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Evidence for two-gap superconductivity in (Ba,K)Fe_2As_2 by directional point contact Andreev reflection spectroscopy PDF

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Preview Evidence for two-gap superconductivity in (Ba,K)Fe_2As_2 by directional point contact Andreev reflection spectroscopy

Evidence for two-gap superconductivity in Ba K Fe As by directional 0.55 0.45 2 2 point-contact Andreev-reflection spectroscopy. P. Szabo´,1 Z. Pribulov´a,1 G. Prist´aˇs,1 S. L. Bud’ko,2 P. C. Canfield,2 and P. Samuely1 1Centre of Low Temperature Physics, Institute of Experimental Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences& P.J. Sˇaf´arik University, Watsonova 47, SK-04001 Koˇsice, Slovakia 2Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA. Directional point-contact Andreev-reflection spectroscopy measurements on the 9 Ba0.55K0.45Fe2As2 single crystals are presented. The spectra show significant differences 0 when measured in the ab plane in comparison with those measured in the c direction of the 0 crystal. In the latter case only a reduced point-contact conductance around zero bias has been 2 revealed persisting well above Tc and probably related to the structural and magnetic transitions n in the system. Within the ab plane two superconducting energy gaps are detected below Tc. a Here a reduced conductance above Tc could also be found. The fits of the ab-plane data to the J superconducting s-wave two-gap model indicate that the smaller gap has a size below the BCS 0 valuewhile thelarge gap reveals much higher coupling strength. 2 PACSnumbers: 74.50.+r,74.45.+c ] n o REFeAsO(F)systemswithvariousrareearth(RE)ele- 2∆/kBTc 3.7. The recent data of Yates et al. [16] ob- c ≈ mentsbringanewclassoflayeredhigh-Tcmaterialswith- tainedonthe 45K NdFeAsO0.85 show alsoanindication - r out copper [1]. NdFeAsO0.9F0.1 with Tc above 51 K [2] of the superconducting energy gap with 2∆/kBTc =3.6. p togetherwiththeSmandPrcompoundsrevealthehigh- In our previous paper [17] two nodeless gaps have been u est transition temperature at ambient pressure among foundbythePCARmeasurementsonthepolycrystalline s . all oxypnictides. Besides REFeAsO(F), another three samples of NdFeAsO(F). t a groups within pnictides have been identified. Namely, In the following we present directional PCAR studies m AFe2As2 withA=Ba,SrandCamadesuperconducting onironpnictides,namelyontheBa0.55K0.45Fe2As2single - by chemical substitution [3] or pressure [4], LixFeAs [5] crystals. The spectra have shown significant differences d and α-FeSe [6] are intensively studied. when measured in the ab plane and in the c direction. n One of the important questions to be addressed in In the latter case no suitable conditions to observe su- o c these multiband systems concerns the symmetry of the perconducting energy gaps with coherent gap-like peaks [ superconducting order parameter(s). There are already and enhanced conductance in the PCAR spectrum have many theoretical predictions on this topic but also a been found. A predominant feature has been revealed 3 bodyofexperimentalstudiesisemerging. Bandstructure in the form of a reduced point-contact conductance per- v 6 calculations have shown disconnected sheets of Fermi sisting well above Tc which can be attributed to a re- 6 surfaces with possibly different superconducting energy duced density of states (DOS) due to a structural phase 5 gaps. A minimal model has to include two bands: the transition [18] and magnetism found in a partial volume 1 holebandaroundtheΓpointandtheelectrononearound fraction in these samples below 70 K [11]. On the other . 9 theM point[7]. Incontrasttothemultibandbutconven- hand within the ab plane two superconducting energy 0 tional s-wave scenario in MgB2 [8], here, the extending gapsarefound. Thepairofpeaksduetoasmallgaphas 8 s-wave pairing with a sign reversal of the order parame- been scattered between (3 5) mV while the humps 0 ter between different Fermi surface sheets was proposed indicating the presence o±f the−second gap are placed at v: by Mazin et al. [9]. Experimental results are providing (10 12) mV. In the superconducting gap-like spectra ± − i controversial conclusions. NMR studies on PrFeAsO(F) the reduced conductance above Tc could also be found. X [10] found two superconducting energy gaps with nodes. The ab-plane spectra have been successfully fitted to the r Also very recent muon spin relaxation measurements on s-wave two-gap model providing the conventional tem- a single crystalline Ba0.5K0.5Fe2As2 [11] point to the gap perature dependence of the two gaps with the coupling with nodes. On the other hand the ARPES measure- strengths 2∆1/kTc =2.5 4 and 2∆2/kTc =9 10. − − ments [12] have found two nodeless and nearly isotropic The Ba0.55K0.45Fe2As2 single crystals were grown out gapsinBa0.6K0.4Fe2As2 andthepenetrationdepthstud- of a Sn flux as described in details in Ref.