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Evidence for forward scattering and coupling to acoustic phonon modes in high-T$_c$ cuprate superconductors PDF

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Preview Evidence for forward scattering and coupling to acoustic phonon modes in high-T$_c$ cuprate superconductors

Evidence for forward scattering and coupling to acoustic phonon modes in high-T c cuprate superconductors S. Johnston1,4, I. M. Vishik1,2,3, W. S. Lee1,2, F. Schmitt1,2, S. Uchida5, K. Fujita6, S. Ishida5, N. Nagaosa7,8, Z. X. Shen1,2,3, and T. P. Devereaux1,2 1Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Science, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA 2Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA 3Department of Physics and Applied Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA 4IFW Dresden, P.O. Box 27 01 16, D-01171 Dresden, Germany 5Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan 1 6Laboratory for Atomic and Solid State Physics, Department of Physics, 1 Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, USA 0 7Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan and 2 8Cross-Correlated Materials Research Group (CMRG) and Correlated n Electron Research Group (CERG), RIKEN-ASI, Wako 351-0198, Japan a (Dated: January 10, 2011) J 6 Recent laser angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy studies have established the presence of a new kink in the low-energy nodal dispersion of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ (Bi-2212). The energy scale ] (∼8−15meV)ofthiskinkappearsbelowthemaximumofthesuperconductinggap∆0. Therefore n itisdifficulttointerpretthisfeatureintermsoftheusualcouplingtoasharpdispersionlessmode. o In this paper we examine electron-phonon coupling to the in-plane acoustic phonon branch arising c from the modulation of the screened Coulomb potential. We demonstrate that such a coupling - r has a strong forward scattering peak, and as a consequence, a kink occurs in the dispersion at an p energyscaleshiftedbythelocalgap∆(k). Inaddition,considerationsforthereductionofscreening u withunderdopingnaturallyexplainstheobserveddopingdependenceofthelow-energykink. These s results point to a strong coupling to the acoustic branch which is peaked in the forward scattering . t direction and has important implications for transport and pairing in the high-T cuprates. a c m PACSnumbers: 71.38.-k,74.72.-h,74.25.Jb - d n Understanding what controls the superconducting data and analysis which suggests that the interplay of o transition temperature T in the cuprates remains one Coulombinteractionsandlatticeeffectsasaconsequence c c [ ofthemajorquestionsincondensedmatterphysics. The of ionicity/covalency dichotomy plays an important role 1 large variation in Tc across cuprate families remains un- inthephysicsofadopedMottinsulator. Theexperimen- explained despite the near similarity of the CuO plane talsetupisidenticaltoRef. 9. Theenergyresolutionwas v 2 and accompanying strong correlation physics that well 3 meV and no deconvolution methods have been applied 2 0 describes the parent phases of these systems. Strong to the data.7 Whereas previous studies focused on the 3 electron correlations are of course important in all the low-energy kink at the node, we have done experiments 1 transition metal oxides, but the cuprates are special in away from the node where the gap is nonzero. Since the . the sense that they are the most metallic system among opening of a gap will affect the momentum distribution 1 0 them. As a result, the cuprates are at the verge of lo- curve(MDC)dispersionclosetothegapenergy,wechose 1 calization/delocalizationand/orionicity/covalency. This a doping where the low-energy kink is very strong (Ref. 1 subtle balance or dichotomy may be key to the origin of 9) so the two features can be easily distinguished. How- v: therobustsuperconductivity,whichrequiresbothstrong ever, we emphasize that the results presented here hold i coupling and quantum coherence. for other dopings in the underdoped regime. X This