Evaluation of the Academy of Finland Reports of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland 2013:14 ISBN 978-952-263-224-1 (pbk) ISBN 978-952-263-225-8 (PDF) ISSN-L 1799-0343 ISSN 1799-0343 (Print) ISSN 1799-0351 (Online) Helsinki 2013 Evaluation of the Academy of Finland Reports of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland 2013:14 Erik Arnold Terttu Luukkonen Patries Boekholt Anke Nooijen Zsuzsa Jávorka Frank Zuijdam With a Panel Review of the Academy conducted by Susan Cozzens Jos van der Meer Jens Nielsen John O’Reilly Ministry of Education and Culture • Department for Higher Education and Science Policy • 2013 Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö • Korkeakoulu- ja tiedepolitiikan osasto • 2013 Ministry of Education and Culture Department for Higher Education and Science Policy, Science Policy Division P.O. Box 29 00023 Government, Finland http://www.minedu.fi/OPM/Julkaisut/julkaisulistaus?lang=en Layout: Jussi Ekberg, Kopijyvä Oy Cover image: Rodeo Kopijyvä Oy, 2013 ISBN 978-952-263-224-1 (pbk) ISBN 978-952-263-225-8 (PDF) ISSN-L 1799-0343 ISSN 1799-0343 (Print) ISSN 1799-0351 (Online) Reports of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland 2013:14 Table of Contents Summary 10 1 Introduction 12 1.1 Background and objectives of the study 12 1.2 Objectives and evaluation questions 14 1.3 Approach and methodology 15 1.4 Results of the previous evaluation 16 2 The Academy of Finland 19 2.1 History of the Academy of Finland 19 2.2 Mission and goals 21 2.3 Key functions of a research council 21 2.4 Governance 22 2.4.1 Respondents’ views on the organisational structure 25 2.5 Strategy of the Academy 26 2.5.1 The strategy of 2006 26 2.5.2 The current strategy 27 2.6 Budget 28 2.6.1 Additional funding for research programmes 29 2.6.2 Budget of the Research Councils 29 2.6.3 Views of respondents on budget allocation 30 2.6.4 Administration costs 31 2.7 International comparison 32 2.8 Conclusions 33 3 The role of the Academy in the Finnish research and innovation system 35 3.1 Policy and governance context 35 3.2 Recent changes in the Finnish research and innovation system 36 3.3 The Academy’s role in the Finnish R&I system 39 3.3.1 Complementarity of funding and functions 39 3.3.2 Cooperation with other stakeholders (e.g. Tekes) 40 3.3.3 Relation with universities and research institutes 40 3.3.4 Relationship with the Ministry of Education and Culture 41 3.3.5 The Academy as a policy advisor 43 3.3.6 Science communications 44 3.4 Stakeholder comments on the role of the Academy in a systems perspective 45 3.5 Conclusions 46 4 The Academy as a funding organisation 49 4.1 Funding instruments 49 4.1.1 Views of stakeholders on the portfolio of instruments 49 4.2 Designing research programmes 50 4.2.1 Views of the stakeholders on research programmes 51 4.3 Description of funding processes 51 4.3.1 Announcement and submission of calls 51 4.3.2 Views of respondents on motivations for funding applications 53 4.4 Review process 55 4.4.1 Stakeholders’ views on the funding process 57 4.5 Peer review 58 4.5.1 Stakeholders’ views on the peer review system 60 4.5.2 Nationality of the peers 61 4.6 Appraisal time 61 4.7 Confidentiality and conflict of interest 64 4.8 Reporting 64 4.9 Full cost model 65 4.9.1 Stakeholders’ view on the full cost model 67 4.10 Size of the grants 68 4.11 Success rates 68 4.11.1 Analysis at the level of funding schemes 69 4.11.2 Analysis at the level of the universities 69 4.11.3 Gender balance 70 4.11.4 Analysis at the level of the research councils 73 4.12 Share of funding per research field 73 4.13 Age of applicants 73 4.14 Outcomes and impacts 73 4.15 Does the Academy select the best researchers to fund? 79 4.16 Evaluation at the Academy of Finland 79 4.17 International comparison 81 4.18 Conclusions 84 5 Internationalisation 86 5.1 Introduction 86 5.2 International strategy 87 5.3 The position of internationalisation in the Academy 88 5.4 Portfolio of activities and instruments 89 5.4.1 Opening up Academy Programmes to foreign nationals 89 5.4.2 Bilateral agreements 89 5.4.3 FiDiPro 90 5.4.4 ERA-Nets and Joint Programming 92 5.4.5 Nordic cooperation 92 5.5 The views from the stakeholders 92 5.6 International comparison 94 5.7 Achievement of objectives for internationalisation 95 5.8 Conclusions on internationalisation in the Academy 97 6 Conclusions and recommendations 101 6.1 The context 101 6.2 The Academy 102 6.3 Recommendations 104 APPENDIX A – Evaluation of the Academy of Finland: Report of the Peer Review Panel 106 APPENDIX B – The Academy’s portfolio 114 B.1 Personal grants 114 B.2 Non thematic projects and programmes 115 B.3 Thematic programmes 116 B.4 Grants for infrastructure 120 B.5 International programmes 121 B.6 Monodisciplinary programmes 122 APPENDIX C – Data input-output analysis 123 C.1 Appraisal time 123 C.2 Funding schemes without competition 123 C.3 Comparison between research organisations 125 C.4 Comparison satisfaction funding process 125 APPENDIX D – Online Survey 126 D.1 Characteristics of the survey respondents 126 D.2 Survey results 128 APPENDIX E – List of Interviewees 141 APPENDIX F – Approach and Methodology 144 Table of Figures Figure 1 Evaluation approach ................................................15 Figure 15 Steps in processing applications ..........................52 Figure 2 The Academy in the governance of state Figure 16 Reasons to apply for funding ..............................53 institutions in the National Research and Innovation Figure 17 Ranking of the importance of System ...........................................................................................20 various motivations for application to the Figure 3 Organisation chart of the Academy of Finland .24 Academy’s funding schemes by the different groups of stakeholders ..............................................................54 Figure 4 Staff Refreshment at AKA .....................................25 Figure 18 Proposal assessment scales Figure 5 Current (2010) Strategy of the Academy .............27 – peer review ................................................................................56 Figure 6 Survey respondents’ views on the Figure 19 Based on your most