Evaluation of a 10-bit 2.2 Gsps ADC for Space Applications D. Bellin October, 3rd 2006 J. Bellefet (e2v) C. Carmona (e2v) F. Malou (CNES) P. Ribeiro (TRAD) Outline (cid:1) e2v grenoble presentation (cid:1) Overview of 10-bit 2.2 Gsps AT84AS008 ADC (cid:1) Architecture and Process (cid:1) Package description (cid:1) Space Evaluation with CNES (cid:2) Electrical characterization (cid:2) ESD tests (cid:2) Package tests (mechanical, thermal and reflow) (cid:2) Quality and reliability tests (cid:1) Radiation tests (cid:2) Total dose tests (cid:2) Heavy ions tests (cid:1) Radiation assessment of AT84CS001 DEMUX (companion chip) (cid:2) Total dose tests (cid:2) SEL tests (cid:1) Conclusion ©e2v technologies plc October, 3rd2006 /AMISCA 2 1- Overview of e2v Grenoble (cid:1) Atmel Grenoble became e2v grenoble starting August 1st, 2006 (cid:2) Atmel motivation : to focus on its core technologies (cid:2) e2v motivation : very good strategic fit (cid:1) ® (cid:220) Grenoble e2v grenoble will allow to extend markets with broader range of products (cid:220) (cid:1)In-house skills cover all aspects of: (cid:2) Design (cid:2) Electrical characterization (cid:2) Package design / thermal modelling (cid:2) Assembly (cid:2) Test (cid:2) Burn-in (cid:2) All tasks required by space level production ©e2v technologies plc October, 3rd2006 /AMISCA 3 2- Overview of 10-bit 2.2 Gsps AT84AS008 ADC (cid:1) 10-bit 2.2 Gsps ADC (cid:2) 8 bit ENOB at 1.7 Gsps in 1st Nyquist (cid:2) 7.7 bit ENOB at 2.2 Gsps in 1st Nyquist (cid:2) SFDR = –54 dBc / SNR = 50 dB at 2.2 Gsps (cid:2) 3.3 GHz input bandwidth (cid:1) performances are flat over the full 1st Nyquist zone. (cid:2) Same features than previous TS83102G0B 10-bit 2 Gsps ADC: AT84AS008 is fully pin-to-pin compatible with TS83102G0B ADC (cid:220) Performance improvements are significant (cid:220) (cid:3) better SNR and ENOB performances above Fin = 1 GHz (cid:3) flatter spectrally ‘pure’ FFT response throughout 1st and 2nd Nyquist. ©e2v technologies plc October, 3rd2006 /AMISCA 4 3- Architecture of AT84AS008 ADC (cid:1) Track/Hold (cid:1) Analog quantizer (folding & interpolation) (cid:1) Regeneration of analog residues into logical levels (cid:1) Synchronization stage before output buffers (cid:1) Fully differential architecture PGEB B/GB OR ORB Track & Hold r D9 e VIN ntiz D9B a 50 u Logic block Q 50 g VINB o al D0 n D0B A DR GA DRB CLK 50 SDA Clock generation 50 CLKB SDA DECB/ DRRB DIODE ©e2v technologies plc October, 3rd2006 /AMISCA 5 4- Process of AT84AS008 ADC (cid:2)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:3)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:4) (cid:1) AT84AS008 is designed on a SiGe process (cid:2) INFINEON process (Germany) (cid:2) 75 GHz cut-off frequency (cid:2) High voltage NPN bipolar transistors (cid:2) 3 layers AlCu metallization (cid:2) Only vertical transistors and poly resistors to be rad tolerant (cid:2) Insulation concept: LOCOS and deep trench ©e2v technologies plc October, 3rd2006 /AMISCA 6 5- Package description (1/4) (cid:1) High Reliability Hermetic Ceramic cavity down package (CI-CGA152) (cid:1) Solder Column Interposer (SCI) for good resistance to temperature cycling (cid:1) Column finish is Sn10Pb90 (cid:1) Good thermal dissipation by columns ©e2v technologies plc October, 3rd2006 /AMISCA 7 5- Package description (2/4) (cid:1)The die is directly attached to the CuW heatspreader Combo lidsoldered 0.27 mm sq 0.254mm thick High T°solder columns (Pb90Sn10) 152 columnsin 3 externalrows minus 4 corners ©e2v technologies plc October, 3rd2006 /AMISCA 8 5- Package description (3/4) (cid:1)Thermal simulation results of Rth from junction to bottom of columns (cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:7) (cid:19)(cid:1)(cid:20)(cid:21)(cid:22)(cid:23)(cid:4)(cid:24)(cid:25) (cid:8)(cid:1)(cid:9) (cid:10)(cid:11)(cid:6)(cid:6)(cid:11)(cid:12) (cid:11)(cid:13)(cid:1)(cid:14)(cid:11)(cid:15)(cid:16)(cid:12)(cid:17)(cid:18) Hypothesisusedfor ANSYS simulations : Body 21 x 21 mm 1.55 mm thick glue 0.050 mm Die 3.8 x 3.8 mm2 380 umthick heatingzone : 1.9 x 1.9 mm2 1 watt Infiniteheatsinkatbottomof columns No externalheatsinkon top. ©e2v technologies plc October, 3rd2006 /AMISCA 9 5- Package description (4/4) (cid:1) Simplified thermal network of CI-CGA152 package SSIIMMPPLLIIFFIIEEDD TTHHEERRMMAALL MMOODDEELL FFOORR 115522 CCII--CCGGAA TTyyppiiccaall vvaalluueess,, wwiitthh aassssuummppttiioonn ooff uunniiffoorrmm ppoowweerr ddiissssiippaattiioonn oovveerr 2255%% ooff ddiiee ttoopp ssuurrffaaccee.. 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