battleground has recently been highlighted in Themainexperimentalobservationsforthelow-energy r a angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES), where polaronic kink along the nodaldirection are summarized in Fig. 1. lattice effects demonstrably alter the spectral function As evident in the raw data (Fig. 1a), the kink mani- from a Lorentzian to Gaussian lineshape1,2 in undoped fests as a bend in the dispersion and an accompanying systems. The presence of dispersion ”kinks” in doped change in spectral intensity at an energy ∼8-15 meV in cuprates have been (controversially) interpreted as cou- UD55Bi-2212. ThisbehaviorisalsoevidentintheMDC pling to lattice phonons, with stronger couplings than deriveddispersion,whichdeviatesfromthelineardisper- implied by density functional calculations.3–5 Finally, sion at the same energy scale (Figs. 1b). For UD55, the with the advancements of laser- based ARPES, a new slopeofthedispersionatE isconsiderablysmallerthan f energy scale has been observed in the nodal region of theslopeofthedispersionbetween30-40meV(v )and mid Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ (Bi-2212) which manifests as a subtle the low-energy kink is unmistakable. This observation kink in the band dispersion at an energy 8-15 meV.6–10 has already been discussed in the context of the univer- In this paper, we focus on the latter kink in under- sal nodal Fermi velocity,9 suggesting the importance of dopedBi-2212(T =55K,UD55,p∼0.088)andpresent this new energy scale in the low-energy nodal physics c 2 0.00 given by (a) (b) 0.00 1 (cid:88) H = √ |g (k,q)|2d† d (b† +b ) -0.04 el−ph N µ k−q,σ k,σ q,ν −q,ν V) V) k,q,σ,ν e-0.04 e E (F E (F (1) E- E--0.08 where d† (d ) creates (annihilates) an electron in -0.08 k,σ k,σ the antibonding pd − σ∗ band with momentum k and spin σ and b† (b ) creates (annihilates) a phonon -0.12 -0.12 MvmDidC ( 3d0is-p40er msioenV) quanta of moqm,νentqu,mν q in branch ν. For the in- -80x10-3 -40 0 -60x10-3-40 -20 0 plane acoustic branch, the el-ph interaction arises via a k- k (Å-1) k- k (Å-1) || F || F deformation-type coupling of the periodic lattice poten- o-1M (A) 56 (c) (0,π) (π,π) tcioanl.staInnttgh(iks,cqa)sei,smonolmyeanftuunmct-dioenpeonfdqenatndel-isphgivcoenupblyin2g2 H 4 W (cid:115) C F 3 1 (cid:126) V(q) D (0,0) (π,0) g(q)= eˆ ·q (2) M V 2MΩ(q) q (cid:15)(q) 2x10-2 cell -0.12 -0.08 -0.04 0.00 with Ω(q) the phonon dispersion, (cid:15)(q) = 1 + q2 /q2 E-E (eV) TF F the Thomas-Fermi dielectric function, qTF the Thomas- FIG. 1: (Color online) Nodal low-energy kink in Bi-2212 Fermiwavevector,Vcell =a2ctheunitcellvolume,M the UD55. (a) Color image plot of raw data. The 70 meV and copper + oxygen ion mass, eˆq the phonon polarization low-energykinksaremarkedbyarrowsandbothcanbeseen vectorandV(q)=4πe2/q2(cid:15)theCoulombpotentialwith byeyeintherawdataviaabendinthedispersionandanac- (cid:15) the static dielectric constant. companyingchangeinspectralintensity. (b)Banddispersion Apart from the dispersion of Ω(q), Eq. (2) has a q- derived by fitting the momentum distribution curve (MDCs, dependence governed by ∝ eˆ · q/(q2 + q2 ) which is intensityasafunctionofmomentumatfixedenergy)ateach q TF stronglypeakedforq ∼q butwithg(q)→0forq→0. energyin(a)toaLorentzian. Thelow-energykinkisdefined TF In the underdoped cuprates the Thomas-Fermi wavevec- by the deviation of the dispersion from v , the velocity fit mid tor is small and |g(q)|2 is sharply peaked for a subset of between 30-40 meV (dotted line). (c) MDC FWHM shows small q.23 As a result, the el-ph self-energy is dominated a more rapid decrease close to E as a consequence of the f low-energy kink. by contributions from scattering process from states Ek to nearby states E , with E2(k) = ξ2(k) + ∆2(k), k+q where ξ(k) = (cid:15)(k)−µ is the electron dispersion in the normal state measured relative to the Fermi level.24 The of the high-Tc cuprates. A corresponding signature is nodal self-energy is thus determined from scattering to alsoseenintheMDCFWHM,whichshowsamorerapid nearbystateswithasmallsuperconductinggapandthus decrease for