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Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics Volume 44 Editors:BrunoSiciliano·OussamaKhatib·FransGroen Herman Bruyninckx, Libor Pˇreucˇil, Miroslav Kulich (Eds.) European Robotics Symposium 2008 ABC ProfessorBrunoSiciliano, Dipartimento diInformatica eSistemistica, Università diNapoli Federico II, ViaClaudio21,80125Napoli,Italy,E-mail:[email protected] ProfessorOussamaKhatib,RoboticsLaboratory,DepartmentofComputerScience,StanfordUniversity, Stanford,CA94305-9010,USA,E-mail:[email protected] Professor Frans Groen, Department of Computer Science, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Kruislaan 403, 1098SJAmsterdam,TheNetherlands,E-mail:[email protected] Editors Dr.ir.HermanBruyninckx Dr.MiroslavKulich KatholiekeUniversiteitLeuven DepartmentofCybernetics DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering FacultyofElectricalEngineering DivisionofProductionEngineering CzechTechnicalUniversity MachineDesign&Automation(PMA) Technická2 Celestijnenlaan300B 16627Prague6 B-3001Leuven(Heverlee) CzechRepublic Belgium E-mail:[email protected] Email:[email protected] Dr.LiborPˇreucˇil DepartmentofCybernetics FacultyofElectricalEngineering CzechTechnicalUniversity Technická2 16627Prague6 CzechRepublic E-mail:[email protected] ISBN978-3-540-78315-2 e-ISBN978-3-540-78317-6 DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-78317-6 SpringerTractsinAdvancedRobotics ISSN1610-7438 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2008921244 (cid:2)c2008Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproductiononmicrofilmorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublicationor partsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9,1965,in itscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer.Violationsareliablefor prosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnotimply, evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantprotectivelawsand regulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. TypesettingbytheauthorsandScientificPublishingServicesPvt.Ltd. Printedinacid-freepaper 543210 springer.com EditorialAdvisoryBoard HermanBruyninckx,KULeuven,Belgium RajaChatila,LAAS,France HenrikChristensen,GeorgiaInstituteofTechnology,USA PeterCorke,CSIRO,Australia PaoloDario,ScuolaSuperioreSant’AnnaPisa,Italy RüdigerDillmann,UniversitätKarlsruhe,Germany KenGoldberg,UCBerkeley,USA JohnHollerbach,UniversityofUtah,USA MakotoKaneko,OsakaUniversity,Japan LydiaKavraki,RiceUniversity,USA SukhanLee,SungkyunkwanUniversity,Korea TimSalcudean,UniversityofBritishColumbia,Canada SebastianThrun,StanfordUniversity,USA YangshengXu,ChineseUniversityofHongKong,PRC Shin’ichiYuta,TsukubaUniversity,Japan N SunTdAeRrth(SeparuisnpgiecresTorfacEtUsRinONAd(vEaunrcoepdeaRnoRboobtioctsic)shRaessebaerecnhpNreotmwootrekd) RERuersoOepaeracBnhROO************TICS NetworkU E Foreword At the dawn of the new millennium, robotics is undergoing a major transformation in scope and dimension. From a largely dominant industrial focus, robotics is rapidly expanding into the challenges of unstructured environments. Interacting with, assist- ing, serving, and exploring with humans, the emerging robots will increasingly touch people and their lives. The goal of the Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (STAR) series is to bring, in a timely fashion, the latest advances and developments in robotics on the basis of their significance and quality. It is our hope that the wider dissemination of research de- velopments will stimulate more exchanges and collaborations among the research community and contribute to further advancement of this rapidly growing