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ABSTRACT Title of Dissertation: EVALUATION OF THE ACCURACY AND SENSITVITY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND PHOSPHORUS MANAGEMENT TOOL AND INVESTIGATION OF SUBSURFACE PHOSPHORUS DYNAMICS IN THE MARYLAND COASTAL PLAIN REGION Nicole Marie Fiorellino, Doctor of Philosophy, 2015 Dissertation directed by: Associate Professor Joshua M. McGrath Department of Environmental Science and Technology Phosphorus (P) loss from agricultural fields to surface water represents a major environmental challenge in agricultural nutrient management. To reduce P loading, areas where both P source and transport conditions are present must be identified and appropriate management practices implemented to reduce the source or break transport connectivity. The Maryland P Site Index (MD-PSI) was modified from a multiplicative structure to a component structure and renamed University of Maryland Phosphorus Management Tool (UM-PMT). In the UM-PMT, each component is the product of source, transport, and management factors specific to a P loss pathway. Our objectives were to evaluate the UM-PMT for accuracy, investigate soil conditions in ditch-drained agricultural systems, compare different methods for degree of P saturation (DPS) calculation, and compare numerical and categorical final scores of the multiple versions of the Maryland P loss risk indices. Agronomic soil samples were collected from fields across Maryland, and analyzed for P, aluminum (Al), and iron (Fe) concentration using multiple extractions, soil texture was determined, and degree of P saturation (DPS) was calculated using five methods. Deep soil samples were collected and analyzed similarly from three sites on Maryland’s eastern shore. A poor relationship was identified between UM-PMT and modeled P loss data (R2=0.09), but the relationship improved with modifications to UM-PMT calculation (R2=0.97), which resulted in UM-PMT Version 2 (UM-PMT v.2). Soil Fe concentration was responsible for a large proportion of DPS at one sample location on the Eastern Shore, demonstrated through poor correlation between two methods for DPS calculation, including and excluding Fe concentration. Numerical differences existed between different methods for DPS calculation and these translated to differences in UM-PMT final score, particularly in the Lower Shore region. The UM-PMT v.2 categorized more fields as HIGH risk than MD-PSI but less than UM- PMT. Neither version of the UM-PMT was very sensitive to management factor input variables. Evaluation of tools like the UM-PMT for accuracy, sensitivity, and magnitude of change is necessary to understand potential economic and environmental impacts of implementing new indices as nutrient management tools. EVALUATION OF THE ACCURACY AND SENSITVITY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND PHOSPHORUS MANAGEMENT TOOL AND INVESTIGATION OF SUBSURFACE PHOSPHORUS DYNAMICS IN THE MARYLAND COASTAL PLAIN REGION by Nicole Marie Fiorellino Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Maryland, College Park in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy 2015 Advisory Committee: Associate Professor Joshua McGrath, Chair Professor Frank Coale Associate Professor Karen Prestegaard Professor Adel Shirmohammadi Dr. Peter Vadas © Copyright by Nicole Marie Fiorellino 2015 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS As I reflect on my education experience, I realize I would not be nearing the end of my career as a student without the support and encouragement I received from the many mentors I have been so fortunate to have throughout my life. My dad, my first mentor, always told me to work hard and gain an education, they can never take your education away from you. He always supported not only my academic pursuits, but any extracurricular activity that I dove headfirst into. He led by example, always working his hardest yet being able to balance his career and his family. I have had amazing mentors throughout all stages of my education at different institutions, who all had high expectations of me and pushed me to reach those expectations. I carry pieces of each of my mentors with me and my mentoring abilities have grown out of my unique experiences which each one of them. I was so fortunate to have an amazing support staff, especially Gene Hahn and Kreshnik Bejlieri, for their never-ending patience with me as well as their dedication to their work. The undergraduate assistants who have worked with our group helped with so many aspects of these projects, I hope they had a rewarding experience working with us. I could not have made it through this program without the patience, guidance, and council of my friends and family, who have continued to support me without fully understanding how much their support means to me. Finally, this project would not have been possible without all the farmers who begrudgingly let us onto their operations to collect soil samples. I learned invaluable knowledge from the short conversations I had with them and I hope to continue serving these agricultural professionals throughout my career. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1. Literature Review.......................................................................................... 