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Preview Evidence for a Milky Way Tidal Stream Reaching Beyond 100 kpc

Draftversion January29,2013 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.03/07/07 EVIDENCE FOR A MILKY WAY TIDAL STREAM REACHING BEYOND 100 KPC A.J. Drake1, M. Catelan2,3, S.G. Djorgovski1, G. Torrealba2,3, M.J. Graham1, A. Mahabal1, J.L. Prieto5, C. Donalek1, R. Williams1, S. Larson6, E. Christensen6 and E. Beshore6 Draft version January 29, 2013 ABSTRACT We present the analysis of 1,207 RR Lyrae found in photometry taken by the Catalina Survey’s 3 Mount Lemmon telescope. By combining accurate distances for these stars with measurements for 1 ∼14,000 type-AB RR Lyrae from the Catalina Schmidt telescope, we reveal an extended association 0 that reaches Galactocentric distances beyond 100 kpc and overlaps the Sagittarius streams system. 2 This result confirms earlier evidence for the existence of an outer halo tidal stream resulting from a n disruptedstellarsystem. BycomparingtheRRLyraesourcedensitywiththatexpectedbasedonhalo a models, we find the detection has ∼ 8σ significance. We investigate the distances, radial velocities, J metallicities, and period-amplitude distribution of the RR Lyrae. We find that both radial velocities 5 and distances are inconsistent with current models of the Sagittarius stream. We also find tentative 2 evidence for a division in source metallicities for the most distant sources. Following prior analyses, we compare the locations and distances of the RR Lyrae with photometrically selected candidate ] ◦ A horizontal branch stars and find supporting evidence that this structure spans at least 60 of the sky. We investigate the prospects of an association between the stream and unusual globular cluster G NGC 2419. . Subject headings: galaxies: stellarcontent—Stars: variables: RRLyrae—Galaxy: stellarcontent— h p Galaxy: structure — Galaxy: formation — Galaxy: halo - o r 1. INTRODUCTION tures discovered recently include a Virgo stellar stream t s The study of the formation, composition, mass and (VSS; Vivas & Zinn 2006; Vivas et al. 2008), a Virgo a overdensity (VOD, Newberg et al. 2002; Newberg et kinematics of galaxy halos are among the most active [ al. 2007), an overdensity in Pisces (Sesar et al. 2007; areas of modern astrophysical research. The formation Kollmeier et al. 2009) and a Monoceros stream (New- 1 of galaxy halos are now widely believed to be due to hi- v erarchical structure formation (e.g., Freeman & Bland- berg et al. 2002; Majewski et al. 2003). Additionally, a 8 Hawthorn2002)wheregalaxiesareproducedbythecom- Cetusstreamhasbeendiscoveredinthesouth(Newberg 6 bination of a monolithic collapse (Eggen et al. 1962) et al. 2009; Koposov et al. 2012) and also evidence for 1 an overdensity dubbed the Hercules-Aquila Cloud (Be- and the accretionof galactic fragments (Searle and Zinn 6 lokurov et al. 2007). 1978). For the halo of the Milky Way, all aspects of the . Although the Sgr stream system has been the focus 1 halo can probed by studying the nature of the remnants of much study, since the structure is extends completely 0 of disrupted dwarf galaxies. 3 Numerous tidal streams and dwarf galaxies have been around the Galaxy, it is yet to be fully mapped in ve- 1 discovered within the Galactic halo in the last 20 years locity, metallicity and distance. Furthermore, the cause v: (e.g., Ibata et al. 1994; Ibata et al. 2001; Vivas et of the bifurcation in Sgr stream stars discovered by Be- lokurovetal.(2006)isyettobeexplained. Additionally, i al.2001;Grillmair2006;Newbergetal.2009). Themost X Newbergetal.(2003)proposedtheexistenceofastream well-studiedoftheseistheSagittariusdwarfgalaxy(Sgr, of stars associated with the Sgr dwarf galaxy at Galac- r Ibata et al. 1994) and its associated tidal stream. The a tocentric distances of 90kpc. These authors photomet- Sgr streams have been traced on large scales using blue rically identified candidate BHB stars in SDSS data and horizontal branch (BHB) stars (Newberg et al. 2003), foundevidence for anoverdensityof starswith g ∼20.5. M-giants (Majewski et al. 2003), and main-sequence This overdensity was found using SDSS data covering turn off (MSTO) stars (e.g., Belokurov et al. 2006; Ko- ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ 110 < α < 130 , 20 < δ < 50 . Newberg et al. (2003) posov et al. 2012). The Sgr system has also been stud- attributedthisfeaturetoatrailingarmoftheSgrstream, ied using RR Lyrae (RRL, Vivas & Zinn 2006;Miceli et yet also noted a possible link to the globular cluster al.2008;Sesaretal.2010). Otherhalostreamsandstruc- NGC 2419. Their analysis showed evidence for a fea- ◦ 1CaliforniaInstituteofTechnology,1200E.CaliforniaBlvd,CA ture visible across ∼ 20 along the Sgr plane. Newberg 91225,USA et al. (2007) continued this work and found additional 2PontificiaUniversidadCat´olicadeChile,DepartamentodeAs- evidence for what they called the Sgr trailing tail us- tronom´ıa y Astrof´ısica, Facultad de F´ısica, Av. Vicun˜a Mackena ing BHB candidates selected from SDSS Data Release 4860,782-0436Macul,Santiago, Chile 3The Milky Way Millennium Nucleus, Av. Vicun˜a Mackenna 5 (DR5; Alderman-McCarthy et al. 2007). More re- 4860,782-0436Macul,Santiago, Chile cently, Ruhland et al. (2011) found additional evidence 4Department of Astronomy, Princeton University, 4 Ivy Ln, for this overdensity using candidate BHB stars selected Princeton,NJ08544 5TheUniversityofArizona,DepartmentofPlanetarySciences, fromthe largerSDSS DR7 dataset. As with Newberg et LunarandPlanetaryLaboratory,1629E.UniversityBlvd,Tucson al. (2003, 2007), these authors found a stream of BHB AZ85721, USA candidates to be located at heliocentric distances of 60- 2 Tidal Stream 80 kpc with 3.8σ significance. Within their analysis the 2. OBSERVATIONALDATA ◦ feature was seen to span ∼ 90 of the sky in the region TheCatalinaSkySurveybeganin2004andusesthree ◦ 110 < α < 200. Ruhland et al. (2011) also compared ◦ telescopestocovertheskybetweenDeclination−75 and this extended stream with five sets of published numeri- ◦ +65 in order to discover Near Earth Objects (NEOs) calsimulationsof the Sgrstream. They found thatnone and Potential Hazardous Asteroids (Larson et al. 2003). were able to explain the existence of Sgr stream stars in The three telescopes are each considered sub-surveys. the location observed. TheseconsistoftheCatalinaSchmidtSurvey(CSS),the Currentevidence for anouterSgrstream/tidal-tailre- Mount Lemmon Survey (MLS) and the Siding Spring mains based purely on photometrically selected BHB Survey (SSS). In addition to avoiding high declinations, stars. As demonstrated by Sirko et al. (2004) and Ruh- theGalacticplaneregionisavoidedbybetween10and15 landetal.