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Evidence for time-reversal symmetry breaking in the non-centrosymmetric superconductor LaNiC$_2$ PDF

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Preview Evidence for time-reversal symmetry breaking in the non-centrosymmetric superconductor LaNiC$_2$

Evidence for time-reversal symmetry breaking in the non-centrosymmetric superconductor LaNiC 2 A.D. Hillier, J. Quintanilla ISIS facility, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Oxfordshire, OX11 0QX, UK R. Cywinski School of Applied Sciences, University of Huddersfield, Queensgate, Huddersfield, HD1 3DH, UK 9 (Dated: January 20, 2009) 0 0 The results from muon spin relaxation experiments on the non-centrosymmetric intermetallic 2 superconductor LaNiC2 are reported. We find that the onset of superconductivity coincides with n the appearance of spontaneous magnetic fields, implying that in the superconducting state time a reversal symmetry is broken. An analysis of the possible pairing symmetries suggests only four J triplet states compatible with this observation, all of which are non-unitary. They include the 0 intriguing possibility of triplet pairing with the full point group symmetry of the crystal, which is 2 only possible in a non-centrosymmetricsuperconductor. ] n Symmetry breaking is a central concept of physics in internal fields and can easily measure fields of 0.1 G o for which superconductivity provides a paradigm. In a which corresponds to ≈0.01 µ . This makes µSR an c B - conventional superconductor[1] gauge symmetry is bro- extremely powerful technique for measuring the effects r p ken, while unconventional superfluids and superconduc- of TRS breaking in exotic superconductors. Direct ob- u torsbreakothersymmetriesaswell[2]. Examplesinclude servation of TRS breaking states is extremely rare and s 3He[3],cupratehigh-temperaturesuperconductors[4]and spontaneous fields have only been observedin a few sys- . at the ruthenate Sr2RuO4[5]. Recently, superconductivity tems: PrOs4Sb12[7], Sr2RuO4[6], B-phase of UPt3[26] m has been discovered in a number of materials whose lat- and (U,Th)Be13[27]. - tices lack inversion symmetry[8, 9, 10, 11, 12], with im- Thesamplewaspreparedbymeltingtogetherstoichio- d portant implications for the symmetry of the supercon- metric amounts of the constituent elements in a water- n ducting state. However despite intense theoretical[13, cooledargonarcfurnace. Partofthesamplewascrushed o 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19] and experimental[8, 9, 10, 11, into a fine powder and characterised by neutron powder c [ 12, 20, 21, 22] efforts the issue of symmetry breaking in diffraction using D1B at the Institute Laue Langevin, these systems remains uncertain. One of the most di- Grenoble, France. The µSR experiments were carried 1 v rect ways of detecting an unconventional superconduct- out using the MuSR spectrometer in longitudinal geom- 3 ing state is muon spin relaxation (µSR), as it can un- etry. At the ISIS facility, a pulse of muons is produced 5 ambiguously establish broken time reversal symmetry every 20 ms and has a FWHM of ∼70 ns. These muons 1 (TRS) [6, 7]. In this letter we report µSR results on are implanted into the sample and decay with a half-life 3 the non-centrosymmetric superconductor LaNiC2 show- of 2.2 µs into a positron which is emitted preferentially . 1 ing that TRS is broken on entering the superconducting in the direction of the muon spin axis. These positrons 0 state and we analyse the possible symmetries. We iden- are detected and time stamped in the detectors which 9 tifyfourpossibilitiescompatiblewithourobservation,all are positioned either before, F, and after, B, the sample 0 : of them non-unitary, including one where TRS is broken for longitudinal (relaxation) experiments. Using these v withoutconcomitantlybreakinganypointsymmetriesof counts the asymmetry in the position emission can be i X the crystal. determinedand,therefore,themuonpolarisationismea- r The RNiC2 (where R= rare earth) intermetallic