haplodiploid, hybrid zone, evolution, hybrid zones, pocket gophers, 278 Solenopsis invicta, Solenopsis richteri, X-linked, 1423 ‘linal variation, hybrid zone, introgression, katydid, Orchelimum, Cytonuclear interactions, epistasis, Louisiana irises, natural hy- Potomac, southeastern United States, species replacement, Tet- bridization, natural selection, RAPDs, reproductive isolation, tigoniidae, 784 1304 ‘lone, environmental heterogeneity, genetic variation, intense Deer, DNA, gene flow, hybridization, Odocoileus, paternal in selection, obligate parthenogen, Penthaleus major, 1325 heritance, Zfy, zinc finger, 1224 “oevolution, Coleoptera, cytochrome oxidase I, Dendroctonus, Flower color, hybrid zone, /pomopsis, male fitness, pollinator insect-plant interactions, mitochondrial DNA, molecular sys- visitation, selection, trait manipulation, 1293 tematics, phylogeny, phytophagous insects, 1731 Generalized linear model, hybrid zones, interspecific hybridiza “oevolution, host shifts, insect-host plant interactions, Lepidop- tion, likelihood, mate choice, reproductive isolation, specia- tera, Papilionoidea, specialization, 486 tion, 503 ‘oevolution, mtDNA, nuclear intron, phylogeography Prodox Helianthus, hybridization, introgression, isozymes, outcrossing idae, 1376 rates, speciation, sunflower, 713 Cytonuclear, disequilibria, fire ants, haplodiploid, hybrid zone, Hummingbird, hybrid fitness, hybrid zone, interspecific gene Solenopsis invicta, Solenopsis richteri, X-linked, 1423 flow, Ipomopsis, pollen export, pollen receipt, pollinator ef- Decision rule, directional selection, mate choice, multivariate fectiveness, 1602 analysis, nonlinear selection, selection gradient, 1383 Hybrid fitness, Louisiana irises, mosaic hybrid zones, natural Developmental stability, fluctuating asymmetry, geometric mot hybridization, natural selection, tension zones, 37 phometrics, Glossina palpalis, Procrustes analysis, shape, tse tse flies, wing veins, 1363 INBREEDING Diffuse coevolution, Heliothis phloxiphagus, Hylemya, Ipomopsis Biparental inbreeding, gynodioecy, inbreeding depression, Lo aggregata, multispecies coevolution, pairwise coevolution, belia siphilitica, 1572 plant-herbivore interaction, scarlet gilia, 1583 Deleterious mutations, inbreeding depression, Plantago corono Dimorphism, genetic correlation, heritability, trade-offs, 1111 pus, self-fertilization, serial inbreeding, synergistic epistasis, Evolution, fire ants, introduced species, monogyny, mtDNA, po 692 lygyny, relatedness, social insects, Solenopsis invicta, 1416 1886 SUBJEC I INDEX Female choice genetic incompatibility, good genes, Gryllus bi Allozymes, comparative approach, Etheost®ma, life history, mi maculatus, inbreeding, polyandry sperm competition, 1726 tochondrial DNA, Percina, population history, 1781 Field cricket multivariate logistic regression Ormia ochracea {pis mellifera, intergradation, microsatellite, mtDNA, population phonotactic parasitoid Teleoeryilus oceanicus, 166 genetics, SSR, 1119 Fig wasps, intensity of selection seX ratio stabilizing selection, Associative overdominance, Gadus morhua, growth rate, hetero- variance, 475 zygosity, nuclear RFLP loci, 915 Forficula auricularia, molecular phylogeny, mtDNA, population Best-fit models, long-branch attraction, maximum likelihood genetics reproductive isolation reproductive Strategy 260 minimum evolution, phylogeny reconstruction, 978 Founder event, genetic architecture genetic drift genetic Vari Biogeography, Cerataphidini, eusociality, mitochondrial DNA, ation heterozygosity isolation-by-distance, mosquito system molecular phylogenetics, social behavior, soldier aphids, 155 atics Wyeomyia smithii 1697 Brood parasitism, coevolution, cospeciation, mitochondrial DNA Generalized linear model hybrid z« ynes interspecific hybridiza restriction sites, phylogeny, Vidua, 566 tion likelihood mate choice reproductive isolation, specia Clonal structure, coral reef, disturbance, DNA fingerprinting, tion 503 notypic diversity, octocoral, vegetative propagation, 379 Heritability maternal effect, Orchesella cincta, reaction norm Coevolution, Coleoptera, cytochrome oxidase I, Dendroctonus, 1839 insect-plant interactions, mitochondrial DNA, molecular sys Heritability maternal effects, morphometrics, 626 tematics, phylogeny, phytophagous insects, 1731 Microsatellites Polistes