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EGU Journal Logos (RGB) O O O p p p Advances in e Annales e Nonlinear Processes e n n n A A A Geosciencesc Geophysicaec in Geophysicsc c c c e e e s s s s s s Natural Hazards O Natural Hazards O p p e e and Earth System n A and Earth System n A c c c c Sciencese Sciencese s s s s Discussions Atmos. Chem. Phys.,13,1913–1926,2013 Atmospheric O Atmospheric O p p www.atmos-chem-phys.net/13/1913/2013/ e e n n doi:10.5194/acp-13-1913-2013 Chemistry Ac Chemistry Ac c c ©Author(s)2013. CCAttribution3.0License. and Physicse and Physicse s s s s Discussions Atmospheric O Atmospheric O p p e e n n Measurement A Measurement A c c c c Techniquese Techniquese s s s s Evaluation of factors controlling global secondary organic aerosol Discussions O O production from cloud processes p p e Biogeosciencese n n Biogeosciences A A c c c Discussionsc C.He1,*,J.Liu1,A.G.Carlton2,S.Fan3,L.W.Horowitz3,H.LevyII3,andS.Tao1 e e s s s s 1CollegeofUrbanandEnvironmentalSciences,PekingUniversity,Beijing,China 2DepartmentofEnvironmentalSciences,RutgersUniversity,NewBrunswick,NJ,USA O O 3GeophysicalFluidDynamicsLaboratory(GFDL),Princeton,NJ,USA p Climate p Climate e e *nowat:DepartmentofAtmosphericandOceanicSciences,UniversityofCaliforniaatLosAngeles(UCLA),Lon AsAngeles, of the Pastn A of the Pastc c CA,USA c c e e s Discussionss s s Correspondenceto:J.Liu(jfl[email protected]) O O Received:4September2012–PublishedinAtmos.Chem.Phys.Discuss.:11October2012 p Earth System p Earth System e e Revised:21January2013–Accepted:6February2013–Published:19February2013 n n A Dynamics A Dynamicsc c c c e e s Discussionss s s Abstract.Secondaryorganicaerosols(SOA)exertasignif- 1 Introduction icant influence on ambient air quality and regional climate. Geoscientific Geoscientific Recent field, laboratorial and modeling studies have con- O O p p firmed that in-cloud processes contribute to a large fraction SecondaryorganicaerosIonls(StrOuAm)iesnotnaetoioftnh eenmostimpor- Instrumentation en ofSOAproductionwithlargespace-timeheterogeneity.This tantcomponentsofatmosphMeriecptharotidcusla atenmdatt Acer,whichhas Methods and Ac study evaluates the key factors that govern the production asignificantinfluenceonatmosphericchemistryceandairqual- ce of cloud-process SOA (SOA ) on a global scale based on ityandhaspotentialtoxicoDloagtiaca lSeyffsecttesm(Ksanssakidouetal., Data Systemsss cld the GFDL coupled chemistry-climate model AM3 in which 2005).Thesecondensablecompoundsareproducedthrough Discussions full cloud chemistry is employed. The association between physicalandchemicalprocessingofbothanthrOopogenicand GeoscientificO p p SOAcldproductionrateandsixfactors(i.e.,liquidwatercon- biogenicvolatileorganiccGomepoousncdsie(VnOtiCfisc),enincludingxy- en tent (LWC), total carbon chemical loss rate (TCloss), tem- lene, toluene, mMonoodtereple nDe,eanvdeilsoopprmenee,nettc. Acc(van Donke- Model Development Acc perature,VOC/NOx,OH,andO3)isexamined.Wefindthat laar et al., 2007; Henze et al., 2008). Among teshese species, Discussionses LWCalonedeterminesthespatialpatternofSOA produc- aromatic hydrocarbons are estimated to be thesmost impor- s cld tion, particularly over the tropical, subtropical and temper- tant anthropogenic SOA precursors (Pandis et al., 1992), ate forest regions, and is strongly correlated with SOAcld while isoprene, monoteHrpeynde,raonldopgoyte natianlldy sOpesquiterpene Hydrology and Op production. TCloss ranks the second and mainly represents oxidationproductsaretheEparerdtohm iSnaynstctoenmtriben AutorstoSOA Earth Systemen A theseasonalvariabilityofvegetationgrowth.Otherindivid- production in rural forested areas (Guenthercet al., 1995; c c c ual factors are essentially uncorrelated spatiotemporally to Kanakidouetal.,2005). Scienceses Scienceses s s SOAcld production.WefindthattherateofSOAcld produc- Previous global modeling studies have overwhelmingly Discussions tionissimultaneouslydeterminedbybothLWCandTC , focused on the SOA formation in the gaseous phase. How- loss O O butrespondslinearlytoLWCandnonlinearly(orconcavely) ever, relying on gas-phase source alone, a numpber of mod- p e Ocean Sciencee to TCloss. A parameterization based on LWC and TCloss elingresultstendtounOdecreestaimnat eSScOiAencocnecenn Atrationsbya n A can capture well the spatial and temporal variability of the significantdegree(deGouwetal.,2005;Healdccetal.,2005; Discussionscc e e process-basedSOAcldformation(R2=0.5)andcanbeeasily Volkameretal.,2006).In-cloudprocessesarefossundtobere- ss applied to global three dimensional models to represent the sponsibleforasubstantialfractionofSOAproduction(Carl- SOAproductionfromcloudprocesses. tonetal.,2008;Limetal.,2010),indicatingthatSOAformed O O through cloud processes is a strong candidatepto shrink the p e Solid Earthe gapbetweenobservedandmoSdeol-lpidre dEictaedrtohrgn Aanicaerosols. n A For instance, laboratorial experiments have ccdemonstrated Discussionscc e