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EVOLUTION INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORGANIC EVOLUTION PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF EVOLUTION Vol. 48 Subject Index Evolution, 48(6), 1994, pp. 2053-2065 AMPHIBIANS fecundity, hosts, incompatibility, sterilization, Wol- Acipenser, Actinopterygii, developmental evolution, bachia, 909 sturgeon, 7aricha, 2035 Ambystoma maculatum, historical patterns of gene flow, intraspecific sequence divergence, mitochon- BEHAVIOR drial DNA, Pleistocene glaciation, restriction-site acclimatization, Daphnia pulicaria, habitat selec- analysis, spotted salamander, 597 tion, heritability, niche polymorphisms, 1324 amphibian, Anura, Hy/a versicolor complex, mito- aggression, heterozygosity, Microtus pennsylvanicus, chondrial DNA, polyploidy, speciation, tree frogs, population cycles, voles, 1350 898 ants, eusociality, genetic variation, Hymenoptera, amphibian, development, environmental heteroge- polyandry, polygyny, social insects, 694 neity, food, genetic variation, growth, phenotypic ants, queen-worker conflict, relatedness asymmetry, plasticity, reaction norm, Scaphiopus, tempera- sex ratio, sociality, 1121 ture, toads, trade-off, 1773 assortative mating, grasshopper, mate recognition, amphibians, animal reproduction, fitness, life his- mating signals, morphology, population diver- tory, quantitative genetics, sexual selection, 1286 gence, 1202 Anura, growth, intraspecific competition, kinship, Asterias, bilateral symmetry, cephalization, Echi- metamorphosis, Rana cascadae, 1383 nometra, Heterocentrotus, irregular echinoids, lo- biogeography, Ensatina eschsholtzii, gene flow, mul- comotor anterior, radial symmetry, regular echi- tidimensional scaling, phylogenetics, proteins, ring noids, test, 1130 species, speciation, taxonomy, 876 bees, eusociality, Exoneura bicolor, \ocal fitness en- bottlenecks, cytoplasmic variation, kin-structured hancement, relatedness, social evolution, social colonization, migration, nuclear variation, sala- insects, 1684 manders, 1114 behavior, brain, distance matrices, double-permu- interspecific interference, Plethodontidae, reproduc- tation test, evolution, Mantel test, marsupials, tion, salamanders, sympatry, 921 multiple regression, permutation test, triple-per- mutation test, 1487 ARACHNIDS chaffinches, cultural evolution, memetic differenti- copulation, courtship, cryptic female choice, insects, ation, song, 351 intrageneric variation, sexual selection, spiders, 71 | copulation, courtship, cryptic female choice, insects, Cordylochernes scorpiodes, \actate dehydrogenase, intrageneric variation, sexual selection, spiders, 71 | population divergence, postzygotic isolation, pre- divergence, hybrid fitness, premating isolation, re- zygotic isolation, pseudoscorpion, sexual selec- inforcement, reproductive character displace- tion, speciation, spermatophore, 1168 ment, secondary contact, sexual selection, speci- spectral properiies, spiders, spider silks, 287 ation, 1451 BACTERIA Drosophila melanogaster, heritable variation, mat- acclimation, adaptation, bacteria, Escherichia coli, ing discrimination, mating speed, sexual selection, fitness, temperature, variable environments, | 222 112 Bacillus mycoides, bacterial taxonomy, biochemical epistasis, interdemic selection, migration, popula- tests, multilocus enzyme electrophoresis, popu- tion structure, shifting balance, 69 lation genetics, restriction-fragment-length poly- extrapair paternity, female choice, polygyny, sexual morphism, sibling species, 1698 dichromatism, sexual selection, sperm competi- Bacillus subtilis, compensatory evolution, fitness, tion, 1089 mutation, pleiotropy, resistance, rifampicin, 81 foraging cost, handicap principle, Hirundo rustica, Bacillus thuringiensis, fitness, Plutella xylostella, re- mate choice, reliable signaling, sexual selection, sistance, 197 tail ornament, 1676 bacteria, bacteriophage, host-parasite coevolution, handicap principle, mate choice, runaway, sexual immunity, resistance, virulence, 1470 characters, sexual selection, 853 cytoplasmic incompatibility, Drosophila simulans, Iekking, lek size, manakins, phylogenetic analysis, host-parasite coevolution, modifier evolution, social behavior, 1657 Wolbachia, 1500 sexual imprinting, sexual selection, speciation, 477 2053 ©1994 The Society for the Study of Evolution. All rights reserved. 2054 SUBJECT INDEX BIOGEOGRAPHY phy, mitochondrial DNA, Odocoileus virginianus, adaptation, Anolis, constraint, ecological morphol- white-tailed deer, 122 ogy, lizard, niche, specialization, 1786 allopatry, dispersal, distributional overlap, periph- Birps eral isolation, phylogeny, sympatry, vicariance, 490 Acrocephalus arundinaceus, band sharing, DNA fin- allopolyploidy, Asplenium, colonization, Hawaii, gerprinting, great reed warbler, hatching failure, long-distance dispersal, speciation, 1364 nonincestuous inbreeding, population bottleneck, allozymes, Australia, Daphnia, dispersal, founder ef- reproductive success, 317 fects, hybridization, speciation, zooplankton, 1333 Agelaius, blackbird evolution, comparative ap- Amazon Basin, arboreal spiny rat, cytochrome b, proach, cytochrome b, DNA sequencing, mono- Mesomys, mitochondrial DNA, haplotype, phy- phyly, phylogenetic, polymerase chain reaction, logeography, river barriers, 1314 679 Ambystoma maculatum, historical patterns of gene Agelaius phoeniceus, natural selection, overwinter flow, intraspecific sequence divergence, mitochon- mortality, red-winged blackbird, sexuai size di- drial DNA, Pleistocene glaciation, restriction-site morphism, 1071 analysis, spotted salamander, 597 allometry, Darwin’s finches, evolutionary potential, angiosperms, diversification, geographical distribu- genetic constraints, genetic correlations, heritabil- tion, growth form, life-history flexibility, polli- ities, hybridization, mutation-selection balance, nation, seed dispersal, speciation rate, species rich- polygenic variation, 297 ness, 1619 altricial birds, clutch size, comparative study, life- assortative mating, chloroplast DNA, cytonuclear, history variation, nestling growth rates, 1397 disequilibria, hybrid zone, Louisiana irises, bird, Caribbean region, Coereba flaveola, genetic di- RAPDs, RFLPs, selection, 1946 vergence, genetic diversity, historical biogeogra- biogeography, Cryptobranchus, molecular evolution, phy, mtDNA, RFLP, West Indies, 1041 phylogeny, 1799 bird, Caribbean region, Dendroica petechia, island biogeography, cytochrome b, Gasterosteus