[18], where the ies have provided the nodeless superconducting energy followingcharacteristicshavebeenfound: typicaldimen- gap in NdFeAsO0.9F0.1 but with remarkably small cou- sions of the crystals are 2x2x0.1 mm3. The crystallo- pling 2∆/kBTc 2 [13]. graphic c axis is perpendicular to the plane of the plate- ≈ Bythepoint-contactAndreevreflection(PCAR)spec- likecrystals. Theresistivemeasurementshaveshownthe troscopy: Wang et al. [14] found a nodal supercon- onsetofthe superconducting transitions below 30K and ductivity with multiple gaps in SmFeAsO(F). Chen et the zero resistance at 27 K. Rather broad transitions in al. [15] presented a surprisingly conventional supercon- some of the crystals with multiple steps are attributed ducting energy gap with a medium coupling equal to to a possible different amount of potassium in different 2 layers or different crystals. The specific heat as well as the resistivitymeasurementsonthesecrystalshasshown 1.15 1.4 featuresatabout85K.Althoughreducedtheyarefound at the same temperature as on the undoped BaFe2As2 e1.3 e sampleswherethetetragonal-to-orthorhombicstructural nc nc a 1.10 a phase transition takes place. This transition associated uct1.2 uct d d alsowithareductioninthedensityofstatesattheFermi n n o1.1 o level(indicatedbytheHalleffect)hasbeenrevealedhere d c 1 d c at lower temperature as compared with 140 K found in alize1.0 2 1.05 alize Ref.[3]. The decreasedstructural transition temperature m m is due to the amounts of Sn up to 1% incorporated into Nor0.9 3 Nor the bulk. A presence of tin does not significantly effect 0.8 4 1.00 the high-temperature superconducting phase transition 5 in B0.55K0.45Fe2As2. In the present work a local transi- 0.7 tiontemperaturehasbeenmeasuredbythepoint-contact -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 technique showing superconducting Tc’s between 23 and Voltage (mV) 27 K. FIG.1: TypicalPCARspectrameasuredwiththePCcurrent Thecrystalswerecleavedtorevealfreshsurfacebefore mostly within the ab plane of the Ba0.55K0.45Fe2As2 crys- point-contact measurements. For the measurements in tal showing two superconducting gaps indicated by arrows the c direction the fresh shiny surface has been obtained (curves 1, 4, and 5) and in the c-direction showing reduced bydetachingthedegradedsurfacelayersbyascotchtape. PC conductance near zero bias (curves 2, and 3). For the Themicroconstrictionswerepreparedin situbypressing curves4 and 5 the right ordinate applies. a metallic tip (platinum wire formedeither mechanically or by electrochemical etching) on a fresh surface of the superconductor. For the measurements with the point- a ballistic or diffusive regime, where heating effects are contact current in the ab plane usually a reversed tip- avoided. There, both the elastic (le) as well as inelastic sample configurationhas been used. The freshly cleaved (li) mean-free paths should be bigger than the diame- edge of the single crystal jetting out in ab direction has ter d of the junction or a diffusion length √leli > d. been pressed on a piece of chemically etched copper. A These requirements should be satisfied in the normal as specialpoint-contactapproachingsystemallowedforlat- well as in the superconducting part of the junction [19]. eralaswellasverticalmovementsofthepoint-contacttip ThepointcontactsmadeontheBa0.55K0.45Fe2As2 single by a differential screw mechanism. Details of the tech- crystals have resistances between tens and hundreds of nique can be found elsewhere [8]. ohms which corresponds to the contact diameter of tens PCARspectrameasuredontheballisticmicroconstric- of nanometers as calculated from the Wexler’s formula tion between a normal metal and a superconductor con- [21] for the point contact on a highly resistive material sistsofpureARandtunnelingcontributions,respectively asBa0.55K0.45Fe2As2[18]. Indeed,theelectronmean-free [19]. First contribution makes the conductance inside path, although not known in Ba0.55K0.45Fe2As2 could V <∆/etwiceaslargeasinthenormalstateoraswhat also be on the order of tens of nanometers. Then, the | | is at large bias where the coupling via the gap ∆ is inef- precautions should be made to avoid the junctions with ficient. Tunneling contribution reduces the conductance heating effects. In the following only the junctions with- at the zero bias and two symmetrically located peaks out the conductance dips and irreversibilities in voltage rise at the gap energy. PCAR conductance can be com- dependencesarepresented. Predominantlythejunctions paredwiththeBlonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk(BTK)model with a finite barrier-strength parameter z allowing for using as input parametersthe energy gap∆, the param- tunneling component in