relatedness, social control, worket po Coevolution, mtDNA, nuclear intron, phylogeography, Prodox licing, 79 idae, 1376 cpDNA, gene flow, microgeographic differentiation, mtDNA, Pi Lire History nus ponderosa, spatial autocorrelation, 61 Aging, developmental time, laboratory evolution, life history Cytochrome b, mitochondrial DNA, phylogeny, speciation, spe selection, 1713 cies flock, 1135 Allozymes, comparative approach, fneostoma life history, mi Deer, DNA, gene flow, hybridization Odocoileus, paterna! in tochondrial DNA Percina, popuiation history 1781 heritance, Zfy, zinc finger, 1224 Body size, development, diapause, genetic variation, growth rate Effective population size, genetic drift, mtDNA, temporal vari life history phenotypic plasticity, Scathophaga stercoraria 1394 ation, 910 Evolution, fire ants, introduced species, monogyny, mtDNA, po Climate, life history morphology mortality, Nebraska, Petro lygyny, relatedness, social insects, Solenopsis invicta, 1416 chelidon pyrrhonota, survival 1461 Hybrid zone, marine biogeography, Menippe, mitochondrial Colonization extinction, life history outcrossing perenniality, se d bank self-fertilization 657 DNA, phylogeography, Suwanee Straits, 1671 Introgression, lineage extinction, mtDNA paraphyly Mytilus Comparative methods, independent contrasts lite history, Phry phylogeny, 100 nosoma, phylogeny sexual size dimorphism, 1821 Meiotic drive, ¢ haplotypes transmission ratio distortion, wild Cost of reproduction, egg limitation, life-history trade-offs par mice 1185 asitoids, rate maximization time limitation, 1241 Costs of reproduction, fe indity lifetime reproductive success MOLECULAR EVOLUTION lizards, offspring Size eproduction reproductive effort Aesculus biogeography, Hippocastanaceae, internal transcribed snakes, survival, | 236 spacers, matK, origin, phylogeny 988 Daphnia pulex deleterious mutation life-history variation, mu tation accumulation, mutation-selection balance, 727 MOLLUSKS Desiccation, developmental time, Drosophila melanogaster Adaptation, Corbulidae, functional morphology, Naticidae, pred growth rate life-history evolution physiology Starvation ator-prey shell, 68 Stress resistance trade-off 1342 Crassostrea, dioecy, evolution, hermaphroditism, mollusc, oyster, protandry, sex sex change, sex determination, sexual matu MAMMALS ration, 394 Adaptive radiation ladogenesis ident, speciation, subterra Introgression, lineage extinction, mtDNA paraphyly, Mytilus nean tree balance 1$21 phylogeny 100 Additive genetic Variance dominance, genetic correl ation her itability phenotypic correlations, sexual selection 894 MORPHOLOGY Breeding systems, Crocidura russula, dispersal, genetic structure Adaptation, Corbulidae, functional morphology, Naticidae, pred microsatellites shrews 1230 ator-prey shell, 68 Centromeres, clines FISH house mice, hybrid zone incompat Adaptation dispersal, dormancy, ecotypic differentiation, genetic ibility noncoincidence NOR, Rb fusions 59 > distance, germination, Heterosperma pinnatum, morphomet Chewing lice, cline models, dispersal distance, host-parasite co rics seed heteromorphism, 344 evolution, hybrid zones, pocket gophers, 278 Adaptation, extended phenotypes gall morphology, gall thrips Deer DNA, gene flow hybridization, Odocoi eus, paternal in phylogeny, 1686 heritance Zfy, zine finger, 1224 Anatomy, brain, developmental constraints, electric organs, his Genetic load, inbreeding depression, Peromy us polionotus pe »p tology morphology, phylogenetic analysis, sensory receptors ulation bottlenecks, 900 specialization, vertebrate, 1760 Malaria, mixed infection parasite, Plasmodium chabaudi, viru Clim ite, life history, morphology, mortality Nebraska, Petro- lence, 583 chelidon, pyrrhonota, survival, 1461 Meiotic drive t haplotypes, transmission ratio distortion, wild Developmental stability, fluctuating asymmetry geometric mor mice, 1185 phometrics, Glossina palpalis, Procrustes analysis, shape, tse tse flies, wing veins, 1363 Mirrocuonpriat. DNA Heritability, maternal effects, morphometrics, 626 Abies, conifer, mtDNA, phylogeny polymorphism rbcl 1031 Limb evolution, parsimony, polydactyly, tetrapods, 1476 Adh, COI, Drosophila willistoni, period, phylogenetics species concepts 1093 PARASITISM A/binaria, Crete land snails, mitochondrial ribosomal RNA, mo Antibiotic resistance, conjugation, Escherichia