aculeatus, biogeography, mitochondrial DNA, phylogeny, mitochondrial-DNA sequences, molecular phy- West Indies, 1914 logeny, Pleistocene refugia, polymerase chain re- blackbirds, costs, galliformes, raptors, sexual selec- action, substitution rate, 608 tion, shorebirds, waterfowl, 671 biogeography, Ensatina eschsholtzii, gene flow, mul- chaffinches, cultural evolution, memetic differenti- tidimensional scaling, phylogenetics, proteins, ring ation, song, 351 species, speciation, taxonomy, 876 character evolution, delayed maturation, molt, biogeography, marine turtles, mtDNA, phylogeog- plumage, shorebirds, 327 raphy, 1820 environmental effects, fitness, heritability, Hirundo bird, Caribbean region, Coereba flaveola, genetic di- rustica, morphological variability, repeatability, vergence, genetic diversity, historical biogeogra- secondary sexual characters, 658 phy, mtDNA, RFLP, West Indies, 1041 foraging cost, handicap principle, Hirundo rustica, bird, Caribbean region, Dendroica petechia, island mate choice, reliable signaling, sexual selection, biogeography, mitochondrial DNA, phylogeny, tail ornament, 1676 West Indies, 1914 frequency-dependent selection, gallmakers, parasit- chaffinches, cultural evolution, memetic differenti- oids, phenotypic selection, plant-insect interac- ation, song, 351 tion, predation, woodpeckers, 734 chromosomal evolution, cytochrome-b gene, mito- geographic variation, hybridization, phylogeogra- chondrial DNA, phylogeny, phylogeography, phy, speciation, species limits, 96 Robertsonian fusion, Sorex araneus group, 623 Iekking, lek size, manakins, phylogenetic analysis, coral, fragmentation, genetic subdivision, larval dis- social behavior, 1657 persal, philopatry, Seriatopera hystrix, sexual re- production, 1183 CHROMOSOMAL EVOLUTION cytochrome b, cytochrome oxidase, direct sequenc- Aedes, chromosomal homology, enzyme linkage ing, dispersal biogeography, Gallotia lizards, is- maps, linkage-group conservation, mosquito land colonization, mitochondrial DNA, nuclear karyotypic evolution, 146 DNA, PCR, RAPD, restriction-fragment-length assortative mating. linkage, selection, 868 polymorphisms, |2s rRNA, 230 bottlenecks, cytoplasmic variation, kin-structured developmental noise, quantitative-genetic model, colonization, migration, nuclear variation, sala- selection, 1478 manders, 1114 F.,, F,, gene flow, grass shrimp, hybrid zone, linkage Chlamydomonas, parasitic DNA, sex, transposons, disequilibrium, mitochondrial DNA, Palaemo- 1406 netes kadiakensis, protein electrophoresis, ribo- chromosomal evolution, cytochrome-b gene, mito- somal DNA, 376 chondrial DNA, phylogeny, phylogeography, gene flow, hierarchical genetic structure, Lasioam- Robertsonian fusion, Sorex araneus group, 623 pidae, Lepidoptera, Malacosoma americanum, heterosis, inbreeding, mutation-drift balance, over- private alleles, tent caterpillars, Wright's F-statis- dominance, 1410 tics, 1158 geographic variation, hybridization, phylogeogra- COEVOLUTION phy, speciation, species limits, 96 Apterothrips apteris, Erigeron glaucus, evolution of historical biogeography, intraspecific phylogeogra- sex, herbivores, local adaptation, 465 SUBJECT INDEX 2055 artificial flowers, Bombus, distyly, evolution, her- growth rate, life-history evolution, maturation, kogamy, heterostyly, pollination, 1595 skeletal muscle, trade-off, 1080 backcross hybrids, cottonwood, Populus, RFLPs, 929 Bicyclus anynana, butterfly wing, constraint, devel- bacteria, bacteriophage, host-parasite coevolution, opment, eyespot, genetic correlation, gradient, immunity, resistance, virulence, 1470 pattern formation, quantitative genetics, selection, cytoplasmic incompatibility, Drosophila simulans, 1147 host-parasite coevolution, modifier evolution, body size, costs of reproduction, maturation, natural Wolbachia, 1500 selection, sexual dimorphism, sexual selection, Datura stramonium, Epitrix parvula, heritability, snake, Vipera berus, 1389 Mexico, natural selection, plant resistance to her- body size, Drosophila melanogaster, phenotypic bivores, quantitative genetics, Sphenarium pur- plasticity, temperature, 1269 purascens, 423 character evolution, delayed maturation, molt, deme formation, gene-for-gene resistance, local ad- plumage, shorebirds, 327 aptation, Red Queen, 454 dimorphism, fecundity, Gryllus firmus, macroptery, frequency-dependent selection, gallmakers, parasit- trade-offs, 1650 oids, phenotypic selection, plant-insect interac- tion, predation, woodpeckers, 734 DROSOPHILA gene-for-gene coevolution, linkage, Linum margin- alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), Drosophila, ethanol ale, Melampsora lini, origins of resistance, race- tolerance, habitat, 746 specific resistance genes, 1564 alcohol dehydrogenase, Drosophila, metabolic phys- genetic correlations, genotype-by-environment in- iology, polymorphism, volatiles, 781 teraction, heritability of parasite resistance, host alcohol dehydrogenase, ethanol degradation, '*C nu- parasite, mollusks, Red Queen hypothesis, trem- clear magnetic resonance, Drosophila melanogas- atodes, 1514 ter, 504 antagonistic pleiotropy, Drosophila, genotype-by- COMPETITION environment interaction, life history, trade-offs, Anolis, competition, evolutionarily stable strategy, 1244 frequency dependence, size-advantage, taxon cy- antagonistic pleiotropy, Drosophila, genotype-by- cle, 1764 environment interaction, life history, trade-offs, Anura, growth, intraspecific competition, kinship, 1258 metamorphosis, Rana cascadae, 1383 artificial selection, Drosophila melanogaster, egg-to- Cryptantha flava, ovule abortion, sibling competi- pupa viability, inbreeding, 1277 tion, single-seededness, 1377 body size, Drosophila melanogaster, phenotypic CRUSTACEANS plasticity, temperature, 1269 acclimatization, Daphnia pulicaria, habitat selec- cactophilic, Drosophila, heterozygosity, population tion, heritability, niche polymorphisms, 1324 structure, random mating, 912 allozymes, Australia, Daphnia, dispersal, founder ef- canalization, Drosophila, fitness sensitivity, natural fects, hybridization, speciation, zooplankton, 1333 selection, 1438 biplot, Gammarus minus, genetic correlations, re- comparative, Drosophila, evolution, metabolism, gressive evolution, 587 1230 Daphnia magna, developmental noise, heterozygos- cytoplasmic incompatibility, Drosophila simulans, ity, phenotypic plasticity, 1715 host-parasite coevolution, modifier evolution, Excirolana, extinction, gene frequencies, morphol- Wolbachia, 1500 ogy, recolonization, variation, 549 Drosophila