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Evidence for a Genuine Ferromagnetic to Paramagnetic Reentrant Phase Transition in a Potts Spin Glass Model PDF

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Preview Evidence for a Genuine Ferromagnetic to Paramagnetic Reentrant Phase Transition in a Potts Spin Glass Model

Evidence for a Genuine Ferromagnetic to Paramagnetic Reentrant Phase Transition in a Potts Spin Glass Model Michel J.P. Gingras1 and Erik S. Sørensen2 1Department of Physics, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L-3G1 Canada 2Laboratoire de Physique Quantique, IRSAMC,Universit´e Paul Sabatier, F-31062, Toulouse, Cedex 4, France (February 1, 2008) Much experimentaland theoretical efforts havebeen devotedin thepast twentyyearstosearch for 8 9 agenuinethermodynamicreentrantphasetransition fromaferromagnetictoeitheraparamagnetic 9 or spin glass phase in disordered ferromagnets. So far, no real system or theoretical model of a 1 short-range spin glass system has been shown to convincingly display such a reentrant transition. We present here results from Migdal-Kadanoff real-space renormalization-group calculations that n provide for the first time strong evidence for ferromagnetic to paramagnetic reentrance in Potts a J spin glasses on hierarchical lattices. Our results imply that there is no fundamental reason ruling out thermodynamic reentrant phase transitions in all non mean-field randomly frustrated systems, 1 3 and may open the possibility that true reentrance might occur in some yet to be discovered real randomly frustrated materials. ] n n - s i d I. INTRODUCTION terials [7–9]. Once established at the P-F Curie tem- . t perature, T , ferromagnetic order remains down to zero a c m All real materials contain a certain amount of frozen-in temperature, though with the possibility of a transverse - random disorder. Often, random disorder leads to ran- spin-freezing transition at T⊥ (0 < T⊥ < Tc) in XY d domly competing, or frustrated, interactions [1]. Ran- and Heisenberg systems, which does not destroy the fer- n dom frustration is detrimental to the type of order romagnetic order [7–9]. Above a critical disorder level, o that an otherwise idealized pure material would dis- ferromagnetism occurs only on short length scales, and c [ play for zero disorder. Randomly frustrated systems are thesystemdisplays,instead,full-blownspin-glassbehav- ubiquoutous in condensed matter physics. Examples in- ior below a glass transition temperature, Tg [2,7–9]. 1 clude: magneticsystems[2],mixedmolecularcrystals[3], At the theoretical level, it is also currently believed v superconducting Josephsonjunctions in anappliedmag- that reentrancedoes not occur in any randombond spin 3 netic field [4], liquid crystals in porous media [5], and glass model [7–21]. This is certainly the case for the in- 0 0 partially UV polymerized membranes [6]. finite range Ising, XY and Heisenberg models [2]. In 2 Oneofthemainissuesatstakeinallfrustratedsystems two and three dimensional Ising and Heisenberg models, 0 is how the low temperature phase of the pure material high-temperature series expansion [15,18], Monte Carlo 8 is affected by weak disorder, and how that state evolves simulations [2,7,9] and recent defect-wall energy calcu- 9 with increasing disorder level. In particular, one of the lations [21] find no reentrant behavior either. Recently, t/ most intriguing questions is whether a weakly frustrated compelling renormalization-group [12,13] and quenched a system can lose upon cooling the long-range ordered gauge symmetry arguments [16,17] have been put for- m phase established at higher temperature and return, or wardforabroadclassofspinglassmodels,whichinclude d- reenter, into a thermally disordered phase, or go into a the Isingspinglass[2]andthe gaugeglassmodelfordis- n