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EGU Journal Logos (RGB) O O O p p p Advances in e Annales e Nonlinear Processes e n n n A A A Geosciencesc Geophysicaec in Geophysicsc c c c e e e s s s s s s Natural Hazards O Natural Hazards O p p e e and Earth System n A and Earth System n A c c c c Sciencese Sciencese s s s s Discussions Atmospheric O Atmospheric O p p e e n n Chemistry A Chemistry A c c c c and Physicse and Physicse s s s s Discussions Atmospheric O Atmospheric O p p e e n n Measurement A Measurement A c c c c Techniquese Techniquese s s s s Discussions O O p p e Biogeosciencese n n Biogeosciences A A c c c Discussions c e e s s s s O O p Climate p Climate e e n n A of the Past A of the Pastc c c c e e s Discussionss s s O O p Earth System p Earth System e e n n A Dynamics A Dynamicsc c c c e e s Discussionss s s Geoscientific Geoscientific O O p p Instrumentation e Instrumentation e n n A A Methods andc Methods andc c c e e Data Systemsss Data Systemsss Discussions O GeoscientificO p p Geoscientifice e n n A Model Development A Model Developmentc c c c e e s Discussionss s s Hydrol. EarthSyst. Sci.,17,2415–2434,2013 Hydrology and O Hydrology and O p p www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci.net/17/2415/2013/ e e doi:10.5194/hess-17-2415-2013 Earth Systemn Ac Earth Systemn Ac c c ©Author(s)2013. CCAttribution3.0License. Sciencese Sciencese s s s s Discussions O O p p e Ocean Sciencee n n Ocean Science A A cc Discussions cc e e s s s s Evaluation of areal precipitation estimates based on downscaled O O reanalysis and station data by hydrological modelling p p e Solid Earthe n n Solid Earth A A D.Duethmann1,J.Zimmer1,*,A.Gafurov1,A.Gu¨ntner1,D.Kriegel1,B.Merz1,andS.Vorogushyn1 cce Discussions cce s s s s 1GFZGermanResearchCentreforGeosciences,Telegrafenberg,14473Potsdam,Germany *nowat:EngineeringConsultancyLoadandEnergyManagement,Leipzig,Germany O O p p Correspondenceto:D.Duethmann([email protected]) en The Cryosphereen The Cryosphere A A c c c Discussions c Received:17August2012–PublishedinHydrol.EarthSyst.Sci.Discuss.:20September2012 e e s s s s Revised:6May2013–Accepted:16May2013–Published:2July2013 Abstract.Indatasparsemountainousregionsitisdifficultto matesinthesedatasparsemountainouscatchments.Insuch derivearealprecipitationestimates.Inaddition,theirevalua- regions with only very few precipitation gauges but high tionbycrossvalidationcanbemisleadingiftheprecipitation spatialvariabilityofprecipitation,importantinformationfor gauges are not in representative locations in the catchment. evaluating precipitation estimates may be gained by hydro- This study aims at the evaluation of precipitation estimates logicalmodellingandacomparisontoobserveddischarge. in data sparse mountainous catchments. In particular, it is firsttestedwhethermonthlyprecipitationfieldsfromdown- scaled reanalysis data can be used for interpolating gauge observations.Secondly,precipitationestimatesfromthisand 1 Introduction other methods are evaluated by comparing simulated and observed discharge, which has the advantage that the data In data sparse mountain regions it is challenging to derive are evaluated at the catchment scale. This approach is ex- areal precipitation estimates. At the same time, evaluating tended here in order to differentiate between errors in the differentspatialinterpolationapproachesalsoisdifficult,as overall bias and the temporal dynamics, and by taking into crossvalidationmayleadtowrongconclusionsiflargefrac- accountdifferentsourcesofuncertainties.Thestudyareain- tionsofthecatchmentareunderrepresentedbyprecipitation cludes six headwater catchments of the Karadarya Basin in gauges (Heistermann and Kneis, 2011). Large uncertainties Central Asia. Generally the precipitation estimate based on inarealprecipitationestimatesaregenerallyduetomeasure- monthlyprecipitationfieldsfromdownscaledreanalysisdata menterrorsandthescaledifferencebetweenthepointmea- showed an acceptable performance, comparable to another surementsandthearealestimate.Thisisamplifiedinmoun- interpolationmethodusingmonthlyprecipitationfieldsfrom tainous regions, where, despite the high spatial variability multi-linearregressionagainsttopographicalvariables.Poor of precipitation, the gauge network often has a low density performancewasobservedinonlyonecatchment,probably withanunequaldistributiontowardslowerandlessexposed duetomountainridgesnotresolvedinthemodelorography locations(FreiandScha¨r,1998). of the regional climate model. Using two performance cri- Orography affects the spatial pattern and the amount of teriafortheevaluationbyhydrologicalmodellingalloweda precipitation through various processes (e.g. Houze, 1993, moreinformeddifferentiationbetweentheprecipitationdata foranoverview).Despitecomplexrelationsbetweenorogra- and showed that the precipitation data sets mostly differed phyandprecipitation,ingeneral,theseprocessesoftenresult in their overall bias, while the performance with respect to inanincreaseofprecipitationwithelevation,particularlyon the temporal dynamics was similar. Our precipitation esti- windwardslopes,andlowerprecipitationontheleewardside matesinthesecatchmentsareconsiderablyhigherthanthose ofamountainrange(rainshadoweffect).Forthespatialin- fromcontinental-orglobal-scalegriddeddatasets.Thestudy terpolation of precipitation in mountainous areas, methods demonstrates large uncertainties in areal precipitation esti- which consider the orography are therefore often advanta- geous over methods neglecting the relation with the terrain PublishedbyCopernicusPublicationsonbehalfoftheEuropeanGeosciencesUnion. 