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Evaluation of the efficacy of memantine in the treatment of fibromyalgia: study protocol for a doubled-blind randomized controlled trial with six-month follow-up. PDF

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Preview Evaluation of the efficacy of memantine in the treatment of fibromyalgia: study protocol for a doubled-blind randomized controlled trial with six-month follow-up.

Olivan-Blázquezetal.Trials2013,14:3 http://www.trialsjournal.com/content/14/1/3 TRIALS STUDY PROTOCOL Open Access Evaluation of the efficacy of memantine in the treatment of fibromyalgia: study protocol for a doubled-blind randomized controlled trial with six-month follow-up Bárbara Olivan-Blázquez1,2, Marta Puebla2, Bárbara Masluk2, Mari-Cruz Pérez-Yus2, Raquel Arcega2, Eva Andrés3, Yolanda López-del-Hoyo1,2, Rosa Magallon2,4, Miquel Roca2,5 and Javier Garcia-Campayo2,6,7* Abstract Background: Fibromyalgia is a prevalent chronic rheumatic disease ofgreat clinical importance. Recent studies have found raised levels of glutamate in theinsula, hippocampus and posterior cingulate cortex regions ofthe brains offibromyalgia (FM) patients. This finding has led researchers to speculate about theusefulness of glutamate-blocking drugs such as memantineinthetreatment of fibromyalgia. The hypothesis ofthis study is that theadministration ofmemantinewill reduce theglutamate levels, and futhermore, will decrease the perceived pain. The aim ofthis study is to evaluate theefficacy of memantineinthe treatment of pain (pain perception). A secondary objective is to evaluate the efficacy of memantine in thetreatmentof other clinical symptoms of FM, and to evaluate theefficacy of memantine inreducing brainlevels of glutamate, and itseffects on thecentral nervous system as a whole. Method/Design: Adouble-blind parallel randomizedcontrolled trial. Participants, Seventy patients diagnosed with FM will be recruited from primary health care centers inZaragoza, Spain.Intervention. The subjects will be randomized intwo groups: A) A treatment group (n= 35),which will receive 20 mg ofmemantinedaily; B) A control group (n = 35),to which will be administered a placebo. There will be a six-monthfollow-upperiod (including a titration period of one month). Outcomes. The main efficacy variable of this study is pain (pain perception). The secondaryefficacy variablesare clinical symptoms (pain threshold, cognitivefunction,health status, anxiety, depression, clinical impressionand qualityof life) and glutamate levels indifferent regions ofthe brain, which will be assessed bymagneticresonance spectroscopy.Randomization and blinding. Randomization has been computer-generated, and the random allocation sequencewill be implemented by telephone. Subjectsof the study and theresearch assistants will be blinded to group assignment. Discussion: There is a need for thedevelopment ofinnovativeand more effective treatments for fibromyalgia. This clinical trial will determine whether memantinecan be an effective pharmacological treatment for fibromyalgia patients. Trial registration: CurrentControlled Trials ISRCTN45127327 EUDRACT 2011-006244-73 Keywords: Fibromyalgia, Memantine, Chronic pain, Magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Randomized controlled trial *Correspondence:[email protected] 2ReddeActividadesPreventivasydePromocióndelaSalud(REDIAPP) (RD06/0018),InstitutoAragonésdeCienciasdelaSalud(IACS),Aragón,Spain 6ServiciodePsiquiatría,HospitalMiguelServetyUniversidaddeZaragoza, Zaragoza,Spain Fulllistofauthorinformationisavailableattheendofthearticle ©2013Olivan-Blázquezetal.;licenseeBioMedCentralLtd.ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsofthe CreativeCommonsAttributionLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0),whichpermitsunrestricteduse, distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Olivan-Blázquezetal.Trials2013,14:3 Page2of9 http://www.trialsjournal.com/content/14/1/3 Background presents significant difficulties [17]. The NMDA receptor Fibromyalgia (FM) is achronic rheumatic disease of cur- antagonistmemantineisaderivativeofamantadine,adrug rently unknown aetiology that is characterized by the whichhasbeenusedtotreatParkinson’sdisease,spasticity, presenceofdiffusemusculoskeletalpainandpainfulsen- convulsions, vascular dementia and Alzheimer's disease, sitivitytotouchinatleast11of18definedtriggerpoints and has an excellent clinical safety record spanning more [1]. The prevalence of this syndrome in Europe is cal- than20years.Itisanon-competitiveopen-channelblocker culated to