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Evidence of alpha particle condensation in $^{12}$C and $^{16}$O and Nambu-Goldstone boson PDF

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Preview Evidence of alpha particle condensation in $^{12}$C and $^{16}$O and Nambu-Goldstone boson

Evidence of α particle condensation in 12C and 16O and Nambu-Goldstone boson S.Ohkuboa aUniversityofKochi,Kochi780-8515,Japanand ResearchCenterforNuclearPhysics,OsakaUniversity,Ibaraki,Osaka567-0047,Japan Abstract 3 ItissuggestedthatdirectevidenceofBose-Einsteincondensationofαparticlesisobtainedbyobservingaphase 1 0 mode (Nambu-Goldstone boson) with long wavelength even when characteristic features such as superfluidity is 2 diffuculttoobserve. Forthe7.65MeV0+ Hoylestatein12Cand15.1MeV0+ statein16O,whicharecandidatesfor 2 n anα particlecondensate,it is suggestedthatthe emergentband head0+ state of the K = 0+2 rotationalbandwith a a verylargemomentofinertiaisconsideredtobeaNambu-Goldstoneboson. J Keywords: αparticlecondensation,Nambu-Goldstoneboson,spontaneoussymmetrybreaking,αclusterstructure, 1 3 12C;16O PACS:21.60.Gx,27.20.+n,03.75.Nt ] h t - The 0+ state in 12C at excitation energy E =7.65 groundstateandhasadilutematterdistribution. l 2 x c MeV,theHoylestate,isakeystatefornucleosynthesis, In orderto get directexperimentalevidencethat the u theevolutionofstarsandtheemergenceoflife. Theex- Hoyle state is a condensate, Raduta et al. [10] ob- n [ istenceofthisresonantstatejustabovethe αthreshold served three α particles with the same energy emitted was predicted by Hoyle to explain the enhanced triple simultaneouslyfromtheHoylestateandsuggestedthat 1 α reactions needed to understand the nucleosynthesis thethreeαparticlesweresitting inthelowest0sstate. v 5 of 12C. In the last 60 years, the understanding of the Ontheotherhand,inasimilarcoincidenceexperiment 8 Hoyle state has been deepened by the study of the α Manfrediet al. [11] skeptically set an upperlimit of a 4 clusterstructureof 12C.However,itsinterpretationhas probability of 0.45%, which confirms the previous re- 7 changedconsiderably. Morinaga[1] proposedthat the sult by Freer et al. [12]. In spite of much effort, firm . 1 Hoylestateisabandheadstatewithalinearchainstruc- experimental evidence of Bose-Einstein condensation 0 ture of three α particles. The three α structure of 12C suchassuperfluidityoravortexhasnotbeenfoundfor 3 was most thoroughlyinvestigatedby Uegaki et al. [2] theHoylestate. 1 intheirpioneeringwork, whichshowedthattheHoyle : Thepurposeofthispaperistosuggestthatevidence v statehasadilutestructureinanew“α-bosongasphase” ofαparticlecondensationcanbeprovidedbytheobser- Xi andclarifiedthesystematicexistenceofa“newphase” vationoftheNambu-Goldstone(NG)bosoncausedby ofthethreeαparticlesabovetheαthreshold. r thespontaneoussymmetrybreakingoftheglobalphase a InspiredbytheobservationofBose-Einsteinconden- symmetry. Wesuggestthatfor16Oabandhead0+ state sation of cold atomic gas clusters, much attention has predictedat16.6MeVthataccompaniesaK =0+band beenpaidtoinvestigatewhetherBose-Einsteinconden- 2 withverylargemomentinertiaisaNGbosoncollective sationofαparticlesoccursinlightnucleiwhereαclus- zero mode associated with the condensation of four α terstructurewidelyexists. Thethree αparticlesystem particles of the 0+ state at 15.1 MeV. We also suggest of12C,especiallythedilutepropertiesoftheHoylestate in 12C that a 0+ state and a rotational band built on it due to α particle condensation, has been studied ex- 3 should emerge slightly above the Hoyle state as a NG tensively by many authors [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]. bosoniftheHoylestateisacondensateofthreeαpar- It is now evident theoretically