recent experience strategy of the Academy ............................................................28 of applying for Academy funding, to what extent were the Figure 7 Development of Academy of Finland budget following characteristics of the funding process satisfactory and Finnish GBAORD 2004–2011..........................................29 – Non-successful applicant survey ...........................................59 Figure 8 Research funding decisions made Figure 20 Based on your most recent experience of from 2004-2011 (x €1000) .........................................................30 applying for Academy funding, to what extent were the following characteristics of the funding process satisfactory Figure 9 Shares of the research-funding – Grant holder survey ................................................................59 budget 2004-2011 per council domain ....................................31 Figure 21 How responsive do you find the Academy Figure 10 Overhead of AKA 2004-2011 .............................31 to inputs from the research community about: Needs for Figure 11 Administrative Costs of Research change in research funding rules or schemes? .......................21 Funders .........................................................................................32 Figure 22 How do you see the role of the Figure 12 How well does the Academy communicate Academy in the future? Should there be a shift about its work and the impacts in its activities (basic research versus focus on strategic of its funding? .............................................................................44 research)? ......................................................................................62 Figure 13 To what extent do you agree that Academy Figure 23 Ratio among number of reviews by funding schemes support the creation nationality of peers (2007-2011) ..............................................63 of a balanced portfolio across the various Figure 24 Number of reviewers per country research domains .........................................................................50 (total 2007-2011) .........................................................................63 Figure 14 How responsive do you find the Figure 25 Change of share in number of reviewers per Academy to inputs from the research community about country between 2007/2008 and 2011/2012 (%-points) .....63 changes in thematic priorities, for example by starting new research programmes?? ..................................52 Figure 26 Appraisal time (in months) of applications received between 2007-2011 .....................................................65 Figure 27 How far do you feel that the amount of time Figure 49 Applications and grants from 10 most spent on the application procedure taking frequent nationalities of foreign grant holders (2007-2011) 91 into account the success rate of the funding schemes is: ....65 Figure 50 Participation of the survey respondents in Figure 28 Full cost model: type of costs .............................67 international research projects ..................................................95 Figure 29 Number of applications and success rate Figure 51 Types of international projects in which (2007-2011) ..................................................................................67 survey participants are / have been recently engaged ..........96 Figure 30 Distribution size of the funding Figure 52 In how many different types of international (2010-2011) (x €1000) ................................................................68 project are / have survey respondents been engaged? .........96 Figure 31 Gross and net success rate of Figure 53 Role of participants in the international competitive funding schemes (2007-2011) .............................71 projects, normalised against the number of respondents ....96 Figure 32 Applications and success rate by institution Figure 54 For Finland, and your unit in particular, what (2007-2011) ..................................................................................72 are the challenges in the internationalisation of research? ..98 Figure 33 Shares of institutions in funding granted Figure 55 To what extent do you agree that Academy (2007-2011) ..................................................................................72 funds facilitate the international networking needed for your research institution? ...........................................................98 Figure 34 Number of (granted) applications by gender (2007-2011) ..................................................................................74 Figure 56 Survey respondents’ views on AKA support for the internationalisation of research ...................................99 Figure 35 Success rates in applications (2007-2011) ..................................................................................74 Figure 57 Timetable and Interviewees of the Peer Review Panel ..............................................................................113 Figure 36 Proportion of female applicants (2006-2010) ..74 Figure 58 Average appraisal time Figure 37 Success rates for the different Research 2007-2011 (in months) .............................................................123 Councils between 2007-2012 ....................................................76 Figure 59 Ranks of research organisations .......................124 Figure 38 Research funding by field of science (2007-2011) ..................................................................................76 Figure 60 Percentage of respondents who agreed that the following characteristics of the funding process were Figure 39 Number of applicants by age (2007-2011) .......77 completely satisfactory .............................................................125 Figure 40 Number of grantees per age of grantee Figure 61 Basic information on the respondents .............127 (2007-2012) ..................................................................................77 Figure 62 Organisational affiliation of the survey Figure 41 To what extent do you agree with the respondents ................................................................................127 