energies below the low-energy kink. Addi- the peak in the self-energy is not shifted by the full gap tionally, these features have been observed over a wide but rather an average of the gap near the node. dopingrangeinunderdopedBi-2212, strengtheningwith To demonstrate this we now calculate the spectral underdoping, suggesting that it may be a ubiquitous as- functionforcouplingtotheacousticphononbranchwith pect of nodal physics.9 (cid:113) √ Ω(q) = Ω sin2(q a/2)+sin2(q a/2)/ 2 and Ω = 15 0 x y 0 The70meVkinkhasbeeninterpretedintermsofcou- meV.25 We also include coupling to the 55 and 36 meV pling to a sharp bosonic mode of energy Ω which is of in-andout-of-phasec-axispolarizedmodes(theso-called either a lattice10–14 or magnetic15–18 origin. By anal- A and B branches, respectively), as well as the 70 1g 1g ogy, it has been suggested that the low-energy kink can meV Cu-O bond-stretching modes in order to also cap- be interpreted as coupling to an optical phonon.7 In Bi- turethewell-known70meVkinkandrenormalizationsat 2212thereareknowninfraredactiveopticalmodesat97 higher binding energy. Since our focus is on the features (12) and 117 cm−1 (14.5 meV) involving c-axis motion at low energy, we treat the optical modes as dispersion- of the Cu,Ca,Sr and Bi ions19 as well as a Raman ac- less with a momentum-independent coupling. The su- tive c-axis optical branch between 58 and 65 cm−1 (7.2 perconducting gap is modelled with a pure d-wave form and 8.1 meV) with the latter recently invoked to explain ∆(k) = ∆ [cos(k a)−cos(k a)]/2, where ∆ = 37 meV the low-energy kink.7 However, coupling to these optical 0 x y 0 is the maximum value at (0,π). We take the dielectric modesislikelytobeelectrostaticinnatureandtherefore constanttobesetbyalargein-planevaluewith(cid:15)=30(cid:15) 0 notsharplypeakedinmomentumspace. Suchacoupling (in this context we regard (cid:15) as a free parameter set would would produce a kink at Ω+∆ .13–15,20 However, 0 to obtain overall agreement with experiment) and take itispossibletohaveanon-gap-shiftedfeatureintheself- q = 0.5π/a. Finally, we take the effective lattice con- TF energy near the node if the coupling is strongly peaked stantsperplanetobea=b=3.8andc=7.65˚A,appro- intheforwardscatteringdirection.21 Suchisthecasefor priateforBi-2212.19 Theself-energyΣ(k,ω)andspectral the in-plane acoustic mode, which we consider here. functionA(k,ω)arecalculatedwithinMigdal-Eliashberg Thegenericformfortheel-phcouplingHamiltonianis theory,whichisthesameformalismusedinpriorworkto 3 0 0 (a) (b) ) V−10 e m q [π/a] V) −50 E (F−20 TF 0.60 e −10 0 0.55 E (mF E-−30 00..5405 E - −40 0.40 -100 −10 −0.04 −0.02 0 0.02 k - k (Å-1) || F −20 FIG. 3: Nodal MDC derived dispersions obtained from the model A(k,ω) for various values of the Thomas-Fermi −150 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 −60 −40 −20 0 wavevector. The value of the dielectric constant (cid:15) has been k - kF (x10-3) (Å-1) held fixed for each case. (c) -1Å) 60 -30) ( 35 cellent agreement with the experimental data (Fig. 1), 1 x demonstrating that the forward scattering nature of the HM ( 40 25 couplingtotheacousticbranchaccountsforboththeen- W F ergyscaleofthelow-energykinkandtheoverallstrength C D 20 15 of the renormalization near the Fermi level. M −40 −30 −20 −10 0 Since the coupling to the acoustic mode arises from −150 −100 −50 0 the modulation of the screened Coulomb interaction a E - E (meV) F dopingdependencenaturallyemergesfromtheincreased FIG. 2: (Color online) (a) The calculated spectral function metallicity of the cuprates with overdoping.23 To exam- A(k,ω) along the nodal direction (0,0)-(π,π) of supercon- ine the implications of this, in Fig. 3 we plot nodal ducting (25 K) Bi-2212. (b) The MDC-derived dispersion MDC-derived dispersions obtained for our model calcu- and (c) MDC FWHM obtained from the calculated A(k,ω). lations while varying q from 0.4π/a to 0.6π/a. This In calculating A(k,ω), an additional component ∝ ω2 has TF allows us to mimic the increased screening which occurs been added to the imaginary part of the self-energy in order with