FVV in obGyn, 2013, 5 (3): 233-240 Viewpoint Evidence-based reproductive medicine: a critical appraisal M. Dhont Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Ghent University Hospital, De Pintelaan 185, 9000 Gent, Belgium. Correspondence at: [email protected] Abstract Evidence-based medicine has become the golden standard of good medical practice. I analysed meta-analyses and systematic reviews, the cornerstones of evidence-based medicine, pertaining to two important problems in in vitro fertilization: failed implantation and poor ovarian response to ovarian stimulation. Numerous interventions and procedures have been tried to facilitate implantation and to enhance the ovarian response to stimulation. Notwithstanding the fact that many clinical trials have been performed, very few procedures can as yet stand the critical test of evidence-based medicine. A plea is made for co-ordination between clinicians and reviewers and co- operation between infertility centres to combine their efforts to set up sufficiently powered clinical trials to arrive at more solid evidence for a number of interventions in in vitro fertilization programmes. Key words: Evidence-based medicine, reproductive medicine, IVF, failed implantation, poor responder. Introduction et al. (1995;1996) stressed that EBM is more than the blind application of the results of a clinical trial The concept of evidence-based medicine (EBM) is but ‘the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of ascribed to Archie Cochrane with the publication of current best evidence in making decisions about the his book Effectiveness and Efficiency: Random care of individual patients. The practice of evidence- Reflections on Health Services (Cochrane, 1972). In based medicine means integrating individual clini- a later essay, Cochrane (1979) awarded the ‘wood- cal expertise with the best available external clinical en spoon’ to obstetrics and gynaecology for being evidence from systematic research’. Meta-analysis the least scientific and evaluative of medical speci- of individual patient data provided by the authors of alities. This challenge was taken up for obstetrics by original studies would allow to consider relevant Chalmers et al. (1989) with the publication of a sys- subgroup analyses or to put patient characteristics tematic review of randomized controlled trials as covariates in a regression model (Broeze et al., (RCTs) of care during pregnancy and childbirth. In 2010). Whether this time-consuming approach will 1992 the Cochrane Centre was opened in Oxford be feasible and will outperform the classical meta- and in 1993, a Subfertility Group was registered. At analyses remains to be seen. present, there are more than 100 systematic reviews Anyway, evidence-based practice cannot be ap- on this topic in the Cochrane library. plied in all circumstances; otherwise, it would be Though it seems self-evident that health care impossible to develop new procedures. In some should be based on objective and proven criteria, cases, the advantage of a new procedure is so over- EBM has only recently come of age and is now gen- whelming that clinical trials are unnecessary and erally accepted to be the standard for good medical even harmful. For instance, there was no need of practice. The evidence is derived from well-con- many randomized trial to show that oocyte retrieval ceived randomized trials, compilation of evidence by transvaginal puncture was superior in all aspects through meta-analysis and systematic reviews. One to the laparoscopic route. Furthermore, before any objection to EBM is that it measures the average ef- evidence for some protocols of treatment can be fect of a group of patients but does not take into gathered, a number of pioneering studies, based on account the individual variation in response. Sackett physiological principles, animal experiments, a 233 dhont.indd 233 19/09/13 15:04 personal observation or pure hypothetical specula- embryo inside the uterus after transfer, technique of tion have to be performed. Finally, the absence of transfer and interventions to facilitate implantation. evidence should not impede the clinician to treat patients according to his experience and based on Bed rest common sense because there is a well-known say- ing that ‘absence of evidence does not automatically It is not uncommon for the transfer fluid containing imply evidence of absence’. the embryo to be expulsed (Schulman, 1986) and it The aim of this paper is to investigate in how far has been shown that this may contain the transferred some treatment modalities in assisted reproduction embryo (Ghazzawi, 1999). It seems logical there- are evidence-based. I will focus on two aspects that fore to let patients rest in a recumbent position after pertain to the outcome of IVF: failed implantation transfer. A Cochrane review (Abou-Setta et al., and poor responders. 