Journal ofthe Bombay Natural HistorySociety, 105 (2), May-Aug 2008 139-147 EVALUATING THE STATUS OF FORESTS AND RELATIVE ABUNDANCE OF WILDLIFE: ARAPID SURVEY FROM A REMOTEAND LITTLE EXPLORED TROPICAL EVERGREEN FOREST OF NORTH-EAST INDIA 1 AmbikaAiyadurai2andSurendraVarma3 'AcceptedFebruary 14,2008 2WildlifeTrustofIndia,A-220,NewFriendsColony,New Delhi 110065.India, Email: [email protected] 3AsianElephantResearchandConservationCentre(AdivisionofAsianNatureConservationFoundation),c/oCentreforEcological Sciences,IndianInstituteofScience,Bengaluru560012, Karnataka, India. Email: [email protected] Thissurveywasaimedatevaluatingmethodsthatcouldbeusedtoassessthestatusofforestsandtherelativeabundance ofmammalsinaremoteandlittleexploredtropicalevergreenforestofnorth-eastIndia.Thesurveywascarriedoutby walking alongforesttrails forassessing the statusofforests and mammals, and through the village surveys toassess thestatusofwildlife.About58%oftheforestssurveyed were underopenforestand27% underpartiallyopencover, indicating the regionhas more open forestwhile the closedforest wasonly 15% The speciesencounterrate/km was high in an open forest (1.6 (SE=0.22)/km, 0.8 (SE=0.7)/km for a partially open forest and fora closed forest it was 0/km), and the results for the open and partially open forests were not statistically significantly different (Hc=0.39, p=0.73) Outofthe 23 mammal speciesreportedfortheregion, only 26% ofthe 23 species were encounteredduring the trail surveys, and only after spending 95% ofthe total time (56hours) with the villagers, information on all the specieswasobtained.Thenumberofspeciesobtainedforthesurveyregioncomplieswith theresultsofotherregions that have comparable attributes. When areas with similaraffinities are compared, the variance around the mean was only7%,butinareasthataredissimilar, thevariancearoundthemeanwas 13%.Ascomparedwiththeotherregions, only 0.37% of the total man-hours were spent to obtain the number of species for the current survey. The village survey appearstobearobustmethod forabasic oradvanced species list, butit may notbe an appropriate methodto evaluate the forest status. Key words: trail and village surveys, evaluation, forest canopy and wildlife abundance INTRODUCTION particularly reported to have seven species of major large carnivores(AiyaduraiandVarma2003),threeofwhich(Tiger, ArunachalPradesh,inthenorth-eastofIndia,isknown CloudedLeopardandAsiatic BlackBear) arecategorised in for its rich biological and cultural diversity, and has been theVulnerabletoEndangeredcategoryoftheIUCNRedList recognisedasoneofthe34biodiversityhotspotsoftheworld ofthreatened species (IUCN 2007), and the remaining four (Myers et al. 2000). It is also a home to around 26 ethnic are listed under the Schedule I of the Wildlife (Protection) human communities with distinctive cultures and rich ActofIndia 1972 (Menon 2003). The areais alsoone ofthe traditions (Shukla 1965). Unliketheotherregions,forests in contiguoushabitatsfortheAsianElephantElephasmaximus ; someareasofArunachalPradeshatpresentdonotsuffermuch conserving these flagship species (Sukumar 1989) or from major developmental activities, such as the charismatic flagship species (Karanth 1995) ortheir habitat hydroelectric, irrigation projects and roadnetworks. But the mayeventuallyprotectaconsiderableamountofbiodiversity. heavy dependency on forests by local communities through However, the Elephant and some carnivore species have shiftingcultivationandotherlivelihoodpracticesisthemajor become a cause for human-animal conflict, resulting in conservation concern (Ramakrishnan 1992; Raman et al. negative conservation interests. Such problem animals, 1998). The communities are also known for their active particularly some carnivore species are being hunted either involvementinhuntingofwildlifeforornamental,medicinal, asaconflictmitigationmeasureorasasourceoffood.Under edible andcommercial uses (Aiyadurai and Varma 2003). these circumstances the understanding ofthe status ofthese Thereareonlyafewstudiesthathavebeencarriedout species and developing mitigation measures will not only in