1 1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Conditions in Maryland ................................................................................................................... 3 1.3 Phosphorus Index ............................................................................................................................ 3 1.3.1 Transport Factors .................................................................................................................. 5 1.3.2 Source Factors ....................................................................................................................... 7 1.4 Justification for Modifications to the Maryland Phosphorus Site Index ......................................... 8 1.5 Phosphorus Loss Pathways ............................................................................................................. 9 1.5.1 Particulate-Bound Phosphorus Movement ................................................................................ 9 1.5.2 Surface Transport of Dissolved Phosphorus ............................................................................ 10 1.5.3 Subsurface Loss of Dissolved Phosphorus .............................................................................. 11 1.6 University of Maryland Phosphorus Management Tool.................................................................. 13 1.6.1 PARTICULATE Component of the University of Maryland Phosphorus Management Tool 14 1.6.2 RUNOFF Component of the University of Maryland Phosphorus Management Tool ........... 14 Degree of Phosphorus Saturation.................................................................................... 15 Phosphorus Source Coefficients ..................................................................................... 19 1.6.3 SUBSURFACE Component of the University of Maryland Phosphorus Management Tool . 20 1.6.4 Final Score of the University of Maryland Phosphorus Management Tool ............................ 20 1.7 Evaluation of Phosphorus Indices ................................................................................................... 21 1.8 Tables .............................................................................................................................................. 25 Chapter 2. Use of Annual Phosphorus Loss Estimator (APLE) Model to Evaluate the University of Maryland Phosphorus Management Tool (UM-PMT) ............................. 28 2.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 28 2.2 Materials and Methods .................................................................................................................... 30 2.2.1 Creation of Independent Datasets ............................................................................................ 30 2.2.2 Algebraic Distribution of UM-PMT Equation......................................................................... 36 2.2.3 Output Comparison ................................................................................................................. 37 2.3 Results and Discussion .................................................................................................................... 38 2.4 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................................... 43 2.5 Tables .............................................................................................................................................. 45 2.6 Figures ............................................................................................................................................. 48 Chapter 3. Investigation of deep soil characteristics at artificially drained agricultural fields on the Delmarva Peninsula .................................................................................... 58 3.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 58 3.2 Materials and Methods .................................................................................................................... 60 3.2.1 Soil collection .......................................................................................................................... 60 3.2.2 Laboratory Analyses ................................................................................................................ 60 iii 3.3 Results ............................................................................................................................................. 61 3.3.1 Soil Profile Characteristics ...................................................................................................... 61 3.3.2 Phosphorus Saturation Comparison ......................................................................................... 63 3.4 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................................... 64 3.5 Tables .............................................................................................................................................. 66 3.6 Figures ............................................................................................................................................. 68 Chapter 4. Effect of Degree of Phosphorus Saturation Method on UM-PMT Final Score 78 4.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 78 4.2 Materials and Methods .................................................................................................................... 