(2011),itisnotpossibletoselecta100%pure degreesduetoreducedsourcerecoveryincrowdedstellar setofBHBstarsusingSDSSphotometryalone. Depend- regions. All of the survey images are taken in sequences ing on the colour cuts used one has to accept varying of four observations separated by ten minutes, and all levels of contamination blue straggler (BS) stars which the observations are unfiltered to maximize throughput. faroutnumberBHBstarsatthegreatestdetectioncom- Photometry is carried out using the aperture photom- pleteness. With strict colour cuts, that remove a large etry program SExtractor (Bertin & Arnouts 1996). All fraction of the BHB stars, the level of BS star contam- theCatalinadataisalsoanalyzedfortransientsourcesby ination can be reduced to 30% (Ruhland et al. 2011). theCatalinaReal-timeTransientSurvey(CRTS6,Drake However, to retain a large number of BHB stars, a 50% et al. 2009; Djorgovskiet al. 2011). or greatercontaminationlevelmust be accepted(Brown In paper-I (DR13), we concentrated on analyzing et al. 2005; Bell et al. 2010). RRab data from the CSS sub-survey. In this paper we In contrast to photometric selection, it is possible to mainly work with data observed by the MLS 1.5m tele- select BHB stars with much less contamination by com- scope. This data predominately coversEcliptic latitudes bining colour selection with high S/N spectra because ◦ ◦ −10 <β <10 . For this telescope each image from the BHB stars have significantly lower surface gravity than 4k×4kCatalinaCCDcameracovers1.1deg2 onthesky. the BS stars (Yanny et al. 2000). The SDSS SEGUE- Observations are taken 21 nights per lunation avoiding I and SEGUE-II projects (Yanny et al. 2009) undertook bright time. Typical exposures of 30 seconds to reach spectroscopyof∼300,000starwithanaimtoidentifying V ∼ 21.5. In total, the MLS source catalog consists of BHB stars and trace Galactic halo structure. However, 155 million sources. while radial velocities are available for stars to g ∼ 20.3 (Yannyetal.2009),theS/Nrequiredtoaccuratelymea- 2.1. Calibration sure log(g) limits the surveyto BHB stars with g <19.5 (d ∼ 60 kpc ). Almost all of the BHB candidates dis- As noted in DR13, the MLS data has the same photo- covered by Newberg et al. (2003, 2007) and Ruhland et metric sensitivity as the CSS data since all observations al. (2011) are beyond this limit and do not have mea- aretaken unfiltered with the same type of CCD camera. surements of log(g) to confirm their nature. Addition- All images are processed with the same software. From ally, while the SDSS SEGUE surveys cover 4300deg2, DR13, the colour transformation from Catalina photo- thefieldscoverapatchworkovertheNorthernsky,rather metric system VCSS magnitudes to Johnson V is given than just the Sgr stream region where this feature is lo- by: cated. Like BHB stars, RRL stars also exist on horizon- V =V +0.31×(B−V)2+0.04. (1) CSS tal branch (HB). However, unlike BHB stars, RRL ex- hibit a significant level of intrinsic photometric variabil- The averageB-VcolourofRRL is about0.3magwith ity. Basedontheir characteristicvariabilityRRL canbe stars varying between about 0.1 and 0.5 as they pulsate cleanly separated from other stars. Type-ab RRL stars (e.g., Clube et al. 1969; Stepien 1972; Cacciari et al. (RRab) haveabsolute magnitudes of M =0.6 with un- 1987; Layden 1997; Nemec 2004). As the MLS data has V certaintiesof6%(Catelanetal.2009). Thismakesthem nocolourinformation,weadopttheaveragevaluesinour excellentdistanceindicators. Although,significantnum- analysis. This gives rise to an maximum uncertainty of bers ofrepeated observationsare requiredto provideac- ∼0.07 mags in the V magnitudes. Combining this with curate averagemagnitudes. the photometric uncertainty, we expect a colour-based To date, a few tens of thousands of RRL are knownin dispersion of σ =0.09 mags in our RRL photometry. dense regions near the Galactic bulge and in the Magel- laniccloudsduetomicrolensingsurveys(Soszyn´skietal. 2.2. RR Lyrae selection 2009, Pietrukowicz et al. 2012). Recently we discovered To find RRL candidates we follow the analysis under- ∼10,000RRaboveralargefractionofthesky(Drakeet takeninDR13. Thatis,wefirstselectedvariablesources al. 2013; DR13). However, even with the DR13 RRab’s using a Welch-Stetson variability index I (Welch & WS most of the Galactic halo remains unexplored at helio- Stetson 1993). 3.1 million MLS sources were selected as centric distances >60kpc. variable candidates using I > 0.6. All sources were WS Inthispaperweoutline oursearch,discovery,andcal- processed for periodicity using the Lomb-Scargle (LS, ibration of RRL at distances up to 100 kpc and beyond. Lomb 1976; Scargle 1982) periodograms. In total 170 We will compare our discoveries with results from past thousand sources were found to exhibit significant pe- surveysandundertakeananalysisofthedistantHBstars riodicity with a false alarm probability p < 1×10−5. 0 uncovered. 6 http://crts.caltech.edu/ Drake et al. 3 However,the bulk ofthese detections aredue to the sys- RRL (RRc) that were discovered in MLS data beyond tematic sampling of the data and occur at integer day 70 kpc. A number of these have SDSS spectra. After frequencies. removing non-RRL sources the final set of MLS RRL Here, as with DR13, we are primarily interested in consists of 1,207 stars and is presented in Table 1. The RRab’ssincetheyhavewellknownmagnitudesandchar- new RRab’s found in CSS data are given in Table 2. acteristic light curves that are not easily mistaken for In Figure 2, we present the magnitude distribution of other periodic variables. After excluding the period MLSandtheCSSRRL.TheMLShistogramshowsclear aliases near 0.5 and 1 day, 3087 of the objects found bumps near V = 19.5 and V = 20.5. The first bump is to have periods between 0.34 and 1.4 days. This period easy to understand as it is clearly due to the Sagittarius region was deliberately chosen to be broader than the leadingandtrailingarms(asseeninDR13). The second RRab range in order to include sources found by the LS peak is due to the more distant RRL that are concen- technique at aliases of their true periods. trated near the Galactic anti-center. We hereafter call As with the CSS sources of DR13, each of the RRab this the Gemini stream. In section 5, we will investigate candidatewasrunthroughtheAFDsoftware(Torreabla the origin of this feature. etal.2012)toselectthebestperiodfromamongthebest 15 given by the LS and AoV software (Schwarzenberg- 3. RRABDISTANCES Czerny 1989). Briefly, this process involves Fourier fit- TheabsolutemagnitudesofRRab’saregivenbyCate- ting and iteratively rejecting bad data to determine the lan & Cort´es (2008): best period based on reduced χ2 values. Non-RRab sourcesarerejectedusingtheM-teststatistic(Kinemuchi M =0.23×[Fe/H] +0.948, (2) V ZW84 et al, 2006; Equation 8), as well as the Fourier fit order. where [Fe/H] is the metallicity in the Zinn & West This initial selection resulted in the detection of 1125 ZW84 (1984) scale. The