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uropean Painting r^* >*<C' and Sculpture NEWTON BY ERIC 85c The object of this book, which has now been completely revised, is toprovideashortaccountof the development ofthe finearts, and inparticular ofpainting,inEuropefromtheearliest timestothe present day. The author's aims have been three - brevity, continuity, and a sense ofproportion. He has kept as close to the limits ofjustifiable com- pression as possible. Important secondary artists havebeenomitted: biographicaldetailsareabsent. Butonlybyruthlesscompressioncancontinuitybe assured. Each artist or group ofartists is treated not as an isolatedphenomenonbutasalinkin the growing chain oftradition. Theemphasisisrather on thestrength, theshape, andthedirectionofthe chain at each point in its evolution than on the individual link. Asforasenseofproportion, that mustultimately depend on the author's personal sense ofwhat is important, which, in its turn, is a reflexion of his likes and dislikes. These he has not seriously attempted to conceal, butthereaderwhodoesnot share them will not find the book invalidated on that account. In order to achieve brevity it is necessary to begin with a pointofview,otherwisefundamental principles have to be stated and re-statedatevery crucial point of the story. The opening chapters, therefore, contain abriefexpositionoftheauthor's attitude to worksofart ingeneralandanexplana- tion of the characteristics of European art as a whole. Thiscompletelyneweditioncontainsanenlarged inset of32 pages ofplates. — / PELICAN BOOKS A82 EUROPEAN PAINTING AND SCULPTURE ERIC NEWTON I Eric Newton EUROPEAN PAINTING AND SCULPTURE PENGUIN BOOKS PenguinBooksLtd,Harmondsworth,Middlesex U.S.A.:PenguinBooksInc.,3300ClipperMillRoad,Baltimore11,Md CANADA: PenguinBooks (Canada) Ltd,47GreenStreet, SaintLambert,Montreal,P.Q. AUSTRALIA:PenguinBooksPtyLtd,762WhitehorseRoad, Mitcham,Victoria Firstpublished1941 SecondeditionJanuary1942 ThirdeditionNovember1945 ReprintedJanuary 1950, 1951 Fourthedition 1956 MadeandprintedinGreatBritain byWilliamClowesandSons,Limited,LondonandBeccles CollogravureplatesbyHarrisonandSons,Limited For STELLA MARY 4\ CONTENTS Foreword to the First Edition 7 Foreword to the SecondEdition 9 I. The Nature ofthe Arts II 2. The Representational Arts 23 3. East and West 42 4. The Development ofEuropean Art 49 5. The Stone Age 62 6. Egypt and Mesopotamia 66 7. The Aegean andAthens 71 8. Byzantine, Romanesque, and Gothic 84 9. The Fourteenth Century: Florence andSiena 103 10. Fifteenth-Century Florence 117 II. Italian Sculpture- of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries 136 12. The High Renaissance in Tuscany and Central Italy 143 13. Padua, Ferrara, and Venice 156 14. Mannerism, Eclecticism, andNaturalism 173 15. Flanders, Germany, Spain, Holland 179 16. France andEngland 198 17. The Twentieth Century 229 Appendix i: Diagram andNote on Diagram 238 Appendix 2: ClassifiedList ofArtists 241 Index 261 : ;;; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Acknowledgement is made for the use of the following illustrations Vermeer's Lady at the Virginals is reproduced by gracious per- mission ofHer Majesty the Queen. Mosaics in Apse of Cefalii Cathedral; Madonna and Child by Simone Martini; Niki Tying her Sandal\ The Visitation by Giotto; The Tribute Money by Masaccio; Musician Angels by Van Eyck; Musician Angels by Fra Angelico; The Last Supper by Andrea del Castagno; Jeremiah and Nude Youths (from Sistine Chapel Ceiling) by Michelangelo; The Cruci- fixion by Griinewald; The Entombment by Titian; The Last Supper by Tintoretto; The Apotheosis of Venice by Veronese; The Creation ofAdam byJacopo della Quercia; The Vision of St Teresa by Bernini; TheBurialofCount Orgaz byEl Greco LcLs Meninas by Velasquez; Odalisque Couchee by Ingres; Liberty at the Barricades by Delacroix; and Jacob Meyer by Holbein Mansell Photographs. : TheNativitybyPierodellaFrancesca; TheNativitybyBotticelli TheCrucifixionbyRaphael; TheFighting TdmerairebyTurner Hadleigh CastlebyConstable; SelfPortraitbyRembrandt; Dr Peral by Goya; and Christ at Emmaus by Caravaggio: these pictures are reproduced by courtesy of the Trustees of the National Gallery, London. ChineseScrollPainting {LadiesPreparingSilk): MuseumofFine Arts, Boston, U.S.A. Courbet's Toilette de la MariSe: Smith College Museum ofArt, Northampton, U.S.A. Archaic Greek Athlete: Metropolitan Museum ofArt, NewYork. The Last Supper (detail) after Leonardo da Vinci: Royal Academy ofArts. The Music Party by Watteau: The Wallace Collection. Saintsfrom Chartres Cathedral: Picture Post Photograph. Alabaster Carving, fifteenth-century English: Associated Press. The Orgy from Hogarth's The Rakers Progress: The Trustees of the SirJohn Soane's Museum. The Gare St Lazare by Monet: A. C. Cooperphotograph. Le Chahut by Seurat: The Director, Rijkmuseum Kroller- Muller. La Toilette by Renoir: Alex Reid and Lefevre. Le TapisRouge by Picasso: Paul Rosenberg, New York. 6

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