this region due to the remoteness, ruggedness and provideknowledgeaboutthespeciesbutalsoreceivesupport incidences of cerebral malaria in the region. High rainfall, fromthelocalcommunitiesfortheirconservation. Secondly, frequent landslides, lack of infrastructure facilities and an when there is a constraint of time and other resources or assumedunfriendlynatureofthelocalcommunitieshavealso manpower, there is a need to identify a robust way of contributedtothis.Theseareasareimportantformanyspecies collecting information and this is possible only through ofconservation interestand the proposed survey region was adopting all existing methods or through developing new EVALUATING THE STATUS OF FORESTSAND RELATIVEABUNDANCE OF WILDLIFE Fig. 1: Map showing ItanagarWildlife Sanctuaryand survey villages inArunachal Pradesh, north-east India approaches to datacollections (Varman and Sukumar 1995; Theregionismostlyhilly(precipitoushillsidesareacommon Varma2000). featureofthisarea), andthe average altitudeoftheterrainis m Ourinitial interest was toevaluate methods thatcould 1,000 above msl. The terrain slopes gently towards south be followed and eventually be used to assess the status of and is highly rugged with mountainous ranges. forests and the relative abundance of wildlife, particularly The monsoon begins around March-April, and mammals.Ourinterestwasrestrictedbytheconstraintsimposed continues till September-October(Anon. 2006). The annual mm by the landscape features, availability of time and other average rainfall is approximately 2,500 with June and resources, and non-availability of specific methodologies. July as the wettest months. A large number of rivers drain However,theselimitationsdidmotivateustoidentifymethods into the area, most of which run from north to south. The fordocumentation,compareandreviewmethodologiesadopted, landscapeisdifficulttotraverseduetotheruggedterrainand and numbers reported from similar landscapes elsewhere. dense vegetation. Geologically, the forest area is prone to Areviewandcomparisonofmethodologiesadoptedprovided landslides during summerand is quite unstable. us with insights into the merits and demerits of each The forestcan be classified mainly as the North Bank methodology,andcomparisonoftheresultswithotherregions TropicalEvergreen(Nahor-Jutuli),TropicalSemi-Evergreen helped us in identifying the accuracy ofthe knowledge that and Secondary forests (Champion and Seth 1968; Kaul and was gained through this short-term survey. Haridasan 1987).Atplaces,theevergreenandsemi-evergreen forests merge with one another and cannot be described STUDY AREA separately.TheNorthBankTropicalEvergreen(Nahor-Jutuli) forests occuratan elevation of900m above mean sealevel. ItanagarWildlife Sanctuary (Fig. 1), covering an area Thetropicalsemi-evergreenforests occurupto anelevation of 140.30 sq. km, is a part ofa contiguous forest cover and of 600 m above msl. This type of forest can be further oneamongthenotablebiodiversityareasofnorth-eastIndia. classifiedintolowhills,andplainsemi-evergreenandriverine 140 J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 105 (2), May-Aug 2008 EVALUATING THE STATUS OF FORESTSAND RELATIVEABUNDANCE OF WILDLIFE semi-evergreen forests. Secondary forests occurdue toboth on thecanopycover. Whentherewasnocanopyoverhead, it man-made (mainly shifting cultivation) and natural (mainly was termed as open; when the canopy of adjacent trees landslideorfire)reasons.Thistypecouldbefurtherclassified overlapped, with the sky still showing through it was into a degraded forest, bamboo forest and grasslands (Kaul consideredaspartiallyopen;andwhentheskywasnotvisible and Haridasan 1987) overhead, it was considered as closed forest (Raman et al. Nosurveyhasbeencarriedoutonthestatusofspecies 1998; Varma pers. obs.). not even to generate a species list; however, the region is expected to have a number ofmammalian species. Notable ForestTrail Survey among the expected species are Sambar Cervus unicolor Experienced individuals of the Nishi tribe were , BarkingDeerMuntiacusmuntjak,WildPigSusscrofa,Indian employedas trackers, and the