coli, experimental lecular systematics paleogeography phylogeography, 116 evolution host density, parasite, plasmid tradeoff, transmis Allozymes, biogeography Crustacea Daphnia dispersal, sion mode, virulence, 315 mtDNA, 1648 B chromosomes, Eyprepocnemis plorans, parasitic, selfish, 274 Allozymes, biogeography mtDNA, phylogeography, Point Con Biogeography, evolution, genetics, parasite, pathogen, trade-off, ception Tigriopus, 734 virulence 1865 SUBJEC INDEX 1887 Biomphalaria glabrata, heritability, host-parasite coevolution, re- Avian behavior, behavioral evolution, congruence, DNA-DNA sistance, Schistosoma mansoni, strain specificity, susceptibility, hybridization, phylogeny, 884 1627 Best-fit models, long-branch attraction, maximum likelihood, Bruchidae, Callosobruchus maculatus, egg size, maternal effect, minimum evolution, phylogeny reconstruction, 978 phenotypic plasticity, 172 Biogeography, Cerataphidini, eusociality, mitochondrial DNA, Chewing lice, cline models, dispersal distance, host-parasite co- molecular phylogenetics, social behavior, soldier aphids, 155 evolution, hybrid zones, pocket gophers, 278 Body size, comparative methods, multiple regression, phyloge- Clonal diversity, frequency-dependent selection, parasitism, Red netic autocorrelation, phylogenetic inertia, principal coordinate Queen hypothesis, 1057 analysis, 1247 Cost of reproduction, egg limitation, life-history trade-offs, par- Brood parasitism, coevolution, cospeciation, mitochondrial DNA asitoids, rate maximization, time limitation, 1241] restriction sites, phylogeny, Vidua, 566 Cuckoldry, kleptogamy, mating system, polygamy, 848 Cepphus, glacial refugia, mitochondrial control region, phylo- Daphnia magna, dose effects, genetic correlation, Glugoides in- geography, Pleistocene, population genetics, speciation, 1158 testinalis, parasite, trade-off, within-host growth, 1869 Character evolution, oviparity, phylogeny, reproductive mode, Drosophila, general-purpose genotypes, genetic variation, host reptiles, squamates, viviparity, 1441 races, host specificity, Howardula, parasites, 832 Coancestry coefficient, evolution, genealogy, molecular phylog- Field cricket, multivariate logistic regression, Ormia ochracea, eny, pedigree, 957 phonotactic parasitoid, Teleogryllus oceanicus, 166 Coevolution, Coleoptera, cytochrome oxidase I, Dendroctonus, Heritability, maternal effect, Orchesella cincta, reaction norm, insect-plant interactions, mitochondrial DNA, molecular sys- 1839 tematics, phylogeny, phytophagous insects, 1731 Host-parasite coevolution, Muller’s ratchet, mutational determin Comparative methods, independent contrasts, life history, Phry- istic hypothesis, Red Queen hypothesis, sexual reproduction, nosoma, phylogeny, sexual size dimorphism, 1821 synergistic epistasis, 604 Cytochrome b, mitochondrial DNA, phylogeny, speciation, spe- Malaria, mixed infection, parasite, Plasmodium chabaudi, viru- cies flock, 1135 lence, 583 Forficula auricularia, molecular phylogeny, mtDNA, population genetics, reproductive isolation, reproductive strategy, 260 PHENOTYPIC PLASTICITY Fs;, maximum likelihood, phylogeny, population divergence, Additive genetic variance, dominance, genetic correlation, het population history, population size, population subdivision, itability, phenotypic correlations, sexual selection, 894 669 Allelic sensitivity, phenotypic plasticity, Populus, QTL mapping, Hybrid zone, marine biogeography, Menippe, mitochondrial regulatory loci, 967 DNA, phylogeography, Suwanee Straits, 1671 Artificial selection, flight, latitudinal cline, phenotypic plasticity, Introgression, lineage extinction, mtDNA paraphyly, Mytilus, thermal selection, wing loading, 1353 phylogeny, 100 Body size, development, diapause, genetic variation, growth rate, Limb evolution, parsimony, polydactyly, tetrapods, 1476 life history, phenotypic plasticity, Scathophaga stercoraria, Plumage color, sexual dichromatism, sexual dimorphism, sexual 1394 selection, tanager, Thraupidae, 1219 Bruchidae, Callosobruchus maculatus, egg size, maternal effect, phenotypic plasticity, 172 PLANT-INSECT INTERACTION Bryozoan, inducible defense, Membranipora, norm of reaction, Artificial selection, Brassica rapa, costs, defense, glucosinolates, phenotypic plasticity, 80 plant-insect interactions, resistance, tolerance, 703 Chaoborus, cost, Daphnia