following statements regarding the selection of the Academy grants? .........................................................................78 Figure 63 Positions held by the survey respondents in different country groups: Finland, other EU27 and Figure 42 How far do you feel that Academy funding extra EU27 .................................................................................128 schemes contribute to the followings? Reponses presented by age group distribution of respondents ..............................78 Figure 64 Profile of the survey respondents ....................128 Figure 43 Grant holders’ views on the contribution of Figure 65 Are you a member of a specific research Academy funded projects to different results ........................80 centre or group? ........................................................................129 Figure 44 Grant holders’ views on the contribution of Figure 66 Q1. Please provide us with the following the Academy’s funded projects to different achievements basic information: .....................................................................129 by funding instrument ................................................................81 Figure 67 Q2. What is your age range? ..............................129 Figure 45 Percentage of respondents who agreed Figure 68 Q3. Could you please indicate your gender? ...129 completely or to a large extent with the following statements regarding the types of impact of the AKA Figure 69 Q4. What is your current (main) position? .....129 funding schemes ..........................................................................82 Figure 70 Q5. What type of organisation do you Figure 46 Grant holders’ views on continuation of work at?.......................................................................................130 their project in the future ..........................................................82 Figure 71 Q6. What is your area of research? ..................130 Figure 47 Evaluations reviewed ............................................84 Figure 72 Q7. Are you a member of a specific Figure 48 Origins of foreign applicants for Academy research centre or group: .........................................................130 Funding 2007-2011 .....................................................................91 Figure 73 Q8. Are you or have you in the past: ...............130 Figure 74 Q9. Please would you estimate the Figure 92 Q26. How responsive do you find the breakdown of your external research funding (that is Academy to inputs from the research community about: ..139 not institutional funding) in 2012 that comes from: ...........131 Figure 93 Q27. How well does the Academy communicate Figure 75 Q10. How attractive do you regard the about its work and the impacts of its funding? ...................139 following Academy of Finland, Tekes and European Figure 94 Q28. How do you see the role of the funding schemes as a funding source for your research Academy in the future? Should there be a shift in its activities? .....................................................................................131 activities (basic research versus focus on strategic Figure 76 Q11. Please indicate, how the schemes of research)? ....................................................................................140 the Academy compare with other national or Figure 95 Q29. Suggestions, recommendations and international funding sources, concerning: ...........................132 other comments ........................................................................140 Figure 77 Q12. Based on your most recent experience Figure 96 List of interviewees .............................................140 of applying for Academy funding, to what extent were the following characteristics of the funding process Figure 97 Evaluation approach............................................145 satisfactory? (Results of the Applicant Survey) ...................132 Figure 78 Q12. Based on your most recent experience of applying for Academy funding, to what extent were the following characteristics of the funding process satisfactory? (Results of the Grant Holder Survey) ............133 Figure 79 Q13. How far do you feel that the amount of time spent on the application procedure taking into account the success rate of the schemes is: .........................133 Figure 80 Q14. To what extent do you agree with the following statements? ...............................................................134 Figure 81 Q15. How far do you feel that Academy funding schemes contribute to: ..............................................134 Figure 82 Q16. What is the impact of the Academy’s funding schemes? Do they contribute to: .............................135 Figure 83 Q17. Please indicate the kind of grant you answer for and the first year of funding: (only GHS) ........135 Figure 84 Q18. To what extent were the following motives important to you when you applied for this particular project?......................................................................136 Figure 85 Q19. To what extent were the following motives important to you when you applied for this particular project? (only GHS) ................................................137 Figure 86 Q20. Beyond the grant period (only GHS) .....137 Figure 87 Q21. Have you engaged in any international research project collaboration since 2004? ...........................137 Figure 88 Q22. Could you please describe the type of international project(s) in which you are / were engaged? Please select all that apply. .......................................................138 Figure 89 Q23. Could you please describe your role in the international project(s) in which you are / were engaged? Please select all that apply ......................................138 Figure 90 Q24. To what extent do you agree with the following statements about the Academy’s support for the internationalisation of research? ......................................138 Figure 91 Q25. For Finland, and your unit in particular, what are the challenges in the internationalisation of research? .....................................................................................139