e that organic acids (e.g., oxalic acid) and oligossmers can be ss PublishedbyCopernicusPublicationsonbehalfoftheEuropeanGeosciencesUnion. O O p p e The Cryospheree n n The Cryosphere A A c c c Discussionsc e e s s s s 1914 C.Heetal.: EvaluationoffactorscontrollingglobalSOAproduction formed from glyoxal (Carlton et al., 2007), methylglyoxal man et al., 2006; Perri et al., 2010). Furthermore, aqueous- (Altierietal.,2008;Tanetal.,2010),pyruvicacid(Carltonet phase reactions can be categorized as radical reactions and al.,2006),andaceticacid(Tanetal.,2012)throughaqueous- non-radical reactions. Radical reactions involve a variety of phase reactions in cloud. In addition, Ervens et al. (2004) atmospheric oxidants, including OH radicals, NO radicals, 3 suggestedthatcloudprocessesmayactasasignificantsource O , H O , and can be initiated by photolysis (Lim et al., 3 2 2 of small dicarboxylic acids, which form SOA upon droplet 2010). Non-radical reactions include hemiacetal formation evaporation.Limetal.(2005)concludedthatcloudprocess- (Liggioetal.,2005b;Loeffleretal.,2006),esterificationvia ingofisoprenewasanimportantcontributortoSOAproduc- condensationreactions(Gaoetal.,2004;Surrattetal.,2006; tion. Surrattetal.,2007;Altierietal.,2008),imineformation(De AnumberoffieldmeasurementshaveconfirmedSOAfor- Haanetal.,2009a;DeHaanetal.,2009c),anhydrideforma- mationintheaqueousphase.Yuetal.(2005)showedahigh tion(Gaoetal.,2004),aldolcondensation(Jangetal.,2002; correlation between oxalate and sulfate based on measure- Kalbereretal.,2004;NoziereandCordova,2008;Shapiroet ments in East Asia. In addition, Sorooshian et al. (2006) al.,2009),andorganosulfateformation(Liggioetal.,2005a; also found a strong correlation between measured oxalate Surrattetal.,2007). andSO2− aloft.Sulfateandoxalatearewell-knowntoform Presently only a few studies have attempted to quantita- 4 during aqueous phase photooxidation from common water- tively explore the factors thatcontribute to the formation of soluble atmospheric gases. The strong correlations despite cloud SOA. For example, Ervens et al. (2008) used a cloud large differences in precursors and their emission sources, parcel model with explicit kinetic aqueous-phase chemistry providetheevidenceforacommonproductionprocess(i.e., tostudytheeffectsofinitialVOC/NO ratio,cloudPH,cloud x cloud production). Sorooshian et al. (2007) observed ubiq- contacttime,andliquidwatercontent(LWC)onSOA for- cld uitous organic aerosol layers above clouds with enhanced mation from isoprene. They found that SOA yield was cld organic acid levels and their data suggested that aqueous- a function of LWC and cloud contact time under different phase reactions to produce organic acids are a source of VOC/NO conditions. In addition, they found that SOA x cld thiselevatedorganicaerosollevel.Moreover,basedonsev- could bemodeled in bulkcloud water withoutsolving indi- eralairbornefieldmissions,organicacidsandalargerbody vidual drop classes. This suggests implementation of aque- of oxygenated species with a mass spectral peak in m/z 44 ousphaseorganicchemistryandsubsequentSOAformation werefoundtocontributetothetotalorganicaerosolfraction, in a larger scale model is an appropriate progression in the whichincreasedasafunctionofRHandaerosolhygroscop- development of chemical schemes for atmospheric models. icity,furtherindicatingtheroleofaqueous-phasechemistry Liu et al. (2012) implemented a detailed cloud chemistry playedontheformationorganicaerosols(Sorooshianetal., schemeintoaclimatemodelAM3andevaluatedtheeffects 2010). ofcloudpropertiesontheglobalSOA productionanddis- cld Recent modeling studies have also shown an improved tribution.TheyfoundthatformationofSOA variedsignif- cld modelperformancewhencloudsourcesofSOAareincluded. icantlybytimeandspace(i.e.,denseproductionoccursover For instance, Chen et al. (2007) found that when aque- southernAfricaandwesternAmazontropicalforestsinDJF, ous SOA production mechanisms were incorporated in the butoversouthernChinaandtheborealforestsinJJA)andis CommunityMultiscaleAirQuality(CMAQ)model,domain- tiedtothedistributionofcloudwaterupto400hPaabovethe wide surface SOA predictions increased by 9%. Carlton et surface. al. (2008) found that CMAQ model bias aloft against the ThisstudyisframedonLiuetal.(2012),butaimsfirstly observed organic carbon (OC) was reduced, when in-cloud to quantitatively understand the potential factors contribut- SOA processes were included. Fu et al. (2009) predicted ingsignificantlytotheglobalspatialandtemporaldiversity 11TgCyr−1 SOA produced from aqueous phase processes of in-cloud formation of SOA, and secondly to establish a basedonGEOS-Chemandthevariabilityinorganicaerosols relationshipbetweenSOA productionandthekeyfactors cld wasbettercaptured.Myriokefalitakisetal.(2011)foundthat determining this process spatiotemporally. The approach is thespatialandtemporaldistributionofthesimulatedoxalate basedontheglobalchemistry-climatemodelAM3(Donner agreeswellwithambientobservationsatruralandremotelo- etal.,2011)withdetailedmultiphasechemistrydevelopedin cationswhendetailedaqueous-phasechemistryisemployed. Liuetal.