pulex, metabolism, phenotypic plas Chemical defense, Chrysomelidae, host plants, larval defensive ticity, 368 secretion, Phratora vitellinae, plant-herbivore interactions, Sal Characteristic value, Drosophila simulans, genetic variation, phe icaceae, 517 notypic plasticity, reaction norm, 150! Chrysomelidae, host fidelity, host preference. insect-plant inter- Condition-dependent plumage traits, environmental effects ge actions, Neochlamisus bebbianae, pleiotropy, reproductive iso- netic plumage polymorphisms, secondary sexual characters, lation, sibling species, 1744 Tyto alba, 1451 Coevolution, Coleoptera, cytochrome oxidase 1, Dendroctonus, insect-plant interactions, mitochondrial DNA, molecular sys PHYLOGENY tematics, phylogeny, phytophagous insects, 1731 Abies, conifer, mtDNA, phylogeny, polymorphism, rbcL, 1031 Coevolution, host shifts, insect-host plant interactions, Lepidop- Adaptation, comparative, lizards, locomotion, phylogeny, 219 tera, Papilionoidea, specialization, 486 Adaptation, extended phenotypes, gall morphology, gall thrips Daphnia pulex, deleterious mutation, life-history variation, mu phylogeny, 1686 tation accumulation, mutation-selection balance, 727 Adaptive radiation, Araneae, key innovation, null Markovian Diffuse coevolution, Heliothis phloxiphagus, Hylemya, Ipomopsis model, orb web evolution, 403 aggregata, multispecies coevolution, pairwise coevolution, Adh, COI Drosophila willistoni, period, phylogenetics, species plant-herbivore interaction, scarlet gilia, 1583 concepts 1093 Aesculus biogeography, Hippocastanaceae, internal transcribed PLANTS spacers, matK, origin, phylogeny, 988 Abies, conifer, mtDNA, phylogeny, polymorphism, rbcl 1031 A/binaria, Crete, land snails, mitochondrial ribosomal RNA mo Adaptation, dispersal, dormancy, ecotypic differentiation, genetic lecular systematics, paleogeography, phylogeography 116 distance, germination, Heterosperma pinnatum, morphomet- Allometry comparative method, independent contrasts, phylog rics, seed heteromorphism, 344 eny, random trees, Rensch’s rule, sexual size dimorphism, 1 197 Aesculus, biogeography, Hippocastanaceae, internal transcribed Allozyme, Avicennia, biogeography, diversity, genetics, man spacers, matK, origin, phylogeny, 988 grove, phylogeny, 1612 Allozyme, Avicennia, biogeography, diversity, genetics, man Allozymes, biogeography, mtDNA, phylogeography, Point Con grove, phylogeny, 1612 ception, Tigriopus, 734 Allozymes, chloroplast DNA, gene flow, isolation by distance, Allozymes, chloroplast DNA, gene flow, isolation by distance phylogeography, population structure, refugia, Senecio, 355 phylogeography, population structure, refugia, Senecio, 355 Artificial selection, Brassica rapa, costs, defense, glucosinolates Allozymes, evolutionary trends, gall types, genetic constraints, plant-insect interactions, resistance, tolerance, 703 Hymenoptera, Nematinae, phylogeny, sawflies, 465 Biparental inbreeding, gynodioecy, inbreeding depression, Lo- Anatomy, brain, developmental constraints, electric organs, his belia siphilitica, 1572 tology, morphology, phylogenetic analysis, sensory receptors, Chaoborus, cost, Daphnia pulex, metabolism, phenotypic plas specialization, vertebrate, 1760 ticity, 368 I8SSS SUBJEC INDEX Collinsia verna, direct-maternal genetic correlation, emergence Average effect, conversion, epistasis, Fisher, interdemic selec time, maternal effects, maternal inheritance, quantitative ge tion, metapopulation, shifting balance, variance components, netics, seed size, 998 Wright, 1537 cpDNA, gene flow, gynodioecy, population structure, Silene 255 Breeding systems, Crocidura russula, dispersal, genetic structure, cpDNA, gene flow, microgeographic differentiation, mtDNA, Pi- microsatellites, shrews, 1230 nus ponderosa, spatial autocorrelation, 61 Coalescent, gene flow, gene genealogy, neutrality, polymorphism, Cytonuclear interactions, epistasis, Louisiana irises natural hy population structure, straying, 539 bridi ition natural selection RAPDs reproductive isolation, Coancestry coefficient, evolution, genealogy, molecular phylog 1304 eny, pedigree, 957 us mutations, inbreeding depression, Plantago corono cpDNA, gene flow, gynodioecy, population structure, Silene, 255 self-fertilization, serial inbreeding, synergistic epistasis, Diffusion approximation, Sewall Wright, shifting-balance theory, »O7 