2416 D.Duethmannetal.: Evaluationofarealprecipitationestimates (Goovaerts, 2000; Hevesi et al., 1992; Martinez-Cob, 1996; of observed runoff with simulated runoff from a hydrologi- Phillipsetal.,1992;Tobinetal.,2011).Exceptionsfromthis cal model driven by the different precipitation data sets can occur when the correlation between precipitation and ele- beamoresuitablemethodfortheevaluationofarealprecip- vation is low, or in regions where the station density is so itation estimates (Heistermann and Kneis, 2011; Stisen and high that the relation between precipitation and topography Sandholt,2010).Thishastheadvantagethatthescaleprob- isalreadyrepresentedbytheobservations(Haberlandtetal., lembetweenpointmeasurementsandarealestimatesiselim- 2005; Ly et al., 2011). Elevation may be taken into account inated,asdischargemeasurementsrepresentanintegratedre- using geostatistical methods like modified residual kriging, sponse from the entire catchment. Under average flow con- external drift kriging or co-kriging with elevation (Garen et ditions, discharge measurements are also usually afflicted al.,1994;Goovaerts,2000;Hevesietal.,1992;Lloyd,2005; withsmallermeasurementerrorsthanprecipitationmeasure- Martinez-Cob,1996;Phillipsetal.,1992;Tobinetal.,2011), ments, especially if these contain a large fraction of snow or using multi-linear or polynomial regression against vari- measurements.Ontheotherhand,ithastobeconsideredthat ous topographical variables (Basist et al., 1994; Brown and this approach also introduces other uncertainties related to Comrie,2002;Chevaletal.,2003;Dalyetal.,1994;Goodale modeluncertainties,errorsinthecatchmentrunofffromun- et al., 1998; Hay et al., 1998; Johansson and Chen, 2003, knownsubsurfaceinflow/outflowandunknownabstractions 2005; Marquinez et al., 2003; Ninyerola et al., 2000, 2007; orflowdiversions. PerryandHollis,2005;PrudhommeandReed,1998;Sunet There are basically two approaches for the assessment al.,2008). of different precipitation estimates using hydrological mod- These statistical approaches require that the spatial vari- elling. The model may either be recalibrated for each pre- ability of precipitation is captured by the observed precip- cipitation data set (Yilmaz et al., 2005; Stisen and Sand- itation, including, e.g. the relationship to topographic vari- holt, 2010; Bitew and Gebremichael, 2011a, b; Behrangi ables.Insparselygaugedareaswithamorecomplextopog- et al., 2011; Artan et al., 2007) or applied within a Monte raphy this may not be possible. In this case precipitation Carlo framework (Heistermann and Kneis, 2011; Gourley fromreanalysisdatadownscaledbyaregionalclimatemodel and Vieux, 2005). The different precipitation data sets are (RCM)couldbeahelpfulsourceforderivingthespatialvari- then typically assessed using model performance measures ability of precipitation within the catchment. Such data be- forthesimulateddischarge.Inaddition,thebiasofthepre- come increasingly available (van der Linden and Mitchell, cipitationdatasetmaybeevaluatedusingthebiasinthesim- 2009). As an RCM considers the interactions between the ulated discharge. This approach, however, has some draw- orographyandthewindfieldforsimulatingprecipitation,it backs. It does not allow for directly quantifying the bias of shouldbeabletorepresentorographicprecipitationandrain theprecipitationestimate,whichduetonon-linearitiesofthe shadowing effects in a suitable and physically based way. system is usually different from the streamflow bias. Addi- Only few studies started to work in this direction. Haber- tionally, if a precipitation estimate has a large bias and one landt and Kite (1998), for example, used daily precipita- wants to evaluate its performance with respect to the tem- tion output from the NCAR reanalysis (without downscal- poraldynamics,itisnotadvisabletodirectlyuseitasinput ing) for the geostatistical interpolation of station-based pre- to a hydrological model, as the whole system may function cipitationtimeseries,andrecentlyTobinetal.(2011)inter- in a different mode. Scaling all precipitation estimates to a polatedprecipitationdatafromgaugeobservationsbyexter- referenceprecipitationdatasetallowsevaluatingtheprecipi- naldriftkrigingwithprecipitationfieldsfromeventaccumu- tationestimatesindependentoftheirbiases(StisenandSand- lated COSMO7 reanalysis data as trend variable. As gener- holt,2010),buthasthedisadvantagethatareferencedataset allytheperformanceofdownscaledreanalysisdataislower needstobeidentified,whichmayitselfalsobeafflictedwith on shorter time steps (Hurkmans et al., 2008), we propose anunknownbias.Inthisstudywethereforeextendedthisap- to combine monthly accumulated spatial fields from down- proachbyaddingaprecipitationbiasfactortothecalibration scaledreanalysisdatawithdailystationdatafortheestima- parametersinordertoevaluatethebiaswithinthecalibration tionofarealprecipitationindatasparseregions.Wecompare framework.Thisalsobringstheadvantagethatuncertainties this interpolation method with the direct use of downscaled in the estimated bias can be assessed within the calibration reanalysisprecipitationdata,precipitationestimatesbasedon framework. multi-linear regression against topographical variables, data Theaimofthisstudyistheevaluationofprecipitationes- interpolated by inverse distance and with the gauge based timates in data sparse mountainous regions. It is first tested dailygriddedprecipitationdatasetAPHRODITE(Yatagaiet whetherspatialprecipitationfieldsfromdownscaledreanal- al.,2012). ysisdatacanbeusedtointerpolatestationobservations.Sec- Traditionally,differentprecipitationdatasetsareevaluated ond, the approach for comparing and evaluating areal pre- basedonmeasuredvaluesfromprecipitationgauges,e.g.by cipitationestimatesbyhydrologicalmodellingisfurtherde- cross validation. This may however lead to wrong conclu- veloped to separately consider the performance of different sionsiftheprecipitationgaugesarenotinrepresentativelo- precipitation data sets with respect to their overall bias and cationsofthecatchment.Insuchsituations,thecomparison Hydrol. EarthSyst. Sci.,17,2415–2434,2013 www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci.net/17/2415/2013/ D.Duethmannetal.: Evaluationofarealprecipitationestimates 2417 theirtemporaldynamics,andtoaccountfordifferentsources Table1.Area,glaciation,elevationrangeandmeanannualrunoff ofuncertainties. ofthestudiedsubcatchmentsoftheKaradaryaBasin. With respect to the case study region – the Karadarya catchment in Central Asia – estimating and assessing the Area Glacier Elevation(m) Runoff precipitation input contributes to a better understanding of (km2) (%) Min. Max. Mean (mma−1)∗ the hydrology in such a sparsely gauged region, and is a Tosoi 216 0.0 1253 3165 2001 432 prerequisite for reliable hydrological modelling. The region Donguztoo 166 0.0 1271 3502 1999 505 strongly depends on water resources from mountain catch- Salamalik 1180 0.5 1288 4381 2592 585 mentsforirrigation,hydropowergenerationandforwaterin- Ak-Tash 907 2.3 1728 4752 3121 778 Cholma 3840 1.9 1352 4753 3117 410 flowtotheAralSea(e.g.SiegfriedandBernauer,2007).The Gulcha 2010 0.7 1557 4623 3013 267 question of possible climate change effects on water avail- abilitythereforeishighlyrelevantinthisareaandthereisa ∗Meanannualrunoffovertheperiod1961–1990. demand in setting up hydrological models for approaching thistask. 