(2012,moredescriptionisgiveninSect.2.1).We In-cloud SOA formation involves a series of complicated describethemodelandmethodsinSect.2,andthenanalyze processes: formation of water-soluble oxidation products the spatiotemporal relationship between SOA production cld (via oxidation of reactive organic compounds in the gas and factors determining in-cloud processes in Sect. 3. Re- phase),partitioningintoclouddroplets,thenreactingfurther sults on the SOA parameterization and its evaluation are cld in the liquid phase (e.g., via photochemistry, acid catalysis, given in Sect. 4. A variety of sensitivity tests on model pa- andwithinorganicmatter)toformlow-volatilitycompounds rametersareshowninSect.5.Finally,conclusionsaredrawn (e.g., organic acids, oligomers, and organosulfates), which inSect.6. remain either completely or partially in the particle phase upon cloud droplet evaporation (Carlton et al., 2006; Guz- Atmos. Chem. Phys.,13,1913–1926,2013 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/13/1913/2013/ C.Heetal.: EvaluationoffactorscontrollingglobalSOAproduction 1915 Intermediates Precursors OH, O, NOx 3 Gas Phase Reactions Gas Phase Gas Phase Gas-liquid Diffusion Partition / Uptake Aqueous Phase Reactions SOA Cloud Droplet Evaporation Cloud Droplet Fig.1.Chemicalmechanismforaqueous-phaseformationofSOA. 2 Method is configured with a horizontal resolution of C48. The to- tal number of grid cells associated with this study is there- 2.1 Modeldescription fore6×48×48=13824perlayer,andthesizeofgridcells varies from 163km (at 6 corners of the cubed sphere) to 231km(nearthecenterofeachface)(Donneretal.,2011). Thisstudyisbasedontheglobalcoupledchemistry-climate Theverticalco-ordinateinAM3followsSimmonsandBur- model(AM3),developedintheGeophysicalFluidDynamics ridge (1981), and the number of layers is 48. The upper- Laboratory (GFDL). The goal of AM3 is to address emerg- mostlevelinAM3hasapressureof1Pa,aheightofabout ingissuesinclimatechange,includingaerosol-cloudinterac- 86km above the sea level. AM3 predicts both shallow cu- tions, chemistry-climate interactions, and coupling between mulus clouds (Bretherton et al., 2004) and deep convec- the troposphere and stratosphere (Donner et al., 2011). The tive clouds (Donner, 1993), besides a prognostic scheme of dynamical core used in AM3 follows the finite-volume al- large-scale cloud condensate and volume fraction (Tiedtke, gorithmsdescribedinLinandRood(1997)andLin(2004). 1993; Rotstayn, 1997; Rotstayn et al., 2000). A prognostic AM3implementsafinite-volumedynamicalcore(Lin,2004) scheme for droplet number is used to simulate the interac- onacubedspheregrid(projectionofacubeontothesurface tionsbetweenaerosolsandlarge-scaleliquidclouds(Minget ofasphere,PutmanandLin(2007)),replacingthelatitude- al., 2007), and sulfate, organic matter, and sea salt aerosols longitudegridusedinitspreviousversionAM2.Themodel www.atmos-chem-phys.net/13/1913/2013/ Atmos. Chem. Phys.,13,1913–1926,2013 1916 C.Heetal.: EvaluationoffactorscontrollingglobalSOAproduction are treated as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). In AM3, (Altierietal.,2006;Carltonetal.,2006;Altierietal.,2008). gas-phase chemistry is being updated from MOZART-2 to Other oxidation products include pyruvic acid (Stefan and MOZART-4 chemistry mechanisms (Horowitz et al., 2003; Bolton,1999)andoligomerthroughesterification(Carltonet Emmonsetal.,2010)andaqueouschemistryisbasedonan al.,2007).AqueousoxidationofglycolaldehydeviaOHrad- optimizedmechanismforsulfurchemistry,mergedwiththe ical can form glyoxal and glycolic acid (Perri et al., 2009). updatedcloudSOAchemistry(Jacob,1986;PandisandSe- Subsequentreactionscreateformicacid,glyoxylicacid,ox- infeld, 1989; Lim et al., 2005; Tan et al., 2009; Liu et al., alic acid and oligomers (Perri et al., 2009). Acetic acid ox- 2012).Thecoupledmechanismincludesapproximately100 idation by OH radical will produce glyoxylic acid, glycolic gasphasespecies,50aqueousphasespecies,andtotally370 acid, and oxalic acids in the liquid phase, but no oligomers kineticexpressions. willform(Tanetal.,2012).Thismaybebecausethatacetic Figure 1 summarizes the pathway for in-cloud produc- acid only forms unstable radicals which cannot involve the tion of SOA in AM3. The primary physical and chemical subsequent radical-radical reactions to form higher molec- processesassociatedwithSOAproductionincludeoxidation ular weight products (Tan et al., 2012). Details on multi- ofprecursors,gas-liquidtransport,aqueous-phasereactions, phase chemistry associated with SOA generation have been andcloudevaporationandSOA formation. describedbyLiuetal.