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Evaluation of a new AmphIdent module and sources of automated photo identification errors using data from Salamandra infraimmaculata PDF

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by  GoedbloedD
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Preview Evaluation of a new AmphIdent module and sources of automated photo identification errors using data from Salamandra infraimmaculata

SALAMANDRA 53(2) 314–318 15 May 2017 CISoSrNre s0p0o3n6–d3en37ce5 Correspondence Evaluation of a new AmphIdent module and sources of automated photo identification errors using data from Salamandra infraimmaculata Daniel Goedbloed1,2, Ori Segev3, Eliane Küpfer1, Nora Pietzsch1, Maximilian Matthe4 & Sebastian Steinfartz1 1) Department of Evolutionary Biology, Zoological Institute, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany 2) Mendelssohnstr. 4, 31806 Braunschweig, Germany 3) Department of Evolutionary Biology, Haifa University, Israel 4) Vodafone Chair Mobile Communication Systems, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany Corresponding author: Daniel Goedbloed, e-mail: [email protected] Manuscript received: 18 November 2015 Accepted: 5 February 2016 by Philipp Wagner Capture-mark-recapture (CMR) studies are an impor- within a large set of images. Specific AmphIdent modules tant tool in animal population biology (Lebreton et al. are already available for the ventral spot patterns of adult 1992). Individual identification allows the quantification crested newts, Triturus cristatus (Laurenti, 1768) (Mat- of various life history traits and fitness parameters, as the et al. 2008), and Fire-Bellied Toads of the genus Bom- well as population size estimates and displacements stud- bina (Oken, 1816). These modules have been proven to be ies (Schmidt et al. 2007, Bolger et al. 2012, Unglaub et rather tolerant of shifts, distortions and other minor dif- al. 2015). Non-invasive individual identification methods ferences in the images (Drechsler et al. 2015). Here we are becoming increasingly popular, and the photographic present the first results of a new module for individual identification of natural colour patterns is one of the most salamander identification, which will in principle be ap- commonly used non-invasive methods. For manual (non- plicable to all taxa with a cylindrical body and a yellow automated) individual identification and recapture analy- spotted dorsal pattern (including spotted members of the sis methods (i.e., comparing photos visually by a trained Salamandra Laurenti, 1768 species complex as well as observer) the handling time per photo and the recogni- many Ambystoma Tschudi, 1838 species and potentially tion errors increase strongly with the size of the dataset of also certain lizard species such as Heloderma Wiegmann, photographs to be compared (Katona & Beard 1990). Re- 1829 and certain snakes). The new salamander module can search based on large photographic datasets therefore ben- be requested from the developer and will soon be made efits greatly from computer-assisted automated analysis available online. Because AmphIdent identifies all yellow methods. Computer-assisted photo identification has been pixels, it makes use of the full extent of the yellow pat- applied to studies based on individual colour patterns in tern. AmphIdent is therefore more precise than, for in- various animal systems, including giraffes, cheetahs, mar- stance, the grey-scale circle or ellipse-based approach of bled salamanders, and ventral fluke patterns in humpback the Interactive Individual Identification System (I3S, van whales (Katona & Beard. 1990, Kelly 2001, Schmidt et Tienhoven et al. 2007). In addition, it is conceptually sim- al. 2005, Gamble et al. 2008, Bolger et al. 2012, Bendik pler than Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) proce- et al. 2013). dures, which require the identification of grey-scale fea- AmphIdent© is a dedicated high-performance software ture points with calculated properties: scale, orientation, for automated amphibian photo analysis (http://www. and descriptor (Bolger et al. 2012). The new AmphIdent amph ident.de, Matthe et al. 2008, Drechsler et al. salamander module may be a valuable tool for conserva- 2015). AmphIdent is based on an algorithm for modified tion purposes, especially for detecting population declines cross-correlation comparisons of specific signal patterns in the face of emerging diseases such as the salamander- © 2017 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde e.V. (DGHT), Mannheim, Germany A31ll 4articles available online at http://www.salamandra-journal.com Correspondence specific chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium salamandrivo- photographed inside a standard-size plastic box (length × rans (Spitzen-van der Sluijs et al. 2013, Martel et al. width × depth: 23 × 15 × 7 cm) using a Sony DSR PD100AP 2014). camera (0.45 Megapixel). Body postures were rather vari- The six species of the Salamandra complex form a non- able and the angle of photography ranged approximately monophyletic group within the Salamandridae with some between 60 and 90° to the dorsal face in various directions. species being black and yellow (the so-called Fire Sala- The second dataset (dataset B) consisted of 144 indi- manders), and others completely melanistic (the so-called vidual salamander encounters in Tel Dan that were re- Alpine Salamanders) (Steinfartz et al. 2000, Vences et corded using a standardized photographic procedure dur- al. 2014). The black-and-yellow spotted dorsal pattern of ing the reproductive period 2013–2014 with the intent of Fire Salamanders has been used previously for the visu- employing AmphIdent automated identification analysis. al identification of individuals in ecological studies of a These data were