progressive overdoping. For decreasing q the to simulate additional broadening due to el-el interactions. TF overall strength of the coupling increases and becomes increasingly peaked at small q. As a result, stronger understandthehigherenergyrenormalizations13,14,23. In kinks are produced with underdoping in agreement with order to introduce increased broadening in the spectral experiment.9 We also note that increased coupling at function with underdoping, we evaluate the self-energies small q with underdoping has also been reported for while adding a finite imaginary part (δ =7 meV) to the moreacomplicatedformforthedielectricfunctionbased bare electron Green’s function. on RPA treatments23 and is therefore expected to be a The strength of the el-ph coupling can be estimated generic result. These effects are also expected to sur- from the slope of the self-energy at the Fermi level vivetheinclusionoftheshort-rangeHubbardinteraction, which largely suppresses the el-ph vertex at large q over ∂ReΣ(k,ω)(cid:12)(cid:12) its value at small q.26 λ(k)=− (cid:12) . (3) ∂ω (cid:12) We now turn our attention to the momentum depen- ω=0 dence of the low-energy kink. As previously mentioned, Fortheabovechoiceofparametersweobtainλ(k )= for small q the el-ph self-energy is dominated by scat- node TF 0.56 for the acoustic branch, consistent with the ob- tering to nearby momentum states and thus samples the servedmagnitudeoftherenormalization.9,10Fortheopti- local k-space value of the superconducting gap. There- calmodeswesettheoverallstrengthsuchthatλ =0.23, fore, for off-nodal cuts, the energy of the kink should z 0.05 and 0.05 for the 36, 55 and 70 meV modes, respec- begin to gap shift, following the local value of ∆(k) for tively, in order to match previous work.13,23 each cut. In Figs. 4a and 4b we present experimental ThecalculatedA(k,ω)(andcorrespondingMDCanal- and calculated MDC-derived dispersions for a series of ysis)fornodalcutinthesuperconductingstate(25K)is off-nodal cuts in a direction parallel to (0,0)-(π,π) with showninFig. 2. Aswiththeexperimentaldata(Fig. 1), cuts taken up to 11 degrees away from the node. Ex- the low energy kink is evident in the raw spectral func- perimentally, the superconducting gap is determined in- tionappearingatanenergysetbythephonondispersion dependently for each cut by fitting symmetrized energy weighted by g(q). Since the coupling for scattering to distribution curves at k to a minimal model proposed F the antinode is suppressed, this energy scale is slightly by Norman et al..27 In Fig. 4a the kink position is de- smaller than the van Hove points in the phonon density termined from the deviation of the a straight line de- of states (10.6 and 15 meV). The low-energy kink is also termined from fitting the dispersion slope v between mid evident in the MDC-derived dispersion and linewidth, 30-40meV.Theparametersforthecalculations(Fig. 4b) shown in Figs. 2b and 2c, respectively. Both are in ex- are identical to those used in Fig. 2. 4 0 0 (a) Experiment (b) Theory -5 UD55, T=11K -5 Gap energy -10 -10 Kink energy meV)-15 meV)-15 E (F-20 (π,π) E (F-20 E - -25 E - -25 -30 θ -30 --4305 node (0,0) --4305 node -0.08 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 -0.08 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 k (Å-1, offset for clarity) k (Å-1, offset for clarity) ||x10-3 6x10-3 || E - E (meV)F---3210000 (c) DLiinsepaerrsion -1Dispersion-Linear (Å, offset)04 (ndo) dEexperiment -1Dispersion-Linear (Å, offset) 04 (neo) dTeheory Energy (meV)2211505050 (f) KGianpk EEnneerrggyy -40 -4 -4 -0.02 -0.01 0 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 35 40 45 50 55 k-kF (Å-1) E - EF (meV) E - EF (meV) θ (º) FIG.4: (Coloronline)Lowenergykinkawayfromnode(UD55,11K).