3 Methodsanddata 3.1 Precipitationdataandinterpolationapproaches 2 Studyarea 3.1.1 Downscaledreanalysisdata The Karadarya catchment is a mountainous catchment in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia. The confluence of the Karadarya A relatively good performance of global reanalysis data in andNarynRiverinUzbekistanformstheSyrdarya,thesec- Central Asia was shown by Scha¨r et al. (2004) and Schie- ond largest tributary to the Aral Sea. The study area up- mann et al. (2008). This was attributed to the fact that stream of the Andijan Reservoir has an area of 13000km2. weathersystemstypicallymoveintotheregionfromthewest The catchment is bordered by the Fergana Range in the and reanalysis data for Central Asia therefore benefit from northeast and by the Alay Range in the south, where ele- the denser observation network in Europe and the Middle vations reach up to 4753 m (Fig. 1). Dominant land cover East, which partly compensates the sparse data coverage in types are grasslands (59%) and croplands (23%), followed the region. In order to resolve orographic precipitation and by smaller fractions of shrub land (5%), woody vegetation rain shadowing effects at smaller scales, it is necessary to (5%),andglaciatedareas(1%).Meanannualprecipitation, downscalethereanalysisdatabyaregionalclimatemodel. basedonthe1961–1990timeseriesattheprecipitationsta- Inthisstudy,datafromtheERA-40reanalysis(Uppalaet tions, ranges from 350 to 1050mma−1. The precipitation al.,2005)withahorizontalresolutionof1◦ aredownscaled regime shows a maximum in spring and a second smaller toa12kmgridusingtheRCMWeatherResearchandFore- maximuminautumn. casting Model (WRF, Skamarock et al., 2008) for the time Thefocusofourstudyisonsixheadwatersubcatchments, period1959–1990.Thisstudyperiodwaschosenduetothe forwhichdischargedataareavailableandwhichareassumed availabilityofprecipitationdata,whichstronglydeclinesaf- tobeonlymarginallyinfluencedbywatermanagement.The ter 1990. A two-way nesting approach is applied, with the location of these six subcatchments is shown in Fig. 1 and first nest at a horizontal resolution of 36km covering a re- important characteristics are listed in Table 1. For most of gion between 35 to 47◦N and 62 to 83◦E and the second these subcatchments the mean annual runoff over the pe- nestataresolutionof12kmcoveringanareabetween38to riod 1961–1990 has values of 400mma−1 to 600mma−1, 45◦N and 65 to 80◦E. The model is run with daily restarts outliersareAk-Tashwithnearly800mma−1 andGulchain in order to keep it close to the ERA-40 boundary and ini- the south with less than 300mma−1. The discharge regime tial conditions; the simulation time for each day is 30h, of is strongly seasonal with maximum discharges during the which the first 6h are used for model initialisation and dis- snowmeltseasoninspringandearlysummer.Inaccordance carded.Figure1showstheelevationasrepresentedinthere- with increasing average elevation, maximum monthly dis- gionalclimatemodelcomparedtotheelevationfromSRTM charges occur in April in Tosoi and Donguztoo, in May in (ShuttleRadarTopographyMission)(Jarvisetal.,2008).The Salamalik,andinJuneinGulcha,CholmaandAk-Tash. generalfeaturesofthetopographyarecapturedwell,butdue to the much coarser resolution the highest model elevations are much lower than the actual peaks and narrow mountain ranges, for example southwest of the Karadarya catchment, arenotresolved. www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci.net/17/2415/2013/ Hydrol. EarthSyst. Sci.,17,2415–2434,2013 2418 D.Duethmannetal.: Evaluationofarealprecipitationestimates Fig.1.TheKaradaryaBasinupstreamoftheAndijanreservoir.Left:SRTMelevation,right:elevationintheWRFmodel.Shownarethe headwatersubcatchmentswherethehydrologicalmodelisapplied(blackoutlines),andtheircorrespondingdischargegauges(reddots),as wellastheprecipitationgauges(blacktriangles). 3.1.2 Precipitationstationdata is applied in a standard way (e.g. Goovaerts, 2000; Lloyd, 2005) using an inverse distance power of two, and with the For 10 gauges within or close to the Karadarya catchment distance calculated as Euclidean distance in a two dimen- daily precipitation data for the time period 1959–1990 are sionalplane: retrieved from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC, 2005) and complemented by data from the National Hy- Pn (w ·P ) drometeorological Services of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. i i Precipitationmeasurementsareaffectedbysystematicerrors Pj = i=1n , wi =dibj, b=−2, (1) P due to evaporation, wetting and wind-losses. Precipitation (wi) undercatch of the Tretyakov gauge, which is the common i=1 gauge in this region, due to wind losses is corrected using with P : estimated precipitation at location j; P : observed j i the approach of Yang et al. (1995). These regression equa- value at gauge i; d : horizontal distance between i and j; ij tions(Eqs.4–7inYangetal.,1995)givethecatchratioofthe andn:numberofgauges. Tretyakovgaugeincomparisontothedoublefenceintercom- parisonreferenceandwerederivedthroughtheWorldMete- 3.1.4 Interpolation of station data using spatial fields orologicalOrganizationSolidPrecipitationMeasurementIn- fromdownscaledreanalysisdata tercomparison.Measuredtemperatureandwinddata,which are required as inputs for this approach, are not available The approach developed here interpolates daily time series forallgauges.Therefore,temperaturedataarederivedfrom ofstationdatausingspatialfieldsfromdownscaledreanaly- theWRFdownscaledERA-40dataand,afterconsultingthe