recorded using a Panasonic Lumix DMC- number of salamander species (e.g., Doody 1995, Carafa TZ camera (12 Megapixel). Care was taken to maintain a & Biondi 2004, Warburg 2006). The Near East Fire Sala- consistent perpendicular angle of photography between mander (Sala mandra infraimmaculata Martens, 1885) is the camera and the plane of the salamander dorsal face. distributed in Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon; its Animals were photographed straight from above during range reaches the southernmost limit of any Salamandra paused natural movement on level ground. We found this species in Israel (Eiselt 1958, Steinfartz et al. 2000). to be a reliable approach, allowing for lateral variation in This species is considered endangered in Israel and near- body posture but avoiding torso rotations. Multiple photos endangered worldwide due to its small estimated popula- per encounter were available for all 144 encounters. tion sizes, localized occurrence, and dependence on suit- Salamander spotted dorsal patterns are standardized able aquatic habitats for reproduction (Dolev & Perevo- in AmphIdent by adjusting the automatically generat- lotsky 2004, IUCN 2014). Concern for the species’ con- ed body contour points during the process of uploading servation, as well as reports of long-distance migration a new photo in the software. Examples of adjusted body between breeding and terrestrial sites (Bar-David et al. contour points are shown in the original photos of Figure 2007) have prompted recapture studies to estimate popu- 1. Adjusting the contour points should be done so that the lation sizes and migration rates; such studies thus far have midpoint-line follows the spine of the animal (see Fig. 1) utilized visual methods of individual spotted dorsal pat- to prevent lateral shifts in the resulting standardized pat- tern recognition (Degani 1996, Warburg 2006, Segev et terns. This procedure also corrects for lateral variation in al. 2010). However, analyses of large photo databases and body posture and distance from the camera. Subsequent- between-database comparisons are difficult using visual ly, pixels with a significant amount of yellow are identi- methods. fied and used for pattern identification. Automatic com- The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance parisons are made with all existing standardized patterns of the new AmphIdent Fire Salamander module i) com- in the database, and a ranking of the best matches – based pared to manual analysis using data from a previous study, on the number of matching yellow pixels – is presented on and ii) by comparing results from opportunistic and stand- the screen. The user finally classifies a new photo as either ardized procedures of photography. The results presented a recapture or a new entry, based on the best matches pre- here indicate that visual analysis by a trained observer per- sented. The AmphIdent workflow is identical to previous formed better at analysing datasets consisting of variable modules (Drechsler et al. 2015). Computation times did photo quality (not standardized in terms of the angle of not exceed a few seconds for the datasets in this study (up photography), while automated analysis provided high- to ~300 pictures). ly reliable results for datasets consisting of photos with a The number of recaptures (a new encounter of a previ- standardized angle of photography. ously observed individual) in dataset A was identified us- ing i) visual comparison of hardcopy printed photos (Se- We tested the performance of the new AmphIdent Fire gev et al. 2010), as well as ii) the newly developed Fire Sal- Salamander module using two independent photographic amander module of the photo recapture software Amph- databases of S. infraimmaculata in Israel. The first dataset Ident for automated analysis of digital photos. Comparing (dataset A) consisted of 307 photo records of individual sal- the results of these two approaches allowed us to identify amander encounters in the field during the reproductive and investigate the possible reasons for any mismatches periods in 2002–2004 in the vicinity of three reproduc- between these two methods. If the visual approach did not tion sites in Israel: Ein El Balad, Manof, and Secher. Data- identify a recapture that was correctly identified by Amph- set A was collected with the intent of a manual recapture Ident (confirmed by detailed inspection), we recorded this analysis (Segev et al. 2010). The visual analysis of dataset as a manual false rejection (MFR). If, on the other hand, A was performed previous to this study without any intent Amph Ident did not identify a recapture (within the best of comparison to automated analysis. This dataset excludes eight matches provided by AmphIdent) that was correctly six photos that were of insufficient quality (in terms of fo- identified visually (confirmed by careful double checking), cus and lighting) to be successfully loaded into AmphIdent. we recorded this as an automated false rejection (AFR). Of the 307 photo encounters included, 277 encounters were The misidentification error rate of AmphIdent was ad- recorded by multiple photos. The dorsal side of animals was ditionally estimated by calculating the independent self- 315 Correspondence test false rejection rate (FRR) using the method suggested However, previous studies reported false acceptance rates by Bolger et al. (2012). The FRR is an objective self-test by AmphIdent to be zero for crested newts (Drechsler measure of error for automated analyses and defined as the et al. 2015), and between-observer comparisons within this number of false rejections divided by the number of known study also suggested zero false acceptances. true matches (Drechsler et al. 2015). Essentially, the FRR In order to test if the difference in resolution (Mega- represents the probability