al- sured as a function of time. The sample was a thin disk, a loys were first reported by Bodak and Marusin[23]. In- 30 mm in diameter and 1 mm thick, mounted onto a terestinglytheycrystallisewiththenon-centrosymmetric 99.995+ % pure silver plate. Any muons stopped in sil- spacegroupAmm2. FordifferentRthesealloysexhibita ver give a time independent backgroundfor longitudinal wide rangeof magnetic groundstates. However,LaNiC2 (relaxation)experiments. Thesampleholderandsample doesnotordermagneticallybutexhibitssuperconductiv- weremountedontoaTBTdilutionfridgewithatemper- ity at 2.7 K[24, 25]. Deviations from conventional BCS ature rangeof 0.045-4K.The sample was cooledto base behaviour have been interpreted as evidence for triplet temperature in zero field and the µSR spectra were col- superconductivity[24]. lected upon warming the sample while still in zero field. Evidenceforunconventionalpairingcanbeshownfrom The stray fields at the sample position are cancelled to time-reversalsymmetry (TRS) breaking through the de- within 1 µT by a flux-gate magnetometer and an active tection of spontaneous but very small internal fields[2]. compensation system controlling the three pairs of cor- µSR is especially sensitive for detecting small changes rectioncoils,thenthesamplewascooledtobasetemper- 2 35000 0.30 30000 0.25 s)25000 0.20 arb unit20000 mmetry0.15 sity (15000 Asy n 0.10 e nt I10000 0.05 5000 0.00 0 5 10 15 20 0 30 40 50 60 70 80 Time ( s) o 2 FIG.2: (coloronline)ThezerofieldµSRspectraforLaNiC2. The blue symbols are the data collected at 54 mK and the FIG.1: (coloronline)Thepowderneutrondiffractionpattern red symbols are the data collected at 3.0 K. The lines are a of LaNiC2 at 300 K. The line is a Rietveld refinement to the least squares fit tothe data. data. The vertical tickmarks indicate the calculated peak positions and the lower graph shows thedifference plot. The absence of a precessional signal in the µSR spec- symmetries and sample C2v tra at all temperatures confirms that there are no spon- theircharacters basis functions taneouscoherentinternalmagneticfieldsassociatedwith irreducible E C2 σv σv′ even odd longrangemagneticorderinLaNiC2atanytemperature. representations In the absence of atomic moments muon spin relaxation A1 1 1 1 1 1 Z is expected to arise entirely from the local fields asso- A2 1 1 -1 -1 XY XYZ ciated with the nuclear moments. These nuclear spins B1 1 -1 1 -1 XZ X are static, on the time scale of the muon precession,and randomlyorientated. Thedepolarisationfunction,G (t), B2 1 -1 -1 1 YZ Y z can be described by the Kubo-Toyabe function[29] TABLEI:Thecharactertableofthepointgroupofthecrys- tal, mm2 (C2v). The last two columns give two simple basis GKT(t)=(1 + 2(1−σ2t2)exp(−σ2t2)), (1) functions for each irreducible representation: one even (com- z 3 3 2 patiblewithsingletpairing),andoneodd(fortripletpairing). where σ/γ is the local field distribution width and µ γ =13.55MHz/T is the muon gyromagnetic ratio. The µ atureinalongitudinalfieldof5mTandtheµSRspectra spectrathatwefindforLaNiC2 arewelldescribedbythe were collected while warming. function The powder neutron diffraction measurements con- firmed the sample had crystallised into a single phase of Gz(t)=A0GKz T(t)exp(−λt)+Abckgrd, (2) the expected orthorhombic space group Amm2 with lat- ticeparametersofa=3.96˚Aandb=4.58˚Aandc=6.20˚A where A0 is the initial asymmetry, Abckgrd is the back- (seeFig.1). Theseresultsagreewellwiththecurrentlit- ground, and λ is the electronic relaxation rate (see Fig. erature. The point group mm2 (C2v) has a particularly 2). It is assumed that the exponential factor involving λ lowsymmetrywithonly4irreduciblerepresentations,all arises from electronic moments which afford an entirely of them one-dimensional. The characters of the 4 sym- independent muon spin relaxation channel in real time. metry operations in each of the 4 (one-dimensional) ir- This term will be discussed in greater detail later. reducible representations are given in Table I. We also The coefficients A0, σ, and Abckgrd