buzzatii, fitness-components analysis, hi- F.,, F.,, gene flow, grass shrimp, hybrid zone, linkage erarchical models, inversion polymorphism, mat- disequilibrium, mitochondrial DNA, Palaemo- ing pattern, mating probability, natural popula- netes kadiakensis, protein electrophoresis, ribo- tion, selective hypothesis, 767 somal DNA, 376 Drosophila melanogaster, heritable variation, mat- ing discrimination, mating speed, sexual selection, DEVELOPMENT 112 Acipenser, Actinopterygii, developmental evolution, sperm competition, sperm displacement, sperm pre- sturgeon, Taricha, 2035 cedence, 758 Agelaius phoeniceus, natural selection, overwinter mortality, red-winged blackbird, sexual size di- ECOLOGY morphism, 1071 acclimation, adaptation, bacteria, Escherichia coli, alcohol dehydrogenase, Drosophila, metabolic phys- fitness, temperature, variable environments, 1222 iology, polymorphism, volatiles, 781 adaptation, genotype-by-environment interaction, altricial birds, clutch size, comparative study, life- phenotypic plasticity, sticklebacks, trophic mor- history variation, nestling growth rates, 1397 phology, 1723 amphibian, development, environmental heteroge- Agelaius phoeniceus, natural selection, overwinter neity, food, genetic variation, growth, phenotypic mortality, red-winged blackbird, sexual size di- plasticity, reaction norm, Scaphiopus, tempera- morphism, 1071 ture, toads, trade-off, 1773 alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), Drosophila, ethanol Anura, growth, intraspecific competition, kinship, tolerance, habitat, 746 metamorphosis, Rana cascadae, 1383 allozymes, Gambusia holbrooki, heterozygosity, life avian growth, development, evolutionary constraint, history, Poeciliidae, stress, temperature, 1810 2056 SUBJECT INDEX amphibian, development, environmental heteroge- adaptation, genotype-by-environment interaction, neity, food, genetic variation, growth, phenotypic phenctypic plasticity, sticklebacks, trophic mor- plasticity, reaction norm, Scaphiopus, tempera- phology, 1723 ture, toads, trade-off, 1773 amphibians, animal reproduction, fitness, life his- Asteraceae, Erigeron annuus, fitness, genetic varia- tory, quantitative genetics, sexual selection, 1286 tion, genotype-by-environment interaction, het- antagonistic pleiotropy, Drosophila, genotype-by- erogeneous environments, spatial autocorrelation, environment interaction, life history, trade-offs, 1607 1244 body size, Drosophila melanogaster, phenotypic antagonistic pleiotropy, Drosophila, genotype-by- plasticity, temperature, 1269 environment interaction, life history, trade-offs, Chorthippus parallelus, crossing experiments, epis- 1258 tasis, Haldane’s rule, hybrid zone, testis dysfunc- ants, queen-worker conflict, relatedness asymmetry, tion, 392 sex ratio, sociality, 1121 cladogenesis, density dependence, evolution, extinc- assortative mating, linkage, selection, 868 tion, phylogeny, 523 Asteraceae, Erigeron annuus, fitness, genetic varia- cricket, environmental variability, genetic variance, tion, genotype-by-environment interaction, het- Gryllus pennsylvanicus, heritability, life-history erogeneous environments, spatial autocorrelation, characters, 1637 1607 demographic stochasticity, extinction, environmen- Bacillus subtilis, compensatory evolution, fitness, tal stochasticity, mutation, 1460 mutation, pleiotropy, resistance, rifampicin, 81 developmental noise, quantitative-genetic model, Bacillus thuringiensis, fitness, Plutella xylostella, re- selection, 1478 sistance, 197 diallel experiment, environmental maternal effects, bees, eusociality, Exoneura bicolor, local fitness en- environmental paternal effects, genetic maternal hancement, relatedness, social evolution, social effects, genetic paternal effects, pollen-selection insects, 1684 hypothesis, Solidago altissima, 1525 blackbirds, costs, galliformes, raptors, sexual selec- environmental effects, fitness, heritability, Hirundo tion, shorebirds, waterfowl, 671 rustica, morphological variability, repeatability, canalization, Drosophila, fitness sensitivity, natural secondary sexual characters, 658 selection, 1438 gametic compatibility, Patiriella, reproductive iso- clutch size, fecundity, offspring size, reproductive lation, 564 cost, reproductive effort, reptiles, 137 spectral properties, spiders, spider silks, 287 crossing distance, Delphinium nelsonii, inbreeding depression, larkspur, outbreeding depression, plant ELECTROPHORESIS population structure, progeny fitness, 842 Bacillus mycoides, bacterial taxonomy, biochemical demographic stochasticity, extinction, environmen- tests, multilocus enzyme electrophoresis, popu- tal stochasticity, mutation, 1460 lation genetics, restriction-fragment-length poly- dimorphism, fecundity, Gryllus firmus, macroptery, morphism, sibling species, 1698 trade-offs, 1650 coral, fragmentation, genetic subdivision, larval dis- divergence, hybrid fitness, premating isolation, re- persal, philopatry, Seriatopera hystrix, sexual re- inforcement, reproductive character displace- production, 1183 ment, secondary contact, sexual selection, speci- F.,, F.,, gene flow, grass shrimp, hybrid zone, linkage ation, 1451 disequilibrium, mitochondrial DNA, Palaemo- Drosophila buzzatii, fitness-components analysis, hi- netes kadiakensis, protein electrophoresis, ribo- erarchical models, inversion polymorphism, mat- somal DNA, 376 ing pattern, mating probability, natural popula- FIsHES tion, selective hypothesis, 767 adaptation, genotype-by-environment interaction, environmental effects, fitness, heritability, Hirundo phenotypic plasticity, sticklebacks, trophic mor- rustica, morphological! variability, repeatability, phology, 1723 secondary sexual characters, 658 allozymes, disequilibrium, Gambusia, genetic drift, epistasis, /mpatiens, inbreeding depression, jewel- hybrid zones, mitochondrial DNA, 155 weed, serial inbreeding, 818 allozymes, Gambusia holbrooki, heterozygosity, life foraging cost, handicap principle, Hirundo rustica, history, Poeciliidae, stress, temperature, 1810 mate choice, reliable signaling, sexual selection, alternative reproductive tactics, breeding success, tail ornament, 1676 density, hatcheries, natural selection, Oncorhyn- heterosis, inbreeding, mutation-drift balance, over- chus kisutch, salmon, sexual dimorphism, sexual dominance, 1410 selection, 637 FUNGI biogeography, cytochrome b, Gasterosteus aculeatus, frequency-dependent selection, fungi, heterokaryon, mitochondrial-DNA sequences, molecular phy- self/nonself, vegetative incompatibility, 979 logeny, Pleistocene