randomly frozen glassy phase. Because of their relative orderedJosephsonjunctionarraysandvortexglassindis- o simplicity over other systems, and because of the large ordered type-II superconductors [4,19,20,22], and which c number of systems readily available with easily control- strongly argue against reentrance. Some of the details v: lablelevelofdisorder,randommagnetsareidealsystems of these predictions have been quantitatively tested by i tostudytheeffectsofweakfrustrationandtoinvestigate high-temperatureseriesexpansion[15,18],whilepossibly X the above question. It was originally thought that sev- the most detailed checks have been obtained from real- r eral weakly frustrated ferromagnets, such as Eu Sr S space Migdal-Kadanoff renormalization group (MKRG) a x 1−x and amorphous-Fe Mn , were displaying a reentrant calculations of Ising spin glass models on so-called hi- 1−x x transition from a ferromagnetically long-range ordered erarchical lattices [10–12]. Even in the case of the phase to a randomly frozen spin glass phase upon cool- two-dimensionalXY modelwithrandomDzyaloshinskii- ing and for a finite range of disorder, x [2]. However, af- Moriya couplings, which for a long-time was believed to ter twenty years of extensive experimental research, it is be a good candidate for reentrant behavior [9,23], evi- now generally believed that a true thermodynamic reen- dence is now rapidly accumulating that reentrance does trant phase transition from a long-range ordered ferro- not occur in that system either [9,19,20]. magnetic (F) phase to either a spin glass (SG) or para- Summing up, it appears that the case against reen- magnetic (P) phase does not occur in real magnetic ma- trance in randomly frustrated systems and non mean- 1 field theoretical models [24] is at this time simply over- molecular glasses, such as N -Ar and KBr-KCN, can be 2 whelming [25]. In fact, the evidence is sufficiently strong partially described by a three-dimensional 3-state Potts that it could be interpreted as an indication that some spin glass model [3]. profound,thoughyetunknown,reason(s)formallyforbid Here we consider the situation where the bonds J in ij reentranceinallspinglasses,eventhosewhichdonotex- Eq.1aredistributedrandomly,andgivenbyaquenched hibit a quenched gauge invariance [11,12,16,17]. This is biased bimodal probability distribution, P(J ): ij notimpossiblegiventhatourunderstandingofthenature P(J ) = xδ(J −J)+(1−x)δ(J +J) (2) ofthe groundstate(s) andofthe low-lyingexcitations in ij ij ij glassy systems is still limited. In this letter we present a A bond between sites i and j has a probability x to be counter example to this common belief, what we believe ferromagneticand of strengthJ, and a probability 1−x is the first strong evidence for a reentrant transition in of being AF and of strength −J. We study the thermo- a simple non mean-field spin glass model where thermal dynamicpropertiesofthissystemonhierarchicallattices fluctuations and the question of lower-criticalspatial di- usingtheMKRGscheme[9–12,14,19,29,30]. Oneconsid- mension play a key role [24]. Specifically, we consider ers a sequence of b J bonds in series, each we label ij the 3-state ferromagnetic Potts model with a concentra- J(k) (k =1,2,...b), where (b−1) spins are summed over tion x of random antiferromagnetic bonds on hierarchi- (we have dropped the subscript ij). The above Hamil- callattices. We investigatethe thermodynamic behavior tonian preserves its invariant form (apart from a spin- of this model using the MKRG scheme, which is an ex- independent term) under the decimation of the (b−1) act method for hierarchical lattices [26]. We present re- spins. This results in a new effective coupling J (l+1), ij sultswhichshowthatthismodelexhibitferromagneticto at the RG decimation step paramagnetic reentrance for a finite