be approximately 2.9% (95% CI: 2.4 to 3.4) that dissociates from the channel, which allows it to limit [2].TheprevalenceofFMinrheumatologyconsultations the pathological activity of the NMDA receptor without in Spain was found to be 12% (2.2% in men and 15.5% affectingnormalsynapticactivity[18]. in women) [3]. Because of its high prevalence, there is Memantine has shown a very low incidence of side great clinical impact on patients in terms of disability effects in clinical trials on humans [19,20], while a re- and loss of quality of life, and significant health care cent extension of trials has demonstrated the drug’s costs. FM treatments are believed to have limited effi- clinical tolerability, even with prolonged use [21]. Simi- cacy, withan effect sizeofapproximately 0.5[4]. lar low rates of adverse effects are expected with the Pain is the most common and debilitating symptom of treatment with memantine of other disorders such as FM. The cause of hyperalgesia in FM is poorly under- pain [22,23], migraine [24] and fibromyalgia [25]. The stood. It is suspected that there is an alteration of the clinically approved dose of memantine for humans function of structures of the central nervous system. In starts with 5 mg/day, increasing progressively over a recent years, the neurophysiology of the phenomenon of period of several weeks to 20 mg/day. This progressive pain has led to increased interest in employing different dose adjustment may contribute to the drug’s lack of neuroimaging methods such as positron emission to- side effects [19]. While this progression reduces the mography (PET) [5], single photon emission computed NMDA receptor affinity, it contributes to thesafety and tomography (SPECT) [6,7], functional magnetic reso- efficacy of memantine as a neuroprotective agent. How- nance imaging (fMRI) and, more recently, magnetic re- ever, the process also makes memantine less effective sonance diffusion and diffusion tensor spectroscopy to than high-affinity antagonists (for example, ketamine) identify the brain structures activated during episodes of in the treatment of chronic pain [21,26]. Nevertheless, pain in patients and controls [8]. These structures recent research has highlighted the efficacy of meman- include the primary and secondary sensory and motor tine for the treatment of complex regional pain syn- cortices, insula, anterior cingulate cortex, thalamus, drome[27]andphantomlimbpain[28],whichsuggests dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia - regions that the extent of analgesia depends on the type of pain that have been named the ‘pain matrix’ because they are being treated. We have carried out a preliminary open, activated in response to a painful stimulus. A growing uncontrolled, three-month follow-up study of meman- body of evidence suggests that glutamate (Glu), an exci- tine in patients with FM (EudraCT Number: 2011- tatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, 000802-23). As will be commented later on in the may play a part in the pathophysiology of FM, given that discussion, in this preliminary study there was a trend its concentration is elevated in the insula [8], hippocam- toward improvement in pain, but it was not significant, pus[9]andposterior cingulate cortex [10,11]. probably due to the small sample size. Glutamate levels Asaconsequence, anumberofauthorshavesuggested did not show modifications from baseline as a lon- that glutamate-blocking drugs may be useful in the ger period follow-up is usually required. After three treatment of FM [12]. Studies suggest that memantine months, memantine-treated patients in our study could reduce the harmful effects that result from the ex- showed significant improvement in cognitive function, cessively high levels of brain glutamate found in a num- symptoms of depression and global functioning (per- ber of conditions, such as FM [13]. Memantine is not sonalcommunication). believed to act by reducing levels of glutamate or by preventing its release; rather, it is believed to reduce Aims glutamate’sneurotoxiceffectbyblockingtheN-methyl-D- The primary objective is to evaluate the efficacy of aspartate (NMDA) receptor, thereby preventing the entry memantine in the treatment of pain (pain perception) in of excess calcium [14]. Memantine belongs to the family patientswith fibromyalgia. ofdrugsknownasNMDAreceptorantagonists. Thesecondaryobjectivesofthisstudyarethefollowing: NMDA receptor antagonists have neuroprotective and 1)Toevaluatetheefficacyofmemantineinthetreatment analgesic properties and are widely used in clinical