average metallicity for RRab’s with RRab candidates. SDSS spectra found by DR13 was [Fe/H]= −1.55. The 2.3. Faint RRab stars comparisongiveninDR13,betweendistanthaloRRab’s (d > 33.5 kpc) and the full set of RRab’s showed Upon reviewing the light curves of the RRab candi- G little difference in the distribution or average metalic- dates we discovereda number of faint RRab in the MLS ity. However, CSS RRab’s with SDSS metallicities are data with V ∼20.5. Such RRL werefound to be mainly stars with V > 16, corresponding to distance of > 12 concentratedintheGeminiconstellation. InFigure1,we kpc. Brighter foreground field RRab’s are likely to have plot the phased light curves of eight of these faint stars. highermetallicities. TheMLSRRab’sshouldhaveasim- Thesedistantsourcesareveryimportantfordefiningdis- ilar metallicity distribution to the larger sample of CSS tantstreamswithintheGalactichalo. Fromsimulations, sources discovered in DR13. Therefore, we adopt the basedonaddingartificialRRablightcurvesto ourdata, average CSS metallicity and assume RRab’s have mag- we discovered that our detection sensitivity was < 50% nitude M = 0.59. This value is close to the value of for RRab’s with V >20. V 0.6 that is often adopted (e.g., Keller et al. 2008, Sesar To improve our completeness we investigatedthe light et al. 2010). The RRL V magnitudes were corrected for curves of MLS sources with SDSS spectroscopic types extinction using Schlegel et al. (1998) reddening maps. A0 and F5 that had 19< V < 21. In addition, we used The dispersion in the metallicity from DR13 is 0.3 dex, SDSS photometry to select stars with the same colour whichcorrespondstoavariationof0.07magnitudes. The range as the RRab stars that we had discovered. These distances to individual sources are determined using: stars were matched with MLS sources at lower variabil- ity andperiodicity thresholds(IWS >0.3 andp0 <0.01) d=10((V0)s−MV+5)/5 (3) to select RRab candidates. To better constrainthe vari- ability,wecombinedtheMLSphotometrywithshallower Here we correct the average RRab V magnitudes to 0 CSS data. Likewise, we searched the CSS data for ad- static values (V ) using values derived from a polyno- 0 s ditional faint RRab candidates by selecting objects with mial fit to the amplitude corrections given by Bono et RRab colours in SDSS photometry. Furthermore, since al. (1995). Combining the uncertainties from the pho- ouranalysisinDR13showedthat∼17%ofRRab’swere tometric calibration and colour variation of 0.09, with missedbecause the selectionbasedonLSperiods,were- the variation in metallicity we derive an overall uncer- processed the CSS and MLS photometry using the AoV tainty of 0.11 magnitudes, corresponding to a ∼5% un- period-finding software. certainty in distance. As demonstrated by DR13, faint We inspected the light curve of each RRL candidate RRL have larger uncertainties in their average magni- to assess variability and then carried out period finding tude. However, these uncertainties should generally not for all the new variable candidates. In total, approx- exceed0.2magnitudes(∼10%indistance). Thefaintest imately six thousand additional sources were searched. MLS RRab in our dataset have (V ) ∼ 21 correspond- 0 s Eachofthenewsourcesexhibitingsomesignofperiodic- ing to heliocentric distances of 120 kpc. In Figure 3, we ityweresearchedforimprovedperiodsusingourFourier- plot the distribution of the distances of MLS RRL and fitting AFDprocess. InanumberofcasestheRRL were mark the locations of known halo features as well as the foundtoexhibitBlazhkophaseandamplitudevariations Gemini stream. (Blazhko 1907). In total the additional searches yielded an 219 extra 4. COMPARISONWITHKNOWNRRAB MLS RRL and 2051 CSS RRab’s. Of these only 425 We matched the MLS RRab’s with past RRL discov- were previously known. As distant RRL are important eries using the SIMBAD and the International Variable for defining Halo streams we retain the 17 clear c-type Star Index (VSX; Watson et al. 2006)databases, as well 4 Tidal Stream as those presented by DR13. In total, there were 605 photometry from MLS, CSS and SSS surveys. Among matches with past surveys of which 316 came from CSS the matches, we sub-selected the objects exhibiting sig- data (DR13) and 289 were discovered in other surveys. nificant variability based on the I > 0.6 and also ob- WS AsthereisoverlapbetweenCSSandtheotherpreviously jectswithLSperiodicsignificancep <1×10−5. Intotal, 0 knownRRab’s,therewasCSSphotometryfor540ofthe we find matches for 90% of the SEKBO objects, includ- MLS RRab’s. Of the 289 SIMBAD and VSX RRab’s, ing88%ofthe sourcesthatwerenotselectedasRRab’s. 278 of the RRab have known periods given by VSX. In CombiningtheknownCatalinaRRab’sandothersources Figure4,wecomparetheperiodsderivedfromMLSdata withapparentvariability,wefindthat74.5%ofthe 1833 withpreviousdeterminations. Thefigureshowsthatthe SEKBO sources we cover exhibit significant variability. agreement between the CSS and MLS periods is much InTable3,wepresentthenumbersofmatcheswitheach better than with other sources. Assuming the differ- ofthe Catalina surveys,aswellas the number ofobjects ences in periods are normally distributed, the MLS-CSS selected by our variability and periodicity significance matches have σ = 0.0020%, while the MLS-VSX source thresholds. matches have σ =0.0042%. As the level of agreement is For each of the 1314 SEKBO RRL candidates with goodinbothcases,wehaveconfidenceintheMLSRRab Catalina photometry, that were not in our RRab cat- periods. alogs, we determined a LS period (regardless of their I variability). We inspected both the observed and 4.1. Comparison with SEKBO RRL Candidates WS phase folded light curves of each source and determined The SEKBO survey discovered 2016 candidate RR a classification based on this photometry. As there are Lyrae in a survey covering 1675 deg2 along the ecliptic 2759 Catalina light curves matching the 1314 SEKBO (Keller et al. 2006). Like the MLS survey, the SEKBO candidates, the majority of these sources have multiple survey covered a band within 10◦ of the ecliptic. How- light curves. We discovered 551 additional RRL candi- ever, SEKBO RRL candidate selection was based on dates, 140 eclipsing binary candidates (mainly WUMa) thetwocoloursobservedsimultaneouslybytheMACHO and 140 other types of variable sources (including QSO, camera and variability was determined from between 2 CVs, δ Scuti variables and objects where the classi- and 8 epochs of images. In contrast, the MLS RRab fication was unclear). This discovery of many non- candidates are observed unfiltered and have an average periodic sources is not unexpected since a number of of130observations(samplingrangesfrom42to342mea- these are already known, including QSOs and cata- surements). clysmic variables. For example, SEKBO 106646.2532 We matched the MLS RRab