refugia, polymerase chain re- gene-for-gene coevolution, linkage, Linum margin- action, substitution rate, 608 ale, Melampsora lini, origins of resistance, race- Firness specific resistance genes, 1564 acclimation, adaptation, bacteria, Escherichia coli, interspecific interference, Plethodontidae, reproduc- fitness, temperature, variable environments, | 222 tion, salamanders, sympatry, 921 SUBJECT INDEX 2057 GENE FLow genetic erosion, genome purging, heterosis, inbreed- Albinaria, allozymes, dispersal, gene flow, genetic ing depression, small populations, 996 distance, land snail, population structure, 577 heterosis, inbreeding, mutation-drift balance, over- Ambystoma maculatum, historical patterns of gene dominance, 1410 flow, intraspecific sequence divergence, mitochon- drial DNA, Pleistocene glaciation, restriction-site HYBRIDIZATION analysis, spotted salamander, 597 allometry, Darwin’s finches, evolutionary potential, Apiaceae, comparative approach, Cryptotaenia can- genetic constraints, genetic correlations, heritabil- adensis, gene flow, hierarchical F-statistics, iso- ities, hybridization, mutation-selection balance, zymes, Osmorhiza, population genetic structure, polygenic variation, 297 Sanicula odorata, seed dispersal, 791 allozymes, Australia, Daphnia, dispersal, founder ef- Asclepias exaltata, gene flow, interspecific hybrid- fects, hybridization, speciation, zooplankton, 1333 ization, milkweed, pollen dispersal, 1032 allozymes, disequilibrium, Gambusia, genetic drift, biogeography, Ensatina eschsholtzii, gene flow, mul- hybrid zones, mitochondrial DNA, 155 tidimensional scaling, phylogenetics, proteins, ring Asclepias exaltata, gene flow, interspecific hybrid- species, speciation, taxonomy, 876 ization, milkweed, pollen dispersal, 1032 Cecropia obtusifolia, demographic genetics, gene flow, assortative mating, chloroplast DNA, cytonuclear, genetic buffering, genetic structure, genetic varia- disequilibria, hybrid zone, Louisiana irises, tion, seed-bank genetics, seed dispersa!, 437 RAPDs, RFLPs, selection, 1946 coral, fragmentation, genetic subdivision, larval dis- backcross hybrids, cottonwood, Populus, RFLPs, 929 persal, philopatry, Seriatopera hystrix, sexual re- chloroplast-DNA variation, evolution, Pinus, spe- production, 1183 cies hybridization, 1020 crypsis, gene flow, genetic variation, habitat hetero- Chorthippus parallelus, crossing experiments, epis- geneity, host specialization, isolation by distance, tasis, Haldane’s rule, hybrid zone, testis dysfunc- multiple-niche polymorphism, natural selection, tion, 392 spatial scale, Timema cristinae, 1866 divergence, hybrid fitness, premating isolation, re- ecological races, gene flow, hybridization, mito- inforcement, reproductive character displace- chondrial-DNA divergence, Papilio machaon, 408 ment, secondary contact, sexual selection, speci- F.,, F.,, gene flow, grass shrimp, hybrid zone, linkage ation, 1451 disequilibrium, mitochondrial DNA, Palaemo- ecological races, gene flow, hybridization, mito- netes kadiakensis, protein electrophoresis, ribo- chondrial-DNA divergence, Papilio machaon, 408 somal DNA, 376 energetics, hybrid zones, Mytilus, physiological ge- gene flow, genetic divergence, morphological diver- netics, 267 gence, morphotypes, recolonization, variation, 530 fertilization barrier, hybrid zone, reproductive iso- gene flow, hierarchical genetic structure, Lasioam- lation, speciation, sperm competition, 705 pidae, Lepidoptera, Malacosoma americanum, geographic variation, hybridization, phylogeogra- private alleles, tent caterpillars, Wright’s F-statis- phy, speciation, species limits, 96 tics, 1158 INBREEDING HERBIVORY Acrocephalus arundinaceus, band sharing, DNA fin- Apterothrips apteris, Erigeron glaucus, evolution of gerprinting, great reed warbler, hatching failure, sex, herbivores, local adaptation, 465 nonincestuous inbreeding, population bottleneck, cost, defense, Diplacus aurantiacus, flavonoids, ge- reproductive success, 317 netic correlation, heritability, maternal effect, 1550 aphally, Bulinus truncatus, grouping effect, inbreed- crypsis, gene flow, genetic variation, habitat hetero- ing depression, mating system, snail, 498 geneity, host specialization, isolation by distance, Aquilegia caerulea, diallel, inbreeding depression, ju- multiple-niche polymorphism, natural selection, venile traits, maternal effects, quantitative genet- spatial scale, Timema cristinae, 1866 ics, seed mass, 828 Datura stramonium, Epitrix parvula, heritability, artificial selection, Drosophila melanogaster, egg-to- Mexico, natural selection, plant resistance to her- pupa viability, inbreeding, 1277 bivores, quantitative genetics, Sphenarium pur- assortative mating, chloroplast DNA, cytonuclear, purascens, 423 disequilibria, hybrid zone, Louisiana irises, RAPDs, RFLPs, selection, 1946 HETEROSIS crossing distance, Delphinium nelsonii, inbreeding aggression, heterozygosity, Microtus pennsylvanicus, depression, larkspur, outbreeding depression, plant population cycles, voles, 1350 population structure, progeny fitness, 842 allozymes, Gambusia holbrooki, heterozygosity, life Decodon verticillatus, genetic load, inbreeding, in- history, Poeciliidae, stress, temperature, 1810 breeding depression, natural selection, self-fertil- biochemical heterozygosity, morphologic variation, ization, 952 Papio hamadryas hamadryas, population genet- epistasis, /mpatiens, inbreeding depression, jewel- ics, 1211 weed, serial inbreeding, 818 cactophilic, Drosophila, heterozygosity, population genetic erosion, genome purging, heterosis, inbreed- structure, random mating, 912 ing depression, small populations, 996 Daphnia magna, developmental noise, heterozygos- heterosis, inbreeding, mutation-drift balance, over- ity, phenotypic plasticity, 1715 dominance, 1410 2058 SUBJECT INDEX inbreeding, inbreeding depression, Mimulus, purg- private alleles, tent caterpillars, Wright's F-statis- ing, recessive mutations, self-fertilization, 806 tics, 1158 inbreeding depression, mutations, self-fertilization, Lire History selfing rate, 965 allozymes, Gambusia holbrooki, heterozygosity, life inbreeding depression, ratios, self fertilization, 1735 history, Poeciliidae, stress, temperature, 1810 INSECTS altricial birds, clutch size, comparative study, life- Aedes, chromosomal homology, enzyme linkage history variation, nestling growth rates, 1397 maps, linkage-group conservation, mosquito amphibians, animal reproduction, fitness, life his- karyotypic evolution, 146 tory, quantitative genetics, sexual selection, 