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Preview Evidence for Heating of Neutron Stars by Magnetic Field Decay

Evidence for Heating of Neutron Stars by Magnetic Field Decay Jos´e A. Pons,∗ Bennett Link,† Juan A. Miralles,∗ and Ulrich Geppert∗ (Dated: February 5, 2008) We show theexistence of a strong trend between neutron star (NS) surface temperature and the dipolar component of the magnetic field extending through three orders of field magnitude, a range that includes magnetars, radio-quiet isolated neutron stars, and manyordinary radio pulsars. Wesuggest that thistrendcan beexplained bythedecay of currents in the crust over a time scale of ∼106 yr. We estimate the minimum temperature that a NS with a given magnetic field can reach in this interpretation. 7 0 0 A question of fundamental importance in subatomic enter the photon cooling era at ∼105 yr, and that mag- 2 physicsconcernsthegroundstateandemissivityofdense netars, which have more magnetic energy available, are n matter inbeta equilibrium. Inthis connection,the man- dominated by field decay even earlier. Our conclusions a ner in which a neutron star (NS) cools after its birth are essentially independent of the uncertainties concern- J hasbeen anactive areaofresearchsincethe discoveryof ingstellarstructureandthestateofmatterabovenuclear 5 NSs aspulsarsfourdecadesago. Coolingoccursthrough saturation. 1 neutrino emission for the first ∼ 105 yr of its life, and To evaluate the extent to which the magnetic field of 3 later by surface thermal emission (see, e.g., [1] for a re- a star determines its temperature, we show in Fig. 1 the v view). As the star loses its residual heat, any internal effective surface temperature Teff vs. the dipole compo- 3 heatsourceswouldaffect,andpossiblycontrol,thestar’s nentofthe magneticfieldB estimatedfor27NSs (Tab. 8 d thermal evolution. One important heat source could be 5 1). WenoteastrikingtrendofTeff withBd wellapproxi- 7 decay of the star’s magnetic field if it occurs over a suf- matedbyTeff ∝B1/2. Thistrendholdsoverthreeorders 0 ficiently rapid time scale. The field could decay directly of magnitude in Bd, encompassing much of the observed d 6 as a consequence of the non-zero resistivity of the mat- range of magnetic fields. Fig. 1 suggests that the ther- 0 ter (Ohmic decay) or ambipolar diffusion, or indirectly malevolutionofNSswithB>∼1013 islargelydetermined / h as a consequence of Hall drift that produces a cascade by the strength of the magnetic field. p of the field to high wave number components that de- - cay rapidly through Ohmic decay [2, 3]. The possibil- The spectra of some stars are well-describedby a sim- o pleblackbody(BB)associatedwiththermalsurfaceemis- r ity of field decay has motivated extensive work to assess t how the thermal evolution would be affected (see, e.g., sion. In many stars, however, the spectrum comprises s a [4, 5] and references therein). Ohmic decay is expected both a magnetospheric component and one or two BB : components. Two-component BB spectra are indicative v to proceed most rapidly in the crust, where the conduc- of temperature anisotropy over the stellar surface, pre- i tivity is determined primarilyby electronscolliding with X sumably smooth, but modeled as being relatively cold phonons and impurities [6]. With considerable uncer- r with small hot spots around the magnetic poles. For a taintiesinconductivities andtransportcoefficients,clear conclusions as to the effects of Ohmic decay have not pure BB stars, we took Teff to be the measured tem- been reached, though it appears likely that it could play perature of an unknown area Aeff of the stellar surface. For stars with spectra that include two BB components, someroleinthethermalevolutionofNSs. Magneticfield we used the temperature of the component which domi- evolution is, however, expected to play a key role in the evolution of magnetars, NSs with fields >∼1014 G. Mag- nates the spectrum obtained fromthe references cited in Tab. 1. Some reported temperatures are not BB tem- netars are remarkable in the sense that their magnetic peratures, but were obtained with specific atmospheric energyexceedstheir rotationalenergy,incontrastto the models (mainly H atmospheres); atmospheric composi- lower-fieldrotation-powered pulsars. In magnetars,dissi- tional uncertainties introduce an uncertainty of a factor pative field evolution is expected to occur, and the mag- netic energy available is so greatthat substantial energy of ∼ 2 in Teff, which is unimportant for our purposes. Fig. 1containsapointforeverystarfromwhichthermal canbedissipated,contributingtothestar’sheatbudget. emission has been observed with reasonable confidence. In this Letter, we present observational evidence for Theseinclude: ordinaryradiopulsars;isolatedNSswhich show no radio emission but thermal X-ray emission, and a strong correlation between stellar magnetic field and magnetars. surface temperature. We suggest that this trend can be simply explained by energy dissipation from field decay