sisdata.TheWRF-ERA-40precipitationdataarefirstaggre- WRFoutputandtheavailablemeasurementdata,anaverage gated to monthly maps. For the generation of daily precipi- wind speed of 2ms−1 is assumed. The undercatch correc- tationmaps,ascalingfactoratthestationlocationsiscalcu- tionresults,onaverage,inanincreaseofthemeasuredvalues latedbydividingthedailygaugeobservationatlocationiby by10%. themeanmonthlyprecipitationoftheWRF-ERA-40dataat locationi: 3.1.3 Interpolationofstationdatabyinverse distanceweighting F = Pi , (2) i M i In addition to the more sophisticated methods described in the following sections, the precipitation data are also inter- with F : scaling factor at station location i; and M : mean i i polatedusingasimpleinversedistanceweighting(IDW)ap- monthlyprecipitationoftheWRF-ERA-40dataatlocationi. proach (Shepard, 1968). In this method precipitation for a In order to avoid abnormally large values when dividing locationj isestimatedasweightedmeanofthegaugeobser- by very small numbers, stations where the mean monthly vationsatsurroundingstations.Theweightsaredetermined precipitation is less than 1mmmonth−1 are excluded from basedontheinverseofthedistancebetweenlocationj and thecalculationofthescalingfactorforthatmonth.Thecal- the gauge locations, raised to the power of b. The method culated factor is next interpolated to all locations j on a Hydrol. EarthSyst. Sci.,17,2415–2434,2013 www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci.net/17/2415/2013/ D.Duethmannetal.: Evaluationofarealprecipitationestimates 2419 1km×1kmgridusingtheinversesquareddistanceweight- thedailyprecipitationfields(seeEq.4,butM heredenotes j ingmethod: themeanmonthlyregressionvalueatlocationj).Againtwo variantsofthismethodareappliedusing(i)monthlymeans n (cid:16) (cid:17) P di−j2·Fi overamonthinallyears(MLR-all)and(ii)monthlymeans F = i=1 , (3) ofindividualyears(MLR-ind). j n (cid:16) (cid:17) P d−2 ij i=1 3.1.6 Griddedprecipitationdata withF :scalingfactorinterpolatedtolocationj. j APHRODITE (Yatagai et al., 2012) is a daily gridded pre- Multiplication of the interpolated scaling factor map cipitation data set at a resolution of 0.25◦ covering Asia, with the mean monthly WRF-ERA-40 data mapped to a the former Soviet Union and the Middle East. It is based 1km×1kmgridthenresultsinthedailyprecipitationmap: on gauge observations from the Global Telecommunication Pj =Fj·Mj, (4) System,precompileddatasetslikefromtheGlobalHistori- calClimatologyNetwork,theNationalClimateDataCenter, withM :meanmonthlyWRF-ERA-40dataatlocationj. j theFoodandAgricultureOrganizationoftheUnitedNations, Two different variants of this method are tested: (i) in andothers,aswellasadditionaldatafromnationalhydrome- the variant WRFadj-all the monthly maps are calculated as teorologicalservices.Thespatialinterpolationschemetakes means over the whole period 1960–1990, i.e. for the inter- into account the effect of mountain ranges by giving a high polation of station data in January 1960 a map of the mean weighttogaugesonslopesinclinedtothetargetlocationand monthly precipitation over all Januaries is used; (ii) in the alowweighttogaugesontheleewardsidebehindamoun- variant WRFadj-ind the monthly maps are calculated for tainridge. each year individually, i.e. for the interpolation of station Other, globally available precipitation data are only as- data in January 1960 a map of the monthly precipitation of sessedwithrespecttotheirspatialdistributionandsubcatch- January1960isused. mentmeanvaluesandnotincludedintheevaluationbyhy- 3.1.5 Interpolation of station data using monthly fields drologicalmodelling.Weusethreedifferentdatasetsbased derivedbymulti-linearregression oninterpolatedstationdata:theGlobalPrecipitationClima- tologyCentre(GPCC)fulldatareanalysisversion6(Schnei- Duetothetopographyandthemainwinddirectionfromthe deretal.,2011),theUniversityofDelaware(UDEL)precipi- west,precipitationinthecatchmentgenerallyincreaseswith tationdatasetversion2.01(LegatesandWillmott,1990),and increasingelevationanddecreasestothesouthandeast.Pre- theUniversityofEastAngliaClimateResearchUnit(CRU) cipitationisthereforealsointerpolatedbymultiplelinearre- TS 3.10.01 (Mitchell and Jones, 2005). These data are all gression against elevation, x and y. Since the correlations available as monthly time series with a spatial resolution of between precipitation and these three variables are higher 0.5◦. Furthermore we also inspected the precipitation data for monthly than for daily data, the multi-linear regression from the ERA-40 reanalysis (Uppala et al., 2005) at their isperformedonmonthlydata.Weapplythestepwiseback- original resolution, which is a spectral resolution of T159, wards approach (e.g. Backhaus et al., 2003), setting the p regridded to a regular geographic coordinate system of 1◦. value of an F statistic for exclusion and inclusion to 0.1 Foranoverview,Table2listsallprecipitationdatasetsused and 0.05 respectively. This means that in the initial model inthisstudy. all variables (elevation, x and y) are included. At each step theexplanatorypowerofthecurrentmodeliscomparedwith 3.2 Pointbasedevaluationoftheprecipitationdata incrementallysmallerandlargermodels.Thisstepwiseback- wardapproachcanleadtodifferentvariablesbeingincluded In the first step, the precipitation data sets are evaluated by inthefinalregressionequationthanthestepwiseforwardap- comparison to observed station data. The precipitation data proach.Aninitialanalysisshowedlowerstandarderrorsand generated by downscaling the ERA-40 reanalysis data with lower root mean squared errors for the stepwise backward WRF are directly compared to observed station time series. approach,whichwasthusselectedforthisstudy. Forthis,WRFdatafromthepixelwhichcontainsthestation Aftercalculatingthemonthlyregressionmaps,dailypre- location are extracted. There are limitations to such a com- cipitationmapsarecalculatedinthefollowingway:foreach parisonbetweenpointobservationsandpixel-baseddata,as day scaling factors between the daily precipitation and the gaugeobservationscannotbeconsideredasgroundtruthfor monthlyregressionatthestationlocationsarecalculatedand