prac- ofothersymptomsoffibromyalgia,suchaspainthreshold, tice. Dextromethorphan and ketamine have demon- impaired cognitive function, reduced health status, an- strated efficacy in the treatment of pain in fibromyalgia xiety,depression,qualityoflifeandperceivedimprovement [15,16], although their use as long-term treatment of symptoms; 2) To evaluate the efficacy of memantine in Olivan-Blázquezetal.Trials2013,14:3 Page3of9 http://www.trialsjournal.com/content/14/1/3 reducing brain levels of glutamate, as measured by spec- period (including a dose adjustment period of one trometry,inpatientswithfibromyalgia. month).ThestudyflowchartisshowninFigure1. Settingandstudysample(Participants) Methods PatientsdiagnosedwithFMwillberecruitedforinclusion Studydesign inthestudyfromprimaryhealthcarecentersinZaragoza, Doubled-blind, multicenter, parallel randomized clinical Spain, upon fulfilment of the following selection criteria: trialwith six-monthfollow-up. a)subject(malesandfemales)withagebetween18and65 Seventy patients with FM will be recruited for inclu- years;b)abilitytounderstandSpanish;c)diagnosisofFM sion in the study upon fulfilment of selection criteria. performed by a rheumatology specialist according to the The patients will be randomized in two parallel groups: American College of Rheumatology (ACR 1990) diagnos- a treatment group (n = 35), which will be given 20 mg tic criteria; d) signing of an informed consent form; and of memantine daily; a control group (n = 35), which will e)use of birthcontrol duringthe study in the case of fer- receive a placebo. There will be a six-month follow-up tilewomen. TIMELINE 60 patients from primary care that fulfil selection criteria. Recruitment Signing of informed consent Randomisation Memantine Group (n=30) Placebo Group (n=30) 1stvisit (baseline assessment). Evaluation of study Initial variables (neuroimaging tests and administration assessment of questionnaires) Administration of memantine/placebo Progressive increase of the dose to a daily intake of 20 mg of memantine/placebo. 1st month 2ndvisit (1 month assessment): administration of questionnaires. Dose of 20mg of memantine/placebo 3rdvisit (3 month assesment). Evaluation of study 3rd month variables (administration of questionnaires) Dose of 20mg of memantine/placebo. 4thvisit (6 month assessment). Evaluation of 6th month variables (neuroimaging tests and questionnaires) Figure1Flowchartofthestudy. Olivan-Blázquezetal.Trials2013,14:3 Page4of9 http://www.trialsjournal.com/content/14/1/3 Patients must not fulfil any of the following criteria at A patient is to withdraw from the trial if he or she the time of inclusion: a) be undergoing drug treatment withdraws informed consent, if the researcher feels that for fibromyalgia. In these cases, the patients will discon- he or she should withdraw from the study for reasons of tinue treatment and go through a washout period of one safety/efficacy or in the best interest of the patient, or if week to minimize the influence of the medication on the patient does not comply with the treatment for more brain imaging. During that week, the patient may take, if than sevenconsecutive days. necessary, low doses of analgesics such as tramadol or paracetamol; b) be taking memantine, or have taken Intervention memantine during the one year prior to recruitment; c) Treatmentgroup be suffering from an Axis I psychiatric disorder, as The treatment group will receive the study drug, diagnosed using the Structured Clinical Interview for memantine, in a dose of 20 mg daily for six months, in- DSM-IV (SCID-I), that might hinder adherence to the cludingaone-month titration period. protocol (for example, dementia, alcohol and/or sub- stance abuse/dependence, or schizophrenia); d) be preg- Controlgroup nant or breast-feeding; e) have a hypersensitivity to the The control group will receive a daily dose of placebo active ingredient memantine, or to the excipients; f) (coated pills with the same external appearance as the have conditions that require special precautions when active drug) and will take the same number of pills as administering memantine according to the summary of the treatment group. Administration will be through the product characteristics (namely, epilepsy, circumstances oral route. that may cause high urinary pH such as Proteus urinary This is a double-blind study. Consequently, the infection,renaltubularacidosisor vegetariandiet,recent patientswillberandomized,andneitherthepatient,the myocardial infarction, congestive heart disease and un- doctor nor the researcher administering questionnaires controlled