foresttrails were surveyedfor Elephant Elephas maximus Tiger Panthera tigris, Leopard animal presence through direct and indirect signs. Before , Pantherapardus CloudedLeopardNeofelisnebulosa Jackal starting the trail survey, informationon speciesthatcouldbe , , Cams aureus Dhole Cuon alpinus and small cats. Among encounteredwascollectedfromthetrackers.Thisinformation , theprimates,AssameseMacaqueMacacaassamensis Rhesus was latercompared with the species encountered during the , Macaque Macaca mulatto Capped Langur Trachypithecus survey. Trails were walked for direct sightings or indirect , pileatus and Stump-tailed MacaqueMacacaarctoides. evidence such aspellets/scats/hoofmarks,feedingandother signs. On sighting an animal sign or on any direct sighting, METHODOLOGY information on the time of sighting, number of signs (or individuals) and otherrelated information were recorded. General There were a numberofconstraints as it was not easy This rapid survey was carried out in March 2003. As to spot and identify footprints andtracksofanimalsbecause an initial approach, a pilot survey was carried out to of the heavy litter on the ground. Care was taken in the understandthe landscapeandsocio-economicstatus,andthe identificationofscats,astherewerechancesofencountering information was associated with the status ofthe forest and domestic dog Canis familiaris scats, especially at the wildlife found here. Lorest officials were interviewed for periphery the Sanctuary. specific information on the condition of forests, status of wildlifeandinformationrelatedtotheculturalandeconomic Survey through village visit statusofthevillagers.Thesurveyadoptedtwoapproachesin Informationonwildlifeanditspresenceorabsencewas the field. collectedfromthevillagers.Thevillagerswereabletoprovide a) ‘Lorest trail’ survey for assessing the status of the reasonable information that was based on their visits to the forestand some species ofwildlife forest, time spent, reasons for visiting and other related b) Village survey forassessing status ofsome species aspects. It was established that men spend more time in the ofwildlife. forest than women, and it was planned to interview two individualseachfromthreeageclasses(oldandexperienced StatusofForests persons, middle aged persons and individuals from the age There are well-established forest trails, which are class in which they start going to forest) from each village. normally used by villagers. Some of these trails were Selecting specific age classes ofpeople was not possible as considered for sampling and a total distance of 21 km was most of the men were in the forest during the day. People surveyed by foot. These trails are located close to villages wereinterviewedrandomlyasandwhentheywereavailable. such as the Rillo, Khoimir and Moin, and were referred as All these approaches were helpful in establishing the socio- theRillo, KhoimirandMointrails.Thewalkswererestricted economic and cultural profile ofthe local communities, and to the trails as the undergrowth around them was thick and its association with the villagers' dependency on the forest couldnotbeexplored. Theforestswithin a2kmradiusfrom anditsresources.Theknowledgeonwildlifespeciesobtained the villages were heavily cultivated (jhum cultivation); the from the villagers helped in developing the questionnaires forest type within these regions was secondary. After every based on which the interviews were carried out. The time 20 minutes four nearest trees, type and status of the forest, spent on collecting information from each villager and the and observed anthropogenic disturbances were recorded. morphological and behavioural description of each animal Namesofthetreespecieswerenoteddowntoassociate bythevillagerswasnoteddown.Pictorialguides(Prater 1971; with the forest types surveyed. The forests were classified Menon 2003) were very useful foridentification, both in the into three categories; open, partially open and closed based field and while processingdata. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 105 (2), May-Aug 2008 141 EVALUATINGTHE STATUS OF FORESTSAND RELATIVEABUNDANCE OF WILDLIFE MostofthevillagerscouldunderstandHindi,andsome common to the current survey area for each region were couldalsospeakEnglish.Theyoungvillagerswereespecially arrived at. well-versed with Hindi though there were some problems interacting with the olderNishis. RESULTS Data processing Statusofforests The data on the occurrence of forest categories was The Nishi villages are located in the valley and the converted into percentages, and the overall, as well as trail- adjoining forests were observedto be degraded. The forests wise, percentage of signs of each category was calculated. were muchlessdisturbedontheothersideofthe valley.The The number of signs, relative percentage, mean number of habitatalongtheforesttrailvarieddrastically.Thisvariation signs, and an overall and mean encounter rate of signs/km was found within and across the trails. The microhabitats werecalculated. encountered during the survey were open scrubland, areas Statistica5.5 (StatSoftInc. 2001) and PAST(Hammer undershiftingcultivation,bambooorreedorferndominated et al. 2001) software packages were used to carry out woodlands and riverine habitats. About 58% of the forests statistical tests. Non-parametric statistical tests were carried surveyed were under open forest and 27% under partially outforthecurrentdatasetbecauseofthelow samplesize.To open forest indicating the region has more open forest and test the relationship between the forest categories and the only 15% area under closed forest. The status of forests overallencounterrateforeachtrail,theexpectedandobserved between the covered trails was compared. Rillo trail had no frequencies ofthe signs were calculated and this was tested closed forests; Khoimir trail had the highest percentage of W usingChi squaretest. ShapiroWilk’s testwasusedtotest open forest (72%), followed by Moin trail (45%). the normality ofthe data, and a Spearman rank correlation testwasusedfortestingthecorrelationbetweentheencounter Encounterratesofwildlifesigns rate and canopy cover. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to The results show that the encounter rate of wildlife test the statistical significance ofthe numberofsightings of signs/km was highest for Rillo trail (3.50/km) followed by eachcategory. Khoimir(1.26/km) and Moin (1.13/km) trails (Table 1). The number of species and their relative frequencies were calculated forthe village surveys. The total numberof Encounter ratesofsigns in relation tostatusofforest man-hours spent during both trail and village surveys was The encounter rate/km was high along the trail with calculated to develop species-time area curves for both the lessclosedforest.TheRillohadonlyopenandpartiallyopen methods. For comparison of the results with Bago Yoma, forestsandmoresignswereobservedinthistrail.TheMoin, Rakhine Yoma, Alaungdaw Kathapa National Park of withtheleastencounterrate/km(1.13)hadahighpercentage Myanmar, Mudumalai and Singara Reserved Forests of ofclosedforests.Thespeciesencounterrateinrelationtothe southernIndia,themeannumberofspecies,thetotalnumber total number ofman-hours spent for each trail showed that ofman-hoursspentandthepercentageofidentifiablespecies forthetrailclosetotheRillo,allthespecieswereencountered in 60% of the time spent. In the Khoimir and Moin trails, 83% ofthe species wereencounteredduring the survey, and this was achieved through 43% of the man-hours spent in Khoimirtrail and after only 85% ofthe man-hours spent in the Moin trail (Fig. 2). The mean encounter rate of animal signs for open canopyforestwas 1.6(SE=0.22),forpartiallyopenforestsit Table 1: Nameofthetrails,timespent, distancecoveredand encounterrateofanimalsigns/km S.No Nameofthetrail Timespent Distance Encounter rate/km covered (km) (hours) Ratiooftotalman-hoursspent Fig. 2: The species-timecurveforthetrailsclose tovillages 1 Rillo 6.3 6 3.5 Y-axis: proportion oftotal numberofspecieswhosesignswere 2 Khoimir 8.8 7 1.3 encountered; X-axis: proportion oftotal man-hoursspent 3 Moin 7.5 8 1.1 142 J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 105 (2), May-Aug 2008 EVALUATINGTHE STATUS OF FORESTSAND RELATIVE ABUNDANCE OF WILDLIFE was 0.8 (SE=0.7) and for closed canopy it was 0, and the 1.