Every hierarchy of beliefs is type∗ Mikl´os Pint´er Corvinus University of Budapest† September 8, 2008 8 0 0 2 Abstract p Any model of incomplete information situations has to consider the e players’ hierarchies of beliefs, which can make the modeling very cum- S bersome. Hars´anyi [12] suggested that the hierarchies of beliefs can be 8 replaced by types, i.e., a type space can substitute for the hierarchies of beliefs (henceforth Hars´anyi program). In the purely measurable frame- ] work Heifetz and Samet [15] formalized the concept of type space, and T provedthatthereisuniversaltypespace,i.e.,themostgeneraltypespace G exists. LaterMeier[17]showedthattheuniversaltypespaceiscomplete, . inotherwords,theuniversaltypespaceisaconsistentobject. Afterthese s c results,onlyonestepismissingtoprovethattheHars´anyiprogramworks, [ thateveryhierarchyofbeliefsisinthecompleteuniversaltypespace,put it differently, every hierarchy of beliefs can be replaced by type. In this 2 paper we also work in the purely measurable framework, and show that v the types can substitute for all hierarchies of beliefs, i.e., the Hars´anyi 7 0 program works. 0 4 1 Introduction . 5 0 It is recommended that the models of incomplete information situations to be 8 0 able to consider the players’ hierarchies of beliefs, e.g. player 1’s beliefs about : the parametersof the game, player1’s beliefs aboutplayer2’s beliefs aboutthe v parameters of the game, player 1’s beliefs about player 2’s beliefs about player i X 1’s beliefs about the parameters of the game, and so on. However the explicit r use of hierarchies of beliefs1 makes the analysis very cumbersome, hence it is a desirable to evade that they appear explicitly in the models. In order to make the models of incomplete information situations more handy, Hars´anyi [12] suggested that the hierarchies of beliefs could be replaced by types. He wrote2 “It seems to me that the basic reason why the theory of games with incomplete informationhas made so little progressso far lies in the fact that these games give rise, or at least appear to rise, to infinite regress in ∗Thanks. ThisworkwassupportedbytheJa´nosBolyaiResearchScholarshipoftheHun- garianAcademyofSciences andbygrantOTKA72856. †DepartmentofMathematics,CorvinusUniversityofBudapest,1093Hungary,Budapest, Fo˝va´mt´er13-15.,[email protected] 1In this paper we use the terminology hierarchy of beliefs instead of the longer coherent hierarchyofbeliefs. 2[12]pp.163–167. 1 reciprocalexpectationsonthepartoftheplayers. ...Thepurposeofthispaper is to suggest an alternative approach to the analysis of games with incomplete information. ... As we have seen, if we use the Bayesian approach, then the sequential-expectations model for any given I-game G will have to be analyzed in terms of infinite sequences of higher and higher-order subjective probability distributions, i.e., subjective probability distributions over subjective probabil- ity distributions. In contrast, under own model, it will be possible to analyze any given I-game G in terms of one unique probability distribution R∗ (as well as certain conditional probability distributions derived from R∗). ... Instead of assuming that certain important attributes of the players are determined by some hypothetical random events at the beginning of the game, we may rather assume that the players themselves are drawn at random from a certain hypo- theticalpopulationcontainingthemixtureofdifferent“types”,characterizedby differentattributevectors(i.e.,bydifferentcombinationsofrelevantattributes). ... Our analysis of I-games will be based on the assumption that, in dealing with incomplete information, every player i will use Bayesian approach. That is, he will assign a