Weconsiderithighlyunlikelythattheobserveddistri- in the crust over a time scale of ∼ 106 yr. We argue butionofTeff alonganarrowdiagonalbandisaselection that NSs with fields >∼1013 G begin to have their ther- effect. Ifthere wereno relationshipbetweenTeff andBd, mal evolution controlled by field decay about when they we would expect to see many examples of stars in the 2 TABLEI:Properties of NSswith reported thermalemission. Bdisestimatedbyassumingspin-downfromdipoleradiation, Bd = 3.2×1019pPP˙ G, where P is the spin period and P˙ isitstimederivative. ExceptforRXJ1856.4−3754 (seefoot- note), Bo was estimated assuming observed x-ray absorption features are proton cyclotron lines. Ages are spin-down ages (P/2P˙) except for RXJ1856.4−3754. Source kT Bd (Bo) Age Ref. (keV) (1013 G) (kyr) Magnetars SGR0526-66 0.53 74 1.9 [8] SGR1900+14 0.43 57 1.3 [8] CXOUJ0100-7211 0.38 39 6.8 [9] 4U0142+61 0.46 13 70 [8] FIG.1: Teff vs. BdofisolatedNSs. Representedwithdifferent 1E1048.1-5937 0.63 39 1-8 [8] symbolsareSGRs(stars),AXPs(diamonds),slowly-rotating 1RXSJ1708-4009 0.44 47 9.0 [8] (P > 3 s) NSs (squares) and rapidly-rotating (P < 0.5 s) NSs (triangles). Red symbols correspond to young (< 104 XTEJ1810-197 0.67 29 5.7 [8] yr) NSs. Symbols with arrows indicate upper limits. The 1E1841-045 0.44 71 4.5 [8] blue squares are isolated NSs for which the magnetic field 1E2259+586 0.41 6 220 [8] wasestimated from theassociation of aspectralfeature with a proton cyclotron resonance. We show how two of these P >3 s (RXJ0720.4−3125 and RBS1223) move to the left if their RXJ0420.0−5022 0.044 <18 (6.6) [10] fields inferred from cyclotron lines are replaced by Bd. The solid lineistheisanillustration ofheatingbalanced bycool- RXJ0720.4−3125 0.090 2.4 (5.6) 1900 [10] ing, for b=100 (see eq. 3). RXJ0806.4−4123 0.096 <14 (6.1) [10] RBS1223 0.086 3.4 (4.6) 1461 [10] RXJ1605.3+3249 0.096 (8.0) [10] truethatveryhigh-fieldstarsarerareandthereforemore RXJ1856.4−3754 0.062 (1) a (500) [10, 11] distant on average, giving a preference to seeing objects RBS1774 0.102 <24 (15) [10] with high Teff, continuing surveys of higher sensitivity have failed to reveal sources cooler than shown in Fig. 1 CXOU J1819-1458 0.120 5.0 117 [12] above1013 G after yearsofobservation. Takentogether, PSR J1718-3718 0.145 7.4 34 [13] these facts strongly suggest that the trend we are see- PSR B2334+61 0.056 1.0 41 [14] ing is real, though population simulations might be able P <0.5 s to provide a definite answer. The natural interpretation of this diagramis that stars with fields of ∼1012 G cool Geminga 0.03-0.04 0.16 340 [15, 16] muchmorerapidlythanstarswithfieldsof∼1013Gand PSR B1055-52 ≈0.06 0.11 530 [16] higher. It is generally believed that magnetars are kept PSR B0656+14 0.059-0.12 0.467 110 [16] hotby decayoftheir strongmagnetic fields. We propose PSR J1119-6127 0.207 4.1 1.6 [17] that the same is happening in NSs with fields down to Vela 0.056-0.061 0.34 11 [18] ∼1013 G. PSR B1706-44 0.04-0.07 0.3 17 [19] Asidefromtheinterpretationofburstsinmagnetarsas PSR J0205+6449 < 0.094 0.36 5 [20] representing large-scale field evolution and decay, there Crab < 0.17 0.38 1.2 [21] isnoconvincingobservationalevidenceformagneticfield decay in the NS population as a whole. Statistical stud- aInthecaseofRXJ1856.4−3754 themagneticfieldwasestimated iesoftheentireNSpopulationhavegenerallyfoundthat from the spin-down luminosityrequired to power its Hα emission continuousexponentialdecayofthedipolecomponentof nebula[11]. NSmagneticfields,ifitoccurs,cannothappenovertime scales shorterthan ∼108 yr (e.g., [24], but see [25]). We band between 0.03-0.2 keV with low fields (<∼ 1012 G) suggestthatthe generaltrendofFig. 1canbe explained since we already see such hot stars athigh fields (>∼1013 by the decay of crust currents in stars with Bd>∼1013; G), and stars with fields of ∼ 1012 G are ∼ 100 times these stars constitute only ∼ 5% of the stellar popula- more numerous than those with fields of ∼ 1013 G. The tion, so there is no obvious conflict with the conclusions dearthofhotstarsatfields below∼1012 G, therefore,is cited above against field decay in the stellar population almostcertainly not due to a selection effect. While it is as a whole. Moreover, we do not claim that B decays d 3 indefinitely, the hypothesis those studies considered. This simple model accounts for the trend Teff ∝ B1/2 d If heating by decay of crust currents is relevant in shown in Fig. 1; it gives a heating balance line (HBL), the more strongly-magnetized stars, a NS of some ini- alongwhicholderNSsshouldcluster. Thelocationofthe tial magnetic field will initially cool through neutrino HBL on Fig. 1 is determined by the product τ−1b. Each D emission,but eventuallycrustalfielddecay willdissipate star will have it’s own HBL to the extent that b varies enough energy to contribute significantly to the star’s among different stars. In Fig. 1 we show an example of photon emission. When this happens depends on the one possible HBL that approximately follows the data, strength of the