(a)MDCdispersionsatnode(rightmost)andawayfrom thenode,offsethorizontallyforclarity. Blackcirclerepresentsgapenergy,whichisdeterminedbyfittingsymmetrizeddatatoa minimalmodel.27 Redcircledefinestheapproximatelow-energykinkposition,asdeterminedbywherethemeasureddispersion deviates from v . (b) MDC dispersions obtained from the calculated A(k,ω). (c) A sketch of how the kink position can be mid further quantified by subtracting a linear offset from the dispersion (shown here for nodal cut) between the gap energy and 40 meV. (d) Difference in k between dispersion and dotted line in (c) for cuts from the node (top) and moving away from the node (towards the bottom). The data has is smoothed over 20 iterations and the curves have been offset vertically for clarity. Black dots indicate the gap energies and arrows mark peaks of these curves, determined from derivative after smoothing. (e) The difference in k between the MDC dispersion and linear dispersion as in (d) but obtained from the calculated A(k,ω). (f) Momentum dependence of gap and kink energies, the latter determined by method in (c). As can be seen in the experimental data, as cuts are acoustic branch may become less prominent in transport taken progressively further from the node both the su- measurements apart from its overall renormalization of perconducting gap and kink position shift to higher en- theFermivelocity,asnotedinapreviousstudy(Ref. 9). ergies. This behavior is also reflected in the linear bare Importantly,thed pairinginteractionfromphonons x2−y2 band subtraction, shown in Figs. 4d and is qualitatively can be dramatically changed whereby the screened e-ph reproduced by the model calculations. The momentum interaction which favors large momentum scattering can dependenceofbothenergyscalesaresummarizedinFig. becomemorepeakedatsmallqasscreeningbreaksdown 4f, which shows a clear, constant offset between the lo- andthereforemightnotasdetrimentaltod-wavepairing. cal value of the gap and the kink position, similar to This implies that the acoustic modes may in fact help d- a previous study.7 Fig. 4b shows the calculated MDC wave pairing, in conjunction with electrons’ coupling to dispersions and Fig. 4e show the subtracted linear bare c-axis and bond-stretching modes, in a way that would band (Fig. 4c) obtained from applying the same proce- notbecapturedinfullyitinerantandweakcouplingsce- dures to the calculated spectral functions. The agree- narios. This further highlights the need to consider lat- ment between the theory and experiment is excellent tice effects and coupling to the full spectrum of oxygen and show that a strong coupling to the in-plane acoustic phononmodesinordertoobtainacompleteunderstand- branch also captures the momentum-dependence of the ing of the the physics of the high-Tc cuprates. low-energy kink. Our results indicate that the acoustic modes cou- The authors thank B. Moritz, R. He, E. van Heumen, ple to the lattice in a strongly doping and momentum- N. C. Plumb and D. Dessau for useful discussions. This dependent way, which have a number of interesting im- work was supported by the US Department of Energy, plications and general consequences for these and other Office of Basic Energy Sciences under contract No. DE- phononmodes. AstheCoulombinteractionmaydramat- AC02-76SF00515 and DE-FG03-01ER45929-A001. S. J. ically alter the momentum-dependence of lattice effects, wouldliketoacknowledgefinancialsupportfromNSERC which become more pronounced as the screening length and the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Mat- increases, the effect on transport can be substantial.23 ter. Computational resources were provided by the Duetothelargeforwardscatteringpeak,couplingtothe Shared Hierarchical Academic Computing Network. 5 1 F. Ronning et al., Phys. Rev. B 71, 094518 (2005); 18 T. Dahm et al., Nature Physics 5, 217 (2009). 2 K. M. Shen et al., Phys. Rev. B 75, 075115 (2007). 19 N. N. Kovaleva, et al., Phys. Rev. B 69, 054511 (2004). 3 R. Heid et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 137001 (2008). 20 A. W. Sandvik, D. J. Scalapino, and N. E. Bickers, Phys. 4 F. Giustino, M. L. Cohen and S. G. Louie, Nature 452, Rev. B 69, 094523 (2004). 975 (2008). 21 E. G. Maksimov, O. V. Dolgov, and M. L. Kuli´c, Phys. 5 D. Reznik et al., Nature 455, E6 (2008). Rev. B 72, 212505 (2005). 6 W. Zhang et al., Phys. Rev. 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