subjective joint probability P to all variables unknown to i him − or at least to all unknown independent variables, i.e., to all variables no depending on the players’ own strategy choices.” Inotherwords,Hars´anyi’smainconceptwasthatthetypescansubstitutefor the hierarchiesofbeliefs, andall types can be collectedinto an objectonwhich the probability measures are for the players’ (subjective) beliefs. Henceforth, we call this method of modeling Hars´anyi program. However, at least two questions come up in connection with the Hars´anyi program: (1) is the concept of type itself appropriate for the proposes under consideration? (2) can every hierarchy of beliefs be a type? Question (1) consists of two subquestions. First, can all types be collected intooneobject? Theconceptofuniversaltypespaceformalizesthisrequirement: the universaltype space in a certain categoryof type spaces is a type space (a) whichis inthe givencategory,and(b)intowhich,everytypespaceofthe given category can be mapped in a unique way. In other words, the universal type space is the most general type space, it contains all type spaces (all types). In the purelymeasurableframeworkHeifetz andSamet[15]introducedthe ideaof (universal) type space, and proved that the universal type space exists. Second, can every probability measure on the object of the collected types (type space) be a (subjective) belief? Brandenburger [5] introduced the notion of complete type space: a type space is complete, if the type functions in it are surjective (onto). Put it differently, a type space is complete, if all probability measuresontheobjectconsistingofthe typesofthe modelarecorrespondedto types. Quite recently Meier [17] showed that the purely measurable universal type space is complete. Summing up the above discussion,the answerfor ques- tion (1) is affirmative, i.e., in the purely measurable framework the complete universal type space exists. Question (2) is on that whether or not the universal type space contains every hierarchy of beliefs. Mathematically the problem is the following: every hierarchy of beliefs defines an inverse system of measure spaces, and the ques- tion is that: do these inverse systems of measure spaces have inverse limits? Kolmogorov Extension Theorem is on this problem, however it calls for topo- logicalconcepts,e.g. forinnercompactregularprobabilitymeasures. Therefore up to now, all papers on this problem (e.g. Mertens and Zamir [20], Branden- 2 burgerandDekel[7],Heifetz[13],Mertensetal. [21],Pint´er[23]amongothers) usedtopologicaltype spacesinsteadofpurelymeasurableones. Althoughthese papers give positive answer for question (2) (i.e. their type spaces contain all “considered” hierarchies of beliefs), very recently Pint´er [24] showed that there is no universaltopologicaltype space (there is no such a topologicaltype space thatcontainseverytopologicaltypespace),thereforetheanswerforquestion(1) is negative in this case i.e., in the topologicalframework the Hars´anyiprogram breaks down. In the above mentioned papers the authors answer question (2) (affirma- tively) by constructing an object consisting allconsideredhierarchiesof beliefs, called beliefs space, and show that the constructed beliefs space defines (is equivalent to) a topological type space. InthispaperweworkwiththecategoryoftypespacesintroducedbyHeifetz and Samet, i.e., in the purely measurable framework. It is our main result that (in the purely measurable framework) every hierarchy of beliefs is type, put it differently, the Hars´anyi program works. The strategy of the proof is the same as in the above papers, i.e., we construct such an object that contains every hierarchy of beliefs (see definition 13.) and generates a type