80 4.2.1 Soil Sample Collection and Extraction .................................................................................... 80 4.2.2 Degree of Phosphorus Saturation Calculations ....................................................................... 81 4.3 Results and Discussion .................................................................................................................... 82 4.3.1 Soil Properties ......................................................................................................................... 82 4.3.2 Comparison of Degree of Phosphorus Saturation Methods of Calculation ............................. 84 4.3.3 UM-PMT Final Score and DPS Calculation Methods ............................................................. 85 4.4 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................................... 86 4.5 Tables .............................................................................................................................................. 88 4.6 Figures ............................................................................................................................................. 89 Chapter 5. Comparison of Maryland Phosphorus Site Index and University of Maryland Phosphorus Management Tool Versions One and Two ................................. 97 5.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 97 5.2 Materials and Methods .................................................................................................................... 98 5.2.1 Soil Sample Collection and Extraction .................................................................................... 98 5.2.2 Phosphorus Index Equation Calculations ................................................................................ 99 5.2.3 Sensitivity Analysis ................................................................................................................. 99 5.3 Results and Discussion .................................................................................................................... 100 5.3.1 Phosphorus Index Calculation Comparison ........................................................................... 100 5.3.2 Sensitivity Analysis ............................................................................................................... 102 5.4 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................................... 105 5.5 Tables .............................................................................................................................................. 107 5.6 Figures ............................................................................................................................................. 109 Chapter 6. Appendix ................................................................................................... 117 6.1 Coding for creation of simulated dataset ......................................................................................... 117 6.2 Variables used in the simulated dataset, including source of variable, minimum value, maximum value, and type of variable. ..................................................................................................................... 128 6.3 Soils descriptions for all sampled soils ............................................................................................ 134 Chapter 7. References ................................................................................................. 141 iv LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1 Distribution of RUSLE scores into sediment risk transport factor (SED) values .......................... 25 Table 1.2 Surface runoff (SR) factor for Runoff component of University of Maryland Phosphorus Management Tool ......................................................................................................................................... 25 Table 1.3 Standard phosphorus source coefficients (PSC) for organic and inorganic amendments ............. 25 Table 1.4 Phosphorus application method factor (AM) for RUNOFF component ....................................... 25 r Table 1.5 Phosphorus application method factor (AM ) for SUBSURFACE component .......................... 26 sub Table 1.6 Subsurface drainage transport factor (SD) for the Subsurface component of the University of Maryland Phosphorus Management Tool...................................................................................................... 26 Table 1.7 Interpretive categories for final score of University of Maryland Phosphorus Management Tool ....................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Table 2.1 Number of fields sampled in each county in Maryland in the collected dataset ........................... 45 Table 2.2 Outputs of Annual Phosphorus Loss Estimator (APLE) model with the corresponding outputs of the University of Maryland Phosphorus Management Tool (UM-PMT),and University of Maryland Phosphorus Management Tool Version 2 (UM-PMT v.2) used for the output comparison. ......................... 