the spectrum were examined. eter z (measure for the strength of the interface barrier) Figure 1 shows typical PCAR spectra obtained on and a parameter Γ for the spectral broadening [20]. For Pt-Ba0.55K0.45Fe2As2 point-contacts with the current a multiband/multigap superconductor the point-contact preferably within the ab plane (curves 1, 4, and 5) and conductance G=dI/dV can be expressed as a weighted in the c direction (curves 2, and 3) of the crystal. All sum of partial BTK conductances. As shown in our pre- spectrashownherearerawdata,justnormalizedtotheir vious work [8] on the two-gap superconductor of MgB2 ownvaluesatV =50mVeventuallyverticallyshiftedfor thetotalPCARconductanceconsistsoftwoparallelcon- the clarity. The spectra 1, 4 and 5 present (double) en- tributions, the first originated from a three-dimensional hancedconductances,thetypicalfeaturesoftheAndreev (3D) π band with a small gap ∆1 and a weight α and reflectionofquasiparticlescoupledviathesuperconduct- the second from a quasi-two-dimensional σ band with a ing energy gap(s). The first enhancement starts below large gap ∆2, respectively. 20 mV with the gap-like humps at about 10 mV while ± Spectralcharacteristicsas the superconducting energy the second one is located below 5 7 mV. On the spec- − gaps or electron-phononinteractionfeatures can be read tra 1 and 4 also two symmetrical maxima at 4 and 2 ± ± from the point-contact data only if the junction is in mV, respectively, are displayed. Majority of tens of the 3 ce 1.00 c - direction ance 1.15 11..12 T = 4.4 K (meV) 468 ctan 0.95 duct 1.10 1.0 27 K 02 condu 0.90 d con 1.05 -50 -25 0 25 50 0 10 20 Normalized 0.85 ZBC000...899505 Tc T = 4.5, 10, 20, 30, 40 K Normalize 01..9050 ab- plane 0.80 0.800 25 5T0 (K)75 100 50, 55, 60, 100 K T = 4.4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 22K 0.90 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Voltage (mV) Voltage (mV) FIG. 2: Spectrum measured in the c direction showing a re- duced conductanceeven above Tc. FsiInGgl.e3c:rNysotramlainliztehdePaCbApRlanspeeschtroawionfgthtewoBas0u.p55eKrc0o.4n5dFuec2tAinsg2 gaps. Lower curves are vertically shifted for clarity. Circles representthebestfitstothetwogapBTKformula. Leftinset spectra measured in the ab direction revealed a heavily - raw data taken at 4.4 and 27 K, right inset - temperature broadened enhanced conductance near the zero bias as dependence of two gaps, solid lines show BCS-type behavior indicated by the spectrum 5. of energy gaps. The measurements with the point-contact current along the c axis yield a completely different picture. For this direction we have collected tens of spectra without K. The remarkable feature at the lowest temperature is any enhanced PCAR conductance and coherence peaks adouble enhancedpoint-contactconductance. The form due to superconducting energy gap(s). On the contrary ofthespectrumobviouslyremindsthetwo-gapspectrum the spectra display a reduced conductance around the of MgB2 for a highly transparent junction with conduc- zero-bias conductance (ZBC). In Fig. 2 one can find tance enhancements due to Andreev reflection of quasi- the temperature dependence of such a spectrum. The particles on the small and large superconducting energy reduced conductance is gradually smeared and filled up gaps. Withincreasingtemperaturethetwo-gapstructure when increasing the temperature. Moreover, as could issmoothlysmearedout. Indeed,thespectrafromFig. 3 be seen from the measurements at higher temperatures could be easily fitted to the two-gap BTK formula. The and from the ZBC vs. temperature dependence (inset of best fit for each temperature is shown by open circles. Fig. 2)theeffectofthereducedconductancepersistswell The right inset of Fig. 3 shows the temperature depen- above the superconducting transition up to about the dence ofthe superconducting energy gapsresulting from N´eel temperature TN 70 K found for a similar sam- the fitting procedure. For comparison we also show by ≈ ple [11]. Thus, within the c direction suitable spectral solidlinesthe BCS-typetemperaturedependence of∆’s. conditions for observingthe superconducting energygap The values of the energy gaps at lowest temperature are havenotbeenfound,possiblyduetoasurfacereconstruc- for the small ∆1 2.7 meV and the large one ∆2 ≈ ≈ tion or contamination. Then, the observed reduced con- 9.2 meV, which corresponds to the coupling strengths ductance can be just a differential-conductance-versus- 2∆1/kTc = 2.7 and 2∆2/kTc = 9.3 for Tc = 23 K. The voltage replica of the increasing resistivity with decreas- smearing parameters Γ1 = 1.8 meV and Γ2 = 6 meV, ingtemperaturebelow85Kfoundintheundopedsample the barrier strengths z1 = 0.34 and z2 = 0.5 as well as [18]. Anotherpossibilityisthatitisaspectralcharacter- the weight factor α = 0.5 obtained at 4.4 K were kept ′ istic where the superconducting gap features are heavily constant at higher temperatures (Γs changing less than smeared. 