2009) found 4 randomized trials on the effect of bed rest on the pregnancy rate but in only one of them Failed implantation were ongoing pregnancy rates reported (Purcell et al., 2007). No difference in pregnancy rates was It’s a frustrating experience for both patients and found between immediate ambulation and bed rest doctors when no pregnancy occurs after the transfer for 30 minutes. Notwithstanding the lack of evi- of one or more embryos. This failure is commonly dence, bed rest is still prescribed in many centres called failed implantation but this in fact is a misno- albeit the duration of rest can go from half an hour mer. What happens to the embryo between the to half a day. transfer and implantation is beyond observation. Implantation is a dynamic process in which the em- Adherence compounds bryo itself plays a determining role. The relation between the microscopically estimated quality of Can’t you fix the embryo in the uterus is a question the embryo and the success rate attests to the fact sometimes posed by patients. It may indeed seem that the embryo is the key player in the implantation logical to fix the embryo in the uterus by applying process. Nevertheless, in a sometimes desperate some kind of glue to the embryo. Several com- search for a solution, a great variety of interventions pounds have been proposed to this purpose although have been devised to enhance the process of im- the exact mechanism of action is unknown. Do they plantation going from simple procedures to keep the work by helping to retain the embryo in the uterus embryo in place to more sophisticated methods to or are they also facilitating implantation? The effect influence the uterine environment. An example of of the addition of a fibrin sealant was tested in a the first type was the knee-to-chest position for the randomized trial by Ben-Rafael (1995). There was embryo transfer when the uterus is in an anteverted no evidence that the addition of fibrin sealant to the position comparing the transfer of the embryo to embryo transfer medium improved the pregnancy putting a ball in a basket. Except for one limited outcome. study (Englert et al., 1986) who found no difference In a systematic Cochrane review, hyaluronic acid in success rates after transfer in dorsal versus knee- was found to increase the chances of pregnancy but to chest position the usefulness of this procedure also increased the chances of multiple pregnancies, has never largely been tested and has long been which is a less positive result. However, the live abandoned. But the search for enhancing implanta- birth rate was infrequently reported and no conclu- tion is still going on. For example, Decleer et al. sions can be made (Bontekoe et al., 2010). (2012), hypothesizing that uterine motility at the time of transfer could play a role in the retention of Ultrasound-guided transfer the embryo, treated patients with repeated failed im- plantation with an oxytocin antagonist at the time of Traditionally, the ‘clinical touch’ method has been transfer and concluded that in patients with good used to guide placement of the transfer catheter to quality embryos this procedure could be enhance within ~10 mm from the uterine fundus prior to in- the success rate. This, however, was a non-random- jection of the embryos. This method is essentially ized open trial that failed to take into account the blind and relies on the clinician’s tactile senses to principle of regression to the mean. Anyway, this judge when the transfer catheter is in the correct po- study proved once more that quality of the embryo sition. There are several arguments in favour of an is the determining factor for success. But are there ultrasound-guided transfer. The exact position of evidence-based standard practices that can improve the uterus and the cervical canal are visualized, the the probability of implantation? Distinction should location of the catheter near the uterine fundus can be made between interventions meant to keep the be ascertained and the fluid containing the embryos 234 FVV in obGyn dhont.indd 234 19/09/13 15:04 with the accompanying air bubble can be seen. A effect on cyclo-oxygenase. It is thought to increase subjective advantage is that the patient can follow the uterine and ovarian blood flow and therefore the procedure on the screen and can be assured that could enhance endometrial receptivity and ovarian the embryo is in place. Ultrasound guidance can responsiveness. This hypothesis was taken up by also be useful in manoeuvring the catheter trough a Rubinstein and co-workers (Rubinstein et al., 1999) distorted