are found to be give two alternative basis functions for each irreducible temperatureindependent. Thecontributionfromthenu- represenation: one even under inversion and one odd clear moments was found to be σ=0.08 µs−1. Finite el- (this would not be possible for a centrosymmetric sys- ement analysis[30] indicates that the observed sigma is tem, where even and odd basis functions belong to dis- consistent with the muon localising at the 1/2,1/2,0and tinct irreducible representations). We use the notation equivalent sites (see Figure 3). However we emphasize of Ref. [4], whereby X represents any function of k that that our conclusions do not rely on the muon being on is continuous through the Brillouin zone boundary and any particular location. transformslikek under the symmetry operationsinthe The only parameter that shows any temperature de- x point group. pendence is λ, which increases rapidly with decreasing 3 0.035 0.015 Zero Field Cooled Field Cooled 5mT 0.030 0.010 -1s) -1 (s) ( 0.025 0.005 0.020 0.000 0 2 0 2 Temperature (K) Temperature (K) FIG. 3: (color online) The crystal structure of LaNiC2. The FIG. 4: (color online) The left figure is the temperature de- large red spheres are La, medium size blue spheres are Ni, pendence of the electronic relaxation rate, λ, for LaNiC2 in smaller black spheres areC and thesmallest yellow sphere is zero-field,whichclearly showsthespontaneousfieldsappear- the muon. The contour plot of the nuclear dipole fields for LaNiC2 is shown throughout the unit cell at x=21 and shows itnegmapterTaCtu=re2.7deKpe[n2d4e,n2c5e](dofotλtedforlinaen).aTpphleierdighfitelfidguofre5ismthTe, themuon site is at `21,21,0´. in which aflat temperaturedependenceis observed. Thered lines are guides to the eye. temperature below T (see Fig. 4 a). As indicated ear- C lier, it is most probable that the exponential relaxation the pairing symmetry. We address in detail just the process of equation 2 arises from the field distribution simplest case where the superconducting state does not associated with electronic rather than nuclear spins. In- break translational symmetry and moreover spin-orbit deed,suchanexponentialformisgenerallyattributedto coupling (SOC) does not play a role. Just below the su- magnetic fields of atomic origin that are fluctuating suf- perconducting instability, very general group-theoretical ficiently rapidly for their effects on the muon relaxation arguments [4] require that the gap matrix ∆ˆ(k) corre- to be motionally narrowed. However in this case we find spond to one of the irreducible representations of the that a weak longitudinal magnetic field of only 5 mT is space group of the crystal. In the simplest case, the sufficienttofullydecouplethemuonfromthisrelaxation grouptobeconsideredisthedirectproductSO(3)×C2v. channel(see Fig. 4 b). This in turn suggests that the The group SO(3) corresponds to arbitrary rotations in associatedmagneticfieldsareinfactstaticorquasistatic spin space, and has two irreducible representations cor- on the time scale of the muon precession. In a super- respondingtosingletpairing(ofdimension1)andtriplet conductorwithbrokenTRS,spontaneousmagneticfields pairing(dimension3);C2v isthepointgroupofthecrys- arise in regions where the order parameter is inhomo- tal and it has the four one-dimensional representations geneous, such as domain walls and grain boundaries[2]. given in Table I. This gives a total of 8 irreducible rep- Thus,theappearanceofsuchspontaneousstaticfieldsat resentations of the product group: 4 one-dimensional, TC provides convincing evidence for time reversal sym- singlet representations and 4 three-dimensional, triplet metry breaking on entering the superconducting state of representations. The latter have an order parameter LaNiC2. that transforms like a vector under spin rotations. The We have been able preclude the possibility of the ob- twopossiblegroundstatesinageneralGinzburg-Landau servedeffectsarisingfrommagneticimpuritieswithinthe theory of that symmetry are given in Ref. [4]. This sample. Although, in