(2012). cld 2.1.1 Oxidationofprecursors 2.1.4 CloudevaporationandSOA formation cld Isoprene, terpenes, and aromatic compounds are the three When cloud droplets evaporate, low-volatility carboxylic representative precursors of SOA . Isoprene is the major acidsaswellasoligomersformedduringcloudevaporation cld organic compound emitted by plants with emission rates (Loeffleretal.,2006;DeHaanetal.,2009b)areassumedto far exceeding those of other biogenic species. Monoter- remain in the aerosol phase as SOA. Hence, the mass pro- penes (e.g., α-pinene) are important biogenic VOCs emit- duction of six SOA species (i.e., glycolic acid, glyoxylic cld tedmainlybyterrestrialvegetationandtheiroxidationprod- acid,pyruvicacid,oxalicacid,andtwoclassesofoligomers ucts contribute significantly to SOA budget (Kavouras and formed by glyoxal and methylglyoxal) have been summed Stephanou,2002).Tolueneisoneofthemostabundantaro- togethertorepresentthetotalSOA massproduction. cld matic compounds with average concentrations of 2–39ppb inurban,0.05–0.8ppbinruraland0.01–0.25ppbinremote 2.2 Modelconfiguration areas(Finlayson-PittsandPitts,2000).Theseprecursorsare Inthisstudy,theemissioninventoriesusedforbothgasand oxidized in the ambient air to form semi-volatile and low- aerosolspeciesareobtainedfromthedatabasedevelopedfor volatileorganicspeciesaswellaswater-solublegases,such IPCCAR5studies(Lamarqueetal.,2010).Seaicecoverand as glyoxal, methylglyoxal, glycolaldehyde, acetic acid and seasurfacetemperature(SST)areprescribedusingdatabases hydroxyacetone. developedattheHadleyCenter(Rayneretal.,2003).Cloud 2.1.2 Gas-liquidtransport droplet lifetime is set to be 30min. Cloud droplet size and cloudfractionareusingthemodeldefaultvaluesasdescribed In the presence of clouds, the water-soluble gases formed in Liu et al. (2012). Entrainment between the cloudy and in the gas phase will diffuse into or be absorbed by the non-cloudy areas is neglected here. We conduct a one-year cloud droplets. The calculation of gas-liquid partitioning is simulation, and factors potentially influencing formation of expressed kinetically (Liu et al., 2012) and is based on the SOA (seeSect.2.1andFig.1)arearchivedevery3hours. cld massbalanceofaspeciesassociatedwithchemicalreactions, Therefore,insideeachmodelgrid,themodeledproductionof emissions,anddeposition(Limetal.,2005). SOA ineachtimestepisphysicochemicallydeterminedby cld theavailabilityofcloudwater,water-solublegases,oxidants, 2.1.3 Aqueous-phasereactions etc. The dissolved gases (e.g., glyoxal, methylglyoxal, hydrox- 2.3 Spatiotemporalstatisticalanalysistodevelop yacetone, and glycolaldehyde) will be oxidized further in parameterizationofdetailedcloudchemistry thecloudwaterthroughvariousaqueouschemicalreactions, leading to the formation of lower-volatility carboxylic acid ThesignificanceoffactorsdrivingthevariabilityofSOA cld (e.g., glycolic acid, glyoxylic acid, pyruvic acid and oxalic production (P , expressed as the total SOA mass SOAcld acid). During daytime, glyoxal will react with OH radicals formed through cloud processes in one unit time, unit: to form oxalic acid in cloud droplets. Remaining glyoxal kgm−3s−1) is examined by spatiotemporal statistical infer- upon cloud evaporation will form oligomers through acid ence. Based on results from previous studies (e.g., Ervens catalyzedhemiacetalformation(Limetal.,2010).Aqueous et al., 2008 and Carlton et al., 2009) as well as the physi- phaseoxidationofmethylglyoxalbyOHradicalleadstothe calandchemicalmechanismsofin-cloudformationofSOA formationofoxalicacidandhighmolecularweightproducts (seeSect.2.1orLiuetal.,2012),themainfactorsexpectedto Atmos. Chem. Phys.,13,1913–1926,2013 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/13/1913/2013/ C.Heetal.: EvaluationoffactorscontrollingglobalSOAproduction 1917 influenceSOA productionincludeLWC,temperature,the 3 Factorsassociatedwithspatiotemporaldistributionof cld chemical loss rate of total carbon mass of primary precur- SOA production cld sors(i.e.,isoprene,α-pinene,andtoluene),theconcentration ofOHandO3,andtheVOCtoNOx ratio(VOC/NOx).Fac- SpatiotemporalassociationsbetweendailyPSOAcld andeach torstiedsolelytothecloudchemistrysimulationareignored of the six factors (i.e., LWC, TCloss, concentrations of OH since this study targets understanding the extent to which and O3, VOC/NOx, and temperature) are examined by a non-linearprocessesofcloudchemistrycanbeexplainedex- correlation analysis with a sample size of approximately ternally. 