cervical canal or uterine cavity. who in a randomized trial showed a highly signifi- A Cochrane review identified seventeen random- cant beneficial effect of aspirin treatment both in ized studies on the effect of ultrasound-guided terms of oocyte recruitment as in clinical pregnancy transfer versus the so-call clinical touch method. rate. Spurred by these findings our own group start- Only 7 studies reported on ongoing pregnancy rates. ed a randomized trial of aspirin versus placebo but From these studies it could be concluded that with failed to show any benefit (Dirckx et al., 2009). This ultrasound-guided transfer the ongoing pregnancy was confirmed both by a systematic Cochrane re- rate is higher than with the clinical touch method view (Siristatidis et al., 2011) and in an individual (Brown et al., 2010). patient data meta-analysis (Groeneveld et al., 2011). Ovarian stimulation activates the coagulation Type of catheter cascade due to the exponential increase of oestradi- ol. On the other hand, thrombophilia is known to be Several types of transfer catheters have been de- associated with adverse perinatal outcome. It was vised and many of them are still widely used. In therefore hypothesized by Nelson and Greer (2008) general catheters can be divided into soft and rigid that haemostaticmechanisms have an important role catheters, and each of them has some pros and cons. in implantation and that treatment with heparin The rigid catheter can be easily steered in de direc- could be useful particularly in patients with repeat- tion of the uterine cavity but can also traumatize the ed implantation failure. A meta-analysis of all ran- endometrium. The soft catheter has to find its own domized studies, however, showed no difference in way into the uterine cavity but its application is not the clinical pregnancy rate, live birth rate and mis- traumatic for the endometrium. A systematic review carriage rate in women receiving heparin compared from 2005 concluded that pregnancy rates were sig- with placebo during IVF treatment (Seshadri et al., nificantly higher when using a soft catheter (Abou- 2012). As in so many systematic reviews, the au- Setta et al., 2005) but a few years later, the same thors add that the role of heparin as an adjuvant authors concluded that with ultrasound guidance therapy during IVF treatment requires further eval- both types of catheters perform equally well (Aboul- uation in adequately powered high-quality random- fotouh et al., 2008). ized studies. Techniques for preparation prior to embryo transfer Glucocorticoids Several interventions at the time of embryo transfer Natural killer (NK) cells have been shown to play have been tried: full bladder, removal of cervical an important role in early implantation (Croy et al., mucus, flushing the endocervical canal or the endo- 2002). Glucocorticoidsmay improve the intrauter- metrial cavity, dummy transfer, changing patient ine environment by acting as immunomodulators to position, the use of a tenaculum, or embryo after reduce the NK cell count to the normal range and loading. A Cochrane review in 2010 concluded that normalise the cytokine expression profile in the there is no sufficient evidence for specific recom- endometrium and by suppression of endometrial mendations for transfer practice and recommend inflammation. It seemed appropriate then to treat that more, larger studies are done on ET preparation patients with repeated implantation failure with techniques. The studies need to be of a higher qual- glucocorticoids. Several studies have indeed been ity with better-explained methods, more specified performed but unfortunately with different types of inclusion and exclusion criteria, and more partici- glucocorticoids, different doses, timing and dura- pants (Derks et al., 2009). A similar conclusion is tion of administration. Overall, there was no clear reached concerning the effect of prophylactic evidence that administration of peri-implantation administration of antibiotics (Kroon B et al., 2012). glucocorticoids in ART cycles significantly im- proved the clinical outcome (Boomsma et al., 2012). Aspirin and heparin Assisted hatching Apart from its well established effect on pain and fever, low-dose aspirin was found to have many Cultured embryos hatch and implant at lower rates additional indications mainly through its inhibiting than occurs naturally (Mercader et al., 2001). It is EViDEnCE-bASED REPRoDUCtiVE MEDiCinE – Dhont 235 dhont.indd 235 19/09/13 15:04 unclear whether this is due to ’hardening’ of the pregnancy rates. These interesting findings need zona pellucida as a result of cross-linking of its con- confirmation and further studies on the best timing stituent glycoproteins (ZP1, ZP2, ZP3) in an