-4-i difference between the numbers of sightings for open and 1.2* partially open forests was not statistically significant (Hc=0.39, p=0.73002). Both open and partially open categories were brought under one category ofopen forest, £ 0.8-1 I 0.6- and the results were tested for the relationship between the o u openness of the forest cover and encounter rate of animal u3 0 signs. More animal signs were encountered in open forests, °-2 i and the difference was statistically significant (%:=12.25, oi- W df=2,p<0.0021).SinceShapiro-Wilk’s testfornormality 0 20 40 60 80 100 % suggested thatthe distribution ofencounterrate and canopy canopycover coverwasnotnormal(p<0.001),anon-parametriccorrelation Fig. 3: Canopycoverversusencounterrate wascarriedoutanditwasfoundthattherewasnosignificant Y-axis: encounter rate/km; X-axis: proportion ofcanopycover correlation between encounter rate and canopy cover (r=0.2309, p=0.256. Fig. 3). Bear (species not known). Canid (Dhole or Jackal) small carnivore(speciesunknown).Thespecies-timecurveforthe Species numberreported across thesurvey methods trail method shows thatwithin 16% ofthe time spent, all the Thepercentageoftimespentincollectinginformation species(26%oftotalspecies)wereencounteredthroughthis through different approaches showed that 63% of the total method(Fig.4)andtherewerenonewspeciesoranincrease time (56 hrs) was spent on village interviews and 37% in the species encounterrate afterthis time. (33.8 hrs) on trail surveys. With these methods together a Based on the time spent with each villager, a species- totalof23 mammalian species that are key species oreasily time curve was developed forthe village interview method, noticeable were encountered for the region. Out of the and it was found that there was a gradual increase in the 23 species, only 26% (6 species including three unknown numberofspeciesasmoreandmorepeoplewereinterviewed. species)wereencounteredinthetrailsurvey.Speciesdetected Only after spending 95% (54 hrs) ofthe total time with the by the trail survey were. Elephant, Sambar, Barking Deer, villagers, information was obtained on all the species. Table2: Numberofmammalspecies reportedacrossdifferentlandscapesin Myanmarand India Region 1 2 3 Altitude Rainfall Terrain Foresttype Shifting Hunting (m abovemsl) (mm) cultivation ItanagarWLS, 23 0.37 1,000 2,000 Ruggedandmountainous EG, SEG & SF Yes Yes north-eastIndia RakhineYoma, 25 80 33.4 1,200 1,200 Ruggedandmountainous MIXD, SEG & SF Yes Yes Myanmar BogoYoma, 22 73 33.4 700 1,600 Ruggedandmountainous MIXD, SEG & SF Yes Yes Myanmar AKNP, Myanmar 20 80 5.58 1,000 1,500 Ruggedandmountainous MIXD, SEG & SF Yes Yes MudumalaiWLS& 36 80 27.1 1,000 1,500 Undulating DD, MD & SC No No SingaraReserved Forest, southern India Numberofspecies reported 1 2 3 Altitude Rainfall RegionsonlyofMyanmar Myanmar& ItanagarWLS (mabove msl) (mm) Mean 25 78 24 980 1,560 22.3 22.5 SE 3 2 11 89 144 1.4 1 CV% 12 2 47 9 9 6.5 4.44 1 - No.ofspeciesencountered;2- Percentageofidentifiedspeciessharedwith ItanagarWLS; 3-Percentageoftotal man hoursspentforall theregions; EG -evergreen; SEG -semievergreen; SF-secondaryforest; MIXDi-mixeddeciduous; DD-drydeciduous; MD- moistdeciduous; SC-scrubforest J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.( 105 (2), May-Aug 2008 143 EVALUATING THE STATUS OF FORESTSAND RELATIVE ABUNDANCE OF WILDLIFE It appears that more than 50 man-hours are needed with villagers to get information on all the species encountered andtoreachtheasymptote inthespecies-timecurve(Fig.4). Species numberreported across different landscapes The survey was short-term (atotal of3 weeks, spread across89.8hoursinMarch)innatureduetoseveralconstrains indatacollection;acomparisonofthenumberofmammalian species reported across similar habitats elsewhere was attempted.Thiswasdonetoestimate anexpectednumberof speciesthatcouldbeakeyspeciesoreasytolocateorspecies ofconservation interestforthe survey area.Acomparisonof species recorded in some regions of Myanmar was