field. The European Robotics Symposium (EUROS) was launched in 2006 as an interna- tional scientific single-track event promoted by EURON, the European Robotics Network linking most of the European research teams since its inception in 2000. Since then, EUROS has found its parental home under STAR, together with the other thematic symposia devoted to excellence in robotics research: FSR, ISER, ISRR, WAFR. The Second edition has been prepared by Herman Bruyninckx, the new EURON Coordinator, together with Miroslav Kulich and Libor Přeučil, the local organizers of the event. The four key areas of the symposium are: cognition, autonomy, adaptivity, and robustness. The contents of the thirty-five−chapter volume represent a cross- section of forefront robotics research, with contributions on: vision and navigation, localization and mapping, cooperation, coordination and multirobot systems, hu- man−robot interaction, and robotics applications. Thanks to the conscientious coop- eration of the contributors, to the committed work of the international programme committee, and last but not least to the devotion of the editors, this volume has been prepared in a record time to be available at the symposium. From its warm social program to its excellent technical program, EUROS culminates with this unique reference about robotics research in Europe and beyond. A fine confirmation in the STAR series! Naples, Italy Bruno Siciliano January 2008 STAR Editor Preface TheEuropeanRoboticsResearchNetwork(EURON)togetherwiththeCzechTechni- calUniversityinPragueisproudtopresentthesecondEuropeanRoboticsSymposium 2008 (EUROS 2008). The event aims to bring participants into the symbolic and at- tractiveenvironmentofPrague,CzechRepublic,thebirthplaceoftheword”robot”and bidstobeverysuccessfulsuccessorofthe1stEUROS2006inPalermo,foundinganew roboticssymposiatrackinEurope. EUROS 2008 continuesto providea single-trackand high quality scientific forum andpresentsleadingedgeresearchonroboticsacrossthe latesttopicsin fundamental research and applications. This years’ symposium key areas cover topics as: COG- NITION, AUTONOMY, ADAPTIVITY and ROBUSTNESS in roboticswith main targetingontheissuesrelatednamelyto:VisionandNavigation,LocalizationandMap- ping, Cooperation, Coordination and Multirobot Systems, Human-Robot Interaction, andRoboticsApplications. TheinitialandcoreobjectivefororganizingEUROStrackofsymposiaistocross- breed latest research and application results in order to improve mutual interlinking ofthe Europeanroboticscommunityin thefield ofacademiawith industrialpartners. Moreover,this years’added valueof the EUROS 2008standsin implementationof a ”2in1concept”representingboththe top-qualityscientific eventaswellaspromotion ofextendedfeaturesforyoungresearchersandPhDstudents.Theyoungscientistsare offeredtocomeintouchwithEuropeanleadingresearchlabsco-workersandtheirre- sults. This is aimed to create a space to establish ”Ph.D. to industry” meetings with presentroboticscompaniesandresearchlabsrepresentativesviainformalpresentation ofownresearch,tolaunchfruitfuldiscussions,andeventofoundfutureco-operations andotherjointR&Dactivities. EUROS track of symposia has always been organized in terms to ensure the best possiblequalityEuropeanevent,payingaspecialattentiontostayasingle-trackevent and to set high demands on the accepted papers. All contributions submitted to this symposium were reviewed by at least two independentreviewers and selection of 20 bestpapersfororalpresentationand15posterpresentationsfrom95paperssubmitted canbefoundhereunder. X Preface Therefore,the organizingcommittee wouldlike to thankall the authors,reviewers