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Evening and Morning Prayers: The 47th Annual Syriac Orthodox Archdiocesan Convention of the U.S. and Canada, July 29 - August 1, 2010 / PDF

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Preview Evening and Morning Prayers: The 47th Annual Syriac Orthodox Archdiocesan Convention of the U.S. and Canada, July 29 - August 1, 2010 /

0O» li? |K 1-XJoJbs-Jj^ 4 v *0 # pointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and . oi-t • va^i{! \ok~jl \ aoKaaxD o mm m+ mat mm, N <* v 'r.ii o at your fruit should remain.” (John 15:16) (cu .yoaQj yaru^LS Q* !: ©OUU - **< mm mm* m It ' "*1 The 47th Annual Syriac Orthodox Archdiocesan Convention of the United States and Canada July 29 — August 1, 2010 va^°l Jd0^-^ £x Uibtis Iktl) jtlarbutbo Htbrarp The Malphono George Anton Kiraz Collection )LoV( .N-^ ,-20 be* 1-X o\ otX .0=3vn Ui Ivi-OV K»~~> IX m v. |oou }0,_i3 r»'W ■ r\ m o> oi y!o ~X °>i ),_>^ca0 11 °>X a. .. i-\ v“ OjO 1, \ m OlX loou ©\J^< X>_^ |_2U20 oX K»X *OtX-DO,X CnX ^_2c>01 Lo.3, -rwcii'.-t V Anyone who asks tor this volume, to read, collate, or copy from it, and who appropriates it to himselt or herself, or cuts anything out of it, should realize that (s)he will have to give answer betore God’s awesome tribunal as it (s)he had robbed a sanctuary. Let such a person be held anathema and receive no forgiveness until the book is returned. So be it. Amen! And anyone who removes these anathemas, digitally or otherwise, shall himself receive them in double. Printing of this Prayer Booklet have been donated by Jean Shaker Clifton, New Jersey USA Beloved participants, peace and love be with you all. 0.0 This booklet of the evening and morning prayers was especially prepared for the 47th Annual Syriac Orthodox Archdiocesan Convention in North America hosted by St. Mark’s Syriac Orthodox Cathedral of Teaneck, New Jersey. The theme of our 2010 Convention is: “You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should remain (St. John 15:16).” It is hoped that our Convention will help to encourage our younger generation in the United States and Canada to consider God’s calling to serve His Church as priests and religious. May the Lord Almighty shower His blessings upon all those who worked hard and generously gave of their time, efforts and talents to assure a fruitful Convention. Our many thanks to those who prepared this book: His Eminence Mor Cyril Aphrem Karim, Very Rev. Father John Meno, Rev. Father Joseph Chamoun, Rev. Father Mattias Alan Shaitan and Mr. Jean Shaker. May the Lord Christ, the True Shepherd, bless all of them. The Convention Committee 1 Evening Prayer ^cnnn b'Xm + bshem abo wab-ro wru-ho qa-di- y Uoio JU5 Ul ^ + sho had Aloho sha-ri-ro Amin, Vx qadish qadish qadish mor-yo ha-yel- ■ Ifc x.r *vO thono. mien enun shma-yo war-fo men 7> f, )(or 1I /> _f ♦♦v o_>* () A'o \ <L. „J I ^ A tesh-bho-theh. ushaf-no bam-raw-me. * . 7. X r ^2> .JL_iOO*, ' rol 4 T 0 brikh de-tho wo-the bash-meh dmor- I^-aaQ—J 1^09 CM ^7>Q A.2X> J/U>! b JL/J ♦ * ♦ yo. tesh-buh-to bam-raw-me. bTs y y 0O*^2> qa-di-shat Aloho, qa-di-shat ha-yel- .IjA X.~ * ♦ tho-no, qa-di-shat lo mo-yu-tho, des- k—)io ** i tlebt + hlo-fayn eth-ra-ha-maMayn. i^Xl.) »v A>v p—L\U ,v (three times) mo-ran eth-ra-ha-maf-layn. mo-ran 4 r 9 < r^l ? r ' ^cd o » \ 1..20 • ^ *■ \ ^ p 9 JL ( v*—50 hus wra-he-maf-layn. mo-ran qa-bel 71X X -X^ ^_ -=UO *A f O * *T r p 1 tesh-mesh-tan was-la-wo-than weth- 7) f jwL p--jUo ylci ■JOQ. ra-ha-maf-layn. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, one true God. Amen. Holy, holy, holy, Lord Almighty, heaven and earth are full of His glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is He Who came, and will come, in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. Holy God, Holy Almighty, Holy Immortal, Who was crucified + for us, have mercy upon us. (three times) Lord, have mercy upon us. Lord, spare us and have mercy upon us. Lord, accept our worship and prayers, and have mercy upon us._ 2 4 I 9 \s^y sj I p 4 shub-ho lokh Aloho. shub-ho lokh bo- • • 2>OJk, 9 * I d | 9 * | 9 f 9 ru-yo. shub-ho lokh mal-ko Mshiho 1 JkAO Ji X | . J—. dho-yen lha-to-ye 'ab-dayk. 9 y y Y * \ 9 * y abun dbash-ma-yo. neth-qa-dash r JSQj cA.,_DZS_J . J_» Vi Jk~-> j \ Q_2>{ ♦ Vi 7t y shmokh ti-the mal-ku-thokh. neh-we JL'iLl iSo^i )L?L seb-yo-nokh ay-ka-no dbash-ma-yo of y I 9 *\y i l 9 y y t_IS J_:^*Jb> 3i JI_ bar-'o. hab lan lah-mo dsun-qo-nan yaw-mo-no. wash-buq lan haw-bayn wah-to-hayn ay-ka-no dof hnan shbaqn lha-yo-bayn. wlo ta'-lan lnes- P 7i ^ ^ \yk JI? bV 1«N yu-no elo fa-so lan men bi-sho. me-tul Jil^o jjo. ddi-lo-khi mal-ku-tho whay-lo wtesh- jx LA* ^_Jc^ _)jLq_ buh-to l'o-lam ?ol-min. Amin. _ Glory to You, O God; glory to You, O Creator; glory to You, O Christ the King, Who pities Your servant sinners. Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And let us not enter into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen,_ Gal, JLai u IjIiVI dSu3 f- # C Opening Prayer 3 Psalm 141 141 1411; Lord, I cry out to You; S-ji -o 1 ■*; \y L> r make haste to me! Give ear \T * \ 44 4 _Xio LOo,, . - l*. LY to my voice when I cry out ^Lal to You. .411 Let my prayer be set before 0 y» \ *V>^Q li—^ -LolXj ^ ^0 L~Vl You as incense, the lifting * 1) «*»r». ■. ■*I> ^^ 11 ■ »> ~*h.^ QJS ^ up of my hands as the . hLa j^os: s 1L*i -Z> >. so_o .Ll)LjAX> evening sacrifice. Set a guard, O Lord, Lujtk l_j Jill vso °1 X ho,. L^o jCL^Ot <_Jj over my mouth; keep watch .^lo^rnN ha^Jo \j I •** •'* Hiuo over the door of my lips. Do not incline my heart to • * ' )ts_sa. ..tCx U, . any evil thing, to practice :Ua_M L tiv iJzxlo :lk-0uJs (JJau JJxjV wicked works with men )_LsJi )L- who work iniquity; and do J-£1 Yj *-51 -i ■h ut oc4o a^7. v<r ^7 \\ V w*. not let me eat of their J* delicacies. I 9 4? Iv Let the righteous strike me; 7 7 —<jj* II mhto 1_a^j ^_i9iX 4 LS^-O- it shall be a kindness. And U L-Llv, 1 ;..l let him rebuke me; it shall be as excellent oil; let my ikj <jV * \ * OOiLQJUOZ) V head not refuse it. For still my prayer is '"j_Lajl 1_3 i l«_.U q_ NnUo against the deeds of the 7 7 4 7, f. | ' I * ns soa.0 . 00 Ji £>JLd* Ijk-Lall ^-lc J-« \ • • wicked. Their judges are . ^v>u..m47r^ i«\v^ .ojujil I^»^<ij..uj overthrown by the sides of the cliff, and they hear my words, for they are sweet. 4 Our bones are scattered at ’UM i' L*l «39• —^ -9 * ^Y^' O 'A JLijJ 9 h. 9 ’ Iyk O _C7D1 Jr * n the mouth of the grave, as v‘o cn. r 2*• V ,u +- ^_a j_jc. I_V*\ laC. djA3_jj when one plows and breaks .^qLa^ oooo2) up the earth. But my eyes are upon You, f SQ*d ) LiAO ^Lo-X Wo >_l j 1_l Aj_uj l_) A]_ill 4_jV - - O God the Lord; in You I U9 K-^t,o Ly U T. O r r..r A^> o : »_u\ jP-jiu V . v" t )A\'\ ' cdj jit take refuge; do not leave ^ a my soul destitute. Jt ^ Keep me from the snares 4 ^aJI A n O\ l Ll< \U ^ they have laid for me, and .L ^ v vf r )7 ^ ^ ^ ^ > -X o; O * 2 ^AoLa j from the traps of the );--a? Da. V vX* oi7> A VA &jh\ workers of iniquity. Let the i-Lia .