a 12km×12km WRF pixel area, and due to errors in the interpolated to a 1km×1km grid using IDW (see Eqs. 2 undercatchcorrectionorintheobservationdatathemselves. and 3, but M is here replaced by the monthly regression at However, a first indication of the performance of the WRF i locationi). precipitationdatafortheKaradaryacatchmentisprovided. The interpolated scaling factors are multiplied with the The interpolated precipitation data sets are evaluated by monthly map derived by multi-linear regression to generate crossvalidation.Inthismethodonlyapartofthestationsis www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci.net/17/2415/2013/ Hydrol. EarthSyst. Sci.,17,2415–2434,2013 2420 D.Duethmannetal.: Evaluationofarealprecipitationestimates Table2.Overviewoftheprecipitationdatasetsusedinthisstudy. Abbreviation Description WRF PrecipitationfromtheERA-40reanalysisdatadownscaledusingWRFtoaresolutionof12km. WRFadj-ind StationdatainterpolatedusingmonthlyprecipitationmapsofWRF,monthlymapsfromindividualyears. WRFadj-all StationdatainterpolatedusingmonthlyprecipitationmapsofWRF,monthlymapsaveragedoverallyears. MLR-ind Stationdatainterpolatedusingmonthlyprecipitationmapsfrommulti-linearregression,monthlymapsfromindividualyears. MLR-all Stationdatainterpolatedusingmonthlyprecipitationmapsfrommulti-linearregression,monthlymapsaveragedoverallyears. IDW Stationdatainterpolatedusingtheinversesquareddistanceweightingmethod. APHRODITEV1003R1 Griddedobservationbaseddailyprecipitationdatasetwitharesolutionof0.25◦(Yatagaietal.,2012). GPCCv6 Griddedobservationbasedmonthlyprecipitationdatasetwitharesolutionof0.5◦(Schneideretal.,2011). CRUTS3.10.01 Griddedobservationbasedmonthlyprecipitationdatasetwitharesolutionof0.5◦(MitchellandJones,2005). UDEL2.01 Griddedobservationbasedmonthlyprecipitationdatasetwitharesolutionof0.5◦(LegatesandWillmott,1990). ERA-40 PrecipitationdatafromtheERA-40reanalysisdataataresolutionof1◦(Uppalaetal.,2005). usedfortheinterpolation,andtheothersareemployedforthe brationapproachisthatiteasilyallowsevaluatingthemodel evaluationoftheinterpolatedvaluesattheselocations.Asthe for various subsets of the data, e.g. only for high or low errorstatisticsareonlycalculatedatthelocationsofthesta- flows.However,insomecases,particularlywhenparameters tions,thevalueofsuchananalysismaybeverylimitedifthe havealinearinfluenceonthefractionofrainfallgenerating gauges are not in representative locations for the catchment runoff and the precipitation estimates do not have random (forexampleinasituationwhereprecipitationincreaseswith errorsbutasystematicbias,theMonteCarloapproachmay elevation,butmoststationsarelocatedinrelativelylowele- lead to wrong conclusions. Heistermann and Kneis (2011) vations).Also,inregionswithonlyfewstations,theinterpo- givethefollowingexample:assumeaverysimplelinearhy- lated fields may be strongly changed if stations with a high potheticcatchmentwithQ=ψ·P,whereQrepresentsthe weightintheinterpolationareleftout.Inthisstudyweonly runoff,ψ therunoffcoefficientwithvaluesbetween0and1, removeonestationfromthedatasetatatime.Theinterpo- and P the precipitation. Monte Carlo simulations with uni- latedtimeseriesatthislocationiscomparedtotheobserved formsamplingovertherunoffcoefficientareperformedfor timeseriesandevaluatedusingbiasandmeanabsoluteerror a precipitation data set without bias and a second precipita- ofthedailytimeseries. tiondatasetcharacterisedbyaconstantbias.Inthenextstep therootmeansquarederror(RMSE)betweensimulatedand 3.3 Evaluationofarealprecipitationestimatesbasedon observed discharge is evaluated for each simulation. It can simulateddischarge be shown (see Heistermann and Kneis, 2011) that in a sys- tem with the true value of the runoff coefficient ψ <0.7 true 3.3.1 Approach (ψ >0.7)themeanRMSEofaprecipitationdatasetwith true anegative(positive)biasislowerthanfortheunbiasedpre- The suitability of different precipitation estimates is tested cipitation data set so that the biased precipitation data set by comparing observed discharge and discharge simulated would be classified as the better one. While very obvious by a hydrological model driven with the different precipita- ill-posed settings may be avoided by careful analysis of the tionestimates.Runningahydrologicalmodelwithadifferent model, less obvious cases may not always be avoided from precipitationdatasetthantheoneithasbeencalibratedwith theoutset. usuallyresultsinlowermodelperformance,andistherefore Onesolutiontotheproblemoffalserankingsistoevaluate not a suitable approach for the comparison of precipitation not allbut only apercentage of thebest MonteCarlo simu- datasets.Generallytherearetwopossibilitiestoevaluatedif- lations.HeistermannandKneis(2011)showedthatreducing ferentprecipitationdatasetsbyhydrologicalmodelling:cal- the number of the evaluated best performing Monte Carlo ibratingthemodelforeachprecipitationdataset,andMonte runsreducesthenumberoffalserankings,thoughitalsode- Carlo simulations using various parameter values between creases the discriminatory power between different precipi- definedbounds. tationdatasets.Thiscanbeseenasatransitiontothemodel The Monte Carlo approach is for example applied calibrationapproach. by Gourley and Vieux (2005) and Heistermann and Calibratingthe model foreachprecipitation data setmay Kneis(2011).InthisapproachMonteCarlosimulationsare havethedisadvantagethatmodelparameterscanpartlycom- carried out for each precipitation data set and the selected pensateforinadequaciesoftheprecipitationdatasets,which goodnessoffitmeasureiscalculatedforeachsimulation.For might result in different precipitation data sets being hardly eachprecipitationdatasetonethenevaluatesthemeangood- distinguishablewithrespecttothesimulatedhydrograph.On nessoffitoverthewholeorsubsetsoftheMonteCarloen- the other hand, the approach is less prone to false rankings, sembleandrankstheprecipitationdatasetsaccordingtothis as ill-posed settings would rather result in indistinguishable value. An advantage of this approach compared to the cali- Hydrol. EarthSyst. Sci.,17,2415–2434,2013 www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci.net/17/2415/2013/ D.Duethmannetal.: Evaluationofarealprecipitationestimates 2421 precipitation data sets so that setting the parameter bounds simplerapproachbasedonhydrologicresponseunitsdefined and analysing the model for possible ill-posed settings be- byelevationbandsisselectedinordertoreducethecomputa- comes a less sensitive issue. Another advantage is that by tiontimeandallowforahighernumberofmodelsimulations using an optimisation algorithm instead of random Monte forcalibrationanduncertaintyanalysis.Foreach200mele- Carlo runs, usually better model performances are achieved vation band the dominant soil and vegetation cover and the withalowernumberofsimulations.Asitisseenasmoreim- glacierfractionaretakenintoaccount. portanttoavoidfalserankingsthantodiscriminatebetween For the model calibration 11 parameters are selected alreadysimilarprecipitationdatasets,themodelcalibration (Table 3). These affect the snow and glacier melt routine approachisselectedforthisstudy. (snowmeltfactor,glaciermeltfactor,melttemperature),the In order to gain more information on different aspects of soil hydraulic conductivity for infiltration and percolation the performance of a precipitation data set, a precipitation (kf corr f,k sat f),thesubsurfacerunoff(frac2gw,interflow biasfactorisintroducedasadditionalcalibrationparameter. delay factor, groundwater delay factor), the fraction of the The precipitation estimate is then evaluated with respect to catchment area leading to direct runoff (frac riparian), the thebiasbasedontheprecipitationbiasfactor,andevaluated occurrenceofsaturatedareasasafunctionofthecurrentsoil withrespecttothetemporaldynamicsbasedontheobjective moisturestate(sat area var)andtheprecipitationinput(pre- functionusedformodelcalibration. cipitationbiasfactor). Three different sources of uncertainties are considered in this study. Uncertainties in the precipitation bias factor (as 3.3.3 Hydrologicalmodelset-up part of the parameter uncertainties) need to be considered, becausetheprecipitationfactorofthebestoptimisedparam- etersetmightdifferfromotherequallygoodperformingpa- The model is set up for the Karadarya catchment based on rametersets.Themodelcalibrationisthenrepeatedfordif- the SRTM digital elevation model (Jarvis et al., 2008) for ferenttimeperiodsinordertoevaluatetherobustnessofthe elevations and the delineation of subcatchments. As land precipitationbiasfactorandrankingoftheobjectivefunction cover input the MODIS land cover product with a resolu- valuewithrespecttotheselectedtimeperiod.Finallythero- tionof500m(MCD12Q1;Friedletal.,2002)isappliedus- bustnessoftheresultswithrespecttouncertaintiesinmodel ing the most frequent land cover class over the time period inputsisinvestigatedusingsensitivityanalyses. 2001–2008. Mean monthly leaf area index (LAI) values by elevation zone, subcatchment and land cover class are cal- 3.3.2 Descriptionofthehydrologicalmodel culated from the 8 day MODIS LAI product with a reso- lution of 1km for 2001–2008 (MOD15A2, Myneni et al., ThehydrologicalmodelWASA(Gu¨ntner,2002;Gu¨ntnerand 2002).ForthesoildataadigitisedmapfromtheKyrgyzAt- Bronstert,2004)isasemi-distributeddailytimestepmodel las(scale,1:1500000;AcademyofScienceoftheKyrgyz basedonprocess-orientedandconceptualapproaches.Itwas SSR, 1987) is used and missing soil hydraulic parameters recentlyextendedforhighmountainareasbyintroducingel- are assigned using pedo-transfer functions from the litera- evation zones, and a snow and glacier mass balance mod- ture. Glacier areas are delineated from a LANDSAT MSS ulebasedonthetemperatureindexmethod.Themodelcal- scene (resolution 79m) in summer 1977 using a combina- culates evaporation from the interception storage and open tionofautomatedclassificationandmanualdigitising.Daily waterbodieswiththePenman–Monteithequation(Monteith, timeseriesofsolarradiation,temperature,temperaturelapse 1965),evapotranspirationusingthetwo-layermodelofShut- rateandhumidityaretakenfromtheWRFdownscaledERA- tleworth and Wallace (1985), infiltration with the Green– 40datadescribedabove.Thetemperaturedataarecorrected Ampt approach (Green and Ampt, 1911), the generation of forthedifferencebetweentheSRTMDEMandtheWRFto- infiltrationandsaturationexcesssurfacerunoff,andpercola- pography using daily lapse rates as simulated by the WRF tionthroughamultiplelayersoilstore.Inthemodelversion model.Allmeteorologicalinputdataareaggregatedtosub- applied for this study, surface and subsurface flow between catchmentmeanvalues. modelunitswithinasubcatchment(i.e.lateralflowredistri- bution) are neglected, and subsurface flow is separated be- 3.3.4 Modeloptimisationandanalysisofparameter tween interflow and groundwater based on a calibration pa- uncertainties rameter.Thesimulationofsmalleventsduringthelowflow period is improved by introducing an additional parameter forthefractionofthecatchmentwhererainfalldirectlyleads The model is automatically calibrated against observed dis- to runoff, like riparian areas, roads or rock areas connected chargeusingsix-yearsimulationperiods(1961–1966,1967– toastream. 1972,1973–1978,1979–1984,1985–1990);priortothisthe The spatial discretisation of WASA is originally based modelisinitialisedusinganadditionalsimulationperiodof onhillslopeswithcharacteristictoposequences(Gu¨ntnerand twoyears.Inordertoconsiderbothhighandlowflowsand Bronstert,2004;Franckeetal.,2008).Forthisstudyamuch tokeeptheoverallbiaslow,thefollowingobjectivefunction www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci.net/17/2415/2013/ Hydrol. EarthSyst. Sci.,17,2415–2434,2013 2422 D.Duethmannetal.: Evaluationofarealprecipitationestimates Table3.Calibrationparametersincludingvaluesforthelowerandupperbounds. Routine Parameter Unit Lowerbound Upperbound Snowandglaciermelt snowmeltfactor mm◦C−1day−1 1 7 melttemperature ◦C −2 2 glaciermeltfactor mm◦C−1day−1 0 7 Infiltrationandpercolation kf corr f – 0.01 100 k sat f – 0.01 100 Subsurfaceflow frac2gw – 0 1 interflowdelayfactor days 10 100 groundwaterdelayfactor days 30 400 Generationofdirectrunoff frac riparian – 0 0.05 fromareasconnectedtothestream Spatialvariabilityofsaturated sat area var – 0 0.3 areaswithinamodelunit Precipitationinput