1286 agastoparasitism, convergence, Cynipidae, Emery’s angiosperms, diversification, geographical distribu- rule, evolution, gall wasps, inquilinism, phyloge- tion, growth form, life-history flexibility, polli- ny, 241 nation, seed dispersal, speciation rate, species rich- age-specific mortality, Callobruchus maculatus, ge- ness, 1619 netic variation, senescence, 1371 antagonistic pleiotropy, Drosophila, genotype-by- ants, eusociality, genetic variation, Hymenoptera, environment interaction, life history, trade-offs, polyandry, polygyny, social insects, 694 1244 ants, queen-worker conflict, relatedness asymmetry, antagonistic pleiotropy, Drosophila, genotype-by- sex ratio, sociality, 1121 environment interaction, life history, trade-offs, Apterothrips apteris, Erigeron glaucus, evolution of 1258 sex, herbivores, local adaptation, 465 avian growth, development, evolutionary constraint, artificial flowers, Bombus, distyly, evolution, her- growth rate, life-history evolution, maturation, kogamy, heterostyly, pollination, 1595 skeletal muscle, trade-off, 1080 assortative mating, grasshopper, mate recognition, cricket, environmental variability, genetic variance, mating signals, morphology, population diver- Gryllus pennsylvanicus, heritability, life-history gence, 1202 characters, 1637 Bacillus thuringiensis, fitness, Plutella xylostella, re- Daphnia magna, developmental noise, heterozygos- sistance, 197 ity, phenotypic plasticity, 1715 bees, eusociality, Exoneura bicolor, \ocal fitness en- MAMMALS hancement, relatedness, social evolution, social aggression, heterozygosity, Microtus pennsylvanicus, insects, 1684 population cycles, voles, 1350 Bicyclus anynana, butterfly wing, constraint, devel- Amazon Basin, arboreal spiny rat, cytochrome ), opment, eyespot, genetic correlation, gradient, Mesomys, mitochondrial DNA, haplotype, phy- pattern formation, quantitative genetics, selection, logeography, river barriers, 1314 1147 antelopes, rates, ribosomal RNA, secondary struc- Chorthippus parallelus, crossing experiments, epis- ture, 188 tasis, Haldane’s rule, hybrid zone, testis dysfunc- behavior, brain, distance matrices, double-permu- tion, 392 tation test, evolution, Mantel test, marsupials, copulation, courtship, cryptic female choice, insects, multiple regression, permutation test, triple-per- intrageneric variation, sexual selection, spiders, 7 1 | mutation test, 1487 cost, defense, Diplacus aurantiacus, flavonoids, ge- biochemical heterozygosity, morphologic variation, netic correlation, heritability, maternal effect, 1550 Papio hamadryas hamadryas, population genet- cricket, environmental variability, genetic variance, ics, 1211 Gryllus pennsylvanicus, heritability, life-history chromosomal evolution, cytochrome-b gene, mito- characters, 1637 chondrial DNA, phylogeny, phylogeography, crypsis, gene flow, genetic variation, habitat hetero- Robertsonian fusion, Sorex araneus group, 623 geneity, host specialization, isolation by distance, endothermy, mammals, maxilloturbinates, metab- multiple-niche polymorphism, natural selection, olism, nasal turbinates, reptiles, therapsids, 207 spatial scale, Timema cristinae, 1866 historical biogeography, intraspecific phylogeogra- Datura stramonium, Epitrix parvula, heritability, phy, mitochondrial DNA, Odocoileus virginianus, Mexico, natural selection, plant resistance to her- white-tailed deer, 122 bivores, quantitative gene’‘es, Sphenarium pur- life tables, mammals, senescence, 509 purascens, 423 deme formation, gene-for-gene resistance, local ad- Mayr, Ernst aptation, Red Queen, 454 Disciplining evolutionary biology: Ernst Mayr and dimorphism, fecundity, Gry/lus firmus, macroptery, the founding of the Society for the Study of Evo- trade-offs, 1650 lution, \ ecological races, gene flow, hybridization, mito- Ernst Mayr and evolutionary biology, 36 chondrial-DNA divergence, Papilio machaon, 408 Ernst Mayr and the centrality of species, 31 fertilization barrier, hybrid zone, reproductive iso- Ernst Mayr and the origin of species, 19 lation, speciation, sperm competition, 705 Ernst Mayr, the ornithologist, 12 frequency-dependent selection, gallmakers, parasit- Some personal recollections of Ernst Mayr, 9 oids, phenotypic selection, plant-insect interac- tion, predation, woodpeckers, 734 MOLecuLAR EVOLUTION gene flow, hierarchical genetic structure, Lasioam- Agelaius, blackbird evolution, comparative ap- pidae, Lepidoptera, Malacosoma americanum, proach, cytochrome b, DNA sequencing, mono- SUBJECT INDEX 2059 phyly, phylogenetic, polymerase chain reaction, capsule, Gastropoda, isopod, Nucella emarginata, 679 predation, wall thickness, 1301 allozymes, disequilibrium, Gambusia, genetic drift, energetics, hybrid zones, Mytilus, physiological ge- hybrid zones, mitochondrial DNA, 155 netics, 267 Amazon Basin, arboreal spiny rat, cytochrome }, genetic correlations, genotype-by-environment in- Mesomys, mitochondrial DNA, haplotype, phy- teraction, heritability of parasite resistance, host logeography, river barriers, 1314 parasite, mollusks, Red Queen hypothesis, trem- Ambystoma maculatum, historical patterns of gene atodes, 1514 flow, intraspecific sequence divergence, mitochon- drial DNA, Pleistocene glaciation, restriction-site MorPHOLOGY analysis, spotted salamander, 597 acclimatization, Daphnia pulicaria, habitat selec- amphibian, Anura, Hyla versicolor complex, mito- tion, heritability, niche polymorphisms, 1324 chondrial DNA, polyploidy, speciation, tree frogs, adaptation, Anolis, constraint, ecological morphol- 898 ogy, lizard, niche, specialization, 1786 antelopes, rates, ribosomal RNA, secondary struc- adaptation, genotype-by-environment interaction, ture, 188 phenotypic plasticity, sticklebacks, trophic mor- backcross hybrids, cottonwood, Populus, RFLPs, 929 phology, 1723 biogeography, Cryptobranchus, molecular evolution, aerodynamics, animal flight, long tails, sexual di- phylogeny, 1799 morphism, sexual selection, wings, 1062 biogeography, cytochrome b, Gasterosteus aculeatus, agastoparasitism, convergence, Cynipidae, Emery’s mitochondrial-DNA sequences, molecular phy- rule, evolution, gall wasps, inquilinism, phyloge- logeny, Pleistocene refugia, polymerase chain re- ny, 241 action, substitution rate, 608 Agelaius phoeniceus, natural selection, overwinter biogeography, marine turtles, mtDNA, phylogeog- mortality, red-winged blackbird, sexual size di- raphy, 1820 morphism, 1071 bird, Caribbean region, Coereba flaveola, genetic di- alcohol dehydrogenase, Drosophila, metabolic phys- vergence, genetic