with the SEKBO RRL (CSS080623:140454-102702)isaCVthatwasdiscovered candidates and found only 103 matches. However, this in outburst by CRTS in 2008 (Kato et al. 2012). Ad- is not unexpected since the sampling of MLS is highly ditionally, based on SDSS DR8 spectroscopy, SEKBO- concentrated within few degrees of the ecliptic with few 105832.627 is a CV, SEKBO-117146.1412 is a QSO at observationshavingbeentakennearthe∼10◦ limit. For z=1.02, and SEKBO-096514.1360 is an eclipsing WD- example, 70% of the MLS RRab’s are within 2◦ of the MD binary system (Rebassa-Mansergaset al. 2010). ecliptic, compared to 27% of the SEKBO RRL candi- In order to obtain the best periods for the clear RRL, dates. and to find RRL that may have been missed during our To extend the comparison, we also matched the inspection, we ran every light curve through the AFD SEKBO candidates with RRab’s from the DR13 sample software(Torrealbaetal.2012). For307ofthe551RRL andtheSSSRRab’s(Torrealbaetal.2012). Thisyielded candidates we found good Fourier fits and periods con- anadditional538RRabmatches. Becauseofoverlapbe- sistent with RRab’s and RRc’s. In Table 4, we present tween the CSS, MLS and SSS RRab catalogsthere were allthe new SEKBORRL found using Catalina data (in- 540 unique RRab stars matching SEKBO RRL candi- cluding RRL candidates where the period is uncertain). dates. Clearly this number falls far short of the number This table contains 263 RRab, 282 RRc, and 11 RRd of SEKBO candidates. candidates. We compared average V magnitudes for the Catalina CombiningthenewRRab’swiththe540fromCatalina sources with those of the SEKBO sources. In Figure catalogswefindthat∼36%weremissingfromourcata- 5, we present the V magnitude differences between the logsingoodagreementwiththesimulationspresentedin measurements. The average difference between magni- DR13. Theoverallsamplesuggeststhat24%oftheRRL tudes is -0.02 magnitudes with σ = 0.16 magnitudes, areRRcstarswhereasKelleretal.(2006)estimatedthat V correspondingto a 7.6%uncertainty insource distances. ∼10%ofthe SEKBOcandidateswouldbe RRc’s. How- The internal dispersion for CSS RRab magnitudes from ever, we note that Pietrukowicz et al. (2012) found 30% overlapping fields is σ = 0.04 mags and thus does not RRc among their ∼ 15000 bulge RRL. Nevertheless, it significantly contribute to the observed dispersion. is possible that some fraction of the RRc candidates we In order to investigate the SEKBO candidates not identify may be W UMa variables (due to the similarity found in the Catalina RRab catalogs, we matched the oftheir lightcurves). The uncertainseparationofRRc’s remaining1481unmatchedSEKBOobjects tothe SDSS and W UMa types is the main reason why RRc’s are DR8 spectroscopic catalog. We found 40 matches, of often excluded as distance indicators. these35hadmeasuredlog(g)valuesand23hadlog(g)< Ourresultssuggestthat60%oftheSEKBORRLcan- 3.75 consistent with RRL (DR13). We also matched the didates are likely RRL based on the 1833 objects cov- SEKBOsourceswithSDSSDR8photometry. Ofthe276 ered by Catalina data. This is 2.2σ smaller than the sourceswith SDSS photometry,approximatelyone third 24 ± 7% non-RRL contamination estimated by Prior had SDSS colours beyond the limits observed for DR13 et al. (2009a). However, we note that the Prior et RRab’s. Next, we matched the 1481 SEKBO sources to al. (2009a) sample was based on an average of just Drake et al. 5 nine photometric measurements for 106 (∼ 5%) of the while the other had hVgsri = 78±6kms−1. Although SEKBOstars. Prioretal.(2009b)followed21additional Sesar et al. (2012) note that there is a 37% chance that SEKBO RRLs overlapping the Sgr tidal stream. More these stars are drawn from the same Gaussian velocity recently, Akhter et al. (2012) followed 137 SEKBO can- distribution based on the Shapiro & Wilk (1965) SW didatesandfound57tobe RRLs,althoughtheyfounda statistic, they assume that their eight sources are repre- high fraction with colours matching the colours of RRL sentative of the overall velocity distribution and via nu- candidates from SDSS data. mericalsimulationsfinda<0.6%chancethatthesources From Catalina photometry we have an average of 121 wouldexhibittheobservedvelocities. Theseauthorsalso observations per light curve (250 per object) covering discovered that the metallicities of the two groups were 90% of the SEKBO sources. Our analysis suggests that consistent to within uncertainties. ∼ 25% of the SEKBO sources are either not variable or In total, we identify 103 RRab’s at heliocentric dis- havesignificantlylessvariabilitythanexpectedforRRL. tancesbeyond70kpc. FouroftheseRRab’sappearnear ◦ Nevertheless, with > 1000 likely RRL from the SEKBO α=355 , d =85 kpc. These stars are associated with H survey,the resultsshowsthatlargenumbersofRRL can thePiscesstream(Sesaretal.2007;Watkinsetal.2009). be found using very small numbers of observations and However, we see no evidence for variations in distance. colour selection. In agreement with the results of Kollmeier et al. (2009). This supports evidence that this system is not part of a 5. OUTERHALORRLYRAE tidalstreamitself. Ofthe remainingstars,82RRab’s lie ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ TheouterhaloRRLdiscoveredinthisanalysisoverlap within the range 100 < α < 150 and 14 < δ < 30 . withtidalstreamfirstidentifiedbyNewbergetal.(2003) Theseobjectsexhibitarangeofdistancesandthuscom- using photometrically selected BHB candidates. As prisesignificantevidenceforastreamofstars,suggesting notedabove,additionalBHBcandidateshavesincebeen association with a tidally disrupted galaxy. found is SDSS DR5 (Newberg et al. 2007) and SDSS To better understand the nature of the relation be- DR7 data (Ruhland et al. 2011). Furthermore, Ivezic et tweenthedistantRRab’sandtheSgrstreamweselected ◦ al. (2004) discovered many RRL candidates overlapping the RRab sources within 11 of the Sgr plane (as de- the Sgr stream plane. The most distant sources coin- fined by Majewski et al. 2003). Based on Koposov et cide with the Newberg et al. (2003) BHB candidates. al. (2012) and DR13. Most Sgr stream stars, including However,the Ivezic et al. (2004)RRL sample was based RRab’s,liewithintheselimits. WecombineRRab’sfrom onphotometricselectioncombinedwithlimitedvariabil- DR13alongwithnewCSSRab’sandMLSRRab’sinthe ◦ ◦ ity information. Of the 1,269 Ivezic et al. (2004) RR range 145 < α < 210 within the Sgr streams region. Lyrae candidates selected in the SDSS stripe-82 region, We transformthe RRab distances to Galactocentricval- only 483 (38%) were eventually confirmed by Sesar et ues and plot the sources in Figure 7. In this plot the al. (2010). It seems likely the a similar fraction of the distant stream of RRab’s becomes clearer, as does the sources found in this marginally significant (2−3σ) de- leading and trailing Sgr streams that are observed be- ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ tection by Ivezic et al. (2004) were indeed RRL. tween 150 <α<250 and 10 <α<70 , respectively. Recently, additional evidence for a distant group of Among the set of distant MLS RRab’s, the four most RRL stars was found by Sesar et al. (2012a). These au- distant objects are found within the ∼ 4deg2 region thors discovered eight RRab between 124◦ < α < 133◦ 113.5◦ < α < 115.7◦, 22.8◦ < δ < 24.8◦. These RRab’s and 18◦ < δ < 24◦ at Heliocentric distances 77 < dH < have distances 119.9 < dG < 129.7 kpc, their average 96 kpc. This region lies on the edge of the fields where magnitudes varying by ∼ 0.2 mags and are consistent BHB candidates were earlier discovered by Newberg et with no difference at their observed brightness. This al. (2003). Sesar et al. (2012a) selected potential RRab concentrated group is significantly fainter than any of candidates based on variable PalomarTransientFactory the otherMLSRRab’s,suggestingapossible association (PTF) sources with RRL colours based on SDSS DR8 between them that varies from the other sources. How- photometry. Using simulations Sesar et al. (2012a) esti- ever, measurements of radial velocities and metallicities mated that in their worst-case scenario their search re- are required before we can rule out association with the covered95%oftheirsimulatedsources,withatmostone other RRab’s. RRab star being missed. Six of the Sesar et al. (2012a) After excludingthe groupoffourverydistantRRab’s, ◦ RRab’s were independently discovered in our searches, and four outlier-RRab’s near dG ∼70kpc with α∼115 while the remaining two were missed due to poor sam- we determine the slope of the outer stream by selecting ◦ pling. ForallsixknownRRab,wefindperiodsmatching theRRab’swith60<dG <115kpc,intherange100 < ◦ those givenby Sesaretal.(2012a)to better than0.04%. α < 160 . A simple linear fit gives dG = 177(±5)− In addition to the six PTF RRab, we have discovered 0.68(±0.04)×α. The slope of this line suggests that the seven RRab within the region and distant range noted distant stream does not meet with the so-called trailing ◦ ◦ by Sesar et al. (2012). We find 16 more RRab’s in this Sgr stream lying in the region 0 <α<80 . region at heliocentric distances d < 70 kpc. As we In order to better visualize the direction and slope H missed two of the PTF RRab’s it is possible that there of the streams, in Figure 8, we present a polar plot of are even more RRab’s within this region. In Figure 6, the same RRab sources in the Sgr plane coordinate sys- we present the locations of the RRab’s found within the tem. In contrastto Figure 7, here we plot averagestatic PTF Praesepe fields. Among the set of eight RRab’s, star magnitudes for the RRab fainter than V = 16.5 Sesaretal.(2012)foundtentativeevidencefortwosepa- (dH > 15kpc). Clearly a more accurate description of rategroupsofRRLbasedonradialvelocities. Onegroup path of this outer stream requires more RRab in the re- ◦ of four RRab’s was noted as having radial velocities in gion Λ > 240 , which is not covered by the MLS pho- the Galactic standard of rest of hVgsri = 16±7kms−1, tometry. As noted earlier, many new CSS RRab were 6 Tidal Stream found in this region. However, as shown in Figure 2, jewski2010,andreferencestherein). Toquantifythesig- and DR13, RRab’s fainter than V =19.5 (d >60 kpc) nificance of the Gemini stream, we estimated the num- G are at the limit of CSS data. Discoveries in CSS data ber of stars expected by the model at the position of covering this region will be likely biased to the brighter, the stream. For simplicity, we selected the volume that nearer sources. boundsthestreamintheSgrcoordinatesystem. Thatis To further explore the relationship with the Sgr 190<Λ<240,1<B<17 and 70<R <130. Based Sgr streams,weplottheRRab’sintheSgrX-Yplanesystem on the Sesar et al. (2010)model density, within this vol- of Majewski et al. (2003)in Figure 9. Here we mark the ume we would expect to find 373 RRL assuming 100% proposed path of the Gemini stream. We also plot the detectionefficiency. However,only106RRLwerefound. Law&Majewski(2010)N-bodymodeloftheSgrstream Assuming pure Poisson uncertainties, this suggests the system. The model is reasonable match to the structure Gemini area has ∼ 14σ under-density. As our detection of the inner RRab data. The agreement is increased if efficiency is close to 70−80% based on DR13 this short the source distances are reduced by ∼ 11%. However, fall cannot be explained pure by missing RRL. The de- as found by Ruhland et al. (2011), the Gemini stream tectionofnodistantRRLacrossmostoftheMLSsurvey is not explained by this model or other models of the area strongly suggests that the halo is much less dense Sgr stream system. Nevertheless, it appears that if the than expected by the model. This resultis in agreement path of Sgr leading debris was extended, it might better with the results of Watkins et al. (2009) and Sesar et matchthelocationofthesources. Indeed,Law&Majew- al.(2010)basedonhalo RRL discoveredin SDSSstripe- ski(2010)foundthatiftheSgrdwarfhadbeenorbiting2 82. this confirms that the halo density declines more Gyrlonger,amuchlongerleadingarmwouldbepresent. rapidly than suggested by the Juric et al. (2008) halo Nevertheless,their simulationsdid not producedsources model. correspondingto thedistancesandlocationsofthe BHB As a second model comparison, we compare the RRL candidates and RRL. It is apparentthat the Sgr trailing densities with the Watkins et al. (2009) halo model. arm model is a very poor match to the Gemini stream, Theirresultssuggestabreakindensityoccursd =23 GC both in extent and location. kpc. Matching the model to the data we find that the Watkins et al. (2009) model requires normalization by a 5.1. Feature Significance factorof11tomatchourdata. Thisisingoodagreement To determine the significance of the Gemini stream it withthefactorof10foundbySesaretal.(2010). InFig- is necessary to compare the source density with that ex- ure12,weplottheobservedradialdensitycomparedwith pected from halo models. We adopt the halo density theSesaretal.(2010)modelandthenormalizedWatkins model from Sesar et al. (2010) for our comparison. The et al. (2009)model. The observationsare found to be in local density of RRL is determined using the Nth near- good agreement with the Watkins et al. (2009) model, est neighbour method, we find the 8th nearest star to although the break in density appears to occur nearer the point where we want to calculate the density and to 50 kpc when averaged over a large area. However, calculate the area that bounds these stars. We use 8 this isbecausethe densities areenhancedby RRL inthe stars motivated by Ivezic et al. (2005) where they found Sgr leading and trailing arms. Based on the Watkins et that this number gives the best results for the under- al. (2009)model we expect to find 50 RRL in the region lying density on their improved Bayesian method. We selected above. The number of Gemini stream RRL we also saw that this number was a good combination of find is thus 7.9σ larger than expected from this model. precision and computational efficiency. 