in vitro and procedure of uterine traumatization and should environment (Cohen, 1991) or some intrinsic em- also answer the question whether this procedure is bryonic effect. Zona thickness appears to be influ- equally beneficial in women without previous IVF enced by a woman’s age, hormone profile (high failure. early proliferative phase follicle-stimulating hor- mone (FSH)), smoking and the cause of infertility, Poor responders and correlates negatively with embryo implantation rates (Loret de Mola et al., 1997). If zona hardening To a certain extent, the success of IVF is related to impedes implantation, it is tempting to manipulate the number of oocytes that can be retrieved. That is the zona by mechanically breaching it or thinning it the reason why the introduction of ovarian stimula- by some chemical substances. Our group was one of tion was a major step in boosting the success rate of the first to perform a randomized trial of partial zona IVF. Even with the most intensive stimulation pro- dissection prior to embryo transfer in unselected pa- tocols, however, some patients fail to respond ade- tients but we found no beneficial effect (Hellebaut quately. They are called poor responders. There are et al., 1996). A recent Cochrane systematic review several reasons for this intrinsic failure to respond analysed 31 randomized controlled trials of assisted to ovarian stimulation, the most important one evi- hatching (all types combined) and found no signifi- dently being age, which also is the best predictor of cant effect on live birth rate (Carney et al., 2012). success (Broer et al., 2013). The ovarian reserve of Subgroup analysis of women who had had a previ- follicles is dwindling exponentially between 37 and ous failed attempt at IVF, however, revealed im- 40 years of age (Faddy and Gosden, 1996). Other proved clinical pregnancy rates in the women un- known reasons such as endometriosis, post-infec- dergoing AH compared with the women in the tious adhesions and smoking are related to a com- control group. The authors of this review conclude promised ovarian circulation. There are indications that the potential of assisted hatching in assisted that poor response to stimulation in younger women conception makes it imperative that studies of high presages imminent menopause but the question is methodological quality (preferably multicentre tri- whether poor response also affects oocyte quality as als with appropriate design, adequate power and ap- is the case in older women. We addressed this ques- propriate duration of follow up) are undertaken to tion by a review of 2163 IVF cycles and put the cut provide these urgently needed answers. off for poor responders at < 5 oocytes (De Sutter and Dhont, 2003). We found that rates of pregnancy Endometrial injury and miscarriage in young poor and normal respond- ers do not differ; provided that embryos of similar My predecessor, professor Vandekerckhove, who quality are transferred. In contrast, older women was well acquainted with the reproduction in ro- had a lower pregnancy rate and a higher miscarriage dents told me several decades ago that traumatiza- rate, even when two good-quality embryos were tion of the endometrium fosters the process of de- available. These results show indirectly that in cidualization and proposed to perform an young poor responders, the prognosis for the out- endometrial biopsy with a Novak curette before come of treatment is mainly determined by the transfer. In effect, the induction of decidual tissue number of oocytes and, hence, the probability of ob- formation is well recognized, at least in rodents, to taining one or two good-quality embryos rather than be dependent on both the proper ovarian steroid by oocyte quality. hormone priming of the uterine endometrium and A major problem in evaluating randomized trials the type of natural (i.e. blastocyst) or experimental on the treatment of poor responders is the lack of a (e.g. chemical or mechanical) stimulus applied to uniform definition. According to Polyzos and Devroey the uterine stroma (DeFeo, 1963; Mitchell and Gar- (2011) 41 different definitions of poor response ris, 1978). Because at this time there was consensus were found in 43 randomized trials, which led the that traumatization of the endometrium should be authors to conclude that ‘meta-analyses of the cur- avoided, we dismissed the proposal of my predeces- rently available trials should be strongly discour- sor but more recently, several studies on endome- aged because they may lead to the adoption of inter- trial injury prior to transfer have been performed. A ventions of ambiguous value’. Anyway, n umerous recent Cochrane review (Nastri et al., 2012) con- protocols for poor responders have been developed. cluded that endometrial injury prior to the embryo They can be divided in two types: alternative stimu- transfer cycle in women with previous ART failure lation schemes and adjuvant treatment with growth and a normal uterus improves live birthand clinical hormone and androgens or androgen modulators. 