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Evaluation in Social Work: The Art and Science of Practice, Fourth Edition YVONNE A. UNRAU PETER A. GABOR RICHARD M. GRINNELL, JR. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS EVALUATION IN SOCIAL WORK This page intentionally left blank EVALUATION IN SOCIAL WORK THE ART AND SCIENCE OF PRACTICE Fourth Edition YVONNE A. UNRAU Western Michigan University PETER A. GABOR University of Calgary RICHARD M. GRINNELL, JR. Western Michigan University 1 2007 3 Oxford University Press, Inc., publishes works that further Oxford University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education. Oxford New York Auckland Cape Town Dar es Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi New Delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With offices in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam Copyright © 2007 by Oxford University Press Published by Oxford University Press, Inc. 198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016 www.oup.com Oxford is a registered trademark of Oxford University Press All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Oxford University Press. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Unrau, Yvonne A. Evaluation in social work : the art and science of practice / Yvonne A. Unrau, Peter A. Gabor, and Richard M. Grinnell, Jr.—4th ed. p. cm. Previously published under the title: Evaluation in the human services. c2001. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-13 978-0-19-530806-8 ISBN 0-19-530806-9 1. Human services—Evaluation. 2. Human services—Evaluation—Case studies. I. Gabor, Peter, M.S.W. II. Grinnell, Richard M. III. Unrau, Yvonne A. Evaluation in the human services. IV. Title. HV40.U66 2006 361.0068'4—dc22 2006003814 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper A FEW WORDS FOR STUDENTS his introductory program evaluation book has enjoyed a very successful Tcareer. As with the previous three editions, this one was also written for you— a graduate social work student—as your first introduction to program evalua- tion. We have selected and arranged our book’s contents so it can be used in a beginning one-semester social work program evaluation course. It is designed to be used in social work administrative courses and/or program planning courses as well. GOAL AND OBJECTIVES Our goal is to produce a “user-friendly,” straightforward introduction to program evaluation couched within the quantitative and qualitative traditions—the two ap- proaches most commonly used to generate relevant social work knowledge. To ac- complish our goal, we strived to meet four simple objectives: 1. To prepare you to participate in evaluative activities within your social service organization. 2. To prepare you to become a beginning critical producer of the professional evaluative literature. 3. To prepare you to become a beginning consumer of the professional evalua- tive literature. 4. To prepare you for more advanced evaluation courses and texts. In a nutshell, we provide you with a sound conceptual understanding of how the ideas of evaluation can be used in the delivery of the day-to-day services you are go- ing to offer your clients. In addition, you will obtain the beginning knowledge and skills you will need to demonstrate your accountability—not only to the social work profession, your supervisor, your funding sources, and yourself but to your clients as well. YOUR PREVIOUS FOUNDATIONAL RESEARCH METHODS COURSE Our book builds upon the knowledge and skills you gained from your previous foundational social work research methods course. As you are aware, you were re- quired to take that course early in your studies, whether you were enrolled on a part- time or full-time basis or on a creative combination of the two. Most schools of social work with a program evaluation course offer it after you have taken the re- quired foundational research methods course. The sequence of these two courses makes sense because a program evaluation within a social service agency is simply applying a majority of what you learned in your previous foundational research methods course. In sum, the course you are now taking assumes you have mastered the knowledge and skills contained in your previous research methods course. Unfortunately, many times this required course is waived if you are an advanced standing student; that is, you do not have to take it if you have a bachelor of social work (BSW) degree because the content of the course was supposed to be covered in your BSW program. Some- times the content was indeed covered, but sometimes not. BOOK’S COMPANION WEB SITE We know from years of teaching experience that sometimes students forget the foundational research methods content they previously learned due to a variety of reasons. This is where our book will really help you—we offer an opportunity, via the book’s Web site, for you to refresh your memory on the foundational research material that was presented in your previous research methods courses. When you go to our book’s Web site, you will see an oak tree displayed for each chapter you click on. The content you will learn in each chapter is listed above the ground. Most of this content will be new to you and is contained within the chapter you are reading. Below the ground lie the roots of our oak tree. As you know, roots provide the necessary foundation for trees not only to stand but to flourish as well. Without roots (the foundational content you were supposed to have previously covered in your other courses), there would be no tree. This foundational content may or may not be new to you and is displayed below the ground of our tree. You can click on to relevant links that should refresh your memory. So, in a nutshell (sorry, we had to do it), our oak tree analogy is akin to doing a program evaluation. You cannot do a program evaluation—the contents of our book (above-the-ground content)—without knowing basic foundational research methodology—the knowledge you were supposed