diversity, historical biogeogra- iology, polymorphism, volatiles, 781 phy, mtDNA, RFLP, West Indies, 1041 allometry, biomass, organic shape, 44 bird, Caribbean region, Dendroica petechia, island allometry, Darwin’s finches, evolutionary potential, biogeography, mitochondrial DNA, phylogeny, genetic constraints, genetic correlations, heritabil- West Indies, 1914 ities, hybridization, mutation-selection balance, bottlenecks, cytoplasmic variation, kin-structured polygenic variation, 297 colonization, migration, nuclear variation, sala- alternative reproductive tactics, breeding success, manders, 1114 density, hatcheries, natural selection, Oncorhyn- Chlamydomonas, parasitic DNA, sex, transposons, chus kisutch, salmon, sexual dimorphism, sexual 1406 selection, 637 chromosomal evolution, cytochrome-b gene, mito- Anolis, competition, evolutionarily stable strategy, chondrial DNA, phylogeny, phylogeography, frequency dependence, size-advantage, taxon cy- Robertsonian fusion, Sorex araneus group, 623 cle, 1764 cytochrome b, cytochrome oxidase, direct sequenc- aphally, Bulinus truncatus, grouping effect, inbreed- ing, dispersal biogeography, Gallotia lizards, is- ing depression, mating system, snail, 498 land colonization, mitochondrial DNA, nuclear aposematism, crypsis, marine invertebrates, unpal- DNA, PCR, RAPD, restriction-fragment-length atability, 925 polymorphisms, 12s rRNA, 230 artificial flowers, Bombus, distyly, evolution, her- ecological races, gene flow, hybridization, mito- kogamy, heterostyly, pollination, 1595 chondrial-DNA divergence, Papilio machaon, 408 artificial selection, plants, quantitative genetics, sex- F.,, F.,, gene flow, grass shrimp, hybrid zone, linkage ual dimorphism, Silene alba, Silene latifolia, 939 disequilibrium, mitochondrial DNA, Palaemo- assortative mating, grasshopper, mate recognition, netes kadiakensis, protein electrophoresis, ribo- mating signals, morphology, population diver- somal DNA, 376 gence, 1202 geographic variation, hybridization, phylogeogra- Asterias, bilateral symmetry, cephalization, Echi- phy, speciation, species limits, 96 nometra, Heterocentrotus, irregular echinoids, lo- historical biogeography, intraspecific phylogeogra- comotor anterior, radial symmetry, regular echi- phy, mitochondrial DNA, Odocoileus virginianus, noids, test, 1130 white-tailed deer, 122 avian growth, development, evolutionary constraint, horseshoe crabs, mitochondrial DNA, molecular growth rate, life-history evolution, maturation, clocks, phylogeny, 1986 skeletal muscle, trade-off, 1080 molecular evolution, natural selection, neutral-allele Bacillus mycoides, bacterial taxonomy, biochemical theory, overdominance, point process, SAS-CFF, tests, multilocus enzyme electrophoresis, popu- substitution process, underdominance, 1101 lation genetics, restriction-fragment-length poly- MOLLUSKS morphism, sibling species, 1698 Albinaria, allozymes, dispersal, gene flow, genetic Bicyclus anynana, butterfly wing, constraint, devel- distance, land snail, population structure, 577 opment, eyespot, genetic correlation, gradient, aphally, Bulinus truncatus, grouping effect, inbreed- pattern formation, quantitative genetics, selection, ing depression, mating system, snail, 498 1147 2060 SUBJECT INDEX biplot, Gammarus minus, genetic correlations, re- bacteria, bacteriophage, host-parasite coevolution, gressive evolution, 587 immunity, resistance, virulence, 1470 body size, costs of reproduction, maturation, natural cytoplasmic incompatibility, Drosophila simulans, selection, sexual dimorphism, sexual selection, host-parasite coevolution, modifier evolution, snake, Vipera berus, 1389 Wolbachia, 1500 capsule, Gastropoda, isopod, Nucella emarginata, evolution, microparasite, population biology, viru- predation, wall thickness, 1301 lence, virus, 1423 character evolution, delayed maturation, molt, fecundity, hosts, incompatibility, sterilization, Wol- plumage, shorebirds, 327 bachia, 909 clutch size, fecundity, offspring size, reproductive frequency-dependent selection, gallmakers, parasit- cost, reproductive effort, reptiles, 137 oids, phenotypic selection, plant-insect interac- context-dependent transmission, Eichhornia pani- tion, predation, woodpeckers, 734 culata, experimental populations, mating systems, gene-for-gene coevolution, linkage, Linum margin- pollen discounting, self-fertilization, tristyly, 1576 ale, Melampsora lini, origins of resistance, race- Cordylochernes scorpiodes, \actate dehydrogenase, specific resistance genes, 1564 population divergence, postzygotic isolation, pre- genetic correlations, genotype-by-environment in- zygotic isolation, pseudoscorpion, sexual selec- teraction, heritability of parasite resistance, host tion, speciation, spermatophore, 1168 parasite, mollusks, Red Queen hypothesis, trem- Cryptantha flava, ovule abortion, sibling competi- atodes, 1514 tion, single-seededness, 1377 Daphnia magna, developmental noise, heterozygos- PHYLOGENY ity, phenotypic plasticity, 1715 adaptation, character mapping, hypothesis tests, ho- dimorphism, fecundity, Gryllus firmus, macroptery, moplasy, phylogeny, 172 trade-offs, 1650 agastoparasitism, convergence, Cynipidae, Emery’s Drosophila buzzatii, fitness-components analysis, hi- rule, evolution, gall wasps. inquilinism, phyloge- erarchical models, inversion polymorphism, mat- ny, 241 ing pattern, mating probability, natural popula- Agelaius, blackbird evolution, comparative ap- tion, selective hypothesis, 767 proach, cytochrome b, DNA sequencing, mono- environmental effects, fitness, heritability, Hirundo phyly, phylogenetic, polymerase chain reaction, rustica, morphological variability, repeatability, 679 secondary sexuai characters, 658 alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), Drosophila, ethanol Excirolana, extinction, gene frequencies, morphol- tolerance, habitat, 746 ogy, recolonization, variation, 549 allopatry, dispersal, distributional overlap, periph- experimental manipulation, floral morphology, flo- eral isolation, phylogeny, sympatry, vicariance, 490 ral gender expression, genetic correlation, herita- Amazon Basin, arboreal spiny rat, cytochrome ), bility, hummingbird pollination, mechanism of Mesomys, mitochondrial DNA, haplotype, phy- selection, pollen receipt, sex allocation, 55 logeography, river barriers, 1314 extrapair paternity, female choice, polygyny, sexual amphibian, Anura, Hyla versicolor complex, mito- dichromatism, sexual selection, sperm competi- chondrial DNA, polyploidy, speciation, tree frogs, tion, 1089 898 foraging