95 million. Here we apply a linear relationship to non- As shown in Fig. 1, cloud water (i.e., LWC, unit: linear processes of PSOAcld , but those non-linear processes kg(water)kg(air)−1) serves as the media where SOA is are partially accounted for in the prognostic model simu- cld formed. More cloud water is usually associated with more lation (though not perfectly). The results are shown in Ta- SOA production (Liu et al., 2012). Temperature governs ble 1 (data are paired in space (horizontal and vertical) cld the overall reaction rates and is shown in laboratory studies and time (daily average)) and are restricted to the follow- tobeakeyfactorinSOAformation(Takekawaetal.,2003). ing conditions: pressure level below 200hPa, cloud vol- VOCoxidationrateisanessentialfactorduringthetransfor- ume fraction>10−3, LWC>10−12 kg(water)/kg(air), and mationamongdifferentorganics.Itindicatestheavailability TCloss>10−22 kgCm−3s−1 (approximately 61% of the ofwater-solublegases(e.g.,glyoxalandmethylglyoxal)that spatialandtemporaloutputsarecoveredbytheabovethresh- are able to form SOA (Fig. 1). Here we use total carbon oldcriteria,whichaccountsformorethan95%ofglobalto- cld chemicallossrate(TCloss)ofisoprene,α-pinene,andtoluene talSOAcldproductionintheprocess-basedsimulation). torepresenttheprecursors’oxidationrate: 3.1 Liquidwatercontent TC (kgCm−3·s−1) (1) LWC, which varies substantially in space and time, deter- loss mines the amount of cloud water for water-soluble gases =0.012×(5×L +7×L +10×L ) isop tol pine (WSG)topartitiontoandreactin.AsshowninTable1,LWC showsthehighestpositivecorrelation(r=0.32)withP SOAcld amongthesixfactors,indicatingacloseassociationbetween where L , L , and L are the loss rates (unit: isop pine tol P and LWC on the global scale. Figure 2a further de- molm−3s−1) of isoprene, α-pinene, and toluene, respec- SOAcld picts the spatial variability in correlation between P tively. SOAcld and LWC. High positive correlation (r>0.7) is found over TheconcentrationsofOHandO (unit:molm−3)reflect 3 a broad area around the world at both lower and higher al- theoxidationpoweroftheatmosphereandcanaffectthere- titudes(seeFig.S1aintheSupplement).Overtheforestre- action rate and pathway of SOA formation in both gaseous gionsinSouthAfricaandSouthAmerica,P correlates and liquid phases (Lim and Ziemann, 2005). VOC to NO SOAcld x well with LWC (r>0.9). This is because that when SOA ratioisanotherfactorthatcaninfluenceoxidantsandSOA cld precursors are abundant, LWC becomes the limiting factor yields, and has been found to be the most effective factor determiningthechangeofP .Similarly,thehighcor- controllingSOA yieldsinthecloudparcelmodel(Ervens SOAcld cld relationovertheSahararegionsmaybealsoduetothelack et al., 2008). We ignore the factor of cloud fraction since it ofcloudwater.SOA willformimmediatelyintheseareas hasbeenpartiallyincludedinLWCwhengrid-boxaveraged cld whenever cloud is present, even though the amount of pre- LWC is used. Other factors related to cloud properties are cursorsistrivialcomparedtootherplaces. notconsideredinthisstudyandwillbeevaluatedinfollow- . upstudies. The spatiotemporal dependence of P on a variety SOAcld 3.2 Totalcarbonlossrate of individual meteorological and chemical factors and their combinationsareexaminedbasedoncorrelationanalysisand TC representstheabundanceofprecursorsandoxidation loss multiple regression models with/without nonlinear transfor- power,andthusindicatestheproductionrateofwater-soluble mations (e.g., logarithm or grouping data by VOC to NOx organic carbons (WSOC) in the gas phase. It ranks the sec- ratios). We note that factors could be significantly involved ond in terms of the spatiotemporal correlation with SOA cld inthenon-linearproductionofSOAcld butshowlittledirect production(r=0.26,seeTable1).Figure2bshowsthehor- spatiotemporalassociationtoPSOAcld .Suchfactorswillnot izontal distribution of the r values which are usually less typicallybegivenstrongweightbyspatiotemporalstatistical than 0.7 except over Southeast China around 500hPa (see inference,consistentwithourgoalofidentifyingthekeyfac- Figure S1b),TibetanPlateauaround900hPa,andafewlo- tors(orbestpredictors)bestexplainingthespatialandtem- cations over remote oceans, where TC is strongly corre- loss poral diversity of PSOAcld . The final parameterization pre- lated with the PSOAcld (r>0.7). This indicates that TCloss dictingPSOAcldisexploredbasedonbothstatisticalinference actsmoreeffectivelytheretofacilitateSOAcldformation. andsensitivityanalysis. www.atmos-chem-phys.net/13/1913/2013/ Atmos. Chem. Phys.,13,1913–1926,2013 1918 C.Heetal.: EvaluationoffactorscontrollingglobalSOAproduction Table 1. Relative importance of factors influencing global spatiotemporal distribution of SOAcld production: correlation between daily SOAcldproductionrate(PSOAcld)andeachindividualfactor.Dataarepairedbyspace(i.e.,horizontalandvertical)andtime(dailyaverage). ∗ Correlation LWC TCloss Temperature O3 OH VOC/NOx (kgwater/kgair) (kgm−3s−1) (K) (mol/molair) (mol/molair) (molmol−1) r 0.32 0.26 0.036 −0.001 −0.008 −0.006 ∗∗ r 0.74 0.54 0.37 0.08 0.16 0.33 log ∗Allpvaluesarelessthan0.001. ∗∗Thecorrelationcoefficients(r)betweenlog(PSOAcld)andthelogarithmofeachindividualfactor. Fig.2.Distributionofthecorrelation(r)betweenSOAcldproductionand(b)LWC,(b)TCloss,(c)temperature,(d)O3,(e)OH,(f)VOC/NOx at900hPaaroundtheworld. 