and experimentally that ticles. We show an experimentalcandidateforthe NG the Hoyle state has a larger radius compared with the bosonstatein16Oand12C. If the concept of α particle condensation persists in Emailaddress:[email protected](S.Ohkubo) nuclei,thefourαparticlesystemof16Oisanothergood PreprintsubmittedtoPhysicsLettersB February1,2013 candidate. Tohsaki et al. [3] conjectured that the 0+ and in nature [19]. For example, for infinite systems, 3 state at11.26MeV in16O, whichis located3.18MeV insuperconductorstheNGmode(inwhichtheNGbo- below the four α threshold energy, may be an α parti- sonhasbeeneatenbytheplasmon[20])andtheHiggs clecondensatebecauseitiswellrepresentedbyaBose mode[21]havebeenobserved.AsseeninFig.2,inpar- wavefunctionwithadilutefourαparticlestructure.Fu- ticlephysicsthemasslesspionandtheamplitudemode nakietal. [13]investigated0+statesin16Ousingafour σ meson emerge as a collective mode from the vac- α cluster model in the bound state approximation and uumduetothechiralcondensationofthevacuum[17]. suggestedthatthe0+ state at15.1MeV isprobablyan We notethataband(Reggetrajectory)ofthestates, in α condensed state. Ohkubo and Hirabayashi [14] in- whichorbitalangularmomentumoftherelativemotion vestigated not only the 0+ states but also the so-called betweenaquarkandananti-quarkisexcited,isbuilton fourαlinearchainstateswithhigherspins[15,16]from top of the NG boson pion. The spectra including the theviewpointoftheunifieddescriptionofquasi-bound radially excited states are explained well by the quark states and α scattering by analyzing the α+12C elas- model[23]. ForfinitesystemsaNambu-Goldstonebo- tic scattering and α+12C(0+) inelastic scattering using sonaswellasaHiggsmodebosonhavebeenobserved 2 a coupled channel method. They showed that the so- insuperfluidnucleiasapairingrotationandapairingvi- calledfourαlinearchainstatescanbeunderstoodasa bration,respectively[24].ForBose-Einsteincondensed K =0+band(Fig.1)withtheα+12C(0+)configuration. coldatomgaseswithfinitenumberofparticlesinafinite 2 2 Theysuggestedthattheobserved15.1MeV0+ stateis volume,theexistenceofaNambu-Goldstonebosonhas acandidateforthefourαparticlecondensateinacom- beenshowntheoreticallyfromtheWard-Takahasiiden- pletelydifferentquantumstateunderBosestatistics. tityinquantumfieldtheory[25,26]. Theappearanceofthe K = 0+ bandinFig.1(a)pre- 2 dictedinRef.[14]justabovethe15.1MeV0+statemay beunderstoodfromtheviewpointofspontaneoussym- metrybreakingasfollows: Ifthe15.1MeV0+ state is acondensate,aNGbosonzeroenergycollectivemode shouldappear. Consideringthat(1)the0+ at16.6MeV is a first 0+ state above the condensed vacuum (15.1 MeV0+ state)withtheverysmallexcitationenergyof 1.5 MeV (almost massless) and (2) the very large mo- ment of inertia of the band built on it, which is due to a collective motion with the largestdimension that the system allows(long wavelength),this state maybe re- gardedastheemergenceoftheNGbosoncausedbythe spontaneoussymmetrybreakingoftheglobalphasedue Figure1: (a)ThecalculatedK=0+andK=0−rotationalbandswith to the fourα particlecondensation. ThisNG state is a 2 2 theα+12C(0+)clusterstructurein16Onearthefourαthreshold[14]. collective state with enlargedstructure of four α parti- 2 (b)Theexperimental rotational bandstates with αcluster structure cleswithdilutepropertyduetoitslongwavelengthna- taken from Ref.[14,18]. Thecentroid ofeach ofthespin states is ture, i.e. deformedorthogonalto thesphericalvacuum shownbyablacksquare.Thecandidate15.1MeV0+stateoffourα condensateisdisplayedbyagreensquare. Thelinesaretoguidethe 15.1MeV0+ inthe0sstates. eye. In fact, in Ref.