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Evidence for the negative effects of Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki) on a non-target butterfly community in Western Oregon, USA PDF

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Preview Evidence for the negative effects of Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki) on a non-target butterfly community in Western Oregon, USA

GENERAL NOTES JournaloftheLepidopterists'Society 56(3),2002, 166-170 EVIDENCE FOR THE NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF BT (BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS VAR. KURSTAKI) ON A NON-TARGET BUTTERFLY COMMUNITY IN WESTERN OREGON, USA Additionalkeywords: Bt species richness, butterflyabundance, diversity. , Bacillus thuringiensis var kurstaki (Bt) is a gram- coated leaves are consumed bv larvae (Losey et al. positive bacterium commonlyoccurringin soil (Martin 1999, Hansen Jesse & Obrycki 2000). & Travers 1989) and plant leaves (Smith & Couche Elevated larval death rates due to Bt not only im- 1991) with known pathogenic properties for butterfly pacts butterfly and moth populations, but is also capa- and moth larvae. Generally, when Bacillus bacteria ex- ble ofalteringhigher trophic level interactions with in- perience starvation or stressful conditions they form a sectivorous species. Sorex cinereus (masked shrew) spore, an inactive resting stage (Brock 2000), that is males migrated out of a Bt treatment area and all lethal to most Lepidoptera larvaewhen ingested. Con- shrews altered their prey selection from Lepidoptera sumption ofBt spores bybutterflyand moth larvae ac- larvae to less preferred hemipterans and hymenopter- tivates bacterial Cry proteins (toxins) by proteolysis ans after aBt sprayreduced larval abundance (Bellocq & from the larva's gut enzymes (Tojo Aizawa 1983). et al. 1992). Parent birds fed their nestlings fewer Once the bacteria's toxins are activated by proteolysis, caterpillars in Bt treated areas (Gaddis & Corkran the proteins bind to the apical brush border gut mi- 1986, Rodenhouse & Holmes 1992, Nagy & Smith crovillae cells (Hofmann et al. 1988) and form an ion 1997) or increased their foraging times compared to channel that disrupts solute concentrations within the birds nesting in untreated areas (Holmes 1998). Al- cell. Ion pore size increases with increasing gut alka- though a decrease in Lepidoptera larval abundance linity resulting in decreasing solute control with larger did not appear to effect the average nestling weight, pore sizes (Schwartz et al. 1993). The lack ofcellular survivorship through fledging, oreggsize in birds from solute control causes water to enter the cell and lyses a Bt treated area (Gaddis & Corkran 1986, Roden- cells having sufficient numbers of Bt ion pores. Pre- house & Holmes 1992, Nagy & Smith 1997), lower fat sumably, the loss or dysfunction ofgut epithelial cells reserves were detected from birds in a Dimilin (a lep- causes mortality ofinfected Lepidoptera species. idopteran larvicide with impacts similar to Bt) treated B. thuringiensis var. kurstaki is commonly employed forest (Whitmore et al. 1993). as a biological control agent for lepidopteran pests on Lepidoptera larvae, particularlvearlvinstars, experi- agricultural plant species, but other Bt variants are ence the acute effects ofBt toxins and therefore have pathogenic to mosquito and black flies (Hershey et al. received the bulk of the attention from researchers. 1998), coleopterans, hymenopterans, and orthopterans Conversely, adult non-target Lepidoptera populations (Schnepf et al. 1998). Bt is suspected of causing ab- in Bt treated sites have received very little attention, normally high larval mortality rates in non-target but- possibly due to methodological problems accompany- terfly species like Monarchs, Danaus plexippus L. ing the sampling of adult abundance over potentially (Danaidae) (Losey et al. 1999), various swallowtail large spray areas. However, Whaley et al. (1995) noted species (Papilio) (Johnson et al. 1995, Peacock et al. substantial reductions in adult population sizes for In- 1998), and a host ofother butterfly and moth species cisaliafotis Strecker (Lycaenidae) and Neominois rid- (Wagner et al. 1996, Peacock et al.1998, Whaley et al. ingsii Edwards (Satyridae) in Utah followingaBt spray. 