made. Ratiooftotalmanhoursspent Some regions in Myanmar have similar landscape features Fig. 4: The species-time curveforthe survey methods (altitudeandterrain)andsomesimilarwildlifespecies,along The proportion ofthetotal numberofspecies encountered is with a low density ofhuman groups. They are also reported plotted againstthe proportion oftotal man-hoursspent tohavesimilarculturalortraditionalaffinities,foodandother resourcegatheringapproachesinvolvingshiftingcultivation, Status of species encountered through trail and village hunting of wildlife and a dependency on forest products survey (Table2).TheregionsselectedforthiscomparisonwereBogo No mammalian species was sighted along the trails. Yoma(centralMyanmar),RakhineYoma(westernMyanmar) However, several signs of animal presence were recorded. and Alaungdaw Kathapa National Park (AKNP - north Thesesignscould beattributedtosevenspeciesorclassified Myanmar). The number ofmammalian species reported for intofivebroadcategoriessuch ascanids (DholeandJackal), these regions were 25, 22 and 20 respectively (Varma pers. cervids(BarkingDeerandSambar),smallcarnivores(Jungle obs.;Aiyadurai andVarma2003)translatingtoanaverageof andothercats). Bear(Himalayan BlackBear) and Elephant. 22.3species(95%CI=18.8to25.8) Ifthecurrentsurveyresults Among them, mean signs ofcanids dominated followed by of 23 species was included and the mean number of species elephants, cervids, small carnivores and bear. However, the was calculated for all these regions, a mean of differencesbetween numbers ofsigns ofall thesecategories 22.5 species (95% CI=20.1 to 24.8) would be theresultforall were not statistically significant (Hc=7.44, p=0.140). these regions. Based on this, an expected number of 24 to 25species(thisassumptionisbasedonthe95%Cloftheaverage Numberofspecies recorded by villagesurvey numberofthe species ofall theseregions)could be computed BasedonthereasonsforNishistovisittheforest,time forthesurveyarea,andthecurrentsurveyestimatedanumber spent,forestproductsusedbythecommunityandtheanimals of23species.Ifthespeciesnumberreportedforlargemammals thatvisitedhuman habitations, thepresence of23 species of in mixed deciduous habitat in southern India is also included mammalscouldbereportedfortheregion,outofwhich65% (SivaganesanandDesaipers.obs.;Varmapers.obs.),anaverage ofthemwerereadilyidentifiable(Table3).Theveryimportant of25.2mammals(95%0=19.0to 31.4)canbeestimated. aspect of the results is that the region has seven species of Acomparison across evergreen (south-east Asia) and predators(Table2),ofwhichthree (43%)are includedinthe mixed deciduous (southern India) forests showed that the Vulnerable (facing high riskofextinction) category and one expectednumberofspecies ofmammals forthe survey area (14%) is within the Endangered (facing very high risk of couldbe 19to31. However,whenareaswithsimilaraffinities extinction) category of the IUCN Red List of threatened arecompared, the variance around the mean is narrow (only species. Five out ofthe seven species are underthe Wildlife 7%), but in areasthat are dissimilar, and are known to share (Protection)ActofIndia’sScheduleIcategory,whichaffords some percentage ofsimilarspecies, the variance around the a high level ofprotection. Including theAsian Elephant, the mean is relatively high (13%). The otherinteresting finding region has six species oflarge herbivore mammals. ofthiscomparison is that the relative proportion ofthe man- Out of the 23 species reported by the villagers, they hourspentforarrivingatthesenumbersforalltheseregions wereabletoprovideinformationonthefrequencyofsightings varied (mean 24%, SE=1 1.3, CV=47%) and only 0.37% of for20species(87%),andthisindicatedthattheBarkingDeer, man-hours were spent to encounter all the species for the Elephant, Jackal, Wild Boar, Capped Langur, Himalayan current surveyregion. Black Bear and Dhole were the more commonly found 144 J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 105 (2), May-Aug 2008 EVALUATING THE STATUS OF FORESTS AND RELATIVE ABUNDANCE OF WILDLIFE Table 3: Listof mammals reported forthe region shifting cultivation not only decreased the forest cover, but bythevillagers also changed the forest into an open secondary woodland Species ScientificName Remarks shrub (Timminus and Evens 1996; Raman et al. 1998). Surveys carried out on large mammals in eastern Cambodia Leopard Pantherapardus and north-east India identified the practice of shifting Tiger Panthera tigris cultivation as one of the threats to wildlife habitats (Desai Clouded Leopard Neofelisnebulosa 1996; Hillaludin etal. 2005; Mishraetal. 