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Everyday Tarot: Unlock Inner Wisdom and Manifest Your Future PDF

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Copyright Copyright © 2018 by Brigit Esselmont Illustrations copyright © 2017 by Eleanor Grosch Hachette Book Group supports the right to free expression and the value of copyright. The purpose of copyright is to encourage writers and artists to produce the creative works that enrich our culture. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book without permission is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), please contact [email protected]. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights. Running Press Hachette Book Group 1290 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10104 www.runningpress.com @Running_Press Published by Running Press, an imprint of Perseus Books, LLC, a subsidiary of Hachette Book Group, Inc. The Running Press name and logo is a trademark of the Hachette Book Group. The Hachette Speakers Bureau provides a wide range of authors for speaking events. To find out more, go to www.hachettespeakersbureau.com or call (866) 376-6591. The publisher is not responsible for websites (or their content) that are not owned by the publisher. Library of Congress Control Number: 2018944323 ISBNs: 978-0-7624-9280-0 (hardcover), 978-0-7624-9278-7 (ebook) E3-20180810-JV-PC CONTENTS Cover Title Page Copyright Dedication Introduction 1) TAROT + INTUITION 2) A QUICK-START GUIDE TO TAROT 3) TAROT FOR SELF-DISCOVERY 4) MANIFEST YOUR GOALS 5) TAROT FOR DECISION-MAKING 6) TAROT FOR WORK 7) TAROT FOR LOVE + RELATIONSHIPS 8) SACRED RITUALS WITH TAROT 9) CONCLUSION: EVERYDAY TAROT Gratitude Appendix Index This book is dedicated to YOU. To your soul essence, your inner wisdom, and your infinite potential. Anything is possible. INTRODUCTION FOUR A.M. IT WAS PITCH BLACK OUTSIDE, AND THE AIR WAS COLD. I was wide awake. I was fourteen years old and on a mission to master the art of ESP, extrasensory perception. So, I lit a candle and stared into the flame. The minutes ticked past as I stared and stared. Five minutes. Ten. Twenty. I sat there just waiting for something “extrasensory” to happen. But all I saw was the flickering flame in front of me. I opened my tattered ESP book, a hand-me-down from my mother, and reread the page outlining what I could expect to happen when I stared at the flame. My third eye would open, the book promised, and I’d receive infinite wisdom from the Universe. Oh dear. All I got was a headache and a black spot in front of my eyes. Candle gazing wasn’t the only thing I tried to increase my psychic abilities. I made my own Zener ESP cards—five cardboard cards with different shapes and colors—and did my best to switch on my supernatural powers to guess what was on each card as they lay facedown in front of me. But alas, I only got a 20 percent hit rate and a growing feeling I was not a born psychic. So, I gave up on ESP and instead focused on all kinds of spirituality and religion. I learned about Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Judaism, and Islam (thanks to the open-minded religious education teacher at my Presbyterian school). And I delved into Wicca, Paganism, and witchcraft (hey, The Craft came out when I was in high school!). I experimented with spell crafting, meditation, yoga, prayer, chanting, and more gazing, this time at sacred symbols like Om and the Flower of Life. The timing was perfect. My high school years were rocky, dealing with the usual issues of troubled friendships, nasty bullies, and broken hearts as I experienced love (and lust) for the first time. Exploring these different spiritual systems helped to keep me grounded and open-minded as I discovered new aspects of myself and how I fit into the world. In 1997, when I was seventeen, I traveled to Germany as a high school exchange student. I was keen to become fluent in German and expand my horizons in a new culture. I went to see a Tarot card reader before I left, just as a bit of fun, to see what might happen on this six-month trip. The reader was in an old part of town with a painted wooden sign out front. I walked up the creaky wooden stairs, through a purple and gold sheer curtain, and into a small room filled with crystals, angelic statues, incense smoke, and, of course, Tarot cards. It was like walking into a movie set, and I wondered if this was part of the act. The woman invited me to sit down, then reached out and held my hands. “What do you want to know, dear?” she asked, her eyes piercing into my soul, reading every thought I had—or, so I feared. I explained I was going abroad for six months and wanted to find out what might happen when I got there. She picked up her well-loved cards and, closing her eyes, mumbled something to herself then shuffled. Meanwhile, my heart was racing and my palms were sweating, as I looked for the nearest exit in case she flew around the room. The woman opened her eyes and then peeled off the top card of the deck, laying it down on the table. “Ooh, the Emperor! You’re going to find love in Germany, doll. Real love. Not all that high school stuff you’ve been contending with. Your heart will open in a big way, and you’ll fall madly in love with a sweetheart.” For a moment, I was super-excited. Love? That sounded amazing! But then the doubt and skepticism rushed in. I bet she says this to everyone. She’s just telling me what I want to hear. This isn’t real. This is BS. I walked away from the reading thinking I had just wasted my fifty bucks on someone who made up whatever her clients yearned to hear. But there was also a part of me that was hopeful—sneakingly optimistic that what she had said was right and I would find love. “Oh, stop dreaming!” my mind kept telling me. So I forgot about the

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