5.2. RR Lyrae Populations We compute the observed number density within our grid (r), and density from the Sesar et al. (2010) halo To investigate differences between the Gemini RRab model (r ). To visualize the over-densities on the Sgr sources and the overall population, one can infer the m plane, we produce a 100×100 grid on the Mawejeski et OosterhofftypebasedontheRRabperiod-amplitudere- al. (2003) Sgr coordinates at Z = 0 (for the X-Y plot) lationship (Smith et al. 2011, and references therein). and B = 0 (for the Λ-D plot). In Figure 10, we However, since average colours were used to transform Sgr plot the resulting density ratios in the X-Y plane of the the MLS light curves, we need to account for the effect Sgr system and in Figure 11, we plot the densities in ofcolourvariationoftheRRablightcurves. InDR13we the Λ-D system. The densities here can be readily foundthatRRabamplitudesweresystematicallyreduced sgr contrasted sources in Figure 9. by 0.15 due to pulsational colour variations within the The main density features are the leading and trailing broadbandpassofCSSimagescomparedtoV-band. We Sgrarms(markedbyAandB,respectively). TheGemini also found that the CSS Oosterhoff type-I (OoI) RRab’s stream (marked as C), largely has a higher ratio density exhibit a well-defined amplitude limit that is 0.1 mags ratio than the trailing stream system (marked by B). higherthanthe Zorotovicetal.(2010)period-amplitude AnotherpossiblefeatureisseennearΛ=220,D =50 relationship. Sgr kpc (marked D). This has much lower significance than To separate OoI RRab candidates from Oosterhoff the other features, yet is lactated where models predict type-II’s (OoII’s), we correct the MLS amplitudes to the Sgr trailing arm should cross the Galactic plane and values by adding 0.15 mags. Next we define a set of meetwiththeTrailingarmB. SincetheGeminifeature, RRab’s that are between 0.1 and 0.25 mags above than like muchofthe Sgrstream,is offsetfromthe Sgrplane, the average OoI period-amplitude relationship. These we have collapsed the source Z positions to visualize the objectsareamixtureofOosterhofftypes(althoughsome stream. maybe Oosterhoff-intermediatesources)thatweremove Unlike the Gemini stream, the Leading and Trail Sgr from consideration. We then investigated the variation arms A and B are all ready well known (Law and Ma- in MLS RRab’s Oosterhoff types with distance. In Fig- Drake et al. 7 ure 13 we plot the period-amplitude distribution of the the distant MLS RRab sample and many BS stars. MLS RRab’s. This colour selection reduces the initial number of By dividing these sources into a nearer sample con- SDSS point sources in our selection from 1.65 million to sisting of RRab with 70 < d < 95kpc and the more 81552. By selecting stars in the Sgr stream region, with G ◦ ◦ distant RRab d > 95kpc we see a division in types. −11 < Λ < 11 , the number reduces to 23507 HB can- G In Figure 13, we also plot the period-amplitude distri- didates. To match the MLS photometry we transform bution for the Gemini RRab’s. We also over-plot the the SDSS photometry to V magnitudes using Ivezic et Zorotovic et al. (2010) OoI line and an OoII line that is al. (2007). As found with Newberg et al. (2003, 2007) offsetby+0.07inlog(P)tomatchtheCSSobservations. and Ruhland et al. (2011) we found the spatial distri- The nearer RRab exhibit a mixture of Oosterhoff types bution of SDSS HB candidates suffers from a significant when compared to the Zorotovic et al. (2010) period- crowding and background that is best viewed in source amplituderelationships. Thisissignificantevidencethat density. In Figure 15, we provide the HB candidates in the RRab’s in the range 70 < d < 95kpc do not come theformoftheHess(point-density)diagram. Thisfigure G from a single population. In contrast, the distant MLS showsevidencethatthedensityofHBcandidatesclosely RRab’s all lie near the OoI line, suggesting that they follows the fit to the distant Gemini stream of RRab’s, come from a single population that is more metal-rich. in agreement with the distribution of BHB candidates In Figure 14, we show the locations of Gemini stream from Ruhland et al. (2011) and others. Here the scaling RRab’s after removing the MLS RRab’s with ambigu- has been set to match that in Figure 8 where the main ous Oosterhoff type. The CSS RRab’s with 70 < d < streams are visible. In addition to the RRL, the paths G 95kpchavealsobeenincluded, butarenotseparatedby expectedforBSstarsthatpassthe colourcuts andform Oosterhoff type since their amplitudes and periods are a shadow that is ∼ 2 mag fainter than the HB stars is less certain than the MLS RRab’s. This figure shows also shown. that the Gemini RRab’s are spread across the width of To obtain another view of MLS RRL in the Gemini Sgr stream system. It also shows that the OoII RRab’s stream in relation to the SDSS HB candidates, we di- selected among the nearer RRL set (70 < d < 95kpc) vided the SDSS sources into three groups. These were G are distributed across the region. The nearer OoI group bright sources, with 17 < V < 18.5, intermediate- ◦ ends aroundα∼125 wherethe streamdivides between brightness sources, with 18.5 < V < 19.8, and faint the nearer and further groups. Analysis of this figure sources, with 19.8<V <20.7. In Figure 16, we present suggeststhattheremaybetwoormoreoverlappingpop- the locations of these sources. The bright sources were ulations: one that follows a steep distant gradient and selected to show the nearby HB stars as well as the BS is predominantly OoI, and another that has a shallower stars in the Monoceros stream (near the Galactic anti- ◦ gradientandisanOoIIpopulation. Withrespecttothis center at α = 110−120 limit of the SDSS coverage). figure, we once again note that the MLS RRL are nat- The intermediate-brightness sources were selected to be urally concentrated toward the ecliptic because of sam- indicative of the HB stars in the leading arm of the Sgr pling. So it is not possible to make inferences about stream. Thefaintestsourceswereselectedtoinclude the changes in density across the Sgr stream. HB candidatesin the Gemini stream. However,this also includeBSstarsthatmirrorthe distributionofHBstars 5.3. Comparison with SDSS data along the Sgr leading arm. The figure clearly shows the While the SDSS photometry has little of the repeated overdensityassociatedwiththeSgrstreamssystem. The photometry required to unambiguously identify RRab’s, separation into two streams is not clear here since there it is deeper than both CSS and MLS data (reaching HB are far fewer BHB stars than the MSTO stars used