andmanyothersfortheircontributionsandexcellentworkspentinordertomakethe EUROS2008possible. EUROS2008 HermanBruyninckx LiborPˇreucˇil MiroslavKulich European Robotics Symposium 2008 - EUROS2008 Editors HermanBruyninckxKatholiekeUniversiteitLeuven,Belgium MiroslavKulichCzechTechnicalUniversityinPrague,CzechRepublic LiborPrˇeucˇilCzechTechnicalUniversityinPrague,CzechRepublic General Chair HermanBruyninckxKatholiekeUniversiteitLeuven,Belgium Local Chair LiborPrˇeucˇilCzechTechnicalUniversityinPrague,CzechRepublic Program Committee AntonioBicchiUniversityofPisa,Italy JohnHallamUniversityofSouthernDen- HendrikvanBrusselKatholiekeUniver- mark,Denmark siteitLeuven,Belgium GerdHirzingerGermanAerospaceCen- Martin Buss Technische Universitaet ter,Germany Muenchen,Germany Oussama Khatib Stanford University, Al´ıciaCasalsTechnicalUniversityofCat- USA alonia,Spain Suk HanLee SungkyunkwanUniversity, Raja Chatila Laboratoire d’Analyse et Korea d’ArchitecturedesSystemes,France Jadran Lenarcic Jozˇef Stefan Institute, Henrik I Christensen Georgia Institute Slovenia ofTechnology,USA Amiram Moshaiov Tel-Aviv University, Paolo Dario Scuola Superiore Sant’ Israel Anna,Italy Ulrich Nehmzow University of Essex, Jorge Dias Universidade de Coimbra, UnitedKingdom Portugal AngelPasqualdelPobilJaumeIUniver- Ru¨digerDillmannUniversita¨tKarlsruhe, sity,Spain Germany XII Organization Hubert Roth University of Siegen, Ger- BrunoSicilianoTheUniversityofNaples many ”FedericoII”,Italy Klaus Schilling University of Wu¨rzburg, Roland Siegwart ETH Zurich, Switzer- Germany land OrganizingCommittee Jan Faigl Czech Technical University in Hana Krautwurmova´ Czech Technical Prague,CzechRepublic UniversityinPrague,CzechRepublic Zuzana Hochmeisterova´ Czech Techni- Miroslav Kulich Czech Technical Uni- calUniversityinPrague,CzechRepublic versityinPrague,CzechRepublic JanChudobaCzechTechnicalUniversity Petr Sˇteˇpa´n Czech Technical University inPrague,CzechRepublic inPrague,CzechRepublic Karel Kosˇnar Czech Technical Univer- Milena Zeithamlova´ Action M Agency, sityinPrague,CzechRepublic CzechRepublic Toma´sˇ Krajn´ıkCzechTechnicalUniver- sityinPrague,CzechRepublic Co-organizers EuropeanRoboticsResearchNetwork CzechTechnicalUniversityinPrague Gerlsabtonraetorry GerstnerLaboratory Contents Adaptive Multiple Resources Consumption Control for an Autonomous Rover Simon Le Gloannec, Abdel Illah Mouaddib, Franc¸ois Charpillet ......... 1 Adaptive Snake Robot Locomotion: A Benchmarking Facility for Experiments S.A. Fjerdingen, J.R. Mathiassen, H. Schumann-Olsen, E. Kyrkjebø .... 13 Architecture for Neuronal Cell Control of a Mobile Robot Dimitris Xydas, Daniel J. Norcott, Kevin Warwick, Benjamin J. Whalley, Slawomir J. Nasuto, Victor M. Becerra, Mark W. Hammond, Julia Downes, Simon Marshall................... 23 The Ares Robot: Case Study of an Affordable Service Robot Pedro Santana, Carlos Cˆandido, Paulo Santos, Lu´ıs Almeida, Lu´ıs Correia, Jos´e Barata.......................................... 33 Balancing the Information Gain Against the Movement Cost for Multi-robot Frontier Exploration Arnoud Visser, Bayu A. Slamet..................................... 43 Compiling POMDP Models for a Multimodal Service Robot from Background Knowledge Sven R. Schmidt-Rohr, Rainer Ja¨kel, Martin Lo¨sch, Ru¨diger Dillmann .. 53 Constraint Based Object State Modeling Daniel Go¨hring, Heinrich Mellmann, Hans-Dieter Burkhard ............ 63 A COTS-Based Mini Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (SR-H3) for Security, Environmental Monitoring and Surveillance Operations: Design and Test G. Belloni, M. Feroli, A. Ficola, S. Pagnottelli, P. Valigi .............. 73

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