principle, very small amounts of leads to the 12 possible order parameters given in Ta- parasitic rare earth impurity ions (< 0.05%) associated ble II, where we have used the freedom to choosea basis with the La metal may be present, the dynamic dipolar function of either even or odd symmetry for each irre- fieldsarisingfromsuchdiluteimpuritieswouldcontribute ducible representationof the point group (available only eitheramotionallynarrowedlorentzianKuboToyabe,or innon-centrosymmetriccrystals)tosatisfyPauli’sexclu- a root exponential term to the muon relaxation. In any sion principle ∆σ,σ′(k) = −∆σ′,σ(−k) in all cases. Of eventtheassociatedrelaxationratewouldbeexpectedto these 12, 8 are unitary states (4 spin singlets and 4 spin varysmoothlywithtemperature. Anyresidualferromag- triplets) while the other 4 are non-unitary. Only those netic impurity phases (e.g. Ni) would contribute only to 4 have non-trivially complex order parameters and thus a very small (≪1%) reduction of the initial asymmetry. break TRS. In them, only spin-up electrons participate Finally,asmallamountofLaC2 impuritywouldnotgive inpairing,andthereforethereisanungappedFermisur- any signalat 2.7 K as LaC2 is a non-magnetic supercon- facecoexistingwithanotherthathasone(3A1,3B1,3B2) ductor (TC=1.6 K) [28]. or three (3A2) line nodes. This would suggest a specific Let us now discuss the implications of this result for heat C ∼ γ T + γ T2 at low temperatures [2], which ↓ ↑ 4 is at odds with C ∼ T3 reported in Ref. [24] (compat- gap function gap function ible with both Fermi surfaces having point nodes [2]). SO(3)×C2v (unitary) (non-unitary) Nevertheless, we note that in the case of another triplet 1A1 ∆(k)=1 - superconductor, Sr2RuO4, the low-temperature thermo- 1A2 ∆(k)=XY - dynamicsremainedunclearuntillarge,high-puritysingle 1B1 ∆(k)=XZ - crystals were available [5]. 1B2 ∆(k)=YZ - The fact that all TRS breaking states are non-unitary is a direct consequence of the particularly low crys- 3A1 d(k)=(0,0,1)Z d(k)=(1,i,0)Z tal symmetry (c.f. D4h, the point group relevant to 3A2 d(k)=(0,0,1)XYZ d(k)=(1,i,0)XYZ Sr2RuO4, where there are both unitary and non-unitary 3B1 d(k)=(0,0,1)X d(k)=(1,i,0)X order parameters that break TRS - indeed unitary pair- 3B2 d(k)=(0,0,1)Y d(k)=(1,i,0)Y ing is realised in that system [5]). Of these four, the onecorrespondingto3A1 breaksgaugeandtimereversal TABLE II: Homogeneous superconducting states allowed by symmetry, for weak spin-orbit coupling. We have used the asynmdm3Bet2riweshoicnhlyb,ruenalkikaedtdhiotisoencaolrsryemspmonedtriinegstoof3tAhe2,c3ryBs1- ∆sˆta(kn)da=rdin[do(tkat)i.oσˆn]σˆ∆ˆy(fko)r t=rip∆le(tks,)iwσˆyhefroerσˆsin≡gle(tσˆxs,tσˆayte,sσˆza)nids tal. The possibility of breaking gauge and time reversal thevectorofPaulimatrices. Onlythefournon-unitarytriplet symmetries without concomitantly breaking other sym- states are compatible with our observation of broken TRS. metries is unique to non-centrosymmetric superconduc- tors. (Thisisconsistentwiththeobservationthatthesu- perconductingorderparameterofanon-centrosymmetric triesinLaNiC2 suggestsfourpossibletripletstates,allof supercondcutor can always have a triplet component, them non-unitary (analogous to the A1 phase of 3He[3]) even when only gauge symmetry is broken [21].) Again, featuring one unpaired Fermi surface and another one we expect that establishing this possibility will require withlinenodes,andincludingtheintriguingpossibilityof the availability of large single crystals. tripletpairing withthe full point groupsymmetry ofthe The above analysis neglected the effect of strong SOC crystal, which is possible only for non-centrosymmetric onthesuperconductingstate. IfSOCisstrong,thepoint superconductors. grouptoconsideris obtainedby appendingto eachrota- The authors would like to acknowledge useful discus- tionelementasimultaneousrotationofthespin[4]. This sions with J.F. Annett, S.T. Carr, N. Gidopoulos, B.L. is especially relevant in the case of non-centrosymmetric Gy¨orffy and B.J. Powell. J. 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