concentration range ofantiferromagneticbonds. Reentranceis made possible exp{βJ(n)(l+1)} = 1+ Q by the fact that the system prefers to lower its free en- k=b 1+ Q −1 ergy through short range antiferromagnetic (AF) corre- k=1(cid:18) exp{βJ(k)(l)}−1 (cid:19) lations rather than to preserve long-range ferromagnetic Q (cid:8) (cid:9) (3) order. Since the lower critical dimension for antiferro- magnetic long range order for the Q = 3 Potts model and β = 1/k T. In dimension d, b(d−1) such parallel B on hierarchical lattices is 4 [27], the system can be reen- paths of b bonds in series, each with its end-to-end cou- trant in 2 and 3 dimensions. It is interesting to note pling Jn(l+1), are then added together to give one new that the MKRG method has in the past been used as coupling one of the key methods in establishing the absence of reentrance in Ising [10–12,14], XY [9] and possibly also n=b(d−1) in Dzyaloshinskii-MoriyaXY spin glasses [9,19,20,23]. J (l+1)= J(n)(l+1) (4) ij nX=1 In practice, the procedure is implemented by first cre- II. MODEL AND METHOD ating a large pool of N (N ≈ 106) bare couplings, J (l = 0), distributed according to Eq. 2. Then, b cou- ij The Hamiltonian for the Q-state Potts model is: plings are randomly pickedout of that pool combinedto createaserialcouplingJn(l+1)asgivenbyEq.3. Then, H = − Jijδσi,σj (1) b(d−1) suchcouplingsJn(l+1)areaddedtogethertogive <Xi,j> onenewcouplingJ (l+1). TheprocedureisrepeatedN ij times to repopulate a new pool of N couplings J (l+1) ij where J > 0 for ferromagnetic couplings and J < 0 ij ij at RG step (l+1). for antiferromagneticones. δ is the Kroneckerdelta: σi,σj The nature of the magnetic phase at a given tempera- the spin, σ at lattice site i can take Q states, Q = i ture,T,andconcentration,x,ofantiferromagneticbonds 0,1,2,...Q − 1. The bond energy between two spins isdeterminedbymonitoringthel−dependenceoftheav- is −Jij if the two spins are in the same state σi = σj, erage value, J¯(l), and the width, ∆J(l), of the distribu- and zero otherwise. The familiar Ising model is equiva- tion of N bonds J (l). As l → ∞, J¯and ∆J evolve in ij lent to a Q = 2 state Potts model with a shift of total the various phases as energyofthesystem,andarescalingoftheexchangecou- plingJ byafactor2. Although“lesspopular”thanthe lim J¯→ 0 , lim ∆J →0 : paramagnetic (5) ij Ising model, the 3-state Potts model is also important l→∞ l→∞ ∆J in modelling real condensed matter systems. For exam- lim J¯→+∞ , lim →0 : ferromagnetic (6) ple, the two-dimensional antiferromagnetic 3-state Potts l→∞ l→∞ J¯ model on the frustrated kagom´e lattice captures some of lim J¯→−∞ , lim ∆J →0 : antiferromagnetic (7) the essential of the low temperature thermodynamics of l→∞ l→∞ J¯ theHeisenbergantiferromagnetonthatlattice[28]. Also, J¯ lim ∆J →∞ , lim →0 : spinglass (8) it has been suggested that the orientational freezing in l→∞ l→∞∆J 2 To allowfor the existence of anantiferromagneticphase, boundary, one encounters overflowat iteration step l max we must work with odd values of b, as even values of way before J¯(l) has increased by several order of mag- b “frustrate” the antiferromagnetic phases and maps an nitude compared to J¯(l = 0). In previous MKRG stud- initial startup antiferromagneticallybiased P(J ) into a ies of spin glasses [9–12,14,19] the F−P or the F−SG ij ferromagnetic phase already at iteration step #1. Here phase boundary did not give any “peculiar” reentrant we focus on hierarchical lattices with b=3. boundary, and the extrapolated finite temperature F−P or F−SG boundary down to T = 0 agreed with explicit MKRG calculations at T = 0. Consequently, there has III. RESULTS been until now no incentive to push the limit of the nu- merics inMKRGcalculations ofspinglassesas T →0+. Thetemperaturevsconcentrationofantiferromagnetic However, in our case here, with this