space. More exactly, it is showed that the (purely measurable) beliefs space is equivalent to the complete universal type space. As we have already mentioned the above strategy depends on the Kol- mogorov Extension Theorem. Since we work in the purely measurable frame- work, therefore we avoid the direct use of topological concepts and use a non- topologicalvariantofthe KolmogorovExtensionTheorem. Mathematically,we use a new result of Pint´er [25] to show that the inverse systems of measure spaces under consideration have inverse limits. One important remark, our result does not contradict with Heifetz and Samet’s [16]counterexample,sincetheir hierarchyofbeliefs is notin the purely measurable beliefs space (for the the details see section 6.). The paper is organized as follows: in the first section we introduce an ex- ample illustrating our main result. Section 5. presents the technical setup and some basic results of the field. Our main result (theorem 14.) comes up in section 4. Section 5. is on the proof of theorem 14. Section 6. is for a detailed discussion of the connection between our result and two other papers Heifetz and Samet [16], and Pint´er [24]. The last section briefly concludes. 2 An example In this section we introduce an example for illustrating the importance of the hierarchies of beliefs. Considera 2×2game in strategicform,two players: Player1and Player2, both have two actions U, D and L, R respectively, there are two states of the nature in the model: s and s (S = {s ,s }) with the payoffs in tables 1 and 1 2 1 2 2. In this example that an action is rationalizable for a certain player means that there is such a state of the world that the common belief of rationality implies that the player under consideration plays the given action. Although 3 Player 2 L R U (2,3) (4,2) Player 1 D (3,4) (5,5) Table 1: The payoffs at the state of nature s 1 Player 2 L R U (4,5) (3,4) Player 1 D (5,3) (2,2) Table 2: The payoffs at the state of nature s 2 the usual (see e.g. Osborne and Rubinstein’s textbook [22]) and the above ra- tionalizabilityconceptsdiffer, bothcatchthe sameintuitionofrationalizability, and the only reason for introducing a new terminology is that this ”different” concept of rationalizability reflects the main massage of the example more and makes us possible to keep the discussion quite simple. It is easy to verify that in this example for both players both actions are rationalizable. Ifplayer1believeswithprobability1thatthestateofthenature iss thenherrationalityimpliesthatsheplaysactionD. Furthermore,ifplayer 1 1 believes with probability 1 that the state of the nature is s and that player 2 2 believes with probability 1 that the state of the nature is s and that she 1 (player 1) also believes with probability 1 that the state of the nature is s , 1 then that she believes that player 2 is rational, and that player 2 believes that she is rational imply that she believes with probability 1 that player 2 believes with probability 1 that she plays action D, hence she believes with probability 1 that player 2 plays action R, therefore she plays action U. If player2 believes with probability 1 that the state of the nature is s then 2 her rationality implies that she plays action L. If it is mutually believed with probability 1 that the state of the nature is s then that player 2 believes that 1 player 1 is rational implies that she believes with probability 1 that player 1 plays action D, hence she plays action R. Summing up the above discussion, an adequate type space must reflect the fact that for both players both actions are rationalizable. If this does not hap- pen then the given type space is inappropriate for modeling the incomplete