236 FVV in obGyn dhont.indd 236 19/09/13 15:04 Stimulation protocols adjuvant to ovarian stimulation (Bosdou et al., 2012; Narkwicheanet al., 2013). In an opinion paper Diverse stimulation protocols have been tried in entitled: ‘Hype or hope? Ethical and practical con- poor responders including low dose gonadotropin- siderations with clinical research in women with releasinghormone (GnRH) agonist, short GnRH- diminished ovarian reserve’ Gleicher and Barad agonist using the flare-up effect, GnRh-antagonist (2012) however comment that: ‘common sense as and the combined use of clomiphene and gonado- well as ethical considerations support the introduc- trophins. A Cochrane review identified 15 compara- tion of new treatments into the clinical mainstream tive trials of which only one reported live birth rates even in absence of prospectively randomized stud- (Pandian et al., 2010). The number of oocytes re- ies if lower levels of evidence are supportive of trieved were significantly less in the conventional positive treatment effects’. GnRHa long protocol compared to the short GnRH short protocol and the GnRH antagonist protocol Testosteron and androgen modulators whereas the total dose of gonadotrophins used was significantly higher in the GnRHa long protocol Based upon similar physiological considerations as group compared to the short protocol and GnRH an- for DHEA, testosterone and aromatase inhibitors tagonist groups. On the other hand, cancellation have been tried as an adjunct of stimulation in poor rates were significantly higher in the GnRHa flare- responders. Inhibition of aromatase activity could up group compared to the GnRHa long protocol increase the intra-ovarian concentration of andro- group. The reviewers concluded that there is insuf- gens by blocking their aromatization to oestrogens ficient evidence to support any particular stimula- thus creating a temporary PCO-like condition. Ac- tion scheme and that more robust data from good cording to a systematic review (Bosdou et al., 2012) quality RCTs with relevant outcomes are needed. It clinical pregnancy rate and live birth rate were sig- is evident, however, that given the vast cost of go- nificantly increased in patients that were pre-treated nadotrophin treatment, less seems to be as good as with transdermal testosterone. Also the total dose of more. gonadotrophins required for ovarian stimulation and the duration of ovarian stimulation were signifi- Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) cantly decreased. No beneficial effect of aromatase inhibitors was found. DHEA is a steroid hormone secreted mainly by the adrenal glands and theca cells of the ovarian folli- Growth hormone cle. In the ovarian follicle, DHEA is converted to androstenedione andestrone. Androgenexcess has Growth hormone regulates the effect of FSH on been shown to stimulate early stages of follicular granulose cells, by increasing the synthesis of insu- growth and increase the number of preantral and an- lin-like growthfactor-I, augments the effect of go- tral follicles. In addition, increased intra-ovarian nadotrophin on granulose and theca cells, and plays concentration of androgens seems to augment folli- an essential role in ovarian function, including fol- cle stimulating hormone (FSH) receptor expression licular development, oestrogen synthesisand oocyte in granulosa cells and potentially leads to enhanced maturation (Bachelot et al., 2002). In a Cochrane responsiveness of ovaries to FSH. Exogenous an- review of ten studies a statistically significant dif- drogens could induce a temporary PCO-like state ference in both live birth rates and pregnancy rates with increased follicle count, improved follicular favouring the use of adjuvant growth hormone in survival, and reduced apoptosis. Based on these in-vitro fertilisation protocols in women who are physiological considerations, DHEA supplementa- considered poor responders without increasing ad- tion has been tried in poor responders. One of the verse events was observed (Duffy et al., 2010). The main proponents and believers of this treatment is authors concluded, however, that the result needs to the group of Gleicher (Gleicher et al., 2011). They be interpreted with caution because the included tri- performed a systematic review of DHEA in poor re- als were few in number and had small sample sizes. sponders and concluded that ‘current best available Therefore, before