stochastic simulation models, substructured populations, 1834 Developmental innovation, female gametophyte, fertilization, Effective population size, genetic drift, mtDNA, temporal vari- Gnetum heterochrony, seed plants, 1016 ation, 910 De velopmental instability, environmental stress, fluctuating Frequency cline, genetic succession, microevolution, natural pop asymmetry genetic stress, Lychnis viscaria marginal popu ulations, overproduced esterase, pleiotropy, 443 lations, population size, 1285 Frequency-dependent selection, gynodioecy, population struc- Diffuse coevolution, Heliothis phloxiphagus, Hylemya, Ilpomopsis ture, sex ratio, 30 aggregata, multispecies coevolution, pairwise coevolution, Frequency-dependent selection, happy-face spider, population plant-herbivore interaction, scarlet gilia, 1583 structure, 775 Evolutionarily stable strategy, female-biased sexual allocation Fs;, maximum likelihood, phylogeny, population divergence, hermaphroditic plants, reproductive phenology, 1204 population history, population size, population subdivision, Extinction, gene flow, genetic differentiation, isolation by dis 669 tance, marine angiosperm, recolonization, theta, Zostera ma- Gene flow, genetic barrier, hybrid zones, mathematical models, rina, 330 1277 Fecundity selection, mate availability, plant mating systems, self Gene flow, genetic neighborhood, inbreeding depression, out- incompatibility, 19 breeding depression, population structure, 614 Fitness, genotype-environment interaction, natural selection, Spa- Logistic regression, microevolution, multiple linear regression, tial variation, temporal variation, 678 multivariate selection, natural selection, selection analysis, Flower color hybrid zone Ipomopsis, male hitne ss, pollinator sexual selection, 1564 visitation, selection, trait manipulation 1293 Meiotic drive, ¢ haplotypes, transmission ratio distortion, wild Frequency-dependent selection, gynodioecy, population struc mice, 1185 ture, sex ratio 30) PREDATION Gene flow genetic barrier, hybrid zones, mathematical models, 1277 Adaptation, Corbulidae, functional morphology, Naticidae, pred ator-prey, shell, 68 Gene flow, genetic neighborhood, inbreeding depression out Aposematism, benzaldehyde, chemical defense, Cicindela, cryp- breeding depression, population structure, 614 tic coloration, habitat association, predator, 529 Germination, mating system, outcrossing, polymorphism, selfing Senecio 1593 QUANTITATIVE GENETICS Helianthus, hybridization introgression, isozymes, outcrossing Adaptation, Fisher’s model, natural selection, phenotypic evo- rates, speciation, sunflower, 713 lution, quantitative trait locus, 935 Hybrid fitness, Louisiana irises, mosaic hybrid zones, natural Allelic sensitivity, phenotypic plasticity, Populus, QTL mapping, hybridization natural selection, tension zones, 3 regulatory loci, 967 Canalization, epistasis, evolution of development, phenotype PLATYHELMINTHES landscape, quantitative genetics, 647 Cost of sex, Dugesia, hermaphroditism, parthenogenesis, Platy Collinsia verna, direct-maternal genetic correlation, emergence helminthes, polyploidy, sex allocation, 109 time, maternal effects, maternal inheritance, quantitative ge- POLYMORPHISM netics, seed size, 998 Abies, conifer, mtDNA, phylogeny »olymorprh ism, rbcl 1031 REPRODUCTION—ANIMAI Anarchy, Apis mellifera, kin selection, laying workers, social in Acrocephalus arundinaceus, lifetime reproductive success, natal sects, worker policing, 1408 dispersal, site fidelity, 877 B chromosomes, Eyprepocnemis plorans parasitic, selfish, 274 Adaptation, Alpine lizard, Niveoscincus, offspring survival, par- Bacterial evolution, group selection, homoserine lactones, quo- turition, 1861 rum sensing signaling, 1263 Anura, comparative method, frogs, reproductive isolation, spe Bottleneck, conservation, evolutionarily significant unit parasite resistance, polymorphism 194 ciation, 1811 Barnacle goose, body size, Branta leucopsis, food quality, repro- Coalescent, gene flow, gene genealogy, neutrality, polymorphism population structure, straying §39 ductive success, selection, survival, 1169 Bateman’s principle, echinoid, egg size, fertilization success, sex Condition-dependent plumage traits, environmental effects, ge ual selection, sperm limitation, 1043 netic plumage polymorphisms secondary sexual characters, Carabus