cost, handicap principle, Hirundo rustica, behavior, brain, distance matrices, double-permu- mate choice, reliable signaling, sexual selection, tation test, evolution, Mantel test, marsupials, tail ornament, 1676 multiple regression, permutation test, triple-per- gene flow, genetic divergence, morphological diver- mutation test, 1487 gence, morphotypes, recolonization, variation, 530 biogeography, Cryptobranchus, molecular evolution, handicap principle, mate choice, runaway, sexual phylogeny, 1799 characters, sexual selection, 853 biogeography, cytochrome b, Gasterosteus aculeatus, mitochondrial-DNA sequences, molecular phy- PALEONTOLOGY logeny, Pleistocene refugia, polymerase chain re- Ambystoma maculatum, historical patterns of gene action, substitution rate, 608 flow, intraspecific sequence divergence, mitochon- biogeography, Ensatina eschsholtzii, gene flow, mul- drial DNA, Pleistocene glaciation, restriction-site tidimensional scaling, phylogenetics, proteins, ring analysis, spotted salamander, 597 species, speciation, taxonomy, 876 biogeography, cytochrome b, Gasterosteus aculeatus, biogeography, marine turtles, mtDNA, phylogeog- mitochondrial-DNA sequences, molecular phy- raphy, 1820 logeny, Pleistocene refugia, polymerase chain re- bird, Caribbean region, Dendroica petechia, island action, substitution rate, 608 biogeography, mitochondrial DNA, phylogeny, bryozoa, genetic drift, heritability, Metrarabdotos, West Indies, 1914 mutation, natural selection, phenotypic evolution, chromosomal evolution, cytochrome-h gene, mito- quantitative genetics, stabilizing selection, 360 chondrial DNA, phylogeny, phylogeography, endothermy, mammals, maxilloturbinates, metab- Robertsonian fusion, Sorex araneus group, 623 olism, nasal turbinates, reptiles, therapsids, 207 cladogenesis, density dependence, evolution, extinc- PARASITISM tion, phylogeny, 523 agastoparasitism, convergence, Cynipidae, Emery’s historical biogeography, intraspecific phylogeogra- rule, evolution, gall wasps, inquilinism, phyloge- phy, mitochondrial DNA, Odocoileus virginianus, ny, 241 white-tailed deer, 122 SUBJECT INDEX 2061 horseshoe crabs, mitochondrial DNA, molecular context-dependent transmission, Eichhornia pani- clocks, phylogeny, 1986 culata, experimental populations, mating systems, lekking, lek size, manakins, phylogenetic analysis, pollen discounting, self-fertilization, tristyly, 1576 social behavior, 1657 crossing distance, Delphinium nelsonii, inbreeding depression, larkspur, outbreeding depression, plant PHYSIOLOGY population structure, progeny fitness, 842 Agelaius, blackbird evolution, comparative ap- Cryptantha flava, ovule abortion, sibling competi- proach, cytochrome b, DNA sequencing, mono- tion, single-seededness, 1377 phyly, phylogenetic, polymerase chain reaction, Decodon verticillatus, genetic load, inbreeding, in- 679 breeding depression, natural selection, self-fertil- alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), Drosophila, ethanol ization, 952 tolerance, habitat, 746 epistasis, /mpatiens, inbreeding depression, jewel- alcohol dehydrogenase, Drosophila, metabolic phys- weed, serial inbreeding, 818 iology, polymorphism, volatiles, 781 experimental manipulation, floral morphology, flo- alcohol dehydrogenase, ethanol degradation, '*C nu- ral gender expression, genetic correlation, herita- clear magnetic resonance, Drosophila melanogas- bility, hummingbird pollination, mechanism of ter, 504 selection, pollen receipt, sex allocation, 55 aerodynamics, animal flight, long tails, sexual di- gene-for-gene coevolution, linkage, Linum margin- morphism, sexual selection, wings, 1062 ale, Melampsora lini, origins of resistance, race- avian growth, development, evolutionary constraint, specific resistance genes, 1564 growth rate, life-history evolution, maturation, inbreeding, inbreeding depression, Mimulus, purg- skeletal muscle, trade-off, 1080 ing, recessive mutations, self-fertilization, 806 biogeography, Ensatina eschsholtzii, gene flow, mul- tidimensional scaling, phylogenetics, proteins, ring POPULATION BIOLOGY species, speciation, taxonomy, 876 acclimatization, Daphnia pulicaria, habitat selec- character evolution, delayed maturation, molt, tion, heritability, niche polymorphisms, 1324 plumage, shorebirds, 327 Acipenser, Actinopterygii, developmental evolution, comparative, Drosophila, evolution, metabolism, 1230 sturgeon, Taricha, 2035 Acrocephalus arundinaceus, band sharing, DNA fin- cost, defense, Diplacus aurantiacus, flavonoids, ge- netic correlation, heritabiiity, maternal effect, 1550 gerprinting, great reed warbler, hatching failure, nonincestuous inbreeding, population bottleneck, endothermy, mammals, maxilloturbinates, metab- reproductive success, 317 olism, nasal turbinates, reptiles, therapsids, 207 adaptation, Anolis, constraint, ecological morphol- energetics, hybrid zones, Mytilus, physiological ge- netics, 267 ogy, lizard, niche, specialization, 1786 adaptive traits, allozymes, edaphic selection, popu- spectral properties, spiders, spider silks, 287 lation differentiation, time scales, 1009 sperm competition, sperm displacement, sperm pre- Aedes, chromosomal homology, enzyme linkage cedence, 758 maps, linkage-group conservation, mosquito PLANTS karyotypic evolution, 146 adaptive traits, allozymes, edaphic selection, popu- aggression, heterozygosity, Microtus pennsylvanicus, lation differentiation, time scales, 1009 population cycles, voles, 1350 allopolyploidy, Asplenium, colonization, Hawaii, Albinaria, allozymes, dispersal, gene flow, genetic long-distance dispersal, speciation, 1364 distance, land snail, population structure, 577 Apiaceae, comparative approach, Cryptotaenia can- allopatry, dispersal, distributional overlap, periph- adensis, gene flow, hierarchical F-statistics, iso- eral isolation, phylogeny, sympatry, vicariance, 490 zymes, Osmorhiza, population genetic structure, allopolyploidy, Asplenium, colonization, Hawaii, Sanicula odorata, seed dispersal, 791 long-distance dispersal, speciation, 1364 Apterothrips apteris, Erigeron glaucus, evolution of allozymes, Australia, Daphnia, dispersal, founder ef- sex, herbivores, local adaptation, 465 fects, hybridization, speciation, zooplankton, 1333 Aquilegia caerulea, diallel, inbreeding depression, ju- Apiaceae, comparative approach, Cryptotaenia can- venile traits, maternal effects, quantitative genet- adensis, gene flow, hierarchical F-statistics, iso- ics, seed mass, 828 zymes, Osmorhiza, population genetic structure, Asclepias exaltata, gene flow, interspecific