46 Table 2.3 Correlation coefficient (R2) values for the comparison between iterations of the University of Maryland Phosphorus Management Tool (UM-PMT) and the outputs of the Annual Phosphorus Loss Estimator (APLE) model for the simulated dataset (n=8644) ....................................................................... 47 Table 2.4 Correlation coefficient (R2) values for the comparison between iterations of the University of Maryland Phosphorus Management Tool (UM-PMT) and the outputs of the Annual Phosphorus Loss Estimator (APLE) model for the collected field dataset (n=382) .................................................................. 47 Table 2.5 Distribution of fields with artificial drainage present from the collected dataset into interpretive categories for UM-PMT and UM-PMT v.2 (n=121) ..................................................................................... 47 Table 3.1 Summary statistics for Mehlich 3, ammonium oxalate, and water extraction, pH determination, degree of P saturation, and particle size analysis by location for surface samples (0-20 cm) ...................... 66 Table 3.2 Depth to redoximorphic features for each sampling grid at each location in centimeters ............. 67 Table 4.1 Organic matter and clay content, water extractable phosphorus (WEP), and Mehlich 3 and ammonium oxalate extractable P, iron (Fe), and aluminum (Al) of soils in the complete dataset (n=380) and subset (n=33) of soils where phosphorus isotherms were conducted ............................................................ 88 Table 4.2 Summary of DPS values calculated using the five methods ......................................................... 88 Table 5.1 List of management scenarios used in the sensitivity analysis .................................................... 107 Table 5.2 Number of fields in the dataset (n=382) in each combination of UM-PMT and UM-PMT v.2 interpretive category .................................................................................................................................... 107 Table 5.3 Number of fields in each interpretive category for the University of Maryland Phosphorus Management Tool (UM-PMT) and UM-PMT Version 2 (UM-PMT v.2) for fields categorized as HIGH by the original version of the P risk index for each management scenarios. .................................................... 108 v LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 Algebraic distribution of the RUNOFF and PARTICULATE components of the University of Maryland Phosphorus Management Tool (UM-PMT) to correspond with the Manure DP, Soil DP, and Sediment P outputs for the Annual Phosphorus Loss Estimator (APLE) model for calculation of outputs for comparison. ................................................................................................................................................... 48 Figure 2.2 Modeled sediment P loss in kg ha-1 as estimated by the Annual Phosphorus Loss Estimator (APLE) model versus (a) the PARTICULATE component of the University of Maryland Phosphorus Management Tool (UM-PMT), (b) the PARTICULATE component of the modified version of the UM- PMT without a weighting coefficient, and (c) the PARTICULATE component of the UM-PMT version 2 (UM-PMT v.2) for the simulated dataset (n=10249). The unique weighting coefficients included in UM- PMT v.2 modified the scale of the X axis from (b) to (c). ............................................................................ 50 Figure 2.3 Modeled soil dissolved P (DP) loss in kg ha-1 as estimated by the Annual Phosphorus Loss Estimator (APLE) model versus (a) the SOIL DP component of the University of Maryland Phosphorus Management Tool (UM-PMT), (b) the SOIL DP component of the modified version of the UM-PMT without a weighting coefficient, and (c) the SOIL DP component of the UM-PMT version 2 (UM-PMT v.2) for the simulated dataset (n=10249). The unique weighting coefficients included in UM-PMT v.2 modified the scale of the X axis from (b) to (c). ........................................................................................................... 52 Figure 2.4 Modeled manure dissolved P (DP) loss in kg ha-1 as estimated by the Annual Phosphorus Loss Estimator (APLE) model versus (a) the MANURE DP component of the University of Maryland Phosphorus Management Tool (UM-PMT) by manure type, (b) the MANURE DP component of the modified version of the UM-PMT without a weighting coefficient by manure type, and (c) the MANURE DP component of the UM-PMT version 2 (UM-PMT v.2) by manure type for the simulated dataset (n=10249). The unique weighting coefficients included in UM-PMT v.2 modified the scale of the X axis from (b) to (c). ............................................................................................................................................... 54 Figure 2.5 Modeled P loss in kg ha-1 as estimated by the Annual Phosphorus Loss Estimator (APLE) model versus components of the University of Maryland Phosphorus Management Tool (UM-PMT) for the collected dataset (n=382). Particulate P loss versus (a) UM-PMT and (b) UM-PMT v.2 PARTICULATE components, soil dissolved P (DP) loss versus (c) UM-PMT and (d) UM-PMT v.2 SOIL DP components, manure DP loss versus (e) UM-PMT and (f) UM-PMT v.2 MANURE DP components, and total P loss versus............................................................................................................................................................. 