10 %). From the data obtained on many junctions we Figure 3 shows the representative spectra measured observethatthe gapsarescatteredas2∆1/kTc =2.5 4 − within the ab planes at different temperatures. The left and 2∆2/kTc =9 10. − insetpresentstherawdatatakenat4.4and27K.Ascan Although the s-wave two-gap BTK formula has been be seen the spectral background reveals asymmetry, be- successfully used to fit our PCAR data a possibility of ing higher at positive bias voltage, i.e., at negative sam- unconventional pairing symmetry cannot be completely ple bias. This asymmetry seems to have different sign ruled out. Obviously, rather strongly broadened spec- for the 122 pnictides (see also [22] for Sr1−xKxFe2As2) tra as presented here could be in principle fitted also by than and for the 1111 superconductors as indicated by anisotropic or nodal gaps, if an appropriate current in- Chen et al. [15] or in our previous measurements on the jecting angle was selected [23]. On the other hand in no polycrystalline NdFeAsO(F) [17]. For a better compari- case the ZBC peak in the low temperature PCAR con- son with the BTK model the spectra in the main figure ductance as a fingerprint of the Andreev bound states arenormalizedtothe normal-statecurvemeasuredat27 due to d or p-wave symmetry has been observed. 4 size. Then, even if the reduced point-contact conduc- 1.15 tanceisobservedonthesamejunctionwhichrevealsalso e the superconducting energy gaps one has to admit that c n these two effects are caused by two spatially separated a ct1.10 phasesandnotbythequasiparticlesoriginatingfromthe u d same Fermi surface. To resolve the problem of a possi- n co ble coexistence ofsuperconductivity and magnetismin a ed 1.05 single electronic system the spectroscopic studies on the z ali systemwithoutamesoscopicphaseseparationareneces- m sary. or N1.00 ab - plane Very recently Gonnelli et al. [25] also obtained pro- T = 4.4, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 K nounced two-gap spectra on the LaFeAsO1−xFx poly- -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 crystals as well as shown an existence of the reduced Voltage (mV) DOS in the normal state up to about 140 K, close to the N´eel temperature of the undoped specimen. Their FIG.4: PCARspectraoftheBa0.55K0.45Fe2As2singlecrystal sizeofthelargeandsmallgapsareremarkablysimilarto showing thegap as well as the pseudogap features. those found in the present work on the 122 sample with a similar Tc. Figure 4 presents another point-contact measured in Inconclusion,directionalPCARstudieshavebeenper- the ab plane documenting that besides the broadened formed on the single crystalline Ba0.55K0.45Fe2As2. Sig- Andreev-type enhancements of the conductance also a nificantdifferencesinthespectraareobservedwhenmea- reducedconductance backgroundaroundthe zerobias is suredwithintheabplanesandinthecdirection. Within revealed on the same junction. The latter feature de- the planes two superconducting gaps are detected with tectable near Tc has persisted above Tc similarly to the 2∆1/kTc = 2.5 4 and 2∆2/kTc = 9 10. Within the caseofthec-axisspectra. Thisindicatesthatthereduced − − c direction only a reduced conductance could be found conductance is a spectral feature related to a reduced persisting well above Tc, possibly connected with the re- DOS in the normal state. ducedDOSinamesoscopicantiferromagneticregionspa- Doesthesimultaneousoccurrenceofthesuperconduct- tially separated from the superconducting phase. ing energy gaps and reduced conductance on the same junctionmeanthatthesetwoeffectsareduetoquasipar- This work was supported by the Slovak R&D Agency ticles from the same Fermi surface? Goko et al. [11] under Contracts No. VVCE-0058-07, No. APVV-0346- brought evidence for coexistence of superconductivity 07, and No. LPP-0101-06, the EC Framework Pro- andstrongstaticmagneticorderinapartialvolumefrac- gramme Grant No.MTKD-CT-2005-030002, and by the tionof(Ba,K)Fe2As2andsimilarsystems. RecentlyPark U.S. Steel Koˇsice, s.r.o. Centre of Low Temperature etal. [24]foundamesoscopicphaseseparationonthesin- Physics is operated as the Centre of Excellence of the gle crystalsof(Ba,K)Fe2As2 with a similar Tc 32K as Slovak Academy of Sciences. Work at the Ames Labora- ≈ inourcase. Thisphaseseparationleadstoantiferromag- tory was supported by the Basic Energy Sciences, U.S. netically ordered and non-magnetic/superconducting re- Department of Energy, under Contract No. DE-AC02- gions, both with characteristic sizes of several tens of 07CH11358. Valuable discussions with I.I. Mazin and nanometers. Our point contacts have about the same N.L. Wang are appreciated. [1] Y. Kamihara, T. Watanabe, M. 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