precipitationbiasfactor – 0.5 2.0 isapplied: isdiscarded.Second,nomeasuredglaciermassbalancesare available for the Karadarya catchment, but based on mea- Obj.function=0.5×(NSE+LogNSE) sured mass balances in other catchments in Central Asia a −2×max(Bias−0.05,0), (5) widerangeof−1000mma−1 upto+200mma−1 issetasa furtherconstraint. where NSE is the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency value, LogNSE Themodeloptimisationandparameteruncertaintyanaly- is the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency calculated on logarithmic sisisperformedusingtheDDS-AUalgorithm(dynamically flows, and Bias is the absolute value of the overall volume dimensioned search – approximation of uncertainty; Tolson bias.TheNash–Sutcliffeefficiencyisparticularlyresponsive andShoemaker,2008).Theanalysisofparameteruncertain- to errors in high discharge values, while the Nash–Sutcliffe ties is particularly important for the investigation of how efficiencyforlogarithmicflowsismoresensitivealsoforer- much the calibrated precipitation bias factor varies between rors in low flows so that the average of these two measures the best and other equally good parameter sets. The DDS- resultsinamorebalancedevaluation.Themaximumpossi- AU algorithm is an informal method (in contrast to formal ble value of the objective function is 1, which would indi- Bayesian approaches) similar to GLUE (generalised likeli- cateperfectagreementbetweensimulatedandobserveddis- hood uncertainty estimation, Beven and Binley, 1992), but charge.Asthebiasintheprecipitationestimateisevaluated instead of simple Monte Carlo simulations, which usually using the precipitation bias factor, the bias in the simulated result in a high fraction of runs very far from the objective dischargeshouldbeverylow.Theobjectivefunctionisthere- functionmaximum,anumberofshortoptimisationrunsare foreadditionallypenalisedifthebiasisgreaterthan0.05or started. These short optimisation runs are meant to get into 5%oftheobserveddischarge. theregionoftheoptimum,butthelengthoftheoptimisation Despite the lack of hard data, two further constraints for run is also short enough that they mostly do not reach the the snow and glacier mass balance modules are introduced objective function maximum. For each optimisation, 200 of in order to avoid unrealistic simulations. First, an elevation theseshortDDSrunsarestarted.Thenumberofmodeleval- is defined below which snow is not expected to accumulate uations in each DDS run (the length of the DDS run) is set overseveralyears.ThiselevationisderivedfromLANDSAT randomlybetweenthreeandseventimesthenumberofcal- imagesinsummerandsetto4200mfortheKaradaryacatch- ibrationparametersresultingin33to77modelevaluations. ment. For each year, the number of elevation zones where In order to assure that at least one very good parameter set simulated snow does not melt away in elevation zones be- isfound,onerunwith3000modelevaluationsisperformed. low this elevation is counted, and if it is above a threshold The individual DDS runs are independent from each other. of one per year, the simulation is discarded. For example, Theshortoptimisationrunswith33to77modelevaluations for a model evaluation period of six years as in this study, help to approximate the uncertainty bounds, while the long the simulation will still be accepted, if in one year the min- runwith3000modelevaluationsismeanttocomeveryclose imum snow water equivalent is above zero in up to six el- totheglobaloptimum. evation zones below the threshold elevation. It will also be accepted,ifinallsixyearstheminimumsimulatedsnowwa- terequivalentisabovezeroinonlyoneelevationzonebelow thethresholdelevation,butifthenumberofelevationzones or years where snow accumulates is higher, the simulation Hydrol. EarthSyst. Sci.,17,2415–2434,2013 www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci.net/17/2415/2013/ D.Duethmannetal.: Evaluationofarealprecipitationestimates 2423 3.3.5 Sensitivitytomodelinputs Uncertainties in the calibration parameters are directly con- sideredthroughtheselectedcalibrationapproach.However, uncertainties in the model inputs may also have an impact. Influencesontheprecipitationbiasfactorareparticularlyex- pectedfromuncertaintiesinthoseinputswhichaffectevap- otranspiration and thus also the water balance. In order to estimate the magnitude of the effect of these uncertainties, sensitivityanalysesareperformed.Forthesesensitivityanal- yses,weselectedthoseinputswhichareexpectedtostrongly affectthecalculatedevapotranspiration:theclimatevariables solarradiationandwindvelocity;theplantparametersplant height,rootingdepth, stomata resistance andthematrixpo- tentialvaluesbelowwhichtranspirationisreducedorceases; and soil depth (Table 4). Solar radiation, wind velocity and Fig. 2. Comparison of monthly time series over the period 1980– plant height directly influence the potential evapotranspira- 1990ofobservedprecipitationandWRFdownscaledERA-40data tion.Rootdepthandsoildepthdeterminetheamountofsoil atthegaugelocationforChaar-Tash(top)andKyzyl-Jar(bottom). wateravailabletoplantsfortranspiration.Minimumstomata resistanceinfluencesthepotentialtranspirationrate,andthe twomatrixpotentialvaluesdeterminehowthisratechanges Thesquaredcorrelationcoefficientsfordailytimeseriesonly withdecreasingsoilwater.Themodelisrecalibratedforeach reach values around 0.3 for the stations at lower elevations variation factor of each of the inputs listed in Table 4 vary- and are even lower for the high elevation stations. Monthly ingonefactoratatime.Thisanalysisisperformedforallof precipitation time series from the WRF model at the sta- the six subcatchments and all precipitation data sets, but in tion locations generally correspond much better to the sta- order to restrict computing time the analysis is constrained tion data, with squared correlation coefficients around 0.6. toonetimeperiod(1979–1984)andonelongDDSrunwith Nevertheless, large disagreements may exist for individual 3000 model evaluations per subcatchment and precipitation months or seasons, for example a strong overestimation in data set (parameter uncertainties resulting from equifinality summer1983inChaar-Tash,oraconsiderableunderestima- arenotconsidered). tioninJune1981inKyzyl-Jar(Fig.2). TheagreementbetweengaugeandWRFprecipitationdata issimilartoRCMapplicationsinothermountainousregions. 