by stars to g ∼ 22). Additionally, SDSS data does cover Belokurov et al. (2006). most of the Gemini streamobservedin the MLS data as 5.4. SDSS Spectra of RRL Sources wellasthemainregionwhereMLSdatadoesnotoverlap the Sgr stream. Therefore, it is possible to use this data We matched the entire MLS RRL catalog with the to bridge the gap in between the depth of CSS data and SDSS DR8 spectroscopic catalog and found 89 matches. coverageof MLS photometry. A much larger sample of RRL with spectra is given in Unlike previousauthorswhom searchedfor BHB stars DR13. However, here our main purpose was analysis of covering the Sgr tidal streams, here we sought to select thedistanthaloRRL.Wefoundthat16ofthesematches both BHB and potential RR Lyrae stars. Based on the aresourcesbeyond70kpc. Asnotedearlier,manyofthe coloursofthe distantMLSRRab’sandpriorBHB work, faint RRL candidates were found based on their SDSS we investigated the observed colours of RRL in SDSS spectra. The 16 RRL with SDSS spectra include 12 photometry and selected SDSS DR8 stars within 0.95< RRab’s and four RRc’s. (u−g) < 1.5, −0.2 < (r −i) < 0.2, −0.35 < (g − Toseparatetheradialvelocitiesfromthevelocitiesdue 0 0 r) < 0.22, SDSS object type=6 (star), and 17 < g < topulsation,weuse the SDSSobservationtimes andthe 0 0 22. Based on DR13 we know that the bulk of RRab’s Fourier fits to derive the phase at which the RRL spec- are located near (g − r) = 0.25, (r − i) = 0.1 and trum was observed. As noted in DR13, for SDSS spec- 0 0 (i−z) =0.05. However, RRab’s with these colours are tra, radial velocities are determined by averaging both 0 outnumberedbymainsequenceturnoffstars(MSTO)by Balmer and metallic lines (mainly Ca lines). We follow a factor of > 100 (Koposov et al. 2012). Using maps of DR13 by applying Sesar et al. (2012b) velocities correc- SDSS source density, we sub-selected stars in the range tions for pulsation based corrections derived from both 2.7×(r−i) +0.25>(g−i) >2.7×(r−i) −0.1 for hydrogenandmetalliclines. Theaveragevelocitycorrec- 0 0 0 (g−i) < 0.05. This selection retains most of the BHB tionforthe12RRabis13km/s,ingoodagreementwith 0 candidates of Ruhland et al.(2011) as well as a 22% of the uncertainty derivedfrom 905RRabspectra inDR13 8 Tidal Stream (σ = 14.3 km/s). We adopt this level of uncertainty for dial velocity of NGC 2419 are a relatively good match all the SDSS RRab spectra. for the Gemini tidal stream. The average velocities and For the four RRc stars which pulsate in the first over- metallicities of the Sesar et al. (2012a) Cancer group B tone mode the velocity of the pulsation is much smaller (hvi =16.3±7.1 km/s) and [Fe/H]=−2.1±0.4 dex) gsr thanfortheRRab’s. BasedontheRRc’sobservedbyLiu and the metallicity of the Cancer group B is in reason- & Janes (1989)and Jones et al.(1988),the amplitude is able agreement with the values expected for a stream expected to be approximately 20 km/s. To account for from NGC 2419. However, the velocities and metallici- thisfactor,fortheseRRLweincreasetheobservedSDSS ties do not provide a strong enough association to link radial velocity uncertainties by an additional 10 km/s. these sources. Following Law & Majewski (2010) we transform the ra- Another important point to consider in the possible dial velocities to the Galactic standard of rest assuming association between the Gemini RRL and NGC 2419 is a Solar peculiar motion of (U, V, W) = (9, 12 + 220,7) the proximity of the sources. Some of the RRL have km/s in the Galactic Cartesian coordinate system. δ < 20◦ near the Right Ascension of the NGC 2419 InFigure17, weplotthe radialvelocitiesfor the outer (α = 114.53◦). Thus, if one was to assume that the halo MLS RRab’s with spectra, the CSS RRab’s with Gemini tidal stream proceeds in the direction of the dG > 40 kpc, and the 10 PTF RRab’s found by Sesar Sgr stream (as suggested by SDSS HB candidates), the et al. (2012a). We also plot the velocities predicted by streamstarswouldhavetobedispersedacrosstheentire Law & Majewski (2010)N-body simulations. The figure ∼ 20◦ of the Sgr system between the MLS RRab’s and ◦ shows that two of the RRab’s observed near α = 190 NGC 2419. Sources within this gap are not covered by appear to be associated with the leading arm of the Sgr MLS observations because of the coverage limits of the stream. However, for the other Gemini stream RRab’s, survey. It is thus remain unclear whether there is any thevelocities,likethedistances,arenotexplainedbythe link between the Gemini stream and NGC 2419. Also, Law & Majewski (2010) N-body simulations. In this re- as noted earlier, our data shows that the most distant gard, Sesar et al. (2012a) noted that the RRab velocity GeminiRRab’sareOoItypestarswhileNGC2419iswell measurementstheyfoundsuggestedtheRRab’sbelonged knownto be OoII type. Indeed, Mucciarellietal.(2012) to two distinct groups. Additionally, sources associated foundthatNGC2419exhibitsverylittlespreadin[Fe/H] ◦ with our group-D of Figure 9 (occurring near α=150 ) (σ = 0.11 dex) suggesting it could not be linked with have radial velocities that appear to vary rapidly with metal-rich RRL in the Gemini structure. Right Ascension. These velocities are also inconsistent withthe Law&Majewski(2010)model,suggestingthat 6. DISCUSSIONANDCONCLUSIONS they do not belong to the Sgr leading arm. The asso- We have performed a periodicity analysis of 3.1 mil- ciation between these feature-D RRab’s and the Gemini lion variable star candidates selected from photometry stream RRab’s is unclear, although values are similar. taken by the MLS survey and uncovered 1,207 RRL (of which 538 are new). Comparison of the periods for the 5.5. Links to NGC 2419 ∼ 600 previous known RRL shows that the sources are AsnotedbyNewbergetal.(2003),theouterhaloBHB accurately measured. We have also discovered2040 new candidatestheydiscoveredresideneartheunusualGlob- RRab stars in a re-analysis of CSS photometry. ular cluster (GC) NGC 2419. This system is located at Using Catalina Surveys photometry we have deter- ◦ ◦ α = 114.53 , δ = 38.88 and distance d = 82.6 kpc mined the nature of 90% of the SEKBO (Keller et al. h (Harris 1996, 2010 edition). The corresponding coordi- 2006) RRL candidates and find that 60% are likely to natesintheMajewskietal.