to have obtained in your previous foundational research methods course (below-the-ground content). vi A FEW WORDS FOR STUDENTS Web Site Content Our book is the first social work program evaluation book to offer a comprehensive Web site that you can access free of charge. As we mentioned previously, you can eas- ily use this site when you want to use our hyperlinked trees to “refresh yourself” with material that was covered in your foundational research method’s text. Our Web site provides you access to crash courses on topics that were covered in your founda- tional research methods book, such as • Ways of knowing • Evaluation contexts • Ethics • Quantitative research methodology • Qualitative research methodology • Measurement: • Designing measuring instruments • Locating measuring instruments • Sampling • Case-level designs (single-subject designs) • Group-level designs • Original data collection methods: • Observation • Participant observation • Research interviewing • Surveys • Existing data collection methods: • Secondary analysis • Content analysis • Using existing statistics • Historical research • Analyzing data • Analyzing quantitative data • Analyzing qualitative data • Report writing • Writing quantitative proposals and reports • Writing qualitative proposals and reports • Evaluating quantitative research reports You can also use the Web site to • Electronically look up a definition of an evaluation concept • Review key terms with a deck of virtual flash cards A FEW WORDS FOR STUDENTS vii • Test your knowledge with essay questions and short multiple-choice chapter quizzes Visit www.oup.com/us/swevaluation STUDENT-FRIENDLY BOOK In addition to the hyperlinked trees found on our book’s Web site, we have incorpo- rated the additional following learning pedagogy within our book: • We have written our book in a crisp style using direct language; that is, you will understand all the words. • Our book is easy to teach from and with. This will not only make you happy but it will also make your instructor happy. • We include only the core material that you will realistically need in order to appreciate and understand the role of program design and evaluation within the social work profession. Our guiding philosophy was to include only material that you realistically need to know to function adequately as an entry-level social work practitioner; information overload was avoided at all costs. • We discuss the application of evaluation methods in real-life social service programs rather than in artificial settings. • We discuss the process of doing ethical evaluations throughout the book. In fact, we have devoted an entire chapter to ethics. • We make an extraordinary effort to make this edition less expensive, more esthetically pleasing, and much more useful for you than ever before. We have purposively kept the book’s cost down in comparison to others on the market today. • Abundant tables and figures have been used to provide visual representation of the concepts presented in our book. • Numerous boxes are inserted throughout to complement and expand on the chapters; these boxes present interesting evaluation examples, provide addi- tional aids to your learning, and offer historical, social, and political contexts of program evaluation. • We have included human diversity content throughout the chapters. Many of our examples center around women and minorities because you need to be knowledgeable about their special needs and problems. We have given special consideration to the application of research methods to the study of ques- tions concerning these groups. • Review questions are presented at the end of each chapter so that you can determine your understanding of the material presented in the chapter. viii A FEW WORDS FOR STUDENTS LOGICAL AND FLEXIBLE TEACHING PLAN Our book is organized in a way that makes good sense for teaching fundamental program evaluation. Many other sequences that could be followed would make just as much sense, however. The chapters (and parts) in this book were consciously planned to be independent of one another. They can be read out of the order in which they are presented, or they can be selectively omitted. However, they will probably make the most sense to you if you read the chapters in the sequence in which they are presented. Like all introductory books, ours had to include relevant basic program evalua- tion content. Our problem here was not so much what content to include as what to leave out. Every topic that we have touched on in passing has been treated in depth elsewhere. But our elementary book is a primer, an introduction, a beginning. Our aim was to skim the surface of the social work evaluative enterprise—to put a toe in the water, so to speak, and to give you a taste of what it might be like to swim. Student Learning Skills Our book contains four major parts, where each part represents a learning skill that we believe you will need for doing program evaluations within a social service agency: 1. You need to know how to prepare yourself for an evaluation. 2. You need to know how to conduct evaluations. 3. You need to know how to gather data and make decisions from these data. 4. You need to know the contexts where program evaluations take place. Each of the four parts represents a major learning skill. Each part has several chapters that will help you to achieve each skill. • Part I: Preparing for an Evaluation • Chapter 1: Becoming an Accountable Practitioner • Chapter 2: Approaches to Accountability • Chapter 3: Designing Client-Centered Programs • Chapter 4: Getting Ready for an Evaluation • Part II: Doing an Evaluation • Chapter 5: Doing a Needs Assessment • Chapter 6: Doing a Process Evaluation • Chapter 7: Doing an Outcome Evaluation • Chapter 8: Doing an Efficiency Evaluation • Part III: Gathering Data and Making Decisions • Chapter 9: Measuring Variables • Chapter 10: Data Sources, Sampling, and Data Collection Methods A FEW WORDS FOR STUDENTS ix

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