3.3 Temperature P by influencing TC or chemistry in this region. It SOAcld loss isalsopossiblethatcloudformationandLWCaredependent As indicated in Table 1, temperature is not associated well ontemperatureincertainplaceslikeNortheastAsia. with P on the global scale. The correlation between SOAcld P and temperature is typically small (r<0.3) around 3.4 Otherfactors SOAcld the world (Fig. 2c). This suggests that the effects of tem- perature on SOA formation are either trivial or nonlin- Similar to temperature, the effects of oxidants (i.e., OH cld ear. However, relatively high correlation (r>0.5) is found and O ) on P are embedded in both gas-phase and 3 SOAcld over Northeast Asia, where TC also plays an important aqueous-phase chemistry. Since TC alone may only rep- loss loss role.Thisindicatesthattemperaturemaybeindirectlyaffects resentthegas-phaseoxidationpower,weevaluatetheoverall Atmos. Chem. Phys.,13,1913–1926,2013 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/13/1913/2013/ C.Heetal.: EvaluationoffactorscontrollingglobalSOAproduction 1919 Table 2. Regression coefficients (b) and their standardized values (B) from multiple linear regression model (with log-transformation) betweenPSOAcld(unit:kgm−3s−1)andallsixfactors(oronlyLWCandTClossareconsidered). LWC TCloss Temperature O3 OH VOC/NOx (kgwater/kgair) (kgm−3s−1) (K) (mol/molair) (mol/molair) (molmol−1) b∗ 1.0409±0.0002 0.3416±0.0003 14.77±0.01 −0.207±0.002 −0.0106±0.0005 0.0397±0.0004 B∗∗ 0.1704 0.0957 0.0571 −0.0052 −0.0015 0.0085 ∗∗∗ b 1.0515±0.0002 0.4175±0.0002 ∗∗∗ B 0.1721 0.1170 ∗bisthepartialregressioncoefficients(i.e.,theslope)ofeachindividualfactorwith95%confidenceintervals.Theregressionmodelisconstructedas log(PSOAcld)∼b1log(LWC)+b2log(TCloss)+b3log(Temp)+b4log(O3)+b5log(OH)+b6log(VOC/NOx). ∗∗Brepresentsthestandardizedregressioncoefficients(i.e.,thepartialregressioncoefficientsinunitsofstandarddeviation),whichcanbeusedto compareandexplorethemosteffectivefactors. ∗∗∗Resultsarebasedonlyonthemosteffectivefactors(i.e.,LWCandTCloss).Nowtheregressionmodelislog(PSOAcld) ∼b1log(LWC)+b2log(TCloss).Pleasenote,aftertransformedbackfromthepre-exponentialcoefficients,parametersinEq.(2),namelyαandβ,are determinedbyanadditionallinearregressionanalysis,whicharenotshownhere. associationofO andOHwithP inFig.2dande,re- to global spatiotemporal variability of P . To address 3 SOAcld SOAcld spectively.Boththecross-regionalcorrelation(Table1)and the non-linearity associated with VOC/NO , we categorize x the spatial distribution of r show little association between the data by high (>100), middle (5–100) and low (<5) P andthesetwooxidants,indicatingthatoxidantalone VOC/NO conditions and perform the similar analysis for SOAcld x is not linearly determining the overall gaseous and aqueous eachsubgroup.However,nosignificantimprovementisob- processesofSOA formation. served(i.e.,increaseofR2 islessthan0.05).Thisindicates cld VOC/NO governstheatmosphericoxidationcapacity,but thattheeffectofVOC/NO onP mightchangebylo- x x SOAcld also plays an important role in controlling the oxidized or- cation. ganicspeciesunderlow-NO orhigh-NO conditions(Carl- x x ton et al., 2009). Thus it is treated as an effective factor in- 4 ParameterizationofSOA productionandits fluencing SOA production in Ervens et al., (2008). How- cld cld evaluation ever, the cross-regional correlation between VOC/NO and x P showslittleassociation(Table1).Byexaminingthe SOAcld The larger correlations of LWC and TC with P loss SOAcld correlations over different locations, we find weak negative for spatiotemporally diverse data pairs suggest that instan- (positive)correlationsdistributeovermid-andhigh-latitude taneous values of liquid water and the oxidative capacity (tropical and subtropical) regions (Fig. 2f). This indicates of the atmosphere are the most critical factors considered that the effect of VOC/NO on P is highly non-linear x SOAcld in this study for P . Effects of other factors could be SOAcld andmaydependonlocations,andthereforeresolvingasim- important at specific location and time, but are generally pleglobalrelationshipisdifficult. inconsistent to the global spatiotemporal variation pattern TheaboveanalysisindicatesthatLWCandTC aremost loss of P . Results of the multiple linear regression mod- SOAcld strongly correlated with P . To understand the inter- SOAcld els (with transformation) in Table 2 indicate that P is SOAcld dependence between the six factors, Table S1 in the Sup- drivenbybothLWCandTC withthebest-fitrelationship loss plement lists their cross-correlation matrix. In general, nei- showninEq.