iwawakianus, Carabus maiyasanus, cost of copulation, Tyto alba, 1451 genitalia, hybrid zone, lock-and-key hypothesis, selection Frequency-dependent selection, happy-face spider, population against hybridization, 1507 structure, 775 ‘ompetition, environmental stress, geographic parthenogenesis, Germination, mating system, outcrossing, polymorphism, selfing, Senecio 1593 mutational deterministic hypothesis, Potamopyrgus antipoda- rum, sexual reproduction, 1482 POPULATION STRUCTURE ost of reproduction, egg limitation, life-history trade-offs, par- Allozyme electrophoresis, barriers to dispersal, frog, genetic di asitoids, rate maximization, time limitation, 1241 vergence, population genetic structure range change, south- ‘osts of reproduction, fecundity, lifetime reproductive success, western Australia, speciation, 1147 lizards, offspring size, reproduction, reproductive effort, Allozymes, chloroplast DNA, gene flow, isolation by distance, snakes, survival, 1236 phylogeography, population structure, refugia, Senecio, 355 Cuckoidry, maternity, mating system, microsatellites, paternity, Analysis of variance, estimation, F-statistics, genic correlations, polygyny, sexual selection, 1802 hierarchical population structure, 950 Drosophila hibisci, ecological genetics, epistasis, genotype-by- SUBJECT INDEX 1889 environment interactions, Hibiscus, latitudinal cline, line-cross Carabus iwawakianus, Carabus maiyasanus, cost of copulation, analysis, maternal effects, ovariole number, 806 genitalia, hybrid zone, lock-and-key hypothesis, selection Drosophila pseudoobscura, hybrid sterility, sperm heteromor- against hybridization, 1507 phism, sperm motility, 266 Chrysomelidae, host fidelity, host preference, insect-plant inter Evolutionarily stable strategy, female-biased sexual allocation, actions, Neochlamisus bebbianae, pleiotropy, reproductive iso hermaphroditic plants, reproductive phenology, 1204 lation, sibling species, 1744 Host-parasite coevolution, Muller’s ratchet, mutational determin- Climate, life history, morphology, mortality, Nebraska, Petro istic hypothesis, Red Queen hypothesis, sexual reproduction, chelidon, pyrrhonota, survival, 1461 synergistic epistasis, 604 Clone, environmental heterogeneity, genetic variation, intense Inbreeding, inbreeding depression, lethal equivalents, lifetime re- selection, obligate parthenogen, Penthaleus major, 1325 productive success, pedigree, song sparrow, survival, 240 Cost of sex, Dugesia, hermaphroditism, parthenogenesis, Platy- Microsatellites, Polistes, relatedness, social control, worker po- helminthes, polyploidy, sex allocation, 109 licing, 797 Cyprinodon tularosa, Pgdh, phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, salinity, selection, translocation, White Sands pupfish, 1856 REPRODUCTION—PLANT Colonization, extinction, life history, outcrossing, perenniality, Cytonuclear interactions, epistasis, Louisiana irises, natural hy- seed bank, self-fertilization, 657 bridization, natural selection, RAPDs, reproductive isolation, 1304 Fecundity selection, mate availability, plant mating systems, self- incompatibility, 19 Drosophila melanogaster, gamma-Gompertz model, life span, mortality parameters, senescence, 1844 REPTILES Evolution, fire ants, introduced species, monogyny, mtDNA, po- Adaptation, Alpine lizard, Niveoscincus, offspring survival, par- lygyny, relatedness, social insects, Solenopsis invicta, 1416 turition, 1861 Field cricket, multivariate logistic regression, Ormia ochracea, Adaptation, comparative, lizards, locomotion, phylogeny, 219 phonotactic parasitoid, Teleogryllus oceanicus, 166 Ambystoma barbouri, gene flow, ineffective antipredator behav- Fitness, genotype-environment interaction, natural selection, spa- ior, local adaptation, 558 tial variation, temporal variation, 678 Character evolution, oviparity, phylogeny, reproductive mode, Flower color, hybrid zone, /pomopsis, male fitness, pollinator reptiles, squamates, viviparity, 144] visitation, selection, trait manipuiation, 1293 Comparative methods, independent contrasts, life history, Phry- Frequency-dependent selection, gynodioecy, population struc- nosoma, phylogeny, sexual size dimorphism, 1821 ture, sex ratio, 30 Costs of reproduction, fecundity, lifetime reproductive success, Germination, mating system, outcrossing, polymorphism, selfing, lizards, offspring