information situation under consideration. In the following we look into the question of what kind of type spaces can be appropriate for the modeling proposes under discussion. Case 1: The type space is neither complete nor universal. Consider the type space (see definition 4.) (S,(Ω,M ) ,g,{f } ) , (1) i i=0,1,2 i i=1,2 where Ω ⊜ S ×{t } × {t }, f ⊜ δ , f ⊜ δ (the Dirac measures 1 2 1 (s2,t2) 2 (s2,t1) concentratedatpoint(s ,)and(s ,t )respectively),g :Ω→Sisthecoordinate 2 2 1 projection, M ⊜P(Ω) (the class of all subsets of Ω) i=0,1,2. i 4 Itiseasyto verifythatinmodel(1)ateverystateofthe worldbothplayers believe that they play the game at state of the nature s , hence e.g. for player 2 2 action R is not rationalizable. Case 2: The type space is complete but not universal. Consider the type space ({s },(Ω,M ) ,g,{f } ) , (2) 2 i i=0,1,2 i i=1,2 where Ω⊜{s }×{t }×{t }, g :Ω→S is g ⊜s (the naturalembedding of Ω 2 1 2 2 into S), f ⊜δ , f ⊜δ , and M ⊜{∅,Ω}, i=0,1,2. 1 (s2,t2) 2 (s2,t1) i It is easy to verify that this type space is complete (see definition 11.), and at every state of the world (there is only one in this model) it is commonly believed (with probability 1) that the state of the nature is s , hence e.g. for 2 player 1 action U is not rationalizable. Case 3: Complete universal type space. From Heifetz and Samet [15], and Meier [17]: the complete universal type space (see definitions 7. and 11.) exists. Therefore in this example it contains the type space (S,(Ω,M ) ,g,{f } ) , (3) i i=0,1,2 i i=1,2 where T ⊜ T ⊜ [0,1], Ω ⊜ S ×T ×T , g : Ω → S, i = 1,2: pr : Ω → T 1 2 1 2 i i are coordinate projections, ∀x ∈ [0,1]: µ(x) ∈ ∆(S) is such that µ({s }) = x, 1 M ⊜σ(P(S)⊗{T }⊗{T })(σ-fieldgeneratedbythesetsP(S)⊗{T }⊗{T }), 0 1 2 1 2 M ⊜ σ({S}⊗B(T )⊗{T }) (B(T ) is for the Borel σ-field of T ), M ⊜ 1 1 2 1 1 2 σ({S}⊗{T }⊗B(T )), and last f (ω)⊜µ(pr (ω))×δ (the product measure 1 2 1 1 1 of the measures µ(pr (ω)) and δ ), f (ω)⊜µ(pr (ω))×δ . 1 1 2 2 1 Inthismodelateverystateofthe worldeveryplayerbelievesthatthe other player believes that the state of the nature is s and that the given player 1 believes that the state of the nature is s , hence, as we have already discussed, 1 for both players both actions are rationalizable. Therefore, in this example the complete universal type space reflects the main intuitions of the modeled situation. Case4: Completeuniversaltypespacethatdoesnotcontaineveryhierarchy of beliefs. Only one question has remained, whether or not the complete universal type space contains every hierarchy of beliefs. Although in this example the universality implies that the model reflects the main intuitions of the situation we considered, in general3, if the complete universal type space misses some hierarchiesofbeliefsthenitispossibletoconstructagameinwhichthemissing hierarchy(ies) of beliefs is(are) important, i.e., there is a game for which the complete universal type space is not appropriate (as in e.g. Case 1). ThereforeiftheabovementionedfailurehappensthentheHars´anyiprogram breaksdown,sincethecompleteuniversaltypespacecannotreflectallimportant details of incomplete information situations. 3BrandenburgerandDekel’s[7]resultimpliesthatinthisverysimplecaseeveryhierarchy ofbeliefsisinthecompleteuniversaltypespace. Thegeneralcaseisthatwhentheparameter spaceS isarbitrarymeasurablespace. 5 The main result of this paper (theorem 14.) argues that in the purely mea- surableframeworkCase4cannothappen,i.e.,thecompleteuniversaltypespace containseveryhierarchyofbeliefs,inotherwords,theHars´anyiprogramworks. Ourresultheavilydependsonthatweworkinthepurelymeasurableframe- work, i.e. with the measurable structure introduced in definition 1. However, doing so is not restrictive at all, in contrary the richer structures bring only irrelevant details into the model, hence they are useless and more, as Pint´er’s result [24] shows, they can be harmful. 