[14] it was shown that the 0+ reso- nantstatepredictedat16.6MeVhasalooselycoupled Ifthe15.1MeV0+ stateisaspecialstateofaBose- α+12C(0+)clusterstructurewithlargedeformation. As 2 Einstein condensate of four α particles, the state can shown in Fig. 1 (a), their calculated resonances with be described by a macroscopic wave function in the spin2+,4+and6+arelocatedontheJ(J+1)lineforming Ginzburg-Landautheory,Ψ =|Ψ|eiθ where|Ψ|istheor- a rotational band. The predicted negative parity band derparameter.Inacondensate,continuousglobalphase K = 0− [14] is considered as a parity-doublet partner 2 symmetryingaugespaceisspontaneouslybrokenwith of the K = 0+ band with almost the same moment of 2 |Ψ|, 0 in the NG phase and two collective modes ap- inertia. The very large moment inertia of the K = 0+ 2 pear,i.e.,amassless(zeroenergywithainfinitewave- bandstemsfromtheNGbosonnatureofthebandhead length) phase (θ) mode (NG boson) and a finite mass 0+statewithamasslesslongwavecollectivemotion.It amplitude(|Ψ|)mode(Higgsboson)[17]. Spontaneous is noted that the calculated resonances of the K = 0+ 2 symmetry breaking is ubiquitous in physical systems band correspond well with the experimental α cluster 2 MeV(Fig.1(a))[14].Thisstronglysupportsthepresent interpretation. The18.8MeV0+ state maycorrespond tothe0+ statearound10MeVinFig.3. 4 Nowwecometotheαparticlecondensationofthree αparticlesin12C.Accordingtotheaboveinterpretation, the understanding of the K = 0+ rotational band built 2 ontheHoylestateisdrasticallychanged. Morinaga[1] interpreted that the Hoyle state and the 10.3 MeV 2+ state form a rotational band with a very large moment ofinertia,whichleadstothethreeαlinearchainmodel. Recently2+ (9.6MeV)[27,28,29]and4+ (13.3MeV) 2 1 [30] states above the Hoyle state have been observed. The2+statehasbeenconsideredtobearotationalband 2 statebuiltontheHoylestate[31]. IftheHoylestate is acondensateofthreeαparticles, aNG bosonzeroen- ergy collective mode should appear just above it. The Figure2: Theexperimental spectra oftheNGbosonpion, andthe NG boson is massless in principle, however, in nature orbitalandradialexcitedstatesofthepionaredisplayedtogetherwith theHiggsbosonσmeson. Thelinesaretoguidetheeye. Dataare itsenergyisnotalwaysexactlyzeroasseeninthepion fromRef.[22]. case.IftheNGstatehaszeroenergy,the2+(9.63MeV) 2 and4+ (13.3MeV) abovestand onthe Hoyle state. In 1 this case it is unlikelythat the 2+ and 4+ states are ro- states observed in the four α coincidence experiments 2 1 tational member states because the condensate Hoyle [15,16]. stateissphericalwiththethreeαparticlessittinginthe Beforeproceedingto the experimentalcandidatefor 0sstate. Ontheotherhand,iftheNGbosonmodeen- theNGboson0+state,wewouldliketoemphasizethat ergyisnotexactlyzeroasinthecaseof16O,another0+ the15.1MeV0+stateshouldnotconsideredasamem- state emerges just above the Hoyle state. Because the berstate of the K = 0+ bandbuilt onthe NG 0+ state. NG0+stateisnotspherical,arotationalbandshouldap- 2 Theintrinsicstructureofthe15.1MeV0+stateisquite pear. Theobserved2+ (9.63MeV)and4+ (13.3MeV) differentinnaturefromthedeformedNGboson0+state states are considered2to be a memberof t1his rotational and its associated rotational band states. The NG bo- band. ThebandheadNGboson0+ stateandthe2+ and sonstateisalogicalconsequenceoftheexistenceofthe 4+ states should have the same α cluster configuration 15.1 MeV state that spontaneously violates the global in nature, mostly a loosely coupled α+8Be configura- phase symmetry due to condensation. While the 15.1 tion created by lifting an α particle from the vacuum MeV0+ stateissphericalwithBosestatisticsinthe0s (Hoyle state). As shown in Fig. 3, this is an analog of state,theK = 0+ rotationalbandstatesaredeformedin thelooselycoupledα+12C(0+)structurebuiltontheNG a local condens2ate state in which the three α particles boson0+ statepredictedat126.6MeVin16O.Theintra- arecondensedformingtheHoylestate[14]. Ifwecon- bandB(E2)transitionsshouldbeverylargeifmeasured nectthe15.1MeV0+ stateandthe2+ state(Fig.1(b)), becauseofalargedeformation,i.e. largemomentofin- the estimatedmomentof inertiaappearsdrastically re- ertia. On the other handthe B(E2)transition from the duced from that of the K = 0+ rotational band as dis- 2+ totheHoylestate shouldbemuchsmallerthanthat 2 2 cussedinRef.