hybrid- Sanicula odorata, seed dispersal, 791 ization, milkweed, pollen dispersal, 1032 assortative mating, grasshopper, mate recognition, Asteraceae, Erigeron annuus, fitness, genetic varia- mating signals, morphology, population diver- tion, genotype-by-environment interaction, het- gence, 1202 erogeneous environments, spatial autocorrelation, assortative mating, linkage, selection, 868 1607 Bacillus mycoides, bacterial taxonomy, biochemical backcross hybrids, cottonwood, Populus, RFLPs, 929 tests, multilocus enzyme electrophoresis, popu- Cecropia obtusifolia, demographic genetics, gene flow, lation genetics, restriction-fragment-length poly- genetic buffering, genetic structure, genetic varia- morphism, sibling species, 1698 tion, seed-bank genetics, seed dispersal, 437 biochemical heterozygosity, morphologic variation, chloroplast-DNA variation, evolution, Pinus, spe- Papio hamadryas hamadryas, population genet- cies hybridization, 1020 ics, 1211 congener, Echinacea, genetic variability, population biplot, Gammarus minus, genetic correlations, re- genetic structure, 180 gressive evolution, 587 2062 SUBJECT INDEX bird, Caribbean region, Coereba flaveola, genetic di- oids, phenotypic selection, plant-insect interac- vergence, genetic diversity, historical biogeogra- tion, predation, woodpeckers, 734 phy, mtDNA, RFLP, West Indies, 1041 bottlenecks, cytoplasmic variation, kin-structured QUANTITATIVE GENETICS colonization, migration, nuclear variation, sala- amphibians, animal reproduction, fitness, life his- manders, 1114 tory, quantitative genetics, sexual selection, 1286 chaffinches, cultural evolution, memetic differenti- Aquilegia caerulea, diallel, inbreeding depression, ju- ation, song, 351 venile traits, maternal effects, quantitative genet- chromosomal evolution, cytochrome-b gene, mito- ics, seed mass, 828 chondrial DNA, phylogeny, phylogeography, artificial selection, piants, quantitative genetics, sex- Robertsonian fusion, Sorex araneus group, 623 ual dimorphism, Silene alba, Silene latifolia, 939 coral, fragmentation, genetic subdivision, larval dis- assortative mating, chloroplast DNA, cytonuclear, persal, philopatry, Seriatopera hystrix, sexual re- disequilibria, hybrid zone, Louisiana irises, production, 1183 RAPDs, RFLPs, selection, 1946 Cordylochernes scorpiodes, \actate dehydrogenase, Bicyclus anynana, butterfly wing, constraint, devel- population divergence, postzygotic isolation, pre- opment, eyespot, genetic correlation, gradient, zygotic isolation, pseudoscorpion, sexual selec- pattern formation, quantitative genetics, selection, tion, speciation, spermatophore, 1168 1147 crossing distance, Delphinium nelsonii, inbreeding bryozoa, genetic drift, heritability, Metrarabdotos, depression, larkspur, outbreeding depression, plant mutation, natural selection, phenotypic evolution, population structure, progeny fitness, 842 quantitative genetics, stabilizing selection, 360 cactophilic, Drosophila, heterozygosity, population Datura stramonium, Epitrix parvula, heritability, structure, random mating, 912 Mexico, natural selection, plant resistance to her- congener, Echinacea, genetic variability, population bivores, quantitative genetics, Sphenarium pur- genetic structure, 180 purascens, 423 cytochrome b, cytochrome oxidase, direct sequenc- developmental noise, quantitative-genetic model, ing, dispersal biogeography, Gallotia lizards, is- selection, 1478 land colonization, mitochondrial DNA, nuclear REPRODUCTION — ANIMAL DNA, PCR, RAPD, restriction-fragment-length Acrocephalus arundinaceus, band sharing, DNA fin- polymorphisms, 12s rRNA, 230 gerprinting, great reed warbler, hatching failure, deme formation, gene-for-gene resistance, local ad- nonincestuous inbreeding, population bottleneck, aptation, Red Queen, 454 reproductive success, 317 demographic stochasticity, extinction, environmen- alternative reproductive tactics, breeding success, tal stochasticity, mutation, 1460 density, hatcheries, natural selection, Oncorhyn- ecological races, gene flow, hybridization, mito- chus kisutch, salmon, sexual dimorphism, sexual chondrial-DNA divergence, Papilio machaon, 408 selection, 637 epistasis, interdemic selection, migration, popula- ants, eusociality, genetic variation, Hymenoptera, tion structure, shifting balance, 69 polyandry, polygyny, social insects, 694 evolution, microparasite, population biology, viru- aphally, Bulinus truncatus, grouping effect, inbreed- lence, virus, 1423 ing depression, mating system, snail, 498 Excirolana, extinction, gene frequencies, morphol- assortative mating, linkage, selection, 868 ogy, recolonization, variation, 549 cactophilic, Drosophila, heterozygosity, population fertilization barrier, hybrid zone, reproductive iso- structure, random mating, 912 lation, speciation, sperm competition, 705 clutch size, fecundity, offspring size, reproductive gene-for-gene coevolution, linkage, Linum margin- cost, reproductive effort, reptiles, 137 ale, Melampsora lini, origins of resistance, race- copulation, courtship, cryptic female choice, insects, specific resistance genes, 1564 intrageneric variation, sexual selection, spiders, 711 gene flow, genetic divergence, morphological diver- coral, fragmentation, genetic subdivision, larval dis- gence, morphotypes, recolonization, variation, 530 persal, philopatry, Seriatopera hystrix, sexual re- gene flow, hierarchical genetic structure, Lasioam- production, 1183 pidae, Lepidoptera, Malacosoma americanum, Drosophila buzzatii, fitness-components analysis, hi- private alleles, tent caterpillars, Wright's F-statis- erarchical models, inversion polymorphism, mat- tics, 1158 ing pattern, mating probability, natural popula- genetic erosion, genome purging, heterosis, inbreed- tion, selective hypothesis, 767 ing depression, small populations, 996 Drosophila melanogaster, heritable variation, mat- interspecific interference, Plethodontidae, reproduc- ing discrimination, mating speed, sexual selection, tion, salamanders, sympatry, 921 112 life tables, mammals, senescence, 509 extrapair paternity, female choice, polygyny, sexual PREDATION dichromatism, sexual selection, sperm competi- aposematism, crypsis, marine invertebrates, unpal- tion, 1089 atability, 925 fecundity, hosts, incompatibility, sterilization, Wol- capsule, Gastropoda, isopod, Nucella emarginata, bachia, 909 predation, wall thickness, 1301 gametic compatibility, Patiriella, reproductive iso- frequency-dependent selection, gallmakers, parasit- lation, 564

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