2006; Dattaetal. Jungle Cat Felischaus 2008). Ontheotherhand,intherecentsurvey,thepatternsof Dhole Cuonalpinus Jackal Canisaureus high encounter rates of species in less closed trails and the Mongoose Herpestesspp. species-time curves for all the trails could support the Himalayan Selenarctos assumption that open forests attract more large mammals. Black Bear thibetanus Itcouldbearguedthatagreaternumberofsightingsofanimal Capped Langur Trachypithecuspileatus Elephant Elephasmaximus signs in open canopy areas may not have any ecological Barking Deer Muntiacusmuntjak significance, but could be due to a relatively high visibility Sambar Cervusunicolor oftheopencanopysites. However,acloserexamination may Gaur Bosgaurusgaurus suggestthattheresultsofencounterratesofanimalsigns/km Indian Porcupine Hystrixindica maynotberelatedtothepercentageofopennessofeachtrail WildGoat Species not known Wild Boar Susscrota but may be due to the openness (or secondary forests with Soku* Asmallcanopy poor canopy cover) permitting more undergrowth and dwellinganimal providing greater forage or forage space availability for Taas* Asmallcanopy herbivores.Theregionprimarilyhadclosedcanopyevergreen dwellinganimal forests (Kaul and Haridasan 1987), but shifting cultivation Sukung* Asmallcanopy dwellinganimal practicesfollowedbythelocalcommunitieshadcreatedmore Aama kochchi* ASquirrel-likebrown secondaryforestsandmaybecomeidealsitesformanyspecies colouredsmallanimal ofmammals. Sekke* Acanopydwelling The number of species encountered through the trail animal (brown-black surveywasverylow,andthiscouldreflectthelowdensityof in colour, longtail) Tahi* Acanopydwelling wildlifespecies.Thespecies(26%(N=6)ofthetotalnumber) animal with longtail encountered during the trail survey were within 16% ofthe Juamola* Asmallcat total andthis pattern suggests that more attempts are needed toencountertheremaining74% ofthespecies.There werea * - Nishinames and the animals described by the local people andtheir English namescould not be identified number of constraints in using trail survey methods, as footprints and tracks of animals were not easy to spot or species. RarelyseenspeciesincludedtheSambar,Gaur,Wild identify because ofthe heavy litteron the ground. Including Goat,JungleCatandTiger.Theeldersfromthe villagesalso livestock, only six categories of animal signs were felt that species such as the Sambar, Gaur and Wild Boar encountered during the trail survey, ofwhich only theAsian usedtobesightedmorefrequentlyandfoundinlargernumbers, Elephantwaspossiblyidentifiablefromthesigns. Examples but their frequency of sighting and numbers have been of low density or encounter rate of animal signs has been considerablyreduced.Anotherinterestingresultofthe village observedinotherregionsofSoutheastAsiaandanumberof survey is that, due to Barking Deer’s localized distribution, reasons could be speculated on this. Duckworth (1996) same animals have been encountered frequently giving the attributed these to the shy nature of the species, hunting impression that there are more Barking Deerin the region. pressure and fires set by the villagers. However, the relative frequenciesofsignsandencounterratesdohavetheadvantage DISCUSSION ofpredicting the status ofprey and predators in a situation where prey numbers are falling due to heavy hunting and The current survey area in the Itanagar Wildlife predatorsareknowntopreyondomesticanimals.Apartfrom Sanctuary and adjoining regions ofArunachal Pradesh was this, trail surveys could be useful for collecting systematic dominatedbyanopenforestindicatinglarge-scaledestruction dataon the statusofforests. In