arterial hypertension); g) have clinically sig- or spectrometry will know to which group the patient nificant and active evidence of liver or kidney disease, has been assigned. The recommended dose of meman hematological, respiratory, endocrine or cardiovascular tine in adults is 20 mg once a day. To minimize adverse disease or disorders. However, patients with controlled effects, 20 mg doses will be reached by the following ti- diabetes, controlled hypertension and complete or in- tration schema: first week, 5 mg daily; second week, 10 complete right bundle branch block can be included in mg daily; third week, 15 mg daily; fourth week, 20 mg the study; h) use drugs that may cause relevant daily. interactions with memantine according to the summary Thenumber oftabletsineachdispensed container will of product characteristics, namely NMDA receptor be monitored at each evaluation, keeping track of the antagonists (for example, amantadine, ketamine, dex- number the patient should have taken and how many tromethorphan), L-Dopa, dopamine agonists and cholin- should remain on completion of the treatment. The ergic agonists; or i) use non-permitted concomitant route of administration is oral, in the form of film- medication during the week prior to the first evaluation coated tablets. The drug for use in the study (both visit or be expected to require treatment with at least memantine pills and placebo) will be prepared, condi- oneofthedrugs notpermittedduringthestudy, namely, tioned and released by one qualified person according to antidepressants (for example, duloxetine, venlafaxine, the principles of Good Manufacturing Practice, under mirtazapine, bupropion, SSRIs, and so on), analgesics the responsibility of H Lundbeck A/S. Upon completion (for example, pregabalin, gabapentin, opiates, and so on) of the trial, patients will continue with standard FM or other drugs. During this week, patients may take treatmentaccordingtoclinicalpracticeguidelines. analgesics such as tramadol or paracetamol if needed, but only sporadically to minimize the influence of the medicationonbrain images. Outcomesandmeasurements There is currently no approved treatment with an in- Mainoutcomevariables dication for the treatment of FM. In 2007, the FDA The main efficacy variable is the improvement in the approved pregbalin as the first drug for the treatment treatment of pain, specifically pain perception. Perceived of FM symptoms in the USA. This agency has sub- pain will be measured by means of a visual analogue sequently approved duloxetine and milnacipran for scale (VAS) from 0 to 100. The psychometric usefulness the same indication. Although these drugs are com- ofVAShasbeenwidelydemonstrated [30]. mercially available in Europe with other indications, European regulatory authorities have recently refused Secondaryvariables to widen their approval to include them for the treat- Secondary efficacy variables are modifications made to mentofFM[29]. values of the following clinical variables: pain threshold, Olivan-Blázquezetal.Trials2013,14:3 Page5of9 http://www.trialsjournal.com/content/14/1/3 cognitivestate,health status,stateofanxietyanddepres- cingulate cortex, as assessed by magnetic resonance sion,clinicalimprovement impression andquality oflife. spectroscopy(MRS). Pain threshold will be measured by means of a sphyg- The following parameters will used for Magnetic momanometer, a widely used clinical test that has been Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS): a T2-weighted coronal demonstrated to be useful for identifying FM patients image with repetition time (TR) = 5,350 ms, echo delay [31]. It is recommended that the blood pressure cuff time (ET) = 85 ms, 90° flip angle, number of excitations = should be inflated in increments of approximately 10 2, imaging matrix = 320 × 256, field of view (FOV) = 24 mmHg up to 180 mmHg or to the point that pain cm × 24 cm and slice thickness/distance = 5/0 mm and appears. Healthy persons tend to feel pain when the takenontheplanethroughtheinternalauditorycanaland pressure cuff is inflated to 160 mmHg or more, while cerebralpedunclewillbeusedtolocatevolumesofinterest FM patients generally present pain at pressures between (VOIs)(2×2×2cm)inbothhippocampi.AT1-weighted 100 and 110 mmHg, or even lower. Blood pressure medial sagittal image (TR = 560 ms, ET = 12 ms, 90° flip should be recorded to adjust for the effect of hyperten- angle, number of excitations = 1, imaging matrix = 256 × siononpainthreshold. 