3 Type space First some notations. Let N be the set of the players, w.l.o.g. we can assume that 0∈/ N, and let N ⊜N∪{0}, where 0 is for the nature as an extra player. 0 Let A be arbitrary set, then #A is for the cardinality of set A. For any A ⊆ P(X): σ(A) is the coarsest σ-field which contains A. Let (X,M) and (Y,N) be arbitrarymeasurablespaces. Then(X×Y,M⊗N) orbriefly X⊗Y is the measurable space on the set X ×Y equipped by the σ-field σ({A×B | A∈M, B ∈N}). The measurable spaces (X,M) and (Y,N) are measurable isomorphic if there is such a bijection f between them that both f and f−1 are measurable. Let the measurable space (X,M) and x ∈ X be arbitrarily fixed. Then δ x is for the Dirac measure on (X,M) concentrated at point x. In the following, practically, we use the terminologies that were introduced by Heifetz and Samet [15]. Definition 1. Let (X,M) be arbitrarily fixed measurable space, and denote ∆(X,M) the set of the probability measures on it. Then the σ-field A∗ on ∆(X,M) is defined as follows: A∗ ⊜σ({{µ∈∆(X,M)|µ(A)≥p}, A∈M, p∈[0,1]}) . In other words, A∗ is the smallest σ-field among the σ-fields which contain the sets {µ ∈ ∆(X,M) | µ(A) ≥ p}, where A ∈ M and p ∈ [0,1] are arbitrarily chosen. In incomplete information situations it is necessary to consider the events like player i believes with probability at least p that an event occurs (beliefs operatorseee.g. Aumann[2]). Forthisreason{µ∈∆(X,M)|µ(A)≥p}must be an event (measurable set). To keep the class of events as small (coarse) as possible, we use the A∗ σ-field4. Notice that A∗ is not a fixed σ-field, it depends on the measurable space on which the probability measures are defined. Therefore A∗ is similar to the weak∗ topology, which depends on the topology of the base (primal) space. 4For a more detailed argument see e.g. Meier [19] p. 56. “Why should the knowledge operators oftheplayers justoperate onmeasurablesets and notonallsubsets ofthespace? Thejustificationforthisisthatwethinkofeventsasthosesetsofstatesthattheplayerscan describe, and onlythose canbe theobjects of their reasoning. Inview of this interpretation astatement saying“playeriknows thattheactual stateoftheworldisinE,”whereEisan entity of states he cannot represent in his mind, is meaningless. Of course, it might well be that in some knowledge–belief spaces all subsets of the space of states of the world can be described by the players (for example in the finite knowledge–belief spaces), but we do not wanttoassumethisingeneral.” 6 Assumption 2. Let (S,A) be a fixed parameter space. Henceforthweassumethat(S,A)isthefixedparameterspacethatcontains all states of the nature. For instance in the example of section 2. S has two elements: S ={s ,s }, and A=P(S). 1 2 Definition 3. Let Ω be the space of the states of world, and ∀i ∈ N : M be 0 i a σ-field on Ω. The σ-field M represents player i’s information, M is for i 0 the information available for the nature, hence it is the representative of A, the σ-field of the parameter space S. Let M ⊜ σ( M ), the smallest σ-field S i i∈N0 which contains all σ-fields M . i EverypointinΩprovidesacompletedescriptionoftheactualstateofworld. It includes both the state of the nature and the players’ states of mind. The different σ-fields are for modeling the informedness of the players, they have the same role as the partitions in e.g. Aumann’s [1] paper have. Therefore, if ω,ω′ ∈Ω arenotdistinguishable5 inthe σ-fieldM then playeri is notableto i discerndifference between them, i.e., she believes the same things, andbehaves in the