size, reproduction, reproductive effort, Senecio, 1593 snakes, survival, 1236 Hybrid fitness, Louisiana irises, mosaic hybrid zones, natural Genetics, genotype-by-environment interaction, sex-ratio evo- hybridization, natural selection, tension zones, 37 lution, temperature-dependent sex determination, 1514 Logistic regression, microevolution, multiple linear regression, RESISTANCI multivariate selection, natural selection, selection analysis, Acetylcholinesterase, clines, Culex pipiens, fitness cost, gene du sexual selection, 1564 plication, insecticide resistance, resistance gene, 1705 SELECTION—SEXUAI Allelopathy, colicin resistance, colicins, Escherichia coli, plei- otropy, 1270 Additive genetic variance, dominance, genetic correlation, her- itability, phenotypic correlations, sexual selection, 894 Artificial selection, Brassica rapa, costs, defense, glucosinolates, Aggression, courtship, D, osophila silvestris, heritability, sexual plant-insect interactions, resistance, tolerance, 703 selection, 1487 Artificial selection, Drosophila melanogaster, intermediary me- tabolism enzymes, metabolic rate, starvation, starvation resis- Allometry, genitalia, sexual selection, 415 tance, stress resistance, 1679 Bateman’s principle, echinoid, egg size, fertilization success, sex- Biomphalaria glabrata, heritability, host-parasite coevolution, re ual selection, sperm limitation, 1043 sistance, Schistosoma mansoni, strain specificity, susceptibility, Compatibility, cryptic female choice, sexual selection, sperm 1627 choice, sperm competition, 1212 Desiccation, developmental time, Drosophila melanogaster, Cooperative communication, game theory, handicap principle, growth rate, life-history evolution, physiology, starvation, honest signaling, signal detection theory, 1554 stress resistance, trade-offs, 1342 Courtship song, Drosophila, genetic distance, postmating isola- tion, sexual isolation, speciation, 1493 SELECTION—ARTIFICIAI Cuckoldry, kleptogamy, mating system, polygamy, 848 Artificial selection, Brassica rapa, costs, defense, glucosinolates, Cuckoldry, maternity, mating system, microsatellites, paternity, plant-insect interactions, resistance, tolerance, 703 polygyny, sexual selection, 1802 Artificial selection, Drosophila melanogaster, intermediary me- Decision rule, directional selection, mate choice, multivariate tabolism enzymes, metabolic rate, starvation, starvation resis- analysis, nonlinear selection, selection gradient, 1383 tance, stress resistance, 1679 Dominance, Drosophila, homeostasis, sex, sexual selection, spe- Artificial selection, flight, latitudinal cline, phenotypic plasticity ciation, 1080 thermal selection, wing loading, 1353 Drosophila, mating choice testis, mating propensity, sexual iso- SELECTION—NATURAI lation, 126 Adaptation, Fisher’s model, natural selection, phenotypic evo- Drosophila, microsatellites, multiple mating, sperm competition, lution, quantitative trait locus, 935 1334 Adaptive radiation, body size, natural selection, reproductive iso- Evolutionarily stable strategy, female-biased sexual allocation, lation, speciation, stickleback, 209 hermaphroditic plants, reproductive phenology, 1204 Aging, developmental time, laboratory evolution, life history, Feather ornaments, Fisherian mechanism, indicator models, run- selection, 1713 away process, sexual selection, viability models, 859 Barnacle goose, body size, Branta leucopsis, food quality, repro- Female preference, interlocus contest evolution (ICE), intersex- ductive success, selection, survival, 1169 ual conflict, mate choice, sensory exploitation, sexual selec- Body size, CHD gene, extrapair paternity, Ficedula albicollis, tion, | genetic correlation, heritability, microsatellites, natural selec- Field cricket, multivariate logistic regression, Ormia ochracea, tion, sexual dimorphism, 870 phonotactic parasitoid, Teleogryllus oceanicus, 166 Body size, Drosophila melanogaster, environmental stress, heat Fig wasps, intensity of selection, sex ratio, stabilizing selection, resistance, larval density, selection, 619 variance, 475 1890 SUBJEC INDEX Frequency-dependent selection happy-face spider, population Courtship song, Drosuphila, genetic distance, postmating isola- structure, 775 tion, sexual isolation, speciation, 1493 Interaction-dependent sexual selection interaction-independent Cytochrome