1998). Miller (1990, 1992) observed a decrease in lar- Increased larval mortality from Bt use should result val density, diversity, and species richness of lepi- in the reduction of adult non-target Lepidoptera dopteran guilds feedingon Quercusgarryana Douglas populations. The butterfly community should respond (Fagaceae) and Ceanothus velutinus Douglas (Rham- to eradication dosages ofBt by displaying a reduction naceae) following aerial Bt application. Bio-engineer- in species richness, diversity, and adult abundance in ing of genes encoding the Bt Cry toxins into corn theyears followingthe spray. Furthermore, because Bt plants and the dispersal of transgenic pollen into will likelyelevate mortalityrates ofallbutterflyspecies hedgerows bordering cornfields is linked to increased in the community, reductions in species abundance larval mortality ofnative butterfly species when pollen should be synchronized among species. I monitored a Volume 56, Number 3 167 relatively small Bt spray, approximately 32 ha, that oc- Table 1. Butterflydiversityforthe Schwarz Park sprayarea. * curred in the spring of 1997 in western Oregon to as- significantdifferencein diversitycomparedtothesprayyear, 1997. sess the effects ofBt on the adult non-target butterfly Year Shannon YearComparison community. Diversity(H') (modifiedt-test) ofH' Study site description. Schwarz Park, situated 1997 0.9840 downstream ofDorena Reservoir, Lane Co. Oregon, is *1997xl998f = 2.77P<0.01 a 32.4 ha (80 acres) Bt treatment area for a local gypsy 1998 0.7408 moth infestation. The Schwarz Park Bt spray site con- *1997x 19991 = 4.92P <0.0001 tains three different habitats that presumablyreceived 1999 0.5497 equal dosage treatments, a "groomed," "prairie," and 1997x2000f = 1.59P>0.05 2000 0.8607 "spillway" habitat. The groomed habitat consists of 14.2 ha (35 acres) oflawn and Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel) Franco (Pinaceae), Douglas-fir, forest main- year. Adultsurveyswereperformedfrom 1030h-1630h tained for camping and recreational use. The spillway and occurred on days when temperatureswere nearor habitat is 8.1 ha (20 acres) ofyoung riparian forest in- above 21°C (70°F) under sunny conditions. Butterfly terspersedwith native uplandprairie and cliffface. An binomial nomenclature was synonymous with the lo- area of 10.1 ha (25 acres) ofdegraded upland prairie cally accepted names published by Hinchliff(1994). with a narrow swath (0.8 ha) of riparian habitat and Adultsurveyswere conductedsystematicallybywalk- m young Douglas-fir forest compose the remaining ing transects approximately5 apart progressing from prairie habitat. The Bt treatment area is bounded by one endofasubarea, definedbyphysicalbarriers, to the reservoir water to the east, and sporadically clearcut other end. Subareas, nested inside the three habitats, Douglas-fir forests to the north, west, and south. Ex- were 0.8-2.0 ha and delineated byphysical boundaries cluding the nearby residential developments and an so surveyreplicationwidiin andbetween samplingyears U.S. Forest Servicetree genetics research site, Schwarz was consistent. Iflarge numbers ofbutterflies occupied Parkis the onlyareawithin5 km thatis suitable upland a subarea (only occurred once in 1997), all butterflies prairie butterfly habitat. On 30 April, 8 May, and 20 within the site were captured in an aerial insect net May of 1997, three aerial applications of Foray 48B and held until the butterflies in the subarea were ac- (Bt) at 24 B.I.U.s were administered by helicopter at counted for, identified to species, and then released. least 15 m (50 feet) above the tree canopy over the Once all transects in a subareawere surveyed, butter- & Schwarz Park spray area (Bai Johnson 1997). fly data gathering was finished for that particular sub- Adult surveys and analysis. The 32.4 ha spray area and then began anew in the next subarea. area was subdivided into three habitats (spillway, The sprayyear, 1997, was used as baseline data for