novel reentrant be- bonds phase diagram for the three-dimensional d = 3 havior, one could be concerned that the lower reentrant case (with b = 3) is shown in Fig. 1. The phases have portion of the phase boundary is a numerical artifact. been determined according to the criteria given above. Specifically, it would a prioriseem possible that the flow Firstly, there is no AF or SG phase at nonzero temper- between 0.765 and 0.855 seems to indicate a paramag- ature in this system in the whole range 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. The netic phase according to the criterion given above, for mostremarkablefeatureofthisphasediagramistheexis- 1 ≤ l ≤ lmax, but actually, be found to “reverse itself” tenceofareentrantferromagnetictoparamagneticphase foravaluel>lrev withlrev >lmax,ifnumericaloverflow transition for the range x ∈ [0.765,0.855]. The value of bounds allowed it to be seen, and such that the asymp- 0.855 obtained by extrapolating these nonzero tempera- totic large length scale behavior for 0.765 < x < 0.855 tureresultsagreeswiththeoneobtainedbyiteratingthe was ferromagnetic in the limit l → ∞. In such a sce- MKRGequationsaboveatzerotemperatureexactly[29]. nario,the reentrantregionwouldresult froma combina- Similar results were obtained for d=2. tion of short length scale physics added to a finite limit tooverflowboundsimposedbythecomputerusedforthe calculations. To address this issue, we parametrized each of the exp{βJ (l)}“couplingterms”viaatwo-componentvec- ij tor exp{βJ (l)} = {M (l),E (l)}, where M (l) and ij ij ij ij E (l) are the mantissa and the exponent, in base 10, of ij exp{βJ (l). TheMKRGcomputercodewasthenrewrit- ij ten in terms of direct algebraic mantissa operations and exponentshiftingoperations. Withthisimprovedversion of the MKRG computer code, the upper limit for over- flowfordouble-precisioncalculationsona32-bitmachine moves from 10308 to ≈10(10308); a tremendious improve- ment. With this modification, the MKRG iterations be- come forallpracticalpurposes devoidof overflowlimita- tions. OurresultswiththisversionoftheMKRGscheme gave an identical phase boundary to the one obtained FIG.1. Temperature,T,concentration,x,ofantiferromag- using straighforward conventional double-precision cal- neticbondsphasediagramfortheQ=3statePottsspinglass culations on a 32-bit machine. The results in Fig. 1 for onad=3,b=3hierarchicallattices. Ferromagnetictopara- T/J ≤0.25 were actually obtained with the “improved” magnetic reentrance occurs in the range 0.765 < x < 0.855. version of the MKRG scheme. We are therefore confi- Thereisnospinglassorantiferromagneticphaseinthismodel dentthatthereentrantphasetransitiondisplayedbythe at nonzero temperature. Q = 3 bimodal Potts spin glass model on the b = 3 hi- erarchical lattice is a genuine one, and not an artifact due to limitation imposed by numerical overflow at low As observed and temperatures. discussed in other papers [9–12,14,19,29,30],the MKRG The reentrance found here implies that the long range scheme is difficult to implement for spin glass models at ferromagnetic phase has higher entropy than the low- low temperatures (as T →0+). The reasonfor this is as temperature paramagnetic phase. How can we under- follows. The occurence of a ferromagnetic phase is mon- stand this? A first hint can be obtained by considering itored by the criterion [J¯→ +∞,∆J/J¯→ 0]. In prac- the behavior of the flow of J¯(l) close to the upper and tice the ferromagnetic phase is detected when numerical lower (reentrant) F −P boundary (see Fig.2). We see overflow occurs as l → ∞ on the ferromagnetic side of that J(l) approaches J(l → ∞) → 0+ monotonously as theP−Fboundary. Inaspinglassmodel,wherethe dis- l→∞closetotheupperP−Fboundary(curveA).How- tribution of exp{βJ (l)} is broad at low-temperature in ij ever, J(l) swings negative for