thevillage interview method, to the forest cover in this region. Studies in north-east India 60% ofthe time was spent in obtaining the information. As and Laos show that excessive agricultural activity through experiencedbyDuckworth(1996),inVietnam,villagersgave J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 105 (2), May-Aug 2008 145 EVALUATING THE STATUS OF FORESTS AND RELATIVE ABUNDANCE OF WILDLIFE convincingreportsofseveralkeyspeciesofmammalsthrough comm.), and Duckworth (1996) reported 30 species forthe village surveys, providing vital information of expected training andmodel forest oftheVientiane Forestry College speciesinthesurveyarea.Theinformationonwildlifespecies in Laos. Desai (1996) reported 44 species ofmammals for was based on the vast and accumulated experience and MonddulkiriandRattanakiriprovincesofeasternCambodia, knowledge ofvillagers. This survey also illustrated that not and there was no assurance that all the mammalian species only the numberofpeople but alsothe time spent with each ofthese regions were found through the surveys. The other person is a very important factor forobtaining a reasonable importantfactorsarethetotalareaandnumberofmammalian level of information about a species. If enough time is not species reported fora region. Sivaganesan and Desai (pers. spent, it is likely that different people could referto a single obs.) reported 33 species for a 120 sq. km forest and only species as two different ones or two different species could 31 species for 321 sq. km in southern India. This could beconsideredasone.Yet,itisimportanttoknowtheoptimal indicatethattheremaybearelationshipbetweenthenumber period one has to spend with a given person for the ofspecies and the quality ofthe area ormicrohabitatfound investigation.Overall,thevillagesurveyappearstobearobust in a given area, and the species number may not be related methodforabasic oradvance species list, but it may not be tothesizeofthearea.Apartfromtheseuncertainties,surveys an appropriate methodtoevaluate the forest status. needalotoftime,resourcesandexpertiseforall thespecies Comparisonofresultsfromotherregionsindicatesthat present to be encountered in a region. thesurveyresultsmatchwiththeexpectednumberofspecies for regions that have similar settings. Conversely, when ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS observations were compared with the regions with less or no similar affinities, there was a variance in the results. WethanktheForestDepartmentofArunachalPradesh However,thesesurveys(areasthatwerecompared)resulted forprovidingpermissiontocarryoutthis survey.Thanksare in knowing only key species or species that were easy to due to C. Loma, Deputy ChiefWildlife Warden, TanaTapi, spot andgave noguaranteeforothersthatare lesserknown. Assistant ChiefConservator ofForests, and H. Taji, Range It is important to note that there is adifference between the Forest Officer, for their support and hospitality. Thanks to numbersofmammalian species found in agiven region and Sunil Subba, our Field Officerin Arunachal Pradesh for his the expected number of species that could be encountered inputs and the arrangement ofall logistics. The knowledge through surveys or the experience of exploring forests. and field skills of our Nishi trackers Nabum Tagam, Tok Although the survey was aimed at assessing the status of Pradhan, Tabum Jirgo and Tam Gos helped us a lot in the wildlife, in particular mammals, there was no scope for fieldsometimes eventoescape from live traps thatwecame understanding the status of rodents, bats, elusive lesser- acrossintheforests.Languagewasahugebarrierforus,and known species and other mammalian species that are not translations by our trackers were of great help and offered knowntoScience. Francisetal. (1996)reportsthatbatsand relief during the village surveys. Riya and Shambhu in the small mammals represent a high proportion of the Inspection Bungalow cooked some ofthe Nishi food made mammalian diversity; however, even to develop a basic out of some ferns and mushrooms. 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