prairie, and groomed) that were systematically sur- yearly pairwise comparisons because it was assumed veyed for adult butterflies once every three to four that the majority ofthe adult spring butterfly species weeks beginningin late April and ending in earlyJune would have overwintered as a pupae or late instar lar- from 1997 through 2000. Target flight periods for sam- vae, andwould thus be unaffectedbythe timing ofthe pling were late April, mid May, and late May/early Bt spray. Butterfly abundance was estimated by divid- June that correspond with the spring butterfly com- ing the total number ofbutterflies counted per survey munity flight period. Temporal separation of adult by the spray area (32.4 ha). Butterfly diversitywas cal- sampling dates by approximately two weeks ensured culated for each year using the Shannon Diversity In- that most adult butterflies would not be counted twice dex (Magurran 1988). Yearly diversity measurements because the butterflies from the first survey period were compared forsignificantpairwise differences be- would likely be dead by the second survey period. In tween the sprayyear and the three postsprayyears us- most instances, adult butterflies were accounted for ing a modified r-test described in Zar (1996). and identified without capturing or disturbance. By Community response. Diversity was significantly avoiding injury and death of the adult population lower in the two postsprayyears, 1998 (P < 0.01) and through surveyordisruption, butterflyreproductive ca- 1999 (P < 0.0001), when compared pairwise to the pabilitywas not diminished through capturing or dis- spray year 1997 (Table 1). The decline in diversity of turbance while ovipositing. Survey days were re- the non-target butterfly community immediately fol- stricted to climate conditions that favored the flight of lowingthe sprav suggests that the Bt application nega- adult butterflies while maintainingthe seasonal timing tively impacted the local butterfly community. Butter- of the initial survey periods from the original spray fly species richness throughout the four-year study 168 Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society periodwas also substantiallylower in the twoyears fol- The data from the Bt spray (Appendix) evince that lowingthe Bt spray (Appendix). In 1997 there were 22 an overall depression in butterfly abundance occurred species detected in the spray area, but in the two fol- in the years following the spray. Moreover, the de- lowingpostsprayyears species richness had droppedto creasing trend among the majority of the butterfly only eight species (Appendix). In the year 2000, three species was synchronized, implying that a large scale years following the initial spray, species richness was disturbance event affected the community. Outside of 19, a level similar to that measured in the spray year seasonality, synchronized patterns in species abun- (Appendix). Furthermore, butterfly density was also dance are not expected to occur unless some cata- substantially lower in the two postspray years com- strophic ecological event affects the entire community. pared to the spray year. In 1997 there were 5.49 indi- Butterfly community data from a five year study in viduals/ha, while in 1998 and 1999, there were only Ecuador demonstrate the asynchronous nature ofthe 1.27 and 2.68 individuals/ha respectively. However, component species in a butterfly community under & there were more butterflies per hectare in 2000, 8.18 natural conditions (DeVries Walla 2001). Pollard individuals/ha, than there were in the sprayyear, sug- (1984) collected butterfly species abundance data for gestingthat the assumption ofano treatment effect on numerous sites throughout England for seven years, a the adult butterfly community during the spray year Temperate Zone with abutterflycommunity similarto was violated with some species. western Oregon, and the butterfly species did not all Butterfly diversity, species richness, and density all follow the same pattern of relative abundance in- showed similar reductions in numbers following the creases and declines between years. The only known year following the Bt spray, but