intermediate length scale theferromagneticphaseclosetoeithertheP−ForF−SG 3 (curveB)foralltemperaturesbelowthelower(reentrant) the b = 3 hierarchical lattice is four (d = 4) [27]. Thus, P−Fboundary before eventuallyapproachingthe trivial for a certain concentration range of random AF bonds, paramagneticfixedpointJ(l →∞)=0. Inotherwords, reentrantbehaviorfromaferromagneticphasetoapara- thesystemestablishesshortrangeantiferromagneticcor- magneticphasewith localantiferromagneticcorrelations relations in the reentrant portion of the phase diagram can occur. In d = 4 (Fig. 3), the F → P reentrance for T <0.60 and 0.755<x<0.855. dissappears and gives rise, instead, as expected from the previous argument, to an F → AF transition upon cooling, where here “AF” refers to the Berker-Kadanoff phase charaterized by a nontrivial attractive fixed point at nonzero temperature [27]. FIG. 2. Iteration number, l, dependence of the average coupling,J¯(l)slightly intheparamagneticphaseclosetothe the upper (curve A, x=0.80, T =0.70) and lower reentrant (curveB, x=0.80, T =0.30) P−F phase boundary. FIG. 3. Temperature, T, concentration, x, of antiferro- magnetic bonds phase diagram for the Q = 3 state Potts Interestingly,for the Potts model, a groundstate with spin glass on a d = 4, b = 3 hierarchical lattice. The antiferromagneticcorrelationsinpresenceofrandomfer- antiferromagnetic−“BK”phasereferstotheantiferromagnet- romagneticbondshaslowerentropythanaferromagnetic ically ordered phase characterized by a fixed point at finite state with random antiferromagnetic bonds. Consider coupling J¯(l=∞)=−10.94661 [30]. three spins, σ , σ and σ with ferromagnetic bonds J 1 2 3 12 andJ . Ifoneofthebondis,instead,antiferromagnetic, 23 σ becomes an idle and entropy-carrying spin with zero 2 effective average exchange field at T =0 from ferromag- IV. CONCLUSION neticallyalignedσ andσ . However,forσ andσ anti- 1 3 1 3 ferromagneticallyalignedviatheotherb(d−2)bonds,σ2is In conclusion, we have shown that the Q = 3 Potts inaunique (non-idle)state foraferromagneticJ12 bond spinglassmodelontwoandthreedimensionalhierarchi- and an antiferromagnetic J23 bond. Consequently, anti- cal lattices undergoes a ferromagnetic to paramagnetic ferromagnetically correlated triplets of spins (σ1,σ2,σ3) reentrance upon cooling. This reentrance is due: (1) to carrylowerentropyinpresence ofrandomferromagnetic thecombinationofantiferromagneticallycorrelatedspins bonds than a ferromagnetic state with random antifer- atlowtemperaturesinthe phase“rich”inferromagnetic romagnetic bonds. The antiferromagnetic state also has bondscarryinglessentropythanferromagneticallycorre- lower energy, (E = −J), as compared to the ferromag- lated spins and, (2) to the fact that the lower criticaldi- netic configuration(E=0). Naively, in order to minimize mension for antiferromagnetic order for the Q=3 Potts the free energy, F = E −TS, this observation suggests antiferromagnet on hierarchical lattices is four. Conse- that, upon cooling, local antiferromagnetic correlations quently, reentrance occurs at T > 0 in two and three should become more and more favorablesince entropy is dimensional such lattices. The results presented here less important at low temperatures. This makes plau- demonstrate that there is no fundamental reason forbid- sible that the system, at low temperatures, prefers to ding a thermodynamic reentrant phase transition in all form ferromagnetic domains that are antiferromagneti- randomly frustrated systems. Our results open the pos- callyaligned(e.g. onintermediatelengthscales,asfound sibilitythatreentrancemightoccurinsomeyettobedis- in Fig. 2) rather than to keep the long-range ferromag- coveredrealrandomlyfrustratedsystemswithEuclidean neticorderestablishedathighertemperatures. However, lattices. 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