same way at the two states ω and ω′. M represents all information available in the model, it is the σ-field got by pooling the information of the players and the nature. For the sake of brevity, henceforth - if it does not make confusion - we do not indicate the σ-fields. E.g. instead of (S,A) we write S, or ∆(S) instead of (∆(S,A),A∗). However, in some cases we refer to the non-written σ-field: e.g. A ∈ ∆(X,M) is a measurable set in A∗, i.e., in the measurable space (∆(X,M),A∗), but A⊆∆(X,M) keeps its original meaning: A is a subset of ∆(X,M). Definition 4. Let (Ω,M) be the space of the states of world (see definition 3.). The type space based on the parameter space S is a tuple (S,{(Ω,M )} , i i∈N0 g,{f } ), where i i∈N 1. g :Ω→S is M -measurable, 0 2. ∀i∈N: f :Ω→∆(Ω,M ) is M -measurable, i −i i where M ⊜σ( M ). −i S j j∈N\{i} Putdefinition4. differently,S istheparameterspace,itcontainsthe”types” of the nature. M represents the information available for player i, hence it i corresponds to the concept of type (Harsa´nyi [12]). f is the type function of i player i, it maps the player i’s types to her (subjective) beliefs. TheabovedefinitionoftypespacediffersfromHeifetz andSamet’sconcept, butitissimilartoMeier’s[17],[19]typespace. WedonotuseCartesianproduct space, but refer only to the σ-fields. By following strictly Heifetz and Samet’s paper, if one takes the Cartesian product of the parameter space and the type sets,anddefinestheσ-fieldsastheσ-fieldsinducedbythecoordinateprojections (e.g. M is inducedbythe coordinateprojectionpr :S×× T →S,forthe 0 0 i∈N i notationsseetheirpaper)thenshegetsatourconcept. However,iftheCartesian 5Let (X,T) be arbitrarilyfixed measurable space, and x,y ∈X be also arbitrarilyfixed. xandy aremeasurablyindistinguishableif∀A∈T: (x∈A)⇔(y∈A). 7 productis notuseddirectly thenitis necessarytoconnectthe parameterspace intothe typespaceinsomeway. Forthis weuse g (Mertens andZamir[20]and Meier [19] use a similar formalism), hence g and pr have the same role in the 0 two formalizations, in this and in Heifetz and Samet’s paper respectively. A further difference between the two formalizations lies in the role of the parameter space. While in Heifetz and Samet the entire parameter space must appearinthe type space,inourapproachthis isnotrequired(see Case2inthe example of section 2.). We emphasize that this difference is not relevant. Definition 5. The type morphism between the type spaces (S,{(Ω,M )} ,g,{f } ) and (S,{(Ω′,M′)} ,g′,{f′} ) i i∈N0 i i∈N i i∈N0 i i∈N ϕ:Ω→Ω′ is such an M-measurable function that 1. diagram (4) is commutative (i.e. ∀A∈S: g−1(A)=(g′◦ϕ)−1(A)) Ω ϕ g (4) ? g′ - Ω′ - S 2. ∀i ∈ N: diagram (5) is commutative (i.e. ∀ω ∈ Ω, ∀A ∈ M′ : f′ ◦ −i i ϕ(ω)(A) =f (ω)(ϕ−1(A))) i f i - Ω ∆(Ω,M ) −i ϕ ϕ (5) ? ? f′ Ω′ i - ∆(Ω′,M′ ) −i ϕ type morphism is a type isomorphism, if ϕ is a bijection and ϕ−1 is also a type morphism. The above definition is practically the same as Heifetz and Samet’s, hence all intuitions, they discussed, remain valid, i.e., the type morphism maps type profiles from a type space to type profiles in an other type space in a way that the correspondedtypes induce equivalent beliefs. In other words,the type morphism reserves the players’beliefs. Corollary6. ThetypespacesthatarebasedontheparameterspaceS asobjects and the type morphisms form a category. Let CS denote this category of type spaces. Proof. It is a direct corollary of definitions 4. and 5. Q.E.D. Heifetz and Samet introduced the concept of universal type space. 