the lack of a suitable factor that had the potential to cause a community control area to statistically account for stochastic ef- wide concurrent decrease in species abundance at fects on an untreated butterfly community is a draw- Schwarz Park was the Bt spray. back to the this study. Despite a lack ofa suitable con- Miller (1990, 1992), Peacocket al. (1998), andWha- trol area, fair numbers of Mitoura grynea (6 ley et al. (1998) predicted local species extinction of individuals), Boloriaepithorechermocki (8 individuals), non-target Lepidopterain response to repeated Bt ap- Euphydryas chalcedona colon (18 individuals), Everes plication events. Locally distributed, monophagous, comyntas (10 individuals), Parnassius clodius claudi- and rare Lepidoptera species are the ones most likely anus (4 individuals), and Papilio rutulus (5 individu- to experience a resultant Bt induced extinction be- als), were detectedjust outside the spray boundary in cause theyoccupynarrow ecological niches. It appears 1998 during one sampling day. However, no individu- that a localized extinction ofthree non-target butterfly als ofthe same butterfly species were foundwithin the species transpired within Schwarz Park following the Bt treatment area (Appendix), suggesting the detri- spray. Mitoura grynea, Parnassius clodius claudianus, mental effects ofBt on the local butterflypopulations. and Phi/ciodes p. pratensis were found in 1997, but Further evidence for the effects of Bt on adult were not detected inside Schwarz Parkthe three years populations are demonstratedbycomparingtheyearly following the spray (Appendix). Larvae ofM. grynea population size and lifehistory of the two dominant use Calocedrus deccurens (Torr.) Florin. (Cupres- butterfly species, Ceononympha tullia eunomia and saceae), P. clodius claudianus uses Dicentraformossa Glaucopsyche lygdamus Columbia. Ceononympha t. (Andr.) Walp. (Papaveraceae), and P. pratensis uses eunomia was in the larval life stage duringthe Bt spray, Aster hallii (Gray) Cronq. (Asteraceae) as their sole so the small adult population in the spray year was larval host plants at the studysite, which are locallyre- likelythe effect ofthe Bt treatment. The abundance of strictedwithin the treatment area. Two migratory but- C. t eunomia was lowest in the sprayyear and steadily terfly species, Danaus plexippus and Vanessa cardui . increasedwith time followingthe Bt spray (Appendix). (Scott 1986), were found in 1997 but have not be seen Comparing C. t. eunomia to another dominant species, since, perhaps indicating that theytoowere extirpated Glaucopsyche lygdamus Columbia, that was in the pu- from the treatment area. However, it is not known if pal stage when the spray occurred (adults would not there were local populations of these species in be affectedin the sprayyear), adifferent trendin adult Schwarz Park before the spray or the individuals were abundance occurred. Glaucopsyche I. Columbia adult observed migrating through the area. Considering the populations were high in the spray year and low the relatively small size of the spray area (32.4 ha), local two following years (Appendix), indicating that the Bt butterfly extinction should not transpire because there treatment did affect the competitively dominant is ample edge habitat for recolonization. However, the species ofthe butterfly communityandlikelythe com- isolated nature ofthe spray site and the relative blan- petitivelyinferior species as well. keting ofbutterflyhabitat with Bt spores suggests how Volume 56, Number 3 169 even common species can be at risk oflocal extinction Johnson K. S., J. M. Scriber, J. K. Nitao & D. R. Smitley. 1995. when they are subject to pest control measures. Toxicity of Bacillus thuringiensis var kurstaki to three non- target lepidoptera in field studies. Environmental Entomology In the case ofSchwarz Park, the sprayareawas rela- 24(2):288-297. tivelysmall, but non-target Lepidopterapopulations in Losey, J. E„ L. S. Raylor & M. E. Carter. 