4 Resultsanddiscussion For example, Frei et al. (2003) studied the performance of 4.1 Characteristicsoftheprecipitationdatasets fiveRCMs(CHRM,HadRM,HIRHAM,REMO,ARPEGE) ataresolutionof0.5◦withboundaryconditionsfromERA15 4.1.1 Pointbasedevaluation in the European Alps. The bias of the areal mean of simu- latedprecipitationrangedfrom+3%to−23%inwinterand ComparisonofdownscaledERA-40precipitationdata −5%to−27%insummer.Suklitschetal.(2011)evaluated toobservations four high resolution (10km) RCMs (WRF, MM5, REMO, CLM) driven by ERA-40 data over a simulation period of First, the precipitation data generated by downscaling the 1yr and found bias values up to −50% and +100% for ERA-40 reanalysis data with WRF are evaluated relative to individual seasons and subregions of the Alps. Higher cor- observedstationtimeseries.Asthiscomparisoncandeliver relation values between observed and simulated time series information about the performance of the downscaled pre- at monthly as compared to daily resolution are typical (e.g. cipitation data at a few points in the catchment only, it is Hurkmansetal.,2008);thiscanbeexplainedbythefactthat complemented by visual inspection of the spatial distribu- onlyapartoftheprecipitationcanbemodelleddeterminis- tion of precipitation (Sect. 4.1.2). Large deviations in terms tically,anderrorsfromrandomprocessespartlyaverageout of volume and/or an unrealistic spatial pattern may indicate onamonthlytimescale. apriorithatintheseareasthedownscaledprecipitationdata are not suitable as input for water balance modelling or as Crossvalidationofinterpolatedprecipitationdatasets spatialfieldsfortheinterpolationofstationdata. Formeanannualprecipitation,thebiasoftheWRFdown- Theprecipitationdatasetsinterpolatedfromgaugeobserva- scaled ERA-40 data compared to the gauge observations tions using monthly fields from WRF downscaled ERA-40 in the study area is in the range of +20% to −30% (Ta- data (WRFadj-all and WRFadj-ind), multi-linear regression ble 5). There is no relationship of the bias with elevation. (MLR-allandMLR-ind)andinversedistanceweightingare www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci.net/17/2415/2013/ Hydrol. EarthSyst. Sci.,17,2415–2434,2013 2424 D.Duethmannetal.: Evaluationofarealprecipitationestimates Table4.Climate,plantandsoilinputsselectedforthesensitivityanalyses. Input Originalvalue Variation Solarradiation WRFdownscaledERA-40data Multiplyoriginalvalueby0.7and1.3(basedon differences between the WRF downscaled ERA-40 data and satellite based data from the NASA Surface Radiation Budget (SRB) product, version 3.1, http: //eosweb.larc.nasa.gov/sse/; mean seasonal differences over1984–2001are21%inspringand12% insummer). Wind Constantvalueof2ms−1 Multiply original value by 0.5 and 2 (based on values ofWRFdownscaledERA-40dataandavailablestation data). Plantheight Variesbylandcover;e.g.grassland Multiplyoriginalvalueby0.25and4. 30cm Rootdepth Variesbylandcover;e.g.grassland Multiplyoriginalvalueby0.25and4. 20cm Soildepth Variesbysoiltypebetween Multiplyoriginalvalueby0.5and2. 35–140cm;mostly50–100cm Minimumstomataresistance Variesbylandcover;grassland Multiplyoriginalvalueby0.5and2(accordingto 126sm−1(basedonvaluesfrom rangesasgiveninKo¨rner,1994). Ko¨rner,1994) Matrixpotentialbelowwhich −600hPa(accordingtovaluesfrom Applyavalueof−200hPaand−15000hPathroughout transpirationisreduced FeddesandRaats,2004) thewholecatchment. (minsuction) Matrixpotentialbelowwhich −15000hPa Applyavalueof−8000hPaand−22000hPa transpirationisonly1%ofthe throughoutthewholecatchment. potentialtranspiration (maxsuction) also compared using leave-one-out cross validation. Gener- ThelowperformanceofthemethodsMLR-allandMLR- ally this analysis shows large errors for the stations Chaar- ind results from the fact that omitting a station from the in- Tashinthenorth,Kyzyl-JarintheeastandSary-Tashinthe terpolationchangesboththemeanmonthlyfieldsgenerated southofthecatchment,whilefortheclusteredstationstothe bylinearregressionandtheadjustmentfactorsforthepartic- westofthecatchment,theerrorsarelow(Fig.3).Inparticu- ular day interpolated by IDW. Omitting the stations Kyzyl- larthemethodsMLR-allandMLR-indstronglyoverestimate JarorSary-Tashresultsinverydifferentmonthlyregression atthestationKyzyl-Jarbyaround160%andatSary-Tashby fieldssothatthenIDW,WRFadj-allandWRFadj-indclearly around35%and50%,andunderestimateatChaar-Tashby outperform the methods MLR-all and MLR-ind. The meth- approximately 35%. By comparison, the method WRFadj- odsWRFadj-allandWRFadj-indaresimilartothemethods all shows a more balanced performance with bias values of MLR-all and MLR-ind, in that also first monthly fields are −7%,+8%and+40%,atthesethreestations.Theperfor- calculated, and second these are adjusted to daily stations mance of the IDW method with respect to bias is between values.However,astheprecipitationstationsarenotusedin the methods MLR and WRFadj. Regarding the mean abso- the calculation of the monthly fields, the methods WRFadj- lute error, the methods IDW and WRFadj-all have approxi- allandWRFadj-indshowamorerobustbehaviour,whenin- mately comparable results with higher errors in Chaar-Tash dividualstationsareomitted. ofthemethodWRFadj-allandhighererrorsinKyzyl-Jarof themethodIDW.Bothwithrespecttobiasvaluesandmean 4.1.2 Spatialdistributionandtemporaldynamicsof absoluteerrors,theperformanceofWRFadjandMLRwith subcatchmentmeanvaluesforthedifferent monthly fields averaged over all years (“-all”) is similar or precipitationdatasets slightlybetterthantheversionswhichusemonthlyfieldsfor individualyears(“-ind”). Despite only relatively small differences at the station lo- cations, the precipitation data sets are very different with Hydrol. EarthSyst. Sci.,17,2415–2434,2013 www.hydrol-earth-syst-sci.net/17/2415/2013/

reanalysis and station data by hydrological modelling. D. Duethmann1, J daily gridded precipitation data set APHRODITE (Yatagai et al., 2012).
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