recommending growth hormone evidence suggests that DHEA improves ovarian adjuvant in IVF further research is necessary to ful- function, increases pregnancy chances and, by re- ly define its role. A recent randomized study includ- ducing aneuploidy, lowers miscarriage rates. DHEA ing 82 poor responders comparing IVF outcome over time also appears to objectively improve ovar- after stimulation with or without the addition of ian reserve’. This conclusion, however, has been growth hormone failed to observe a significant contradicted by two recent systematic reviews who difference in clinical pregnancy rates although the failed to show any beneficial effect of DHEA as an number of retrieved oocytes and embryos was EViDEnCE-bASED REPRoDUCtiVE MEDiCinE – Dhont 237 dhont.indd 237 19/09/13 15:04 Tabel I. — Evidence of benefit for interventions for failed implantation. Intervention Benefit Possible benefit Doubtful benefit No benefit Bed rest x Adherents x Ultrasound guided ET X Soft transfer catheter x Aspirin x Heparin x Glucocorticoids x Assisted hatching x Endometrial injury x significantly higher in the group treated with growth yield of eggs have been devised. They include hormone (Eftekhar et al., 2013). different stimulation schemes and the effect of adjuvant endocrine treatments. Discussion and conclusion Interventions are introduced on the base of physi- ological considerations, animal experiments or pure We have analysed a number of interventions and speculation. Clinical evidence of the benefit of an procedures to address the problem of failed implan- intervention has to be arrived at by performing well tation and poor responders, two aspects of IVF conceived randomized trials. Even when performed treatment that have been and still are the subject of correctly, one randomized trial is mostly not suffi- numerous studies and diverse interventions. The cient to accept or reject a proposed intervention. level of evidence for the studied interventions in Evidence-based medicine mainly relies on meta- both situations is summarized in Table I and II. analyses and systematic reviews of all clinical trials. Besides the intrinsic quality of the embryo, which Unfortunately, sometimes up to 90% of all clinical appears to be the most important factor in the suc- trials are rejected in meta-analyses because of one cess of IVF, failed implantation can also be due to or more shortcomings. No wonder that many sys- different external factors such as the retention of the tematic reviews end with the following comments: embryo in the uterus, technical aspects of the trans- ‘adequately powered trials are needed..., it is recom- fer itself and the dynamic interaction between the mended, in general, that more, larger studies are embryo and the endometrium. Because the success done..., the studies need to be of a higher quality of IVF depends on the number of eggs that can be with better explained methods..., morespecified in- retrieved and hence the number of good quality em- clusion and exclusion criteria, and more partici- bryos that can be obtained, an adequate response to pants..., further well designed randomised studies gonadotrophin stimulation is important. Depending are required to elucidate the possible role of this on the study population and the definition a poor therapy in well-defined patient groups... more robust response is observed in 10 to 25% of patients. Age data from good quality RCTs with relevant out- is the most important cause of poor response and is, comes are needed’. One of the shortcomings that apart from the number of eggs that can be retrieved, are repeatedly stressed is that most trials fail to an independent predictor of the success of IVF. report on live birth rates. Many interventions and Nevertheless, several interventions to increase the procedures with regard to failed implantation and Table II. — Evidence of benefit for interventions in poor responders. Intervention Benefit Possible benefit Doubtful benefit No benefit Stimulation scheme x DHEA x Testosteron x Androgen modulators x Growth hormone x 238 FVV in obGyn dhont.indd 238 19/09/13 15:04 poor responders still need further research before diction of ovarian response and ongoing pregnancy: an indi- vidual patient data approach. Hum Reprod Update. 2013; they can be accepted as evidence-based or defini- 19:26-36. tively rejected. Broeze KA, Opmeer BC, van der Veen F et al. Individual pa- After browsing through many clinical trials and tient data meta-analysis: a promising approach for evidence systematic reviews, it appears to me that there are synthesis in reproductive medicine. Hum Reprod Update. 2010;16:61-67. two kinds of investigators: clinicians and reviewers. 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