oxidase I, marine biogeography, Tegula, 12S rRNA, sexual selection, intersexual competition, mate choice, sexual 1311 selection, 8 Dominance, Drosophila, homeostasis, sex, sexual selection, spe Logistic regression microevolution multiple linear regression, ciation, 1080 multivariate selection, natural selection, selection analysis, Drosophila, Haldane’s rule, hybrid sterility, reproductive isola- sexual selection 1564 tion, speciation, spermatogenesis, 1067 Plumage color sexual dichromatism sexual dimorphism, sexual Feather ornaments, Fisherian mechanism, indicator models run selection, tanager rhraupidae, | 219 away process, sexual selection, viability models, 859 Generalized linear model, hybrid zones, interspecific hybridiza- SENESCENCI tion, likelihood, mate choice, reproductive isolation, specia ge-specific mutations, antagonistic pleiotropy, demography tion, 503 mortality plateau, mutation accumuiation, senescence, 454 Helianthus, hybridization, introgression isozymes, outcrossing Aging, develop7m13e ntal time laboratory evolution life history rates, speciation, sunflower, 713 selection, | Prezygotic isolation, reinforcement, reproductive character dis- Drosophila melanogaste: gamma-Gompertz model, life span placement, speciation, sticklebacks, 200 mortality parameters, senescence 1844 SYSTEMATICS SEX Albinaria, Crete, land snails, mitochondrial ribosomal RNA, mo Crassostrea dioecy, evolution, hermaphroditism, mollusk, oyster lecular systematics, paleogeography, phylogeography 116 protandry sex sex change, sex determination sexual matu Founder event, genetic architecture, genetic drift, genetic vari- ration, 394 ation, heterozygosity, isolation-by-distance, mosquito system Host parasite coevol ition Muller s ratchet, mutational determin atics, Wyeomyia smithii, 1697 istic hypothesis Red Queen hypothesis sexual reproduction VARIATION Synergistic epistasis 604 Adaptive radiation cladogenesis rodent, speciation, subterra- SPECIATION nean tree balance, 1521 Adaptive radiation, body size, natural selection, reproductivies o Bryozoan, inducible defense, Membranipora, norm of reaction lation, speciation, stickleback, 209 phenotypic plasticity, 80 Adaptive radiation, cladogenesis rodent, speciation, subterra Calling song, genetic variation, genotype X environment inter- nean, tree balance, 152! actions, hybrid zone, reproductive isolation, 1104 A/binaria, rete, land snails, mitochondrial ribosomal RNA mo Climatic adaptation, Drosophila ananassae, D. melanogaster, In lecular systematics paleogeography phylogeography, 116 dia, Zaprionus indianus, 825 A/lonemobius barrier to fertilization conspecific sperm prece Clinal variation, hybrid zone, introgression, katydid, Orchelimum, dence cricket, hybridization reproductive isolation specia Potomac, southeastern United States, species replacement, Tet tion S11 tigoniidae, 784 Allozyme electrophoresis, barriers to dispersal frog, genetic di Clone, environmental heterogeneity genetic Variation, intense vergence, population genetic structure range change south selection, obligate parthenogen, Penthaleus major, 1325 western Australia speciation 1147 Daphnia pulex, deleterious mutation, life-history variation, mu- Allozymes COl dispersal geographic isolation, phylogeogra tation accumulation, mutation-selection balance, 727 phy Pleistocene, Point Conception, range expansion 12S, vi Drosophila, environmental stress evolvability, heritability, var cariance, zoogeographic boundary, 757 iation, 1207 Anura, comparative method frogs, reproductive isolation, spe Drosophila general-purpose genotypes, genetic variation, host ciation, 1811 races, host specificity, Howardula, parasites, 832 Bottleneck, Drosophila, { yunder-flush, premating isolation, spe Effective population size genetic drift mtDNA, temporal vari ciation 1850 ation 910 Cepphus glacial refugia, mitochondrial control region, phylo Fitness, genotype-environment interaction, natural selection, spa geography, Pleistocene, populatior genetics, speciation, 1158 tial variation, temporal variation, 678 Chrysomelidae host fidelity host preference, insect-plant inter VIRUSES actions Neochlamisus bebbianae pleiotropy, reproductive iso Evolution of fitness experimental evolution, Muller's ratchet lation, sibling species 1744 RNA viruses, VSV, 309

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