160,FOV=24cm ×24cm,slicethickness/distance=5/0 The rest of the secondary efficacy variables will be mm)willbeobtainedtolocateavoxelintheposteriorcin- measured by structured exams. The Cognition Mini- gulatecortex,andaparasagittalT1-weightedimagewillbe Exam (MEC) will measure cognitive state. The MEC is a taken with respect to the right of the corpus callosum structured scale that consists of 35 points grouped into planetolocatevoxelsontheanteriorandposteriorinsular seven categories: orientation to place, orientation to regions. Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy will be time, recall, attention and concentration, memory, lan- performedwithashortETof35ms,aTRof2,000msand guage and visual construction. In non-geriatric popu- 128 accumulations by means of thesingle-voxel spin-echo lations (under the age of 65) such as the sample for this technique, which uses selective excitation with gradient study, the threshold that suggests a‘likely case’ of a cog- spoiling for water suppression. Spectral acquisition will nitive disorder is 27 points and lower. This test is the be accomplished by means of the PROBE/PRESS (pro- validated Spanish-language version of the Mini-Mental ton brain spectroscopy/point-resolved spatially localized State Examination(MMSE)[32]. spectroscopy) technique. LCModel (version 6.0) user- Health status in FM will be measured by means of the independent frequency domain-fitting software will be Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ). The FIQ is a used to quantify absolute concentrations of brain meta- ten-item self-assessment questionnaire that measures the bolites in mmol/kg. Eddy current correction will be ap- health status of FM patients. The validated Spanish- plied, and the use of the internal water signal will be the language version of this questionnaire will be used [33]. reference from which the absolute metabolite con- Anxiety and depression will be measured by means of the centrations will be calculated.Inadditiontothe individual Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS). HADS is a analysisofglutamate(Glu),creatine(Cr),N-acetylaspartate scale based on self-report that was developed to detect the (NAA) and myo-inositol (mI) compounds, the aggregate presence of depression and anxiety disorders in medical concentrations of the following three compound pairs will patientsinprimarycaresettings.Itcontainsfourteenitems be studied: NAA + N-acetyl-aspartyl-glutamate (NAA + scored on a four-point Likert-type scale. This scale is NAAG), referred to as the total phosphocholine (PCh); comprised of two subscales that separately assess depres- Glycerophosphorylcholine (GPC), referred to as the total sionandanxiety.ThevalidatedSpanish-languageversionof Cho;andglutamate+glutamine,referredtoasGlx.Abso- thisscalewillbeused[34].Qualityoflifewillbemeasured lute metabolite concentrations will be considered only if by means of the EuroQol 5D (EQ5D) questionnaire. This theCramér-Raolowerboundsarelowerthan20%,indicat- questionnaireisastandardizedinstrumentusedasameas- ing that these metabolite concentrations can be reliably ure of health outcomes. It is applied to a wide range of calculated.Chemicalconcentrationscanbeextractedauto- healthconditionsandtreatmentsandprovidesasimplede- matically from MR spectra with well-documented time scriptive profile and a single index value for health status. domains,andthespectralfrequencycanbefittedwithsoft- The Spanish-language version of this questionnaire will be ware packages such as LCModel (Stephen Provencher, used [35]. Perceived clinical improvement will be assessed Oakville,Ontario,Canada). bytheClinicalGlobalImpressionscale(CGI). Table 1 shows the procedure and evaluation times of thetrial. Magneticresonancespectroscopy Samplesize Another relevant secondary efficacy variable in this The choice was made to have a sample comprising 70 studyisthelevelofglutamatein differentregionsofthe subjects (n = 35 subjects in each of the two treatment brain, namely the insula, hippocampus and posterior groups) because this sample size will enable us to obtain Olivan-Blázquezetal.Trials2013,14:3 Page6of9 http://www.trialsjournal.com/content/14/1/3 Table1Procedureandevaluationtimesofthetrial Visit Baseline 1month 3months 6months Visitnumber 1 2 3 4 Recruitment&Clinicalassessment Signingofinformedconsent X Diagnosis X Inclusion/exclusioncriteria X Sociodemographicvariables X Painassessedwithsphygmomanometer X X X X PainassessedwithAnalogueVisualScale X X X X Cognitivefunction(assessedwithMEC) X X X X Globalfunction(evaluatedbyFIQ) X X X X Anxietyanddepression(assessedwithHADS) X X X X Qualityoflife(assessedbyEuroQol5D) X X X X ClinicalGlobalImpression(CGI) X