(2003)Sgrcoordinatesystem be RRL. Our analysis of the SEKBO RRL candidates ◦ ◦ are Λ = 201.7 , B = −8.5 , making it well within the revealed,selection of a pure set of RRab’s with accurate limits of the Sgr stream system (Koposov et al. 2012). averagemagnitudesrequiresmanyobservations. Theim- The Galactocentric radial velocity is given by Newberg portanceofrepeatedobservationsforcharacterizingvari- et al. (2003) as −14km/s, and Baumgardt et al. (2009) able star types was also recently, demonstrated by Sesar find an internal velocity dispersion of 4km/s. et al. (2010),who used RRab light curves to study over- NGC2419isnotedasbeingoneofthemostmetal-poor densities that they had earlier been attributed to RRL GCs ([Fe/H] ∼ −2.1; Mucciarelli et al. 2012). The clus- in Sesar et al. (2007). They discovered that a number terisnotablyold,withage12.3GyraccordingtoForbes ofthe overdensities attributedto RRL,basedonphoto- & Bridges (2010). The system has the highest luminos- metric selection coupled with a small number of obser- ity (M ∼ −9.6 mag) of any GC with a galactocentric vations, were in fact due to intrinsically fainter δ Scuti V distance R > 15 kpc, apart from the likely Sgr dwarf- stars as well as non-variable sources. Overallthey found associated GC, M54 (Cohen et al. 2010). The half-light thatonly70%oftheirinitialcandidateswereRRLstars. radiusofthisclusteris19pcmakingitsignificantlymore Similarly, Ivezic et al. (2005)found that although it was extendedinthelog(R )versusM planethanotherGCs possibletocompletelycolour-selectasmallfraction(6%) h V withR>15kpc(Mackey&vandenBerg2005). Indeed, of RRL based on SDSS photometry, if one wanted to the exceptional nature of NGC 2419 relative to outer select 60%, a 72% non-RRL contamination rate would halo GCs led van den Berg & Mackey (2004) to suggest result. Similar levels of contamination make it equally that the object is the stripped core of a former dwarf difficult to trace halo structures using photometrically spheroidal galaxy (dSph). Based on abundance studies selected BHB stars. Cohenetal.(2010)andCohen&Kirby(2012)alsofound In our analysis we also found a significant group of thattheNGC2419appearslikenootherglobularcluster, RRL with average V magnitudes ∼ 20.5. By combining but rather the core of an accreted dwarf galaxy. these sources with CSS RRab’s, and photometrically- From Figures 7 & 17 we see that the location and ra- selected HB candidates, we find strong evidence for a Drake et al. 9 ◦ tidally disrupted stellar stream that crossing > 60 of ing from this source, evenin the presence of overlapping the sky at Galactocentric distances from 70 to 110 kpc. tidalstreams. Ifthe Geminitidalstreamdoesfollow the This resultconfirmsthe existenceofastreamfirstnoted pathexpected fromthe SDSS HB candidates,additional by Newberg et al. (2003). Comparison with halo den- deep photometric observations undertaken by projects sitymodelsshowsthatthe featureissignificantandthat such as LSST (Abell et al. 2009) should reveal numer- the halo density declines rapidly beyond 30-50 kpc, as ous additional RRL along this tidal stream. Moreover, previously noted by Watkins et al. (2009) and Sesar et if these stars are associated with NGC 2419, we predict al. (2010). However, since these results, like those of that the RRL will mostly be type Oosterhoff II. Watkins et al. (2009) and Sesar et al. (2010), are based ona thin slice throughthe halo,caution has to be taken CRTSandCSDR1aresupportedbytheU.S.National when interpreting the extent of density regions outside ScienceFoundationundergrantsAST-0909182andCNS- the observed fields. 0540369. The CSS survey is funded by the National AlthoughtheGeminiRRLoverlapwiththeSgrstream Aeronautics and Space Administration under Grant No. system, we find that the large distances are inconsistent NNG05GF22G issued through the Science Mission Di- with existing Sgr models. This result is in agreement rectorate Near-Earth Objects Observations Program. J. with Ruhland et al. (2011) and a recent sample of RRL L. P. acknowledges support from NASA through Hub- discoveredby Sesar et al. (2012a). Furthermore, we find ble Fellowship Grant HF-51261.01-A awarded by the thattheradialvelocitiesoftheRRLareinconsistentwith STScI, which is operated by AURA, Inc. for NASA, un- simulationsofSgrstream. However,wenotethatmodels der contract NAS 5-26555. Support for M.C. and G.T. of the Sgr streams system as a whole remains poorly is provided by the Ministry for the Economy, Develop- constrained by observations. ment,andTourism’sProgramaInicativaCient´ıficaMile- Wehaveinvestigatedthepossiblerelationshipbetween niothroughgrantP07-021-F,awardedtoTheMilkyWay theGeminitidalstreamandNGC2419asfirstproposed Millennium Nucleus; by Proyecto Basal PFB-06/2007; by Newberg et al. (2003). The most recent analyses of by Proyecto FONDECYT Regular #1110326; and by NGC 2419 shows significant evidence for it being the Proyecto Anillo ACT-86. SDSS-III is managed by the nuclear remnant of a disrupted dwarf galaxy (van den Astrophysical Research Consortium for the Participat- Berg& Mackey2004;Mackey& vanden Berg2005;Co- ing Institutions of the SDSS-III Collaboration Fund- hen et al. 2010, 2011; Forbes & Bridges 2010; Cohen ing for SDSS-III has been provided by the Alfred P. & Kirby 2012). Although, we find that the distances of SloanFoundation,theParticipatingInstitutions,theNa- manyoftheRRLsandHBcandidatesareconsistentwith tional Science Foundation, and the U.S. Department NGC 2419, the available velocities and location of the of Energy Office of Science. The SDSS-III web site is Geministreamareinsufficientagreementtolink the two http://www.sdss3.org/. structures. Furthermore,the mostdistantofthe RRab’s discovered appear to be metal rich sources and would thus be inconsistent with stars observed in NGC 2419. Nevertheless, given the location NGC 2419 within the halo, and with 10 degrees of the Sgr streams plane, it seems possible that a stream associated with NGC 2419 could join it to the Sgr system. This may in part ac- countfor the significantdiversityin metallicity observed for varying Sgr stellar streams (Law & Majewski 2010). Furthermore,asthephotometric-selectedHBcandidates and RRab’s cover the Sgr stream system and exhibit a distance gradient, it is possible that there is a second galaxy remnant associated with the Sgr stream. Such a source might explain the origin of the two intersect- ing streams of the Sgr system that has now been well delineated with MSTO stars by Belokurov et al. (2006) and Kosopov et al. (2012). However,even with 40% un- certainties in the distances to MSTO stars (Newby et al. 2011), the Gemini stream RRab’s are twice as dis- tant as expected for MSTO stream stars (Koposov et al. 2012). Alternately, the Gemini stream may originate fromtheremnantofanotherdisrupteddwarfgalaxythat lies beyondthe Geministreamstarsandis yetto be dis- covered. TheGeministreamleadsintothegalacticplane beyond100kpc. Ahighly extinctedsysteminthe Galac- tic plane would be very difficult to detect. Future photometric and spectroscopic observations of ◦ the HB stars within 10 of NGC 2419 could confirm whether there truly is a tidal stream of RRL associated with NGC 2419. For example, the seemingly unique Mg and K abundance patterns in NGC 2419 found by Muc- ciarelli et al. (2012) would chemically tag stars originat- 10 Tidal Stream REFERENCES Abell, P.A., Allison, J., Anderson, S.F., et al. 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