(2): ther LWC nor TC is correlated well (r<0.2) with the loss rest of the factors. In addition, to address the potential non- P =α×LWC×TCγ +β (2) SOAcld loss linear association between P and individual factors, SOAcld where α (unit: (kgm−3s−1)(1−γ)), β (unit: kgm−3s−1), log-transformationisapplied.Correlationsbetweenthelog- and γ are parameters determined by regression mod- arithm of P (log(P )) and the logarithm of in- SOAcld SOAcld els. The best estimated global uniform values for dividual factors are shown in Table 1. Higher correlations α, β, and γ in Eq. (2) are respectively 4.66×10−5 are found for all factors when log-transformation is em- (kgm−3s−1)0.6, 0.84×10−17kgm−3s−1, and 0.4 for ployed,indicatingsignificantnonlinearassociationbetween three-hour averaged data, and 5.5×10−5 (kgm−3s−1)0.6, P and each factor. Table 2 shows the regression co- SOAcld 0.84×10−17kgm−3s−1, and 0.4 if applied in AM3 with a efficients for multiple-factor linear regressions (with log- 30-minute model timestep. The slight change in α reflects transformation) for two scenarios: (1) if all six listed fac- the change in coincidence between the averaged LWC and torsaresimultaneouslyassociatedwithP and(2)when SOAcld TC across different time resolution. The cross regional LWC and TC are the only considered factors. From the loss loss R2 of Eq. (2) is approximately 0.5, indicating that the standardizedregressioncoefficients(i.e.theBvalues),LWC combination of LWC and TC alone can explain nearly and TC are still the two dominant factors contributing loss loss half of the spatial and temporal variability of P SOAcld www.atmos-chem-phys.net/13/1913/2013/ Atmos. Chem. Phys.,13,1913–1926,2013 1920 C.Heetal.: EvaluationoffactorscontrollingglobalSOAproduction in a global scale. To investigate factors that potentially co-vary with LWC and TC , other physically plausible loss relationshipswereinvestigated.InErvensetal.(2008)cloud contact time (∝ cloud fraction) is significantly associated with cloud liquid water. In this study, if LWC is replaced by cloud fraction, R2 will decrease by half. Therefore, we presentthefactorswiththehighestR2.Equation(2)canbe applied globally with the following restrictions (i.e., cloud volume fraction>10−3, LWC>10−12kg(water)kg(air)−1, TC >10−22kgCm−3s−1, and pressure level below loss 200hPa). Equation(2)also indicates thattheproductionofSOA cld issimultaneouslydeterminedbyLWCandTC ,which,re- loss spectively,representthecontributionfromliquid-phasepro- cesses and gas-phase processes. The parameter α denotes the annual average intensity of chemical reactions in these processes.Itdeterminestheoverallproductionefficiencyof Fig.3.Comparisonbetweentheparameterizedandprocess-based SOA andistiedtothewholemultiphaseprocessforSOA cld annualmeanPSOAcldforeverygridboxbelow200hPa.Yellowdots production. The parameter β probably represents the influ- indicatetwopolarregionsaswellasaltitudesabove400hPa.The ence of some physical processes, such as the transport of solidlineindicatesthe1:1line;thedashedlinesindicatethe1:2(or SOA precursors from nearby regions. It may also repre- 2:1)lines;thedash-dotlinesindicatethe1:4(or4:1)lines. cld sent the contribution from acetic acid, particularly over re- motelocations.Besidesαandβ,wefindexponentsofLWC and TC are approximately 1 and 0.4, respectively. This based estimations. The yellow dots in Fig. 3 represent re- loss indicates that P responds linearly to the spatiotempo- mote locations (i.e., grids above 400hPa as well as two po- SOAcld ralvariabilityofcloudliquidwater,butnonlinearly(orcon- lar regions (90◦S–66.5◦S, 66.5◦N–90◦N) below 400hPa), cavely) to the gas-phase oxidation of hydrocarbons. The γ whereas the blue part mostly represents tropical and mid- valuereflectsthecomplexityandcombinedeffectsofmulti- latituderegionsbelow400hPa,where96%ofglobalSOA cld phaseprocessesfromtheoxidationofVOCstoSOA for- mass is produced. Even though the yellow dots represent cld mation,includingproductionofwater-solublespeciesinthe 40%oftheworldgridcells,theyonlyaccountfor∼4%of gasphase,thegas-liquidtransportofoxidationproducts,and totalglobalSOA massproduction. cld subsequentchemicalreactionsinsideclouddroplets.Sinceγ Figure S2 in the supplementary material further decom- islessthan1,itmayalsosuggestacompetitionforoxidants posestheyellowdotsinFig.3intothreeparts:high-altitude betweengas-phaseandliquid-phasechemistrytooxidizeor- regions (above 400hPa), Antarctic regions (90◦S–66.5◦S, ganiccompoundsasTC increases. below 400hPa), and Arctic regions (66.5◦N–90◦N, below loss After implementing Eq. (2) into AM3 to replace the de- 400hPa).WefindthatP overtheArcticarepredicted SOAcld tailed cloud chemistry scheme, the parameterized global well by Eq. (2), and nearly 70% of grid cells are within a SOA productionis23.0Tgyr−1,closetothatsimulatedin factorof2oftheprocess-basedestimations.Incontrast,the cld AM3usingdetailedcloudchemistry(23.4Tgyr−1),aswell P overtheAntarcticandhigh-altituderegionsaresys- SOAcld astheresultsbasedonuptakecoefficients(∼22Tgyr−1,Fu tematically overestimated (more than 60% of these places etal.