1999. Transgenic larger spray areas may not recover as quickly as the pollen harms monarch larvae. Nature399:214. Magurran, A. E. 1988. Ecological diversityandits measurement. Schwarz Park area. Historical Bt sprays in western Princeton UniversityPress, Princeton, NewJersey. Oregon have been large, a 120,000 ha block was re- Martin, P A. W. & R. S. Travers. 1989. Worldwide abundance peatedly sprayed in 1985, 1986, and 1987 (Johnson et anddistribution ofBacillus thuringiensis isolates. AppliedEn- vironmental Microbiology55:2437-2442. al. 1989). With increasing evidence for the negative Miller, C. 1990. Field assessment ofthe effects ofa microbial J. consequences of Bt on non-target Lepidoptera com- pest control agent on non-target lepidoptera. American Ento- munities and the species that depend on Lepidoptera mologist36:135-139. . 1992. Effects of a microbial insecticide, Bacillus forfood, the ecological impacts associated with broad- thuringiensis kurstaki, on non-target lepidoptera in a spruce scale use ofBt for pest control should be questioned. budworm-infestedforest. Journal ofthe Research on the Lepi- doptera29(4):267-276. Otheralternatives that are pest species specific are the & Nagy, L. R. K. G. Smith. 1997. Effects ofinsecticide-induced best option for minimizing the mortality and large- reduction in lepidopteran larvae on reproductive success of scale disruption ofnative Lepidoptera communities in HoodedWarblers. TheAuk 114(4):619-627. pest eradication areas. Peacock, J. W, D. F. Schweitzer, J.L. Carter & N.R. Dubois. 1998. Laboratory assessment of the effects of Bacillus thuringiensis on native lepidoptera. Environmental Entomol- I would like to thank Kat Beal for her support ofthis project, ogy27(2):450^57. CarlaM. Penz,Thomas R. Walla, andtwoanonymous reviewers for Pollard, E. 1984. 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FielddepositionofBt Bombyxmori.WAppliedEnvironmental Microbiology45:576-580. transgeniccom pollJe.nJ:. lethal effects on the monarch butterfly. Wagner, D. L.,J. Peacock,J. L. Carter&S. E.Talley. 1996. Oecologia 125:241-248. Field assessment ofBacillus thuringiensis on non-target lepi- Hershey,A. E., A. R. Lima, G. Niemi& R. R. Regal. 1998. Ef- dopteWra. EnvironmentalEntomology25(6):1444—1454. fectsofBacillusthuringiensiJ.sisraelensis (BTI)andmedioprene Whaley, H., J. Anhold & B. G. Schaalje. 1998. Canyon drift on nontarget macroinvertebrates in Minnesotawetlands. Eco- anddispersionofBacillusthuringiensisanditseffectsonselect logicalApplications 8:41-60. non-target Lepidopterans in Utah. Environmental Entomology Hinchliff, 1994. AnatlasofOregonbutterflies: thedistribution 27(3):539-548. of the Jb.utterflies of Oregon. The Oregon State University Whitmore, R. C, R.J. Cooper&B. E. Sample. 1993. Birdfatre- Bookstore, Inc., Corvallis, Oregon. ductions in foreststreatedwith dimilin. 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ButterflySpecies Diapause Life Stage 1997 1998 1999 2000 Hesperiidae Larvae Erynnispropertius (Scudder& Burgess) Pt/rguscommunis (Grote) Multivoltine 1 Ochlodess. sylvanoides (Boisduval) Eggs or 1stinstar Amblyscirtes vialis (W. H. Edwards) Larvae Papilionidae Parnassiusclodiusclaudianus Stichel Eggs 2 Papilio rutulus (Lucas) Pupae 1 Papilioeurymedon (Lucas) Pupae 1 Pieridae Pierisnapi marginalia Scudder Pupae 1 3 Pierisrapae Linnaeus Multivoltine 1 Anthocharissaraflora Wright Pupae 3 1 1 3 Coliaseurytheme Boisduval Multivoltine 2 Lycaenidae Mitouragrijnea (Huber) Pupae 5 Strymon melinussetonia McDunnough Multivoltine 8 5 5 14 Everescomyntas (Godart) Multivoltine 5 15 Celastrinaargiolusecho (W. H. Edwards) Pupae 13 4 4 12 Plebejusacmon acmon (dos Passos) Multivoltine 1 GlaucopsychelygdamusColumbia (Skinner) Pupae 97 16 55 108 Nymphalidae Phijciodes mylitta mylitta (W. H. Edwards) Multivoltine 15 6 8 30 Phyciodesp. pratensis (Behr) Pupae 1 Boloria epithorechermocki (Perkins & Perkins) 4th instarlarvae 4 2 Euphydryaschalcedonacolon 3rdor4th instarlarvae 2 1 (W. H. Edwards) Polygoniasatyrus (W. H. Edwards) Adult 1 2 1 Nymphalisantiopa (Linnaeus) Adult 1 1 Vanessacardui ** (Linnaeus) Adult 1 1 Vanessaatalanta rubria ** (Fruhstorfer) Adult 1 1 Satyridae Coenonympha tulliaeunomia (Dornfeld) 3rdor4thinstarlarvae 8 11 48 Danaidae Danausplexippus ** (Linnaeus) Adult 2

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