X X X Neuroimageassessment Magneticresonancespectroscopy X X Safetyassessments Adverseevents X X X Otherstudyprocedures Deliveryoftheresearchdrug X X X Inventoryofdrugtakenbackandused X X X Concomitantpharmacologicaltreatment X X X X reliable results and to ensure thatboth treatment groups The assignment will be carried out by an independent are of equal sizes at the start of the study. Smaller sam- person belonging to REDIAPP (Research Network on ple sizes have been used in the identification of signifi- Preventative Activities and Health Promotion) who is cant differences in glutamate levels in different brain not involved in the study. The random allocation se- regions betweenFMpatientsandcontrols. quence will be implemented by telephone. The sequence Using the results of the pilot study and taking reduc- will be concealed until interventions are assigned. tion of pain (as determined using the Pain Visual Patients agree to participate before the random alloca- Analogue Scale and sphygmomanometry) as the primary tion and without knowing to which treatment they will variables, a pre-intervention mean score of 56 (SD 14.9) be assigned. According to the intention-to-treat (ITT) was obtained with the VAS, and 104 (SD 30.8) with principle, any patients randomized and allocated to any sphygmomanometry. After treatment, the means dec- arm that starts the study will be included in the analysis. reased to 44 (SD 16.9) and 85 (SD 20.6), respectively. Pharmacological treatment will be administered by one Therefore, assuming a 95% confidence interval and a psychiatrist (JGC). Study personnel conducting psycho- power of 80%, we find that we require a sample size of logical assessments (BO, MCPY, MP, BM) will be 28 individuals in each group for the VAS finding and of maskedtotheparticipants'treatment. 30 individuals in each group for the reduction measured by sphygmomanometry. The resulting sample size that Statisticalmethods will enable us to analyse the final variable will be 60 Analysisstrategy individuals, with 30 being assigned to each of the two Theanalysisofclinicalefficacywillmakeuseofintention- groups.Basedonpreviousstudies(personalcommunica- to-treat analysis. The Last-Observation-Carried-Forward tion), an attrition rate of 10% can be expected. There- (LOCF) method will be used for handling missing data. fore, the final number of recruited patients will be 35 An initial comparison will be made between both groups, patientsfor eacharm. examining key variables to establish the groups’ baseline comparability after randomization. To describe the quan- Randomization,allocationandmaskingofstudygroups titative variables, means and standard deviations will be Each patient will be assigned to one of the two groups calculated when they fulfil normality criteria. The Chi- using a computer-generated random number sequence. squaredtestwillbeusedforqualitativevariablessuchasa Olivan-Blázquezetal.Trials2013,14:3 Page7of9 http://www.trialsjournal.com/content/14/1/3 number of socio-demographic ones. The differences be- pharmacological intervention. They will also be in- tween clinical variables at baseline, one month, three formed that they will be participating voluntarily and monthsandsixmonthswillbecalculatedusinganalysisof that they can choose to withdraw at any time with the covariance(ANCOVA)adjustedbybaseline. guarantee that they will continue to receive the treat- To study the main variable, analysis of variance will be mentconsideredmostappropriate bytheirdoctor. performed on repeated measurements, including all the With regard to the potential risks of the study, data evaluations over time. The main variable (pain percep- gathering involves no risks to the subjects participating tion) will be taken to be a continuous variable for this in the study, and the neuroimaging techniques that will purpose. The models will include adjustments for the be performed are non-invasive techniques that do not baseline pain value and for any other variable that may place subjects in any danger. With regard to the poten- have shown differences in the baseline measurement. tial benefits, if the hypothesis of the study, the patients Possible group × time interactions will be studied by in the treatment group will be able to control their pain means of Mixed Factor ANOVA. Additionally, linear re- during the course of this research. The results will be gression models will be used to compare the differences communicated to the scientific community and to the between the two groups for each of the evaluations over relevant institutions, which will lead