(2008)assumingOM:OC=2.Wedidnotcompareour areoverestimatedbymorethanafactorof4).However,the resultstoErvensetal.,2008sinceimplementationofthepa- SOA massproductionoverthesetworegionsarenegligi- cld rameterization as suggested by Ervens et al. (2008) would blysmall(<2%ofthetotalglobalSOA massproduction). cld require additional information (i.e., cloud contact time, not Theprocess-basedandparameterizedannualcolumnand equivalent to cloud volume fraction) beyond the processes zonalmeanproductionofSOA areshowninFig.4.Both cld at play in AM3. Major differences between this study and horizontal and vertical distributions of parameterized re- Ervens et al., 2008 are summarized in Table 2S in the Sup- sultsareconsistentwellwiththeprocess-basedestimations, plement).Specifically,thetotalSOA tendstobeunderesti- except that a few underestimations are observed over the cld matedinJJA(−16%)andSON(−6%),butoverestimatedin southeastern coast of South America and eastern Russia, MAM(12%)andDJF(10%).Figure3comparestheparam- and some slight overestimations over Europe and Southern eterizedandprocess-basedannualmeanP forallgrid Africa.Inaddition,thehorizontalandverticaldistributionof SOAcld boxesaroundtheworld.TheparameterizedP isingen- parameterized P follows a similar seasonal variation SOAcld SOAcld eralwithinafactorof4(representing94%ofglobalSOA pattern with the process-based results (Figs. S3–S6 in the cld massproduction)butmostlywithinafactorof2(accounting Supplement).However,theparameterizedresultsarebiased for66%ofglobalSOA massproduction)oftheseprocess- low (high) over northern mid-latitude regions in JJA (DJF) cld Atmos. Chem. Phys.,13,1913–1926,2013 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/13/1913/2013/ C.Heetal.: EvaluationoffactorscontrollingglobalSOAproduction 1921 Table3.TherelativechangeinSOAcldproductionasa20%increase/decreaseofeachparameterinEq.(2). Parameter Relativechange(%) Relativechange(%)inSOAcldproduction DJF JJA SON MAM Annually 20 19.45 19.51 19.43 19.42 19.46 α −20 −19.45 −19.51 −19.43 −19.42 −19.46 20 0.55 0.49 0.57 0.58 0.54 β −20 −0.55 −0.49 −0.57 −0.58 −0.54 20 −88.66 −88.34 −88.96 −88.63 −88.66 γ −20 1280 1284 1282 1318 1290 (a) (b) (c) (d) a) a) P P h h e ( e ( ur ur s s s s e e Pr Pr Fig.4.Process-based(a,c)andparameterized(b,d)annualaveragedcolumnproduction(a,b,unit:ngm−2s−1)andzonalmeanproduction (c,d,unit:pgm−3s−1)ofSOAfromcloudprocesses. between800–950hPa.Thisbiasresultsfromfactors,suchas Eq.(2),weconductsixsensitivitytestsbyeitherincreasing temperature,andVOC/NO ,thatmayalsoinfluenceP ordecreasingeachparameterby20%.AsshowninTable3, x SOAcld there but are not incorporated in Eq. (2). Their unique ef- theglobalproductionofSOA isdeterminedlinearlybyα, cld fectsonP overaspecificregionwillbeinvestigatedin but is less influenced by β (e.g., a 20% change in parame- SOAcld follow-upstudies. ter β only results in ∼0.5% change in global SOA pro- cld duction).GlobalP isalsosensitivetoγ,butexhibitsa SOAcld nonlinearrelationship. 5 Sensitivityanduncertaintyanalysis Figure 5 shows the relative change in column and zonal mean production of SOA when each parameter is in- cld 5.1 Sensitivitytestsonparameters creased by 20% (the results show similar spatial pattern if these parameters are decreased by 20%). As shown in In order to understand the sensitivity of parameterized Fig.5a,b,P issensitivetoα allovertheworldexcept SOAcld P on individual parameters (i.e., α, β, and γ) used in SOAcld www.atmos-chem-phys.net/13/1913/2013/ Atmos. Chem. Phys.,13,1913–1926,2013 1922 C.Heetal.: EvaluationoffactorscontrollingglobalSOAproduction (a) (b) a) P h e ( ur s s e Pr (c) (d) a) P h e ( ur s s e Pr (e) (f) a) P h e ( ur s s e Pr Fig.5.Relativechangeofannualaveragedcolumn(a,c,e)andzonalmean(b,d,f)productionofSOAcld asaresultof20%increasein parameterα(a,b),β(c,d),andγ (e,f). the Antarctic and high-altitude regions, where parameter β 5.2 Uncertainties has a dominant effect (Fig. 5c, d). Figure 5e, f show the change in P when parameter γ is increased by 20%. SOAcld UncertaintiesoftheparameterizedSOA productioncould cld AsinferredbyEq.(2),γ istheonlyparameterleadingtothe beclassifiedbythefollowingthreeaspects:(1)thevariance nonlinearchangeinP ,mainlydrivenbytheseasonal SOAcld thatisnotexplainedbythelinearregressionmodel(e.g.,the changeinTC .Unlikeαandβ,effectsofγ onP are loss SOAcld nonlinear effects of these factors on P ); (2) effects of SOAcld particularly sensitive over the mid-latitude regions between cloudlifetime,clouddropletsizeandcloudentrainmentrate 700–950hPa.SimilartootherSOA parameterizations,im- cld onP (whichwillbeevaluatedinthefollow-upstudies); SOAcld plementationofEq.(2)toglobalmodelswithdifferenttime (3)biasespassingfromtheprocess-basedmodel(i.e.,simu- resolution may require slight change in parameter α (or β), lations of cloud, transport and gas and liquid phase chem- to account for the difference in coincidence between LWC istry). and TC . However, the spatiotemporal pattern of P loss SOAcld The SOA formation includes a series of complicated cld shouldbeheldaccordingtoFig.5. physical and chemical processes and is influenced by manyfactorsinvolvingmeteorologicalconditions,precursor Atmos. Chem. Phys.,13,1913–1926,2013 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/13/1913/2013/

tion (Gao et al., 2004), aldol condensation (Jang et al., 2002;. Kalberer et al., 2004; . al., 2007), and sulfate, organic matter, and sea salt aerosols.
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