56 Figure 2.6 Final score for University of Maryland Phosphorus Management Tool (UM-PMT) versus final score for UM-PMT Version 2 (UM-PMT v.2) for the collected dataset (n=382). ........................................ 57 Figure 3.1 Mean (dashed line) and range of clay content in g kg-1 by depth at each location (A-C). ........... 68 Figure 3.2 Mean (dashed line) and range of soil pH by depth for each sampling location (A-C) for (a) Spring and (b) Fall ......................................................................................................................................... 69 Figure 3.3 Mean (dashed line) and range of soil Mehlich 3 phosphorus concentration by depth at each location (A-C) for (a) Spring and (b) Fall .................................................................................................... 70 vi Figure 3.4 Mean (dashed line) and range of soil ammonium oxalate extractable phosphorus concentration by depth at each location (A-C) for (a) Spring and (b) Fall .......................................................................... 71 Figure 3.5 Mean (dashed line) and range of Mehlich 3 extractable aluminum (a) and iron (b) by depth at each location (A-C) ....................................................................................................................................... 72 Figure 3.6 Mean (dashed line) and range of ammonium oxalate extractable aluminum (a) and iron (b) by depth at each location (A-C) ......................................................................................................................... 73 Figure 3.7 Oxalate extractable degree of phosphorus saturation (DPS, [P ]/0.5[Al ]+[Fe ]) versus (a) ox ox ox Mehlich 3 P in mg kg-1 and (b) water extractable P in mg kg-1 for surface soils (0-20 cm) by location for two season within one year. All regression equations significant at P< 0.0001 except noted (*, not significant, P=0.62). ...................................................................................................................................... 74 Figure 3.8 (a) Mehlich 3 P Saturation Ratio I (M3PSR-I, [M3P]/[M3Al]+[M3Fe]) and (b) Mehlich 3 P Saturation Ratio II (M3PSR-II, [M3P]/[M3Al]) versus water extractable P in surface soils (0-20 cm) by location for two seasons in one year. All regression equations significant at P< 0.0001. ............................ 75 Figure 3.9 Oxalate extractable degree of P saturation (DPS, [P ]/0.5[Al ]+[Fe ]) versus (a) Mehlich 3 P ox ox ox Saturation Ratio I (M3PSR-I, [M3P]/[M3Al]+[M3Fe]) and (b) Mehlich 3 P Saturation Ratio II (M3PSR-II, [M3P]/[M3Al]) for surface soils (0-20 cm) by location (L, Lewis, M, Marion, S, Swift) for two seasons in one year. All regression equations significant at P< 0.0001 except where noted (*, P=0.0429). ................ 76 Figure 3.10 Mehlich 3 P Saturation Ratio I (M3PSR-I, [M3P]/[M3Al]+[M3Fe]) versus Mehlich 3 P Saturation Ratio II (M3PSR-II, [M3P]/[M3Al]) for surface soils (0-20 cm) by location for two seasons in one year. All regression equations significant at P< 0.0001. ........................................................................ 77 Figure 4.1 Comparison of soil concentrations of Al, Fe, and P extracted with ammonium oxalate and Mehlich 3 extractions. All regression equations significant at P<0.0001...................................................... 89 Figure 4.2 Comparison of (a) water extractable P and oxalate extractable DPS with alpha=0.5 ( DPS )and 0.5 (b) oxalate extractable DPS with calculated alpha (DPS ) and (c) Mehlich 3 extractable P and DPS Langmuir 0.5 and (d) DPS for soils with DPS <200. All regressions significant at P<0.0001 ............................... 90 Langmuir 0.5 Figure 4.3 Comparison of the sum of oxalate extractable Al and Fe to total P sorption (PSC) determined t using Equation 1.5. ........................................................................................................................................ 91 Figure 4.4 Comparison of (a) oxalate extractable DPS with alpha=0.5 (DPS ) and Mehlich 3 P Saturation 0.5 Ratio I (M3PSR-I, [M3P]/[M3Al]+[M3Fe]) and (b) Mehlich 3 P Saturation Ratio II (M3PSR-II, [M3P]/[M3Al]) (C) oxalate extractable DPS with calculated alpha (DPS ) and M3PSR-I and (d) Langmuir M3PSR-II for samples with DPS < 200. All regressions significant at P<0.0001. .................................... 92 0.5 Figure 4.5 Relationship between (a) oxalate extractable DPS with alpha=0.5 (DPS ) and linear conversion 0.5 of Mehlich 3 P Saturation Ratio I to oxalate extractable DPS (DPS ) and (b) oxalate extractable DPS with M3 calculated alpha (DPS ) and DPS for soils with DPS <200. All regressions significant at Langmuir M3 0.5 P<0.0001. ...................................................................................................................................................... 93 Figure 4.6 Comparison of final score for University of Maryland Phosphorus Management Tool v.2 (UM- PMT v.2) calculated using linear conversion of Mehlich 3 P Saturation Ratio I to oxalate extractable DPS vii

Title of Dissertation: Department of Environmental Science and Technology (i.e. volume vs. mass, scoop vs. weighing) (Gartley et al., 2002).
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