[14]. fromtheintrabandB(E2:2+→0+). 2 3 Accordingto ourinterpretation, the existence of the The results of the ab initio calculation of 12C in the NG boson 0+ state predicted at 16.6 MeV is logically boundstateapproximationinRef.[32]seemstosupport veryimportant. However,no0+ statehasbeenreported the present interpretation theoretically. The calculated aroundhereintheliterature. Itmaynotbeeasytoob- 0+,2+and4+stateshavetheα+8Beintrinsicconfigura- 3 2 1 serve the NG boson because of a large decay width of tionandthe intrabandtransition B(E2)valuesare very morethan1MeV.VeryrecentlyItohetal. reported[18] large, 600 and 310 (e2fm4) for the transitions 4+→2+, 1 2 that they have observed new broad resonant 0+ states 2+→0+,respectively.OntheotherhandtheB(E2)tran- 2 3 at 16.8 MeV and 18.8 MeV. The 16.8 MeV state with sition from the 0+ to the Hoyle state is one third, 100 3 anαclusterstructureofawidthofabout1MeV(adi- (e2fm4). Kurokawa and Kato¯ emphasized [31, 33] the amond in Fig. 1(b)) agrees precisely with the theoret- importanceoftreatingtheunboundresonancestatesin ically predicted energy16.6 MeV and the α width 1.1 thisenergyregioncarefullyunderthecorrectthree-body 3 a third0+ statefromtheexperimentalside, becauseits existenceslightlylowersthepositionoftheHoylestate duetoquantumorthogonality.Thereforeathird0+state isexpectedtoexistslightlyabovethepositionextrapo- lated from the J(J + 1) line of the rotational band for the 2+ (9.63 MeV) and 4+ (13.3 MeV) states. If we 2 2 lookintotheexperimentaldataoftheisoscalarstrength distributionof 12C(α,α’) in Fig. 8(a)of Ref.[28], there is a peak in the excitation energy at around 8-9 MeV. Thisseemstosuggesttheexistenceofanew0+ stateat 3 around9MeVjustabovetheHoylestate. Veryrecently Itoh et al. [18] observed the 0+ and 0+ states with an 3 4 αclusterstructureat9.04MeV (width1.45MeV)and 10.56MeV (width 1.42MeV), respectively. The exis- tenceofthe0+statejustabovetheHoylestateonwhich 3 a K = 0+ bandisbuilthaslogicallythesamestructure 2 as seen in the 16O case, which gives strong supportto Figure3:Theexperimentalstateswiththeαclusterstructurein12C: the 0+ state being a NG boson collective mode state. the0+ state[18](reddiamond)oftheNambu-Goldstoneboson,the 3 3 TheemergenceoftheNGbosonisstrongevidencethat 2+[28]and4+[30]states(redtriangle)oftheK=0+rotationalband. TheαcondensateHoylestate0+(greensquare)and2the0+state(red theHoylestateisacondensateofthreeαparticles. The 2 4 circle)[18]arealsoshown.Thelineistoguidetheeye. structureofFig.3resemblesthe16OcaseinFig.1(b).It isinterestingtoexplorewhetherahigherspinstatebuilt onthe0+,whichcouldbeacandidateforthebandcor- 4 resonanceconditionand foundbroadresonancestates, respondingto π(1300)inFig. 2, exists. Kurokawaand Γa0b+3=o1avt.e1EtMxh=ee8Vα.9Rt5heMrfe.s[e3hV2o]lwd.)iTthahneΓdy=0s1u+4.4ga8gteMsEteexV=d1t(h1oa.n8tl7tyhM1is.6e0V6+MswtaeittVhe Kwmhaetinoc¯tho[3ffo3irn]meprstrieaadKaicst=thae02+3K+b=satan0tde+wboaintnhtdha.elmoobsstetrhveedsa0m+4e[m18o]-, 3 2 maybeahighernodalstate,inwhichradialmotionbe- We note that a dilute gaseous property with a large tween 8Be and the α particle is excited [33]. We note radius is not evidence for condensation of α particles this α cluster 0+ state is located below the newly ob- without firm evidence such as superfluidity (supercon- 3 served2+ (9.63MeV)stateandmaycorrespondtoour ductivity), a vortex or a NG boson. Even a non- 2 NG boson 0+ state because (1) the excitation energy condensate state has a gas-like dilute density distribu- 1.28MeVfromtheHoylestate issmall, whichissim- tion due to the threshold effect. For example, the 3− 1 ilar to the 1.5 MeV of the 16O case (massless) and (2) state in 12C, which is not a well-developed α cluster this0+stateformsaK =0+rotationalbandwiththe2+ state, has a large radius comparable to the Hoyle state 3 2 2 (9.63MeV) and the 4+ (13.3 MeV) states with a large due to the thresholdeffect [9]. The 0+, which is inter- moment of inertia sim1ilar to the 16O case (long wave- preted to have a dominant [8Be(2+)⊗ℓ3=2] structure J=0 length). in Ref.[2] and a linear chain-likestructure in Ref.[32], Intheliteraturenosucha0+ state witha zero-mode alsohasamuchlargerradiusthantheHoylestate. The 3 nature has been observed just above the Hoyle state. dilutepropertyofagaseousstateofanαparticlesystem The existence of such a 0+ state will be important in arisesforthefollowingfourreasons:(1)thequantumα 3 the nucleosynthesis of 12C from triple α particle colli- particlecondensationinmomentumspace,whichbrings sions. From this viewpoint, if we look into the exci- aboutspatialdilutenessduetotheuncertaintyprinciple, tationenergyoftheobservedthreestatescarefully,the (2)theNGbosonstate,whichcausesdilutenessbecause Hoyle state seems to be located slightly below the en- of its long wavelength nature, (3) the threshold effect ergy expected by extrapolating the rotational band of bywhichthewavefunctionextendsnearandabovethe the 2+ (9.63MeV) and 4+ (13.3 MeV) states. The es- Coulomb barrierand (4) the Higgs boson state, which 2 1 timated moment of inertia connecting the Hoyle state appearsabovetheNGbosonstate,andcanbedilutebe- andthe2+ (9.63MeV)stateisabout80%ofthatesti- causeofthe collectivityofthe orderparameter |Ψ|and 2 matedfromthe2+ (9.63MeV)andthe4+ (13.3MeV) thethresholdeffect. Thepresentmechanismisgeneral 2 1 states. Thistrendissimilartothefourαcasediscussed andtheobservationofaNGbosoncollectivemodewith before and seems to suggest the possible existence of longwavelength(largemomentofinertia)willbeuse- 4 fulfortheconfirmationofanαparticlecondensatenear [24] R.A.Broglia, O.Hansen, andC.Riedel, Adv.Nucl. Phys.6 thethresholdenergy. (1973)259. To summarize, we have investigated α particle con- [25] H.Enomoto,M.Okumura,andY.Yamanaka, Ann.Phys.321 (2006)1892. densation in 16O and 12C from the viewpoint that evi- [26] M. Mine, T. Koide, M. Okumura, and Y. Yamanaka, Prog. denceofαparticlecondensationmaybeprovidedbythe Theor.Phys.115(2006)683. observationoftheNGbosoncausedbythespontaneous [27] W.R.Zimmermanetal.,Phys.Rev.C84(2011)027304. [28] M.Itohetal.,Phys.Rev.C84(2011)054308. symmetry breakingof the global phase symmetry of a [29] M.Freeretal.,Phys.Rev.C86(2012)034320. condensate.In16Othe0+stateat15.1MeVisshownto [30] M.Freeretal.,Phys.Rev.C83(2011)034314. beacondensatebecausethebandhead0+ stateat16.6 [31] C.KurokawaandK.Kato¯,Phys.Rev.C71(2005)021301; MeV just above the 15.1 MeV 0+ state is considered Nucl.Phys.A738(2004)455c. [32] Y.Kanada-En’yo,Prog.Theor.Phys.117(2007)655. to be a NG boson zero mode state. The K = 0+ band 2 [33] C.KurokawaandK.Kato¯,Nucl.Phys.A792(2007)87. builtontopofithasalooselycoupledα+12C(0+)clus- 2 terstructure correspondingwell with experimentalob- servation.In12Cweshowedthatthenewlyobserved2+ 2 (9.63 MeV) and 4+ (13.3 MeV) α cluster states above 2 the Hoyle state are considered to be a rotational band builtontheNGboson0+ state. Thisemergesasalogi- calconsequenceoftheHoylestatebeingathreeαcon- densatestate. 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