to the expected time as compared to baseline. Similar analyses will be benefits being obtained for society and for people performedonthe othersecondaryclinicalvariables. diagnosed with FM. Nevertheless, there is a possibility To analyze the differences found by the neuroimaging that there will be no benefit gained from participating in test (spectrometry) taken at baseline and at six months thisstudy. follow-up, Student’s t-test for paired measurements will The study followsHelsinki Convention norms withpos- be calculated. The relation between neuroimaging terior modifications, and the Declaration of Madrid of the variables and clinical variables will be assessed by means World Psychiatric Association. The Study Protocol was ofSpearman’sRhonon-parametric test. approved by the Clinical Research Ethics Committee of In case of lost values, a sensitivity analysis will be Aragón (June 2012) and the Medicines and Health made to estimate the effect of the lost values on the ProductsAgencyofSpain(EUDRACT2011-006244-73). results. These values will also be replaced using several approaches, such as last recorded values and impu- Discussion tations. Statistical analyses will be performed with the This is the first randomized, controlled study of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 19.0 memantine for the treatment of fibromyalgia. Memantine statistical software package (SPSS Inc., 233 South might be expected to be useful for the treatment of FM Wacker Drive, 11th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606–6412), based on its pharmacological effects, as described in the with P-values below 0.05consideredsignificant. introduction [13,14]. In addition, our research group have recently carried out an exploratory, uncontrolled study Safetyandmonitoring witha smallsample(n=10)andathree-monthfollow-up Any adverse events and serious adverse events will be that found significant improvement of global function (as recorded and a determination will be made as to measuredbyFIQ),depression(asevaluatedbyHADS)and whether any medical action required is related with the cognitive function (as assessed with MEC) in the study administered drug. Any adverse event related to the patients at three-month follow-up (personal communi- studydrugwillberecordedandmonitoreduntilitsreso- cation, Study EudraCT Number: 2011-000802-23). lution or stabilization, and the regulatory notification However, at three-month follow-up, glutamate levels processwillbefollowedinaccordancewiththepertinent did not decrease in any of the brain areas studied (per- legislation in force (timeframes, unmasking, and so on). sonalcommunication). Study participants will be requested to report to the Based on previous preliminary pilot studies (personal researchers any adverse effect (serious or otherwise) that communication) a significant improvement in key clin- may arise in the period between visits or any other ical symptoms in fibromyalgia, such as depression, cog- circumstances that may lead to their withdrawal from nition and global function can be expected. Cognition is thestudy. one of the most impairing symptoms in fibromyalgia [36] and is strongly correlated with depression [37]. Ethicalaspects Cognition in these patients seems to be related to brain Informed consent will be obtained from the participants morphology changes that could be improved with before they are aware of which group they are to be memantine [38]. Depression, another frequent and quite included in. Before they give their consent, the patients disabling symptom in fibromyalgia [39] is also expected will be provided with a general overview of the aims and to improve with memantine due to its pharmacological characteristics of the study and the psychological and effect[40]. Olivan-Blázquezetal.Trials2013,14:3 Page8of9 http://www.trialsjournal.com/content/14/1/3 Pain,themostrelevantsymptominfibromyalgiaandthe Expectedfinalizationofpatientrecruitment:31December main outcome of our study, was not significantly relieved 2012. inouropen,uncontrolledstudy(personalcommunication), Expected finalization of patient monitoring period: 30 probably due to its small sample size. However, previous June2013. pilot studies (26 to 28) suggest memantine is effective in Publicationofresults:December 2013. relievingpainingeneral.Inaddition,spectrometricstudies Abbreviations in fibromyalgia found a strong correlation between high ACR:AmericanCollegeofRheumatology;ANOVA:Analysisofvariance; levelsofglutamateanddepressionandglobalfunction,but