initial field; the stronger the field, the corresponding to τ ≃ 5 × 103b yr. For b = 100 for D earlier its decay begins to control the surface emission. example, we estimate τ ≃ 106 yr as the characteristic D Eventually,dissipationofthefieldwillnearlybalanceloss decay time. This time scale is comparable to the Ohmic to surface thermal emission, and the thermal evolution decay time estimated for an impure crust [7]. will be subsequently determined by this balance. For il- We now discuss how a NS reaches its HBL in this pic- lustration,we suppose thatthe hotspotof areaAeff and ture. A NS will begin its life high on Fig. 1 with some temperature Teff is kept hot by the dissipation of mag- Bd. As it cools it moves vertically downward, until de- neticenergyinavolumeAeff∆Rdirectlybelowit,where cay of its field causes the trajectory to bend to the left. ∆R ≃ 1 km is the crust thickness. The near balance The star eventually reaches its HBL, and then continues between heating and cooling is expressed by moving down it. This model predicts that no object will be found below its HBL. Well above the line, we should dE −Aeff∆R m =AeffσTe4ff, (1) seeonlyyounghotNSs followingtheir respectivecooling dt trajectories which are not yet affected by heating from whereE =B2/8πisthemagneticenergydensityinthe field decay. Cooling simulations without heating predict m crust, B is the field strength there and σ is the Stefan- that the principal energy loss changes from neutrinos to Boltzmann constant. The unknown Aeff does not deter- surface photon emission at an age of ∼ 105 yr, indepen- mine equilibrium in this simple model. We expect that dent of the birth temperature (e.g., [1]). Most stars will the basic energy scale of the magnetic energy available not reach their HBLs until about this age, though very in the crust for dissipation is set by the dipole field, and high-field objects can reach their HBLs earlier as they we parameterize the crust field strength as B2 = bB2; b have more magnetic energy to dissipate. We have there- d isthe ratioofmagneticenergydensitydue tocurrentsin fore plotted with red symbols those objects with ages the crust to the dipole energy density. The crust field, under 104 yr for reference. It is remarkable that slowly whichpresumablyincludesmultipoleandtoroidalcontri- rotating NSs as well as most magnetars all fall close to butions, is not directly observable, but modeling of the the representative HBL. Rapidly rotating NSs (such as thermal spectra of strongly magnetized NSs that show PSRB1055)wereprobablybornwithinitiallylowerfields only thermal emission [26, 27] indicate b ≃ 100. These which implies a less efficient spin down. They are still objects show a time-dependent flux, due to spin modu- moving vertically in this diagram because, due to their lation of emission from a hot spot, and an optical excess weaker field, heating from field decay is only relevant interpreted as the tail of a much softer thermal emission at later times. According to this picture, some old NSs thatgivesanegligiblecontributiontotheX-rayemission could be former magnetars, whose magnetic fields have [28]. This interpretation of the X-ray and optical data decayedby a factor of ∼10. This evolutionary path was implies the existence of a large degree of anisotropy in proposed for RXJ0720.4−3125[29], but we suggest that the surface temperature, due to a magnetic field in the it is more general and applies to many other objects. crust that is large compared to B and has significant Inoursimpleenergybalanceargument,weignoredthe d toroidal components. fact that some of the dissipated energy will flow into the In heating-cooling equilibrium, the cooling history of core and be lost to neutrino emission. Kaminker et al the star will be simply coupled to the decay of the mag- [30], for example, find that continuous heat deposition netic field. Differentprocesses,suchasOhmic decayand in 1-d simulations without a magnetic field is largely Halldrift,cancontributetofielddecayincrust. Forpur- lost to neutrinos if the energy is deposited at densities posesofillustration,weassumesimpleexponentialdecay above neutron drip (the beginning of the inner crust). of the magnetic field over a time scale τ , The strong crustal fields we are proposing, however,will D greatly suppress heat transport into the core, while al- dB B =− (2) lowing efficient transport along the field lines, which go dt τD almost directly to the surface. This effect will be inves- tigated further in future work. which is equivalent to assuming that the magnetic en- Someofthe starsdofallslightlybelowourrepresenta- ergy density E decays at a rate proportional to E . m m tive HBL, but this is not surprising since b should vary Combining eqs. [1] and [2]: among stars and we show here only one example. There 2 4 ∆RbBd =4πτDσTeff. (3) are also uncertainties in Teff and Bd. Some of the ob- 4 jects in Fig. 1, the blue squares, have magnetic fields [3] M. Rheinhardt and U. Geppert, Phys. Rev. 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