8 Definition 7. The type space (S,{(Ω,M )} ,g,{f } ) is universal, if for i i∈N0 i i∈N any type space (S,{(Ω′,M′)} ,g′,{f′} ) there is a unique type morphism i i∈N0 i i∈N ϕ from (S,{(Ω′,M′)} ,g′,{f′} ) to (S,{(Ω,M )} ,g,{f } ) . i i∈N0 i i∈N i i∈N0 i i∈N In other words, the universal type space is the most general, the broadest type space amongthe type spaces. Itcontains alltypes thatappearin the type spaces of the given category. Corollary 8. The universal type space is terminal (final) object in CS. Proof. It comes directly from definition 7. Q.E.D. Fromtheviewpointofcategorytheorytheuniquenessofuniversaltypespace is really straightforward. Corollary 9. The universal type space is unique up to type isomorphism. Proof. Every terminal object is unique up to isomorphism. Q.E.D. The only question is the existence of universal type space. Proposition10. Thereisuniversaltypespace,inotherwords,thereisterminal object in CS. Proof. See Heifetz and Samet Theorem 3.4. Q.E.D. As we have already mentioned, Heifetz and Samet’s formalization of type space is a little bit different from ours. Howeverthe difference between the two approachesis quite slight, and we provea stronger result in theorem14., hence we have omitted the formal proof of the above proposition. Next, we turn our attention to an other property of type spaces, the com- pleteness. Definition 11. The type space (S,{(Ω,M )} ,g,{f } ) is complete if i i∈N0 i i∈N ∀i∈N: f is surjective (onto). i The above concept was introduced by Brandenburger [5]. Completeness recommendsthatforanyplayeri,everyprobabilitymeasureon(Ω,M )be in −i the range of the given player’s type function. In other words, for any player i: all measures on (Ω,M ) must belong to types of the given player. −i Proposition 12. The universal type space is complete. Proof. See Meier [17] Theorem 4. Q.E.D. We can say again that Meier’s type space is a little bit different from ours, howeverthedifferenceisreallyslight,andweproveastrongerresultintheorem 14., hence we have omitted the formal proof of the above proposition. 9 4 Beliefs space In the following we formalize the intuition of hierarchy of beliefs, i.e., the “infi- nite regress in reciprocal expectations.” First we give a rough description (see Mertens and Zamir’s [20]), take player i, and examine the situation from her viewpoint: T ⊜ S 0 T ⊜ T ⊗∆(T )N\{i} 1 0 0 T ⊜ T ⊗∆(T )N\{i} =T ⊗∆(T )N\{i}⊗∆(T ⊗∆(T )N\{i})N\{i} 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 . . . n−1 T ⊜ T ⊗∆(T )N\{i} =T ⊗ ∆(T )N\{i} n n−1 n−1 0 N m m=0 n−2 n−2 = T ⊗ ∆(T )N\{i}⊗∆(T ⊗ ∆(T )N\{i})N\{i} 0 N m 0 N m m=0 m=0 . . . The above formalism can be interpreted as follows. T describes the basic 0 uncertaintyofthemodeledsituation,itconsistsofthestatesofthenature. T is 1 forT andthefirstorderbeliefsoftheotherplayers(noti)∆(T )N\{i} (N \{i} 0 0 isthe players’setexceptplayeri),i.e., whatthe otherplayersbelieveaboutthe states of the nature. In general, T describes T and the nth order beliefs of n n−1 the other payers∆(T )N\{i}, i.e., whatthe other playersbelieve about T . n−1 n−1 However, there is some redundancy6 in the above description. E.g. ∆(T ⊗ 0 ∆(T )N\{i})N\{i} determines ∆(T )N\{i} andso does∆(T )N\{i} ∀(0≤m≤ 0 0 n−1 n−2): ∆(T )N\{i}, therefore we can rewrite the above formalisms into the m following form: T ⊜ S 0 T ⊜ T ⊗∆(T )N\{i} 1 0 0 T ⊜ T ⊗∆(T ⊗∆(T )N\{i})N\{i} 2 0 0 0 T ⊜ T ⊗∆(T ⊗∆(T )N\{i}⊗∆(T )N\{i})N\{i} 3 0 0 0 1 .. (6) . n−2 T ⊜ T ⊗∆(T ⊗ ∆(T )N\{i})N\{i} n 0 0 N m m=0 . . . Let #Θi =1, and ∀n ∈ N: let Θi ⊜ ∆(T ), qi :Θi → Θi . Moreover, −1 n n −10 0 −1 n−1 ∀n∈N,and∀µ∈Θi ⊜∆(T ⊗∆(T ⊗ ∆(T )N\{i})): µcanbenaturally n+1 0 0 N m m=0 n−2 defined on T ⊗∆(T ⊗ ∆(T )N\{i}) as a restriction of µ, i.e. let qi : 0 0 N m nn+1 m=0 Θi →Θi be as follows ∀µ∈Θi : n+1 n n+1 qi (µ)⊜µ| . nn+1 n−1 T0⊗∆(T0⊗N ∆(Tm)N\{i}) m=0 6Thisredundancyiscalledcoherency andconsistency intheliteratureofgametheoryand mathematics respectively. 10