CGI:ClinicalGlobalImpression;CI:Confidenceinterval;Cr:Creatine; alsowithpain(10). EQ5D:EuroQol5D;ET:Echodelaytime;FIQ:FibromyalgiaImpact Questionnaire;FM:Fibromyalgia;fMRI:Functionalmagneticresonance Treatment with memantine decreases the Glu/Cr imaging;FOV:Fieldofview;Glu:Glutamate;GPC:Glycerophosphorylcholine; (glutamate/creatine) ratio inthe lefthippocampal region, HADS:HospitalAnxietyDepressionScale;MEC:CognitionMini-Exam; which may account for its anti-excitotoxic property [41]. LOCF:Last-Observation-Carried-Forward;mI:myo-inositol;MMSE:Mini-Mental StateExamination;MRS:Magneticresonancespectroscopy;NAA: Other studies have observed an increase in cingulate N-acetylaspartate;NAAG:N-acetyl-aspartyl-glutamate;NMDA: glutamatergic turnover [42]. There is evidence from MRS N-methyl-D-aspartate;PCh:Phosphocholine;PET:Positronemission studies of other excitotoxicity-related conditions, such as tomography;PROBE/PRESS:Protonbrainspectroscopy/point-resolved amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [43] and Huntington’s di- spatiallylocalizedspectroscopy;REDIAPP:ResearchNetworkonPreventative ActivitiesandHealthPromotion;SD:Standarddeviation;SCID-I:Structured sease [44], that glutamate is elevated in several brain ClinicalInterviewforDSM-IVaxis-I;SPECT:Singlephotonemissioncomputed regions in these disorders. Thus, the decrease in tomography;TR:Repetitiontime;VAS:Visualanaloguescale;VOIs:Volumes ofinterest. hippocampalglutamatewithmemantine(withoutchanges in NAA/Cr) could explain some of memantine’s thera- Competinginterests peuticeffects. Theauthorsdeclarethattheyhavenoconflictsofinterest.Theresearch groupthatdesignedanddevelopedthisstudyisfinancedbythe In this study, there is no clear hypothesis as to DepartmentofScience,TechnologyandUniversityoftheGovernmentof whether memantine is able to reduce glutamate levels in AragonandbytheCarlosIIIInstituteofHealth,whichisattachedtothe the affected brain areas, or, independent of this possibil- SpanishMinistryofScienceandInnovation. ity, whether the drug will be an effective treatment for Authors´contributions different clinical symptoms of fibromyalgia, particularly JGC,RM,BO,MR,YLdHandASBaretheprincipalresearchersanddeveloped in the cognitive domain. It is possible that it could re- theoriginalideaforthestudy.Thestudydesignwasfurtherdevelopedby duce glutamate without ameliorating any symptoms. Al- MCPY,MPandBM.EAwilldevelopthestatisticalmethods.Allauthorshave readandcorrecteddraftversionsandapprovedthefinalversion. ternatively, it may not reduce glutamate while improving some target symptoms. In any case, new hypotheses as Acknowledgements to the aetiology of fibromyalgia, and of the origins of the ThestudyhasbeenfundedbyagrantfromtheMinistryofHealthofthe GovernmentofSpain(EC11-387).WethankReddeInvestigaciónen symptoms of the disease may be developed based on the ActividadesdePrevenciónyPromocióndelaSalud(ResearchNetworkon resultsofthispreliminaryresearch. PreventativeActivitiesandHealthPromotion)(REDIAPP-GRD06/0018/0020), The main strength of the study is that this is the first NododeAragón,foritssupportinthedevelopmentofthisstudy.Weare gratefulforthesupportofH.LundbeckA/Sinpreparingthemedication, randomized controlled trial of memantine for the treat- bothactiveandplacebo. ment of FM. The main limitations specific to the spec- trometric study will be the following: 1) The proportion Authordetails 1DepartmentofPsychologyandSociology,UniversityofZaragoza,Zaragoza, of grey matter/white matter and CSF within the Spain.2ReddeActividadesPreventivasydePromocióndelaSalud corresponding voxel will not be calculated, so the 1H- (REDIAPP)(RD06/0018),InstitutoAragonésdeCienciasdelaSalud(IACS), MRS signals, which are produced by both grey and Aragón,Spain.3UnidadEpidemiologíaClínica,Hospital12deOctubre,CIBER EpidemiologíaySaludPública,Madrid,Spain.4CentrodeSaludArrabal, white matter, will represent an amalgamation of mul- Zaragoza,Spain.5InstitutUniversitarid'InvestigacióenCiènciesdelaSalut tiplecelltypes.Differencesinthefractionsofeachvoxel (IUNICS),UniversityofBalearicIslands,PalmadeMallorca,Spain.6Serviciode consisting of different tissue types may result from ana- Psiquiatría,HospitalMiguelServetyUniversidaddeZaragoza,Zaragoza, Spain.7DepartmentofPsychiatry,MiguelServetHosìal,AvdaIsabelLa tomicaldifferencesassociatedwiththeconditionsunder Catolica1,Zaragoza50.009,Spain. investigation. 2) Metabolites will not be quantified by segmentation and CSF-correction, so the measured Received:7August2012Accepted:18December2012 Published:3January2013 levelsofglutamatewilloftenbecontaminatedinpartby glutamine. 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