<Jsyi W bo^-K vOO4- i\L 9 S V V • W VI j ^ viCLO wicked fall into their own * • o .diii) d jL$ Jk nets, while I escape safely. Psalm 142 142 142 \i I cry out to the Lord with K-»;_o I_>;v>N ^_\aa m3-11 (jJi ■tj— my voice; with my voice to .^2aoW the Lord I make my supplication. I pour out my complaint vs_s 4_id ajS_:i —2 a ol. ■l$ 1> before Him; I declare before . w* Ol C1V> v-O uJ , o i > \ Y*" . * <n \ - • -yj Him my trouble. / •/> When my spirit was ' ,r.i.k\ UiJt c, V °i JU 7 *L9J , overwhelmed within me, KW aU LW . <L&jC. dljij then You knew my path. In the way in which I walk kL_J they have secretly set a . U| 71l 2F> 2^ .in snare for me. 5 Look on my right hand and x; 5 L 9 * IX Vl jiail lA.Vl see, for there is no one who X ^ _Lo . s_fljlc • vA ^Cl.. .11. r^>AA Ka. U acknowledges me; refuge * it ^ * r > v j ^ M C g 5^0 ^-Z> ^-LiO ,-Z>( has failed me; no one cares JILjJ ^ . Pl lNs LkQIiL KA O for my soul. I cried out to You, O Lord: I > ° :cdi .L,\ t_j ^Ot • V ** •• f said, "You are my refuge, f ^ ° 0* iKN _i9> oo7 oo. h—A\ ^ my portion in the land of a, li,u the living." Attend to my cry, for 1 am ^ _xnN. Loj JIq brought very low; deliver Y>ljq r-^ ^r> me from my persecutors, £ XT 0 71 7 sx v 71 __ .>aiv> oi nx^oo *.\.y lit for they are stronger than I. -OuO Bring my soul out of prison, 7> (r -271> () ^ tr JsO * I J2_ -udii LS * that I may praise Your *9 ss.Tr I7' )I 9 * -t J^Oj^ _*■<>. 0Q2A » It! . dia _ A_uciil name; The righteous shall 7 f> y s* • j % J > Q .O CQJ SO J A t - ° surround me, for You shall esA?-K&i ■ ^ 1 y i-2>l r . udA ♦ad deal bountifully with me." .yi ifiv Psalm 119 119 j>«> 1 1 9 jja»JL*0 Your word is a lamp to my A j.xx*) -51 feet and a light to my path. * sT~* < {• • *•*- x j^OiQJO r I have sworn and confirmed A_Al y that I will keep Your righteous judgments. I am afflicted very much; v_ij L_j .a_A*J! _JI revive me, O Lord, . v_Ludik ^ 'nx' according to Your word. 6 Accept, I pray, the freewill > o UI f a9 *>* o£>}» w>oi• ov\Tv >~7> *> v'f' y * offerings of my mouth, O —7M A731 0 A-alAl) Lord, and teach me Your judgments. My life is continually in my 77> ) VX f>*. T> -*• LL. *2u ^ ST-3 - hand, yet I do not forget ^ U ^COQ- ADO .'a ...Vi As A LAI Your law. The wicked have laid a Uls LA&l. «_>. Ui IjLA^ jlyA^I ID snare for me, yet I have not .A_!g5 U ^7O) O strayed from Your precepts. Your testimonies 1 have )Q_*Lo^Ol_CD LL; ^A-II a3j! jig >i) CIljjij taken as a heritage forever, .gp\) %*Oi bsCLCDQA^ for they are the rejoicing of my heart. I have inclined my heart to AaJj ^_aA _LSb r' perform Y our statutes v^fv J\ J\ >Sll forever, to the very end. Psalm 117 117 1 1 7 Uo^ojbo Praise the Lord, all you Oi U AjJI .a Xo 1_I; v>X o_ 7 y Q_ AA. V Gentiles! Laud Him, all you CnJAo Ot X Af7>l A.C.7A a ^ iii js; u JU peoples! v 7* OAO| • lie For His merciful kindness is L.nlc. A_9 -^>A £s-UA| S'A_^AO great toward us, and the ooi L-I;ao £0(A*A*- .oiLqau^ • >Ul ^Jj Aj_ll Auly truth of the Lord endures 9 ^7 sj 9 v .^Laadaa .jcvsa X . aluo L) a! forever. Bless, my Lord. *• •* v * 7 (*.j«v .T.Sf') a Uji ,.jU clil^lua di^luoil QA Prayers from the Daily Office Book (Shhi-mo) A reading from the Holy Bible 1 1 ^ ^ p JLojo^d A Uifij Meditation 8

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