that a photo of an individual will pixel) between the cameras used in the two datasets had not match other photos known to depict that same individ- an influence on AmphIdent recapture analysis, we digitally ual. In the current study, we made use of the fact that most resized (downsized) all 144 suitable photos from dataset B salamander encounters were documented by more than a to 700 × 600 pixels (0.42 MP), which is similar to the reso- single photo. Even though these photos were taken during lutions used in dataset A. The FRR was subsequently recal- the same encounter, there were differences between pho- culated and compared. tos, e.g., in terms of body posture or from photo flash re- flections on the animal’s skin. If two photos from the same Based on the combination of both visual and automated encounter (i.e., the same individual) were not classified as analysis, a total of 94 recapture events were identified among a recapture by the software, it was recorded as a false rejec- the 307 photo encounters in dataset A. Manual false rejec- tion and used for FRR calculations. tions (unidentified recaptures that were correctly identified The identification of a recapture is finally determined and matched by AmphIdent) numbered 3 out of 94 (MFR = by the human user of AmphIdent (who ultimately classi- 3.2%). Conversely, AmphIdent false rejections (unidentified fies the photo as either a match or a new entry) and false recaptures that were correctly identified and matched using acceptances can therefore not be self-tested objectively. the visual method) numbered 44 (AFR = 46.8%). Figure 1. Examples of two photographic encounters of the same Salamandra infraimmaculata individual showing: i) original photos with contour points for body posture correction on the left, and ii) the resulting AmphIdent standardized dorsal patterns on the right. On the left pane, marked with A, photos are shown of a recapture from dataset A. In this example the recapture was not recognized as such by AmphIdent, possibly due to differences in torso rotation leading to a lateral shift and foreshortened compression of the standardized dorsal pattern. On the right pane, marked with B, an example is shown from dataset B. In this case, the individual was recognized by AmphIdent as a recapture (first match) despite differences in lateral body posture and photo flash reflection on the skin. 316 Correspondence The AmphIdent self-test false rejections in dataset dorsal patterns. Differences in resolution therefore do not A numbered 80 (FRR = 35.2%). This high FRR indicates pose problems for AmphIdent automated identification that the AmphIdent algorithm struggled to identify pho- analysis. Most other studies on automated photo identifi- tos from the same individual in this photographic dataset. cation did not distinguish between photo resolution and This may also explain the relatively high number of AFR perspective as the source of errors (e.g., Bolger et al. 2012, in comparison to the visual analysis. Among the 144 photo Bendik et al. 2013), although perspective was suggested to encounters in dataset B, 82 recaptures (56.9%) were identi- be a key factor in a study on cheetahs (Kelly 2001). We fied. In contrast to dataset A, the AmphIdent self-test FRR suspect that – unless the colour pattern is flattened – per- of dataset B was faultless (FRR = 0%). Reducing the resolu- spective is more important than resolution also in other tion of the dataset B photos to 0.42 MP did not affect the photo identification studies using other software. FRR (again 0%). We conclude that AmphIdent is a robust pattern rec- ognition algorithm for the analysis of salamander spot- Comparison of manual and automated photo analysis ted dorsal patterns. The new Fire Salamander module of showed that the more flexible eye of a trained observer Amph Ident is sensitive to torso rotations, but resilient to performed better in analysing datasets consisting of photos lateral differences in body posture (within the photo focal of varying quality (not optimally standardized in terms of plane) or flash reflection. For reliable results in automated the angle of photography), as was indicated by lower man- photo identification analysis we recommend that a perpen- ual false rejection rates (MFR = 3.2% vs AMR = 46.8%). dicular photographic angle to the colour-patterned face is However, for the dataset consisting of standardized pho- maintained with as much accuracy as possible and torso tos, automated analysis provided highly reliable results. rotation or surface distortion are minimized. The marked difference in self-test error rates between the variable photo dataset A (FRR = 35.2%) and the standard- ized dataset B (FRR = 0%) indicated that a standardized Acknowledgements procedure of photography in the field is important for subsequent analysis with automated methods, such as the We are grateful for assistance from the Nature and Parks Author- ity in Israel, especially by Hava Goldstein, Rabea Dabous, Amph Ident approach. and Eitan Nisim. This project was funded by the German-Is- A possible source of variability between photos in data- rael Project-cooperation (DIP) programme awarded to Leon set A could be a difference in the angle between the cam- Blaustein (DFG reference number BL 1271/1-1), Alan Temple- era and the salamander dorsal face, which may lead to ton, Sebastian Steinfartz (STE 1130/8-1), and Arne Nolte. lateral shifts or foreshortened compressions of the colour pattern (see Fig. 1). It may even obscure lateral parts of the dorsal pattern, as a salamander body is largely cylindrical. References Differences in the photographic angle may in some cases simply be caused by a degree of torso rotation. The use Bar-David, S., O. Segev, N. Peleg, N. Hill, A. R. Templeton, C. B. Schultz, & L. 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